List of main characters from the Harry Potter novel series. What is Harry Potter's name? Daniel Radcliffe

His name is Harry Potter, and this is his real name from birth. Him constant problems with the police
the insurance company, the hospitals, and everyone down to the referee of the school football team.
Because no one, no one in the world believes that his name is Harry Potter, and everyone is sure that the guy is just
mocks them. Mr. Potter was born in 1989 - that is, when JK Rowling was still
I didn’t write anything. The boy spent 8 quiet years at school, and then Ms. Rowling published
a book about a magical boy, and normal life Harry Potter is over. Things started to go crazy.
Poor Harry is now forced to constantly carry his passport with him and show it to everyone,
including his own girlfriend.

Now Harry Potter has a girlfriend, 18-year-old Philippa Hall, and they are going to buy their first house. Although with Philippa the poor guy had to go through the full introduction procedure. “When I say my name, no one believes. I have to show people my passport bank card, driver's license to make them believe. I even showed all this to my girlfriend!” Poor boy. I sympathize with the guy with all my heart!

The actor who plays the young wizard is named Daniel Jacob Radcliffe. He was born in 1989, on July 23, in London. The image of Harry Potter is his most famous film work, bringing him fame and fortune. Radcliffe's fortune is estimated at £40 million. In 2004, the London Sunday Times reported that Daniel was the richest English teenager after Prince Harry.

Choosing an actor for the main role

The story of how Daniel came to film set film about Harry Potter, itself looks like a fairy tale. The boy had already made his debut in the film “David Copperfield”, and this work was noticed by him who later directed the first two parts of “Potteriana”. Young actor the director liked it. Daniel's parents initially did not consent to the audition, fearing that the child would suffer mental trauma if he failed. However, the film's producer managed to reach an agreement with the boy's father, Alan Radcliffe. The auditions went brilliantly. JK Rowling herself approved of the choice of the creators of the film and said that meeting Daniel gave her a feeling of reunion with her long-lost son. In August 2000, the whole world learned what Harry Potter would look like on screen and the name of the actor who would play him. Fans of books about the adventures of a young wizard began to look forward to the end of filming.

The success of the picture

Filming of Harry Potter and philosopher's stone"began in September 2000, in November 2001 the film was released. The film was an extraordinary success. Daniel's photographs have graced the pages of the world's most famous publications. About the name of Harry Potter, the boy who played main role, learned on both sides of the Atlantic. Radcliffe became everyone's favorite, and the image he created instantly became a household name. Three days after the debut of the first part film crew began work on the second - the film “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”.

Stunts in the film

The entire team was surprised by Daniel's physical fitness and acting skills. The boy did all the tricks himself. The director trusted the stuntmen only in the most risky scenes. For example, for the Quidditch game, Radcliffe had to be several meters high, tied to a broom, and it didn’t scare him at all. In the following films, the stunts became even more dangerous. Daniel trained for a long time for underwater filming in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Also during filming, the actor had to fall from a height of about 50 pounds. Radcliffe recalls that the wire to which he was tied was descending so quickly that his thoughts could not keep up with the movements of his body. The boy had to endure several takes, after which the process of falling from a height even seemed funny to him. Surely any teenager will correctly answer the question about the name of Harry Potter in real life. Daniel Radcliffe ideally suited for the role of “the boy who lived.”

Animals in the picture

The film featured many animals. Animals play an important role in JK Rowling's fairy tale. The pets of the main characters of the film are especially memorable: the rat Scabbers, the cat Crookshanks and the postal owl Hedwig. Everyone remembers Harry Potter. IN English version her name is Hedwig. Why Russian translators called it Bukleya remains a mystery. Harry's devoted postal owl was played by a spectacular snow-white bird named Gizmo. Daniel Radcliffe always took care of her, carefully moving the cage from place to place so that the owl would not be scared.


"Potteriana" has won the hearts of fans all over the world. The answer to the question of what Harry Potter's name is in real life is known to everyone. The image of the student wizard was perfectly embodied on screen by actor Daniel Radcliffe.

Regulus Black Regulus Arcturus Black - brother Sirius Black, a former Death Eater who betrayed Voldemort. With the help of the house elf Kreacher, Regulus stole Voldemort's horcrux medallion, which lay in a cave on the seashore, which had a large underground lake, and replaced it with a regular medallion. After replacing Regulus, the infernals were pulled under the water. Before this, he ordered Kreacher to take the horcrux and not tell family members about this incident, and when he returned, he was sure to destroy the medallion, which he failed to do. Stan Shunpike Young Wizard. In the third book he is shown as the conductor of the magic bus "Night Knight". Despite the fact that Stan is still young and inexperienced, he always tries to behave like a wizard who has been beaten by life and has seen everything in the world. After Voldemort's return, Stan imprudently began hinting to visitors to the Leaky Cauldron that he knew the plans of the Death Eaters, for which he was arrested and sent to Azkaban. Despite Shunpike’s obvious harmlessness, it is not profitable for the Ministry to let him go - since the arrest of even such a “Death Eater” is better than nothing. Even the intervention of Albus Dumbledore does not help free Stan. At the beginning of the seventh book, Stan Shunpike is free: Voldemort arranged a mass escape of the Death Eaters from Azkaban, and took Stan with him. The Imperius curse was placed on him and he was recruited to participate in the actions of the Devourers.. However, Karkaroff was eventually found by the Death Eaters in a small house in the north and killed. Fenrir Greyback Werewolf, Death Eater. Known for his cruelty and bloodthirstiness. He purposefully infects people with lycanthropy, considering it his life’s work. Prefers to attack children because they are more vulnerable and because they are easier to influence later. Having lost control of himself (or wanting to commit murder), he can bite the victim to death. Despite the fact that Fenrir is a Death Eater, he does not have the Black Mark. During the heyday Dark forces

