The relationship between Pechorin and Mary briefly. How Pechorin’s character manifests itself in relationships

In his relationship with Grushnitsky, Pechorin displays such character traits as bored disdain and a passion, however, rather sluggish, for psychological games.

The same can be said about his attitude towards Princess Mary, adding enormous pride, directed arbitrarily. At the same time, he could not resist the edge of a cold analysis of an outside observer and he himself became very carried away by a considerable inner strength princesses. You could even say I fell in love. But as a person accustomed to giving himself a detailed account of all the movements of his soul, he clearly understood that he would not be happy at all in his marriage and would soon be disappointed. Therefore, he even showed readiness to give up love, just to preserve freedom or what he meant by freedom, because real love, undoubtedly, does not embarrass a person.

Communicating with Werner, Pechorin enjoyed the mutual understanding that had established between them. But it was a very cold and mechanical understanding, at least on Pechorin’s part. Even with a relatively congenial person, Pechorin could not relax mentally; he continued to mockingly

intellectualize, taking advantage of an understanding listener and amusing himself with the puzzles that the doctor offered him to solve.

Princess Mary and Vera awakened a cold, calculating passion in him, despite the fact that Pechorin undoubtedly valued Vera as a person who managed to penetrate into his inner world. However, this actually had no effect on his actions with her.

The disconnect between feelings and logic is what Pechorin constantly demonstrates, no matter who he encounters. The basic property of his personality is the duality of a person who discovered the world of constant reflection, but was unable to establish a reverse reunification of the picture that had been separated into parts. The desire for deep introspection, commendable in itself, drew Pechorin into the funnel of narcissistic narcissism. Since this quality is contrary to human nature, he lost the opportunity to fruitfully use creative forces, became cold and lethargic even towards himself. The complete expression of this type of person appears in the figure of Stavrogin from F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons.”

“A Hero of Our Time” as a work is distinguished by the fact that the characters of all acting characters mostly static. The characters of Vera and Mary are no exception. Another thing is that Pechorin’s attitude towards them changes, and the attitude is situational, and accordingly they show certain reactions. However, in order to seriously talk about character changes, there is too little material - a relatively short period of time is covered and no attention is paid at all to the past of this or that character. The purpose of the author's narration is exclusively Pechorin himself.

Mary is used to being the center of attention, she takes Grushnitsky’s courtship for granted, but she, as a sensitive girl, was much more attracted to the figure of Pechorin, filled with genuine energy. When it turned out that Pechorin laughed at her, she found the strength to maintain her dignity.

As for Vera, we do not know the background of her relationship with Pechorin. She was probably able to understand the essence of Pechorin, because, like Pushkin’s Tatyana, she was able to forget herself and immerse herself in the spiritual world of her loved one. Only, unlike Tatyana, she did not distance herself, having understood his real aspirations, but, on the contrary, became even more attached. Apparently, her character had a strong desire for passive patience; she received emotional satisfaction from artificial romantic relationships, even knowing the whole background of Pechorin’s character. Outwardly it was a desire to preserve the remnants of independence, internally - a desire to be unhappy, but certainly beautiful.


