The most common surname in Vietnam. Vietnamese name

A Vietnamese name usually consists of three parts: surname, middle name, and given name. For example, Nguyễn Kim Liên.
1) Vietnamese surnames traditionally coincide with the surnames of the ruling dynasties. Those. During the Lý dynasty, this surname became most popular. It is logical that about 40% of Vietnamese bear the surname Nguyễn from the last imperial dynasty.
Below is a list of the 14 most common surnames in Vietnam. Together they make up 90% of Vietnamese surnames.
Surnames are given with their Chinese equivalents and the number of speakers as a percentage:

Nguyen - Nguyễn阮 (38.4%)
Chan - Trần陳 (11%)
Le - Lê 黎 (9.5%)
Pham - Phạm 范 (7.1%)
Huynh/Hoang - Huỳnh/Hoàng 黃 (5.1%)
Fan - Phan 潘 (4.5%)
Vu/Vo - Vũ/Võ 武 (3.9%)
Dang - Đặng 鄧(2.1%)
Buoy - Bùi 裴 (2%)
Do - Đỗ杜 (1.4%)
Ho - Hồ胡 (1.3%)
Ngo - Ngô 吳 (1.3%)
Duong - Dương 楊 (1%)
Li - Lý 李 (0.5%)

Among another 10% of surnames, if desired, you can distinguish those that belong to the Chinese and those that belong to the rest of the small nations living in Vietnam. Although, most often Chinese surnames are not recognized as alien, because can be inherited by distant ancestor, and now belong to a family of purebred Vietnamese.

2) The middle name serves two functions:
First, it exists to avoid confusion. It is not always possible to determine the gender of a person by his first and last name. In this case, the middle name Văn makes us understand that we're talking about about a man, and the middle name Thị, which is about a woman.
Secondly, the middle name serves to form a beautiful phrase in combination with the name itself. For example, if you add the middle name Kim to the name Yễ́n, you get Kim Yến - golden swallow. The main thing is that these names are combined, and a beautiful (most often also having additional significance in the literary and cultural aspect) image is obtained.

3) There are a lot of options for the name itself. Most often, the middle name and the given name can be expressed in one word. For example, Ngọc Minh - pearl light and Hồng Ngọc - ruby.
As mentioned above, it is not always possible to understand a person’s gender by their name. But most often, the Vietnamese give girls poetic names - names of flowers, birds, names that mean everything tender and bright, and boys - names designed to express masculine qualities and strength.
Those. suitable names for girls: Liên (lotus), Hoa (flower), Yến (swallow), Hiền (tenderness), Hươương (fragrance), Ngọc (pearl, gem), Mai (apricot), Thuỷ (water), Thu (autumn), etc.
And for boys - Thắng (victory), Lâm (forest), Duy (single), Đưức (virtue), Sơn (mountain), Liễu (willow), Vương (ruler), etc.
But there are names suitable for both men and women. For example, Hà (river), Tâm (heart), Minh (clear, light), Xuân (spring), etc.
There are also situations when the middle or actual name can be double. Then we get something like Nguyễn Thị Trà My, where Trà My is actually a name meaning “camellia”.

Materials from the book Lê Trung Hoa (2005) were used. Họ và tên người Việt Nam, Hà Nội, Việt Nam: NXB Khoa học Xã hội (Social Sciences Publishing House).

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Vietnamese names

Vietnamese men's and female names

Vietnamese names are names that are used in Vietnam and the south East Asia.

Vietnamese names have three parts: surname, middle name and personal name. For example: Pham Van Dong, Ho Chi Minh.


Surname located at the beginning of the full name, it is passed on from father to children. Since most Vietnamese people have the same surnames, it is not customary for the Vietnamese to use and write one surname without a name.

The most common surnames in Vietnam: Nguyen, Chan, Le, Pham, Huynh, Hoang, Vu (Vo), Phan, Dang, Bui, Ho, Do, Ngo, Duong, Ly, Van.

Middle name

Middle name can be passed on from generation to generation.

In the past, the middle name indicated the gender of the child: all women had a middle name Th?(Thi). There were many middle names for men.

The most common middle names in Vietnam: Van(Wang), Vi?t(Viet), Dan(Dan), Dinh(Ding), ??c(Duc), Duy(Zooey) Minh(Ming), Ng?c(Ngoc), Si(Shi), Xuan(Xuan), Phu(Ugh), H?u(Huy).

