See what “Wholesale trade” is in other dictionaries. Types of wholesale trade and wholesale enterprises

The essence of wholesale trade.

Role and functions wholesale trade .

Exchange form wholesale trade .

The essence and content of procurement work.

Purchasing goods at wholesale fairs and wholesale markets.

Types of wholesale trade enterprises.

Impact of wholesale trade on retail trade.

Types and forms of wholesale trade turnover.

Analysis of sales of goods and serviceswholesale enterprises .

Analysis of plan implementation and dynamics of wholesale trade turnover.

Organizing and regulating - to ensure the rational construction and harmonious functioning of the economic system with the help of impulses that stimulate structural changes.

The macroeconomic functions of wholesale trade are transformed at the micro level into various subfunctions or functions of wholesale trade enterprises, among which are the following:

Economic integration of territories and bridging the spatial gap;

Transformation of production assortment into trade range goods;

Formation of reserves to insure against changes in demand for goods;

Antialiasing prices;


Refinements, bringing goods to the required quality, packaging and packing;

Lending to its clients, especially small retail enterprises;

Development market relations contributes to the emergence of new elements in the activities of wholesale enterprises, providing a variety of management and consulting services to its clients.

The functions of wholesale trade can also be divided into two types:

Traditional - mainly organizational and technical (wholesale purchase and sale, warehousing and storage of inventories, transformation of the range of goods, their transportation);

New ones arising under the influence of market developments.

The wholesale purchase and sale company has been one of the most important functions of wholesale trade since process social division of labor, it became isolated into an independent sub-sector of trade. When contacting product manufacturers, wholesalers Intermediaries act as representatives of demand, offering the product to customers, they act on behalf of producers.

Wholesale enterprises organize the delivery of goods to various regions of the country, thanks to which the territorial division of labor is improved. The transport function is manifested when goods are delivered from the enterprise’s warehouses to the retail network or to off-market consumers in their region.

Historically process development of the commercial economy contributed to the separation of sulfur circulation and the allocation of intermediary agents in it industries- wholesale and retail. Wholesale precedes retail; as a result of wholesale sales, goods do not pass into the sphere of personal consumption, they either enter industrial consumption or are purchased by retail trade for sale to the public. Thus, wholesale trade turnover represents the total volume of sales of goods to manufacturing and trading enterprises, as well as Intermediaries other commercial enterprises and legal entities. persons for subsequent sale to the population or for industrial consumption.

The functions of wholesale trade can be divided into two types: traditional - mainly organizational and technical (wholesale purchase and sale, warehousing and storage of inventories, transformation of the range of goods, their transportation) and new ones that arise under the influence of market development.

The specialization of wholesale trade in performing the contact function (connection between the product manufacturer and the buyer) provides significant savings in distribution costs, which leads to a reduction in the number of contacts. As a result (i.e.), it saves time, since it is freed from purchasing from many manufacturers, and reduces material costs associated with storage, formation of a product range and their delivery.

One of the main functions of wholesale trade workers is to purchase goods.

Basic forms of wholesale trade. Wholesale trade is a form of relations between enterprises and organizations in which economic ties for the supply of products are formed by the parties independently.

It influences the system of economic relations between regions and industries, determines the routes for the movement of goods in the country, due to which the territorial division of labor is carried out, and proportionality in the development of regions is achieved

Currently, wholesale trade has the main forms:

transit, when the wholesale base sells goods without delivery to its warehouses, directly to the end user;

warehouse, when goods are sold directly from their warehouses.

The result of these forms of sales is wholesale transit turnover and warehouse turnover, which accounts for more specific gravity. Transit trade turnover is divided into:

Trade turnover with participation in settlements. The trading organization pays the supplier the cost of the shipped product, which it then receives from its customers.

Supplier turnover without participation in settlements. The Supplier submits an invoice directly to the Buyer for Payment.

With the Transit Supplier Firm, the supplier base performs an intermediary role between Suppliers and recipients for a fee.

At the same time, it concludes contracts with the Supplier and semi-suppliers and monitors the implementation of contracts. The labor intensity of transit turnover by the supplier is lower than warehouse turnover, therefore, with relatively high markups, it is beneficial for wholesale warehouses. The justification for the transit shipment of goods is an order, which is issued to wholesale enterprises and addressed to a specific manufacturer, and a copy is sent to the address of the Buyer of the client base.

In the warehouse form of Trade, the following methods of wholesale sales of goods from a warehouse are used:

Personal selection of goods by buyers is practiced for Trade Items of a complex assortment (cars, furs, the latest models of sewing Trade Items, furniture), when a choice is needed taking into account color, model, pattern.