  • How does Pechorin’s character manifest itself in his relationship with Grushnitsky?
  • comparative characteristics of Pechorin and Grushnitsky table
  • Comparative characteristics of Pechorin and Grushnitsky
  • How does Pechorin’s character manifest itself in his relationship with Mary?
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The image of Pechorin is central in M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” All other characters are grouped around him, highlighting individual aspects of his character and actions, although each of the novel’s heroes is interesting in its own right. Grushnitsky. Why is the young cadet so unpleasant to Pechorin? Grushnitsky is by no means a villain worth fighting. He is mediocrity, he is characterized by a weakness that is quite forgivable at his age - “draping himself into extraordinary feelings”, “passion to recite”. He seems to be striving to play the role of “a creature doomed by some secret suffering " Grushnitsky is a parody of Pechorin. That's why he irritates the main character of the novel, who starts a kind of game. Pechorin reveals the true face of Grushnitsky: vindictive and vile, capable of shooting at an unarmed person. During the duel, he offers Grushnitsky reconciliation. But the situation is already irreversible: “There is no place for the two of us on earth!” Grushnitsky highlights the truth and significance of the mental torment of Pechorin, this “suffering egoist,” the depth and exclusivity of his nature. But in the situation with Grushnitsky, the destructive power of Pechorin’s individualism also manifests itself. The comparison between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych is also interesting. This old staff captain is an honest and kind man, his judgments bear the imprint life experience. He is attached to Pechorin, deeply experiencing his coldness at an unexpected meeting. The sincerity and spontaneity of Maxim Maksimych contrasts with the polite indifference of Pechorin. But at the same time, it is obvious that Maxim Maksimych, who lives with ordinary everyday worries, does not understand Pechorin’s world at all, and this, if not justifies, then somehow explains Pechorin’s reluctance to dine with him and tell him about his life in St. Petersburg. Grushnitsky and Werner are two hypostases of Pechorin’s character that exist separately in life. The first is an exaggerated reflection of Pechorin’s purely external features, the second reproduces a lot of it. In this sense, Grushnitsky and Werner represent the complete opposite of each other. Grushnitsky's external beauty and showiness contrast with the unattractive appearance of Dr. Werner. Grushnitsky’s ugly, selfish soul is opposed by the charm of Werner’s “spiritual beauty”: in the soul of the first there is “not a penny of poetry”, the other is “a poet in practice.” Grushnitsky is a limited egoist, Werner is capable of truly humane feelings. But Pechorin’s character is much more complex than the simple arithmetic sum of the qualities of one and the other.

Pechorin's personality is also revealed in a unique way through his relationships with women. He speaks about women and love with irony, having lost faith in both. But the history of Pechorin’s relationship with each of the heroines takes on a dramatic and even tragic character. Bela is attracted to Pechorin by the integrity and naturalness of his nature. In “the love of a savage” he sincerely tries to find oblivion from the melancholy that tormented him, but his restless imagination and insatiable heart could not live long with one feeling. Bela's death is a heavy accusation against Pechorin. But his guilt is redeemed by the shock he experienced. Many years later, when Maxim Maksimych mentioned Bela, Pechorin turned “slightly” pale and turned away... almost immediately yawning forcefully.” The story with Mary reveals the most unsightly sides of Pechorin’s individualism. When starting an intrigue, Pechorin does not pursue any selfish goals. Mary is young, accustomed to success, proud, and trusting. Pechorin also begins to experience her charm. Only the eternal fear of losing freedom makes him suppress the nascent feeling within himself. Pechorin undoubtedly caused Mary deep emotional trauma. But there is also a kind of nobility in Pechorin’s harshness: he openly tells the princess that he does not love her, so as not to torment himself and the girl; challenges Grushnitsky to a duel, defending her honor. Faith. Love for her is a deep and long-standing feeling: “She is the only woman in the world whom I was unable to deceive.” Faith, better than anyone else, “penetrated all the secrets” of his soul. Their love is love-suffering. “You loved me as property, as a source of joys, anxieties and sorrows, alternating with each other.” The loss of Vera is painfully experienced by Pechorin, since love for her was the only deep feeling that filled his life.. We observe the manifestation of Pechorin’s character in relationships with such heroes as Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, Vera and Werner. With all the above personalities that were invented, main character opens up from a new side for us.

Relationship with Werner

If we talk about the relationship between Pechorin and Werner, then it is more likely a friendly relationship. The characters are connected by observation, special intelligence and resourcefulness. Only here we see passivity to life on Werner’s part, which is an obstacle to Werner’s actions, while the main character constant search adventures. Pechorin is active and loves to try his luck. In general, in these relationships, Pechorin’s character trait manifests itself as selfishness, where the hero does not recognize such a concept as friendship. After all, this requires self-forgetfulness and sacrifices for which he is not ready.

Relations with Grushnitsky

Pechorin’s character manifests itself differently in relations with Grushnitsky, with whom he first had good relations, which then grew into some kind of struggle. She led the heroes to a duel. When we see the relationship between Grushnitsky and Pechorin, we note that for the main character the absence of such concepts as fear, anger, pity is the norm. These feelings completely disappeared, as evidenced by the hero himself, who before the duel did not feel any of the above.

Relationship with Princess Mary

In his relationship with Mary, the inconsistency of Pechorin's character is revealed. On the one hand, he has not lived with his heart for a long time, but on the other hand, several times he felt carried away. But in general, everything is thought out for him, he weighs everything. He is ruled by calculation and a curious mind. He has not opened up to anyone for a long time and is quickly becoming disillusioned with his companions. He feared this disappointment in the case of his relationship with Princess Mary. Here the hero appears before us as a cold and selfish person, for whom Mary’s passion is nothing more than a game. As for me, Pechorin is simply afraid of everyday life, so he rejects women's feelings, assuming coldness and indifference.

