Which side is the exclamation mark on? What fine will you have to pay?

To reduce road accidents, a special “novice driver” sign has been put into operation in Russia since March 2009. The reason for this is the fact that after passing a driving school and obtaining a license new driver has poor control of the machine and thus belongs to a high-risk group.

The sign looks like this: it is a yellow square with sides of 150 mm with a black exclamation mark placed centrally in it. The height of the sign is 110 mm. Such a sign can be purchased anywhere, in a car store, made independently taking into account regulatory requirements, or purchased at a gas station. The sign is required to be placed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation” at the rear of the vehicle. The specific location of this sign is not indicated anywhere. The sign is glued to suction cups if the option with a self-adhesive sign does not suit you.

Is it necessary to put an exclamation mark on a novice driver?

The use of this sign is legally required for an inexperienced driver whose driving experience has not reached 2 years, but you will not be punished for failure to use this symbol. The only thing that threatens a beginner is difficulties during a technical inspection of the car. Sometimes there is a possibility of being left without a diagnostic card, since the presence of this sign is required condition for operation of the car by a driver with little driving experience. Persons who own the following types of vehicles: motorcycles, tractors and self-propelled vehicles can not bother themselves with affixing a “novice driver” sign.

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A beginner living in the Russian Federation will not face a fine for not having a “novice driver” sign. Sometimes traffic police officers impose such a fine on an inexperienced motorist, linking it with a violation of Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Novice drivers remember that failure to use the “novice driving” sign does not apply to this article. You get the right to drive a vehicle even without such a sign. The actions of such law enforcement officers are illegal.

How long do you need to drive with a “novice driver” sign?

The "novice driver" sign must be removed only 2 years after obtaining a driver's license. According to statistics, two years is a significant period for gaining proper driving experience. For everyone, from a psychological point of view, this period is different, since everyone gains experience at an individual pace and order. The more often a novice driver drives, the richer and broader the experience becomes. The law does not provide any restrictions on increasing the period of use of the mark, which means that you will part with it only when you yourself want it.

A sufficient number of experienced drivers with driving experience exceeding 2 years leave a sign. They explain this with some specific advantages that this sign provides:

  • cut off on the road much less;
  • the risk of getting into an accident is reduced;
  • greater attentiveness of other road users on the road;
  • patient attitude of other drivers;
  • traffic safety will increase.

How to correctly establish the sign and psychological aspects

Responsibility for installing the “novice driver” sign rests entirely with the conscience of the novice motorist. When sticking such a sign, an inexperienced motorist makes right choice. Drivers with professional driving experience pay more attention to traffic when they see such a sign, do not honk during slow maneuvers and at intersections, and treat the road with significant understanding. After all, every driver in the distant past was just as new. This event can reduce the level of road accidents.

Beginners are embarrassed to hang this sign on glass. They are afraid of ridicule from friends and other motorists due to their inexperience. At the driving school, such drivers will be advised to cast aside doubts, overcome pride and eventually stick this sign. It is recommended to mount the “newbie driving” sign on the rear window of the car in the upper right or left corner. Thus, the sign becomes visible to other participants traffic. The amount of this symbol that is pasted on one car is not regulated anywhere. Use one sticker or another quantity.

What was the situation with the “novice driver” sign in Russia before?

The "novice driver" sign changed in 2009. Previously, it was represented as a triangle with the letter “U” in the center (as in the photo below). There was another option in the form of an image of a teapot on a white background.

Information about the mark in other countries:

Other countries have long passed legislation requiring a “novice driver” sign. In almost all countries, non-use of such a sign results in significant fines. In the Czech Republic, such a sign is glued to a car in the form of a hat design, in Italy it is a black letter “P” on a white square, in Lithuania it is a maple leaf design.

About other features of the “Beginner Driver” sign (video)

Find out some interesting features of this symbol

Summary of the main features of using the sign

1. The “novice driver” sign is required to be affixed to a car by persons with less than two years of driving experience. Install the sign on the rear window, in the upper right or left corner.

