Why do I have a bad streak in my life? Black streak in life, what to do

Greetings to the readers of the site “Myself a Psychologist”! Elena asked a good question about a bad streak in life: What causes a bad streak in life and how to get out of it?

The question is good and relevant. Many people, when the so-called dark streak comes in their lives, become lost, upset, and generally find themselves vulnerable and unprepared for the trials of fate.

What is a black stripe?

- this is, as a rule, a chain of unfavorable and unfavorable events in a person’s life, which may include: collapse of plans, health problems, material and other losses, betrayal by people, any bad luck and various troubles.

But the dark streaks in life are also different, that is, the life of each person hits and educates in different ways and for different reasons. Let's consider what may be the reasons for a black streak in a person's life.

Reasons why there is a black streak in life

1. Tests on strength, perseverance, self-confidence and the correctness of the chosen path. When a person goes towards some significant goal, life periodically tests him. And it is important to pass these tests with dignity and faith and overcome obstacles.

For this reason, read:

2. Punishments for wrong actions, mistakes and sins committed, missed opportunities that fate provided, and the person ignored them. That is, if a person has sinned or gone the wrong way, troubles begin in his life.

To eliminate penalties, read:

3. Sign that something in life needs to change radically. It happens that a person is being prepared for something important and therefore events begin in life that push a person to change. And a person, perceiving what is happening negatively, calls it a black streak.

Very often, illness, problems due to fate, such as dismissal from work and other life difficulties, are for a person the ringing of a bell from the Higher Powers that he has stayed too long, stopped and he needs to start moving forward and upward, developing and working on himself. Especially if a person has grown accustomed to a warm place, doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t strive for anything, doesn’t realize his main life purpose (what he was born for) and doesn’t intend to do it. Then they begin to intensify its development through the creation of life situations that need to be overcome.


Almost always, troubles due to fate are a push for a person to develop, so that he overcomes his spiritual laziness and begins to row and work on himself.

Read the following articles about development:

But it is not always possible for a person himself to get to the bottom of the root cause of the troubles that happen to him. Very often, in order to effectively solve problems and quickly get out of a black streak and safely change it to a white one, you need an outside view, for example, the help of a good

A black streak is usually called a sequence of subjectively unpleasant events for a person, which knock him out of his usual comfortable living conditions and lead to a stressful state and neurosis.

Experts in the field of psychology closely connect a person’s psycho-emotional state with events in his life.

  • Such events include, for example:
  • disease
  • sudden dismissal from work
  • deprivation of a source of income

news of a spouse’s betrayal, etc.

When such “surprises” follow continuously one after another or happen simultaneously, then such a period of time is considered to be a “black streak”.

Therefore, when a “dark streak” occurs, psychologists advise first putting your nervous system in order, that is, getting rid of depression, nervous tension and a depressed state. For this, psychologists recommend the following:

Turn your head off from your problems and catch a wave of positivity.

This is not easy to do, but it is possible. To do this, you can start watching positive and life-affirming films, read humorous literature and, if possible, pamper yourself in every possible way. Negative thoughts that come to mind must be passed through oneself, as it were, without dwelling on them

. Such a reboot should take two to three days. No matter how funny it sounds and looks, every morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, you need to smile intensely at yourself in front of the mirror. First you need to do this exercise or longer as desired.

This exercise perfectly relaxes and trains almost all the muscles of the face, which in a person who is in a “black streak” are in a tight state.

Live in the present moment

Even the most unlucky person has access to joy and pleasure at every moment of his life. This is exactly what psychologists advise focusing on.

For example, a cup of hot tea or a relaxing bath after a hard day can bring extraordinary a pleasure that must be noticed and stored in your memory.

If you do this methodically and regularly, then the number of bright moments will begin to grow. The main thing here is to remember to celebrate everything that brings you joy.

Listing a list of gratitude to yourself will not bring the desired effect. What is necessary is a written listing of the graces that life has given you.

If you don’t have money for a gym or a swimming pool, then you need to start with regular walking for half an hour a day, gradually moving to jogging. Over time, your body will appreciate such a gift and attract the opportunity to engage in a sport that is right for you.

