Life scenario

 the symbolic meaning of the name of the extravaganza story a home Alexander Green is known for several works. But it would not be an exaggeration to say that many associate him with the work “ Scarlet Sails" Almost all the authors’ works can be classified into one genre or another. “Scarlet Sails” is called a story, an extravaganza, a fairy tale, and a story. And rightly so. When I started reading this work, I couldn’t put it down, I was so captivated by its plot. The book describes just a few basic

characters , but how bright they are in character!.

On the one hand, each person is the architect of his own happiness. But on the other hand, much is still predetermined from above. There is a lot of evidence for both points of view, both in literature and in life. The “scarlet sails” that decorate the sailboat accompany the entire storyline Already at the very beginning of the extravaganza main character The sailor Longren gave his daughter Assol a small boat with scarlet sails. Unfortunately, this was preceded by many tragic events: and early death her mother, and slander, and the difficult existence of this

poor family

“When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it to any page, just like they wipe the windows in the house in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood. Green is one of the few that you should have in your travel first aid kit against fatty heart disease and fatigue. With him you can go to the Arctic and virgin lands, go on a date. He is poetic, he is courageous." This is how writer Daniil Granin expressed the beneficial power of Green’s influence on the reader.

When thinking about Alexander Green, we first of all remember his fairy tale “Scarlet Sails”. This fabulous extravaganza became a symbol of his work. It absorbed all the best that is in Green’s other works: a beautiful dream and true reality, love for man and faith in his strength, hope for the best and love for beauty.

The title of the story is ambiguous. For a sailing ship to move, its sails must be filled with wind. And a person’s life must be filled with deep content, then it has meaning. If life is boring and joyless, a dream becomes its meaning. A dream may remain a beautiful, unfulfilled fairy tale. But it may come true.

Green's "Scarlet Sails" is a symbol of a dream that has become reality. Assol’s dream “came to life” because the girl “knew how to love,” as her father taught her, and knew how to “wait in spite of everything.” And she was able to maintain her faith in beauty, living among people who “couldn’t tell stories or sing songs.”
The scarlet color of silk, chosen by Gray for the sails of the Secret, became the color of joy and beauty, which was so lacking in Caperna.

A white sailboat under scarlet sails is a symbol of love and new life for Assol, who has waited for her happiness.

Green's "Scarlet Sails" is still a statement the right way achieving happiness: “doing miracles with your own hands.” This was the opinion of Captain Gray, who made the dream of a girl he did not know come true. This is what the sailor Longren thought, who once made a toy yacht with scarlet sails, which brought happiness to his daughter.

    (based on the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green) (1) All children believe in fairy tales and miracles, but few manage to maintain this faith when entering into adult life. Immersed in everyday life and everyday problems, they become boring, gloomy, predictable ordinary people. Home...

    I turned the last page of Green's story Scarlet Sails. Which beautiful story! What a magical, wonderful and poetic extravaganza that immediately makes the mood dreamy and romantic. Every page of the work is imbued with love. So...

    The ancient Greeks said that desire itself creates creation. The power of desire and dreams can turn a life around and change a person. Alexander Green created with the power of his dreams the whole world, in which brave, sincere men live, poetic and beautiful...

    There probably aren't any literary works, which would not touch on the topic of love. The story “Scarlet Sails” can tell us a lot about love and hate, faith and unbelief. Assol - main character this extravaganza - in my life I managed to face the fact...

    Children and adults all over the world know and love A. Green’s wonderful story-extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”. It was published more than a hundred times in Russian alone. Why are people so attracted to such “fiction” and “fables”? "Scarlet Sails" is a story about the sublime...


“When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it to any page, just like they wipe the windows in the house in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood. Green is one of the few that you should have in your travel first aid kit against fatty heart disease and fatigue. With him you can go to the Arctic and virgin lands, go on a date. He is poetic, he is courageous." This is how writer Daniil Granin expressed the beneficial power of Green’s influence on the reader.

When thinking about Alexander Green, we first of all remember his fairy tale “Scarlet Sails”. This fabulous extravaganza became a symbol of his work. She absorbed all the best that is in Green’s other works: a beautiful dream and a true reality, love for a person and faith in his strength, hope for the best and love for beauty.

The title of the story is ambiguous. For a sailing ship to move, its sails must be filled with wind. And a person’s life must be filled with deep content, then it has meaning. If life is boring and joyless, a dream becomes its meaning. A dream may remain a beautiful, unfulfilled fairy tale. But it may come true.

