Drawing summer senior group drawings. Drawing in the senior group on the theme “Red Summer has come”

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 "Cherry" Volsk, Saratov region"


GCD in the educational field "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" in the senior group

“Picture about summer”


Compiled by:

Belova N.N.

Volsk 2016

Goals : Teach children to reflect impressions of summer in a drawing


Educational:Learn to use a simple pencil to create an auxiliary drawing; shade according to the given instructions: from left to right, in a circle;

correct pronunciation of noun endings.

Educational: develop mental operations, attention, thinking, fine motor skills, auditory perception; the ability to objectively evaluate one’s own work and the work of comrades.

Educational: develop the skills to do work accurately.

Preliminary work:Looking at illustrations in a book, reproductions of paintings, photographs, working with parents.

Material and equipment:slide show monitor,

photographs, pencils, sheets of paper.

Vocabulary work: Hot, warm, sultry, rainy, fruitful


Part I:

I invite the children to guess the riddle:

The sun is burning,

The linden blossoms

The rye is ripening

When does this happen?


The game “What kind of summer is it?”: hot, warm, sultry, rainy, wonderful, cheerful, fruitful, long, short, long-awaited.

What time of year is it now? This means that after summer comes autumn. Let's rememberwhat we did in the summer? (slide demonstration “Summer in kindergarten”).

Part II:

How did you spend your summer with your parents? Where did you go?Have any of you been to the forest? (several children tell from the photographs they brought where they vacationed).


One two three four five,

We will play in the summer:

We'll swim and swing

We'll jump and roll

Let's run and sunbathe

And relax on the beach.

Guys, summer is a special time: poets write poems, composers compose music, and artists paint pictures.

So today you and I will try to become artists and write “Pictures of how you spent your summer.” Drawing.

Part III:

What did we draw today? Album design “Happy Summer”. We look at children's drawings. I invite 2-3 children to choose their favorite work and talk about it.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group "Summer"

Lesson 1. Drawing "Summer"
Program content.
Educational: to develop children’s ability to reflect their impressions of summer (to convey the content of a song) in a drawing, placing the images on a wide strip: higher, lower on the sheet (closer, further). Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints, the ability to compose the desired shades of color on the palette, using white and watercolor for mixing. Learn to talk about what you drew.
Educational: develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition
Educational: cultivate a love of nature
Materials: watercolor, gouache, whitewash, sheets of paper, brushes.
I. Organizational moment.
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle and tell me what we will talk about today.
I don’t feel sorry for warmth for you,
From the south I came with the heat.
Brought flowers, fishing,
A ringing swarm of mosquitoes,
Strawberries in a box
And swimming in the river.
Children: Summer.
Educator: That's right. Today we will talk about summer, that’s all, because the fun, warm summer, unfortunately, is over. The beautiful autumn is hastening to replace him. And you and I must certainly remember all the interesting stories that happened to you this fun, hot summer.
II. Main part.
Listen to children's stories about summer.
What interesting stories happened to you in the summer.
Let's remember and sing everyone's favorite song about summer.
This is what it is, our summer,
Summer is dressed in bright greenery,
Summer is warmed by the hot sun,
Summer breathes with the breeze.
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la
On the green sunny edge
Green frogs are jumping
And the butterfly friends dance,
Everything is blooming all around.
We're on the road with a song about summer,
The best song in the world
Perhaps we will meet a hedgehog in the forest,
It's good that the rain stopped.
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
We're bronzed
The berries in the forest are burning with fire,
Summer, summer is hot for good reason,
Summer is good.
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la

Educator: Well done! Guys, what is this song about?
Children: About the hot sunny summer; about how frogs jump and butterflies fly; about the fact that everything is blooming around;

That's right, guys, many artists loved summer very much and depicted it on their canvases.

Look (showing pictures)

Levitan Isaac Ilyich (1860-1900). June day (Summer). 1890s
Levitan Isaac Ilyich (1860-1900). Summer evening. River. 1890-1896
Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich (1870-1939). Flowery meadow. 1916
Meshchersky Arseny Ivanovich (1834-1902). Bridge over the river. Summer herbs. 1890s
Kuindzhi Arkhip Ivanovich (1842-1910). Rainbow. 1900-1905
Volkov Efim Efimovich (1844-1920).Field of daisies

And now,
And let's draw summer!
What color?
Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,
And the field is green,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky and the melodious stream.
What kind of paint?
shall we leave the cloud?
Let's draw summer -
It's very simple...

Today I invite you to draw how you rested in the summer, what you did, what you played. Everyone will draw their own picture, and then we will make an exhibition of your works.
Independent work of children to music.
The teacher provides individual assistance.
Now we have a whole gallery of your paintings. How beautiful! Guys, do you like summer nature? How should we treat nature?
Children: You need to treat nature with care: do not break branches of trees, do not pick flowers. Do not throw garbage or pollute water bodies.
Educator: Artists, as a rule, name their paintings. Now you were artists too. Let's name our paintings something.
(Children give names to the paintings: “Hot Summer”, “In Summer”, “Colorful Summer”; look at them, exchange impressions).
Educator: Now tell me what you liked most about today’s lesson? What was difficult for you?
Children's answers:
Educator: I liked the stories you told about summer, how you answered questions, and drew. Well done! Thank you!
Guys! What time of year is it?
Children: autumn.
Educator: Do you like autumn? In the next lesson we will talk to you about autumn.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher sets up the “Happy Summer” exhibition.

Nature has an extremely positive influence on the formation of the character and individuality of a preschooler. It awakens curiosity and develops aesthetic feelings. Drawing landscapes in kindergarten allows children to depict the inexhaustible diversity of nature and at the same time express an emotional attitude towards it, the feelings that arise from contemplating this beauty. In the older group, preschoolers move from drawing individual natural objects to creating holistic landscape compositions, be it forest, mountain, seascapes or images of nature at a certain time of the year.

Features of drawing landscapes in the senior group of kindergarten

In older groups, preschoolers master directly drawing a landscape, since at an earlier age (middle group) such work was mainly aimed at depicting individual objects of nature (a Christmas tree in winter, an apple tree with ripe apples, a spreading tree, flowers in a meadow). Now the construction of the composition of the drawing begins to play a key role: harmonious filling of the entire space of the base, drawing the foreground and background, the correct ratio in size of natural objects.

Setting up the theme of landscape drawing at this age prepares children not only to depict a group of objects, but also to convey a certain plot in a composition, as well as search for different options for its execution.

Drawing landscapes in older groups is directly related to the knowledge and development of speech. A major role in such visual activity is played by direct observation of nature and perception of poetic lines.

Bright spring impression

Winter impressions

Contemplating nature, preschoolers receive vivid visual impressions. It is good to reinforce them by viewing illustrations and reproductions of landscapes by famous artists. Thus, the children will understand the techniques of conveying expressive images (color palette, proportions, compositional arrangement), but in the poem they are replaced by their own figurative means (vivid metaphors, colorful epithets, apt comparisons).

Let us note that children of five or six years old, when looking at paintings, can easily determine the season depicted by the artist, the characteristic features of autumn, winter, spring or summer, as well as the color shades chosen to create the images.

In older preschool age, it is quite possible to practice drawing landscapes from life, again involving poetic works in this process.

