Simple stories in English with translation. Stories in English for beginners with translation

Reading is for our mind what working out in the gym is for our body. In this article we will give you links to 7 sites with texts to read on English language. Try to “pump up” your brain!

1. English as a Second Language

This site is suitable for beginners with level and. All texts are short, they use simple words and elementary grammar - three tenses of the Simple group. Try to read at least 2-3 texts daily, it will only take 5-10 minutes.

The themes of the texts are different, often they are small jokes. All words are selected in such a way that the student not only reads texts in English, but also expands his vocabulary. So, you can learn the first phrasal verbs, frequently used words and expressions.

Feature of this resource: Each text is accompanied by an audio recording. The speaker speaks clearly and slowly, which is exactly what beginners need to learn to understand English by ear.

2. English Online

This resource was created specifically for English language learners with advanced level and above. The texts are not very long, but they are full of useful expressions and words.

Articles on various topics are adapted specifically for students: the most commonly used vocabulary and simple grammatical structures are used. On this moment Several hundred texts on various topics are available for reading on the site. They are all quite interesting, so this resource contains the optimal proportion of education and entertainment.

Feature of this resource: In all articles you will see words in bold. This is the vocabulary you are asked to learn. After the text of the article you will find an English-English dictionary with these words. Thus, the site performs an important function - you can learn new vocabulary on it in context.

3. Short Stories

This site is suitable for all lovers of fiction. There are no adapted texts or dictionaries here, only stories by English-speaking authors in their unaltered form.

The site presents 8 popular genres: children's literature, detective, fantasy, horror, humor, documentary, novel, science fiction. If you are at the Pre-Intermediate level, try starting to read children's stories. In these texts, the characters speak in fairly simple words, and at the same time, their speech is lively and unadapted. You can try reading any stories at a level; it’s better to start with short texts in your favorite genre.

Feature of this resource: the variety of genres of stories on this site will not allow even the most demanding reader to get bored. Additionally, you can sort stories by length. To do this, select any of the genres you are interested in and click on the All stories button. In the tab that opens, you can select stories from 1-2 to 30+ pages in length. This is quite convenient: you can select your text depending on the availability of free time.

4. Breaking News English

The site is suitable for students from Elementary to , who want to keep up with the latest news and improve their English. News is sorted by date - from the most recent to the oldest. Sources are indicated for each - if interested, you can read them in the relevant media and compare the presentation of information.

For all news there are reading, listening, vocabulary and writing exercises.

Feature of this resource: the same news is adapted to several levels - see what words and grammatical structures can convey the same information.

5. Infosquares

This site contains only a few dozen texts, but it is worthy of your attention. The resource is suitable for students with an Intermediate level and above.

The resource differs from previous sites in that your task now is not just to read the text and understand the main idea, but to even grasp the smallest details. On the tab with any article you will find not only a link to the text itself, but also a test to test your reading comprehension. Therefore, we advise everyone who is preparing for an English language exam to pay attention to this resource, because you can “rehearse” the Reading section on this resource.

Feature of this resource: The main purpose of this site is to check how well you understand the text. Therefore, we recommend studying on this site about once a month, and reading other articles the rest of the time. This way you will see how quickly your English reading skill is developing and how attentive you are when reading.

6. Study Zone

This site is similar to the previous one: the small amount of materials is more than compensated by the presence of various exercises that test understanding of the text. Here you can study at the Pre-Intermediate level and above.

Feature of this resource: Of course, the main advantage of this site is the availability of exercises for understanding and memorizing the text. In addition, we must pay tribute to the authors of the site - they have collected the most interesting stories for you and presented the information in a convenient form.

7. Dreamreader

This resource will be of interest to those who like to read various educational and entertaining articles on the Internet. The site is suitable for students at the Elementary level and above.

Most of the texts on this site are presented in the Fun English and Academic English sections. The beauty of the articles is that they are written in simple but lively language. And the topics discussed in the articles are relevant and cover a variety of aspects of life: from body language to fast food, from UFOs to “cat” idioms. Each text is accompanied by a series of questions to help you check how well you understood what you read.

