Stat report 1 t prof. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

In addition to reporting to the tax authorities and the Pension Fund, businessmen regularly have to report to statistical authorities. Statistical reporting can relate to all areas of activity and indicators in the organization, for example, the number of its employees and their professions, like the 1-T professional form, which must be sent to Rosstat on November 28.

Form statistical observation 1-T (professional) “Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers professional groups", which applies in 2016, was approved by order of Rosstat dated 07/05/2016 N 325. This report must be sent to the statistics body once every 2 years by all legal entities, in which there are more than 5 employees in average calculation. All small businesses, as well as some other organizations, are exempt from submitting this form. So, statistics are waiting for a report from:

legal entities leading financial activities, public organizations, extraterritorial organizations, legal entities and institutions that deal public administration, organizations and institutions ensuring military security.

All other organizations can become respondents to this report, provided that they are included by Rosstat in the plan for a scientifically based sample of reporting units for the current year.

Who must submit Form 1-T (prof) in 2016

Only those organizations that were included by Rosstat in the sample of statistical observation are required to submit the reporting form 1 t prof to statistics. You can check this on the statistics website ( by entering your data into the request form located there. To do this, you can use the TIN or OKPO of the organization. As for this report, according to Rosstat, approximately 68 thousand respondents should complete it in 2016. You can download the 2016 form of this statistical form directly on the website of the statistics authority or on

All business entities included in the sample for 2016 must be notified by Rosstat authorities about this through any available means of communication. As a rule, this is normal or Email. If a legal entity has separate divisions (SU), then it must submit this report, both for the entire organization as a whole and for each division (branch) separately. These forms should be submitted to the statistics departments at the location of each OP.

Form 1-T (prof) must be completed as of October 31, 2016. It must be sent to the territorial bodies of Rosstat no later than November 28. It should contain data on the number of employees of the organization, as well as its need for employees by professional groups.

How to fill out form 1-T prof

The form 1-T prof is quite simple. It consists of a title page and one section, which is a table with groups of professions and their names. First of all, you need to fill out title page, which contains quite a bit of information. So, you need to indicate in it:

full and short name of the legal entity; address of the legal entity, in which it is mandatory to indicate the region and postal code of the organization. If the legal address of the organization does not coincide with the actual one, then the latter should be indicated on the title page; accounting code OPKO assigned by Rosstat.

In section 1 of the table you should indicate payroll employees of the respondent company. All data must be broken down by positions and professions of employees. In addition, you need to indicate the organization’s need for employees to fill vacant positions.

When filling out headcount indicators, you must separately take into account all citizens who work on the basis of employment contracts, as well as those who perform temporary or seasonal work. If the founders of the legal entity are themselves employed and receive wages, they should also be specified separately. Employees registered in an organization for a part-time or weekly basis should be taken into account in the 1-T professional form on a general basis, as whole units. If the same employee occupies two positions at once, i.e. is an internal part-time worker, then he must be included in the report on only one line, which indicates his main profession.

It should be noted that in accordance with the instructions of Rosstat on how to fill out the 1 t professional form, the following categories do not need to be included in the payroll number of employees:

employees who are external part-time workers

persons with whom civil law agreements (GPC) have been concluded;

women who are on maternity or child care leave;

military personnel called up for service.

In order to send the reporting form 1 t prof to statistics without errors, you should use the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations - OKZ ("OK 010-2014 (ISCO-08), approved by order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 N 2020-st. This document contains all data on professions, specialties and positions similar to those contained in the report.

Sample of filling out the form 1-T prof

Step 1. Fill in the data on the title page

Step 2. Fill out section 1 by group

Step 3. We certify the accuracy of the data with the signature of an authorized person and set the date.

Sample filling


Responsibility for failure to provide and errors in form 1-T prof

If a legal entity that falls into statistical sample, does not submit this reporting form to Rosstat in a timely manner, then due to the requirements Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it itself and its officials will be brought to administrative responsibility. The fine in this case may be:

for a legal entity - from 20 thousand to 70 thousand rubles; for officials - from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles.

For providing false information and errors in 1-T professional, the penalties are similar. Let us remind you that the period during which an organization can be punished for errors is two months from the day following the date of submission of reports indicated on the form.