2. You will have to drive with a novice sign for 2 years, after which you can either remove the sign or continue to drive with it further. If you doubt your experience, don’t drive much, or don’t have enough driving practice, then don’t hesitate to leave the sign for a long time.

3. When placing the “new on the road” sign on the car, the driver shows serious attitude to driving and understanding the dangers on the road.

4.For failure to use the “novice driver” sign, there is no fine under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Every driver from time to time remembers the first time he got behind the wheel of a car. These feelings were mixed, including the fact that you are now sitting behind the wheel and driving the car, while it depends on you where that same car will go... Some especially reckless ones thought about how to push “on the couch” and accelerate faster, others, on the contrary were overly cautious and wary. In any case, the first driving was definitely different from the one you got with practice. Yes, indeed, when you do something, you develop a certain skill, skill, and special behavior.

All this, in turn, affects the final results, including this statement that can be applied to the ability to drive a car. Based on this, we can conclude that the “Beginner Driver” sign is not at all superfluous, since it will indicate that the driver has not yet perfectly mastered the “art” of driving.
Such a sign will become a warning sign, which means it will be able to protect all participants, both outsiders and the novice driver himself, from a potential accident. Previously, such a sign for novice drivers was the letter “U”, which was glued to the rear window not only on training cars, but also on the cars of those who had only recently received a license. This measure was voluntary, but until the novice driver sign was introduced. What the “Beginner Driver” sign represents is stated in paragraph 8 “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety (approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090)”

…"Beginner driver" - in the form of a square yellow color(side 150 mm) with a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - on the back of motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

...in addition, paragraph 8 stipulates that identification marks MUST be installed on vehicles. This says one thing: if the car is not driven by an experienced novice driver whose driving experience is up to 2 years, then such an exclamation mark should be stuck on the back of the car. Now that we have dealt with the “components” that not only regulate the procedural process, but also prescribe the need to carry it out, let’s touch on the topic of punishment.

Fine for the sign “Beginner driver” (exclamation mark), or rather for its absence (Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1)

Here everything goes as usual, according to the most universal article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 1, which is like a “balm for the soul” of all those in power, since its universality of application is very extensive. In particular, it covers all violations of the same “Basic Provisions...” that we mentioned above. It states that driving a vehicle in the presence of conditions under which, in accordance with the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety,” the operation of a vehicle is PROHIBITED, will be punished with a warning or a fine.
So the ban on the “Beginner Driver” sign appeared with the introduction of clause 7.15 1 into the “List of Malfunctions and Conditions...”, we quote...

7.15. There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090 “On traffic rules.”

This paragraph was introduced by Resolution No. 333 of March 24, 2017. So, if you look at the section “List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited”, relating to the “Basic provisions...”, then there you will find that you cannot drive a vehicle - unless a novice driver sign is attached to it or such a sticker. This means that if such a sign (sticker) is missing, the driver may be issued a fine or a warning!

Is the “Beginner Driver” badge required for technical inspection?

In the previous paragraph, we mentioned that installing a sign is mandatory for beginners. It is mandatory in accordance with the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.” Oddly enough, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation did not provide for liability for failure to comply with the requirements for the “Beginner Driver” sign dictated by this document until 2017, when Resolution No. 333 of March 24, 2017 was issued. It was in 2017 that it became possible to charge a fine for this sign quite legally, that is, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
Another circumstance is the imaginary requirement for a novice driver sign during a technical inspection. Let’s be honest, we also looked in the “Technical Inspection Rules” where there are requirements for the Novice Driver sign, but we didn’t find anything. So it’s not at all a fact that this sign is needed for maintenance!!!

Summarizing the fine for the sign (sticker) “Beginner driver”...

We once again wanted to focus on the fact that the absence of a sign (exclamation mark “Beginner Driver”) on the vehicle of a “young” driver is not so much a violation of the law, but, above all, a deviation from safety measures for oneself and others. You should not be ashamed of this sign, because generally accepted norms and safety are sometimes higher than all unfounded prejudices. Warning other road users by using an exclamation mark is not a reason for self-flagellation. On the contrary, this is a reasonable and correct tactic of behavior on the road. That is why having a novice driver sign (sticker) can save you from troubles much more serious than a fine.

