Cool off from your loved one. Country cooling on nettles

Many people turn to magic to solve their problems. As practice has shown, this remedy is considered effective where conventional methods are ineffective. Most of these cases are in the love area and the sphere of emotions and feelings. After all, we cannot always order ourselves to forget our beloved and wish this to come true instantly. As a rule, unrequited love and breakups bring a lot of suffering to at least one person. And to protect yourself from such pain, you can cool it down. And today we will tell you exactly how the lapel spell works and what is needed to carry out the rituals.

The magical effect, called a lapel or cooling, can be used both on oneself and on a loved one. Rituals during which lapel spells are pronounced help alleviate love suffering and rid oneself of love for a specific person.

There are many spells that can help you get rid of love addiction. All of them are aimed at almost the same action, although they have different effects. So, for example, a cooldown or a lapel is used when:

  • there was too strong an attachment to a person who did not reciprocate;
  • relationships do not develop;
  • in love/in love with a person who is not worthy of you;
  • The relationship has been broken for a long time, but feelings are still warm in the heart.

However, cooling spells and turning spells are often used if love magic has been used on a person. That is, if you find obvious signs of a love spell or drying spell (sudden unhealthy craving for a specific object, thoughts constantly occupied with it, etc.), you can use the cold spell on yourself.

Only when starting to perform the ritual, you need to carefully prepare and comply exactly with all the requirements. So, for example, all ostud rituals should be carried out during the waning moon. In this case, turning away from love magic and cooling your feelings will come faster. If the author of the lapel spell is a girl, then it is better for her to do the spell on herself on Women’s Day. These include: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Charming water to cool the senses

This lapel is quite strong despite its simplicity. It helps in cases where a person has become a victim of a magical love spell. To neutralize outside influences and get rid of love addiction, you need to do the following.

First you need to put a glass filled with water in the refrigerator. Then you need to prepare the room for the ceremony. To do this, you should close all the windows in the room, curtain the windows, and turn off all objects that create noise. It doesn't hurt to turn off the doorbell and telephone.

Only after this can you cool yourself down. A glass of water will come in handy for this. Take it out of the refrigerator and take it to the prepared room. Close the doors behind you and, standing in the center of the room, read the lapel:

“On the sea or in the ocean there is a distant island. A tall oak tree grows on it, and there is a stone near that tree. A pike is lying on that stone. She eats and eats melancholy, destroys the grief of the servant of God (her name), so that neither in her head, nor in her soul, nor in her heart does she have any melancholy and thoughts about the servant of God (the guy’s name), so that she does not suffer and do not get sick him. There is strong power in my words, so let no one cancel them forever.”

After saying the words cool down twice, you need to drink some of the water. You should wash your face with the remaining water and also spray yourself. After the lapel is turned towards you, you can open the windows and turn on the equipment again. The effect of the ritual will be noticeable immediately.

Nails will help remove love magic

This lapel should only be performed at night during the waning moon. To cool yourself down effectively, buy for the ritual:

  • large sharp nail;
  • church wax candles.

In addition, prepare holy water. Fill a glass with it. Then place it on the table and light the purchased candles. While the candles are burning, think about yourself and the man to whom your heart gravitates. At the same time, imagine you separately. Next, heat the sharp end of the nail over the candle flame. When this part turns red, sharply lower the nail into the water with the words cool down:

“Clean water, take it away, wash away the sadness and melancholy from me, cool the passion for the servant of God (his name). As quickly as the iron cools in the water, I will quickly recover and be freed from the devastation.”

After making this lapel, you should immediately go to bed. In the morning, when you clear everything from the table, you will notice that the plot has begun to work. To prevent the effect from being eliminated, you should not tell anyone about the ritual.

Ritual with a photograph of the object

If you are worried about love addiction, and you want to get rid of it yourself and make a lapel, you will need to prepare a photograph of the object of desire, and also buy a loaf of black bread.

