Charlie Hebdo made an obscene joke at Kadyrov's expense. Chechen: punishment for Charlie Hebdo will be terrible

The French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of Ramzan Kadyrov and Chechen gays. In this way, satirists responded to publications about the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya.

The cartoons are signed “The hunt for gays is open”, “Gays will be deported”, “Freddie Mercury fans - molten lead in their ears.” Leader of Chechnya this fact haven't commented yet. He previously stated that there are no gays in Chechnya.

Information about the oppression of homosexuals in Chechnya “has not found any objective confirmation,” the Chechen authorities intend to go to court, said the Minister of Internal Affairs of the republic, Ruslan Alkhanov:

“Pseudo-sensational statement about the alleged detention of more than 160 men gay, 50 of whom were killed, has no basis and is far-fetched. The internal affairs bodies did not receive a single appeal. Moreover, no such messages were received on “hotlines established in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic and the operational-search part of the internal security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic.”

According to the Chechen minister, after the publication of an article in Novaya Gazeta about the torture and murder of gays in Chechnya, he instructed the internal security staff of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs to conduct an internal investigation.

The conclusions reached by Alkhanov’s subordinates are no different from the position of the republic’s top officials, including Ramzan Kadyrov.

“The information disseminated in the media did not find any objective confirmation,” Alkhanov said, adding that the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs now intends to go to court.

“The hype inflated by individual pseudo-human rights activists Chechen people, is provocative in nature and pursues the goal of discrediting the Chechen Republic in the eyes of the public,” said the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Let us remind you that Novaya Gazeta published an article “Honor Killing” , which spoke about the detentions and possible murders of residents of the republic because of their sexual orientation. The publication referred to anonymous sources in law enforcement agencies, as well as victims.

International human rights organization Amnesty International called Russian authorities immediately investigate reports of persecution of gays in Chechnya. The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, as well as the leaders of leading European countries, demanded that the situation be investigated.

The Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights under the head of Chechnya previously stated that it analyzed the publication and did not find even indirect confirmation of the information presented. The press secretary of the head of Chechnya, Alvi Karimov, previously called Novaya Gazeta’s information “an absolute lie,” adding that in Chechnya men have “only one orientation.”

Member of the Presidential Human Rights Council Chechen Republic Kheda Saratova said to Ramzan Kadyrov that Chechen society would not condemn extreme measures against “such people.”

Vladimir Putin also reacted to this question. He promised Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova to talk with the Prosecutor General and the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. “Of course, I will talk with the Prosecutor General, the Minister of Internal Affairs, so that they support you on the topic that you have raised now, according to known information or according to rumors, one might say, about what is happening here in the North Caucasus with people of non-traditional sexual orientation. This goes without saying,” Putin said.

After this, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that the authorities of the republic are ready to work closely with Moskalkova and others law enforcement agencies in this matter. At the same time, he repeated again that there are no gays in Chechnya, reports

Charlie Hebdo made an obscene joke at Kadyrov for the story of the persecution of gays in Chechnya

The cartoons are signed “The hunt for gays is open”, “Gays will be deported”, “Freddie Mercury fans - molten lead in their ears.” One of the pictures shows the head of Chechnya engaged in an obviously obscene activity; the caption borders on ethics.

Obviously, this is how French journalists reacted to the publication of Novaya Gazeta. Earlier, under the title “Honour Killings,” a domestic publication published an investigation into the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya.

The clergy of the region then announced that they were going to file a libel suit against the publication. Journalists from Novaya Gazeta issued a statement saying that they had begun to receive threats. After this, several applications were submitted to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation about death threats.

Next, on April 19, Ramzan Kadyrov, at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin, called media materials about the alleged detentions and murders of civilians “provocations and untruths.”

Abroad, the publication of Novaya Gazeta became the reason for a number of loud statements. Thus, British Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Duncan said that the Chechen authorities intend to eliminate the LGBT community by the beginning of the month of Ramadan, May 26, and accused the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, of fighting against gays. British Prime Minister Theresa May said that London is looking for opportunities to provide support for the LGBT community in Chechnya.

By the way, the press secretary of the head of Chechnya, Alvi Karimov, expressed surprise in response to this and stated that “it is impossible to eliminate something that does not exist.”

The editors of Charlie Hebdo, we recall, were attacked in January 2015 after publishing a caricature of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. Then 12 people died and 11 more were injured. The terrorist organizations Al-Qaeda and Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack on the journalists.

