Achi real name. Mario Casas latest news

The name of thirty-year-old handsome Mario Casas Sierra tops the list of the most eligible bachelors in Spain. The artist, not deprived of beauty, for unknown reasons, still remains alone. Maybe something from his distant childhood is preventing him from creating strong relationships?..


Quite recently on the horizon of Spanish cinema has risen new star- Mario Casas, whose biography begins on June 12, 1986 in the north-west of Spain, in the city of La Coruña. The family of builder Ramon and housewife Heidi has five children: sister Sheila does successful career in the field of jurisprudence, younger brothers Oscar and Christian are preparing to follow their older brother’s path in cinema, and the artist’s youngest brother, Daniel, is still too young to dream about the future.

Our hero’s hometown was famous for football, so it’s not surprising that the boy was simply raving about this sport. But the wise Heidi noticed in time the pretty face and acting skills of her son. She took him to his first casting at the age of eight. Since then, filming commercials has become a way of life for Sierra. He quickly got used to the fact that magazines and billboards were full of his photographs. “After the hundredth casting, you stop worrying,” the actor once admitted. By the age of 17, he already knew what he wanted to become, as well as what he planned to do.


Christina Rota's studio school is famous for the fact that many people with artistic inclinations passed through it, who later became world-famous stars. It is not surprising that Mario Casas chose these courses.

Sierra got his very first screen experience while filming the TV series “Obsession,” where the aspiring star played minor role. This work did not gain fame, but the actor instantly got on the pencil of the film business. Therefore, a year later, the name of the new hero thunders throughout the country - thanks to Antonio Banderas’ film “Summer Rain”.

Later there were other films in leading role with Mario, which only consolidated the initial success of the young talent. Work in the television projects “SMS”, “Paco’s Men” and “Brain Drain” made Sierra a world celebrity. His height and weight (190 cm and 80 kg), nationality, tastes and preferences are known to fans on all continents of the planet. Casas's filmography includes almost three dozen titles, five of them have already received several prestigious awards. But this is the very beginning creative path Mario, who is already called worthy successor Antonio Banderas.

Love and relationships

This is how wonderful the film career of Mario Casas Sierra looks, whose personal life is still not settled. Sierra himself admits that the more popular he becomes, the more difficult it is for him to trust girls. “You never know for sure whether she’s around because she really loves me or because I’m famous,” he says.

Several times the public observed a serious relationship, so they believed that a wedding would be announced soon. For a long time, Mario Casas and Maria Valverde (his partner in the film “Three Meters Above Sea Level”) spent every free minute together. The girl showed her affection very clearly, but after several disagreements the couple broke up. The relationship with my co-star in the film “Palm Trees in the Snow” developed almost according to the same scenario. Mario Casas and Berta Vazquez were a rather colorful and strange couple; the public liked them together. Photos of happy young people were published in every secular magazine, but this also did not lead our hero to the altar.

Celebrity biographies


12.06.14 09:36

Leonardo DiCaprio had to prove for a long time that he is not just a cute little doll, but a very talented actor. Attractive appearance is often a trap for an actor; fans languish from overwhelming feelings, but colleagues envy and find fault, and directors do not take them seriously.

Biography of Mario Casas

Romantic drama by Banderas and an award for gay

To the actor Mario Casas was lucky: the main role in the youth melodrama “Three Meters Above the Sky” still labeled him a sex symbol, but allowed him to show his dramatic talent. His character Hugo, nicknamed Ache, had to go through a lot in both parts of the film. Although the young Spaniard still has to new job consolidate success, confirm the fact that he is a great artist, such a long life ahead!

Coming from a large, friendly Spanish family (Mario has two brothers, also actors - Oscar and Christian, and sister Sheila), he began as an actor in TV series. And when Casas turned 20, he took part in the filming of the film “Summer Rain”. It was his famous compatriot Antonio Banderas who continued his directorial tests, filming a teenage melodrama about growing up and awakening feelings. The main characters (including Casas's character) were sweet and sincere, the picture left a pleasant impression. But for now, Mario's glory was yet to come.