You should not expect that friends and family will certainly support you and rush to your aid. But talking through your problems, as a rule, leads to a release of accumulated tension, and friendly participation will fill the soul with warmth and give strength.

In addition, after communicating with other people, as a rule, it turns out that something similar happened to everyone. This will help get rid of such a paralyzing feeling as shame.

After doing everything written above you need to look at your life from the outside through the eyes of different people. You need to do this as detached as possible, as if you were watching a feature film about your life, focusing on your feelings.

It is imperative to start the action in the right direction. Don't burden yourself with perfectionism. The main thing is to start. And luck and luck will certainly catch up.

Esoteric teachings suggest first finding the cause of the black streak, and then starting to correct the life situation.

They classify the reasons for a series of negative events into:

In this case, fate tests your strength. This is possible in case of troubles with business or family relationships.

When testing the strength of a person you need to concentrate on your feelings and understand- Does he need a business or is it just a means to earn money for a decent life? You should ask yourself exactly the same question when you encounter a “black streak” in your personal life.

If the answer is positive, you need use all your strength to overcome obstacles. As a rule, this leads to a new round of development.

Punishment for sins, mistakes, etc.

Here you need to ask for forgiveness from people you may have offended. It is not necessary to do this in person. You can write a sincere note asking for forgiveness. And then burn it.

The same can be done in writing ask forgiveness from the Universe for the sins committed, and then promise to correct them as soon as possible.

Mistakes and sins must be corrected at the first opportunity, and missed opportunities must certainly be realized.

In this case “black streak” pushes a person to change. A distinctive feature of such a “strip” is the collapse of life in different directions, independent of each other.

Here you need to notify the Higher Powers that you are ready to accept changes. This must be done again in writing. Place the note in a high place. For example, on the refrigerator. In this case it is simply necessary to “unhook” from the usual views of the world.

This type of "black streak" may be due to the fact that that some time ago you made a request to optimize some area of ​​your life. Now all that remains is to go through the “repair” or “move” in anticipation of a joyful event.

In this case, esotericists advise show patience and endurance. It is also necessary to maintain a positive attitude and monitor your energy health.

The Orthodox Church will certainly provide support to every Christian when he turns to her for help in the person of a priest.

You can immediately turn to your father for advice. The following sequence of actions may also help:

  1. Fasting and observance of the prayer rule morning and evening for at least seven days.

Then you need come to church for evening service, giving alms to those in need at the entrance. It is advisable to confess during or after the service.

You need to prepare for confession in advance by writing all the sins you have committed on a piece of paper. At the priest's after confession it is necessary to take a blessing for communion. On this day, do not have dinner, and after midnight do not even drink water.

After doing all of the above, life, as a rule, begins to improve. The main condition for further positive changes is taking the sacrament once a month and following the advice of your confessor.

How to get rid of the “black streak” with the help of conspiracies?

From a magical point of view The cause of the “black streak” is field violations in the form of the evil eye, damage or curse.

The following methods can help against the evil eye or damage. Can get rid of the curse only the church or the help of a qualified magician.

So, if you realized that a “dark streak” has begun in your life, then immediately roll yourself out with a fresh chicken egg, without waiting for the optimal location of the luminaries in the sky.

This should be done in the center of the chest, clockwise in relation to the body, for three days.

I roll the egg, I roll out the witchcraft,

from the soul, from the mind, from the body.

Go away, dark witchcraft sent by the enemy,

To my detriment, to the enemy's premises.

I heal myself, I put protection on myself,

I protect myself from troubles.

Neither the evil eye, nor damage, nor curse will come to me.

As can be seen from the text of the conspiracy, it is also a prevention of some type of curse.

After use on the egg you need write “all my troubles” and bury it away from your place of residence.

The spell that you need also helps say out loud during your morning shower for one week:

Water, water, get away from me

Dark oppression, life's devastation,

So that it doesn't spoil me,

So that it doesn’t bother me,

So that it doesn't break me,

It didn't throw from side to side.

Wash away with water all the failures,

Wash off the black stripe with some water.

When a “dark streak” occurs in life, it is very difficult to pull yourself together and stop giving energy to neuroses and depression.