Feature of this resource: the site is a 2 in 1 tool. You can not only read the article, but also listen to it. Moreover, the audio recording is suitable even for those who have difficulty understanding English speech by ear. The speaker speaks clearly and quite slowly, so you can practice your listening skills, and the text will become your assistant in this matter.

There are many more sites on the Internet with texts in English. However, we have recommended the most informative and useful ones for you to study. Read with pleasure, and let English become your best entertainment, an activity that brings pleasure.

The story "To Build a Fire" is one of Jack London's best stories. His original stories still produce strong impression on people. But they not only capture the imagination of his readers. They inspire. Apparently thanks to the enormous vitality that the author possessed during his lifetime. Strength of spirit, love of life - this is what permeates all his works. An incredible writer, and incredible person. We in Russia love and read him, almost more than in America itself.

Jack London. To Build a Fire (in English, adapted)

Dear reader, let's start reading the most interesting stories by Jack London in English. One of them is the story " To Build a Fire"(Make a bonfire). The story has been adapted to INTERMEDIATE level. The story comes with audio and words for study.

Words and expressions you will remember if you read this story:

  1. trail- trail
  2. cover- cover
  3. expected to reach- expected to achieve
  4. to freeze- freeze
  5. frozen stream- frozen stream
  6. snow-covered ice- snow-covered ice
  7. underground springs— underground springs
  8. to break through- fail
  9. sharp pain- acute pain
  10. wet- wet
  11. dry- dry
  12. to dry- dry
  13. branches- branches
  14. matches- matches
  15. flame- flame
  16. heavy load- heavy load
  17. tremendous cold- terrible cold
  18. the fear of death- fear of death

Listen to the story “To Build a fire”

The man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and ice covered the Earth for as far as he could see. This was his first winter in Alaska. He was wearing heavy clothes and fur boots. But he still felt cold and uncomfortable.

  • as far as he could see - as far as he could see

Map of Alaska and northern Canada

The man was on his way to a camp near Henderson Creek. His friends were already there. He expected to reach Henderson Creek by six o'clock that evening. It would be dark by then. His friends would have a fire and hot food ready for him.

  • It would be dark by then. “It will be dark by then.”
  • would have a fire - will light a fire

A dog walked behind the man. It was a big gray animal, half dog and half wolf. The dog did not like the extreme cold. It knew the weather was too cold to travel.

The man continued to walk down the trail. He came to a frozen stream called Indian Creek. He began to walk on the snow-covered ice. It was a trail that would lead him straight to Henderson Creek and his friends.

As he walked, he looked carefully at the ice in front of him. Once, he suddenly stopped, and then walked around a part of the frozen stream. He saw that an underground spring flowed under the ice at that spot. It made the ice thin. If he stepped there, he might break through the ice into a pool of water. To get his boots wet in such cold weather might kill him. His feet would turn to ice quickly. He couldn't freeze to death.

  • If he stepped there, he might... - If he stepped there, he could...
  • would turn - turn into
  • could freeze - could freeze

At about twelve o'clock, the man decided to stop to eat his lunch. He took off the glove on his right hand. He opened his jacket and shirt, and pulled out his bread and meat. This took less than twenty seconds. Yet, his fingers began to freeze.

He hit his hand against his leg several times until he felt a sharp pain. Then he quickly put his glove on his hand. He made a fire, beginning with small pieces of wood and adding larger ones. He sat on a snow-covered log and ate his lunch. He enjoyed the warm fire for a few minutes. Then he stood up and started walking on the frozen stream again.

A half hour later, it happened. At a place where the snow seemed very solid, the ice broke. The man's feet sank into the water. It was not deep, but his legs got wet to the knees. The man was angry. The accident would delay his arrival at the camp. He would have to build a fire now to dry his clothes and boots.

He walked over to some small trees. They were covered with snow. In their branches were pieces of dry grass and wood left by flood waters earlier in the year. He put several large pieces of wood on the snow, under one of the trees. On top of the wood, he put some grass and dry branches. He pulled off his gloves, took out his matches, and lit the fire. He fed the young flame with more wood. As the fire grew, he gave it larger pieces of wood.

He worked slowly and carefully. At sixty degrees below zero, a man with wet feet must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire. While he was walking, his blood had kept all parts of his body warm. Now that he had stopped, cold was forcing his blood to withdraw deeper into his body. His wet feet had frozen. He couldn't feel his fingers. His nose was frozen,too. The skin all over his body felt cold.