Green's "Scarlet Sails" is a symbol of a dream that has become reality. Assol’s dream “came to life” because the girl “knew how to love,” as her father taught her, and knew how to “wait in spite of everything.” And she was able to maintain her faith in beauty, living among people who “couldn’t tell stories or sing songs.”
The scarlet color of silk, chosen by Gray for the sails of the Secret, became the color of joy and beauty, which was so lacking in Caperna.

A white sailboat under scarlet sails is a symbol of love and new life for Assol, who has waited for her happiness.

Green's “Scarlet Sails” is also a statement of the right way to achieve happiness: “doing miracles with your own hands.” This was the opinion of Captain Gray, who made the dream of a girl he did not know come true. This is what the sailor Longren thought, who once made a toy yacht with scarlet sails, which brought happiness to his daughter.

Other works on this work

How do I imagine the collector of fairy tales Egle (based on the book by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”) and the performer of the role of Alexei Kolgan A dream is a powerful creative force (Based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”) The world of dreamers and the world of ordinary people in A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails” An essay based on a book read (based on A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails”) Features of romanticism in one of the works of Russian literature of the 20th century Image and characteristics of Assol in the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” Review of A.S. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails” A Tale of Love (based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”) (1) Essay based on Green's story "Scarlet Sails" Essay reflection on Green's story "Scarlet Sails" The history of writing the work “Scarlet Sails” Magic power dream

According to one version, the idea for the story “Scarlet Sails” arose during Alexander Green’s walk along the Neva embankment in St. Petersburg. Passing by one of the shops, the writer saw an incredible beautiful girl. He looked at her for a long time, but did not dare to meet her. The beauty of the stranger so excited the writer that after some time he began writing the story.

A closed, gloomy man named Longren lives a solitary life with his daughter Assol. Longren makes models of sailing ships for sale. For a small family this is the only way to make ends meet. Fellow countrymen hate Longren because of one incident that happened in the distant past.

Longren was once a sailor and went sailing for a long time. Returning from a voyage once again, he learned that his wife was no longer alive. Having given birth to a child, Mary had to spend all the money on medicine for herself: the birth was very difficult, and the woman needed urgent treatment.

Mary did not know when her husband would return and, left without a means of subsistence, went to the innkeeper Menners to borrow money. The innkeeper made an indecent proposal to Mary in exchange for help. The honest woman refused and went to the city to pawn the ring. On the way, the woman caught a cold and subsequently died of pneumonia.

Longren was forced to raise his daughter on his own and could no longer work on the ship. The former sea knew who destroyed his family happiness.

One day he had a chance to take revenge. During a storm, Menners was carried out to sea by boat. The only witness to what happened was Longren. The innkeeper cried out in vain for help. The former sailor stood calmly on the shore and smoked a pipe.

When Menners was already far enough from the shore, Longren reminded him of what he had done to Mary. A few days later the innkeeper was found. Dying, he managed to tell who was “guilty” of his death. Fellow villagers, many of whom did not know what Menners really was, condemned Longren for his inaction. The former sailor and his daughter became outcasts.

When Assol was 8 years old, she accidentally met a collector of fairy tales, Egle, who predicted to the girl that years later she would meet her love. Her lover will arrive on a ship with scarlet sails. At home, the girl told her father about the strange prediction. A beggar overheard their conversation. He retells what Longren’s fellow countrymen heard. Since then, Assol has become an object of ridicule.

The noble origin of the young man

Arthur Gray, unlike Assol, grew up not in a miserable hut, but in a castle and came from a rich and noble family. The boy's future was predetermined: he would live the same prim life as his parents. However, Gray has other plans. He dreams of being a brave sailor. The young man secretly left home and entered the schooner Anselm, where he went through a very harsh school. Captain Gop, noticing in young man good inclinations, I decided to make him a real sailor. At the age of 20, Gray bought the three-masted galliot Secret, which he became captain of.

After 4 years, Gray accidentally finds himself in the vicinity of Liss, a few kilometers from which was Kaperna, where Longren lived with his daughter. By chance, Gray meets Assol, sleeping in the thickets.