Let us note that pupils of the senior group are able to draw not only landscapes familiar to them, which they observe in everyday life, but also those pictures of nature that they have never personally seen, and have an idea about them only from reproductions, photographs, videos, etc. So , at this age children are offered images of sea and mountain landscapes, lunar and even fantastic ones. In addition, pictures of nature in children's drawings can appear in their original form (forest, meadow, lake, sea, mountains, etc.), as well as modified by man (rural landscape, park with beautiful benches, bridges, lanterns, railway included in the natural landscape, etc.).

As for depicting nature at certain times of the year, each activity has its own specifics. Thus, the topic “Picture about summer” suggests that the teacher should discuss with the children their summer impressions, clarify what they observed in the forest, in the field, on the river or lake. The teacher, with the help of leading questions, promotes a more complete expression of children's impressions. At the same time, it will be wonderful to read poems about summer.

In autumn, children need to pay attention to how everything around has changed - first of all, the color of trees and shrubs, the color of the sky.

When depicting a winter forest, the teacher draws attention to the difference between old and young trees - in height, thickness and color of the trunk. Spruce and pine trees will also differ in the color of their needles: in older trees they are darker. The teacher especially draws the attention of preschoolers to large, spreading trees - the structure of their trunk and branches is especially noticeable in winter.

In spring, the attention of preschoolers is again drawn to the color of the sky and signs of the awakening of nature.

In addition, children should know the features of the urban landscape - this is a combination of natural objects (trees, bushes) with houses and cars.

A large role in the lesson is given to the analysis of children's compositions. The guys note those works where the images of nature turned out to be the most expressive, and discuss what means and techniques of painting were used to achieve this (competent composition, bright color palette).

It’s good when children come up with figurative names for their works - this helps to activate their vocabulary.

When creating landscape compositions, the color of the base is of great importance (since most such work is done with paints).

So, when drawing a summer picture, you will need sheets of paper of the usual size, tinted in light shades (yellowish, grayish, bluish). Depending on the composition of the picture, you can indicate the horizon line by delimiting the blue top and bottom of a base of a different color.

For an autumn landscape you will need a darker and more muted sky color. Winter pictures of nature are depicted on paper of any pale tone.

When drawing a seascape, a special background is required; moreover, it is of paramount importance in the composition.

Since the color of water and sky are, in principle, the same, the expressiveness of the drawing is achieved through the contrast of shades: the sea should be painted in a darker color than the sky. Moreover, closer to the horizon the water should be darker in color. Drawing a sea background has its own characteristics: closer to the horizon, the water should become darker

As for drawing materials, landscapes are created with both gouache and watercolor paints.

Gouache conveys the colors of summer and winter images well on a dark background. Watercolor is optimal for a spring landscape. These two types of paint can be successfully combined in a drawing: for example, butterflies are painted with bright gouache, and a flower meadow is painted with more delicate watercolors.

To draw a spreading winter tree covered with frost, it is good to use sanguine or a charcoal pencil. Snow is depicted with whitewash.

Drawing with sanguine, pencil and white gouache

Discreet, calm landscapes can also be drawn with colored pencils and wax crayons. Although by adjusting the pressure, you can get quite colorful pictures that are not inferior in brightness to paints.

Pencil drawing

The teacher should also remind students about the correct composition of the drawing: the ratio of the size of close and distant objects. In addition, children must decide on the orientation of the sheet of paper depending on the images depicted.

When drawing a tree, preschoolers improve their skills in working with a brush: small branches and other details are drawn with the tip, while the trunk and large branches are drawn with the entire pile. The easiest way to depict leaves is by dipping (if we are talking about a traditional drawing technique).

If a tree is depicted with a pencil, wax crayon or sanguine, then different pressure levels should be used to convey the lighter and darker parts.

Lines of different intensities are also used as a means of expressiveness. After all, not all tree branches have the same color, and this must be reflected in the drawing.

As for sanguine, which conveys the rough texture of the bark well, the teacher should emphasize that it is very fragile, and you should not squeeze it too hard with your fingers and press on the paper.

In the process of creating landscapes, the teacher encourages children to use a variety of colors and shades, many of which are created by mixing base paint with white.

When creating a picture of nature, you should first draw some objects with a simple pencil, for example, a butterfly, or in this way outline their location on the base.

As for the mountain landscape, so that the mountains do not seem suspended in the air, you should draw them from the edge of the sheet, rising upward. Another way is to draw them from the horizon line.

In landscape painting, when creating unusual expressive images, non-traditional drawing techniques come to the aid of preschoolers.

Thus, the crown of a tree can be depicted in an original way with crumpled paper. A piece of paper is dipped into paint and pressed onto the base. Note that for each color you need to use a new lump.

Foliage is depicted using crumpled paper

For this purpose, you can also use finger painting or poking with a semi-dry brush.

When drawing the crown and fallen leaves, finger painting is used

Leaves are depicted by poking with a semi-dry brush

The blotography method is well suited for depicting a tree trunk with bizarre bends of branches. It is also suitable for drawing grass. With the help of palm painting you can effectively depict butterflies in a summer picture.

Charming landscapes are obtained using monotype - this is how trees reflected in a pond are usually painted.


It is worth mentioning the unconventional ebru technique - drawing on water with subsequent imprinting on a paper base. In kindergarten, it is better to use milk for this purpose: it does not mix with gouache longer (the parents of each of the pupils can bring milk). As an option, you can add a little office glue to the water. The liquid is poured into the container. To apply paint to it, you can use a regular brush, pipette or toothpick. The child creates various images on the surface of the milk. When the landscape is ready, it is transferred to paper. Porous watercolor paper works well (it absorbs paint perfectly), although regular landscape paper can also be used.

The first stage of drawing using the ebru technique

The result of the work - composition on paper

The Ebru technique is ideal for creating fantasy landscapes, although charming summer nature pictures can also be obtained this way.

Drawing using ebru technique

Drawing using ebru technique

Additional types of visual activities that can be used when creating works, implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

Wonderful landscape compositions are obtained if you do not limit preschoolers in the choice of material, providing them with colored paper, plasticine and other supplies during drawing lessons. Thus, the picture of a winter forest will be made unforgettable by small pieces of foam rubber, creating the image of snow flakes.

Drawing with foam appliqué elements

And the summer composition will be ideally complemented by butterflies, silhouettes of flying birds, and flower petals made using the plasticine technique.

Drawing with elements of plasticineography and appliqué

Such techniques are optimal for demonstrating the creative individuality of children, especially those who show increased interest and ability in visual arts.

You can create a wonderful group work from applicative details: each child draws the silhouette of a tree, which is then glued into the overall composition.

Drawing with applique elements (team work)

By the way, a tree can also be depicted on a template using plasticine. And then glue it onto a beautifully drawn background.

Drawing with appliqué elements (collective composition)

Composition options

Quite a lot of classes are devoted to landscape painting. So, at the beginning of the school year (September), preschoolers are asked to draw a picture about summer, in which they must reflect the impressions received from communicating with summer nature.

A little later (also in September), the children create the composition “Autumn Forest”, where they practice drawing a variety of trees and shrubs in a yellow-orange outfit.

In December, children draw the “Winter” landscape. The goal of this lesson is to display a winter picture of nature in a forest, field, or in a village or city. Thus, preschoolers become familiar with the concept of “urban landscape”.

Drawing on the winter theme “Big and small spruce trees” (December) teaches children to create in one composition images of trees that differ in height, color, and structure.