The underground film Sex, Parties and Lies brought the actor some controversial success. It was unpleasant for someone to watch how people who were “high” were having fun gay and other “informals”. But at the Madrid Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Tony Casas was even awarded an award for his role as homosexual. By the way, the original title of the film was “Sex and Fat” (probably a hint that some people are “mad about fat”?).

Love story: on screen and in life

At the end of 2010, a film adaptation of Federico Moccia’s work was released. The drama told about the beautiful love story a not entirely prosperous guy and a “decent” girl (a kind of modern Romeo and Juliet) and was called “Three meters above the sky.” It was with this elegant phrase that Ache-Casas described his state after a night of love with his beloved Babi. How many tears were shed over the sad ending of the story! The young couple was played by Mario Casas and Maria Valverde.

In the second part of the dilogy, Hache found new love in the person of the heroine Clara Lago (star of the thriller “The Bunker”) and understood that happiness could come twice. Not very romantic (in the hearts of many viewers there was hope for the reconciliation of the rebel Hache and sweet Babi), but realistic.

SuperMario: Detective Angel and Poor Tony

The role of the guardian of the law Angel from the tough police thriller “Group of 7” revealed another side the talent of Mario Casas. His biography as an actor, perhaps, will now flow in a different direction?

“Rebirth” of a young “fledgling” detective under the influence of his own ambitions and a certain permissiveness (a special unit “cleanses” the metropolis of antisocial personalities before the world forum and does not shy away from funds) conveyed impeccably by Casas.

And in the cheerful phantasmagoria "The Witches of Sugarramurdi" Mario and his comrades film crew“have a blast” to the fullest! Antonio Casas, in the company of would-be robbers, finds himself in a strange village where real witches live, who have their own scores to settle with the stronger sex. This is where the Spaniard's comic talent came in handy!

It’s all the more interesting to wait for the next stage in the evolution of “SuperMario”, Casas the actor.

Personal life of Mario Casas

It was such a beautiful novel!

Melodrama “Three meters above the sky” brought not only serious recognition from specialists: nominations and awards, including the Latin American Film Critics Award, but also changes in personal life

The audience was pleased that real romance of the leading actors (Mario Casas and Marie and Valverde Rodriguez), who appeared on the set, did not repeat the fate of the characters’ relationships: did namesakes experience the most tender feelings for each other.

Things were moving towards a wedding; they said that Mario Casas, whose personal life seemed to have stabilized and “cemented,” asked for his girlfriend’s hand in marriage. Then there were rumors about Maria's pregnancy. But in the early fall of 2014, Sheila (the artist’s sister) suddenly announced to the press: Mario Cassas and Maria Valverde broke up.

The handsome man's new girlfriend is the little-known actress Berta Vasquez. But rejoice, fans, Mario is still single!

Spanish film and television actor. Widely known from the film "".

Biography of Mario Casas / Mario Casas

Mario Casas Sierra born June 12, 1986 in La Coruña (Galicia) in northwestern Spain. He became the eldest of four children Ramona And Heidi Casas. His younger brothers Oscar And Christian also thought about an acting future, and my sister Sheila began to build a career in television.

Mario Casas he said more than once in interviews that there was nothing for him more important than family. He dreams of a girl who will give him at least three children and accept the traditions of the natives of Galicia. Despite the fact that the whole family moved to Madrid, he still claims that he “looks clearly to the north.”

Mario Casas: “I have six tattoos. My father's name is written on my right bicep, my mother's name is written on my right shoulder blade. I dedicated the tattoo on my right thigh to my sister, on my left bicep you can see the name of my brother Christian, and on my left foot - my second brother, Oscar.”

The creative path of Mario Casas / Mario Casas

WITH early childhood Mario Casas starred in commercials and over time realized that he really liked working on camera. He decided to study acting at the Christina Roca School of Drama. In 2006 he made his debut on big screen in the film by Antonio Banderas Summer rain" The same year he appeared in the series " Dream without fear».

