Titles of Bazhov's works. Pavel Bazhov

Danila and Katya, who rescued her fiancé from the Mistress of the Mountain, had a lot of children. Eight, listen, people, and all boys. Mother was more than once jealous of at least one girl for a glance. Read...

This happened shortly after the fifth year. Before the war with the Germans began. Read...

Our Field, they say, was installed by the treasury. There were no factories in these places at that time. They fought. Well, the treasury is known. The soldiers were sent. The village of Mountain Shield was built on purpose so that the road would be safe. On Gumeshki, you see, at that time visible wealth lay on top, and they approached it. We got there, of course. They brought in people, they installed a plant, they brought in some Germans, but things didn’t work out. It didn't work and it didn't work. Read...

There was a Field Clerk - Severyan Kondratyich. Oh, and fierce, oh, and fierce! The way the factories stand has never happened before. Of dogs, a dog. Beast. Read...

After Stepanova’s death, who obtained the malachite pillars, many people flocked to Krasnogorka. There was a desire to get hold of those pebbles that were seen in Stepan’s dead hand. It was autumn, just before the snow. You'll have to try a lot here. And when the winter passed, they ran into that place again. Read...

This did not happen at our plant, but in the Sysert half. And not at all in ancient years. My old people were already running around in the factory in their undercarriages. Some on the ball, some on the bedding, and then in the mechanic shop, or in the forge. Well, you never know where the youngsters were driven into at the fortress. Read...

There was also such a case at the mine. In one face there was ore with a thin section. They'll cut off a piece, and you'll see there's some corner of it. Like a mirror it shines, anyone can look into it. Read...

In those years, there were no traces of Verkhny and Ilyinsky factories. Only our Polevaya and Sysert. Well, in the North they also rattled iron. Yes, just a little. Sysert lived the brightest of all. You see, she came across the Cossack side on the road. People walked and passed here and there. We ourselves went to the pier near Revda with iron. You never know who you meet on the road, or what you hear. And there are many villages around. Read...

There was a man living in the factory alone. His name was Levontem. Such a diligent little man, unrequited. From a young age he was kept in grief, in Gumeshki, that is. I mined copper. So he spent all his young years underground. Like a worm digging in the ground. I couldn’t see the light, I turned green all over. Well, it’s a well-known thing - the mountain. Dampness, darkness, heavy spirit. Read...

Those guys, the Levont'evs, to whom Poloz showed his wealth, began to improve their lives. Even though their father died soon after, they live better and better every year. They built themselves a hut. It’s not that the house is fancy, but it’s a decent little hut. They bought a little cow, got a horse, and started letting sheep up to three years old in the winter. My mother couldn’t be happier that she saw the light at least in her old age. Read...

Two of our factory workers went to look at the grass. And their mowing was far away. Somewhere behind Severushka. Read...

Nastasya, Stepanova’s widow, still has a malachite box. With every feminine device. There are rings, earrings and other things according to women's rites. Read...

The marble workers were not the only ones who were famous for their stone work. In our factories, too, they say, they had this skill. The only difference is that ours were more fond of malachite, as there was enough of it, and the grade is no higher. Read...

Katya, Danilov’s fiancée, remained unmarried. Two or three years have passed since Danilo got lost, and she has completely left the bride’s time. In twenty years, in our factory way, it is considered too old. Read...

In Diagon Brod, where the school stands, there was a vacant lot. The wasteland is large, in full view of everyone, but they are not coveted. Highlands, you see. It’s a hassle to grow a vegetable garden here—there’s a lot of sweat, but it’s of little use.

The name of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is known to every adult. When we mention the name of this Russian writer, wonderful original tales about a malachite box, a stone flower, hardworking and kind Ural miners and skilled craftsmen arise in our minds. Bazhov’s works take you into the world of the Ural underground and mountain kingdom and introduce you to its magical inhabitants: the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Jumping Ognevushka, the Silver Hoof, the Great Snake and the Blue Snake.

P.P. Bazhov - master of Ural tales

Pavel in the Urals in 1879. His family traveled a lot, and much of what the boy heard and saw as a child in Sysert, Polevsky, Seversky, Verkh-Sysert formed the basis for his tales about the Urals and his life. Pavel Bazhov has always been attracted to folklore.

He had great respect for the history of his people, their original character and oral creativity. The writer constantly collected and updated folklore records and, based on them, created his own unique tales. The heroes of his works are ordinary workers.