For the ritual to be successful, you need to read a special spell every day in a row at the same time for a week. First you need to clear the farthest corner of the room. You need to install a table or chair in it and put a photograph of a person there, turning it upside down. She should remain in this state for all seven days.

Place a slice of black bread in front of the photo. Read the lapel above it:

“You, servant of God (boyfriend’s name), stand as you stand. And you, little piece of bread, lie where you lie. I will remember the servant of God (his name again) with a word not of love, but of cold. Just as I, the servant of God (my name), forgot my first steps, my first words, so I will forget you (the guy’s name). Let it be so from now on. Amen".

Leaving the loaf of bread lying next to the photograph for a day, you can go about your business. And after 24 hours, replace this piece with a fresh one. In this case, you will first need to crumble the old piece on the street for the birds, and only after that return to repeating the ritual.

Each of the above lapels and cooling spells will only work if there is sincere faith. In addition, it is not advisable to talk about the rituals performed, since the revealed sacrament will be destroyed. Well, if you do everything right, you can quickly and easily get rid of depressing feelings and suffering.

Love is wonderful, but there are situations when strong feelings for a person with whom for some reason you cannot be together, only prevent us from moving on. Do you agree that it’s hard to feel happy when every night you want to cry into your pillow because of your attachment to someone you’re never destined to be with? That’s why we’re devoting today’s article to how to make it cool on yourself.

What is ostuda for yourself?

Now let's look at what not to do. You should not cool yourself in the following cases:

  • If you just quarreled with your loved one, but did not break up forever.
  • If the decision to cool your feelings is made in the heat of the moment.
  • If you haven’t even tried to find some other way out of a difficult situation.

Remember that the consequences of coldness on yourself will be irreversible: you will no longer be able to love a person again after performing a magical ritual. If the decision to put an end to the past is well thought out and finally made, let’s figure out how to make it cool on yourself in order to stop loving a person.

Rules for conducting rituals

The rules are simple.

  • The ritual is performed on the waning moon.
  • The most suitable days of the week are Saturday and Thursday.
  • The date of the month is any, except 4 and 24.
  • Don't tell anyone about the ritual.

A simple spell to cool feelings

How to make cooling for yourself in the easiest way? Just memorize the following text and read it every day before going to bed, completely relaxed. During the ritual, you can meditate, imagine how strong feelings fade away, fly away, dissolve in space, how your soul is freed from the emotions tormenting it. The text goes like this:

“Stop tormenting and tormenting your heart. Don't worry about the fear, the fuss, the empty commotion, the heavy sighs. Don't tear your zealous heart in half. Everything is empty. Sadness go far away. Don't prick, don't chip, don't tear - let go. Everything is empty. To the forest, to the wind, to the chimney, to the dry grass. Just as smoke disperses and melts in the wind, let melancholy leave your heart forever. Amen!"

You can do this trick to stop loving a guy not only before going to bed, but also when you once again catch yourself thinking about him.

Ancient ritual with water and candles

This strong cooling on yourself will help you quickly get rid of tormenting feelings. This method is ideal for those whose loved one has died. However, for other cases this folk magic recipe will also be effective. You need to visit the church shop, buy two wax candles there and collect some holy water. When you get home, write your name on one candle and the name of the lover you want to forget on the other. Light the candles and place a glass filled with holy water between them. Looking at the candle lights, immerse yourself in your memories: go over in your memory all the most joyful and sad moments associated with your loved one. If you want to cry, cry. When you feel ready to let go of your memories, quickly extinguish both candles at the same time with holy water, and then say out loud:

“Thank you for everything that happened. Thank you for the love, happiness and joy. Now I thank you for the sadness of love. What happened passed without a trace, all the feelings that I experienced will be washed off with water and gone away. Thank you for the love, happiness and joy. I let go and burn, let the fire burn all my feelings for (man’s name), and let the water cool. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

You can slightly change the text of the magic spell, the main thing is to sincerely thank the person for being in your life and do not forget to say that you are burning, washing away, letting go of your love. Every day it will become easier and easier for you.