and Lord Voldemort was frightened by Fenrir to many families, because he could really turn an ordinary family into a family of werewolves. When Remus Lupine was a child, he was bitten by Fenrir, as a result of which Lupine became a werewolf. Fenrir Greyback took part in the attack on Hogwarts (on the day of Dumbledore's assassination) and inflicted severe wounds on Bill Weasley. Bill did not become a werewolf because Fenrir, who bit him, was in human and not wolf form. Participates in the Battle of Hogwarts. The role of Fenrir was played in the film “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” by actor David Legeno. There is an opinion that Do you see the boy in the photo? His name is Harry Potter

, and this is his real name from birth. You can imagine the hell the poor guy is living in now. He has constant problems with the police, the insurance company, hospitals and everyone, even the referee of the school football team. Because no one, no one in the world believes that his name is Harry Potter, and everyone is sure that the guy is just making fun of them. Mr. Potter was born in 1989 - that is, when JK Rowling had not yet written anything. The boy spent 8 quiet years at school, and then Miss Rowling published a book about a magical boy, and Harry Potter’s normal life ended. Abnormality has begun. Poor Harry is now forced to constantly carry his passport with him and show it to everyone, including his own girlfriend. Most the real Harry


Do you see the boy in the photo? His name is Harry Potter, and this is his real name from birth. You can imagine the hell the poor guy is living in now. He has constant problems with the police, the insurance company, hospitals and everyone, even the referee of the school football team. Because no one, no one in the world believes that his name is Harry Potter, and everyone is sure that the guy is just making fun of them. Mr. Potter was born in 1989 - that is, when JK Rowling had not yet written anything. The boy spent 8 quiet years at school, and then Miss Rowling published a book about a magical boy, and Harry Potter’s normal life ended. Abnormality has begun. Poor Harry is now forced to constantly carry his passport with him and show it to everyone, including his own girlfriend.


“People used to think we named him after Prince Charles,” says his mom, Tracy Shaw. - As a child, he even had the nickname “Prince Harry.” I had no idea that the name “Harry Potter” would ever become so popular!” Mr Potter lives in Portsmouth, Hampshire, and wishes that JK Rowling would never use his name for her book.


“At first I thought it would be funny,” admits Harry. - That having the same name as a book hero is great. But now it's like a curse. People's reactions when I tell them my name range from amusement to aggression. People forget that I was actually Harry Potter long before the book came out. When it came out, I was already 9 years old!” The guy continues the plaintive stories. At school, teachers constantly made fun of him. “I can’t even count how many times during all this time I heard the phrase “You are a wizard, Harry.” When Harry Potter grew up, he got a job in a bank. “When I came to get the job, no one could believe that I wrote the truth in the application. Now that I got the job, I'm the only employee in the building who is allowed not to use his full name V telephone conversations. Start a telephone conversation with my name - bad sign: people usually get scared “
Now Harry Potter has a girlfriend, 18-year-old Philippa Hall, and they are going to buy their first house. Although with Philippa the poor guy had to go through the full introduction procedure. “When I say my name, no one believes. I have to show people my passport, bank card, driver’s license for them to believe me. I even showed all this to my girlfriend!” Poor boy. I sympathize with the guy with all my heart!

Do you see the boy in the photo? His name is , and this is his real name from birth. You can imagine the hell the poor guy is living in now. He has constant problems with the police, the insurance company, hospitals and everyone, even the referee of the school football team. Because no one, no one in the world believes that his name is Harry Potter, and everyone is sure that the guy is just making fun of them.

Mr. Potter was born in 1989 - that is, when Joanne Rowling I haven’t written anything yet. The boy spent 8 quiet years at school, and then Miss Rowling published a book about a magical boy, and Harry Potter's normal life ended. Things started to go crazy.

Poor Harry is now forced to constantly carry his passport with him and show it to everyone, including his own girlfriend.

“People used to think we named it after Prince Harry, says the poor fellow’s mother, Tracy Shaw. “As a child, he even had the nickname “Prince Harry.” I had no idea that the name “Harry Potter” would ever become so popular!”

Mr Potter lives in Portsmouth, Hampshire, and wishes JK Rowling had never used his name for a book.

“At first I thought it would be funny,” admits Harry. — That having the same name as a book hero is great. But now it's like a curse. People's reactions when I tell them my name range from amusement to aggression. People forget that I was actually Harry Potter long before the book came out. When it came out, I was already 9 years old!”

The guy continues the plaintive stories. At school, teachers constantly made fun of him. "I can't even count how many times I've heard the phrase 'You're a wizard, Harry.'

When Harry Potter grew up, he got a job in a bank. “When I came to get the job, no one could believe that I wrote the truth in the application. Now that I've gotten the job, I'm the only employee in the building who is allowed not to use his full name on the phone. Starting a telephone conversation with my name is a bad sign: people usually get scared."

Now Harry Potter has a girlfriend, 18 years old Philippa Hall, and they are about to buy their first home. Although with Philippa the poor fellow had to go through the full introduction procedure.

“When I say my name, no one believes me. I have to show people my passport, bank card, driver’s license for them to believe me. I even showed all this to my girlfriend!”

Poor boy. I sympathize with the guy with all my heart!

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