Why are people evil? Why are people so angry? Worse than animals...

Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by many people with whom in one way or another we have to encounter and communicate, these are our friends, classmates, classmates, then colleagues, acquaintances of acquaintances, employees of shops and other institutions, even just passers-by. And, unfortunately, not all of them are friendly, and here the question arises, why are people angry, why do they approach life, or, specifically, towards us, with aggression? After all, we are all brought up in approximately the same traditions, love for our neighbor, from childhood our parents tell us not to do harm to people, so why do they do harm to us?

Anger and its causes

The issue of anger and aggression has been troubling society for a long time. Various sciences study human behavior, including psychology. Many works and studies have been devoted to the anger of people, while anger and aggression are considered in various aspects: the causes of anger, its nature, anger management, protection from anger, and so on.

Anger is a sharp and pronounced feeling of dissatisfaction with something or someone. Anger often develops into aggression; a person moves on to actions that are aimed at causing harm to others or to the object that caused the anger. From the definition we see that anger has its own reasons, and they are quite varied, here are some of the reasons why certain people became angry:

  • Dissatisfaction with life, disappointment (including with oneself), this also includes such a person’s state as frustration (an emotional state caused by unjustified expectations, the inability to satisfy needs).
  • Envy.
  • Life shocks (personal misfortune, loss, etc.)
  • Jealousy.
  • Psychological trauma.
  • Psychological diseases.
  • Depression.
  • Stress and fatigue.
  • Increased emotionality, tendency to impulsive actions.

In the above list, there are reasons that depend on both external factors, and from the internal state of a person. In addition, anger tends to accumulate, while different reasons angers overlap each other, which can lead to serious mental distress and health problems. In some situations, anger is the body's defensive reaction to the current situation, or a signal for a person that something in his life is going wrong.

First of all, you need to understand that not all people are evil, and even evil people are not always so. Even the most evil people in a different situation and environment can be pleasant and kind.

It is not always a person’s fault that he is angry; sometimes his surroundings, the trials that befall him, and life itself make him so. Evil people can be changed into better side, for some of them, attention will be enough for them to become kinder (for example, a person is angry because he is lonely, or he was offended). And others need specialized help from psychologists, or even drug treatment.

How to deal with evil people

When communicating with an angry person, it is necessary to remember that he is in an affective state, that is, he is at odds with himself and cannot fully control himself. You should not provoke them; sometimes it is not always possible to resolve the conflict through negotiations. And if anger is directed at you, you should leave and continue the conversation after the person calms down.

If you are wondering why people have become angrier around you, evaluate your behavior: are you inciting aggression in others. Perhaps you put pressure on people, set a negative tone for the environment, or your other traits make them angry. After all, it’s easier to blame the environment than to look for reasons within yourself.

Remember that anger is a destructive feeling. It pulls a person back, does not allow him to develop, achieve goals, takes away strength. If you feel that anger is growing in the depths of your soul, do not isolate yourself, share your experiences. Perhaps this will allow you to find the reasons for its occurrence and cope with the problem. Under no circumstances should you keep anger within yourself; you just need to learn to express it in a peaceful, constructive manner.

Attention, TODAY only!


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The harsh truth is that inhuman cruelty is characteristic only of humans. Not a single animal can compare with humans in the power of manifestations of hatred towards their own kind. Why are people so angry?

Every day in funds mass media we are faced with examples of terrible cruelty. Beatings, murders, massacres, torture...

A guy killed a girl because she laughed at him in company. 122 blows were found on the victim's body. The examination found that the first blow was fatal. A psychiatric examination showed the culprit's sanity.

Where does this inhuman cruelty come from?!

The harsh truth is that inhuman cruelty is characteristic only of humans. Not a single animal can compare with humans in the power of manifestations of hatred towards their own kind. Why are people so angry? Let's try to figure it out from a scientific point of view.

Man is an animal

Laureate Nobel Prize German animal psychologist Konrad Lorenz, impressed by the horrors of the Second World War, decided to find out the nature of human aggression. As a zoologist and follower of evolutionary theory, he decided to start by studying the nature of aggression in animals. Lorenz found that all animals have mechanisms of hostile behavior towards members of their species, that is, innate intraspecific aggression, which, as he proves, ultimately serves to preserve the species.

