What will happen to the police? As part of the reform of Russia's security forces, it is possible to merge the federal penitentiary service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

About whether reform will be carried out law enforcement in 2017 and 2018, the most popular various rumors. Some say there will be a major shake-up from top to bottom, while others insist that no major changes are in sight. This is not very important for ordinary citizens and ordinary employees of law enforcement agencies. It is much more important that you can still walk the streets safely and not fear for your own safety.

On this moment this is what is happening, the situation in the cities is calm, people can go about their business without fear. At the same time, rumors about upcoming changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB are more of a concern to high-ranking civil servants, who are primarily affected by this.

It cannot be said that nothing is happening with law enforcement agencies, but last couple over the years they have undergone a number of major changes:

  • Formation National Guard. Units of internal troops, special purpose units and other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are separated into a separate structure, which since 2017 is capable of solving internal problems using force, the staff of the National Guard according to the plan will be more than 400,000 people.
  • Dissolution of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN). On January 22, V.V. Putin sent an order to his administration to improve management in this area, and on March 1, the Federal Drug Control Service was dissolved. Its powers were distributed between the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which began to fight drug dealers, and the Ministry of Health, whose jurisdiction became the responsibility for the rehabilitation of addicts. Of the 27,000 employees of the Federal Drug Control Service, 16,000 were dismissed from the agency.
  • Merger of the Federal Migration Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This was carried out by the same decree No. 156 of April 5, 2016, as the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service. At the same time, an order was received to reduce the number of Federal Tax Service employees by 30%.

Starting from the beginning of 2017, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office is no longer part of the Ministry of Defense and is subordinate to the Investigative Committee.

This news from 2016 speaks to the authorities’ desire not only to improve the work of government agencies, but also to reduce budget allocations, since there are plans to reduce police officers by 110 thousand people, some of whom will go to the National Guard. A similar reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service by 5,000 people did not save the agency from liquidation, although its head himself was the initiator of the reduction in the number of personnel.

Under these conditions, rumors that police reform in 2018 will lead to large-scale quantitative and qualitative changes are not without foundation.

What will the law enforcement reform be like in 2017 and 2018?


The Federal Security Service, like all law enforcement agencies, will also be affected by the changes. To begin with, we should wait for a number of units of the Federal Security Service, as well as foreign intelligence, to join it.

Before the Russian presidential elections in 2018, a completely new law enforcement unit will be created on the basis of the FSB - the Ministry state security. A number of others will be added to the functions previously performed by the FSB, such as conducting criminal cases of national importance.

Ministry of Emergency Situations

The reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations into the Ministry of Defense of Russia has already begun. The initiator of this was the former head of this structure, and currently the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu.

The main reason for the reorganization was the extremely large composition of management. Accordingly, the main changes now involve staff reductions. According to the 2015 plan, up to 30 percent of managers are subject to dismissal. The number of non-core specialists will also decrease: some financial analysts, IT specialists and similar personnel will leave the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The total number of employees of this structure, which will remain in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018, will be just over 288 thousand people. It is planned to increase the existing composition wages, as well as carry out regular indexation of payments.

Also, a clear advantage of the merger of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is considered to be improved coordination and greater consistency of actions during the elimination of consequences emergency situations thanks to the overall management team.

traffic police

The news about the cessation of the existence of the traffic police in Russia in 2018 is already known to everyone. She managed to collect a sufficient number of both positive and negative reviews. The majority believes that the traffic police will be completely disbanded as part of the law enforcement agencies of our country. And its place will be taken by the teaching staff. However, we dare to assure you that you should not expect such drastic changes.

There will be a merger of two structures (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and PPS) into one, the number of managers who duplicated each other in their work functions will be reduced, and low-skilled personnel will also leave. Some of the responsibilities currently assigned to the traffic police, for example, administering driving license exams, will be transferred to third-party organizations.

This merger will have a beneficial effect on the level of corruption in Russian law enforcement agencies, and will also increase the mobility of teaching staff due to an increase in personnel and the number of vehicles to control the situation on the roads.