Personal name

Personal names there are many in Vietnam. Some names are the same for men and women, for example: Hanh (happiness), Hoa (peace), Thuy (water), Xuan (spring), Ha (summer), Thu (autumn).

Many Vietnamese, like other peoples, have secret names, known only to themselves and their parents.

Vietnamese male names

Bao– defender (B?o)

Binh– calm, peaceful (Binh)

Wang– cloud (Van)

Vien– completion (Vien)

Vui- funny

Viet– Vietnamese

Dang– success

Ding– top (D?nh)

So– virtuous (D?c)

Dung– brave (Dung)

Duong– sun, courageous (Duong)

Quan– warrior (Quan)

Kuang– clear, pure (Quang)

Kui– precious (Qui)

Cuong- strong

Lyk- force

Min– bright (Minh)

Nghia- fair

Nguyen– beginning (Nguyen)

Ting– faith, trust (Tin)

That– star (Tu)

Tuan– bright (Tu?n)

Thanh– bright, clear, blue (Thanh)

Thuan– tamed (Thu?n)

Thyk– true

Hieu- respectful son

Xoan– spring (Hoan)

Hung– courageous (Hung)

Chi- intelligence

Chung- loyal

Vietnamese girl names

Beach– jade (Bich)

Ziep– foliage

Dung– patient

Kim– gold (Kim)

Kuen– bird (Quyen)

Kui– precious (Qui)

Lan– orchid

Lien– lotus (Lien)

Tench– spring (Linh)

May– apricot color (Mai)

Mi- beautiful

Ngoc– precious stone, jade (Ng?c)

Nguyet– moon (Nguy?t)

Nyung– velvet (Nhung)

Tien– fairy, spirit (Tien)

That– star (Tu)

Tuen– ray (Tuy?n)

Tuet– white snow (Tuy?t)

Thanh– bright, clear (Thanh)

Thai– friendly, welcoming (Thai)

Thi– poem, poetic (Thi)

Thu– autumn (Thu)

Chau– pearls (Chau)

Tee– tree branch (Chi)

Phuong– phoenix (Phu?ng)

Hang- moon

Hien- good

Hoa– flower (Hoa)

Hong– rose (H?ng)

Xoan– spring (Hoan)

Huong– aroma (Hu?ng)

Chang- moon

Chin– chaste

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Vietnamese names. Vietnamese male and female names


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Vietnam is so little known, mysterious and contrasting. At first glance, it’s simple, “like two kopecks,” but if you look at it with your eyes wide open, you’ll see something that you couldn’t even imagine before. Smiles local residents imbued with sincerity, like the South China Sea with salt, a tropical landscape that synthesizes mountain ranges and rice fields, a kitchen that drives you crazy with aromas that mix sweetness and piquancy, beautiful Vietnamese women walking in “pyjamas” in broad daylight and Vietnamese men who seem to be forever resting - all this is Vietnam, which cannot be compared to any with one of the others Asian countries. The illusory simplicity of existence embraces everything everywhere, including the most important thing in the life of any person - the name. But is everything as simple as it seems at first glance?

Call my name softly

In Russia, everything is clear; the widely used abbreviation Full Name includes three important identifying features: last name, first name, and “by priest.”

What is a full name in Vietnam?

A Vietnamese full name is made up of three components:

  1. The first is the father's last name.
  2. Middle name.
  3. Proper name.

The East Asian naming structure uses the above in the order presented, with each part written separately and capitalized.

It is not customary to address people by last name, as in Russia, in Vietnam, but the first name is used separately.

What do Ivanov/Petrov/Sidorov sound like in Vietnamese?

The surname is adopted from the father of the family, and there are also cases when the mother’s surname is used, which is the fourth component of the full Vietnamese name. The first mention of the surname (King Ngo) in Vietnam, as such, is found in the records of 939.

