Bazarov is a hero of his time. The hero's spiritual conflict

Essay on the topic: “Bazarov is a hero of his time” based on Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.”

I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” written in 1861, is rightfully considered one of the most famous works great novelist. Turgenev was always distinguished by his amazing ability to see, recognize the hero of the era, and feel the mood of society. The novel “Fathers and Sons” was no exception. At the time when it was created, a persistent socio-political struggle was going on in the country between common democrats and liberal nobles. Both of them understood the need for reforms, but had different attitudes towards their implementation. Democratic-minded youth advocated for fundamental changes in Russia, liberals preferred the path of gradual reforms. As a result, a split occurred in Russian society: on one side there were revolutionary democrats, on the other - liberals.
The writer correctly noticed this process and reflected it in his work. He decided to turn to the beginning of the confrontation - the end of the 50s. It is no coincidence that the novel takes place in 1859.

In this work, the main character Bazarov is undoubtedly outstanding personality, who has, first of all, broad knowledge in the natural sciences. He is used to working and cannot imagine his life without work, which gives him autonomy and independence. His behavior and speech sometimes develop into “immeasurable pride” and pride. “When I meet a person who would not give up in front of me, then I will change my opinion about myself.” Bazarov places himself very highly. “We need the Sitnikovs. I need boobies like this. It’s not for the gods... to burn pots!..” Bazarov, like many progressive people of the late 50s and early 60s, was a materialist.

In the disputes between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov, their views are most clearly reflected. After all, as you know, truth is born in disputes between two strong personalities. The main direction of their disputes is their attitude towards the nobility, aristocratic principles, nature, nihilism, and art. On the issue of attitude towards the nobility and aristocracy, Pavel Petrovich believed that the main mission in the development of Russia, in its future, is assigned to them, the aristocrats. While Bazarov completely denied aristocratic principles. His words “Correct society, and there will be no diseases” or “This is none of our business... first we need to clear the place” make us understand that Bazarov is not satisfied with the society in which he finds himself.

But there is another side - these are Bazarov’s principles, which contain nothing but negations; they cannot give anything to Russia. This trend acquired the name nihilism, which Turgenev completely disliked and denied in his works. But here again there is such a thing as a nihilist. “A nihilist is a person who does not bow to any authorities, who does not take on faith a single principle, no matter how respected this principle may be,” declares Arkady, clearly from the words of Bazarov. Which denies everything: and state system, and religion, and public order, as well as old morals and moral categories aristocracy. On the part of Pavel Petrovich, the attitude towards nihilism is as follows: “Aristocracy is a principle, and without principles in our time they can be immoral or empty people.” As for the people, Bazarov believes that they are superstitious, patriarchal, cannot live without faith, but at the same time he condemns the Russian people, understands that they are heterogeneous. But the fact is that later it will become clear that Bazarov is as far from the people as Pavel Petrovich.

Art, religion, nature, the world of beauty - all this is alien to Bazarov. “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop.” “Raphael is not worth a penny.”

We see that Bazarov is strong personality. Under any circumstances, he does not deviate from his principles. But in the continuation of the novel, Turgenev decides to present his hero with another test. Before meeting Odintsova, nothing can shake Bazarov’s convictions. But here changes begin to occur in the hero. Life for him turns out to be more complicated than all his theories. Bazarov is overcome by a feeling of love, the romanticism that he denied in everyone began to manifest itself in him. His nature got the better of him. After declaring his love to Anna Sergeevna, Evgeny is defeated, but without being humiliated, he leaves her alone and leaves.

Unrequited love partly destroyed Bazarov's ideological beliefs. He falls into pessimism and cannot find a place for himself anywhere. But as a person enormous power will, he tries to overcome the romanticism in himself, to pull himself together, but he fails to become the same as he was before meeting Odintsova. Having lost the meaning of life, suffered a fiasco in love, and sacrificed many of his beliefs, the hero dies at the end of the novel, but not as a nihilist, but as an ordinary person. In the face of death, the remarkable strength of this nature is fully manifested. Pisarev wrote: “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as accomplishing a great feat.”