In February, children are offered the theme “Beautiful Branching Tree.” Here the emphasis is on careful drawing of one image, a beautiful compositional solution to the drawing (place one tree on the base - it is depicted not too small, but not large either).

In another lesson, the children create a beautiful forest picture - “Trees in Frost.”

Spring landscapes are associated with creating images of a blooming garden and a meadow with butterflies fluttering above it. These topics are traditionally offered in May. Drawing “Gardens are Blooming” is aimed at developing compositional skills, and “Butterflies Fly Over the Meadow” trains older group students in creating a simple plot of the surrounding nature.

In addition to the above topics related to the depiction of nature at one time or another of the year, it is advisable to offer children drawing a sea or mountain landscape.

Such compositions, as a rule, turn out beautiful and colorful. To develop creative imagination, children are offered topics such as a fantasy landscape (for example, a fairy-tale forest) or a cosmic landscape (the surface of the moon or some unknown planet with strange trees, etc.). Landscapes can also be created collectively.

The most convenient way to do this is to use appliqué elements: the children are given silhouettes of trees, which they draw and paint, and then paste onto the general background.

To ensure that the activity of landscape painting captivates preschoolers as much as possible, the teacher must think through a suitable playful or fairy-tale motivation.

For example, the group receives a letter from penguins from the far North. It turns out that the penguins are studying at their art school, and the teacher gave them the task of depicting a summer landscape. But they have never seen summer, they don’t even know what color it is - after all, there is always snow in the North. The penguins ask the guys to help - to show them what summer looks like. The teacher offers the children the didactic game “Make a Landscape”, where from a variety of natural objects they choose those that correspond to the summer season. Preschoolers successfully create a picture, but there is only one picture, and there are many penguins, so the children begin to draw a summer landscape to give a gift to each penguin.

If the topic of the lesson is “Winter Landscape”, then the opposite situation plays out - the letter is already coming from hot Africa, from the children from the Palmochka kindergarten. It is very hot here, they swim and sunbathe all year round, even in winter. African children want to know what Russian winter looks like.

To draw a spring or summer landscape, the technique of receiving a letter is again used. At the door of the group, the teacher finds a message from little men from a fairyland. An evil wizard bewitched their beautiful gardens and they stopped blooming. To break the villain's spell, kindergarten students must draw flowering trees for the little men.

Spring itself can write a letter to children. She worries that due to the tricks of the insidious Winter and her assistants - evil winds and bitter frosts - she cannot try on her blooming green outfits. Spring asks children to help become beautiful.

Another motivation option is for the teacher to bring the children a painting “Autumn Forest” as a gift. But it turns out that on the way, the rain washed away the autumn colors from it - only green fir trees remained. The teacher asks preschoolers to correct the situation - to draw beautiful autumn landscapes in yellow-orange tones. Children are always attracted by fairy tale motivation. For this purpose, when drawing landscapes, you can use environmental fairy tales. Here a little girl asks her mother why the grass and trees on Earth are green. Mom tells her daughter that when the Creator asked Nature to sew an outfit for the Earth in the color of faith and hope, the sorceress Nature chose green. Since those ancient times, contemplation of a green carpet of fragrant herbs, shrubs and trees gives a person hope and faith, makes him better and purifies him. The girl objected to her mother that in the fall the grass dries up and the leaves fall from the trees. After some thought, the mother asked her daughter if she slept well in the soft crib today. The girl was surprised by her question, and her mother explained that herbs and flowers sleep just as sweetly in the fields under a fluffy blanket of snow. And the trees rest to gain strength and delight people with new hopes. And so that people don’t feel completely sad in the winter without greenery, Christmas trees and pine trees, to our delight, wear green outfits.

Illustration for the fairy tale by A. Lopatina

After reading this wonderful fairy tale, the teacher talks with the children about the color of nature, finds out whether the children like the summer or winter forest more. You can also speculate on the topic: what would change on earth if nature sewed not a green, but a red or purple outfit. After the conversation, the guys begin to draw a summer or winter landscape (to choose from). When depicting a winter forest, there should be fir trees or pine trees.

When drawing pictures of nature, it is very appropriate to include poetic works in classes. For example, if a preschooler is offered the topic “Big and Small Spruce Trees,” then I. Tokmakova’s poem “Spruce Trees,” where trees are endowed with anthropomorphic features, will be very helpful:

Ate at the edge of the forest -
To the top of your head.
They listen, they are silent,
They look at their grandchildren.
And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,
thin needles,
At the forest gate
They lead a round dance.

A poem by I. Mikhailova is suitable for drawing an autumn landscape:

Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves.
Red, yellow, gold –
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..
And the wind has thick cheeks
Cheated, cheated, cheated.
And the trees are variegated
Blow, blow, blow!
Red, yellow, gold...
The entire colored sheet flew around!..

Another wonderful line about autumn:

E. Trutneva “Autumn”

Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in the sun's rays -
This dress is golden
On the shoulders of a birch tree.
Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle,
And high from the ground
Cranes fly by.
Everything flies... This must be
Our summer is flying by.

A very beautiful poem about winter was written by O. Shalimova:

It was snowing all over the world.
I walked wherever my eyes led me -
Then he will turn to the village,
It will pass through the city.
And then, then into the woods,
On the coastal beach, sand,
To the hills, to the hills,
On trees and bushes...
Along the roads, along the paths,
He carried his snowflakes to everyone.
He carried and carried lightly and lightly.
Everything became white - white.
Everything shone with a gentle light,
And the night gave way to dawn.
The snowfall was walking, walking
And a little tired!
He got tired and stopped.
He gave away all the snowflakes!
Let him rest a little
He will come again later!

Before creating a bewitching picture of a sunset on the sea, children should hear the lines of V. Amelin:

I love the beauty of the sunset...
Especially when he's on the water...
The brilliance of the burning waves of a wondrous surge...
Everything brings out the best in me...
It takes your breath away...
And my heart sings with bliss...
For the body it’s just a temptation...
Calling him to heroism from afar...
You can't enjoy such beauty...
Sunset on the sea is Heaven on Earth...
You can fall in love without noticing...
And get sick of all this beauty...
I love the wonderful glow of the sunset...
The sunset really became like family to me...
I’ll throw it away, I’ll remove all doubts...
Everyone loved the sunset with their soul.

Physical education minutes will also help create the necessary creative atmosphere in class.

Spring theme:

Physical education lesson “Walk to the sea” (seascape drawing lesson)

What do we see in the open air?Children take turns placing their palms on their foreheads, stretching out and peering into the distance.
Waves splash in the Black Sea.Wave-like movements of the arms with swaying of the torso
Here are the masts of the ships.Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up
Let them sail here quickly!Welcome hand waves
We're walking along the shore,
We are waiting for the sailors.
Walking in place
It's getting hot, brothers.
Isn't it time to take a swim?
Fanning with hands
To swim even faster,
We need to row faster.
We row with our arms and legs.
Who will keep up with us?
Imitation of swimming movements
All. We climb out to the shore
And we relax on the sand.
Sit on the carpet
We look for shells in the sand.
We squeeze them in our fist.
Bends from a sitting position, imitation of searching for shells, clenching a fist

Finger gymnastics on an autumn theme

Finger gymnastics “Winter”

Fizminutka - auto-training.