If Russia is characterized by the formation of a surname from a craft or special characteristics inherent in the family, then in Vietnam surnames are traditionally derived from the dynasty that rules at one time or another. Despite the fact that the total number of Vietnamese surnames exceeds 100, only about 14 are generally used. At every step in Vietnam, the surname “Nguyen” (the currently ruling dynasty) is found, and it is used not only as part of full names, but it also appears on the signs of shops, hairdressers, and cafes. Moreover, after the widespread use of the surname “Li” (the previous dynasty), when there was a change of power, a forced change to “Nguyen” was inherent. The second most popular surname is Chan, the third is Le. Therefore, when meeting a Vietnamese person, you can even try to play the game “guess each other’s last name.” Some surnames are borrowed from the Chinese and are characteristic of those families who have Chinese in their distant relatives.

A special surname - Thit is adopted by people who decide to devote their lives to Buddhism; they are monks through and through.

Vietnamese names

Let's continue our acquaintance. As noted above, Vietnamese names come in neuter and proper names.

The middle name previously indicated the gender of the child, woman - Thi (translation - market and household), a man can be denoted by several variations, for example, Van (literature), Viet, Shi, Ngoc. On modern stage this division has fallen out of use, and now the middle name typically reflects the connection between direct relatives (brother-sister), that is, it symbolizes a generation, thereby helping, when meeting, to determine who is who and who is related to whom.

A personal name is the main name that Vietnamese people use when addressing a person. A personal name is given by parents for a reason, but with deep meaning: for girls the word implies a wish for beauty, for boys - those qualities that are especially significant for men.

To determine a name, simple nuances are taken as a basis: year of birth, geography (place of birth), time of year, flowering season of certain trees.

Great importance is attached to the sound of the name. For girls, descending tonality and softness of letters and syllables are expected, boys' names should be strong, sonorous and hard.

What's in my name for you: the meaning of the names of Vietnamese women

Femininity and beauty in all manifestations: nature, weather, flora, fauna, space, poetry, culture and art - all this and more is reflected in Vietnamese women's names.

Popular names are:

  • Basic virtues: beautiful (Dung), skillful (Kong), polite (Ngon), submissive (Han).
  • Mythical creatures: Li, Quy, Long, Phuong.
  • Seasons, elements.

What do you call a Vietnamese person?

As for male Vietnamese names, the first thing that matters when determining a boy’s name is what his parents want him to be in terms of character and human qualities: endurance, courage, experience, determination, power and others. In addition, parents have a special purpose for male Vietnamese names and surnames; it is believed that by bestowing a name on a boy, he can be directed to success and victory in life. Hero, mountain, luck, ruler, wind are some of the most popular male names. Together with the surname, the name is aimed at preserving and strengthening family and national values.

Other Features

The three components of a Vietnamese full name described above can grow to four/five digits under certain conditions.

Thus, a proper name is often double (to enhance the shades).

Considering that the wife does not take her husband's surname in Vietnam, it is possible double surname The child has. If there is no father at all, then the mother’s surname becomes the only surname.

Addressing a Vietnamese, as noted earlier, is not accepted through the surname. “Mr/-lady” is more acceptable to use.

Changing the first and last names is possible, and one of the good reasons is a one-to-one coincidence, which interferes with a person’s normal life. At the same time, the meaning that was originally laid down in a person when he was named is desirable to preserve and reproduce, because for the Vietnamese the full name means fate and carries a certain mystical note.

It is no secret that a person’s name carries great meaning throughout a person’s life. Perhaps this explains such strong and sincere smiling, goodwill and humanity of the Vietnamese people. After all bad person They will not call it the sea (Hai).

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Calendars of Christmastide and holy people, without consulting a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Vietnamese names should primarily suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features the name, the negative features of the name, the choice of profession based on the name, the influence of the name on business, the influence of the name on health, the psychology of the name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its bearer inside out on the interactions of different people. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Gabriel (the power of God), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and bearers of other names will be weak. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Vietnamese names for boys in 2015 are also misleading. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child, the deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below are hundreds of Vietnamese names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Vietnamese names in alphabetical order:

Aizik - laughing
Alter - old, elder
Anshel - happy
Arke - bringing light
Avrom is a father of many children
Avrum is a father of many children
Aizik - laughing

BeneshAn - peace
An Dung - hero

Ba - three, third
Bao - protection
Binh - peace

Van - cloud, cloud
Vienne - completion
Vinh - bay, bay

Dai is great
Dan - famous, famous, prestigious
Ding - meeting
Duch - pleasure
Dung - brave, heroic
Duong - alive
So - desire