So, Bazarov is described by Turgenev as a person who has everything own views, opinions. But since Bazarov is a man of modern times, about whom the society of the 19th century still has no idea, we see that he is not in many ways the right person For Russia. He is not needed as a nihilist, but is needed as a strong, titanic personality in whom eternal human values ​​were alive. Thus, we can conclude that all this makes Bazarov a hero of his time.

Roman I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” (1862) became innovative in terms of development a new type of hero - a commoner democrat . The author managed to guess the trend of the era, reflecting historical process 60s XIX century . - conflict between common democrats and nobles.

Main character novel - Evgeny Bazarov - is the only representative of the “children” in the work. Its " favorite child"Turgenev gives a democratic appearance and a clearly non-aristocratic origin ( “the face is long and thin”, “ red hand», simple and casual clothing), incredible ability to work (anatomy, compiling herbariums, reading) and natural charm and friendliness ( simple people accept him as one of their own - " your man, not a master"). Bazarov has his own - not entirely traditional - view of many things, but he cannot be denied intelligence, erudition and natural ingenuity. With all this, Evgeny evokes the disgusting attitude of the well-groomed aristocrat Pavel Kirsanov.

The dispute between Kirsanov and Bazarov becomes the plot center of the novel and reveals the ideological irreconcilability of the views of the nobles and commoners. In the scene of the dispute, Bazarov with all his might reveals the ideas of his militant democracy: he speaks contemptuously about “aristocrats”, is proud of his nihilism, denying everything traditional - autocracy, serfdom nature, religion. Eugene has his own goal - to cleanse the place of the old in the name of the new. Despite all the revolutionary and even aggressiveness of his position, Bazarov loves the people and is proud of his “simple” origin. Bazarov’s position is not without evidence - on the contrary, it is based on logic and facts, which forces Kirsanov to admit his defeat. The spiritual superiority of the nihilist is even more obvious in the scene of Bazarov’s duel with Pavel Kirsanov. Confrontation "Bazarov-Kirsanov" goes beyond the plot element, acquiring ideological significance struggle "democracy - aristocracy".

Despite its power and thoroughness, the image of Bazarov is in many ways contradictory: he denies the pristineness and perfection of nature (“ nature is not a temple, but a workshop"), aesthetic and ideological heritage of art (“ Raphael is not worth a dime."). The author emphasizes that these extremes were inherent in the democratic movement itself, and therefore, not without reason, were transferred to the hero.

In reality, Bazarov's nihilism turns out to be far-fetched and artificial: the hero does not withstand the traditional test of love for Turgenev - Bazarov's love turns into proud and silent suffering. A true friendly feeling does not pass by Bazarov either: he sincerely tries to understand Arkady, to help him understand himself. Attracts him to Bazarovo too tender love to old parents. One cannot help but be shocked by the hero’s courage and fortitude in the face of death.

Turgenevsky Bazarov became historically accurate hero: the author showed all the tragedy of the destinies of people who pave new paths.

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Nikolai Petrovich
Arkady Kirsanov
/ Kukshina
Pavel Petrovich

Features of the composition

The image of Bazarov occupies
compositions of the novel. Out of 28
main character doesn't appear
only in two, in the rest
acting person. All
grouped around him
are revealed
relationships with him.

Chronology of events

The novel consists of 2 parts
(28 chapters)
In Part I (Chapters I – XIII)
Bazarov declares himself as
about the nihilist, expresses
your views on life,
defends his philosophy
(all events happen
before Bazarov met
with Odintsova).
chapters) happens
checking all life
positions and beliefs
Bazarova; described
death of a hero.