  • And now you and I will turn into trees.
  • “I am a big snow-covered tree.
  • My branches reach to the sky.
  • The sun shines brightly,
  • Light breeze blowing,
  • I breathe in its clean fresh air
  • Birds proudly circle above me.
  • I feel good and pleased.”

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Kober L.

Educational objectives: learn to paint summer landscapes with watercolors, find expressive means to reflect impressions, consolidate brushwork techniques.
Developmental tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: to cultivate an interest in nature and creativity, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with other participants in the work.
Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Demo material: pictures depicting a summer landscape.
Handout: A4 paper according to the number of children, watercolor paints, brushes, sippy jars, napkins.
Progress of the lesson:
The lesson begins with the “Summer” relaxation exercise: children are asked to lie down on the carpet and close their eyes. Calm music sounds. The guys imagine summer with bright sun, warm river water, blue sky, fragrant flowers and herbs, etc.
After this, preschoolers look at pictures with summer landscapes. Each child chooses a picture and makes up a short story based on it, finding signs of summer.
The teacher reads V. Orlov’s poem “Summer”:

    What will you give me, summer?
    -Lots of sunshine!
    There's a rainbow in the sky
    And daisies in the meadow!
    -What else will you give me?
    -The key ringing in silence,
    Pines, maples and oaks,
    Strawberries and mushrooms!
    I'll give you a cuckoo
    So that, going out to the edge,
    You shouted louder to her:
    “Tell me your fortune quickly!”
    And she answers you
    I guessed for many years!

Discussion of the poem, including the author’s mood.
The children are invited to draw a picture about summer - a flowering meadow with bugs, spiders, and fluttering butterflies.
Independent activity of preschoolers. Exhibition of drawings.

Malakhova G.V. "The Kingdom of the Mistress of Winter"
(drawing using unconventional techniques of blotography and printing with dried leaves)

Riddle about winter:

  • Troika, troika has arrived,
    The horses in that trio are white,
    And the queen sits in the sleigh -
    White-skinned, fair complexion.
    How she waved her sleeve -
    Everything was covered in silver!

A conversation about why winter is called the queen, whether the epithets “white-skinned” and “fair-faced” are appropriate for her.
The teacher reminds the preschoolers that they have already created many drawings on a winter theme, and invites them to draw the composition “The Kingdom of the Mistress of Winter.” Children remember cold colors and techniques for mixing them. To create a landscape, the teacher suggests using the technique of blotography, printing with dried tree leaves and spraying. The teacher reminds that for the close-up you need to use larger leaves. Using blotography, an image of a winter housewife is created, whose facial features are then drawn with the tip of a thin brush. You can also add hair and a crown.

There is a dynamic pause - children perform movements to the music: they swing their raised arms, imitating trees, smoothly spin around themselves like snowflakes, and squat. The guys close their eyes and mentally imagine the image of the Queen of Winter.

Independent work of preschoolers with musical accompaniment.
In the middle of drawing, a physical education dance “White Paint of Winter” is held (while the paint dries before painting the face of winter).
Exhibition of drawings. Children talk about their works. For some, the winter turned out to be angry and prickly, for others it was kind and cheerful.

Makolova S.V. "Gardens are Blooming"

A conversation about spring and fruit trees blooming at this time.
At the door of the group, the teacher finds a letter from the inhabitants of a fairyland. An evil wizard bewitched their gardens, which always bloomed in the spring. To remove the evil spell, you need to draw beautiful flowering trees (motivation).
Reading a poem by Elena Atkina:

  • From a white apple tree in blossom
    I can't take my eyes off
    Brides young beauty
    I see it again.

It is discussed why blossoming apple trees are compared to a bride. Looking at a picture of apple trees.
The teacher reminds preschoolers what a landscape is:

  • If you see in the picture
    River drawn
    Or spruce and white frost,
    Or a garden and clouds.
    Or a snowy plain
    Or a field and a hut,
    Required picture
    It's called... landscape.

Finger gymnastics on a floral theme is carried out:

  • Our white flowers are opening their petals.
    The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.
    Our white flowers cover their petals,
    They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep.
    Only we won't sleep
    Let's start drawing.

Slowly extend your fingers from your fists, swing your hands left and right; slowly clench your fingers into fists, rock your fists back and forth. Rhythmic clenching of the fists of the hands, lowered down.
The teacher shows the children the basic techniques for drawing a spring landscape. First, the horizon line and blue sky are indicated. To paint grass, you need to mix yellow and blue paint (the green one was enchanted by an evil wizard).
The children get to work. While the image dries, a physical training session is carried out:

  • Do you see the butterfly flying?
    Counting flowers in the meadow.
    One two three four five.
    To count, not to count
    In a day, in two, in a whole month
    Six seven eight nine ten.
    Even the wise bee
    I wouldn't be able to count.

Preschoolers draw apple trees: the trunk - with a thick line, all the lint, and the branches - with a thin line, with the tip of the brush. Green leaves are depicted with a poke with a semi-dry brush, and flowers on an apple tree with a cotton swab.
Review of finished compositions.

Garayeva G.D. "Seascape"

An unexpected start to the lesson - the teacher invites preschoolers to be “the wind.” There are bowls of blue-colored water on the tables. The guys must blow on the water to create waves. Paper boats are lowered into the water: when children blow on them, they float. The teacher explains that in strong winds a shipwreck can occur.
The lines quoted are A.S. Pushkin:

  • The wind blows across the sea
    And the boat speeds up.
    He runs in the waves
    With full sails.

Looking at a painting depicting a seascape. The image can be roughly divided into three parts: a sandy shore with sea foam, a turquoise sea and a blue sky with snow-white clouds. There are also sailing boats in the picture: a large one in the foreground and a small one in the background.
The children are invited to paint a seascape with watercolors “raw” - on wet paper. The teacher demonstrates drawing techniques. A sheet of paper is moistened with a wet sponge on both sides and glued to the table. Two triangles (sails) made of newsprint are attached to the base. First, the sky is depicted with light strokes of bluish paint with gaps - clouds. The sea should be darker than the sky (blue paint is mixed with a drop of yellow on the palette). Sand is drawn yellow. The coastal foam is not painted over - it remains white.
Before the paper is dry, you need to remove the newspaper sails. Using a thin brush, brown boats with red flags are painted on.
After physical activity, the children get to work.
Analysis of finished compositions.

Landscape compositions of pupils with comments on the completion of work

Summer nature awakens creative imagination in preschoolers. Compositions on this theme are imbued with warmth and joyful mood. Therefore, the sun is often depicted smiling (“Rye is Earing”, “The Beauty of Summer”, “Summer Day”).

The summer landscape is associated with insects, bright flowers in emerald or soft green grass. Moreover, insects are often depicted deliberately large (“Colors of Summer”, “Summer Day”, “Sunflowers”).

Particularly colorful are the paintings made in gouache (“The Beauty of Summer”, “Fairytale Summer”). The drawing “Fairytale Summer” shows a close-up of a flower similar to the “Seven-flowered Flower” from the fairy tale of the same name, and a bright butterfly with a beautiful wing pattern.

The composition “Red Summer” is charming, where dandelions are drawn in detail in the foreground, and a rainbow flaunts in the distance. The work is done in soft pastel colors.

In the picture “Carefree Summer” we see a narrow path along the edges of which flowers grow. The child depicted a variety of summer flowers in his work, including modest daisies and blue bells.