Ka - eldest, first
Kwan - soldier, warrior
Kwang - pure, clear
Kien - warrior, fighter
Xuan - spring
Kui - precious

Lan - peaceful

Min - smart

Ngai - grass
Nyung - soft, velvety

Sang - noble

Thanh - smart, intelligent
Tao - polite
Thinh - prosperous
Tuan - tamed
Tray - oyster
Trang - proud, honorable
Trong - respected
Truk - bamboo
Trung - loyal, helpful
Tu is a star
Tuan - intellectual

Phong - wind
Fuk - good luck, blessing
Fok - good luck, blessing

Ha - river, ocean
Hi - two, second
Hao is good
Hien - quiet, gentle
Hieu - respectful towards parents
Hyung - heroic
Huu - a lot
Huynh - older brother

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Complete Vietnamese name usually consists of three (less often four) parts: father's last name(less often mother’s surname), middle name or "nicknames" and own name . In accordance with the East Asian system of personal names, in Vietnam the full name is traditionally constructed in the above order (like the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.). It is not customary for the Vietnamese to use and write one last name without a first name. A given name without a surname is used very often. (see explanation below).

When translating a full Vietnamese name into Russian, you must write each part separately and with a capital letter, for example, Pham Van Dong(unlike the translation of a Chinese name, when the middle and last name can merge into one word, for example, Mao Zedong) and stick general rules transcriptions.

However, it should be noted that in practice, official transcription rules are not always followed.


The first part of the full name is the father's surname.

The surname is located at the beginning of the full name, it is passed on from father to children. It is believed that there are about one hundred surnames in common use, although some are used much more often than others.

Vietnamese surnames traditionally coincide with the surnames of the ruling dynasties. That is, during the reign of the Li dynasty, this surname gained the greatest popularity. It is logical that currently about 40% of Vietnamese people bear the surname “Nguyen” after the last imperial dynasty of Vietnam.

Below is a list of the 14 most common surnames in Vietnam. Together they make up 90% of Vietnamese surnames. Surnames are given with their Chinese equivalents and the number of speakers as a percentage:

  • Nguyen - Nguyễn 阮 (38.4%)
  • Le - Lê 黎 (9.5%)
  • Pham - Phạm 范 (7.1%)
  • Huynh/Hoang - Huỳnh/Hoàng 黃 (5.1%)
  • Fan - Phan 潘 (4.5%)
  • Wu/Vo - Vũ/Võ 武 (3.9%)
  • Dang - Đặng 鄧 (2.1%)
  • Buoy - Bùi 裴 (2%)
  • Do - Đỗ杜 (1.4%)
  • Ngo - Ngô 吳 (1.3%)
  • Duong - Dương 楊 (1%)
  • Li - Lý 李 (0.5%)

Among the remaining 10% of surnames, there are those that belong to the Chinese and those that belong to the rest of the small nations living in Vietnam. However, Chinese surnames are usually inherited from a distant ancestor and are no longer recognized as foreign.

Some of the other names:

Due to the fact that most Vietnamese have the same surnames, it is not customary for the Vietnamese to use and write one surname without a given name.


Middle name

The middle name (tên đệm or tên lót) is selected by parents from a rather narrow circle. In the past, the middle name indicated the gender of the child: all women had a middle name Thị(Thi). There were many middle names for men; by the 20th century, the most common were the following: Văn(Wang), Việt(Viet), Đan(Dan), Đình(Ding), Ðức(Duc), Duy(Zooey) Minh(Ming), Ngọc(Ngoc), (Shi), Xuân(Xuan), Phu(Ugh), hữu(Huu). Currently, the main function of both male and female middle names is to show belonging to one generation in a family (brothers and sisters have one middle name, different from previous and subsequent generations).

Personal name

This name is the main form of address among the Vietnamese. Names are chosen by parents and usually have a literal meaning in Vietnamese language. For women, names often represent beauty, like the names of birds or flowers. Men's names often reflect desirable attributes and characteristics that parents want in their children - such as morality.