Before the 2018 elections, a completely new structure of law enforcement and security agencies will be formed. This is exactly the deadline that the newspaper’s correspondents call, since if it is observed, the new president will not have to be distracted by solving internal security issues. He will be able to focus on other, equally important matters.

What's in stock

If the rumors are confirmed, then many people in uniform will change their official IDs. It is difficult to say whether the innovations will affect their powers. Currently the largest staffing changes happened at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2016, 163,000 people were dismissed; at the moment, 904,881 people remain on staff.

It is impossible to find out how many people work in the FSB; this is classified information. However, according to rough estimates, we can say that together with border guards their number reaches 200,000. There are about 50,000 judges and bailiffs, and about 60,000 in the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee.

In total, the changes that will occur during the reform of law enforcement agencies will affect from 3 to 4 million people, which is exactly how many employees are currently protecting the peaceful sleep of 140 million Russians. About 770,000 more people serve in the military, and they can also be called upon to solve the problem of policing in emergency situations.

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the number of police officers per capita; every 100,000 Russians protect 564 people in uniform. This figure helped overcome the consequences of the turbulent 90s. It is quite possible that the government has decided to slowly reduce the budgets of law enforcement agencies, since maintaining order is much easier than cleaning up the problems of past decades.

In 2018, it is planned to carry out a major reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which the department will be significantly changed. Some units may disappear altogether. The topic of reducing traffic police officers is becoming increasingly discussed in the media.

Facilities mass media note that the cuts will help make the Ministry of Internal Affairs more professional. Employees' salaries will be raised using the savings. The department will also receive money to improve the professional level of employees.

The most discussed topic is the emergence of the Ministry of State Security, which may include two new departments. According to political scientists, such a body will receive too much power, but, on the other hand, it can become an effective tool in the fight against corruption.

Whatever the case with the new ministry, several important structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are planned to be closed.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations will be the first to undergo restructuring. According to the reform of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2018 the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a separate structure may cease to exist altogether. The responsibilities assigned to rescuers will be assumed by two ministries - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Defense. The Ministry of Defense is already preparing a separate regiment that will carry out the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

According to the upcoming reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2018, a serious restructuring awaits the traffic police. Experts call the dismissal of the head of the traffic police the beginning of big changes in this structure.

Unlike the case with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this decision is called correct in society, the Rosregistr website reports. According to drivers, many of the current traffic police officers are not coping with their duties.

According to the same reform of 2018, the total number of employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be significantly reduced. According to the latest news, 800 thousand people will be laid off.

The dismissal of the head of the traffic police in the spring of this year was ordered by the country's President Vladimir Putin. After this, the media began to write more and more about the disappearance of the traffic police service altogether. A similar reform was carried out in Kazakhstan in 2013, but it did not lead to positive consequences.

After reducing the number of traffic police officers, road safety will be monitored by patrol officers (PPS). Today it is still difficult to imagine this picture, because excellent knowledge of the rules is not mandatory for teaching staff representatives traffic. Also, this reform may be hampered by financial issues.

Accordingly, there will be a number of staff reductions, a merger of financial and personnel departments, and the leadership of the traffic police will be subordinate to the regional police chief.

At the same time, as noted last news Some employees will be retired, and some will be transferred to patrol duty. At the same time, employees will undergo training on the specifics of the road service.

The traffic police may undergo a number of changes, in particular, part of it will be transferred to regular service, there will be mass layoffs ordinary employees and management.

Of course, this will lead to an expansion of the powers of the teaching staff, however, as experts note, it will reduce the quality of the conduct and execution of administrative processes, since additional training of personnel will be required, as well as a reorganization of regulations. The expected integration of the traffic police into the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take place no earlier than the end of next year

All measures taken as a result of reforms are aimed at optimizing the number of ministry employees, reducing crime in the country, strengthening control over drug trafficking and ensuring high level security during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

At the end of 2017, the President of Russia signed a law reducing the maximum staff size of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from 2018. The issue of merging the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also under consideration - this is one of the most likely ways to advance reform in this department. The reorganization of this structure gave rise to the need for wage indexation, which has not been carried out for many years.