But only self-control and control over your emotions, feelings and actions can help a negative streak use life constructively.

But it is not always possible for a person himself to get to the bottom of the root cause of the troubles that happen to him. Very often, in order to effectively solve problems and quickly get out of a black streak and safely change it to a white one, you need an outside view, for example, the help of a good

A black streak is usually called a sequence of subjectively unpleasant events for a person, which knock him out of his usual comfortable living conditions and lead to a stressful state and neurosis.

Experts in the field of psychology closely connect a person’s psycho-emotional state with events in his life.

  • Such events include, for example:
  • disease
  • sudden dismissal from work
  • deprivation of a source of income

news of a spouse’s betrayal, etc.

When such “surprises” follow continuously one after another or happen simultaneously, then such a period of time is considered to be a “black streak”.

After doing everything written above you need to look at your life from the outside through the eyes of different people. You need to do this as detached as possible, as if you were watching a feature film about your life, focusing on your feelings.

It is imperative to start the action in the right direction. Don't burden yourself with perfectionism. The main thing is to start. And luck and luck will certainly catch up.


Esoteric teachings suggest first finding the cause of the black streak, and then starting to correct the life situation.

They classify the reasons for a series of negative events into:


    In this case, fate tests your strength. This is possible in case of troubles with business or family relationships.

    When testing the strength of a person you need to concentrate on your feelings and understand- Does he need a business or is it just a means to earn money for a decent life? You should ask yourself exactly the same question when you encounter a “black streak” in your personal life.

    If the answer is positive, you need use all your strength to overcome obstacles. As a rule, this leads to a new round of development.

    Punishment for sins, mistakes, etc.

    Here you need to ask for forgiveness from people you may have offended. It is not necessary to do this in person. You can write a sincere note asking for forgiveness. And then burn it.

    The same can be done in writing ask forgiveness from the Universe for the sins committed, and then promise to correct them as soon as possible.

    Mistakes and sins must be corrected at the first opportunity, and missed opportunities must certainly be realized.


    In this case “black streak” pushes a person to change. A distinctive feature of such a “strip” is the collapse of life in different directions, independent of each other.

    Here you need to notify the Higher Powers that you are ready to accept changes. This must be done again in writing. Place the note in a high place. For example, on the refrigerator. In this case it is simply necessary to “unhook” from the usual views of the world.


    This type of "black streak" may be due to the fact that that some time ago you made a request to optimize some area of ​​your life. Now all that remains is to go through the “repair” or “move” in anticipation of a joyful event.

    In this case, esotericists advise show patience and endurance. It is also necessary to maintain a positive attitude and monitor your energy health.

Help the Church

The Orthodox Church will certainly provide support to every Christian when they turn to her for help in the person of a priest.

You can immediately turn to your father for advice. The following sequence of actions may also help:

  1. Fasting and observance of the prayer rule morning and evening for at least seven days.
  2. Then you need come to church for evening service, giving alms to those in need at the entrance. It is advisable to confess during or after the service.

    You need to prepare for confession in advance by writing all the sins you have committed on a piece of paper. At the priest's after confession it is necessary to take a blessing for communion. On this day, do not have dinner, and after midnight do not even drink water.

  3. The next day, come to church for the morning service, during which take communion.

After doing all of the above, life, as a rule, begins to improve. The main condition for further positive changes is taking the sacrament once a month and following the advice of your confessor.

How to get rid of the “black streak” with the help of conspiracies?

From a magical point of view The cause of the “black streak” is field violations in the form of the evil eye, damage or curse.

The following methods can help against the evil eye or damage. Can get rid of the curse only the church or the help of a qualified magician.

So, if you realized that a “dark streak” has begun in your life, then immediately roll yourself out with a fresh chicken egg, without waiting for the optimal location of the luminaries in the sky.

This should be done in the center of the chest, clockwise in relation to the body, for three days.

I roll the egg, I roll out the witchcraft,

from the soul, from the mind, from the body.

Go away, dark witchcraft sent by the enemy,

To my detriment, to the enemy's premises.

I heal myself, I put protection on myself,

I protect myself from troubles.

Neither the evil eye, nor damage, nor curse will come to me.