In the composition “Joyful Summer” a man is included in the landscape - a boy swimming in the lake.

Photo gallery: examples of children's work

Drawing in watercolor Drawing in pencils Drawing in watercolor Drawing in gouache Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor (collective composition) Drawing in watercolor Drawing in watercolor Drawing in gouache Drawing in watercolor and felt-tip pens

Pupils of the senior group create wonderful autumn landscapes. Unconventional techniques help them with this. Thus, using the poking method with a semi-dry brush, the leaves in the drawing “Trees in Gold” are depicted. Images of trees in autumn attire are created using leaf imprints (“Sorceress Autumn”, collective composition “Golden Autumn”). The work “Autumn in the Forest” is original, where whimsical images of trees, sun, grass and hedgehogs are created using blotography. As always, the works using the monotype technique (“Trees Reflected in Water”) are spectacular. Yellow tree crowns and fallen leaves can also be depicted with a foam sponge (“Autumn Forest”).

The work “Magic Colors of Autumn” was carefully executed, where we can see birds, and a variety of types of mushrooms, and even a bunny. Of interest is the composition “Mysterious Autumn Forest”, depicting nature against the background of a night sky strewn with stars.

Photo gallery: finished drawings

Imprint with leaves (collective composition) Drawing with watercolors Drawing with a poke Imprint with leaves Pencil drawing Blotography Monotype Drawing with gouache Drawing with a foam sponge

1. Using artistic words, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer.

2. To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. Teach children the ability to select and reflect the color scheme characteristic of the summer season.

5. Encourage children’s initiative and independence in constructing the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.



Lesson in the senior group “Drawing summer”


1. Using artistic words, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer.

2. To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. Teach children the ability to select and reflect the color scheme characteristic of the summer season.

5. Encourage children’s initiative and independence in constructing the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.


Landscape sheet

Wax crayons

Simple pencil

Preliminary work:

learning poems about summer, looking at illustrations about summer, collective viewing of the cartoon “Father Frost and Summer” directed by V. Karavaev, excursion to the forest (to a clearing, meadow).

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.

The teacher begins the lesson by reading L. Korchagina’s poem “Summer”:

If the wind blows warm, even from the north,

If the meadow is full of daisies and clover lumps,

Butterflies and bees are circling over the flowers,

And a puddle turns blue like a fragment of the sky,

And the baby skin is like chocolate...

If the garden bed turns red from strawberries -

A sure sign: it has arrived...

Children. Summer.

Teacher. You are right, summer is a wonderful, generous time of year. Just recently we met one character who didn’t know what summer was. I will remind you of this story. In the far cold North lived Santa Claus. When winter came, he hit the road to help nature cover itself with fluffy snow, freeze rivers, and decorate the windows of houses with patterns. Santa Claus spent his time usefully during the cold season. And he especially loved the New Year holidays - that’s where there was a lot of fun, noise and joy. Together with the kids he led round dances, sang, danced, played, and then presented gifts that he lovingly prepared for each child. Once during the New Year's holiday, one of the children asked Santa Claus: “Will you come to us in the summer?” Santa Claus became curious, what is summer? The children were surprised that such an old grandfather had never heard, much less seen, summer, and they sang him a song about summer.

(An audio recording of the song “Song about Summer” by Yu. Entin to music by E. Krylatov is played)

Teacher. Since then, Santa Claus has lost peace, he really wanted to see summer with his own eyes. And he decided to come visit the kids not in winter, but in summer. And he set off. What happened to him?

Children. He became very ill in the heat and began to melt.

Teacher. Right. Santa Claus feels bad when it is very warm, he needs cold. Then the children figured out how to help their beloved Frost. They put him in an ice cream crate. And they began to take him in it to different places: to the forest, to a meadow, to a river, so that Santa Claus would finally know what summer is. And then Santa Claus returned to his North to come to the children only in winter. Guys, how do you imagine the image of summer, its portrait?

Children's answers: In a colorful sundress, with a wreath of flowers on her head, ruddy, cheerful, with freckles, barefoot.

Teacher. Where do you think summer lives, where does it go when winter comes?

Children's guesses.

The teacher invites the children to listen to B. Sergunenkov’s story “Where does summer hide?”

Once upon a time there was no winter on earth, but only summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as feathers, the water in the river was warm, the trees grew all year round, did not shed their leaves and were forever green!

This continued until one day winter took offense.

“What is this,” he says, “all summer and summer, it’s time to know your conscience.”

Winter has begun to crowd out summer, and where should summer go? Summer rushed into the earth, and frost bound the earth. It rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.

I’m dying,” he says, “I have nowhere to go.” Winter will kill me.

Here the buds on the trees say to the summer:

Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer hid in the buds of trees, sheltering from the cold winter.

Winter has gone. The sun shone, the streams began to gurgle. The buds on the trees swelled and opened. And as soon as they opened, it burst out and summer rolled out into freedom. Summer has come to earth...

Teacher. People rejoice and say: “Summer has come.”

Today we will draw summer. What color paints do you think you will use? What color is our summer?

Children. Summer is colorful.

Physical education lesson “What color is summer?”

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What color is it?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Delicate green, like a grasshopper in the grass.

Yellow, yellow, like sand near rivers.

Blue, blue, the most beautiful.

What a summer!

Jumping in place.

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Bright, hot, like a dashing dance!

Starry, starry, like a night fairy tale!

Light, early morning, sweet strawberry.

What a summer!


Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

2. Practical part.

The teacher offers to draw pictures and then give them to Santa Claus.

3. Summary of the lesson.

When examining finished works, the teacher pays attention to the color scheme, combination of shades, creation of a composition, and observance of proportions.

Hi all! We continue to provide interesting ideas for educators, parents and teachers. And today we will talk about unconventional drawing techniques. These ideas are suitable for kindergarten and school. Unconventional drawing does not mean something complicated. On the contrary, it is the unconventional technique that turns art classes into simple and fun fun. There is no need to draw complex elements, no need to masterly use a brush. Non-traditional techniques were CREATED because they SIMPLIFY the child’s work and EASIER the teacher’s task in methodological terms and give the child an amazing creative experience with an excellent final result. You will see what beautiful paintings and drawings can be made using simple non-traditional drawing techniques. The child will love your activities - he himself will be drawn to art when he feels that he can create beauty with his own hands.

I have divided all the techniques of non-traditional drawing into SEPARATE GROUPS - and I will explain and show everything in order.

Unconventional drawing


In kindergarten, during art classes, it is important to choose work that will be feasible for younger children. In the second younger group, children have poor brush control, it is difficult for them to force the brush to draw a line, an oval, a circle... Therefore, at this age, quick and beautiful drawings using the palm painting technique are interesting.

With your children's hands you can draw such a cute family of a hen and chicks.

Green paint will give you a print that can be made into a frog. The eyes can be drawn separately on white circles of paper (by the teacher themselves) and the children will simply glue the eyes onto the drawing with PVA glue.

Here is another example of an appliqué drawing using this non-traditional do-it-yourself painting technique. If we add the side wings and sharp tips of the ears to the palm print, we get the silhouette of an owl. The background for such a craft can be chosen from black cardboard, and a large circle of yellow paper (moon) can be glued onto it. And already against the background of the lunar disk, make an owl-palm print. And then when the print dries, we add a long branch on which this owl is sitting.