Now, however, his fire was beginning to burn more strongly. He was safe. He sat under the tree and thought of the old men in Fairbanks.

The old men had told him that no man should travel alone in the Yukon when the temperature is sixty degrees below zero. — The old people said that you can’t travel around the Yukon when the temperature is -60 degrees below zero.

Yet here he was. He had had an accident. He was alone. And he had saved himself. He had built a fire.

Those old men were weak, he thought. A real man could travel alone. The man's boots were covered with ice. The strings on his boots were as hard as steel. He would have to cut them with his knife.

  • If a man remained calm, he would be all right.“If you stay calm, everything will be fine.”

He leaned back against the tree to take out his knife. Suddenly, without warning, a heavy mass of snow dropped down. His movement had shaken the young tree only a tiny bit. But it was enough to cause the branches of the tree to drop them heavy load. The man was shocked. He sat and looked at the place where the fire had been.

The old men had been right, he thought. The other man could build the fire. Well, it was up to him to build the fire again. This time, he must not fail.

  • If he had another man with him, he would not be in any danger now.“If there was someone else with him, he wouldn’t be in danger now.”

The man collected more wood. He reached into his pocket for the matches. But his fingers were frozen. He couldn't hold them. He began to hit his hands with all his force against his legs.

After a while, feeling came back to his fingers. The man reached again into his pocket for the matches. But the tremendous cold quickly drove the life out of his fingers. All the matches fell onto the snow. He tried to pick one up, but failed.

The man pulled on his glove and again beat his hand against his leg. Then he took the gloves off both hands and picked up all the matches. He gathered them together. Holding them with both hands, he scratched the matches along his leg. They immediately caught fire.

He held the blazing matches to a piece of wood. After a while, he became aware that he could smell his hands burning. Then he began to feel the pain. He opened his hands, and the blazing matches fell on to the snow. The flame went out in a puff of gray smoke.

The man looked up. The dog was still watching him. The man got an idea. He would kill the dog and take his hands inside its warm body. When the feeling came back to his fingers, he could build another fire. He called to the dog. The dog heard danger in the man's voice. It's backed away.

  • would kill the dog - will kill the dog
  • could build - will be able to ignite

The man called again. This time the dog came closer. The man reached for his knife. But he had forgotten that he could not bend his fingers. He could not kill the dog, because he could not hold his knife.

  • could not kill - cannot kill
  • could not hold - cannot hold a knife

The fear of death came over the man. He jumped up and began to run. The running began to make him feel better. Maybe running would make his feet warm. They would take care of him.

  • If he ran far enough, he would reach his friends at Henderson Creek.“If he runs far, he can reach his comrades at Henderson's Creek.”
  • would take care - take care of him

It felt strange to run and not feel his feet when they hit the ground. He fell several times. He decided to rest while. As he lay in the snow, he noticed that he was not shaking. He could not feel his nose or fingers or feet. Yet, he was feeling quite warm and comfortable. He realized he was going to die.

Well, he decided he might as well take it like a man. There were worse ways to die.

  • he might as well take it like a man. - since this happened, we must accept it as a man should.

The man closed his eyes and floated into the most comfortable sleep he had ever known.

The dog sat facing him, waiting. Finally, the dog moved closer to the man and caught the smell of death. The animal threw back its head. It let out a long, soft cry to the cold stars in the black sky.

And then it tuned and ran towards Henderson Creek…where it knew there was food and a fire.

The child and his mother

A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some of your hairs turning grey?”

The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hairs grey!”

The child replied innocently: “Now I know why grandmother has only gray hairs on her head.”


Child and his mother

A curious child asks his mother, “Mommy, why do some of the hairs on your head turn gray?”

The mother tried to take advantage of the situation and teach her child a lesson: “It’s all because of you, dear. Every bad deed you do turns one of my hairs gray!”

The child answered innocently: “Now I know why grandma has only gray hair on her head.”

Wrong email address

A couple going on vacation but his wife was on a business trip so he went to the destination first and his wife would meet him the next day.

When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.

Unfortunately, when typing her address, he mistyped a letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before.

When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.

At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

dearest wife,
Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.