The girl’s beauty struck him so much that he took the old ring off his finger and put it on Assol. Then Gray heads to Kaperna, where he tries to find out at least something about the unusual girl. The captain wandered into Menners's tavern, where his son was now in charge. Hin Menners told Gray that Assol’s father was a murderer, and the girl herself was crazy. She dreams of a prince who will sail to her on a ship with scarlet sails. The captain doesn't trust Menners too much. His doubts were finally dispelled by a drunken coal miner, who said that Assol was really very unusual girl, but not crazy. Gray decided to make someone else's dream come true.

Meanwhile, old Longren decides to return to his previous occupation. While he is alive, his daughter will not work. Longren set sail for the first time in many years. Assol was left alone. One fine day she notices a ship with scarlet sails on the horizon and realizes that it has sailed for her...


Assol is the main character of the story. IN early childhood the girl is left alone because of the hatred of others towards her father. But loneliness is familiar to Assol, it does not depress or frighten her.

She lives in her own fictional world, where the cruelty and cynicism of the surrounding reality does not penetrate.

At the age of eight, a beautiful legend comes into the world of Assol, in which she believed with all her heart. The life of a little girl takes on new meaning. She begins to wait.

Years go by, but Assol remains the same. Ridicule, offensive nicknames and hatred of her fellow villagers towards her family did not embitter the young dreamer. Assol is still naive, open to the world and believes in prophecy.

The only son of noble parents grew up in luxury and prosperity. Arthur Gray is a hereditary aristocrat. However, aristocracy is completely alien to him.

Even as a child, Gray was distinguished by his courage, audacity and desire for absolute independence. He knows that he can truly prove himself only in the fight against the elements.

Arthur is not attracted to high society. Social events and dinner parties not for him. The painting hanging in the library decides the fate of the young man. He leaves home and, after passing severe trials, becomes the captain of the ship. Boldness and courage, reaching the point of recklessness, do not prevent the young captain from remaining a kind and sympathetic person.

Probably, among the girls of the society in which Gray was born, there would not have been a single one capable of captivating his heart. He does not need prim ladies with refined manners and an excellent education. Gray doesn't look for love, she finds it herself. Assol is a very unusual girl with an unusual dream. Arthur sees before him a beautiful, brave and pure soul, similar to his own soul.

At the end of the story, the reader has a feeling of a miracle accomplished, a dream come true. Despite all the originality of what is happening, the plot of the story is not fantastic. There are no wizards, fairies, or elves in Scarlet Sails. The reader is presented with a completely ordinary, unadorned reality: poor people forced to fight for their existence, injustice and meanness. Nevertheless, it is precisely its realism and lack of fantasy that makes this work so attractive.

The author makes it clear that a person himself creates his dreams, he himself believes in them and he himself makes them come true. There is no point in waiting for someone to intervene otherworldly forces- fairies, wizards, etc. To understand that a dream belongs only to a person and only a person decides how to use it, you need to trace the entire chain of creation and implementation of a dream.

Old Aigle created a beautiful legend, obviously to please the little girl. Assol believed in this legend and cannot even imagine that the prophecy will not come true. Gray, having fallen in love with a beautiful stranger, makes her dream come true. As a result, an absurd fantasy, divorced from life, becomes part of reality. And this fantasy was realized not by creatures endowed with supernatural abilities, but by the very ordinary people.

Faith in miracles
A dream, according to the author, is the meaning of life. Only she can save a person from the everyday gray routine. But a dream can become a big disappointment for someone who is inactive and for someone who is waiting for the embodiment of their fantasies from the outside, because help “from above” may never arrive.

Gray would never have become a captain if he had remained in his parents' castle. The dream must turn into a goal, and the goal, in turn, into energetic action. Assol did not have the opportunity to take any action to achieve her goal. But she had the most important thing, something that is perhaps more important than action - faith.

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Analysis of the work. A. Green Scarlet Sails

  1. htyjuj
  2. Alexander Stepanovich Green
    Main characters: Assol, Arthur Gray.
    A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails" is filled with dreams of a dazzling event and the joy of the little girl Assol.
    Longren, a former sailor, lived with his daughter Assol on funds from the sale of sailboats and boats he made. His fellow countrymen did not like him. They considered Longren guilty of the death of the innkeeper Menners. He once did not help Longren’s wife, who was trying to save little Assol from hunger. Mary had to go to the city in bad weather to pawn the ring, after which she fell ill and died. This was the reason that Longren, who was on the shore, did not help the drowning innkeeper. This incident deepened the alienation of those around him and created a lasting mutual hatred between him and his daughter. The girl grew up without friends. Indoctrinated by adults, the children chased Assol, threw dirt at her and teased her that her father ate human flesh and was now making counterfeit money. E attempts to get closer ended in bitter crying, bruises and scratches. Finally, she stopped paying attention to slander and insults.
    One day, Assol’s father sent her to the city with goods. While playing, the girl launched a yacht with scarlet sails. The stream picked up the toy and carried it downstream. The little girl ran for a long time, not losing sight of the yacht, but she couldn’t catch up.
    A meeting on the seashore with a collector of legends, songs, fairy tales and tales miraculously changed Assol’s life. The wizard, as Egle called himself, told her that after a while a prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. The girl believed it and told her father about it.