There are “sets” of names that reflect, for example, the four feminine virtues: Kong (Vietnamese) Cong, skillful, good working), Dung (Vietnamese) Dung, beautiful), Han (Vietnamese) Hạnh, well behaved), Ngon (Vietnamese) Ngon, polite); four mythical creatures: Lee (Vietnamese) Ly, qilin), Kui (Vietnamese) Qui, turtle), Phuong (Vietnamese) Phượng, phoenix), Long (Vietnamese) Long, the Dragon).

Full four-part name

Sometimes, after the father's surname, the child is given the mother's surname. Then his full name consists of four parts.

There are also situations when the middle or proper name can be double. Then we get a name with four parts, for example Nguyễn Thị Trà My, where Nguyễn is the surname, Thị is the middle name, and Cha My is the personal name, meaning " camellia".

Use of the name in writing and address

Due to the fact that most Vietnamese have the same surnames, it is not customary for the Vietnamese to use and write one surname without a given name. A given name without a surname is used very often and, as a rule, in this case the surname Nguyen is meant, although there are other options.

As a rule, Vietnamese people address each other by personal names, even in formal situations, although the honorifics “Mr,” “Madam,” and others are also used when necessary. This contrasts with the situation in many other cultures, where the surname is used in formal situations.

Determining parts of a full name

Determining which part of a Vietnamese's full name is a surname and which part is a middle or personal name is often very difficult.

First, some words, such as Văn, can be used both as a surname (Van Tien Dung) and as a middle or personal name (Nguyen Van Cao).

Secondly, a significant portion of Vietnamese people currently live outside of Vietnam. Their names are subject to changes in the form of dropping surnames and rearranging parts of the full name backwards, in a Western manner. Sometimes, instead of a Vietnamese surname, a European version of the name is added. Eg, famous actor Vietnamese-born Nguyen Tien Minh Chi is known worldwide as Johnny Nguyen, while his co-star Ngo Thanh Van is known as Veronica Ngo.

To understand such names, you need to remember the list of the most common Vietnamese surnames and given names, and in all doubtful cases, look at the names of both parents or relatives living in Vietnam, whose full names were not subject to distortion.

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  • (English)