P.S. Sure is hot down here.


Wrong email

The couple is going on vacation, but the wife is traveling for business purposes, so the husband arrived at the place first, and the wife met him the next day.

When he got to the hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.

Unfortunately, when he typed her address, he missed a letter, and his letter went instead to his wife to the elderly priest's wife, whose husband had died just the day before.

When the grieving widow checked email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a cry of horror and fell to the floor in a deep faint.

Hearing this sound, the relatives rushed to her room and saw a note on the screen:

Dear wife,
Just settled in. Everything is ready for your arrival tomorrow.

P.S.: It's hot here.

Will's experience at the airport

After his return from Rome, Will couldn’t find his luggage in the airport baggage area. He went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that his bags hadn’t been shown up on the carousel.

She smiled and told him not to worry because they were trained professionals and he was in good hands.

Then she asked Will, “Has your plane arrived yet?”


The incident with Will at the airport

After returning from Rome, Will couldn't find his luggage in the airport baggage area. He went to the lost and found office and told the woman working there that his bags never showed up at the carousel.

She smiled and told him not to worry because they were professionals and he was in good hands.

Then she asked: “Has your plane arrived yet?”

Clever kids

A police officer found a perfect hiding place for watching for speeding motorists.

One day, the officer was amazed when everyone was under the speed limit, so he investigated and found the problem.

A 10 years old boy was standing on the side of the road with a huge hand painted sign which said “Radar Trap Ahead.”

A little more investigative work led the officer to the boy’s accomplice: another boy about 100 yards beyond the radar trap with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket at his feet full of change.


Smart kids

A police officer has found the perfect hidden location to monitor speeding motorists.

One day, the officer was struck by the fact that all the motorists were driving below the speed limit. He investigated and identified the problem.

A ten-year-old boy stood on the side of the road holding a large sign that read: “Trap for reckless drivers ahead.”

Further investigation led the officer to the boy's accomplice: he saw another boy standing 100 yards behind the officer with a radar gun, a sign next to him that said "Tips" and a bucket at his feet filled with change.


A Professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor:

“Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, physiology?

The sailor said no to all his questions.

Professor: What the hell do you know on earth. You will die of illiteracy.

After a while the boat started sinking. The Sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology?

The professor said no.

Sailor: “Well, sharkology & crocodilogy will eat your assology, headology & you will dieology because of your mouthology.



The professor traveled by boat. During the journey he asked the sailor:

“Do you know biology, ecology, zoology, geography, psychology?”

The sailor answered “No” to all his questions.

Professor: What do you even know then? You will die from illiteracy.

After some time, the boat began to sink. The sailor asked the professor if he knew swimming science, salvage science and sharkology.

The professor said no.

Sailor: “Well, then sharkology and crocodilology will eat your backology, headology, and you will die from boltology.”


A navy captain is alerted by his First Mate that there is a pirate ship coming towards his position. He asks a sailor to get him his red shirt.

The captain was asked, “Why do you need a red shirt?”

The Captain replies, “So that when I bleed, you guys don’t notice and aren’t discouraged.” They fight off the pirates eventually.

The very next day, the Captain is alerted that 50 pirate ships are coming towards their boat. He yells, “Get me my brown pants!”



A navy captain warned his first mate that a pirate ship was heading their way. He asked the sailor to get him a red T-shirt.

The captain was asked: “Why do you need a red T-shirt?”

The captain replied, “When I bleed, you guys won’t notice and won’t be afraid.”

Eventually they defeated the pirates.

The very next day, the captain announced the alarm that 50 pirate ships were approaching their boat. He shouted, “Bring me my brown pants!”


The class teacher asks students to name an animal that begins with an “E”. One boy says, “Elephant.”

Then the teacher asks for an animal that begins with a “T”. The same boy says, “Two elephants.”

The teacher sends the boy out of the class for bad behavior. After that she asks for an animal beginning with “M”.

The boy shouts from the other side of the wall: “Maybe an elephant!”



The teacher asks the students to name an animal that starts with "E". One boy said "Elephant" (elephant).

Then the teacher asked to name an animal that started with the letter “T”. The same boy said: “Two elephants” (two elephants).

The teacher kicked the boy out of class for bad behavior. After that, she asked to name an animal that starts with “M”.