Ritual to the wind

How to make a cooler on a windy day? It couldn't be easier! Go out into any open space, such as a field, a bay, or a vacant lot, and then walk with the wind blowing directly in your face and say out loud three times:

“Heart serpent - come out, go away. Let your will scatter in the wind. The heart will stop tormenting, and the soul will stop grieving for (full name of the object of affection), burning with fire. Green snake, crawl into your lair, you just have to be there and live there. And I (your name), (full name of the object of affection) will never love, wait, desire, know, neither in my heart, nor in my thoughts, nor in spirit, nor in hearing. The snake is the snake, but I (your name) have my own side. Amen!"

Wind is a very powerful element that will quickly spread your desire throughout the world. After reading the plot, run without stopping as much as you can until you feel that your body is filled with lightness and freedom.

Cooling the senses with water

Cooling off on your own is an easy way to forget about the person with whom you once had a relationship. This method is not suitable for unrequited love, since to perform the ritual you will need your partner’s personal item and any item that he once gave you. Taking these two things, go to a deserted place and burn them together, and carefully collect the ashes. While things are burning, replay the memories of this person in your mind to let them go from your soul. After this, take the collected ashes to any body of water, for example, to a river, and start pouring handfuls of it directly into the water, reading the plot:

“In the blue ocean, on a distant island, a large beautiful oak tree grows. There is a huge stone lying near the oak tree, and a pike is lying on the stone. She eats, eats the sadness of the servant of God (your name) for the servant of God (name of the man). So that she would not have dull, insurmountable melancholy, burning pain either in her head, or in her heart, or in her soul. My word is strong. My word is strong. No one can remove it. May it be so forever and ever!”

Your memories, pain, tears will be carried away by the current, and after that you will immediately feel extraordinary lightness in your soul.

Ritual with a well

They say that a change of scenery helps to take your mind off painful feelings. If you have the opportunity to go to some picturesque place away from the city, combine a walk with a ritual of forgetting. How to make cooling for yourself in the countryside, outside the city, in the village? Everything is very simple. The main thing is to find a well and a local church, as you will need a temple wax candle. However, you can bring it with you from the city. Scratch the name of your loved one on the candle with a new knife, and at exactly midnight come to the well, light it and read the spell out loud three times, then throw the burning candle directly into the water. Text to read:

“Mother water, sister of the well. Everyone who comes here will drink some cold water. In the steam bath they douse themselves with you, the dead wash themselves with you. Oh, you are mother water, your cold shores, cool the slave (your name) so that she cools down for the slave (name of the man). I didn’t know any sadness for him, I didn’t undermine my heart anymore. If she didn't love him, he would hate her. Let her close her doors from him, let him not let his feet on her threshold, and let her not run to see him. Mother well water, icy shores, I bow, slave (your name) before you to the ground, cool my heart. My pure word to the Lord God rise, the deed on the heart of the slave (your name) descend. I close my conspiracy with three locks, I close my business forever with three keys. Amen!"

You will feel significant relief immediately after the ritual. The main thing is to never drink water from this well, otherwise pain, melancholy, and suffering will flare up in your heart with renewed vigor.

Ritual with holy water

Cooling yourself with water blessed in the church is another way to forget a person forever. It is best to get water not from the nearest church, but to go specifically for this purpose to some remote monastery located in a picturesque place. This change of scenery will only be beneficial. Ask the priest to bless the collected water, and when you return home, put it in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass every day, after saying a special whisper over the liquid:

“I don’t want this heavy love anymore.
I don't want any more sleepless nights.
I'll be free now
I will be free forever!
And if I want, then I’ll decide who to love,
And I will calm my own heart.
The Lord God and Jesus Christ are my witness of this!

You need to drink the water in small sips, imagining how the tormenting feelings leave your soul. You need to drink the enchanted liquid for five to seven days, and in particularly advanced cases, you can take all ten.