Is it possible to pay a fine for a “Beginner Driver” sign with a discount?

Fortunately, Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation allows us to save a little on fines if drivers have any. This discount does not apply to all fines, but Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is subject to this possibility. The main thing here is to pay the fine starting from the day the fine enters the traffic police database, but no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Exclamation mark video

Question and answer on the topic "Fine for the sign (sticker) "Beginner driver""

Question: Is it legal to drive without a Novice Driver sign?
Answer: No, this is a violation of the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety.”

Question: Will a fine be issued for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign (sticker), if there should be one?
Answer: Yes, since 2017 this is quite likely. According to Resolution No. 333 of 03.24.17.

From April 4, 2017, the “Beginner Driver” sign required. From this day on, driving without a “yellow square” will be equivalent to driving a faulty vehicle. Drivers who violate the new traffic rules will face fine of 500 rubles.

When a “Beginner Driver” sign is required

This sign is placed on a vehicle driven by an inexperienced driver whose experience is less than 2 years from the date of receipt of the relevant certificate. This is indicated in paragraph No. 8 of the “Basic provisions for the approval of a vehicle for operation.” The rules do not provide for the installation of a sign on motorcycles, self-propelled vehicles and agricultural machinery.

Based on state requirements for the design of the sign, it should look like a sticker on glass, the side of which is 150 mm, and the image of the exclamation mark itself is 110 mm. The sticker can be triangular or square.

Important: Where should the warning be placed? All signs printed on film with a self-adhesive backing are placed on the outside of the vehicle. “Inexperienced driver” can be installed at the rear, on either side of the car. The only rule is that it should not block the view.

How long should you drive with an exclamation mark?

It is believed that 2 years is enough for a driver to learn to feel confident on the road. But this is quite conditional, and yet, drivers with extensive experience get into accidents somewhat less often.

Fines and liability for missing a sign

By taking a passenger, a novice driver will violate the rules for transporting people (Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The fine for this will be 500 rubles.

Also, inexperienced car drivers will be prohibited from towing other vehicles.

According to Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for violation of the rules for transporting goods and towing rules, either a warning will be issued or a fine of 500 rubles will be imposed.

In fact, this sign officially appeared on Russian territory in March 2009. Every second driver believes that installing it on a car is not at all necessary.


Summarizing all the information about the need to install the “Inexperienced Driver” sign, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • The sign does not give any privileges on the road, but it encourages other road users to be more careful. IN European countries designation "!" widely used and helps law enforcement agencies control traffic flow.
  • It is best to install a sign at the rear of the car, on any of its sides.
  • Fine for not having a "Beginner Driver" sign - 500 rubles.
  • Label “novice driver” Necessarily.
  • If the driver decides to install this sign on his car, then it must remain on it for all 2 years. After this period, the designation is removed.

Some inexperienced drivers believe that the “!” can be successfully replaced with “U”. But this is a gross mistake, since the “U” sign can only be placed on training cars that are driven by driving school students under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

This tactic is designed to ensure that a more experienced driver, upon seeing the “U” sign, will try to stay as far away from such a car as possible. As soon as training in a driving school is completed, the student becomes a full-fledged participant in traffic and is required to know all its basics. The presence of the “U” sign pasted on the car of a full-fledged driver only indicates that he was poorly trained in a driving school.

On dear Russians There are often cars with a sign with an exclamation mark stuck on the back. If anyone doesn't know what the "Beginner Driver" sign is, this is it. Many people call him “Inexperienced driver”, which is incorrect, but this does not change the essence.

Purpose of the sign

The purpose of this sign is obvious: to make it clear to other road users that the driver is an inexperienced driver who has only recently received a license and got behind the wheel. Perhaps other drivers will keep a greater distance from a car with this sign or at least treat it with caution, because no one knows what a newcomer will do next on the road.

In fact, many drivers behave aggressively towards beginners. Having such a sign often gives others more confidence. They may honk at a newbie if he is driving at a speed that is slightly below the maximum permissible, some even cut the car off.