Let it be so!

As can be seen from the text of the conspiracy, it is also a prevention of some type of curse.

After use on the egg you need write “all my troubles” and bury it away from your place of residence.

The spell that you need also helps say out loud during your morning shower for one week:

Water, water, get away from me

Dark oppression, life's devastation,

So that it doesn't spoil me,

So that it doesn’t bother me,

So that it doesn't break me,

It didn't throw from side to side.

Wash away with water all the failures,

Wash off the black stripe with some water.

When a “dark streak” occurs in life, it is very difficult to pull yourself together and stop giving in to neuroses and depression.

But only self-control and control over your emotions, feelings and actions can help a negative streak use life constructively.

“Trouble does not come alone” - I think many will agree with this saying. Indeed, as soon as a certain negative event occurs, it starts like in a fairy tale: “The farther, the worse.” It also happens that there seems to be nowhere to “fall” lower, but no, inventive life will come up with such a “juicy slap in the face” that you will get into such a mess that the previous one will seem like just a childish failure.

So, why does one grief lead to another, and then, in turn, the next, sometimes turning life into one continuous black streak?

Someone will say that karma is to blame, someone will attribute everything to damage, Zeeland’s supporters will say that this is all a matter of “pendulums,” but a skeptic will say: “This is a simple accident.” And you know, perhaps they are all partly right, no one knows the exact explanation, and all these points really work, especially if you believe in them.

  • Believe me, a wise specialist in the “slaps” from life and all kinds of “black stripes” (as well as gray, speckled black, with circles and all other dark shades), and not just a home-grown amateur philosopher, but a practitioner.

Well, I already had practice: “a carriage and a small cart,” judge for yourself:

Even as a child, I suffered 13 pneumonias (not counting other minor ailments and illnesses later), the doctors, with their “experiments” (without the knowledge of my parents), almost killed me and made it so that for a long time I shied away from all people. Growing up, my pain went away, but my fears turned into complexes and phobias. Everything around seemed painted in dark tones, despite many different events, my body dulled not only pain, but also emotions.

As a child, carrying a glass of water and stepping over a drunk neighbor sleeping on the landing, I fell (as he began to toss and turn at that time), and I fell so that half of the broken glass stuck out in the center of my forehead.

So I became even more afraid of drunks

Despite the fact that my mother worked at a time and a half rate and took part-time work at home, there was always a shortage of money. And my father often drank and was constantly on the move in various ways (sometimes for years), in search of either himself, or just for fun. It seemed to me then that I was living in some kind of constantly dark zone that simply had no end. Negative events simply changed each other and I got so used to all this that I began to perceive all this as in the order of things.

It was then that I first began to be interested in self-development, NLP, esotericism, then I first began to think: why some people succeed in everything, while others do nothing, despite the many efforts made for this. And you know, then I managed to get out of the series of “black things” - I became a sociable, cheerful and quite optimistic young man, believing that life consists not only of black streaks, but also of bright joy, anticipation of good things and, of course, love.

But in life everything is cyclical and the second blackening streak, or rather, I learned my second life lesson after the army, when I was 25 years old. Then I was already married and my first son was already born.

Firstly, I lost a lot of weight then, and secondly, my mother fell ill with cancer and within a few months, “burned out” by the disease, died in my arms. A few months after my mother’s death, my father dies (blood clots in the carotid arteries). In between these events, my cousin’s daughter dies (sudden death syndrome). Well, and lastly, my wife and I are divorcing and my wife begins to attack me about the parental apartment (she and the child were registered in the parental apartment).

This dark streak lasted for several years without any relief and at times it seemed to me that I was simply going crazy. At that time I was simply sure that there was some kind of damage on me, and once I accidentally broke a mirror in the bathroom, I seriously thought that it was probably me who would be next. I start running around to grandmothers in the hope that the witchcraft spell will be removed from me and all adversity will pass. As it turned out, nothing helped, but only faith in myself helped me, faith that God will not leave me, faith that everything will be fine and......, but, STOP - all this deserves a separate story.