Form 1T professional Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups Appendix No. 3 to the Order of Rosstat dated 05. Statistics form 1T 2018 download the form. Since all data in the form is compiled as of October 31, the company must provide the completed Form 1T professional to the territorial authority. Save Outdated Version 1T prof Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers. Form 1T prof must be completed as of October 31, 2017. The statistical observation form 1Tprof has been approved. Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups. Consignment note 1T form and sample

Unfortunately, no one has left comments on this file yet. Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups, form 1T professional, download the form using the OKUD form. According to these instructions, form 1T professional must be submitted not only at the location of the company, but also at the place where its separate branches are opened. T prof, which reflects information about. Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups approved. Statistical form Labor report index 1T, monthly frequency is filled out for the period from the first to. Information in the 1Tprof form is provided by legal entities other than small businesses, determined as a result of scientific research

Form 1T Prof 2016 how to fill out and what changes. Let us remind you that data on form 1T professional is filled out as of October 31, 2016 and submitted to the territorial statistical authorities by October 28. A selection of the most important documents on request Form 1T professional legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more. It must be sent to the territorial bodies of Rosstat no later than 28. The personnel officer requested form 1t prof Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups. The changes also affected other points of the instructions for filling out the 1T annual form. New form Federal Statistical Observation 1T Information on the number and wages of employees

A new form of statistics 1T prof. has been approved. By order of Rosstat of Russia dated August 2, 2010, as before, legal entities other than small businesses engaged in all types of activities must report in the 1Tprof form. Organizations other than small businesses and all their separate divisions are subject to a sample survey using the 1T professional form. Directory of distribution of employees into groups and subgroups OKZ form 1Tprof. If it exists in your 1C configuration, ask the person who installed it and services it for you. Form 1T PROF download sample document

Rosstat has approved the form of statistical observation 1T professional Information on the number and. Officials also warned that for submitting reports late, including Form 1T professional, the violator faces an administrative fine. One of them is the 1Tprof form Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups, below is Form 1. In 2016, a selective federal statistical survey on the number and needs of organizations for workers according to the 1T prof form will be. If I have up to 100 people, can I not submit this report? Who needs to move and who doesn't? Form 1T prof must be completed as of October 31, 2018. T PROF, frequency once. The new form Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups, form 1T professional, has been officially approved

The form of federal statistical observation 1T prof has been approved. Information on the number and needs of enterprises for workers. T PROF Report on the wages of employees by. Companies included in the sample must submit Form 1T prof.

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ORDER of Rosstat dated 07/07/2008 156 (as amended on 02/08/2010) ON APPROVAL OF STATISTICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR THE ORGANIZATION... Relevant in 2018

Instructions for filling out form N 1-T (professional)

For territorially separate divisions of a legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location of the territorially separate division.

2. Organizations that provide a summary report in Form N P-4 (for example, educational, healthcare organizations, etc.) fill out data in Form N 1-T (prof) for all organizations included in the summary report.

3. Employees on the payroll of the organization as of October 31, 2008 are distributed according to column 4 of section 1 of the form into nine enlarged groups, which in turn are distributed into subgroups. The list of employees includes employees who worked under an employment contract and performed permanent, temporary or seasonal work for one day or more, as well as working owners of organizations who received wages in this organization.

4. Employees registered in accordance with an employment contract for part-time work time, are counted in the payroll as whole units. Employees who combine several professions in an organization are counted only once for their main profession.

5. The following employees are not included in the data of section 1:

Those who worked as part-time workers hired from other organizations (external part-time workers);

Performed work under construction contracts and other civil contracts;

Those on maternity leave and parental leave.

6. When distributing workers into professional groups, one should be guided by the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ), put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 N 298 on January 1, 1995.

Section 1 of the form in enlarged groups from 2 to 5 provides a list of occupations for basic groups (4 OKZ signs), in 1, 6, 7 and 8 enlarged groups - for composite groups (3 OKZ signs) and in 9 enlarged group “Unskilled workers” " - by subgroups (2 OKZ signs).

To correctly distribute employees of organizations into subgroups, you should use the Directory of distribution of employees into subgroups or OKZ groups, which is posted on the Rosstat website: under the heading Federal State Statistical Observation Forms/Album of Forms for 2008/"Labor Market/Form N 1 -T (prof)". The directory was developed in Excel program and contains 9 sheets, each of which corresponds to one of the enlarged groups. For each group or subgroup of OKZ, a list of professions included in this group is provided.

7. When distributing the payroll of employees into professional groups, one should be guided by the following:

Enlarged group 1. Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises and their structural divisions (services).

Line 03 (OKZ code 121) takes into account managers heading enterprises, institutions, organizations (top officials), and their deputies.

Line 04 (OKZ code 122) takes into account the heads of specialized (production and operational) departments and services and their deputies, who manage departments (services) related to the main activities of the organization. As a rule, the names of their positions contain the words: chief, manager, manager, work foreman (foreman), commandant, director (production, technical, programs, etc.), senior (trainer, instructor-methodologist), foreman ( site, workshop, drilling rig, etc.), chief (architect, mechanic, engineer, technologist, agronomist, livestock specialist, editor, etc.), manager, technical director, academic secretary, chef, vice-rector, dean and etc.