Intraspecific aggression performs a number of important biological functions:

    distribution of living space so that the animal finds food for itself; the animal protects its territory, aggression stops as soon as the boundaries are restored;

    sexual selection: only the strongest male gets the right to leave his offspring; in mating fights, the weak one is usually not finished off, but driven away;

    protection of offspring from the encroachment of strangers and one’s own; parents drive away but do not kill intruders;

    hierarchical function - determines the system of power and subordination in the community, the weak obeys the strong;

    the function of partnership is coordinated manifestations of aggression, for example, to expel a relative or a stranger;

    feeding function - built into species that live in places poor in food resources (for example, Balkhash perch eats its own young).

It is believed that the main forms of intraspecific aggression are competitive and territorial aggression, as well as aggression caused by fear and irritation.

Are animals kinder than people?

However, after analyzing the behavior of more than 50 species, Konrad Lorenz noticed that animals that have natural weapons in their arsenal in the form of huge horns, deadly fangs, strong hooves, strong beaks, etc., in the process of evolution, developed behavioral analogues of morality. This is a prohibition at the level of instinct to use one’s natural weapons against an animal of one’s own species, especially when the defeated one demonstrates submission.

That is, an automatic stop system is built into the aggressive behavior of animals, which instantly responds to certain types of postures that indicate dependence and defeat. As soon as a wolf, in a fierce fight for a female, exposes the jugular vein in the neck, the second wolf only slightly squeezes its mouth, but never bites through completely. In a deer battle, as soon as one deer feels weaker, it becomes sideways, exposing its unprotected abdomen to the enemy. The second deer, even in a fit of combat, only touches the opponent’s stomach with its antlers, stopping at the last second, but not completing the final deadly movement. The stronger the animal’s natural weapons, the more clearly the “stop system” works.

Conversely, weakly armed species of animals do not have instinctive prohibitions on deadly aggression towards their relatives, since the harm caused cannot be significant and the victim always has the opportunity to escape. In captivity, when to a defeated enemy There is nowhere to run, he is guaranteed to die from a stronger opponent. In any case, as Konrad Lorenz emphasizes, in the animal world, intraspecific aggression serves exclusively the purpose of preserving the species.

Lorenz considers humans to be a weakly armed species by nature, therefore having no instinctive prohibitions against causing harm to their own kind. With the invention of weapons (stone, axe, gun), man became the most armed species, but evolutionarily devoid of “natural morality,” and therefore easily kills members of his own species.

There is one nuance here. We humans, unlike animals, have consciousness. This difference hides the root of man’s cruelty to man in comparison with the intraspecific aggression of an animal.

Man is an animal who can never get enough

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan suggests that consciousness was formed gradually as a result of the growth of our shortcomings. Animals do not have the same volume of desires as humans, they are completely balanced and in this they are perfect in their own way.

A person always wants more. More than he has, more than he can get, and if he gets it, then more than he can eat. Lack is when “I want, but I can’t get it,” “I want, but I can’t.” This lack provided the opportunity for the development of thought, which became the beginning of a separation from the animal state, the beginning of the development of consciousness.

Hostility as an engine of progress

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan argues that man, unlike animals, feels his own uniqueness, separateness from others.

Having experienced hunger for a long time and not being able to fill it (our species was the weakest in the savannah - without claws, teeth, hooves), man for the first time felt his neighbor as an object that could be consumed as food. However, having arisen, this desire was immediately limited. In the delta between the desire to use one's neighbor into oneself and the limitation on this desire, a feeling of hostility towards another is born.

But that’s not all, once having escaped the limits of animal volume, our desires continue to grow. They double. Today we bought a Cossack, tomorrow we wanted a foreign car, today we bought a foreign car, tomorrow we wanted a Mercedes. On this simple example it is clear that a person is never satisfied with what he receives.

Our ever-growing desire to receive constantly leads to an increase in hostility. Lorenz proved that animals have an intraspecific unconscious coordinated instinct that does not allow intraspecific aggression to destroy the species. For humans, intraspecific hostility still poses a threat to survival - as it is constantly growing. At the same time, it is also an incentive for us to develop. It was in order to limit hostility that we first created the law, then culture and morality.