    Arthur Gray was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. He is kind, self-willed and fair. At the age of 20, Arthur fulfilled his dream by purchasing a schooner called Secret. Gray's ship passed through the ocean and ended up not far from Kaperna, the town where Assol lived. One day Gray, walking along the shore, saw a sleeping girl who struck him with her beauty. He put the ring on his finger.
    In the tavern of the deceased Menners, where his son was in charge of business, Gray heard a story about a madwoman who was waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. The coal miner, kicked out of the tavern, told Gray that Assol was not crazy at all. This girl has a rich and interesting inner world. Amazed by the story, the young captain bought scarlet silk and hired musicians. The secret went around the cape off the coast of Kaperna. All the residents gathered on the shore to look at the wonderful ship with scarlet sails. Assol also ran there. Gray met her in a boat moored to the shore. He took the girl, shocked by the fulfillment of the prediction, to the Secret. The next day they were already far from Kaperna.

    What I liked most was the moment when Assol and Gray met.
    But the oar splashed sharply near her; she raised her head. Gray bent down...
    After reading Scarlet Sails, I realized that a fairy tale is needed not only for children, but also for adults. It causes excitement, does not allow you to calm down and always shows new sparkling distances, a different life, it disturbs and makes you passionately desire this life. This captivating book by A. Green is shone through, like the morning sun, with love for life, for spiritual youth and the belief that a person, in a rush to happiness, is capable of performing miracles with his own hands. In this I see the value of this work and the charm that the main character Assol had on me, who managed to carry through a painful existence the gift of a powerful imagination, purity of feelings and a shy smile.

  3. Almost a hundred years ago, Alexander Green wrote a wonderful book, Scarlet Sails. The time was difficult then: the revolution, Civil War, devastation and hunger. But Scarlet Sails - romantic poem, because even in difficult times, people need faith in a dream, in the fact that dreams come true. There is nothing fabulous about Scarlet Sails, real people, real difficulties. The secret of magic is in the “strange flying souls” of the author and his heroes. The dull world remains outside when you know how to love and create a miracle yourself, whether you are a galliot captain, or a writer, or a sensitive reader.
    Check how well you know this book by answering our questions and comparing with our answers and your world will become brighter.
  4. Almost a hundred years ago, Alexander Green wrote a wonderful book, Scarlet Sails. It was a difficult time then: revolution, civil war, devastation and famine. But Scarlet Sails is a romantic poem, because even in difficult times people need faith in a dream, in the fact that dreams come true. There is nothing fabulous about Scarlet Sails, real people, real difficulties. The secret of magic is in the “strange flying souls” of the author and his heroes. The dull world remains outside when you know how to love and create a miracle yourself, whether you are a galliot captain, or a writer, or a sensitive reader.
    Check how well you know this book by answering our questions and comparing with our answers and your world will become brighter.
  5. Arthur Gray was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. He is kind, self-willed and fair. At the age of 20, Arthur fulfilled his dream by purchasing a schooner called Secret. Gray's ship passed through the ocean and ended up not far from Kaperna, the town where Assol lived. One day Gray, walking along the shore, saw a sleeping girl who struck him with her beauty. The wizard, as Egle called himself, told her that after a while a prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. The girl believed it and told her father about it. He once did not help Longren’s wife, who was trying to save little Assol from hunger. Mary had to go to the city in bad weather to pawn the ring, after which she fell ill and died. This was the reason that Longren, who was on the shore, did not help the drowning innkeeper. This incident deepened the alienation of those around him and created a lasting mutual hatred between him and his daughter. The girl grew up without friends. Indoctrinated by adults, the children chased Assol, threw dirt at her and teased her that her father ate human flesh and was now making counterfeit money.
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