Two parts - two circles of wanderings
First round
understand the provisions
theories of nihilism
Second round
all negatives

Commoner by birth, democrat
according to political opinion,
representative of the “children” generation
(however, the only representative
all other characters turn out to be
in a hostile camp). Noted
external unattractiveness
"hairy" student, his disdain
to clothes. But the hero is admirable
much more: intelligence, originality,
physical strength, self-confidence,
great efficiency.
Is an exponent in the novel
ideas of people's democracy and
opposed to liberal
nobility. His political views
boil down to sharp criticism of the existing
situation in the country. Creation
does not consider it a goal. Beauty, aesthetic
pleasure is completely denied.
Harsh in his judgments and assessments. Not having time
realize yourself in life, hero
only in the face of death does he get rid of
from my intolerance and
for the first time he feels that life is wider and
more diverse than his ideas about her.
Trying to build his life on
based on the theory of nihilism (I am sure that
life can be lived without feelings,
experiences and love, i.e. without any
"nonsense") But in the soul of a hero
there are germs of all feelings,
which he denies, among them
ability to love. It turns out,
What main conflict in the novel -
This is the hero's conflict with himself.
Knows how to deal with men
enlighten them. He has the most popular
style of speech (simplicity and
the accuracy of his expressions, the abundance in
no proverbs and sayings). His
love for the people is devoid of sentimentalism
and idealization of the simple Russian peasant.

Image of Evgeny Bazarov

Appearance " Tall in a long robe with tassels", "nude
red hand." The face is “long and thin, with a wide forehead, upward
flat, pointed nose, large greenish
sand-colored eyes and drooping sideburns...
enlivened with a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and
Origin Raznochinets: “Father has a small estate. He was formerly a regimental
doctor”, “My grandfather plowed the land”
“His main subject is natural sciences. Yes, he knows everything. He
next year he wants to work as a doctor.”
to “Every person must educate himself”
to “- Do you love them, Evgeny?
“I love you, Arkady.”
Intelligence, willpower, hard work, highly developed self-esteem, skill
subjugate others: “Bazarov is smart and knowledgeable,” “Life in
Maryina flowed in its own order: Arkady sybaritized,
Bazarov worked"

“Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles... just think how much
foreign... and useless words! Russian people don’t need them for nothing”;
“Correct society, there will be no diseases”, “The freedom that one is worried about
government is unlikely to be of any use to us.”
Nihilist, vulgar materialist: “I have already reported to you that I don’t care about anything
I believe”, “- At the present time, the most useful thing is denial - we deny.
All? All. How? not only art, poetry... but also... scary to say...
All…"; “One human specimen is enough to judge all
others. People are like trees in the forest; no botanist will study
each individual birch tree."
to "And what the mysterious relationship between man and woman? We,
physiologists, we know what kind of relationship these are”; “What kind of figure is this?.. On the rest
she doesn’t look like a woman... She has such shoulders as I haven’t seen for a long time...”; "Sort of
rich body!.. At least now to the anatomical theater.", "A woman with a brain. Well
she’s seen the sights”; “So know that I love you, stupidly, madly...”
Attitude to the people
“A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet,” “Raphael is penniless
not worth copper...", "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is in it
A critical attitude towards the shortcomings of the people: “Well, if they (the people)
deserves contempt!”, “Our peasant is happy to rob himself in order
just get drunk and drunk in a tavern.”
speech Brevity of expression, use of numerous proverbs and sayings,
aphoristic speech, clear formulation of thoughts, if necessary
appeal to the forms of oratorical speech, inclusion of scientific terms and
concepts, sharp, abrupt intonation

Weak sides
Turgenev in his assessment of the strong and weaknesses Bazarov is dialectical: the hero’s shortcomings in
in many ways are a continuation of its advantages. in Bazarov’s denial of everything (in nihilism)
there is both strength and weakness.
Bazarov is distinguished by the courage of critical thought,
departure from immutable authorities, criticism
state system. Respectful
his determination, conviction, courage,
readiness to go to the end. Bazarov's views
represent a harmonious and logical
He has no positive
programs (“We are clearing a place, they will build
other"). Although a person cannot help but worry that
will be built on the ruins. Denying what's on
really deserves denial, Bazarov
swung at Eternal values(love, poetry,
music), therefore comes into conflict with the
human nature.
In the struggle for something new (in disputes with Paul
Petrovich) Bazarov is calm because
I'm sure I'm right. He doesn't want to argue
despises chatter and useless words (then
how his opponent is eager to fight, worried,
turns pale, breaks into personal insults,
feels powerless).
Endowed with a keen critical mind, but lacking
breadth of outlook - Bazarov is developed one-sidedly. He
recognizes only natural sciences, which are simply and
clearly explain all life phenomena. To the limit
narrows all the beauty and diversity of life, nature,
where there is no place for emotions, beauty, art. He
impoverishes life with its practical rationalism.
In the death episode the hero is shown to be strong,
persistent, capable of feeling both love and
beauty and pity. It's like he's being cleared of
everything superficial, gets rid of swagger and
callousness. In the finale we have a titanic
This titanic, strong, extraordinary personality Not
was able to fully realize her abilities.
There is a feeling of regret and pity that
the life of a bright and gifted man passed to no avail
because of
nihilistic theories.