Currently in Russian Federation reform continues security forces. The changes will not bypass the FSIN. The latest news on February 6 reports that in 2018 this service may merge with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The changes will affect every employee in the institution, the salaries of department employees will be revised, and control over the quality performance of professional duties will be strengthened.

If the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs merge in 2018, the department will not lose its purpose

The Federal Penitentiary Service is federal body executive power exercising law enforcement functions.

The FSIN also exercises functions of control and supervision in the field of execution of criminal penalties in relation to convicted persons, functions of maintaining persons suspected or accused of committing crimes, and defendants in custody, their protection and escort, as well as functions of monitoring the behavior of probationers and convicts who have been granted a deferment of serving their sentence by the court.

The FSIN was created to execute sentences and to detain suspects, accused, and convicted persons. All places of deprivation of liberty in Russia are subordinate to the service.

After the merger of the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, some employees will change their official uniform to civilian

On December 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed a decree ordering the optimization of the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from January 1, 2018 by 10 thousand people - up to 894 thousand 871 people, including:

  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • civilian personnel.

After the presidential elections, the FSIN may come under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This possibility is being discussed in departments of the Federal Penitentiary Service throughout the country. In addition, personnel reform in the department is possible.

“A significant part of the FSIN employees will be transferred to civilian service, that is, they will be left without shoulder straps. Only those employees who work with weapons will remain in uniform. Massive layoffs are unlikely to happen, because the system already has a catastrophic shortage of personnel,”

One of the sources said.

The merger of the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 involves a reduction in the number of generals

The penal system was part of the internal affairs bodies until the 1998 reform, when, based on the Decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Justice.

Until 2005, Russia had a Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which was subsequently transformed into the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments during administrative reform, which was still under the control of the Ministry of Justice.

However, experts note that “if the FSIN, as it is now, is taken under the umbrella of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to see what, for example, positions and positions in the system were superfluous, where someone can be cut to save the budget, then this fits perfectly into optimization logic that Russian authorities have been going on lately."

Experts do not rule out that the law enforcement agencies are preparing for a reform option when, after the elections, the authorities return to the idea of ​​​​creating a “mega-department” under whose wing several law enforcement agencies will unite. So, apparently, “optimization” awaits the security forces, as in healthcare. There will be fewer generals.

Within a few recent years The Government of the Russian Federation is carrying out targeted work related to reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Changes occur constantly and affect the most different areas the activities of the department - from its name (it was the Police - it became the Police), to the number of staff, rights and responsibilities. It was extremely rare that with all these changes, a single issue was considered and resolved positively - the amount of monetary allowance.

Current state of affairs

Over the past five years, funding for this item of expenditure for police officers has not changed. Despite loud statements by officials of various ranks, these indicators (unlike inflation, price increases, etc.) did not change. Naturally, promises to increase the salaries of department employees by 50, 100, 150% remained just simple populist statements. And only in 2018, the long-awaited change finally happened. It was decided to increase the monetary allowance by the amount of inflation. According to the Government, this figure did not exceed 4%. This is exactly how much the salary was indexed. Did she solve the accumulated problems? Did a decrease in the standard of living for people in uniform make it possible to compensate for losses? No answer to this question is required. Just look at how much rent and utility bills have increased over the same period of time!

Forecasts for salary increases in the police in 2019

Significant practical changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will still begin. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, first of all, a significant restructuring of the organizational and staffing structure will be carried out. Already at the end of 2018, the DD Security Directorate will be abolished. Next, the department will include units fire safety and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the merger of the police service and the traffic police will take place.

Finally, from sources close to the Government, it became known that the implementation of a number of social issues affecting all employees of the ministry had begun. The most anticipated of these issues is the salary increase in 2019. In the May decrees of the President, the task was set to increase the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 150% compared to 2012. Most likely, the gradual implementation of this requirement will begin in the New Year.

How police salaries may change in 2019, some numbers

The state, continuing its domestic policy, aimed at strengthening power, will begin in the coming year the planned, gradual implementation of plans to increase police salaries in 2019. To assess the scale of the upcoming changes, you need to know how much certain employees currently receive, after the 4 percent indexation. These are the indicators:

  • Investigator (investigative officer) 17 thousand rubles.
  • Senior investigator 18.3 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 20.3 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 23 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 26 thousand rubles.