The boy shouted on the other side of the wall: “Maybe an elephant!” (Maybe an elephant).

Hello, friends. If you are just starting to learn English, then one of the ways to build a foundation of English is to learn texts and dialogues. In the beginning you need to take as much as possible.

How to work with English texts:

1. Take English text with audio. It is important that the speaker read it correctly and clearly at a moderate pace.

2. Translate the text so that everything is clear. You will have several dozen unfamiliar words. In the beginning this is normal.

3. Listen to the audio version of the English text as many times as necessary to remember it.

4. Read the text based on audio. It is important for you to read words correctly and remember their correct sound form. It is important to remember correctly right away. Because a word is its correct spelling, sound and reading.

5. Learn the text by heart. Try to say it from memory, at the same pace as the announcer. It will be difficult at first, but you must train your speech organs to speak English like English-speaking people.

The more English texts you work through, the better. If you work through at least 50-100 English texts, then you will already be able to speak English.

You can work with texts right now. Watch these video lessons in plain English text plus audio format.

You can print these texts, but don't forget that handwriting them is also good practice.

English texts for beginners

1. Vacation/vacation plans
2. Interview
3. Letter from Dublin
4. History of the Internet
5. Millionaires.
6. Day at school
7. Radio interview.
8. Birthday gift.

1.Holiday plans
I’m going on holiday to Mexico next Friday, so next week’s very busy.
On Monday I’m collecting my tickets from the travel agent.
I’m going on holiday with my friends Ed and Lucy, so on Tuesday I’m meeting them after work and we are going shopping.
On Wednesday I’m seeing the doctor an 11 o’clock, then I’m having lunch with my mum.
On Thursday I’m leaving work early and I’m packing. I’m taking just a bag and a rucksack.
Then it's Friday. Friday is the big day! At six thirty in the morning I’m going by taxi to the airport. I’m meeting Ed and Lucy there and at thirty nine we are flying to Mexico City.
I'm very excited!

— This is a very beautiful house.
- Thank you. I like it very much, too.
— Celine, you're American. Why do you live here in London?
— Because I just love it here! The people are fantastic! I love them! And of course, my husband, Charles, is English, and I love him, too!
— That’s a very nice photo. Who are they?
- My sons. That's Matt, and that's Jack. They go to school here. My daughter’s at school in the US. Her name's Lisa-Marie.
— Why does Lisa-Marie go to school in the US?
— Because she lives with her father. My first husband, you know, the actor Dan Brat. I hate him and all his movies. I never watch them.
- I see. And does Lisa-Marie visit you?
- Oh, yes. She visits me every vacation. She's here with me now.
— And is this a photo of you and Charles?
- Oh, yes. It's us in Hawaii. It's our wedding. We're so happy together!

3. A letter from Dublin
Dear Alan,
We're on holiday in Dublin this week. Our hotel is very nice – old and comfortable. The people are very friendly, and the food is delicious. Irish music is good, and the beer is lovely!
Dublin is beautiful. It’s a big city with a lot of old buildings, and it isn’t expensive. The weather is horrible! It's wet and it's cold.
See you soon.
Love. Dona and Sergio (your Italian students).

4. The history of the Internet
It's history
The Internet started in the 1960s. The United States Department of Defense started it because they wanted a computer network to help the American military. In the 1970s scientists worked on it.

Then in the 1980s telephone companies made in possible to communicate on the computer network in many more countries. An international computer language was born, and the Net went worldwide.
What can it do?
You can use the Internet for many things. You can buy a car or a house; you can book a holiday; you can watch a video; you can read an Australian newspaper or a Japanese magazine; you can buy books and CDs from North and South America; you can play chess with a partner in Moscow; or you can just chat to people from all over the world. The list is endless

5. Millionaires
We're millionaires
In August 1999 three friends, Jacques Proust, Guy Fadat and Franqois Leclerc were on holiday in the town of Laraque in France. On Sunday they went shopping in the market and they saw a dirty, old painting of the Virgin Mary. They bought it for 1400 francs and they took it to Paris. In Paris an expert said that the painting was by Leonardo da Vinchi and it was worth 500,000,000 francs. The man in Laraque market said: “I was happy to sell the painting but now I’m very upset. I don’t want to think about it!”