Sale of goods through mobile rooms of product samples, which are equipped in the bodies of cars, equipped with drawers, display cases with samples, advertising albums, catalogs, business cards, on the basis of which the merchandiser fills out applications for the delivery of goods to customers.

Sale of goods through vehicle warehouses, which are loaded with Goods at the base and, leaving on schedule, release the Goods to stores.

Modern commodity Exchanges on the Russian Market cannot be identified with modern Exchanges in the West. In the Russian Federation, the volume of all products sold on exchanges in total volume production on January 1, 1996 was about 2%, and in the leading capitalist countries of the world - 42%, respectively.

Traits Exchange trading:

Regularity of resumption of exchange Bidding, their high level of organization, subordination Exchange trading established rules, conducting trading at a strictly designated time and place.

For the Stock Exchange Trading Firm, a lot of preliminary work is being done to establish standards for Goods, their interchangeability, develop standard contracts, price quotation, advertising and information activities, and others.

Trading on the exchange is carried out in mass homogeneous Goods, qualitatively comparable, individual Political party which should be interchangeable. In the Trading Process, minimum Quantities of goods sold are established.

Trading on the stock exchange is regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Exchanges and Trading on the Stock Exchange”. Current volumes of trading on the exchange increase the share of monetary resources and Securities by reducing the share of raw materials, materials and goods. Domestic futures trading in currency contracts is gaining momentum, Securities. In Ukraine, contracts are just being formed and are being initial stage of its development.

Sharp with contracts existing commodity and equity markets in Russian Federation, contracting is a normal and positive phenomenon leading to the establishment of genuine trading on the stock exchange.

The efficiency of Wholesale Trade is characterized by the quantity and quality of services provided by the Wholesale Enterprise to its clients - buyers and Suppliers of goods. Based on their functional purpose, the following main sets of services are distinguished:

Technical - storage, supplier, labeling, freight forwarding services, etc.;

Organizational and advisory - consultations on issues of assortment and suppliers of goods, operation of Trade Items, Firms Retail sales, demand study, etc.

Services provided by a wholesale enterprise to its customers, as a rule, must be paid. Specific Sizes Payments services should be specified in contracts concluded between the wholesale enterprise and clients.

The essence and content of the procurement work

Procurement Work is the basis commercial activities in trade. Essentially, commercial work begins with it. To sell the Product to the Buyer and receive it, you must have the Product. Main function commodity circulation boils down to a change in the form of Value according to the formula M-T and C"-M".

The formula reveals the essence of commercial work in Trade - having a certain amount of money, he purchases a Product, which he then sells into money with some increment. Based on the main function of commodity circulation, we can conclude that commercial Work in Trade begins with the purchase of goods for the purpose of their subsequent Sale.

By their economic nature, purchases represent wholesale or small-scale trade turnover carried out by subjects of trading activities for the purpose of subsequent resale of purchased goods.

Properly organized wholesale purchases make it possible to form the necessary trading range of goods to supply the population or retail chain, to influence manufacturers of goods in accordance with the requirements of consumer demand, and ensure the effective operation of a trading enterprise.

In a market economy, procurement technology in Ukraine has undergone fundamental changes.

To replace the stock distribution of goods with planned centralized system economic management, a system of centralized attachment of buyers to Suppliers, fixed state Prices, inequality of economic entities, strict regulation of the supply of goods, lack of independence, initiative, enterprise of commercial workers, the era of free Market relations which are characterized by: freedom to choose a partner, a counterparty for the purchase of goods; multiple sources of procurement (Suppliers); equality of partners; self-regulation of Goods Supply Processes; freedom Pricing; Competition between suppliers and buyers; economic responsibility of the parties; initiative, independence and enterprise of the merchant in purchasing goods.

supplier Work on the wholesale purchase of goods consists of the following stages: studying and forecasting consumer demand; identification and study of sources of receipt and suppliers of goods; Company of rational economic ties with Suppliers of goods, including the development and conclusion of Supply contracts, provision of orders and applications to Suppliers; Company of accounting and counter-supplier purchases.

Commercial Work on wholesale purchases of goods in market conditions should be based on the principles of modern Market analysis. Using methods Market analysis commercial workers, executives, managers of trade enterprises receive necessary information about what Trade Items Consumers want to buy and why, about the Prices that Consumers are willing to pay, about in which regions Demand on Data The item of trade is highest, where sales or purchase of products can bring the greatest Profit.