Display of historical events in the tales of P. Bazhov

Serfdom existed in the Urals until late XIX century. Works by P.P. Bazhov describe the time when the people lived under the yoke of masters. Factory owners, in pursuit of income, did not think about price human life and the health of their charges, forced to work in dark and damp mines from morning to night.

Despite the hard times and hard labor, the people did not lose heart. Among the workers there were very creative ones, smart people who know how to work and deeply understand the world of beauty. Descriptions of their characters, life and spiritual aspirations are contained in Bazhov’s works. The list of them is quite long. The writing merits of Pavel Bazhov were appreciated during his lifetime. In 1943, he was awarded the Stalin Prize for his book of Ural fairy tales, “The Malachite Box.”

The message of the Ural tales

Tales are not early works Pavel Bazhov. Despite the fact that the journalist, publicist and revolutionary Bazhov was always interested in folklore, the idea of ​​writing fairy tales did not immediately appear to him.

The first tales, “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” and “Dear Name,” were published before the war, in 1936. Since then, Bazhov’s works began to appear in print regularly. The purpose and meaning of the tales was to raise the morale and self-awareness of the Russian people, to realize themselves as a strong and invincible nation, capable of feats and resistance to the enemy.

It is no coincidence that Bazhov’s works appeared before the start of the Great Patriotic War and continued to go out during it. In this regard, P.P. Bazhov was a visionary. He managed to foresee the onset of trouble and make his contribution to the fight against world evil.

Mystical images in the literary works of P.P. Bazhova

Many people know what works Bazhov wrote, but not everyone understands where the writer borrowed the magical images of his tales from. Of course, the folklorist only conveyed folk knowledge about otherworldly forces who helped good heroes and punished evil people. There is an opinion that the surname Bazhov comes from the word “bazhit”, which is a Ural dialect and literally means “to bewitch”, “to foretell”.

Most likely, the writer was a person well versed in mysticism, since he decided to recreate mythological images The Great Snake, the Jumping Firefly, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Silver Hoof and many others. All these magical heroes represent forces of nature. They have countless riches and reveal them only to people with pure and open hearts, opposing forces evil and those in need of help and support.

Bazhov's works for children

The meaning of some tales is very deep and does not lie on the surface. It must be said that not all of Bazhov’s works will be understandable to children. Tales addressed directly to the younger generation traditionally include “The Silver Hoof,” “The Jumping Fire Girl,” and “The Blue Snake.” Bazhov's works for children are written in a very concise and accessible language.

Here, much attention is not paid to the experiences of the heroes, but the emphasis is on the description of miracles and magical characters. Here the Jumping Firegirl plays mischief in a fiery sarafan; in another fairy tale, the Silver Hoof suddenly appears and knocks out precious stones for the orphan girl and the good hunter Kokovani. And, of course, who doesn’t want to meet the Blue Snake, who spins her wheel and shows where the gold is?

Bazhov's tales and their use in fairy tale therapy

Bazhov’s works are very convenient to use in fairy tale therapy, the main task of which is to develop in children positive values ​​and motivations, strong moral foundations, and to develop their creative perception of the world and good intellectual abilities. Vivid images of fairy tales, simple, sincere, hardworking people from the people, fantastic characters will make a child’s world beautiful, kind, unusual and fascinating.

The most important thing in Bazhov's tales is morality. The child must learn and remember it, and the help of an adult in this is very necessary. After the fairy tale is told, you need to have a conversation with the children in the same friendly manner about the main characters, their behavior and fate. Kids will be happy to talk about those characters and their actions that they liked, and express their opinion about negative heroes and their behavior. Thus, the conversation will help consolidate the positive effect of fairy tale therapy, contributing to the strong rooting of the acquired knowledge and images in the child’s mind.