The palm acts as a template - first sketch, trace the palm on a piece of paper, and then try to draw an eye here or there. And look closely and see which character is looking at you.

Same for crafts using the non-traditional technique “Palm + paint” you need to prepare the background in advance. Or use colored paper to create a green lawn and a pond for ducks. Or draw in advance - tint the sheet with blue and green paint, dry and prepare for class (hold under heavy pressure from books).

As you can see in the photo below, you can add overlay parts to the palm element of the design - appliqués made of paper and other materials. Below is an example of how ordinary gray paper from a box can become a prototype for a craft. To make it easier for a small child to draw circle-face of a lion- give him a jar lid template. Let the children trace the round lid along the center of the “cardboard mane” with a pencil and then carefully fill in the circle with paint – first tracing with a slow brush along the edge of the line, and then painting in the middle. We fill in the black details of the mustache, nose and ears with a marker (the teacher himself once the craft is dry).

In non-traditional palm painting, images of birds are often used. Here's a simple idea for drawing a sparrow in kindergarten. It's easy and quick to draw with your own hands for children in the middle group.

Here are some ideas for non-traditional hand drawing for middle and high school children. Craft MONKEY. Here you need to position your palm correctly - so that your fingers are turned towards the vine on which the monkey will hang. Then use a brush to draw a beautiful tail curl. And then lay out the head from the paper appliqué.

And here is a class on non-traditional drawing for the older group - here you need to first draw a tree (trunk, branches, leaves). The leaves are just marks from a brush (press the brush sideways. Raise it sharply up so that the mark does not smear). While the children are busy drawing the leaves, the trunk will dry out well and the imprint of the koala bear will be perfectly placed on it, as if against a dry background. A beautiful craft for both kindergarten and school (grades 1-4).

And here is a beautiful bright craft-drawing of a GIRAFFE. Here we also see a base made from a palm print. But a long neck element with a head is added to the picture. Before applying spots and strokes of the mane, you need to wait until the red base has completely dried. The mane is placed with the imprint of a brush - we place the brush on the side and sharply lift it up, the impression is obtained as a tuft of mane hairs - we create a lot of imprints along the entire cervical ridge of the giraffe. .Round spots are easier to draw with a cotton swab (with a brush, the circles will not be even - not all children know how to draw a circle with a brush - this is a complex technique that they will master after they learn to write letters).

For the older group of kindergarten, a hand drawing in the form of a rainbow magical unicorn is suitable. Great craft for girls. The teacher will draw the horn.

And boys will love the drawing in the form of a dragon - also in this technique.

Also, young children really love group crafts. Where the entire kindergarten group participates in one common artistic work. For example, on a large sheet of paper, draw the outlines of the future body of a peacock - and around it line up the imprints of the feathers of its magnificent tail. And then, when the tail is dry, you can glue the body itself along the center.


non-traditional technology in kindergarten.

Disposable plastic forks are a tool that can create an interesting non-traditional drawing technique for you. All drawings where needed characteristic shaggy stroke, even a small child will be able to draw quickly and easily.

Here is a sample of such work for children in kindergarten. The teacher draws a tree stump on a piece of paper. It comes from the hemp the upward line is the AXIS of the future tree. Using a fork, scoop up the thick paint and apply prints from the side of the axle downwards. First we process the right side of the axis, then the left side of the central rod of the tree.

And already the third stage - we put another layer of CENTRAL STROKES on top of these strokes - this time more vertically down from the center, slightly diverging to the sides.

For comfort Pour the paint into bowls - jar lids work great.

AND to reduce paint consumption , gouache can be diluted with PVA glue - one to one, or in a different proportion. Valuable advice - do not buy SCHOOL PVA in small tubes - go to a hardware store and buy a liter (or half-liter) bucket of PVA glue. It will be called universal PVA, or construction PVA - don’t let this confuse you. The chemical composition is exactly the same as school PVA glue. But the price is 5 or 10 times cheaper. And in a bucket the glue does not lose its freshness, as in a tube. And a liter bucket is enough for a kindergarten group for 3-4 months of active classes.

In such an unconventional technique, you can draw any PINKY elements of the picture - for example, a HEDGEHOG or a CACTUS.

A fork will also help you draw shaggy characters. For example, a yellow fluffy CHICKEN, or a kitten, or a bear cub.

Since the paint already contains PVA glue, you can glue any paper parts (beak, eyes, ears, tails, etc.) onto the wet paint that has not yet dried.

Also, the fork stroke is similar to the plumage of birds. Therefore, you can make a drawing of any bird using this technique. This is how it happens, you can see in the photo of the craft below - COCK..

On two drawing samples.

What is the best way to TEACH DRAWING in kindergarten. Here is a technique that has been working great in kindergarten for several years. This technique allows you to get the CORRECT children's drawing the first time. Let's look at it using the example of the same COCK from the picture above.


We seat the children on a chair (in 2 rows) in front of one table. The teacher will do a demonstration on it. The piece of paper already has the outline of a rooster drawn in pencil. Three bowls contain different colors – yellow, red, blue. Each color has its own fork.

In front of the children, we begin our work - we draw feathers with a fork, freely mixing paints. We show you what is wrong and what is right. Let the children see from your example that it is better to draw lines ALONG the neck, and ALONG the lines of the tail, and not across.


We painted plumage for one rooster in front of the children. Now we make him a friend - we take another sheet with a pencil rooster, and ask the children, “What should we do?” Children give you hints, you “mess up”, children correct you, tell you how to do it - you correct yourself and continue to make mistakes, then correct yourself. Now children are already acting as a “knowledgeable teacher”. After this game of drawing the second rooster. The children themselves sit down at the tables, where the same pencil rooster is waiting for them and, with knowledge of the matter, each perform their own craft.

As you can see, the demonstration method always works better on 2-X training drawings with the teacher’s hand.

  • The first drawing, where the teacher does everything himself (teaching and explaining to the children)
  • The teacher performs the second drawing according to the children’s prompts (“making mistakes” and correcting them).
  • Each child already makes the third drawing himself, at his desk, with a smart, scholarly look.

Unconventional DRAWING


The print of a child's foot, like a palm, can be turned into an interesting drawing. A variety of characters can be hidden in a child's footprint.

These are the kinds of paintings that can be created using the technique of unconventional drawing from an ordinary print of a child’s foot.

I’ll say right away that in the realities of a kindergarten (where there are 30 children in a group) This kind of drawing with feet is difficult to organize. In the case of drawings with palms, everything is simple: children wipe their palms with a wet cloth (remove the main layer of paint), and then go to the sink and wash their hands with soap. When drawing with feet, the child cannot go and wash his feet in the washbasin. A gentle man with soap and several basins to wash his feet. You can’t do this kind of work with a whole kindergarten group. But…

This kind of drawing can be done as a specially organized individual lesson. Children are divided into groups of 4 people. One child gives his feet for a print, the second draws eyes, ears, tails, the third child draws grass, the sun, the fourth a tree, a bird and so on... (depending on the theme and plot of the picture).

You can try this option for organizing the entire process. Before bedtime, when children are barefoot. Let the child step on a piece of foam rubber soaked in paint. And then straight onto a sheet of paper. And then immediately a thin, wet, soapy terry towel, then into a basin with some water... and go to bed.