And finally, I would like to answer a frequently asked question. Does cooling yourself have an effect on your partner? Unfortunately, no, only your feelings disappear, but those of your loved one do not change. But, if your situation is really hopeless and you can’t be together, you can secretly make a lapel so that the person also stops tormenting because of you.

If you understand that your relationship has come to an end, but you can’t forget your loved one, use effective conspiracies to start a new life.

It often happens that the feelings between a couple are not as strong as expected. Or maybe someone even suffers from unrequited feelings. In such situations, many often resort to help save relationships.

But there are situations when all methods have been tried, and there is nothing left but to forget the beloved. Of course, it hurts, and sometimes many people become depressed because they lack the strength to start a new life with another partner. In such situations, conspiracies against non-reciprocal love are very helpful.

Conspiracies, lapels and chills for love

All of the methods below are very effective. You can choose any one that you like best.

The first conspiracy is used in cases when you realized that the relationship has reached a dead end and can no longer be saved, even after you have tried all possible rituals. For example, a conspiracy to return a husband to the family. Yes, your soulmate has already become a part of you, but you cannot return the past. It is this conspiracy that will help you not regret anything and move on: “Lord my God, I am a slave... (my name) standing before you. I beg you for mercy, help me forget the slave... (name of beloved). Heal my soul and heart and deliver me from suffering. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, mentally thank your partner for all the good things you had. And start enjoying new events in your life.

The following lapel will help in cases where you have unrequited love, and the young man does not pay any attention to you or is dating someone else. In this case, you need to go to church, light one candle for the health of your beloved, a second candle for yourself, and bring the third home.

In the evening, after sunset, make sure that no one will disturb you, light a candle and say the following phrase: “In the name of God I conjure, God’s servant... (the name of my beloved) I forget. I myself live happily without you, just as you live without me. We have different roads and different destinies. Amen".

Blow out the candle and go to bed. In the morning, take the candle to the church and put it to burn out near the icon of the Mother of God.

Another cooling option is suitable if you have the opportunity to offer your lover food. Any food or liquid will do. Many people use water because it is most convenient to perform the ritual with. You need to read a spell over a product or water, which you will subsequently treat to the required person: “In the name of the Lord I endow this... (water and the like) with heavenly power. Please, cool down the ardor of the servant of God... (your name) to the servant of God (name of your beloved), separate them into different corners, and so that they would be better apart than together. My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, you need to drink some water or eat some food, which you can then treat to the right person. Any remaining water or product should be thrown away so that no one else can try it again.

All methods are very effective, but before using them, think about whether you really want it. After all, there are many love spells that help rekindle feelings between lovers. Follow your heart and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.06.2016 02:57

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Cold conspiracies are part of lapel love magic. Cooling is a magical effect aimed at cooling feelings and getting rid of love addiction. Such rituals are used in several cases:

  • to eliminate a rival (rival) and return a loved one;
  • to get rid of an annoying fan;
  • to cool your own feelings for a person.
  • your love for a person is more like obsession and madness;
  • love ended a long time ago, and only habit connects you with your partner;
  • your loved one turned out to be a scoundrel, and communication with him may be dangerous for you;
  • you broke up with your loved one, but your feelings for him have not gone away;
  • you have become a victim of magical influence (for example, a love spell);

Cooling down in this case will help get rid of witchcraft influence.

Any conspiracy to cool down implies a severance of love ties as a result of a cooling of feelings. Strong coldness can lead to hatred towards the person who once seemed most loved.

The effect of the cold spell begins practically. The first sign is a slight discomfort towards the person, from which it is necessary to cool down. Over time, discomfort turns into indifference and hostility.

In order for the cold spell to work correctly, you need to know the basic requirements for its implementation:

  • the ritual is performed during the waning phase of the moon;
  • the best day for the ceremony is Tuesday; days not suitable for a cold spell are Friday and Sunday;
  • strict adherence to ritual instructions;
  • It is also advisable to make the ransom specified in the instructions for the ritual. If this item is not in it, just go to church and place a candle in front of any icon that you like.