Studying and forecasting consumer demand is a necessary marketing condition for conducting successful commercial work on the procurement of goods. Marketing science has developed a whole arsenal of tools and methods for studying and forecasting consumer demand that must be used in wholesale purchasing companies. Therefore, wholesale purchases should begin with a study of demand, customer needs for Products, purchasing intentions and other factors that shape Demand . Wholesale bases, being trading enterprises and serving a certain territorial-economic region, study mainly the volume of consumer demand for certain types of goods and, in some cases, the assortment structure of demand. For this purpose, wholesale enterprises use various methods for studying and forecasting demand. These methods include operational accounting of sales of goods and movement of inventory for the past Period, studying and summarizing applications and orders of retail trade enterprises for the need and supply of goods, recording and analyzing the unsatisfied demand of wholesale buyers, holding assortment and market meetings with buyers of goods, etc.

To carry out work on studying and forecasting demand at large and medium-sized trading enterprises, marketing services (departments) are created, one of the main functions of which is to study both the total volume of demand (Market capacity) and the intra-group structure of demand for purchased Goods.

To successfully carry out commercial operations for the purchase of goods, wholesale centers must systematically identify and study sources of purchases and suppliers of goods. Commercial workers must have a thorough knowledge of their economic region and its natural resources, agriculture, production capabilities and the range of Trade Items produced in industrial enterprises. suppliersAn important role in commercial work allocated to the search for additional resources from local raw materials, products of cooperative industry, subsidiary farms, individual products labor activity. The commercial apparatus of wholesale bases must identify opportunities for the development of new types of production and restoration of old forgotten crafts, especially artistic ones, keep records and routinely study specific Suppliers, identify and register manufacturers of goods not yet connected by contractual relations with the base, prepare Offers on issues of increasing the production of necessary goods, expanding the range, and improving quality.

Commercial workers must visit manufacturing enterprises in order to familiarize themselves with the production capabilities of the Enterprise, the volume and quality of products, and also participate in meetings with Industry workers, exhibitions and viewings of new samples of Trade Items, and wholesale fairs.

Commercial workers need to constantly monitor advertisements in the media, prospectuses, and catalogues. The formation of commodity resources is the subject permanent work trading apparatus of wholesale warehouses. In market conditions, the forms and methods of this Work have undergone significant changes. The main changes are that the methods of centralized distribution of commodity resources have been replaced by the market practice of free purchase and sale of goods at Demand and Supply Prices. Therefore, the commercial initiative of sales workers to involve maximum commodity resources in trade turnover in order to obtain the necessary Arrived must be combined with concern for end customers, taking into account their solvency, preventing unjustified price increases, and providing the population with the opportunity to purchase Goods at affordable Prices.

height="354" src="/pictures/investments/img238003_4-2_Marketing_optovoy_torgovli.jpg" title="4.2 Marketing of wholesale trade" width="257"> !}

Sources of goods supply include branches of the national economy that produce various goods consumer consumption(Agroindustrial complex, light industry, mechanical engineering). Suppliers of goods include specific enterprises from various sources of income, i.e. certain branches of the national economy, various spheres of production and economic activity that produce goods and services.

Taking into account the variety of suppliers, suppliers of goods can be classified into different groups according to various criteria.

In a generalized form, all Suppliers of goods can be divided into two categories: supplier-manufacturers and suppliers-intermediaries, purchasing goods from their manufacturers and selling them to wholesale buyers.

Supplier-intermediaries can be wholesale suppliers at the national, regional level of various product ranges (specializations), which form the basis of the wholesale structure system in the consumer Market, wholesale intermediaries (distributors, broker enterprises, agent enterprises, dealers), as well as organizers of wholesale turnover (wholesale fairs , auctions, commodity, wholesale and small wholesale Markets, warehouse stores).

Wholesale intermediaries in a market economy acquire independent importance in the field of purchasing activities.

Distributor - A company that carries out sales on the basis of wholesale purchases from large industrial manufacturers of finished products. This is a relatively large Company that has its own warehouses and establishes long-term contractual relationships with industrialists.


Wholesale trade is part of the market for goods and services, i.e. consumer market. Historically, it was the consumer market that initially emerged. These are commodity exchanges, many other forms of wholesale and retail trade, marketing and marketing organizations, etc. Historically, developing and improving as objective economic conditions matured, markets for production factors were separated from the market for goods and services. This made markets more expedient and rational, more specialized, and therefore more perfect.

Relevance of the topic course work"Organization of wholesale trade" is that modern stage economic development, in conditions of already relatively established economic ties and competitive environment, it becomes relevant not only the general improvement of existing technologies for organizing wholesale trade, but also the introduction of new methods for promoting goods for the economy.