That is, you need to buy a sheet of foam rubber(it’s cheap in the construction department, sold cut into meters). Wet the foam rubber, dilute the paint slightly with water so that it is well absorbed into the foam rubber (like ink in printing), place a sheet of foam rubber on a plastic tray. Nearby, on a second plastic tray, there is a wet, soapy towel (for wiping off paint), then there is a basin of water, and a dry towel. There is a chair next to each tray and basin. Three chairs + three elements (coloring, soap, rinsing, wiping).

It turns out to be a conveyor– the child sits on the first chair (steps on the foam rubber with paint, hop – raises his leg), move the tray with the foam rubber, put a sheet of paper in its place (hop – stamped). The child moves his butt to the second chair, next to which there is a tray with a soapy towel (hop-up, soaped his leg, wiped off the paint). The child moves his butt to the third chair, next to which there is a basin of water with a rag floating in it (hop, wash off the soapy leg where you need it with a rag). And wipe with a dry towel.

Everyone is happy. Except for the sanitation station. It does not allow collective rinsing in one basin. The sanitation station requires for 20 children - 20 basins, and 20 soap towels... 20 dry towels)))

Unconventional drawing


And here’s another beautiful piece of equipment for kindergarten. Where the elements of the drawing are created using the shading method. This results in an interesting image texture. This method is convenient for drawing everything fluffy and shaggy.

The technique is well illustrated by the example of this HARE craft.

The hare drawing is divided into ROW-SECTORS, each of which is shaded. We get even rows of shading.

Here is a life-size template for this craft.

You can modify this craft and present it as an applique. Where each element is cut out separately (ears, forehead, cheeks, nose, neck). Then each element is shaded. And then everything is assembled into a single whole application.

The ZONE HATCHING method can be used to create any other furry characters. For example, a fluffy ostrich.

That is, the teacher gives the child a piece of paper on which the eyes and beak of an ostrich are drawn. The child’s task is to draw a fluffy cloud of strokes around the eyes with a pencil or wax crayons. And then, under the resulting fluffy ball, draw the neck in rows of strokes. The teacher can help the children by drawing the circle of the ball of the head and the lines of the future neck, and dividing the neck into sectors for striped multi-colored shading.

You can come up with any character and design it in the form of SECTORS with shading - a cat, a parrot, a dog, and so on.

DRAWING in kindergarten


(non-traditional technique).

In kindergarten, we all drew the FLUFFY DANDELION craft using cotton swabs. Here it is (photo below). Let's think about what other pictures can be drawn using a cotton swab.

Although even from a simple DANDELION theme you can create an unconventional design - BRIGHT JUICY, as in the photo below.

It is best for young children to draw only SOME ELEMENTS of the characters using the technique of POKING WITH COTTON SWIPS - only the tail of a fox, the tip of a needle for a hedgehog.
That is, a kindergarten teacher combines the work of drawing watnyo with a stick with appliqué. First, on a piece of paper, the child makes an applique of the hedgehog’s face (from brown paper) and the skin of the hedgehog’s back (from white paper). And then this back skin needs to be completely covered with multi-colored cotton swab prints. A fun children's drawing and sticking activity.

You can use drawing with a cotton swab using the ZONE FILLING technique. On a sheet of paper, draw the outline (silhouette) of a character in pencil - for example, a seahorse. The child must fill this entire area without leaving empty spaces or going beyond the pencil border. This is difficult, the child does not always see where he is thick and where he is empty. The teacher needs to repeat all the time: look for empty holes, fill the holes with different colored dots, and not dots of the same color.

The brain, attentiveness, fine motor skills, and a sense of color work here. After all, you need to feel how you distribute the color across the zone - evenly or everything is yellow at the top, and everything is blue at the bottom.

Such a task can be started in the younger group and then in the older group - and even an adult can learn something in such training on the sense of color and composition.

You can also use a cotton swab to make CHAIN ​​PATTERNS. Like the rows of rings on the cacti below.

You can also draw entire pictures with dots. This non-traditional drawing technique can be called DOT GRAPHY.

The most interesting thing is to select dots of different shades and place them differently on the objects in the image.

You can start working on this type of drawing with small tasks. Pieces of landscape, elements of architecture.

There is an artist Angelo Franco who paints paintings using the POINT TO POINT technique. Here are large points, contain smaller ones inside.

With a cotton swab and paints you can draw beautiful MANDALA (photo below). Mandalas are circular patterns, symmetrical and multi-colored. The homeland of mandalas is the East. They still lay out patterns of colored pebbles, colored sand, or flower petals.

For children, we must provide ready-made graphic templates-mandalas, with a given pattern. And the child’s task is to REPEAT EXACTLY every POCK with a stick in each of the symmetrical zones of the mandala. That is... if in one zone you made 2 yellow pokes on a petal, then in the other zones you need to make 2 yellow pokes, on the same petal, in the same place on the petal.

You can find many round mandalas for painting on the Internet. Choose those that are simple and easy to do for children of a given age.

You can draw dotted mandalas on plastic plates. As in the photo below.

You need to start drawing mandalas when the child has already mastered basic counting to 5. And can count the number of PUMPKINS in each ray or in each row of the mandala (if it is a row-ray mandala, as in the photo below).

Agree, this beautiful and unconventional drawing technique perfectly develops a child’s mind, his mathematical abilities, constructive thinking, the ability to plan the result, and calculate the drawing.


(non-traditional methods).

Here is another unconventional watercolor painting technique. Here we put watercolor diluted with water on a sheet of paper and blow on it from a tube. We get watery spots and colorful streams. For such drawing it is not necessary to use watercolor; the same can be done with gouache diluted with water.

Below we see how this technique can be used in art classes in kindergarten and school. We give the child a drawing of a face (boy or girl) and the child’s task is to blow out the HAIR for these characters.

You can use a board on which you attach a sheet of paper with a clothespin. We place a large drop of paint on the edge of the sheet and lift this edge of the board up so that the drop flows down like a slide.

If we temporarily seal part of the sheet with a piece of masking tape, then we will have an empty, unpainted space on the sheet. And then in this place you can place an applique of someone under an umbrella. Here's how it's done in the photo below.

In the younger group of kindergarten, children will really enjoy drawing Klaks monsters. Krakozyabra can be inflated from a tube in any direction. And then, after drying, glue applique elements onto them.

Now I want to introduce you to another technique - SOAP + PAINT. Pour regular liquid soap or liquid for soap bubbles into glasses - add a little gouache to each glass. We get multi-colored soap paint. Dip a cocktail tube or a round “blower” into it and blow bubbles directly onto the paper. We get gentle bubble CLOUDS. They can be decorated into an interesting picture.

The bubbly clouds can be LUXURIOUS PEONIES (like the photo below). Blistered areas can be scallops on sea waves, like curly sheep skin, etc.

You can simply blow bubbles onto the surface of a sheet of paper with a straw, and then cut out a craft applique from this multi-colored sheet. An interesting idea for activities in kindergarten.

You can also paint with splashes - just SPLASH colorful paint onto the paper. A toothbrush is best for this.

Unconventional drawing

WAX-GRAPHY method.

Here is another technique that can be called CANDLE GRAPHY, or WAX GRAPHY.

Suitable for this technique white wax (or paraffin) candle. It can also be a children's wax crayon for drawing (but not just any kind). Choose chalk that has a greasy feel. Check in advance how the crayons work.