Line 05 (OKZ code 123) takes into account the heads (their deputies) of functional and other departments and services: financial and economic, administrative, personnel management and labor relations, marketing and sales of products, advertising and information, logistics, computer support, scientific and technical development, etc.

Line 06 (OKZ code 131) takes into account managers who, as a rule, manage a privatized or private institution, organization, enterprise from own name or on behalf of his (her) owner without anyone’s help or with the help of one manager (his deputy), who should also be classified in this subgroup.

You should pay attention to the correctness of the accounting of employees with the job title “manager”. The manager belongs to the category of managers (OKZ code 122 or 123); The manager's level of education is usually higher or secondary vocational education. Low-level managers who are organizers commercial activities and performing mainly the functions of marketing, logistics, product sales, etc., should be classified in the professional group “Sales Agents” (OKZ code 3415).

Enlarged group 2. "Specialists" top level qualifications." Most occupations (professions) united by this classification group differ high degree complexity of the work performed and requires a level of qualification corresponding to higher professional education, as well as higher levels of it, determined by additional special knowledge and skills and characterized by the presence of an academic degree.

Enlarged group 3. "Specialists of mid-level qualifications." Occupations (professions) of this group usually require average vocational education or average (full) general education and subsequent vocational training(course or individual), and in some cases - higher professional education.

Enlarged group 4. “Employees involved in the preparation of information, documentation, accounting and maintenance.” For most occupations (professions) in this group, the required qualifications are achieved through individual training or special training in installed program on the basis of secondary (complete) general education. For a number of professional groups included in this enlarged group, the necessary qualifications are acquired upon receipt of primary vocational education or secondary vocational education.

For most occupations (professions) of enlarged groups from 5 to 8, the required qualifications are achieved through special training according to an established program on the basis of basic general education or secondary (complete) general education or individual on-the-job training. For a number of professional groups, the necessary qualifications are acquired when receiving primary vocational education or secondary vocational training.

Most of the professions of enlarged group 9 “Unskilled workers” are characterized by a low level of qualifications, which, as a rule, corresponds to the presence of basic general or secondary (complete) general education and individual training on the job.

8. Column 6 indicates the organization’s need for workers to fill existing vacant jobs (provided they are fully employed) by professional group. Shows the number of vacant jobs (rates) by staffing table, while the vacancy of half the rate (0.5) in the state is taken into account as a whole unit.

Vacant jobs include those vacated in the event of employee dismissal, maternity leave or child care leave, as well as newly created jobs for which it is planned to hire employees within 30 days after the reporting period.

9. The distribution of enterprises’ needs for workers by professional groups is carried out similarly to the distribution of payroll (see paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Instructions).

10. Certificate 1 is filled out in accordance with paragraphs. 3 - 8 Instructions for employees carrying out activities and/or performing work in the production of goods and services related to the creation and use of nanotechnologies, based on the data in section 1. The number of employees is indicated for 4 of the 9 enlarged groups indicated in column 2 And corresponding lines 07, 70, 201 and 234 sections 1.

When filling out, you should be guided by the following definition of nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is a group of technologies concerned with manipulating matter and processes at the nanometer scale (typically less than 100 nanometers in one or more dimensions) and providing new properties of matter in order to create improved materials, devices or systems that exploit these new properties.

Nanotechnologies may require the involvement of competencies from such fields of knowledge as, for example, physics, chemistry, computer science, electronics, engineering sciences, biology, biotechnology, materials science, medicine, pharmaceuticals, etc. Nanotechnologies include the following areas: nanomaterials; nanoelectronics; nanophotonics; nanobiotechnology; nanomedicine; nanotools (nanodiagnostics); technologies for obtaining (production) of nanomaterials, nanodevices, nanoproducts; special technological equipment, etc.

Form 1-T introduced by the Federal Service state statistics as a tool for statistical monitoring at the federal level of the composition, number and need for personnel. The answer to the question of who submits Form 1-T (number and need for workers) is contained in Appendix 1 to Rosstat Letter No. 04-04-4/132-SMI dated October 10, 2016. According to it, reporting is collected from legal entities and separate divisions, the average number of employees of which exceeds 5 people. However, not all enterprises in this category submit data to Rosstat. The list of organizations that are assigned this responsibility is formed “as a result of a scientifically based sample of reporting units” (clause 1 of the Instructions for filling out the form). You can check whether an organization is included in the sample on the website by entering one of the following details: OKPO, INN, OGRN.