Three years later, Mario starred in two Spanish blockbusters - “ Brain drain" And " Sex, parties and lies" The latter became a frank dramatic comedy about the life of modern teenagers. In December 2010, the premiere of the melodrama “Three meters above the sky” took place, where Mario Casas played the main character Achi, an impulsive rebel motorcyclist who has long ceased to believe in pure and sincere love. One day he meets an exemplary girl Bubby from a good family and suddenly changes his mind. The role of his beloved was played by Spanish actress Maria Valverde. Painting " Three Steps Above Heaven"collected more than two million euros in its first weekend of release and became one of the highest-grossing films of the year.

Mario Casas: “It was difficult to part with the image of Achi. At the end of filming, I always become a little like my heroes. The director laughs and says that Achi is not the best option: He rides a motorcycle 200 kilometers per hour and is far from strong family ties. On the other hand, I will always remain as rebellious and explosive as he is.

In 2012, a continuation of the story, beloved by viewers around the world, was released - “Three meters above the sky. I want you" (Tengo ganas de ti), filmed under the direction of the same director Fernando Gonzalez Molina. Actress Clara Lago joined the crew this time. It was with the help of her heroine named Hin Achi that the character Mario Casasa trying to forget about his beloved girlfriend Bubby (Maria Valverde).

Mario Casas is a PremiosACE award winner in the category “Best Young Actor” and a nominee for the Spanish FotogramasdePlat award.

In 2010 Mario Casas entered the role of the bully Ricky in the crime thriller “Neon Flesh”, and a year later received the main role in the adventure post-apocalyptic series “Ark”, created by the Globomedia studio and telling about the passengers and crew of the ship “ polar Star", sent on a voyage to train student sailors. Mario starred in the project for three seasons, and his partner was Blanca Suarez. Series « The ark"has become one of the most popular projects on Spanish television.

Mario Casas: “Today I think twice before accepting the role of a bandit. I used to even like it - being such a bad guy who could solve any problem just by demonstrating his muscles. However time is running. Priorities are changing."

Mario Casas on the plot of the film “Palm Trees in the Snow”: “I first read the novel of the same name by Luz Gaba while he was preparing for the film adaptation, and suddenly I discovered that I really wanted to play this role. First of all because life path my character, which includes a period from 18 to 38 years.”

In 2016, the actor starred in the crime thrillers " Thoreau"with Luis Tosar and " Invisible Guest" with Jose Coronado. In 2017, he appeared in the leading role in the Spanish-Argetian comedy film directed by Alex de la Iglesia “Wild Story”, where he was accompanied by Blanca Suarez, Alejandro Awada and others.

Personal life of Mario Casas / Mario Casas

Actor for a long time met with his colleague on the tapes " Dream without fear" And " Brain drain» actress Amaya Salamanca. He was also seen in the company of a Spanish woman and colleague in the film “” Maria Valverde (“Cracks”, “Exodus: Kings and Gods”, “Golem”), but both categorically denied the existence of a romantic relationship between them, although they appeared together everywhere. In 2014, Maria announced that she and Casas had separated.

From the same time, Mario began an affair with an actress Bertoy Vasquez, with whom he starred in the film “Palm Trees in the Snow”. In 2016, it became known that the couple was living together. In an interview, the actor admitted that he was grateful to fate for bringing him together with Bertha.

Mario Casas: “How did our relationship start? Let me see. Bertha says she doesn't even remember how it all started, but I guess she's lying. I didn't feel anything special when I saw her for the first time. When we started filming the romantic scene, sparks began to fly. It’s difficult to say who “shot the arrow” first. Perhaps Cupid."

Mario Casas- active member of the Spanish Foundation opera singer Jose Carreras to combat leukemia in children.