Wholesale trade as a market for intermediate sellers expresses the totality of economic relations between individuals and organizations purchasing goods for resale or renting them to other consumers for their own benefit. The use of intermediaries is mainly due to their unmatched effectiveness in making a product widely available and reaching its target markets. Because of their contacts, experience, specialization, and scope of operations, wholesalers offer a firm more than it would normally be able to do alone.

The subject of the study is the process of organizing wholesale trade. The object of the study was the enterprise OJSC “Adygeyaturist”.

The purpose of the course work is to study the organization of the wholesale trade market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Define the meaning of wholesale trade;

Study the functions performed by wholesale trade;

Familiarize yourself with the types of wholesale trade enterprises;

Research the marketing decisions of the wholesaler;

Complete an individual task.

Research methods:



Survey method;


The research used the works of famous Russian economists and marketers, such as S.N. Vinogradova, G.Ya. Goldstein, A.N. Romanov, A.P. Gradov, R.A. Fatkhutdinov, V.M. Tarasevits, Z.A. Utkin, A.P. Durovich and others, and also used the results of research by foreign economists M. Porter, F. Kotler, M. MacDonald, J.Zh. Lambin, A. Diana and others.


The main participants in the commodity market - manufacturers, intermediaries, consumers of products - must be equal partners, which is manifested in such a form of commodity relations as wholesale trade, which can actively regulate the accumulation and movement of products in time and space. Wholesale trade is a form of relations between enterprises and organizations in which economic ties for the supply of products are formed by the parties independently. It influences the system of economic relations between regions and industries, determines the routes for the movement of goods in the country, thereby improving the territorial division of labor and achieving proportionality in the development of regions. For a rational distribution of the trading environment, wholesale trade must have specific data on the current state and future changes in situations in regional and industry markets.

Historically, the process of development of the commodity economy contributed to the isolation of the sphere of circulation and the identification of intermediary industries in it - wholesale and retail trade. Wholesale trade precedes retail trade; as a result of wholesale trade, goods do not pass into the sphere of personal consumption, they either enter industrial consumption or are purchased by retail trade for sale to the public. Thus, wholesale trade turnover represents the total volume of sales of goods to manufacturing and trading enterprises, as well as intermediaries to other trading enterprises and legal entities for subsequent sale to the population or for industrial consumption. Wholesale trade includes any activity of selling goods and services to those who purchase them for resale or professional use. Wholesalers differ from retailers in the following ways:

The wholesaler pays less attention to incentives, store atmosphere and location of his outlet;

The wholesaler deals primarily with professional clients rather than end consumers;

Wholesale transactions are usually larger in volume than retail transactions;

The trading area of ​​a wholesaler is usually much larger than that of a retailer;

Legal regulations and tax policies for wholesalers and retailers differ.

Wholesale trade provides services to goods manufacturers and retailers. As a result of its activities, the product moves closer to the consumer, but does not yet fall into the sphere of personal consumption.

The most important task of wholesale trade is to systematically regulate product supply in accordance with demand. The objective opportunity to successfully solve this problem is due to the intermediate position of wholesale trade: it concentrates a significant part of commodity resources, which allows us not to be limited to passive operations, but to actively influence the sphere of production, retail trade and, through it, the sphere of consumption. Wholesale trade, like no other link associated with the sale of goods, is capable of actively regulating regional and industry markets through the accumulation and movement of goods. This area of ​​work should occupy a decisive place in all its activities. Wholesale enterprises are called upon to improve the chain of goods distribution, develop centralized supply and circular delivery of goods. Currently, along with the positive aspects, there are significant shortcomings in the activities of wholesale enterprises. Frequently, delivery deadlines for goods are not met, and contractual obligations regarding the volume, range and quality of goods supplied are violated.

The efficiency of the functioning of the entire national economic complex, the balance of the domestic market, and the satisfaction of the growing needs of people largely depend on the work of wholesale trade. Under the new economic conditions, the scope of wholesale trade will be significantly expanded. The strengthening role of commodity-money relations is associated not only with the development of wholesale trade in consumer goods, but also with the transition to wholesale trade in means of production. These two forms become the most important channels for the systematic movement of material, technical and commodity resources. Wholesalers ensure efficiency in the trading process. For a small producer with limited financial resources unable to create and maintain a direct marketing organization. Even with sufficient capital, the manufacturer prefers to allocate funds to the development of its own production rather than to organizing wholesale trade. The efficiency of wholesalers is almost always higher due to the scope of operations, a greater number of business contacts in the field retail sales and the availability of special knowledge and skills. Retailers dealing in a wide range of products usually prefer to purchase the entire range of products from one wholesaler rather than buying parts from different manufacturers. Wholesale trade connects almost all sectors of the economy, all enterprises and organizations engaged in material production and commodity circulation. It includes the stages of promoting goods from manufacturers to retail enterprises, and in the case of trade in products for industrial and technical purposes - directly to consumer enterprises. The following forms of wholesale trade exist:

Direct connections between manufacturers and buyers;

Through intermediary organizations and enterprises; commercial contacts of market entities.