Form 1-T (professional)

The report in Form 1-T (number and need for employees) has been submitted by organizations since 2008 in accordance with the relevant order of Rosstat dated July 7, 2008 No. 156. Currently, this normative act has become invalid, as has the report form attached to it. If an organization is included in the statistical sample, a new form 1-T (number and need for employees), approved by Rosstat Order No. 325 dated 07/05/2016, is filled out. Updated form 1-T (number and need for employees), instructions for filling out which are given below, still has the name No. 1-T (prof). Forms 1-GS and 1-MS, information about which is contained in the order, apply to state and municipal institutions, respectively.

Form 1-T (professional), rules for filling out for legal entities

Report 1-T (prof) cannot be called complex. In addition to the title page, it includes one section, represented by a table with groups of professions and their names. Thus, the document must indicate:

  • full name of the organization;
  • company postal address;
  • OKPO code assigned by Rosstat;
  • average number of employees by position and profession;
  • the number of people by position and profession in which the organization’s need to fill vacant positions is expressed.

The total values ​​are calculated in accordance with the row numbers given in the table itself. It should also be remembered that the average number does not include persons working under a civil law contract, external part-time workers, women on maternity leave, as well as those called up for military training. military service employees.

Sample of filling out form 1-T (number and need for workers)

Where to take it

The statistical report completed and signed by the responsible person is submitted to the territorial office federal service state statistics. To submit a document, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • in person through an authorized representative (a supporting document will be required);
  • by mail by registered mail with a description of the attachment;
  • through special Internet resources using an electronic signature.

Currently, the third method is the fastest, most convenient and in demand. To implement it, you can use one of the paid Internet services, special templates loaded into the accounting program used by the enterprise, or software, offered for download on the Rosstat website.

Penalties for failure to provide

When submitting statistical reporting Meeting deadlines is extremely important. Form 1-T (number and need for employees) 2019 is submitted in accordance with the data as of October 31 in the period from November 1 to November 28. The frequency of providing information established by law is once every 2 years. In case of delay in submitting a document to Rosstat, the respondent enterprise is subject to a system of penalties provided for in Part 1 of Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses, namely a fine in the amount of 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. - for the organization and a fine of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. - for officials. Repeated violation, according to this article, entails fines for legal entities and officials in the amount of 100,000 to 150,000 and from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. respectively.

Form 1-T (professional) “Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups” (Appendix No. 3 to Rosstat Order No. 325 dated July 5, 2016) is submitted once every 2 years. It must be handed over to legal entities of all forms of ownership with average number workers from 5 people and above (Appendix 1 to the Letter of Rosstat dated 10.10.2016 N 04-04-4/132-SMI), except for small businesses, as well as those who conduct financial activities, activities public associations and extraterritorial organizations, is engaged in public administration or ensuring military security. However, this does not mean that all other companies must complete and submit this form.

Form 1-T (professional): who submits it and when?

The fact is that Form 1-T (prof) 2016 is required to be submitted only by those legal entities that are identified “as a result of a scientifically based sample of reporting units” (). That is, this form is submitted by those organizations that were included in the statistical observation sample. In 2016, this is about 68 thousand “lucky” ones.

The territorial bodies of Rosstat should have already notified them by mail, fax or electronic communication of the obligation to submit statistics in Form 1-T (prof). You can check whether you are included in the sample on the Rosstat website at the link: (Appendix 2 to Rosstat Letter dated 10.10.2016 N 04-04-4/132-SMI). On the page you need to indicate the OKPO, INN or OGRN of the organization and the system will provide an answer regarding the form.

Statistical form 1-T (prof) (form) is presented according to data as of October 31. In 2016, it must be submitted by November 28 inclusive.

If an organization has separate divisions, the form is drawn up both separately for the organization (without information on divisions) and separately for each division. After which all forms must be submitted to the territorial bodies of Rosstat - each at the location of the corresponding unit or organization (clause 1 of the Instructions for filling out the form).

Form 1-T (professional): how to fill out

Filling out the title page is easy. You must indicate on it (clause 1 of the Instructions for filling out the form):

  • the full name of the organization followed by a short name in brackets;
  • address of the organization, including the subject of the Russian Federation and the company location index. If the legal address does not match the actual one, the actual address is indicated in the form;
  • OPKO code assigned to the organization by Rosstat bodies.

All numerical indicators are reflected in section 1 of the form. This indicates the number of employees of the organization, broken down by position, as well as the need for employees to fill vacant positions.

The payroll must take into account persons working on the basis of employment contracts, including those performing temporary or seasonal work, as well as company owners who receive salaries in this organization. Workers registered for part-time work are counted as whole units, and internal part-timers- only once for the main profession.

However, the payroll does not include:

  • external part-time workers;
  • persons with whom civil law contracts (CLA) have been concluded;
  • women on maternity leave or child care leave;
  • military personnel in the performance of military service duties (
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