If you are making a cool day for yourself, take into account men's and women's days. A girl (woman) should read the plot on women's days, a man - on men's days. I would like to draw your attention to one more condition: read the spell to cool down only in case of urgent need.

This ritual cannot be classified as harmless: by abusing it, you can cool off not only towards a specific person, but also towards everyone around you. You don’t want to become callous and indifferent to all living things, do you?

Spell to cool down at home - rituals for self-performance

Cool on nails and water - for yourself

This ritual will help you remove melancholy and cool your feelings for the person with whom your relationship has ended. The ritual is performed late at night in the light two church candles, using nail And glasses of cold water. Procedure:

  1. Sit at the table and light the candles with a match.
  2. Start meditating: imagine yourself and your loved one happy and joyful, but separately. Dedicate at least 10 minutes to visualization.
  3. Take a nail and start heating its sharp tip in a candle flame until it becomes red hot.
  4. Dip the nail into the glass and read the spell 3 times: “Water-water, cool my passion and longing for God’s servant (name of loved one) . As quickly as iron cools, let me also free myself from the torment.”
  5. After pronouncing the spell, throw the nails in a deserted place, pour out the water away from your home and silently go to sleep. Do not bother yourself with thoughts about the ritual performed.

Don't tell anyone about the ritual. The results should appear very soon.

A strong cold spell to the wind to expel love's melancholy

The ritual is very ancient. It was used by wives whose husbands went to war and died there. The ritual helps to recover from lovesickness, heal emotional wounds, gives strength and a feeling of renewal after unhappy love.

The plot is read in windy weather, in a deserted place. It will be best if you go outside the city, into nature. If you do the ritual in the summer, you can take off your shoes and stand with your bare feet on the ground, feel its warmth and energy. Stand facing the wind, say the cooling spell loudly and clearly, 3 times:

“Serpent of heart, come out and coil yourself! Let your will scatter to the wind. The heart will stop tormenting, and the soul - according to the person (name of your loved one) grieve and burn with fire. Green snake, crawl into your lair, only there you can be, only there you can live. For me, (your name) , person(the name of your loved one) never love, never know, never desire, never wait - neither in thoughts, nor in heart, nor in hearing, nor in spirit. A snake is a snake, but for me (my name) - your side. Amen!"

After pronouncing the spell, leave the place without looking back.

Poppy conspiracy to cool off from a rival

Called to help wives whose husbands have acquired mistresses on the side. The wife should buy poppy seeds and speak them in the evening, Tuesday, fixing her gaze on the Moon. The husband should not know anything about the ritual. If he is not at home that evening, the conspiracy will work much more effectively. Conspiracy text:

“33 crows fly, 33 stones are carried. Poppy on my doorstep will be pecked, my rival (the name of the lover) will curse with their beaks. This poppy will never sprout: it will guard me and my home, protect me from rivals and preserve family happiness. The crows threw 33 stones on my doorstep. Whoever wants to destroy my happiness will take all the stones. So be it! Amen - 3 times ”.

Poppy seeds need to be scattered beyond the threshold of your home. The ritual must be performed every Tuesday (the phase of the moon does not play a significant role here, but perform the very first ritual during the waning of the night luminary). The spouse must leave his mistress and return to the family within a month.

For another cold ritual to stop loving forever, watch the video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

  • Operating principle
  • Features of the ritual
  • Ritual for water
  • Ritual on nail and water
  • Ritual in the photo and black bread

Magic is a diverse field that offers a person a solution to any problem and help in getting out of almost any difficult life situation. The love sphere is no exception.

It often happens that strong feelings cause pain and suffering. And sometimes love turns into a real tragedy, getting rid of which will be the only right decision. It is in such a situation that ostuda can be used on oneself.

When is such a magical ritual used?

Unrequited love, suffering, loneliness... There is a 100% white way to attract true love into your life! Action

amulet of love

Many women and men have already tested it on themselves. With its help, you will finally get a real, harmonious relationship...