Direct connections in economic relations between producers and buyers of goods are practiced during transit (wagonload) deliveries of a consignment of products.

Economic ties for the supply of products can be short-term, up to a year, or long-term. A rapid change in the range of products, high rates of updating its product range, and the one-time nature of consumption require short-term economic ties, but in most cases long-term ties are more economically feasible. In case of long-term economic relations, the supplier and the buyer are given the right to determine the nomenclature and types, delivery times, quality of supplied products, financial responsibility and financial remuneration for fulfilling delivery conditions. Such connections provide the parties with direct contact, allow them to coordinate the frequency of delivery, and reduce the time for agreeing on assortment conditions and additional technical requirements. Consumers can encourage manufacturers to produce high-quality products, and manufacturers interested in selling products can provide various assistance and services to consumers.

The organization of direct long-term economic relations allows:

Release the parties from the annual drawing up of a supply agreement (the agreement is drawn up for several years);

Periodically adjust the assortment and quarterly delivery times;

To develop technology for manufacturing products and thereby improve their quality;

Coordinate production schedules with interested other enterprises;

Reduce deadlines for submitting specifications;

Reduce document flow in the circulation area.

Wholesale trade through intermediary organizations and enterprises (wholesale stores and bases, small wholesale and brand stores etc.) is appropriate for buyers purchasing products on a one-time basis or in volumes less than transit standards.

Having warehouse space, warehouse technological equipment (racks, containers, bunkers, tanks, etc.) and lifting and transport equipment (loaders, cranes, conveyors, etc.), intermediary enterprises organize the acceptance, sorting, storage, and release of goods to customers. In addition, these enterprises provide customers with various services (product preparation and consumption, commercial and information, transport, freight forwarding, leasing, etc.).

Commercial contacts of market entities are of several types.

a) Direct exchange of goods - barter transactions. In this case, agreements are used for the supply of a specific type of product from one enterprise to another, and vice versa. In barter transactions, as a rule, there is an exchange in kind. During the sale of goods, competitive bidding may be scheduled, with sellers determining the terms of trade, giving characteristics of the product or service in in writing. The buyer, having studied the offers, chooses the best in his opinion.

b) Auction trade is becoming widespread, in which the seller, in order to obtain the greatest profit, uses the competition of buyers present at the sale. An auction sale can be carried out by a seller or an intermediary organization specializing in this type of trade. The auction offers goods both in large quantities (wholesale trade) and individual items (retail trade). Public auctions are held at a predetermined time in special place. Organizing an auction includes preparation, inspection of goods by potential buyers, the auction itself, registration and execution of auction transactions.

c) The commodity exchange plays a significant role in wholesale trade.

On the stock exchange, goods are sold without inspection, trade transactions are not concluded. Commodity exchanges carry out the purchase and sale not of goods as such, but of contracts for their supply. At the same time, there is a free purchase and sale of contracts (the buyer is free to independently choose the seller, and the seller is free to choose the buyer). Transactions are concluded only by professional intermediaries - brokers. Basic market prices are set by stock exchange quotes and are formed under the influence of real supply and demand relationships. The buyer gives the broker an instruction to carry out an exchange transaction, which specifies a specific product, its delivery time, and price.

d) The opportunity to establish commercial contacts between the manufacturer and potential buyers is created by wholesale fairs. The wholesale purpose of fairs is to establish direct business contacts between market entities (product manufacturers, intermediaries, buyers) interested in the sale and purchase of specific commercial products.

Introduction 3

1 The essence and functions of wholesale trade 4

2 Basic forms of wholesale trade 6

3 Types of wholesale trade enterprises in the global economy. Classification of wholesalers 7

Conclusion 13

References 14


Wholesale trade covers the entire range of commodity resources, which are both means of production and consumer goods.

In wholesale trade, goods are purchased in large quantities. Wholesale trade allows manufacturers, with the help of intermediaries, to sell goods with minimal direct contracts with consumers. In the commodity market, wholesale trade is an active part of the sphere of circulation.

It influences the system of economic relations between regions and industries, determines the routes for the movement of goods in the country, due to which the territorial division of labor is carried out, and proportionality in the development of regions is achieved.

At the present stage in the Russian economy, wholesale trade is important. It is wholesale trade that forces our manufacturers to improve the quality of domestic goods to gain a strong place in both the domestic and foreign markets.