Relationship with Vera

It would seem that one could draw conclusions about Pechorin’s callousness, maybe even some kind of cruelty towards other people, if not for the meeting with Vera. Yes, this relationship does not have a happy ending, but we see that the hero is not soulless. He also has a small, barely smoldering flame of humanity in the depths of his soul. It’s only a pity that Pechorin’s light, due to his selfishness and coldness, quickly fades out.

Manifestation of Pechorin’s character in relationships with Grushnitsky, Werner, Vera, Princess Mary

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Pechorin and Grushnitsky essay on the topic Essay based on Lermontov’s work “Hero of Our Time”

In his relationship with Grushnitsky, Pechorin displays such character traits as bored disdain. and a passion, however, rather sluggish, for psychological games.
The same can be said about his attitude towards Princess Mary, adding enormous pride, directed arbitrarily. At the same time, he could not resist the cold analysis of an outside observer and he himself became greatly carried away by the princess’s considerable inner strength. You could even say I fell in love. But as a person accustomed to giving himself a detailed account of all the movements of his soul, he clearly understood that he would not be happy at all in his marriage and would soon be disappointed. Therefore, he even showed a willingness to give up love, just to preserve freedom or what he meant by freedom, because true love, undoubtedly, does not constrain a person.
Communicating with Werner, Pechorin enjoyed the mutual understanding that had established between them. But it was a very cold and mechanical understanding, at least on Pechorin’s part. Even with a relatively congenial person, Pechorin could not relax mentally; he continued to mockingly intellectualize, taking advantage of his understanding listener and amusing himself with the puzzles that the doctor offered him to solve.
Princess Mary and Vera awakened a cold, calculating passion in him, despite the fact that Pechorin undoubtedly valued Vera as a person who managed to penetrate his inner world. However, this actually had no effect on his actions with her.
The disconnect between feelings and logic is what Pechorin constantly demonstrates, no matter who he encounters. The basic property of his personality is the duality of a person who discovered the world of constant reflection, but was unable to establish a reverse reunification of the picture that had been separated into parts. The desire for deep introspection, commendable in itself, drew Pechorin into the funnel of narcissistic narcissism. Since this quality is contrary to human nature, he lost the opportunity to fruitfully use creative forces, became cold and lethargic even towards himself. The complete expression of this type of person appears in the figure of Stavrogin from F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons.”
“A Hero of Our Time” as a work is distinguished by the fact that the characters of all the acting characters are predominantly static. The characters of Vera and Mary are no exception. Another thing is that Pechorin’s attitude towards them changes, and the attitude is situational, and accordingly they show certain reactions. However, in order to seriously talk about character changes, there is too little material - a relatively short period of time is covered and no attention is paid at all to the past of this or that character. The purpose of the author's narration is exclusively Pechorin himself.
Mary is used to being the center of attention, she takes Grushnitsky’s courtship for granted, but she, as a sensitive girl, was much more attracted to the figure of Pechorin, filled with genuine energy. When it turned out that Pechorin laughed at her, she found the strength to maintain her dignity.
As for Vera, we do not know the background of her relationship with Pechorin. She was probably able to understand the essence of Pechorin, because, like Pushkin’s Tatyana, she was able to forget herself and immerse herself in the spiritual world of her loved one. Only, unlike Tatyana, she did not distance herself, having understood his real aspirations, but, on the contrary, became even more attached. Apparently, her character had a strong desire for passive patience; she received emotional satisfaction from artificial romantic relationships, even knowing the whole background of Pechorin’s character. Outwardly it was a desire to preserve the remnants of independence, internally - a desire to be unhappy, but certainly beautiful.

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IN real life It is rare to meet a person who has exclusively negative qualities. There may be a majority of them, but no matter what kind of person you are, it is still possible to find at least a few positive qualities. Literature has the ability to draw the most unusual plots, images and events - sometimes surreal, which would be impossible to realize in real life. Oddly enough, but here there are no absolutely negative or positive characters. Each hero is unique in his own way; he can act in the most dishonest way, but at the same time it will not be difficult to find at least one good motive in him. One of the controversial characters is the image of Grigory Pechorin in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time".