List of works by Bazhov:

  • "Diamond Match";
  • "The Amethyst Case";
  • “Bogatyryov’s mitten”;
  • "Vasina Mountain";
  • “Veselukhin spoon”;
  • "Blue Snake";
  • "Mining Master";
  • "Far Peeper";
  • "Two lizards";
  • "Demidov's kaftans";
  • “Dear name”;
  • “Dear Earth Revolution”;
  • "Ermakov's swans";
  • "Zhabreev Walker";
  • "Iron tires";
  • “Zhivinka in action”;
  • "Living Light";
  • "Snake's Trail";
  • "Golden Hair";
  • "Golden Bloom of the Mountain";
  • "Golden Dykes"
  • "Ivanko-krylatko";
  • "Stone Flower";
  • "Key of the Earth"
  • "Indigenous secrecy";
  • "Cat's ears";
  • "Circular lantern";
  • "Malachite Box";
  • "Markov stone";
  • "Copper Share";
  • “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”;
  • "At the same place";
  • "Inscription on the Stone";
  • "Wrong Heron";
  • "Jumping Firefly";
  • "Eagle Feather";
  • "Clerk's soles";
  • “About the Great Snake”;
  • “About divers”;
  • “About the main thief”;
  • "Rudyanoy Pass";
  • "Silver Hoof";
  • “Sinyushkin Well”;
  • "Sun Stone";
  • "Juicy Pebbles";
  • “A gift from the old mountains”;
  • "Cockroach soap";
  • "Tayutkino's mirror";
  • "Grass West";
  • "Heavy twist";
  • "At the old mine";
  • "Fragile twig";
  • "Crystal varnish";
  • "Cast Iron Grandmother";
  • "Silk Hill";
  • "Broad shoulder"

Bazhov’s works, a list of which it is advisable for parents to study in advance, will help to form in children a feeling of sympathy for good characters, such as the old man Kokovanya, Darenka, and a negative attitude and censure towards others (the clerk from the fairy tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”). They will instill in the child a sense of kindness, justice and beauty and teach him to sympathize, help others and act decisively. Bazhov's works will develop creative potential children and will help them develop the values ​​and qualities necessary for a successful and happy life.

The matter began with nothing - with a gunpowder match. It's not so long ago that it was invented. Will you gain a hundred years with a little one? At first, when the powder flask began to be used, there was a lot of trickery about it. Which is completely in vain. Who, say, came up with the idea of ​​​​making turned straws, who again began to lubricate matches with such a composition so that they would burn with different lights: crimson, green, and whatnot. There was also a lot of weirdness with the capping. To put it bluntly, the powder match was all the rage.

I’m not going to say it about people, I’m going to say it about myself. In those years when people began to join collective farms in droves, I was no longer young. Instead of light brown curls, he grew a bald spot all over his head. And my old woman did not look young. Previously, I used to call it a singing machine, but now it looks like a sharpening machine. It wears me down and wears me down: this is missing, this is missing.

Among people, men take care of everything, but with us, as soon as it drags along and evaporates in the bathhouse, it’s on the side. And he has no thoughts about anything!

In these places before to the common man There was no way to resist: the beast would have eaten it or the vile would have overcome it. At first these places were inhabited by heroes. They, of course, looked like people, only very large and made of stone. It’s easier for this one, of course: the animal won’t bite him to death, the gadfly is completely at ease, he won’t be bothered by the heat and cold, and there’s no need for houses.

One of these stone heroes stood in for the eldest, named Denezhkin. You see, he answered with a glass of small money from all sorts of local stones and ore. This ore and stone money gave that hero his nickname.

The glass, of course, is heroic - taller than a man, much larger than a forty-bucket barrel. That glass is made from the finest golden topaz and is so finely and cleanly carved that it couldn’t be further from it. Ore and stone money are visible right through, and the power of this money is such that it shows the place.

By the way, we are not very rich here. All we have are mountains and spoons, spoons and mountains. You can't go around them, you can't go around them. Mountain, of course, grief is different. Nobody even takes the other one into account, but the other one is not only known in their own district, but even distant people know: she is well-known, famous.

There was one such mountain right next to our plant. At first, for a mile, or even more, there is such a pull that even a strong horse walks lightly, and it is covered in soap, and then you still have to overcome the vultures, like the most difficult scallop to climb. What can I say, a remarkable hill. Once you pass or pass, you will remember it for a long time and will tell others.

We have one logo across the pond that has been famous for a long time. Such a fun place. The spoon is wide. In the spring it gets a little wet here, but the grass grows curlier and there are more flowers. All around, of course, there are forests of all kinds. It's nice to have a look. And it’s handy to pester from the pond to that logo: the shore is not steep and not flat, but, so to speak, as if it had been settled on purpose, and the bottom is sand with hazel grouse. The bottom is completely strong, and it doesn’t hurt your leg. In a word, everything is as imagined. You could say that this place itself is inviting: it’s nice to sit here on the bank, smoke a pipe or two, light a fire, and let us take a look at our factory—wouldn’t our little creature seem better?