It would seem that manufacturers could bypass wholesalers and sell products to retailers or end consumers. But wholesalers provide greater efficiency in the trading process. Retailers dealing with a wide range of goods prefer to purchase the entire set from one wholesaler rather than in parts from different manufacturers. IN last years wholesale trade has increased significantly. This was facilitated by trends in the economy, namely: the growth of mass production at large enterprises remote from the main users of finished products; increase in production volumes for future use; increasing the number of levels of intermediate producers and consumers; increasing need to adapt goods to the needs of intermediate and final consumers in terms of quantity, quality, varieties and packaging.

All of the above allows us to conclude that companies engaged in wholesale trade need clear management of their activities.

1 The essence and functions of wholesale trade

Wholesale trade – This is a business activity carried out on the domestic, usually organized wholesale market through transactions for the acquisition or disposal of batches of homogeneous goods intended for the continuation of business activities until they are delivered to the final consumer. An optional feature of wholesale trade is the presence of organized wholesale markets (wholesale stores, exchanges, fairs, etc.).

Wholesale trade differs from retail trade in a number of characteristics. First, the wholesaler pays less attention to the incentive, atmosphere and location of his sales establishment, since he deals primarily with professional clients rather than with final consumers. Secondly, wholesale transactions are usually larger in volume than retail transactions, and the wholesaler's trading area is usually larger than that of the retailer. Third, with regard to legal regulations and taxes, the government approaches wholesalers and retailers from different perspectives.

Wholesale trade is not just an intermediary between production and retail trade enterprises - it must act as an active organizer in relation to both production and retail trade. The state and improvement of the entire trade largely depends on the activities of wholesale trade.

With the help of wholesalers, you can perform the following functions more efficiently:

Product sales promotion. Wholesalers have a sales force that helps a manufacturer reach many small customers at a relatively low cost. The wholesaler has more business connections. The buyer, as a rule, trusts the wholesaler more than some distant manufacturer;

Procurement and formation of product assortment. The wholesaler can select the product and form the necessary product range, saving the client from significant hassle;

Breaking down large batches into small ones. Wholesalers provide customers with significant cost savings by purchasing goods by the wagonload, breaking large quantities into small ones;

Warehousing. Wholesalers store inventory, thereby helping to reduce related costs for suppliers and consumers;

Transportation. Wholesalers provide faster delivery of goods. They are closer to customers than product manufacturers;

Financing. Wholesalers finance their customers by providing credit to them, and at the same time to suppliers, issue orders in advance and pay bills on time;

Taking risks. By taking ownership of the goods and bearing the costs of theft, damage, deterioration and obsolescence, wholesalers simultaneously take on part of the risk;

Providing market information. Wholesalers provide their suppliers and clients with information about the activities of competitors, new products, price dynamics, etc.;

Management services, consulting services. A wholesaler helps retailers improve their operations by participating in store layout design, product display, salesperson training, and accounting and inventory management.

2 Main forms of wholesale trade

Currently, wholesale trade has 2 main forms:

· transit, when the wholesale base sells goods without delivery to its warehouses, directly to the end user;

· warehouse, when goods are sold directly from their warehouses.

The type of turnover - warehouse or transit - is chosen (agreed) by the wholesale enterprise when concluding supply agreements with customers. In this case, the following main factors must be taken into account: greater specific gravity; seasonality of production and consumption of goods; the complexity of the range of goods and the need for their preliminary preparation; provision of warehouse space; development of direct contractual relations between production, retail trade and non-market consumers.

When organizing transit turnover, the wholesale base plays an intermediary role between suppliers and recipients for a fee.

At the same time, it concludes contracts with the supplier and recipient of products and monitors the implementation of contracts.

In the warehouse form of trade, the following methods of wholesale sales of goods from a warehouse are used:

1. Personal selection of goods by buyers, practiced for products of a complex assortment (cars, furs, the latest models of garments, furniture, etc.), when a choice is needed taking into account color, model, pattern.

2. Sale of goods through truck warehouses, which are loaded with goods at the base and, leaving on schedule, release the goods to stores.

4. Mail order trade, provides the population in the form of individual or retail trade through small wholesale mail order stores.

5. Selection of goods in accordance with applications, orders submitted in writing, by telephone, telegraph, fax from consumers.