6. A schoolday
Well, on schooldays I get up at 7:45. I have breakfast at 8 and I go to school at 8:30. I have lunch in school with my friends, that’s at 12:50 – it’s early in our school. I leave school at 3:30 in the afternoon and I walk home with my friends. I get home at 4:30. I go to bed at 11 o’clock on schooldays, but not at the weekends.

7. Radio interview
— What are you doing here in Milan, Sadie?
— I'm working. There is a big fashion show here.
—Are you staying in a hotel?
- No, I'm not. I'm staying with friends.
— Are you having a good time in Milan?
- Yes, I'm. I'm enjoying it very much.
- Now, Sadie, tell the listeners. What are you wearing now?
— I’m not wearing anything special! I’m just wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
- Thank you, Sadie. It was nice to talk to you.
- Thank you.

8. A present for a birthday
What would I like for my birthday? That's easy. I'd like to have breakfast in bed. With the newspapers. And in the evening I’d like to go to the theater.
Well, I’d like a new computer, because my computer is so old that the new programs don’t work on it. And then in the evening I’d like to go to a good restaurant. I don’t mind if it’s Italian, French, Chinese or Indian. Just good food.
I don’t have a mobile phone and all my friends have one, so what I’d really like is my own mobile. They aren't expensive these days. And in the evening I’d like to go out with all my friends and have a great time!

In this article we offer you simple English texts for beginners with audio and translation. If you have already mastered them, then it will not be difficult for you to read them.

The texts are written by a native English speaker with an Australian accent, the so-called Aussie. Listen carefully, follow the text with your eyes, try to catch not only sounds, but intonation, rhythm, stress. Listen several times (the more, the better), then start repeating after the speaker, and try to copy exactly all the nuances of her speech.

We highly recommend reading an article on the topic, which, in particular, contains some practical useful advice from the young, very successful polyglot Luca Lampariello on how to correctly read texts in English for beginners.

1. I am happy - I’m happy

2. Texts in English for beginners on the topic: What is it? - What is this?

I want to tell you a little about my family. My family is quite big. I have a mother, father, sister and brother. There are five of us in our family. My mother is 42, but she looks younger. She is not tall, but slim. Her hair is blond and curly. Her eyes are gray. She is a doctor. She is very kind. My father is strong and handsome. His hair is dark and straight. His eyes are brown. My father is a programmer. It can also do many different things. He always helps us with our homework. I have an older sister. She is 19 and a student. She loves to cook and read. She looks like my father. She has a lot of boyfriends. My little brother is only 12. Sometimes he is noisy, but mostly he is a very friendly boy. I'm 16. I like to play football and listen to music. I look like my mother. I also have blond, curly hair and gray eyes. After I finish school I would also like to be a doctor and help people. We have grandparents. They live in the village. They don't work, they are retired. Sometimes they come to visit us and every summer we visit them and spend our holidays with them.

4. Apperance - Appearance

We have a head, a face, two arms, two hands, a body with two shoulders, a chest and stomach, two legs, two knees and two feet. We have hair and two ears on our head. We have two eyes, a nose, a mouth on our face. We have 32 teeth and a tongue in our mouth. Our hair can be dark or light, straight or curly, long or short. Our eyes can be blue, green, brown, gray or yellow. We can have long or short, strong or weak arms and legs. We can be tall or short, thin or fat. Our skin can be white, yellow, brown or black.

We may be old or young. A man can be good-looking or handsome. A woman can be very pretty or beautiful. How would you describe yourself? I'm not very tall, not very short. I'm not very old, but my hair is almost grey. I have blue eyes. My nose is straight. My ears are small. My face is a little tanned because I'm outside a lot. What about you? How would you describe yourself?

5. Where are you from - Where are you from?

Where are you from?
I'm from Russia. And you?
I am from Germany. And you?
I am from Italy. And she?
She's from France. And he?
He's from Spain. And they?
They are from the Czech Republic.

We are from different countries, but we all want to learn English, don't we?
By the way, do you know where English is the native language? It is a native language in the UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ghana and the second national language in India.
English is now the most influential language in the world, spoken by more than a billion people on our planet.

Simple texts in English for beginners - a collection of short stories

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