The local people have been accustomed to this spoon since time immemorial. Even under the Mosolovs, fashion started.

They - these Mosolov brothers, under whom our factory began its construction, came from the carpenter's rank. In modern terms, apparently there were contractors. Yes, you got very rich and let’s set up your own factory. This means they swam out into deep water. They became heavy with wealth, of course. All three brothers forgot to walk along the rafters with a spirit level and a plumb line. They say in one word:

Two boys grew up in our factory, in close proximity: Lanko Puzhanko and Leiko Shapochka.

I can’t say who came up with such nicknames for them and why. These guys lived amicably among themselves. They matched it. The same intelligence, the same strength, the same height and years. And there was no big difference in life. Lank's father was a miner, Lake's was grieving on the golden sands, and mothers, as you know, toiled around the house. The guys had nothing to be proud of in front of each other.

Katya - Danilova's fiancée - remained unmarried. Two or three years have passed since Danilo got lost, and she has completely left the bride’s time. In twenty years, in our opinion, in the factory way, it is considered too old. Guys rarely marry such people; widowers do it more often. Well, this Katya, apparently, was pretty, all the suitors are approaching her, but all she has to say is:

Danilo made a promise.

There have been many famous miners in our area. There were also such things that really learned people, the academicians called them professors and were seriously amazed at how subtly they knew the mountains, even though they were illiterate.

The matter, of course, is not simple - not picking a berry from a bush. It’s not for nothing that one of these was nicknamed the Heavy Knapsack. He carried a lot of stones on his back. And how much was similar, how much rock was reshaped and turned over - it’s impossible to count.

Our Field, they say, was installed by the treasury (with state funds. - Ed.) There were no factories in these places at that time. They fought. Well, the treasury is known. The soldiers were sent. The village of Mountain Shield was built on purpose so that the road would be safe. On Gumeshki, you see, at that time visible wealth lay on top - and they approached it. We got there, of course. They brought in people, they installed a plant, they brought in some Germans, but things didn’t work out. It didn't work and it didn't work. Either the Germans didn’t want to show it, or they didn’t know themselves - I can’t explain, but the Gumeshki turned out to be unattended to them. They took it from another mine, but it wasn’t worth the work at all. A completely useless little mine, skinny. You can’t build a good factory like this. That’s when our Polevaya ended up in Turchaninov’s hands.

Works are divided into pages

Ural tales Bazhova

Tales of Bazhov absorbed plot motifs, unusual images, colors, the language of national legends and folk wisdom. Bazhov managed to give Pavel Petrovich unusual characters(Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Great Snake, Ognevushka-Jumping) bewitching poetry. Magic world, into which the old ones introduce us Ural tales of Bazhov They immersed ordinary Russian people, and with their real, earthly strength they defeated the conventions of fairy-tale magic. On our website you can see online list fairy tales by Bazhov, and absolutely enjoy reading them for free.

Pavel was born on January 15 (27), 1879 near Yekaterinburg in a working-class family. The childhood years in Bazhov's biography passed in small town– Polevsky Sverdlovsk region. He studied at a factory school, where he was one of the best students in his class. After graduating from theological school in Yekaterinburg, he entered the Perm Theological Seminary. After completing his studies in 1899, he began working as a teacher of the Russian language.

It is worth briefly noting that Pavel Bazhov’s wife was his student Valentina Ivanitskaya. In their marriage they had four children.

The beginning of a creative journey

The first writing activity of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov occurred in the years Civil War. It was then that he began working as a journalist, and later became interested in the stories of the Urals. However more biography Pavla Bazhova is known as a folklorist.

The first book with Ural essays entitled “The Ural Were” was published in 1924. And the first tale of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was published in 1936 (“The Girl of Azovka”). Basically, all the tales retold and recorded by the writer were folklore.

The writer's main work

The publication of Bazhov’s book “The Malachite Box” (1939) largely determined the writer’s fate. This book brought the writer world fame. Bazhov’s talent was most clearly demonstrated in the tales of this book, which he constantly updated. “The Malachite Box” is a collection of folklore stories for children and adults about life and everyday life in the Urals, about the beauty of the nature of the Ural land.