10. Make up the characteristics of the heroes according to plan:

Character traits,
Socio-political views
Relationship with
those around you.
Speech, vocabulary
Images of heroes in the novel:
1. E. Bazarov
2. P.P. Kirsanov
3. N.P. Kirsanov
4. A. Kirsanov
Work with text! (quotes)

Essay on the topic: “Bazarov is a hero of his time” based on Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.”

I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” written in 1861, is rightfully considered one of the most famous works of the great novelist. Turgenev was always distinguished by his amazing ability to see, recognize the hero of the era, and feel the mood of society. The novel “Fathers and Sons” was no exception. At the time when it was created, a persistent socio-political struggle was going on in the country between common democrats and liberal nobles. Both of them understood the need for reforms, but had different attitudes towards their implementation. Democratic-minded youth advocated for fundamental changes in Russia, liberals preferred the path of gradual reforms. As a result, a split occurred in Russian society: on one side there were revolutionary democrats, on the other - liberals.
The writer correctly noticed this process and reflected it in his work. He decided to turn to the beginning of the confrontation - the end of the 50s. It is no coincidence that the novel takes place in 1859.

In this work, the main character Bazarov is undoubtedly an outstanding personality, possessing, first of all, broad knowledge of the natural sciences. He is used to working and cannot imagine his life without work, which gives him autonomy and independence. His behavior and speech sometimes develop into “immeasurable pride” and pride. “When I meet a person who would not give up in front of me, then I will change my opinion about myself.” Bazarov places himself very highly. “We need the Sitnikovs. I need boobies like this. It’s not for the gods... to burn pots!..” Bazarov, like many progressive people of the late 50s and early 60s, was a materialist.

In the disputes between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov, their views are most clearly reflected. After all, as you know, truth is born in disputes between two strong personalities. The main direction of their disputes is their attitude towards the nobility, aristocratic principles, nature, nihilism, art. On the issue of attitude towards the nobility and aristocracy, Pavel Petrovich believed that the main mission in the development of Russia, in its future, is assigned to them, the aristocrats. While Bazarov completely denied aristocratic principles. His words “Correct society, and there will be no diseases” or “This is none of our business... first we need to clear the place” make us understand that Bazarov is not satisfied with the society in which he finds himself.

But there is another side - these are Bazarov’s principles, which contain nothing but negations; they cannot give anything to Russia. This trend acquired the name nihilism, which Turgenev completely disliked and denied in his works. But here again there is such a thing as a nihilist. “A nihilist is a person who does not bow to any authorities, who does not take on faith a single principle, no matter how respected this principle may be,” declares Arkady, clearly from the words of Bazarov. Which denies everything: the state system, religions, social order, as well as the old morals and moral categories of aristocracy. On the part of Pavel Petrovich, the attitude towards nihilism is as follows: “Aristocracy is a principle, and without principles in our time they can be immoral or empty people.” As for the people, Bazarov believes that they are superstitious, patriarchal, cannot live without faith, but at the same time he condemns the Russian people, understands that they are heterogeneous. But the fact is that later it will become clear that Bazarov is just as far from the people as Pavel Petrovich.

Art, religion, nature, the world of beauty - all this is alien to Bazarov. “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop.” “Raphael is not worth a penny.”