Excerpt characterizing the Vietnamese name

IN Lately During her stay in Voronezh, Princess Marya experienced best happiness In my life. Her love for Rostov no longer tormented or worried her. This love filled her entire soul, became an inseparable part of herself, and she no longer fought against it. Lately, Princess Marya became convinced—although she never clearly told herself this in words—she became convinced that she was loved and loved. She was convinced of this during her last meeting with Nikolai, when he came to announce to her that her brother was with the Rostovs. Nicholas did not hint in a single word that now (if Prince Andrei recovered) the previous relationship between him and Natasha could be resumed, but Princess Marya saw from his face that he knew and thought this. And, despite the fact that his attitude towards her - cautious, tender and loving - not only did not change, but he seemed to rejoice in the fact that now the kinship between him and Princess Marya allowed him to more freely express his friendship and love to her, as he sometimes thought Princess Marya. Princess Marya knew what she loved at first and last time in life, and felt that she was loved, and was happy, calm in this regard.
But this happiness on one side of her soul not only did not prevent her from feeling grief about her brother with all her might, but, on the contrary, it peace of mind in one respect, it gave her a greater opportunity to devote herself completely to her feelings for her brother. This feeling was so strong in the first minute of leaving Voronezh that those accompanying her were sure, looking at her exhausted, desperate face, that she would certainly get sick on the way; but it was precisely the difficulties and worries of the journey, which Princess Marya took on with such activity, that saved her for a while from her grief and gave her strength.
As always happens during a trip, Princess Marya thought only about one journey, forgetting what was its goal. But, approaching Yaroslavl, when what could lie ahead of her was revealed again, and not many days later, but this evening, Princess Marya’s excitement reached its extreme limits.
When the guide sent ahead to find out in Yaroslavl where the Rostovs were standing and in what position Prince Andrei was, met a large carriage entering at the gate, he was horrified when he saw the terribly pale face of the princess, which leaned out of the window.
“I found out everything, your Excellency: the Rostov men are standing on the square, in the house of the merchant Bronnikov.” “Not far away, just above the Volga,” said the hayduk.
Princess Marya looked at his face with fear and questioning, not understanding what he was saying to her, not understanding why he did not answer main question: what brother? M lle Bourienne asked this question for Princess Marya.
- What about the prince? – she asked.
“Their Lordships are standing with them in the same house.”
“So he is alive,” thought the princess and quietly asked: what is he?
“People said they were all in the same situation.”
What did “everything in the same position” mean, the princess did not ask and only briefly, glancing imperceptibly at the seven-year-old Nikolushka, who was sitting in front of her and rejoicing at the city, lowered her head and did not raise it until the heavy carriage, rattling, shaking and swaying, did not stop somewhere. The folding steps rattled.
The doors opened. On the left there was water - a large river, on the right there was a porch; on the porch there were people, servants and some kind of ruddy girl with a large black braid who was smiling unpleasantly, as it seemed to Princess Marya (it was Sonya). The princess ran up the stairs, the girl feigning a smile said: “Here, here!” - and the princess found herself in the hall in front of old woman with an oriental type of face, who quickly walked towards her with a touched expression. It was the Countess. She hugged Princess Marya and began to kiss her.
- Mon enfant! - she said, “je vous aime et vous connais depuis longtemps.” [My child! I love you and have known you for a long time.]
Despite all her excitement, Princess Marya realized that it was the countess and that she had to say something. She, without knowing how, said some polite French words, in the same tone as those who spoke to her, and asked: what is he?
“The doctor says there is no danger,” said the countess, but while she was saying this, she raised her eyes upward with a sigh, and in this gesture there was an expression that contradicted her words.
- Where is he? Can I see him, can I? - asked the princess.
- Now, princess, now, my friend. Is this his son? - she said, turning to Nikolushka, who was entering with Desalles. “We can all fit in, the house is big.” Oh, what a lovely boy!
The Countess led the Princess into the living room. Sonya was talking to m lle Bourienne. The Countess caressed the boy. The old count entered the room, greeting the princess. The old count has changed enormously since the princess last saw him. Then he was a lively, cheerful, self-confident old man, now he seemed like a pitiful, lost man. While talking to the princess, he constantly looked around, as if asking everyone whether he was doing what was necessary. After the ruin of Moscow and his estate, knocked out of his usual rut, he apparently lost consciousness of his significance and felt that he no longer had a place in life.
Despite the excitement in which she was, despite the desire to see her brother as quickly as possible and the annoyance that at this moment, when she only wanted to see him, she was being occupied and feignedly praising her nephew, the princess noticed everything that was happening around her, and felt the need to temporarily submit to this new order into which she was entering. She knew that all this was necessary, and it was difficult for her, but she was not annoyed with them.
“This is my niece,” said the count, introducing Sonya. “You don’t know her, princess?”
The princess turned to her and, trying to extinguish the hostile feeling towards this girl that had risen in her soul, kissed her. But it became difficult for her because the mood of everyone around her was so far from what was in her soul.
- Where is he? – she asked again, addressing everyone.
“He’s downstairs, Natasha is with him,” Sonya answered, blushing. - Let's go find out. I think you are tired, princess?
Tears of annoyance came to the princess's eyes. She turned away and was about to ask the countess again where to go to him, when light, swift, seemingly cheerful steps were heard at the door. The princess looked around and saw Natasha almost running in, the same Natasha who she had not liked so much on that long-ago meeting in Moscow.
But before the princess had time to look at this Natasha’s face, she realized that this was her sincere companion in grief, and therefore her friend. She rushed to meet her and, hugging her, cried on her shoulder.
As soon as Natasha, who was sitting at Prince Andrey’s bedside, found out about Princess Marya’s arrival, she quietly left his room with those quick, as it seemed to Princess Marya, seemingly cheerful steps and ran towards her.
On her excited face, when she ran into the room, there was only one expression - an expression of love, boundless love for him, for her, for everything that was close to her loved one, an expression of pity, suffering for others and a passionate desire to give herself all for in order to help them. It was clear that at that moment there was not a single thought about herself, about her relationship to him, in Natasha’s soul.
The sensitive Princess Marya understood all this from the first glance at Natasha’s face and cried with sorrowful pleasure on her shoulder.
“Come on, let’s go to him, Marie,” Natasha said, taking her to another room.
Princess Marya raised her face, wiped her eyes and turned to Natasha. She felt that she would understand and learn everything from her.
“What...” she began to ask, but suddenly stopped. She felt that words could neither ask nor answer. Natasha's face and eyes should have spoken more and more clearly.
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