“Journalists” from Charlie Hebdo made some drawings from the anus after an ink enema. This is not humor, - D. Steshin

21:10 09.01.2015

We are at different stages of evolution

Before forming any personal opinion about the bloody massacre of French cartoonists, I carefully read their work, since almost all issues of the long-suffering “humor magazine” are posted on the Internet. A comic about "Christmas", with anatomical details of the birth of the Christ Child. Christ is depicted with degenerative details that do not exist in infants - a pig's snout, tube ears...

I didn't look any further. Another cover - “God the Father” is raped by “God the Son”, who has the symbol of the “All-Seeing Eye” sticking out between his buttocks. And here is a photo session with a performance by one of the murdered cartoonists - the “artist” gives himself an enema with office ink and, in front of a large crowd of people, draws something on the floor covered with white Whatman paper.

I used to hope that modern European culture would one day find a bottom, some limit of ossification, beyond which everyone would be horrified, come to their senses, and begin moving upward. But there is no more hope left - the “creators” of this content, as well as the 70 thousand readers of the “humorous” magazine, are not fully human.

There is no point in explaining to them the norms of behavior. One might as well admonish and shame the monkeys in the zoo who publicly engage in masturbation. Although, if the preacher of morality in the monkey bar has a stick in his hands - a communicator, things will quickly go smoothly. At the very first shouts: “this is an artistic act-performance!”, “I am an artist - this is how I see reality!”, you just need to increase the strength and frequency of the blows. With animals it is impossible to do otherwise - they love affection, but only understand beatings. Alas.

Without hypocrisy, little distinguishes us from animals - differences in physiology, behavioral instincts, social obligations are absolutely insignificant. Even in the transformation of the surrounding space and the level of hard work, an ordinary beaver from Central Russia can easily be compared with a professional builder of cottage villages.

The only basic difference between people and animals is Faith, a set of simple and at the same time complex laws commanded by Someone so that we do not turn back into cattle. And, despite all our bloody contradictions, the “people of the Book” - Christians, Muslims, Jews - will always find among themselves mutual language. And never with cattle.

Maybe that’s why, “on the second Egyptian street,” I (and not only me, even the fearless photographer Andrei Stenin) felt more comfortable in the million-strong crowd of Muslim fanatics at the Rabia Al-Adavia mosque, and shrank among the liberals in Tahrir Square?

Chechen who introduced himself a person from the circle of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, commented Pravda. Ru cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo about the notorious “gays in Chechnya” - one of which depicts Ramzan Kadyrov in an extremely offensive manner.

“What is expected of us now, let’s be honest? Horror stories like “cut and cut”, threats, promises “they will apologize”, reminders of the [large] diaspora in every country - well, how in Paris a sporty guy, a Chechen, found a monument desecrator and he asked for forgiveness [talking about Prague - editor's note]. We read the press and social networks - these are “will Charlie Hebdo soon apologize and how exactly will they be forced to repent” in many places, especially in Ukraine,” he said.

“In general, they should be perceived not as clowns or holy fools, but as jackals: it’s clear that the editors need PR,” the Chechen believes.

"But no threats, no illegal actions. We will go to court, we will ruin whoever else we can economically. I answer that they will constantly live in tension. And after a long life, I hope, Allah will punish them - and the punishment will be terrible. Not for insulting the Chechen people or Ramzan Akhmatovich [Kadyrov], but for the disgrace that they deliberately do constantly and with pleasure,” he says.

“Imagine someone’s mother lying in a shroud [before burial], and then Charlie comes running, urinates and screams,” I added yellow, suits her." What will happen to him after this? Do you understand?! We will never behave like the devils from the Wahhabists and ISIS, but the punishment will be inevitable," he said another source in Chechnya. He also said that there are people who are ready to “give up their whole lives to hear an apology from the Charlie editors.”

Let us note that the cartoons depict a man firing a gun at flying gays, “deported” gays in tutus against the backdrop of Gulag towers, a man with a cut off little finger “which cannot be protruded,” and a big-nosed (!) man in a helmet cutting a rainbow with a chainsaw.

Another “series” of cartoons depicts complete nonsense - either a big-nosed (again!) man pours lead into the ears of a Freddie Mercury fan, then a man is shot for reading Proust, then again (!) a big-nosed riot policeman leads a player in a billbok (where you need to put a ball on the point of a stick) - and, alas, a drawing of Ramzan Kadyrov engaged in oral sex.