Obviously, as in many other departments, law enforcement agencies and government organizations, there are other sections to official salaries that affect the final amount of money received by a police officer. This:

  1. Supplement for military rank(taking into account the employee’s qualifications, it can reach 30% of the official salary).
  2. Additional payment for experience. The longer the service period in the department, the more a large amount DD can be calculated.
  3. Allowance for special conditions of service (coefficient established depending on the region of service).

It is obvious that the salary increase for police officers in 2019, if it does begin, will include not only a change in the official salary, but also an increase in additional payments.

The latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

One of the most important conditions successful reform of the department, along with an increase in police salaries from January 1, 2019, there will also be significant structural changes. We have already talked about some of them, but these are not all the changes. With a high degree of probability we can say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have an MGB unit within the Ministry of Internal Affairs starting from the New Year. If you believe the information coming from some media, this body will consist of several divisions of the FSB and will be endowed with the most significant powers. This structure is not formed with “ clean slate", but is being created on the basis of the previously existing FSO. Under the new state, the federal security service will remain, but its functions and responsibilities will be optimized and made as specific as possible.

The upcoming changes in the structure of the traffic police and traffic police will lead not only to functional changes, the innovation will directly affect every employee, because a significant part of them will be transferred to civilian positions.

What do the authorities, police and citizens expect from the changes? Let's sum it up

It is obvious that the priority tasks that the President and the Government are trying to solve are increasing the efficiency of the department as a whole by optimizing the number of personnel, reforming taking into account current conditions, as well as increasing the prestige of the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Hence, we expect, albeit not a sharp, but still an increase in salaries for police officers in 2019. Important attention is also paid to the ability of the police, if necessary, to take any tough measures to maintain law and order and counter any attempts by public pressure on the authorities.

For ordinary ministry employees, the priorities are also obvious. These are decent working conditions and normal wages. Officers will strive to make a career, and for civilian personnel it is important to create working conditions with normal working hours, decent earnings and the opportunity to receive additional privileges.

Well, the people, as always, are waiting for changes for the better and hope that someday they will return famous character from famous poem Mikhalkova - “Uncle Styopa”! The time will come when it will again be possible to turn to the police on the street for almost any help and be sure that every citizen will be reliably protected in the legal field.

Time will tell how everything will actually turn out!

Throughout 2017, the government of the Russian Federation held negotiations on the topic of reform to reduce the workforce of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And so, at the end of December last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that informs about the maximum permissible number of employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This is not the first reduction carried out by presidential decree. In 2016, 160 thousand employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were laid off. This year it will be relatively minimal - only 10 thousand. This reform was signed on December 31, 2017 and posted on the resource legal information. It came into force on January 1, 2018 inclusive, and its conditions are already being gradually met in the country.

Who will be laid off in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018? Latest news: who is covered by the staff reduction reform

In 2018, according to the reform approved by the Head of State V. Putin, traffic police officers will be cut first - their number will drop by almost 20% and will amount to approximately 44 thousand workers. Therefore, almost every fifth employee lost his position. The number of employees will be reduced only for those who have direct relation to accidents on the road. For example, he goes to the scene of an accident or simply monitors order and safety on the highway. The reduction of the department for combating extremism will also continue: their duties will now be performed by the Russian Guard.

All these disturbances occur in connection with the prosperity of innovative technologies, which, alas, keep order no worse than real law enforcement officers. It’s true that these technologies have not yet learned how to catch violators. Therefore, if there is a shortage of workers on the highway, a number of “office” positions may end up on the road.

Who will be laid off in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 latest news: who will not be laid off in the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the new reform

Those who have been laid off have nothing to worry about, since their position will remain and they will simply be transferred to another department. But there are also those in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who will not be “affected” by the new reform at all. Those who conduct registration affairs, for example, take exams for a driver’s license and directly issue them, will remain in their positions.

Also, those employees who issue special permits for driving vehicles with flashing lights and signals, keep records of vehicles, and deal with the registration and issuance of license plates will remain in place. The wave of layoffs will not affect all of them at all.

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