Why are people so angry? Because they are people!

Man is a lack of pleasure, a desire. Our desires are not satisfied - we immediately feel hostility. Mom didn’t buy ice cream: “Bad mom!” The woman does not meet my expectations: “Bad woman!” I feel bad, I don’t know what I want: “Everyone is bad. The world is cruel and unfair! It is not for nothing that moral and cultural norms are instilled in a child with early childhood. Mutual assistance, sympathy, and empathy for others help us cope with our selfish desires for pleasure.

Today our desires continue to grow, and existing limiters stop working on them. The skin law and visual culture have almost worked themselves out. Today we are rapidly rushing into a future where man is no longer moral (since his desires are too high to be limited by morality and ethics), but is not yet spiritual. Today we are ready to eat anyone, consume the whole world, if only we feel good, real troglodytes - but this does not mean degradation. This is another stage of our growth, the response to which should be the emergence of limiters of a new level.

The path from animal to man

System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan says that in conditions of increased desires and increased hostility, no restrictions on hostility will work anymore. Our coexistence in the future will be built not on prohibitions, but on the complete disappearance of hostility as such.

In contrast to the awareness of one’s uniqueness and the other as an object for satiating one’s shortcomings, systemic thinking gives awareness of the other person as oneself, as well as awareness of integrity human species. This is a new level of consciousness, much higher than the intraspecific animal unconscious instinct. This is the awareness of oneself as a part of all humanity and the awareness of another person as a part of oneself. And, as a result, the inability to harm another. Just as a person cannot deliberately harm himself, so he will not be able to harm another, because his pain will be felt as if it were his own.

In fact, people are not evil and no worse than animals, people are just not mature enough. We have grown so much mentally that we invented the hadron collider, but we still have not matured to self-awareness. Daily outbursts of aggression, violation of all moral norms at the level of entire states are evidence that the time has come.

And stopping aggression is easier than it seems at first glance. You just need to see the underlying causes of what is happening and eliminate them. Understand that the picture of the world around us with cruelty, murders, crimes is the result of the fact that each of us considers himself the only one and feels only his desires. And for the sake of my “I want” I’m even ready to kill if necessary. But the paradox is that even this will not fill a person with happiness. Neither the one who shows aggression, nor the one against whom it is directed, can actually feel joy, and will be equally unhappy.

This can be corrected by realizing the true desires and capabilities of each of us. By understanding a person’s inner potential and his intentions, we will be able to clearly understand what to expect from our environment and how to most adequately express ourselves among others. When we deeply understand another person and the motives for his actions from the inside, we do not become victims of unexpected aggression, because people's actions become easily predictable and predictable. Moreover, we can consciously choose our environment in which we will feel comfortable and safe. It would be ideal if every person in the world could do this and everyone would be happy, but even if this is still far away, it’s worth starting with yourself.

Register for free online lectures on System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan can be found at the link:

The article was written based on training materials System-vector psychology

Now people have become angry. A person can encounter rudeness anywhere. An unhappy woman in love claims that all men are..., although she has not seen them all. But usually disappointed women are angry with men. Happy woman in love, will object: “No, not everything! Mine is not like that."

Those men who hate women are those who have been hurt by women so much that it is unbearable for them to love again. Then they do not look for uniqueness, considering everyone greedy and unreliable.

Rarely happy man he is rude, he is not trying to offend anyone or hurt anyone consciously.

People say, “The life of a dog makes a man a biter.” Anger does not appear suddenly or out of nowhere. It accumulates inside a person for some reason. We are all kind, when everything is fine, everyone is healthy, the house is full, if we are tired, we rest.

What if everything is not as you want?

People are evil and there are reasons for this, many reasons, it could take a long time to describe. But all these reasons are united into one common thing: the person is unhappy. That's where the anger comes from.

Someone dreams of health. Angry. Why such medicine? Why are drugs expensive? Why are doctors unqualified? Anger accumulates and bursts out.

Many people live in a vicious circle of poverty, dream of apartments, but grind their teeth and pay their entire salary for rent. They are angry at the state, at those who have real estate at home and abroad, and around the world. The man is trying to come up with something. But what can you come up with if the salary is 5,000 rubles, the rent is 5,000 rubles.