The “Malachite Box” contains many mythological characters, for example: the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Great Snake, Danila the Master, Grandma Sinyushka, the Jumping Ognevushka and others.

In 1943, thanks to this book, he received Stalin Prize. And in 1944 he was awarded the Order of Lenin for his fruitful work.

Pavel Bazhov created many works, on the basis of which ballets, operas, plays, films and cartoons were made.

Death and legacy

The writer's life was cut short on December 3, 1950. The writer was buried in Sverdlovsk at the Ivanovo cemetery.

IN hometown writer, a museum is opened in the house where he lived. The writer's name is folk festival V Chelyabinsk region, annual bonus, awarded in Yekaterinburg. Pavel Bazhov was installed memorial monuments in Sverdlovsk, Polevsky and other cities. Streets in many cities of the former USSR are also named after the writer.

Representing a collection of ancient legends that circulated among miners.

P. P. Bazhov

The writer was born in the Urals - in the city of Sysert. His father was a mining foreman. The future writer, journalist, publicist and folklorist graduated from a factory school in Sysert. From 10 to 14 years old the boy studied at religious school In Ekaterinburg. Then he graduated from seminary in Perm. After receiving his education, he taught Russian. During his summer vacation, he traveled around the Urals and collected folklore.

P. P. Bazhov began writing “Ural Tales” in the 1930s. At first they were published in the magazine. Then a collection of Ural tales was published, which was called “The Malachite Box”. It was published in 1939. The author has updated the book many times.

In 1943, Pavel Petrovich received the Stalin Prize for his work.

"Ural Tales"

Bazhov P. collected “Ural Tales,” as mentioned above, throughout the Urals. He heard many of them from miners as a child. After some time, Pavel Petrovich made an official statement that he composed “Ural Tales” himself. The works are combined into groups that are related to each other common characters. P. Bazhov thought through such a move in order to give his book more integrity. Many tales are interconnected by the place of action.

The most important wonderful character of P. Bazhov's fairy tales is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. She guards the treasure. The hostess is unusually beautiful and has magical powers. Only talented stone craftsmen were allowed to descend into her domain. She could help, but she could also destroy.

List of tales included in the collection

The book “Ural Tales” by P. P. Bazhov includes the following works:

  • "Mining Master".
  • "Vasin's Mountain"
  • "Cast Iron Grandmother"
  • "Snake trail"
  • “A gift from the old mountains.”
  • "Diamond Match"
  • "The Amethyst Case."
  • "Two lizards."
  • "Golden Hair"
  • "Sunstone"
  • "Copper Share"
  • "Silk Hill".
  • "Blue Snake"
  • "Mistress of the Copper Mountain."
  • “About the Great Snake.”
  • "Tyutka's mirror."
  • "Far Peeper"
  • "Crystal varnish".
  • "Inscription on the Stone."
  • "Markov stone".
  • "Golden Bloom of the Mountain."
  • "The mysterious Tulunkin."
  • "At the old mine."
  • "Rudy Pass".

And many others.

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

This is one of the most significant, well-known and beloved by readers of the book “Ural Tales”. We offer a brief summary of the contents of this work below.

A young worker named Stepan once saw a girl in the forest - beautiful, with a long braid and wearing clothes made of malachite. He realized that this was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. The girl told him that she had business with him. We need to go to the factory clerk and tell him to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. The Mistress promised Stepan that she would marry him if he fulfilled her orders. Then she turned into a lizard and ran away. The next morning Stepan went to the clerk and handed over everything that was ordered. For this they flogged him, took him down the mountain, and chained him up. At the same time, they ordered to extract a lot of malachite. The Mistress helped Stepan because he was not afraid to fulfill her order. He mined a lot of malachite. The Mistress showed him her dowry. And then she began to ask if he agreed to take her as his wife. Stepan thought and said that he already had a fiancée. The Mistress praised him for not coveting her wealth. She gave Stepan a box of jewelry for his bride. And then she said that he would live richly, but he must forget her. Soon he got married, built a house, and had children. But he was not happy. Stepan began going into the forest to hunt and every time he looked at the Krasnogorsk mine. Stepan could not forget the Mistress. One day he went into the forest and did not return - he was found dead.