But in any case, the essence of the sign is to make it clear to other drivers that a novice is behind the wheel. However there are some questions:

  1. Is it allowed to drive without a "Beginner Driver" sign?
  2. Are there any requirements governing the format of the sign and its placement on the car body?
  3. Who can be considered a novice driver?
  4. Is it even possible to get a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign?

Let's try to understand all these nuances.

Novice driver and danger on the roads

Statistics of road accidents make it clear that a third of all accidents occur with the participation of newcomers who made a maneuver prohibited by the rules. This is not surprising, because as soon as a student graduates from a driving school and receives a license, he immediately gets behind the wheel and becomes the culprit of an accident. And even though he was the best student at school and learned all the rules perfectly, his lack of experience shows up immediately. The driving school pays attention to practical lessons, but driving with and without an instructor are completely different practices. There is also a workload Russian roads, where there are a lot of cars creating traffic jams and crowded traffic.


Few people know that according to traffic regulations, the “Beginner Driver” sign is required. This requirement is clearly stated in the rules. In particular, it is specified that a yellow plate with an exclamation mark must be installed on the rear of the vehicle. Citizens with no more than two years of driving experience must drive with this sign. The duration of ownership of rights is taken as length of service. Even if a student, two years after obtaining a license, did not drive at all, and then suddenly bought a car, he may not put on the “Beginner Driver” sign, since it is considered that he already has 2 years of driving experience.

But drivers with licenses that were issued less than 2 years ago are required to wear this identification mark, otherwise they are violators of the law. And such a norm prescribed in the rules is completely logical.

How dangerous is a newbie on the road?

Other road users must understand that an inexperienced driver may, due to lack of experience on the road, do something wrong, which will entail the likelihood of an accident. Therefore, you should keep your distance. Alternatively, such a driver can:

  1. Failure to turn on the turn signal or indicate the turn incorrectly.
  2. Stall.
  3. Brake sharply.
  4. Roll back when starting up a hill.
  5. Fall into a stupor.
  6. Drive at a very low speed.
  7. Change suddenly into another lane without checking the side mirrors to see if there are other cars.

The list of rookie mistakes could go on for a very long time, so you should pay attention to the yellow exclamation marks stuck on cars that are moving in front of you, behind you or to the sides.

The law requires that this sign be on the vehicle for at least several years after receiving the license. But in fact, it is recommended to remove it later - when the driver gains experience and feels confident on the road. For some it will take a lifetime.

Where does a novice driver put the sign?

This is enough actual question for beginners who want to comply with traffic rules. Note that the law does not provide for mandatory requirements, but only gives general information about the location of the icon. According to the rules, it must be located at the rear of the car.

But it is worth considering that it must be positioned in such a way that it does not block the view when viewed through the rearview mirror. The ideal place for it is the upper left corner of the rear window. It is believed that this is where it is easiest to notice it to the driver who is following the car. However, there are no specially designated places where to stick the “Beginner Driver” sign, so it can be placed on the left or right side of the glass.

Penalties for violations

The issue of imposing a fine for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign was and is relevant. Only a few people know that there is actually a fine for this. According to the decree, novice drivers with less than two years of driving experience are required to stick this plate on their vehicle. Otherwise, they face a fine of 500 rubles for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign. In some cases, the inspector may issue a verbal warning if the driver confirms that he will affix the badge at the earliest opportunity.

However, a newbie can also be stopped by a harmful inspector, who will fundamentally punish the driver for the absence of a sign, because after April 4, 2017, it must be present according to the requirements. So we can conclude that the “Beginner Driver” sign is required for use by all drivers who received their license less than two years ago. If it is not there, then there is a chance of getting a fine. It may be small, but it will ruin your mood.

Situation before April 4, 2017

Before this date, the “Beginner Driver” sign was mandatory, but no liability was provided for such a violation, so beginners rarely installed these signs. This is logical, because there will be no punishment. The traffic police inspector could only recommend that the driver stick a sign. But from April 4, a fine will be imposed for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign, which cannot but rejoice at many experienced road users. Now the number of yellow signs on cars has become much larger, and it is easier to identify an inexperienced driver who can do anything on the road. Therefore, we advise you not only to use this sign yourself if necessary, but also to stay away from cars with this sign.