Pechorin's inconsistency

Grigory Pechorin in the novel is presented as the engine of trouble, his appearance in the lives of all the characters ends in some kind of tragedy, or becomes the cause of death. Most of these situations are created unintentionally. Pechorin does not plan to kill anyone or bring irreparable consequences into the lives of certain people; tragedy occurs in a random, unplanned way, due to the characters’ contradictory perception of reality, a certain amount of misunderstanding of the essence of what is happening.

Positive qualities of Pechorin

At the beginning, it seems that there should be significantly fewer positions on this matter, since Pechorin does more harm than good, but in reality everything is far from being so.

First of all, the character’s education and intelligence are striking. Pechorin received a good education, but this fact alone does not make him smart - he is inquisitive by nature, so his knowledge was never limited to dry sciences, he always wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, to comprehend the essence.

Grigory knows how to present himself in society - he has the gift of getting his interlocutor interested in even the most mundane topic, and has a good sense of humor, which also contributes to his communicative influence.

Pechorin not only has knowledge about the subject of various sciences, he is also well acquainted with the rules of etiquette and successfully applies this knowledge in practice - he is always polite and courteous.

It is impossible not to list his positive qualities Special attention to his wardrobe and the state of his suit - he always looks neat and elegant.

Pechorin treats women with a certain amount of trepidation - he carefully looks after Bella, is affectionate and attentive with the princess. His care and attention become an opportunity to demonstrate his love and affection to women.

Gregory is a generous person. His generosity is closely related to his lack of pity or greed. He allows his friends to take his horses for a ride, generously gives Bella gifts - he does not do this for selfish purposes. They are guided by sincere impulses of the soul.

Next positive qualities Pechorin, undoubtedly, is determination and perseverance - if he has determined a goal for himself, he will follow it and do everything to achieve it as quickly as possible.

Pechorin has unprecedented courage. This fact can also be attributed to positive aspects in his image, although his courage must be considered in the context of events, since it often borders on recklessness, which introduces a significant amount of bitterness into this characteristic.

Negative qualities of Grigory Pechorin

At its core, Pechorin is evil person, but in him this quality looks attractive - it becomes not a repulsive factor from his person, but, on the contrary, possessive.

Gregory finds special pleasure in the process of playing with people's feelings. He likes to watch their mental anguish or confusion.

Moreover, he is dishonest and hypocritical. He allows himself to have an affair with married women.

In addition, he is not alien to the feeling of selfishness, which is skillfully combined, in his case, with inflated self-esteem. This becomes the reason for Pechorin’s lack of friends. He says goodbye too easily to all his acquaintances and lovers.

The only person He kills Grushnitsky, who claimed to be Grigory's friend, in a duel. Moreover, he does it without a shadow of regret. Maxim Maksimovich, who showed interest in his person and friendly sympathy, is repelled.

Despite his reverent attitude towards women, Pechorin treats them rudely when his love fervor fades.

Succumbing to his whim, he steals and keeps Bella, which leads to the girl’s death, but even here he does not feel remorse.

He leaves Princess Mary rudely and cruelly - destroying her love and feeling of tenderness.

How Pechorin evaluates himself

The image of Pechorin is not without a share of self-criticism. Despite the fact that he suffers from inflated self-esteem, his characterization of his personality and analysis of the actions he has committed looks quite believable. He is able to sensibly assess the integrity and consequences of his actions.

Pechorin considers himself an evil, immoral person. He calls himself a “moral cripple,” claiming that he was not always this way.

In the tradition of the Byronic hero and " extra person"Pechorin is filled with despondency and spleen - he cannot realize his talents and creative potential and therefore remains in deep depression and does not see its exit. Pechorin also cannot name the reason that led to this state of his soul, although he realizes that there must be some factor. Grigory does not deny that this may well be logical explanation, such as excess education, or interference heavenly powers- God, who endowed him with an unhappy character.

Thus, Grigory Pechorin is a very controversial character who is at the crossroads of two moral eras. He clearly and clearly understands that the old traditions and principles have already become obsolete, they are alien to him and unpleasant, but he does not know what should replace them. His intuitive searches do not bring the desired positive result for the character himself and become destructive and tragic for the lives of other personalities in the story.

The character of Grigory Pechorin in the novel “Hero of Our Time”: positive and negative traits, advantages and disadvantages

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