Let us recall that Charlie Hebdo magazine constantly publishes cartoons of politicians and high-profile events around the world - for example, elections, terrorist attacks, new presidents, as well as wars, special operations and crises - including terrorist attacks in Russia. True, at the same time, the world media have already noted that provocateurs “mock” events in the West too softly and “toothlessly.”

Moreover, in January 2015, terrorists attacked the editorial office in Paris for publishing a caricature of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. As a result, 12 people were killed and 11 were injured. The terrorist groups ISIS and Al-Qaeda, banned in the Russian Federation, took responsibility for the killings. A year later, the Kouachi brothers, suspected of the terrorist attack, were shot by French security forces during a special operation.

Let us recall that earlier Novaya Gazeta reported about the alleged persecution, torture and even murder of gays in Chechnya. At the same time, local authorities categorically denied such rumors.

“I would like to report to you that those provocative articles about the Chechen Republic, about the events that are taking place here, allegedly led to arrests, gentlemen.” good people“They write that we have detentions in the republic. It’s inconvenient to even talk about it. Allegedly, people are detained there, killed, they even named one,” Kadyrov said at a meeting with the Russian President.

At the same time, presenting the report to the president, Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova recalled the “unfading” topic. When asked to sort out the situation, Vladimir Putin replied, “This goes without saying, I count on the response of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General and their support.”

Earlier, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov himself commented on the terrible caricature of the crash of the Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense near Sochi. “The editorial policy of the magazine is immoral, immoral and inhumane. It has nothing, either direct or indirect, to do with freedom of the press,” Kadyrov said on Instagram.

"Paying attention to this is humiliating. The next excrement on paper from these Parisian bipeds does not touch. Even paying attention to this strained muck is humiliating for normal person“,” Igor Konashenkov, official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, previously commented on the “creative” of Charlie Hebdo.

The French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of Ramzan Kadyrov and Chechen gays. In this way, satirists responded to publications about the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya.

The cartoons are signed “The hunt for gays is open”, “Gays will be deported”, “Freddie Mercury fans - molten lead in their ears.” The leader of Chechnya has not yet commented on this fact. He previously stated that there are no gays in Chechnya.

Information about the oppression of homosexuals in Chechnya “has not found any objective confirmation,” the Chechen authorities intend to go to court, said the Minister of Internal Affairs of the republic, Ruslan Alkhanov:

“The pseudo-sensational statement about the alleged detention of more than 160 gay men, 50 of whom were killed, has no basis and is far-fetched. The internal affairs bodies did not receive a single appeal. Moreover, no such messages were received on the “hotlines established in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic and the operational-search part of the internal security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic.”

According to the Chechen minister, after the publication of an article in Novaya Gazeta about the torture and murder of gays in Chechnya, he instructed the internal security staff of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs to conduct an internal investigation.

The conclusions reached by Alkhanov’s subordinates are no different from the position of the republic’s top officials, including Ramzan Kadyrov.

“The information disseminated in the media did not find any objective confirmation,” Alkhanov said, adding that the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs now intends to go to court.

“The hype, inflated by individual pseudo-human rights activists of the Chechen people, is provocative in nature and aims to discredit the Chechen Republic in the eyes of the public,” said the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Let us remind you that Novaya Gazeta published an article “Honor Killing” , which spoke about the detentions and possible murders of residents of the republic because of their sexual orientation. The publication referred to anonymous sources in law enforcement agencies, as well as victims.

International human rights organization Amnesty International called on Russian authorities to immediately investigate reports of persecution of gays in Chechnya. The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, as well as the leaders of leading European countries, demanded that the situation be investigated.

The Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights under the head of Chechnya previously stated that it analyzed the publication and did not find even indirect confirmation of the information presented. The press secretary of the head of Chechnya, Alvi Karimov, previously called Novaya Gazeta’s information “an absolute lie,” adding that in Chechnya men have “only one orientation.”

A member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, Kheda Saratova, said that Chechen society would not condemn extreme measures against “such people.”

Vladimir Putin also responded to this issue. He promised Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova to talk with the Prosecutor General and the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. “Of course, I will talk with the Prosecutor General, the Minister of Internal Affairs, so that they support you on the topic that you have raised now, according to known information or rumors, one might say, about what is happening in our North Caucasus with people non-traditional sexual orientation. This goes without saying,” Putin said.

After this, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, stated that the authorities of the republic are ready to closely cooperate with Moskalkova and other law enforcement agencies in this matter. At the same time, he repeated again that there are no gays in Chechnya, reports

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