Just for the most impatient, I’ll write about mine today:

Everything is fine with me, I have a small family: me, my wife (9 years younger than me) and my great joy is my seven-month-old son, Yaroslav. The eldest son (from his first marriage) will soon be 19 years old, he lives in another city, but he happily comes to visit me and I love him very much.

It was not possible to defend my parents’ apartment in full then, but I have my own, although for now it’s a small apartment (in the near future there are plans to expand the living space).

I work in a small furniture company as deputy director, there is a lot of work, but I hope that there are even more prospects for the future. Despite all my busyness, I sometimes write on my blogs, with the hope that it might be useful to someone.

  • Having deviated a little from the topic by telling a story about my life, my goal was not to boast to you and show myself on the bright side - not at all, I just wanted to say and show all readers of my blog:

“There is nothing impossible in life - everything in it changes, because this is the basic law of physical matter. There is a place for everything in life: joy too, and no matter how hard it is for you today, remember: everything ends and the bad streak too, but how long it will last depends primarily on you. The world is not against you, it is neutral, but it’s up to you to choose what color to paint it. After all, the truth is that you have the power to choose which thought or emotion you can support, and which one you try to dismiss as unnecessary?

Hell and heaven already exist within you - just choose what to support.

If you liked it, then read on, if not, well, I don’t insist, everyone has their own truth, choose a different path - fortunately there are many of them.

Before starting the main story, I will once again emphasize to you that I do not get into the abstruse jungle of reasoning, I am simply writing about my experience, about the conclusions that I have come to today, I will try to convey to you a “drop of confidence” in myself and describe to you those “gadgets” that work for me.

Axioms of light and dark stripes or the golden, striped tablet from Oleg Plett:

  • M ir is neutral towards us.

He is neither evil nor good, he doesn’t give a damn about us, he is exactly the way we accepted him within ourselves. The world around you is a reflection of your inner state.

  • IN era is a very strong “genie” in our hands.

What to believe is up to you to decide. You believe that everything will be fine - “according to your faith, it will be for you”, you believe that life is a cruel “thing” - get yours, the law works in this case too. If you sincerely believe that God and all the bright forces are standing by your side, be sure that it is so.

  • Love can do anything.

Love is not an egoistic thirst for possession, of course not. Love is the highest vibrational energy. Love does not seek or ingratiate itself, it is complete and self-sufficient, it can turn any hell into a blooming paradise. Love is God who loves no matter what. God does not forgive us because of our actions, he forgives us because he is God (love). The closest energy to true love is maternal love. The more love in your life, the brighter, better and smoother your life.

  • P like attracts like.

Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations, which in turn give rise to new negative emotions - it’s like a vicious circle and if it is not interrupted, this can continue for the rest of your life. Conversely, joyful emotions attract good events. The conclusion suggests itself.

  • By changing our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, we change the course of our lives.

Filter every emotion and thought, choose only positive and correct ones, cultivate them in yourself.

  • The feeling of guilt triggers the mechanism of punishment.

This is why confession is so important. Take your mistakes as important life lessons, and therefore, like any lesson, you need to learn it and understand the meaning of what you experienced. As soon as you realized your mistake, you turned the situation around, you learned a lesson, and after that, have the strength to forgive both yourself and others.

  • By living in the present, you choose the best option available.

I’ve talked about this more than once.

  • There are no hopeless situations.

By closing one door, God always opens another.

  • Once you have made a decision, take action.

You always have a better chance if you are active than if you are passive. So don’t lie on the couch - take action.

  • Never do evil to another - evil kills.

When you do harm to another, you do bad things to yourself first of all; anyone who has experienced this will understand me.

  • Any change does not happen instantly - it takes time.

And this is good, otherwise if everything changed instantly, then we would have turned things around. There is no need to complain that time passes and nothing changes, you just need to believe that happiness is inevitable.

And with that, I consider the first part of the post on this topic closed, but on the next part, I suggest moving on to practical work.

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Greetings my dear readers! Have you ever experienced this when you just give up? You seemed to have sorted out one problem, and exhaled a little. But, before we had time to move away from the first trouble, another one followed, followed by the next one. And it seems like it will never end. I'm sure this has happened to everyone at least once in their lives. The only difference is that these problems vary in severity for everyone. Today I will help you deal with this and tell you how not to lose your mind while going through such a period.