6. Involving numerous sales agents or traveling salesmen when forming a portfolio of orders.

3 Types of wholesale trade enterprises in the global economy

All wholesalers can be divided into four groups:

1. Wholesalers-merchants 2. Brokers and agents 3. Wholesale branches and manufacturers' offices 4. Various specialized wholesalers
Full service wholesalers: Wholesale traders Distributors of industrial goods Limited Service Wholesalers: Wholesalers trading for cash without delivery of goods Wholesalers-traveling salesmen Wholesalers-organizers Wholesalers-exporters Agricultural production cooperatives Wholesalers-postal traders Brokers Agents Sales departments and offices Purchasing offices Wholesalers-buyers of agricultural products Wholesale oil depots Wholesalers-auctioneers

WHOLESALERS-MERCHANTS are independent commercial enterprises who acquire ownership of all goods with which they deal. IN different areas The activities of merchant wholesalers are called differently: wholesale companies, distributors, supply houses. Merchant wholesalers come in two varieties: full-service and limited-service.

FULL SERVICE CYCLE WHOLESALERS provide the following services: storage inventory; provision of sellers; lending; ensuring delivery of goods and providing management assistance. By nature, they are either wholesalers or distributors of industrial goods. Wholesalers trade primarily with retailers, providing them with a full range of services. They differ from each other mainly in the breadth of their product range.

Mixed product wholesalers handle multiple product groups to meet both the needs of retailers with a broad mixed product line and retailers with a highly specialized product line. Wholesalers of a narrow, rich assortment deal with one or two assortment groups of goods with a much greater depth of this assortment, for example, technical goods, medicines, and clothing. Highly specialized wholesalers deal only with part of a particular assortment group of goods, covering it to great depth. As an example, we can point to wholesalers of medical nutrition products, spare parts for cars, and seafood. Wholesalers in this case provide their customers with more full opportunity choice.

Organization of wholesale trade


Russia's transition to a market economy necessitates fundamental changes in the activities of all sectors of the country's national economy. Of particular importance is the formation of an adequate market model of the economic mechanism of the sphere of circulation and services, since it is trade, being the final link in the economic activity of market entities, that ensures the effective satisfaction of the demands and needs of consumers.

Solving this important task requires from trade not only efforts related to the realization of production value, but also the implementation of a complex set of measures to ensure the promotion of goods from producers to consumers.

Trade, a vast area of ​​entrepreneurial activity and the sphere of application of labor, has received new development impulses in recent years, significantly expanding the “field and rules of the game” in the economy of the transition period. Among the main areas of commercial intermediary activity, wholesale trade comes to the fore. This work is the main form of expressing the essence of commercial intermediary activity, contributing to the active regulation of the processes of movement and accumulation of products in space and time. Wholesale trade, being the most important link in free interaction between participants in the act of purchase and sale, implements this act in large volumes and large quantities of goods.

The concept of wholesale trade and its essence throughout the entire period of development of economic theory has been the subject of influence and study. Opinions on this matter between representatives of science and practitioners do not differ too much, at least on key positions.

At the present stage in the Russian economy, wholesale trade is important. It is wholesale trade that is an active conductor of domestically produced goods and a fairly large mass of foreign goods to the domestic market. It is wholesale trade that forces our manufacturers to improve the quality of domestic goods to gain a strong place in both the domestic and foreign markets.

Thus, the importance of this area of ​​the enterprise’s activity does not require special proof, since the role and importance of wholesale trade is clear to any entrepreneur. It should be emphasized the relevance of the issue of the role and purpose of wholesale trade, which are most clearly visible when considering its functions.

In recent years, there have been noticeable changes in the structure of the wholesale market. Thus, the share of former state wholesale intermediary organizations has decreased significantly and continues to decrease; At the same time, the share of new intermediary structures has increased significantly. The tendency of domestic firms to enter complex consumer markets in neighboring regions is increasingly evident.

In this regard, the current dynamics of the development of wholesale trade in perfect conditions and the prospects for its development are of particular interest.

The transition to market relations in the Russian economy creates new conditions and expands the capabilities of the enterprise as the main link.

Economic freedom as a condition and consequence of market relations places higher demands on the level of management and economic activity enterprises. Knowledge of the economic and economic fundamentals of the functioning of an enterprise will allow you to correctly build a management system. See the prospects for its development.

There is a need for an economic analysis of the enterprise’s performance indicators: turnover, gross income, distribution costs, balance sheet profit. Of all the listed indicators, wholesale trade turnover has special significance and specificity. In market conditions, the specificity of the economic analysis of a wholesale enterprise is due to the fact that the main attention in the analysis is transferred to wholesale enterprises.

The options for economic analysis of the wholesale trade turnover of an enterprise are quite diverse and require more detailed study.

Any enterprise in a market environment constantly plans its activities. A wholesale enterprise is engaged in forecasting the value of the main indicators of its activities - profit, sales, costs and others. Due to this topical issue becomes a methodology and approaches for calculating economic indicators for the activities of a wholesale enterprise, features of their analysis and planning.