Also, the reason for anger is defense. The man encountered rudeness, he was offended, he was angry. He wound it on his mustache, “Next time I’ll smash him (her).” And now all negative energy will go to the first person who gets angry.

A person is lonely and is burdened by loneliness. If a person is a philosopher and he enjoys solitude. And if not? If it’s hard for him in an empty apartment?

Sometimes the reasons for anger are fatigue. When a person cannot rest normally, and his body requires rest. But a person suppresses fatigue, because he has to work, he has to fight.

If you pay attention to your acquaintances who look angry, it turns out that these are people dissatisfied with their lives.

A person is not born evil, but becomes evil for certain reasons.

Each of us encounters more than good in our lives. Evil in its various manifestations haunts everyone. And these are not only negative events. This is also a relationship with people who are angry at everyone and everything - at themselves, at others, at life in general. Why are people so angry? This is what we decided to talk to you about today, our dear readers.

All people can be divided into three categories: good, evil and indifferent. The last category is a separate matter. Good people I would like to wish them good health - they need it to resist the evil that is a lot on our Earth. Optimism and happiness for them. The whole world rests on them. Thanks to them, our planet is still spinning. What about evil individuals? What are the reasons for their anger? Anger not only towards themselves, but also towards others, towards the Earth on which they live, towards animals and birds.

The problem of anger has been troubling for a long time normal people who want to make this world brighter. A lot of science deals with this issue, finding ways to influence evil people and methods for changing their behavior. Psychology is one of the sciences designed to study this question. She analyzes not only the causes and nature of anger, but also ways to manage anger, how other people can defend themselves in the face of an aggressor, etc.

First of all, it is worth saying that anger is a pronounced emotion of dissatisfaction. It often develops into aggression causing physical harm. Anger can be caused by:

  • Dissatisfaction with yourself
  • General dissatisfaction with life
  • Disappointment (love or any other)
  • Jealousy
  • Frustration
  • Envy
  • Lack of love in life
  • Lack of goals
  • Problems coming from childhood
  • Lack of a favorite activity
  • Life shocks
  • Psychological trauma
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Mental illness
  • Depressive states
  • Chronic stress
  • Increased level of temperament

It can be seen that anger depends not only on the internal state, but also on external factors. It tends to accumulate, which leads over time to various mental disorders. It is important to realize in time that anger is a signal that it is time to change something in your life, that something is not going the way it should be...

If you do a survey on why people are so angry, the majority will most likely answer this question like this: “Too many problems.” And indeed, a person who runs from his problems and does not try to solve them becomes angry and, moreover, very unhappy...

Evil people, unfortunately, lack the understanding that only they bear full responsibility for everything that happens in their lives. They are ready to blame anyone for their failures, but not themselves! They should stop criticizing others and start changing their lives, their thoughts and their relationships with others.

Everyone has problems. Only some people cope with them on their own, without showing unnecessary negative emotions, while others are not capable of this. We need to understand once and for all that our problems are nothing more than new opportunities to become better. Unfortunately, not everyone can understand this...

If we talk about the practical side of the issue, you can start a notebook where you will record all your problems. This will help you not to forget about them and deal with them faster. Learn to solve problems without starting them while they are in a safe stage. And when experience comes, the realization will come that the problem is much simpler than the fear of it...

A person is not always to blame for his anger. Often people or life itself make him this way. Such people are amenable to change, the main thing is to know and understand how to do this in each special case. For some, just your attention and care will be enough. And some will need the help of a psychologist or even outpatient treatment.

In any case, every person needs to know how to interact with an aggressive person. And don't forget that evil person at moments of manifestation of rage, he is in a state of passion. He is unable to somehow control himself in fits of anger. Therefore, you should not provoke him again. It is better to end the conversation by rescheduling it for another time.

If you are concerned about why there are more aggressive people in your life, then it’s time to evaluate your behavior. And also answer yourself questions about whether you yourself incite anger in others, whether you put pressure in the process of communication, or whether you set a negative tone for the conversation. Let’s not forget that it is always easier to blame someone else than to look for reasons within yourself.

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