However, a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign doesn’t stop some people. So far, inspectors are not particularly strict about such violations, issuing only warnings to violators.


Finally, we can recommend that novice drivers spend 20 rubles and stick a badge on the rear window of their vehicle. You shouldn’t neglect it, because there is a possibility that such a little thing can prevent an accident, because the driver behind you will keep a greater distance when they see this sign.

Now you know that according to the traffic rules, the “Beginner Driver” sign is required, and its absence is fraught with a small fine. So buy it from the store and stick it on your car. You will have to spend only 20 rubles on it, but it is much cheaper than later paying fines, and more than once.

Hello everyone, dear friends! Previously, we have already touched upon identification marks for a vehicle, using the example of the now mandatory sticker. But today we will not talk about her. Surely among those who read this blog there are not only experienced drivers, but also beginners who have yet to learn the basics of driving with all its difficulties. We often see the novice driver sign on cars. Let's try to figure out what kind of informational component it contains, and what the traffic rules say about this.

Let's start with legislative framework. According to the traffic rules, which contain section 8 “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation,” if the driver’s experience does not exceed 2 years, a warning about this must be stuck on his car. What appearance should it have? It is a black exclamation mark placed on a yellow square. The height of the image is 110 mm, and the width of the side of the square is 150 mm (as GOST says). The sign must be stuck on the rear window of the car. This requirement does not apply to mopeds and motorcycles.

How long do you need to carry such a designation, that is, how long to drive without removing the badge, and what the fine may be for its absence. Until the driver's experience exceeds 2 years. After that, you can pick it, but you can leave it. There is no liability for this. It is intended for those beginners who do not comply with the rules of the road.

Those who like to ignore this clause of the traffic rules will be verbally warned or fined 500 rubles in accordance with Art. 12.5 part 1 of the Administrative Code.

What happened before - the history of appearance

Why was such an exclamation mark introduced at all, and what is its purpose? The beginning of its history dates back to 2009. The fact is that novice drivers belong to a risk group, that is, they become the culprits of accidents more often than others. This is not surprising, given their little experience and poor ability to instantly make decisions in a non-standard situation. Other traffic participants who are aware that there is a beginner in front of them treat him more carefully: they keep their distance, let him pass, do not honk if traffic is blocked, etc.

According to inexorable statistics, approximately a third of the accidents on our roads are caused by yesterday's driving school graduates. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the level of training in many driving courses leaves much to be desired, and they themselves grow like mushrooms after rain. Secondly, the number of cars increases every year and, accordingly, road congestion increases. Well, and thirdly, the very quality of our road surface makes it difficult for inexperienced motorists to navigate correctly.

Previously, this role was played by stickers with large letters “U” on the front and back. Today, this norm has been abolished, but instead the rules regulate the presence of a new sticker with a yellow background and an exclamation mark. It is considered to be more effective in terms of attracting attention.

Where to hang traffic police fines in 2017

Until April of this year, the Administrative Code did not provide for penalties for inexperienced drivers for the absence of this designation. But concern for everyone’s safety turned out to be above all, and the traffic police introduced requirements in this regard. If you don’t want to pay a fine (and the fact of violation will be detected at the first stop and document check), then it is better to buy an inexpensive sticker and be insured against problems with the law.

It remains to find out exactly where such a sign should be hung, and whether it can be produced on a suction cup. The same legislation requires a rear window to indicate "inexperienced driver". There are no specific restrictions on the location of gluing. It is known that this should be a sticker with the characteristics described above. Drivers most often place it in the upper left corner of the rear window. This is the most successful and comfortable spot to the car. It’s worse if the badge blocks the view from the driver’s seat to the rearview mirror located in the cabin.

As you can see, friends, the designation of a novice driver is still relevant in 2017. Since the sign is mandatory, you need to take care of its presence on the car windows. The point is not only that the traffic police will not have any complaints against you, but also that such a sticker can protect you from an unpleasant situation on the road, especially in metropolitan traffic jams. Don't forget to check out. Read my blog and you will be up to date with the latest information. That's all for today, bye!

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