As you can see, the range of studying issues of organization and wholesale trade is quite wide and is of both theoretical and practical interest. This is precisely the purpose of this scientific work, that is, the study of the theoretical, methodological, methodological foundations of organizing a wholesale enterprise, and practical work enterprises selling goods and other aspects of commercial activity.

The object of the study is the activities of the Limited Liability Company "Rial - Plus".

To achieve this goal, an attempt was made to:

- theoretically show the need for wholesale trade at the present stage, reveal the main categories and concepts on this issue;

- in analytical terms - to give an organizational and economic characteristic of the object under study, to analyze the financial and economic state of the enterprise, to carry out work on the economic analysis of wholesale trade turnover;

- in terms of recommendations – conduct an analysis, economic justification proposed measures to improve the activities of the enterprise, identify the main reserves for increasing wholesale trade turnover.

1 The essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of wholesale trade

1.1. The role and purpose of wholesale trade in the distribution of goods

The historical process of development of the commodity economy contributed to the isolation of the sphere of circulation and the identification of intermediary industries in it - wholesale and retail trade. Wholesale trade precedes retail trade; as a result of wholesale trade, goods do not pass into the sphere of personal consumption, they either enter industrial consumption or are purchased by retail trade for sale to the public. The concept of wholesale trade and its essence throughout the entire period of development of economic theory has been the subject of research and study.

Thus, some researchers propose to separate the interpretation of this phenomenon in a broad and narrow sense.

An expanded interpretation means that the buyer purchases the goods not for his own consumption, but for further processing or resale for the purpose of making a profit. A narrow interpretation is associated with the activities of special commodity enterprises of internal trade, with the participation of which an act of exchange is carried out between the seller and the buyer. Wholesale trade, being the most important link in free interaction between participants in the act of purchase and sale, implements this act in large volumes, in large quantities of goods.

Another part of the scientists, in particular, Professor A. V. Zyryanov, proposes to consider wholesale trade in relation to the macroeconomics and microlevel of the economy. The macroeconomic aspect of organizing wholesale trade involves:

- study of the intra-industry composition of the sphere of circulation;

- analysis of the species composition and structure of wholesale enterprises in various sectors of the economy.

Microeconomic analysis of wholesale trade covers the study of issues of internal organization of wholesale firms and enterprises.

Wholesale trade occupies an important place in the economy of market states, as it has a number of advantages for manufacturers:

a) delivers goods without significantly changing them appearance– processors, resale agents and large consumers;

b) relieves the manufacturer’s sales authorities, since there is no need to prepare a multitude of invoices, invoices, accounting documents and letters and other documentation;

c) costs associated with selling products are reduced, since instead of a large number of small retailers, deliveries are made to a small list of large wholesalers.

Thus, wholesale trade turnover represents the total volume of sales of goods by manufacturing and trading enterprises, as well as intermediaries to other enterprises and legal entities for subsequent sale to the population or for industrial consumption.

The role and purpose of wholesale trade are most clearly visible when considering its functions.

At the macro level, wholesale trade performs various market functions:

1. integrating - to ensure relationships between manufacturing partners, sellers and buyers - to find optimal distribution channels for products;

2. evaluative – by determining the level of socially necessary labor costs through pricing;

3. organizing and regulating - to ensure the rational construction and harmonious functioning of the economic system with the help of impulses that stimulate structural changes.

The microeconomic functions of wholesale trade are transformed at the micro level into various subfunctions or functions of wholesale trade enterprises. Among them are the following:

- the function of economic integration of territories and bridging the spatial gap;

- the function of converting the production assortment into a trade assortment of goods;

- function of forming inventories to insure against changes in demand for goods;

- price smoothing function;

- storage function;

- function of finishing, bringing the goods to the required quality, packaging and packing;

- function of lending to its clients, especially small retail enterprises;

- function marketing research market and advertising.

The functions of wholesale trade can also be divided into two types: traditional - mainly organizational and technical (organization of wholesale purchase and sale, warehousing, storage of inventories, transformation of the range of goods, their transportation) and new ones - arising under the influence of market development. The development of market relations contributes to the emergence of new elements in the activities of wholesale enterprises. For example, providing a variety of management and consulting services to its clients. The list of specialized services includes consultations on the operation of goods, especially technically complex ones, their repair and warranty service.

The organization of wholesale purchase and sale has been one of the most important functions of wholesale trade since, in the process of the social division of labor, it became an independent sub-sector of trade. When contacting product manufacturers, wholesale intermediaries act as representatives of demand, and when offering goods to customers, they act on behalf of manufacturers.

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