Cooling or turning away is a magical action that allows you to get rid of a burdensome and strong love addiction. This magical ritual can be used regarding oneself in the following situations:

  • when feelings are too strong.
    Such love can border on madness and, naturally, it does not bring much pleasure to either oneself or the loved one; too strong feelings do not bring.
  • when the relationship has outlived its usefulness, but you don’t have the courage to break it off.
    With this situation, everything is clear: two people are together by inertia, and the connecting link is not love, but habit.
  • when the object of love is an unworthy person.
    As they say, you can’t control your feelings. But there is a way out of this situation. A lapel will help you break up with a person whose relationship does not bring you joy.
  • when the relationship is over, but love still glimmers in your heart.
    Naturally, in this case, you can also cast a love spell on the man who left you, thereby evoking reciprocal feelings in him. But if you understand that it is better to leave everything as it is, then cooling down will help you get rid of your feelings for a man on your own.
  • when magic was used on you.
    If you are sure or simply suspect the use of magic, then a lapel will help the woman herself get rid of such influence.

Operating principle

If you decide to make an ostuda, then it is best to initially prepare and find out how it will work. The action of this ritual is aimed at cooling feelings and breaking strong ties between lovers. If you do a very strong cooling, then as a result you can experience hostility that will border on hatred.

As a rule, the ritual begins to work immediately after completion. After the ritual, a person begins to feel slight discomfort and rejection regarding the object of his love. Over time, this rejection gives way to indifference and mild hostility.

Features of the ritual

To properly cool down, you need to know about the basic requirements for the ritual:

  1. done on the waning moon.
    This time is the most favorable for performing rituals to break relationships and cool feelings.
  2. representatives of the fair half of humanity, performing this ritual on themselves, must perform a lapel on women's days.
    And this is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
  3. After the ritual, it is advisable to make a ransom.
    Farming involves going to church, where a candle is placed near the icon you like.

Following the above tips and recommendations regarding the implementation of the ritual to cool the senses guarantees a quick and high-quality result. In addition, the result can be influenced by belief in the power of the ritual and magic itself. If you don’t believe it, it’s better not to do anything. After all, only strong faith and confidence in solving the problem in this way will affect a positive result.

Ritual for water

A ritual using water will help to overcome strong addiction and painful feelings towards a man. You can do it yourself. For the ritual you will need a glass and cold water. Before performing the ritual, it is best to specially cool the water, then the effect of the magic will be stronger.

Windows and doors in the room where the ceremony will be performed must be closed. There should be no extraneous noise, which needs to be taken care of in advance.

Cold water is poured into the prepared glass. Now you need to read the lapel above the glass of water:

"In the blue ocean, on a distant island
A large beautiful oak tree is growing.
There is a huge stone lying near the oak tree, and a pike is lying on the stone.
She eats, eats the sadness of the servant of God (your name)
According to the servant of God (name of the man).
So that she does not have a dull, insurmountable melancholy,
Burning pain neither in the head, nor in the heart, nor in the soul.
My word is strong. My word is strong.
No one can remove it.
May it be so forever and ever!”

The spell is read twice, and after reading, you need to drink half of the water and rinse your face with the rest or spray it on yourself. As a rule, reviews of this ritual are the most positive. Simplicity of execution and quick results are its distinctive features.

Ritual on nail and water

Cooling the nail and water is done independently late at night by the light of two candles. For the ritual you will need a sharp nail, a glass of cold water and two church candles.

Sit at the table and light the candles. Place a glass of water in front of you and focus on thoughts about you and the man you want to get rid of. Imagine you happy and joyful, but separately. After ten minutes of meditation, you can begin to perform the ritual itself.

The sharp side of the nail must be held over the candle flame until it becomes hot and turns red. Now the nail is lowered into a glass of water and the lapel is read three times:

“Water-water, cool down in me the passion-longing for the servant of God (name),
Just as iron cools quickly, so I will free myself from the torment.”