Actor Mario Casas, who starred in both parts of the film “Three Meters Above the Sky,” continues to respond only with silence on the topic of the romance between him and his co-star Maria Valverde. The girl herself recently told reporters that the spark between her and Mario Casas always appears only on the set, but one should not confuse cinema and reality. The girl said that there had never been an affair between her and Mario.

Mario Casas and Maria Valverde

But where then are so many pictures, photographs, where Mario Casas and Maria Valverde hugging? The actor himself is Spanish, but he was born in the north-west of this country, where soft and calm, slightly phlegmatic people live. The cult of family is especially developed here, and Mario Casas demonstrates this in every possible way. He loves his parents, brothers and sister very much. All the tattoos on his body are letters, capitalized names of the names of his relatives. In addition, having found himself in the world of cinema, the actor dragged his sister and brothers along with him. The brothers are now acting in films and TV series, have at least 9 roles, and the sister has taken a place on television.
Mario Casas's mother always told her son that it was customary for them to tie themselves into serious ties only once in their lives. Therefore, the actor, at 26 years old, still has not had any Serious relationships, only short-term light novels and hobbies. Every time he starts dating a girl, time passes, and Mario says - what did I even see in her? Colleagues in the “shop” tirelessly repeat that Mario Casas is still a ladies' man, but he himself will never admit it.

Marie Casas and Clara Lago

After the presentation of the film “Three meters above the sky: I want you” Mario Casas And main character film Clara Lago tried to stay apart, went to different cars, but both stopped around the corner, changed taxis and drove off in an unknown direction. The young man himself, as always, denies everything. Nobody knows whether there was an affair between him and Maria Valverde; the actors hide their personal lives from everyone too much.
However, one thing is clear: girls are crazy about this handsome Spaniard. Surprisingly, sometime in 2006, he was noticed by the main sex symbol - Antonio Banderas, who was looking for a person to play the main role in his own film "Summer Rain". It was Mario Casas. His magnificent abs are mesmerizing, and this despite the fact that the guy is lazy by nature and absolutely does not go to the gym. He is proud of his body, but does nothing to maintain such a magnificent figure. One day, Mario Casas even arrived at a press conference with his torso naked to show it off to everyone.

Mario Casas is a famous Spanish film actor, whose name became popular thanks to the love melodrama “Three Meters Above Sea Level.” Handsome Mario never leaves the covers women's magazines, his photographs, as well as details of his personal life, are constantly discussed by numerous young fans on forums on the Internet. After Mario grew his beard, a new surge of discussions and photo reports from annoying journalists arose among his army of fans, this is not surprising. In his new role, the actor looks much more courageous.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mario Casas

Fans who are in love with Mario’s creativity and charming smile are interested not only in the list of the guy’s roles, but also in everything connected with him, even his height, weight, age. How old is Mario Casas - popular question on women's forums. Mario is 31 years old, his height is 180 cm. The guy leads active image life, spends a lot of time in gym, therefore she has a athletic figure, which she is not shy about showing off in photo shoots for various global brands and print publications. Despite his external brutality, the man loves animals very much.

Biography and personal life of Mario Casas

Mario was born in Spain in the small town of La Coruña. Since childhood, the boy loved to wander around the outskirts of the city and climb construction sites, where he imagined himself as a Superman, stopping disasters or saving people. Mario dreamed of becoming a policeman to fight for justice and fight bandits, or a fireman to heroically save people from the flames. There were no police training sections in La Coruña, but there was football club, which received the Spanish Cup in 1994. Then eight-year-old Mario and his whole family were rooting for the city team as never before, because he was also involved in this sport. He goes to the football section! After the victory of Real Club Deportivo, the boy decided that he would become a football player in order to bring victory to his country in the World Cup. But after six months, his family moved out of town, Mario was taken from the football section, and the child was again in search of his future profession.

In high school, Mario for the first time accidentally went to a casting, where they were selecting actors to star in a commercial. The athletic young man was able to make his way among many applicants, and so he saw himself on the screen for the first time, and then again, and again. The guy liked working under the guns of cameras so much that, having reached the age of majority, he moved to the capital for further education at acting school.