We see that Bazarov is a strong personality. Under any circumstances, he does not deviate from his principles. But in the continuation of the novel, Turgenev decides to present his hero with another test. Before meeting Odintsova, nothing can shake Bazarov’s convictions. But here changes begin to occur in the hero. Life for him turns out to be more complicated than all his theories. Bazarov is overcome by a feeling of love, the romanticism that he denied in everyone began to manifest itself in him. His nature got the better of him. After declaring his love to Anna Sergeevna, Evgeny is defeated, but without being humiliated, he leaves her alone and leaves.

Unrequited love partly destroyed Bazarov's ideological beliefs. He falls into pessimism and cannot find a place for himself anywhere. But as a man of enormous willpower, he tries to overcome the romanticism in himself, to pull himself together, but he fails to become the same as he was before meeting Odintsova. Having lost the meaning of life, suffered a fiasco in love, and sacrificed many of his beliefs, the hero dies at the end of the novel, but not as a nihilist, but as an ordinary person. In the face of death, the remarkable strength of this nature is fully manifested. Pisarev wrote: “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as accomplishing a great feat.”

So, Bazarov is described by Turgenev as a person who has his own views and opinions on everything. But since Bazarov is a man of modern times, about whom the society of the 19th century still has no idea, we see that he is not in many ways a necessary person for Russia. He is not needed as a nihilist, but is needed as a strong, titanic personality in whom eternal human values ​​were alive. Thus, we can conclude that all this makes Bazarov a hero of his time.

I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” was written in 1861 and is deservedly considered one of the most famous and striking works of the great Russian writer. The famous novelist of his era was distinguished by a unique ability to recognize the heroes of his time, to see them at first glance, to feel the attitude of society towards these heroes and its mood. The novel “Fathers and Sons” is no exception in this regard. At the time when the novel was written, there was a fierce socio-political confrontation in Russia between liberal-minded nobles and commoner democrats. Both of them understood perfectly well that there was an urgent need for reforms in the country, but both sides saw these reforms very differently. The democratically minded younger generation advocated fundamental changes in the country, while liberals saw the solution to problems in gradual reforms. Because of this, a split occurred in the country, the participants of which were democratically minded revolutionary youth and the liberal bourgeoisie. I. S. Turgenev managed to quite accurately and in detail examine the processes taking place in society and reflect them in his work. In the novel “Fathers and Sons” the writer decided to turn his attention to the beginning of the political confrontation - the end of the 50s XIX century. To be more precise, the novel takes place in 1859. The main character of this outstanding work of Russian literature, Bazarov, without a doubt, is an outstanding personality who has absorbed everything best features progressive youth. He was educated and had a wide knowledge of various sciences, he was used to working tirelessly and could not imagine his life without work, which allowed him to be self-sufficient and independent. Despite the fact that sometimes Bazarov's conversations and behavior had all the signs of excessive pride and pride, he is a true hero of his time. In the image of Bazarov, the writer combined all the most significant features advanced people mid-19th centuries, most of whom were ardent materialists. The disputes between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov quite clearly express their views on life and the current situation. modern society political situation. The main direction of all their disputes is the characteristics of the nobility and discussion of the principles of aristocracy, attitude towards art and nihilism. According to Pavel Petrovich, the main mission in further development the country rests on the aristocrats, while Bazarov completely denied the hopes that his opponent placed on the nobility. As you know, it is in disputes that truth is born, and by describing them in detail, the author provides readers with the opportunity to form their own opinion and decide on their attitude towards the characters of the novel. From the first minutes of our acquaintance we see that Bazarov is a fairly strong personality, which allows him not to deviate from his principles under any circumstances. However, in the future the author subjects the hero of his time to serious tests. After Bazarov is overcome by a feeling of love, he begins to understand that real life circumstances are much more complex than all his theories. And since the hero still cannot suffer defeat even in love, in order to avoid humiliation, he has to leave Anna Sergeevna alone and leave. Having lost the entire meaning of his life, having lost confidence in the validity of his theory, having failed in love, Bazarov dies at the end of the novel. But, dying, he once again shows us the remarkable strength of his nature. It is this force that makes Bazarov a hero of his time, a man new era, whom society did not even think about at that time, a man who was in many ways needed by his country and his people. Russia still needs him today as a strong personality, as a person in whom all human values ​​and age-old morality are alive.

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