Now let's act. Draw a picture on a sheet of white paper with white chalk. Then we take watercolor (not gouache!!!) and begin to apply watery (not thick!!!) paint over the chalk lines. That is, we simply paint over our sheet of paper with colored watery paints and the invisible white wax pattern begins to appear. The paint does not cling to the wax and these places on the paper remain white.

You can draw multi-colored round mandalas in this style (with streaks of different colors). Painted autumn leaves look beautiful: leaf contours and veins are waxy, and the filling of the sheet is multi-colored (red-yellow-orange).

The night rain over the water looks beautiful. Slanting lines of rain, diverging circles on the water - it's all wax. And then we paint it with dark blue paint and get a beautiful picture of rain.

You can use wax to draw jellyfish and sea creatures. And then apply dark (blue-violet-black) tones and the sea depths will come to life.

Children are delighted when you offer them such an activity. The educator or teacher himself draws jellyfish, turtles, small tadpoles and amoebas on each sheet in advance. And then the child must find out who lives in the depths of the seas. He paints a sheet of paper and all these creatures appear under his brush.

Important rule. Before class, teach the children to ROSE a sheet of paper with a wet brush, and NOT TO RUBB THE SHEET WITH A BRUSH, LIKE A WASTE SPASH. Otherwise, the wax pattern may be damaged.

NIGHT pictures look beautiful using this technique. Using wax we draw one horizon line, then waves, a wax lunar path and the disk of the moon on the upper half of the sheet. Now we paint it in the colors of the night and get the sea, the moon and the white lunar path.

WINTER pictures also look good. The white lines of the wax drawing are like elements of white snow, the outlines of snowdrifts, the silhouette of a snowman, snow-covered huts - we draw all this with wax. Then the child applies blue or light blue paint and a winter landscape appears on the sheet.

But it's important– before giving these pictures to children, check for yourself whether the wax is of suitable quality. Are the lines of the design showing? What layer of paint should I apply (what is the degree of paint dilution with water)?

Unconventional drawing

Using the PRINT technique.

All children love this drawing technique. Because it gives quick and beautiful results for every child. Even the most inept artist can produce beautiful paintings. Children perceive the whole process as magic, an exciting game with the magical effect of a picture appearing

In kindergarten, it is most convenient to organize the imprint technique. Let's see what materials are suitable for implementing this technique when drawing with children.

OPTION 1 – a lump of crumpled paper.

Crumpled paper gives a beautiful torn texture to the print. This is suitable for drawing the crowns of spring (yellow-green or pink) and autumn (orange-purple) trees. Paint is taken from jars or watercolors and dripped onto a bowl (lid from a jar). Dip a napkin into this drop, try the imprint on a rough sheet and, if you like, transfer it to paper.

OPTION 2 – corrugated cardboard.

Packaging gray cardboard is great for drawing a rose using the imprint technique. We cut the cardboard box into strips across the corrugation line. We twist the strips into a tube and secure with an elastic band or thread. We make a stamp for a green leaf from a toilet paper roll.

Also, this method of ROLL Drawing is suitable for depicting a SNAIL SPIRL. You can also make LAMB SKIN CURL.

OPTION 3 – fluffy pom-poms.

In craft stores (or on craft websites) you can buy a bag of these soft pompoms. If you attach a clothespin to each, you will get a convenient holder for work. Using the pomponography technique, you can create decor for painting flat parts of crafts. And also paint pictures of white airy dandelions in watercolors.

OPTION 4 – toilet paper roll.

There are a lot of options here, because the tube-sleeve can be given different shapes. You can cut the sleeve in half Lengthwise, and we will get a half-ring stamp - an ideal stencil for drawing fish scales or tiers of coniferous legs of a Christmas tree.

A round roll can be flattened on both sides and you will get a pointed oval - this is the shape of a flower petal, or bunny ears. A great idea for non-traditional drawing in kindergarten with younger children (bunny) or older children (flower).

The flower is more difficult than the bunny because you need to RADIALLY arrange the petals around the middle of the flower.

You can also cut the EDGE OF THE ROLL into curly petals - and you will get ready-made petals for paintings. Such stamps are simply a godsend for quickly drawing bouquets and flower beds for younger children. And even for the smallest babies in the nursery.

OPTION 5 – bubble wrap.

Packaging film with bubbles also gives an interesting print pattern, which can be used in non-traditional drawing in kindergarten. For example, make an imprint of a honeycomb (as in the picture below).

Or make a drawing of a spring or autumn tree.

OPTION 6 – potato stamps.

You can cut stamps of any shape from potato halves. Cut the potatoes in half. Wipe the wet cut of the potato with a paper napkin. On the cut using a marker we draw the outlines of the future stamp. Cut with a knife along the drawn contours.

It is better to choose oblong, elongated potatoes for stamps. So that a child's hand can comfortably grasp the potato. Below in the photo we present only two topics for such unconventional drawing - owls and tulips. But you can come up with your own options. If you add PVA glue to the paint, you can glue details (eyes, nose, handles) on top of the prints.

You can make an experimental double stamp. Cut the halves of the champagne out of two potatoes and fasten the two potatoes together by piercing them through with a toothpick and wrapping them with electrical tape or tape. Come up with a cool idea and experiment with creating stamps for it.

Unconventional drawing

PLUFFY colors.

Here’s another cool material for unconventional drawing, which young children love so much. This is a VOLUME PAINT for creating puffy designs. Making this kind of paint at home is quick and easy - mix PVA glue with gouache in a bowl and add daddy’s shaving foam. We make several of these bowls (not necessarily large ones) based on the idea of ​​what we will draw with the children. For a watermelon you only need two colors - so start with that. Watermelon seeds are a simple black gouache that we drip here and there.

A variety of ideas can be implemented in this drawing technique for children in kindergarten. The simplest one is a waffle cone with ice cream. The horn is cut out of rough packaging cardboard, and we draw a waffle grid on it with a marker. The child glues the horn onto a sheet of paper (below) and lays out round balls with a three-dimensional design on it. You can give your child round templates, which he will first trace with a pencil over the edge of the horn, and then foam paint will be placed in these round outlines.

You can also put several spoons of different paints on the horn and then use the opposite end of a brush (or a wooden stick) to mix the paint into multi-colored stains. You will get a beautiful mix ice cream. A great craft for children at school or kindergarten during art classes.

Methods of working with thick paint in children's classes.

You can mix the paint on a separate tray (or on a piece of oilcloth). It’s better when each child makes his own color mixture - so we give each child his own oilcloth.

We put individual oilcloths for children on each table. Place bowls with 4 colors of paint in the center of the table. The child mixes these colors into a common puddle on his oilcloth - to the point of beautiful stains. Then a paper outline of a character (for example, a seahorse) is applied to the puddle. And then he lays it out to dry (the outlines of the skates must be signed with the child’s name in advance, and do not forget to remind the children to apply the unsigned side to the paint). Then the next day, when the foam paint has dried on the silhouette of the skate, you can continue working and make an appliqué of the skate in the sea waters, add thorns and algae around it, stick on shells, and pour sand on the glue.

You can try these interesting drawing techniques while working with children, both at home and in the garden. At school, this non-traditional drawing can be carried out in art classes, leaving the whole process to the child for independent creativity.

On the pages of our website you will find many more different techniques for unusual painting with paints.

We already have detailed, detailed articles on the topic:

Good luck with your creativity.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site
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