After reading the ostuda, you need to silently go to bed and try not to think about the ritual performed. Also remember that magic does not tolerate publicity, so you cannot tell anyone what you have done or are planning to do a magical ritual.

Ritual in the photo and black bread

The duration of this ritual is seven days. Under no circumstances should you skip any of the days, but do the lapel every day. Components of the ritual: a photograph of a man and a small piece of black bread.

Place a photograph of the person you want to forget upside down on the table and place a small piece of bread next to the photograph. Now you need to read the conspiracy to cool down:

“Slave (name of the man), stand as you stand, bread - lie where you lie.
I will remember you not with love, but with a cold word.
How I slave (your name) forgot my first steps in childhood,
So now I’ll forget the slave (the man’s name).
Let it be so. Amen!"

The next day, before reading the plot, the bread must be given to the birds, and a new piece should be put in its place. This must be done every day for a week.

Ritual with two red candles

For this ritual you will need two red candles, which will symbolize you and the man whose love you need to get rid of. Like other rituals where the main component is candles, this lapel is based on visualization and the correct formation of thoughts. This ritual is done every evening for a week.

Place two candles on the table in front of you. The candles need to be placed very close to one another. Light them and let them burn for a while. At this time, imagine you and the man separately, moving away from each other. The next day, make a small distance between the candles, which will increase every day. On the last, seventh day, let the candles burn out, imagining you happy with other lovers. When the candles burn out, then your feelings will go out forever.

Using ostuda in strict adherence to the instructions and wishes for the ritual will help you quickly and forever rid you of feelings for a person and overcome severe melancholy. It is very important to believe in the result of the ritual. It is this confidence that can play a decisive role. Therefore, believe in your strength and in the power of magic, and everything will definitely work out.

It happens that the relationship has already outlived its usefulness and there is not the slightest sense in continuing it - in this case, you should independently decide to end it. However, there is a serious problem - love does not go away in one moment; some people wait for it to cool down for years, unsuccessfully trying to forget about their former passion.

In such cases, cooling yourself helps - it can be done quite simply. Such a lapel will help you get rid of feelings absolutely painlessly. You will not feel any remorse or certain psychological problems.

It is worth remembering that ostuda, used for yourself, is on the border between black and white magic - its use is quite dangerous if you do not follow the established rules.

A little theory

A lapel is always black magic, no matter how good its intentions are. However, in this case, you are casting a spell on yourself, so even a strong cold will not be an appeal to dark forces. However, you are attracting their attention, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

  • If you decide to carry out such a ritual yourself, you must ask for protection from your patrons. To do this, go to church after the ceremony, light three candles near any icons and read the following prayers:
  • "Our Father";
  • "Rejoice, Mother of God";
  • to his patron saint;

Symbol of faith.

  • women can read similar conspiracies on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday,
  • men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

If you decide to make a lapel on a church day - Sunday, you will not escape the curse, so you should hold off on using witchcraft at such a time.

It is strictly forbidden to create coldness when love magic has been applied to you - such a mistake will lead to a complete disruption of your energy. Carefully analyze your condition - if you need to heal yourself, contact an experienced magician.

It is possible to cast the spell yourself if you have already broken up with the person and do not want to suffer from the realization of the loss, as well as with unrequited love. The lapel is also used when your feelings are strong to the point of painfulness - they should also be gotten rid of before things reach the point of madness.

Important advice from the editors!

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Result guarantee

In order for the cooling agent you plan to apply to yourself to be as effective as possible, you should make a lapel on church candles and hair. To do this, you will need to take one hair each from yourself and the person you are seriously in love with. Be careful - if your feelings are not very strong, the ritual will lead to the emergence of hatred, which will persist for several years and will repel you, not even allowing you to communicate. In such cases, it is worth casting other spells on yourself that are less powerful and are not capable of causing far-reaching consequences.