Filmography: films starring Mario Casas

Two years later, Mario starred in a serious movie for the first time. It was the film of the beloved and famous Antonio Banderas “Summer Rain”, where the guy plays the childhood friend of the main character. Apparently, the young handsome actor attracted the attention of directors and audiences, and Banderas’s start gave a good start to acting career. In 2009, Casas participated in several films at once: “Brain Drain”, “Sex, Parties and Lies”.

So Mario tries himself in different genres: comedy and drama, after which he receives his most famous role to date, Hugo, in the film adaptation of “Three Meters Above Sky”. Despite the fact that many will say that the film is a rather tearful melodrama, it has a good rating and reviews among critics. Casas's serious filmography began with him, as the film brought the actor worldwide popularity. The film brought big box office revenue, and the actor starred in the sequel, “Three Meters Above the Sky: I Want You.”

In 2012, the actor distinguished himself by playing an inexperienced officer in the drama “Group 7”, after which he began actively acting in crime detectives, thrillers and dramas such as “Ismael”, “Eden”, “33”.

The biography and personal life of Mario Casas today is not thoroughly known to Russian-speaking fans, perhaps because the actor protects his relationships and does not talk about them in the press.

Family and children of Mario Casas

Mario Casas's parents are in no way involved in the world of art and the film industry. His father is a builder and his mother is a housewife. The guy achieved everything himself, thanks to his perseverance and dedication. The actor is one of five children in his family; his younger brother Mario has not even started school yet. His two other brothers followed the path of an acting career, but his sister received a law degree and works as a lawyer.

Mario himself is often credited with having affairs with his film partners. It is difficult for viewers to believe that such love and passion on the screen does not develop into a real feeling in real life. According to media reports, the actor met with Amaya Salamanca and Blanca Suarez, with whom he starred in films. Fans have hope that the actor will soon start a family, and the children of Mario Casas will look like the handsome actor.

Mario Casas' wife - Maria Valverde

Casas and Maria met on the set of the film “Three Meters Above the Sky.” Playing such passion on the screen, the young people simply could not help but fall in love, so the couple began a relationship. Soon information appeared in the media that the actress was pregnant and young people were expecting a child. But, apparently, the journalists rushed to conclusions, because the information about the pregnancy was not confirmed. Despite the fact that the couple broke up back in 2014, fans still can't forget beautiful story love and on the Internet every now and then there are messages that Mario Cassas’s wife is Maria Valverde. Last year, the madness reached such a scale that entire headlines “Mario Casas and Maria Valverde wedding, photo 2016” even began to appear on the Internet, after which the actor gave an interview to the media, where he admitted that he had been dating another girl for a long time.

Mario Casas latest news

The film "Palm Trees in the Snow", which premiered in Russia at the beginning of 2016, brought Mario not only new role, but also new romantic relationships. His co-star in the film, Berta Vasquez, is a girl with a very interesting appearance, was able to kindle in young man a completely new feeling. Bertha is an aspiring actress and model, she was born into a mixed family, so she has Ukrainian and African roots. According to many publications, Mario and Vasquez have absolutely harmonious relationships which can lead to a strong marriage. Mario himself stated that he is ready to start a family and wants to have at least three children, since he himself grew up in a large family.

A year ago, the actor released the crime detective “The Invisible Guest.” The film has very high reviews from critics and audiences. It shows how Mario transformed from a melodrama actor into a real character actor.

Today Casas is starring in several films, the names of which are not advertised in the media. One of them should be released in 2017.

Instagram and Wikipedia Mario Casas

Mario became a popular actor relatively recently, so the man enjoys communicating with fans. The actor is an active user social networks, especially such as Instagram and Wikipedia. You can also get to know Mario better, find out his thoughts, future roles and details of his personal life from his Twitter account. Although Wikipedia stores little information about the actor, Mario tries to fill it with more and more information every day. On the Internet you can also find an interview with the actor, where he talks about his heroes and films.

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