"Malachite Box"

Another very famous work cycle "Ural Tales". Summary « Malachite casket"presented in this article. This tale is a continuation of the story about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Stepan died, but the malachite box remained with his widow Nastasya. Jewelry was kept in it, given by the Mistress. Only Nastasya didn’t wear them and wanted to sell them. There were many people who wanted to buy the box. But everyone offered a small price. There was another reason why she kept the box with her. The youngest daughter, Tatyana, loved these decorations very much. Tanyusha grew up and, thanks to a stranger who asked to stay at their house for the night, she learned to embroider with silk and beads. And she was such a craftswoman that she began to earn a lot of money. Soon the master saw the girl and was so struck by her beauty that he invited her to become his wife. She agreed, but set the condition that she would marry him if he showed her the queen in a room made of malachite made by her father. The master promised to fulfill her wish. Finding herself in the queen’s malachite chamber, the girl leaned against the wall and melted. Since then, no one has heard anything about her, they only began to notice that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain began to double.

"Stone Flower"

This work is the last of the series about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, which was created by Pavel Bazhov. “Ural Tales”, as you know, includes several stories about this amazing beauty. “The Stone Flower” is a story about the orphan Danilka, who at the age of 12 became an apprentice to a malachite master. The boy was talented and the teacher liked him. When Danila grew up, he became a wonderful master. He had a dream. He wanted to create a malachite bowl that looked like a flower. I even found a suitable stone. But he just couldn’t cut out a beautiful flower. One day he met the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. He asked her to show him her stone flower. The Mistress tried to dissuade him from this, but he insisted. He saw the flower of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and from then on he completely lost peace. Then he broke his unfinished bowl and left. He was never seen again, but there were rumors that he was serving with the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

"Silver Hoof"

P. P. Bazhov wrote “Ural Tales” for children, but they are also interesting for adults. One of the stories that appeals to readers of all ages is “The Silver Hoof.” Lonely old man Kokovanya sheltered an orphan. Grandfather worked every day, and his granddaughter cleaned up the hut and cooked. In the evenings, Kokovanya told the girl fairy tales. And one day he told her about a magic goat with a silver hoof, which he knocks on, and precious stones appear in that place. Once a girl was waiting for her grandfather from hunting and saw through the window that her cat was playing with the same goat from the fairy tale. She ran out to look at him. And the goat jumped onto the roof, began to beat with his hoof, and precious stones fell from under his feet. Grandfather and granddaughter collected them and lived comfortably for the rest of their lives.

"Sinyushkin Well"

The book “Ural Tales” includes the story of the good fellow Ilya. He was left an orphan early. The only inheritance he received was a sieve full of feathers from Lukerya’s grandmother, who instructed her grandson not to pursue riches. One day Ilya decided to take a short route to the mine. And this path lay through the swamp. Ilya felt thirsty. He looks, and in the swamp there is an area with clean water like a well. He decided to drink this water, lay down on the ground, and from the water Sinyushka stretched out her hands to him. He managed to overcome her charms, he stood up and spat on her hand. And she began to tease him that he would not be able to drink water from her well. Ilya promised Sinyushka that he would return and left.

The fellow kept his promise. Ilya returned, tied the ladle to a perch and used it to scoop up water from the well. Sinyushka was amazed at his ingenuity and promised to show her wealth. Ilya came to the well again. And girls come up to him with trays full of jewelry. He remembered that his grandmother had punished him and began to refuse everything. An eighteen-year-old beauty approached him with a sieve containing berries and feathers. Ilya realized that this was Sinyushka. He took the sieve from her hands. When I came home, the berries turned into gems. Ilya began to live richly, but he could not forget Sinyushka. One day he met a girl very similar to her, and he married her.

This tale is about the fact that the main riches in life are not gold and gems. Sinyushkin's well is a test that only those who do not envy, are not greedy and remember advice can pass.

"Jumping Firefly"

The book that Bazhov P. wrote - “Ural Tales” - includes a story about a gold mine. One day the men were sitting by the fire, and with them was the boy Fedyunka. And suddenly they saw red-haired girl who jumped out of the fire. She danced, and then stopped near a pine tree and stamped her foot. According to legend, this is how she indicated the place where gold should be looked for. Only she deceived this time - there was nothing under the pine tree. Soon Fedyunka saw Jumping again. This time she showed him the right place. The boy found gold and lived comfortably for 5 years. The people heard about it, and everyone rushed to that mine for gold. People were coming there from all directions. But the gold disappeared there because of this.

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