To make a lapel, the next night after the full moon, place two church candles on the table, light them and burn one hair in the flame of each. After waiting a couple of minutes, turn them off and leave them on the table until the next night. At midnight, move the candles slightly apart from each other and light them again for a couple of minutes. Cooling will begin to take effect within a couple of days - you will not feel much pain at the thought of a breakup and you will be able to bear the consequences of love problems much easier.

Try to make sure that the candles burn out completely only after seven days - if you get more, it will be better, but a shorter period will lead to the relationship returning to its previous position.

A strong lapel will require you to complete the ritual logically. To do this, you need to collect the wax that remains after melting the candles and take it to any well - the depth of the water source is not important. This must be done in the morning - wrap the wax in a rag, throw it into the water and say the following words:

“I don’t want this heavy love anymore
I don't want any more sleepless nights
I'll be free now
I will be free forever
And if I want, then I’ll decide who to love.
And I’ll calm my own heart
The Lord God and Jesus Christ are my witness of this!

If you need to end the relationship forever

There are times when you never want to see a person again in your life. Then the use of a fundamentally different ritual is required - a very strong lapel that does not have a reverse effect. To do this, it is worth using a ritual with photographs and black bread. It should also be carried out on the waning moon - the starting time will be the next night after the full moon.

Place your photograph on the table, and on it a piece of black bread, and on top of it a photograph of the person you are in love with. The flap requires that the bread become stale and brittle, not moldy and rotten. Therefore, make sure that all items are stored in a warm, dry and well-ventilated place.

In order for the cooling to be successful, no one should touch such objects - it is better to cover them with a loose cloth or paper napkin, i.e. hide away from prying eyes.

The bread and photographs must lie in this place for at least seven days - only after this can the top image be removed.

The turning will be successful only when the bread has become hard - it must be broken in half. Bury one half near the house of the person from whom you need to get rid of attention, and the other half in a deep forest. Severe cold will also require the photographs to be separated as well. Put your photo in a distant box in the house where no one will ever see it, and throw the second image at the crossroads of four roads, placing it on the south side.

After you manage to do everything, come home, wash your entire body thoroughly and, sitting in the water, say the following lapel spell:

“Water-water, clean and sparkling
Help me, wash away this unnecessary love from me
Yes, erase from me traces of past passion
Yes, deliver me from deep melancholy
Give me new strength, give me a wonderful life!”

To avoid harm

There is a fairly gentle way to cool down - it also involves using clean spring water to solve your problem. In order for the lapel to be as strong as possible, it is worth pre-cooling the liquid - you can use a refrigerator or ice cubes. However, in the latter case, make sure that there are no solids left in the water - otherwise it may not work correctly, and you will have to deal with the consequences of your mistake for a long time.

Wait until midnight on the waning moon and place a glass of water on the windowsill in front of you. It must be positioned so that the rays of the night light enter the liquid and fill it with the energy necessary for the most effective implementation of the ritual. To make it cool, you need to pronounce the following effective spell:

"In the blue sea, and in the distant ocean
There is a big fish that sits under a rock at the bottom
The fish is always silent, but its mouth only opens
And how human melancholy floats nearby
That fish immediately swallows it, but never lets go!
Lord, help my sadness, let my sadness float far away
Yes, swim past that fish so that I never see it!

Half of the water must be drunk in one gulp, without lifting your lips from the glass - this is an important condition for achieving success. Sprinkle the rest on your palms and wash your face thoroughly with it, making sure that not a single dry area remains. Such a lapel ritual will help you achieve an excellent result without the slightest problem for you. This type of cold will not affect your energy in any way, and will also allow you to continue communicating with the person you want to stop loving.

The only problem is related to the short duration of the ritual.

The lapel lasts no more than 7-10 days, after which love will return to you - to achieve a longer-lasting effect, you will have to repeat the ritual.

You can completely get rid of feelings and relationships after some time after constant use of ostuda. Some people claim that it takes no more than a month, while others say that it took them more than a year of continuous effort. Everything will depend on your magical power, as well as how much you really want to achieve a positive result when performing the lapel ritual.

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