  Reasons and signs

So, a bad streak in life: what to do if trouble after trouble comes flooding in? We all know what it's like to feel like the whole world is against you. But first, let's look at the reasons for the black stripe. Many of us have absolutely no faith in a higher power. And they try to find a reasonable explanation for everything. But if we take a certain situation, one where everything has already happened, and analyze it, then we can notice some details that we simply did not pay attention to initially.

When it comes, the world simply collapses under your feet. And if you are already in this situation, first of all, give yourself just a little time to be sad about what happened. You shouldn’t despair at all, now try to gather your strength and start looking for a way out. And to do this, it’s worth analyzing what happened to you the day before. That is, try to find those very details.

There is great literature from which you can learn a lot more about how to overcome difficult moments in life. Here, for example, is the book “ Black stripe is white! A Practical Guide to Controlling Your Destiny».

Many events in our lives that seem completely random sometimes happen for a reason. For example, you are rushing to an interview for the job of your life, you meet your first love on the subway and are so carried away by communicating with this person that you pass your station. Naturally, you were upset and by the time you got to the right place, you realized that no one was waiting for you there, and your place was taken by another applicant who arrived on time.

You go home upset and curse this chance meeting: they say, because of her, everything went wrong. You sit comfortably in front of the TV and immediately pay attention to the news report. It says that your failed boss is wanted, and the cool company is just a one-day company.

I don’t particularly believe in fate, but still, sometimes something inexplicable happens and seems to lead me away from even greater trouble. I think everyone has a story where a failure that happened in the past later became the cause of successful events.

If something doesn’t go well for you all the time, interferes with the implementation of some plans or “doesn’t work”, then it’s better to think about whether it’s worth persistently striving for them. Perhaps the obstacles on the way are signs from above that warn us of danger. And if you are, you will always be one step ahead, avoiding failure.

But, of course, there is no need to rush to extremes. Sometimes it is important to admit that a bad streak began due to your own mistakes or high expectations. You shouldn’t curse yourself for this, but rather do a sober analysis to prevent difficult situations in the future.

If you understand that you are surrounded by continuous troubles on all sides, then a dark streak has begun. What to do in this case?

In such situations, it is better not to hide behind the mask of a happy person who has everything going well in life, and indulge in unbridled fun. This will make no sense and will only make things worse. I'm not saying that you need to walk around with a sad face, complain to everyone and talk about how things are not going well for you. You can cry alone, scream - let your emotions out. This will make you feel better, and you will be able to think soberly about what is happening without self-deception.

When everything is bad, it seems that there is no brightness ahead, I strongly recommend releasing negative emotions. Everyone has their own way - for some it’s enough to cry. There are people who share what happened with a loved one. But you need to remember that suffering can drag on. So your goal is to get rid of negativity, not wallow in it.

“Why did this happen to me?” When faced with such a difficult situation, people often ask themselves this question. But you won't solve anything if you constantly search for the answer. Write down all your problems on paper, then it will become clearer how many specific problems you have and how they can be solved. You can draw up an action plan and begin to implement it, but you don’t need to push yourself into rigid limits when life is already hitting you in the gut.

Some people will benefit from a change of scenery. If possible, it is worth spending time in nature. This will help you switch gears to look at problems in a new way. It is important not to deny, since it is only if a problem situation is recognized that it will be possible to find a way out of it.

It’s good if you have the opportunity to contact close friends and relatives. But only if they are able to instill calm and confidence in you. But the company of whiners is definitely worth giving up during this period!

Finally, when the going gets tough, it’s time to cheer yourself up. To the best of your ability, you need to remember what can warm you up and lift your spirits right now. Let it be chocolate or shopping, reading your favorite book or traveling. The main thing is to recharge yourself with positivity.

Ritual to help

An attempt to use magic and conspiracies rather speaks of shifting responsibility for the further development of events to mystical forces. It would be more effective to find a way out of this situation on your own.

A visit to church helps believers. And I recommend it. Sometimes we drive ourselves into limits, we cannot reach the goal due to lack of faith in our own strengths or pretensions.

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I wish everyone good luck! Until next time.

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