Cancer man: sex, desires and women. Cancer man, attitude towards women and sexual preferences How to please a Cancer man

A Cancer man can be an excellent lover if he completely trusts his partner. In this case, he will be liberated and act with imagination. However, this does not mean that he will be with only one woman. Often he is so disordered in his connections that he himself does not understand why he needs it. This scenario usually occurs until adulthood. Then he values ​​exclusively trusting relationships, devotion and honesty towards his partner. And he is ready to do anything to please his woman.

Many of the representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign have an inherent desire to be the best in bed. This is because they want to take control of their partner as much as possible, sometimes without even thinking about whether this will bring pleasure to their partner. In bed, men of this sign love to dominate.

His behavior in bed

Almost every zodiac sign chooses a partner for a long-term relationship or a pleasant pastime in the same way: they evaluate him by his external appearance and character. The decision is made after a comprehensive study of all these factors. As for Cancers, their choice is much more complicated; they look for an ideal image in a potential partner, which is formed in their head. For Cancers, even the smallest nuances are important, from eye color to the chosen one’s favorite perfume. As soon as a suitable partner is found, Cancer begins its conquest. The main feature of men of this sign is that having seduced them, they remain inaccessible.

If he loves and trusts, he will demonstrate exceptionally sincere and vivid emotions. He loves games, foreplay, and wants to be admired. In return, he idolizes his partner and tries to give her something unusual in terms of pleasure. In this case, he does not mind different types of intimacy. The main thing is to enjoy it and he stops at nothing to achieve this. But everything will happen with the consent of the partner.

Attitude towards your partner

For Cancer, their own pleasure comes first, rather than their partner’s. Cancers should not be told about previously acquired sexual experience because of their excessive jealousy. Cancer men are ready to make love only when they are in the mood for it. They place passions far from the first place in their lives. It is better to protect vulnerable Cancers from any comments. As soon as he finds out that his partner does not receive the necessary satisfaction, he goes in search of a new one.

He should see in her a gentle and shy woman who is able to understand him. He will never start a relationship with someone who is even the slightest bit vulgar or unpleasant. This plays a big role for him. If he meets a gentle and fragile woman, he will be able to give her not just pleasure, but also tenderness, affection and respect. Respectful attitude towards a woman is his main quality. At the same time, her emotional response to his call is important to him. Therefore, he sees in her not just a lover, but something more.

What is your role?

In ordinary life he is modest and shy, but in bed he prefers the leading role. It is unlikely that he will agree to second roles, since he himself has imagination and loves various games. His woman can only obey in order to become closer to him and get pleasure. He loves the role of teacher and mentor, so a woman should play along with him to become more desirable. His moods often change, so he can demonstrate tenderness and aggression, irritability and patience. His partner should be more patient and wiser.

Cancers are very good at ruining relationships and breaking hearts. They will not tolerate even the slightest infringement on their own freedom. So, in order for this zodiac sign to dump you, it is enough to raise the topic of marriage more often. To win the heart of such a man, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to completely surrender to his passion at any time. You need to constantly compliment him. To control Cancer, you just need to find his erogenous zones. Oddly enough, passion will later lead to a long relationship. The most ideal union of Cancer with Pisces and Scorpio. Leo and Aquarius are absolutely not suitable for Cancer.

The most important!

The chosen ones of Cancer should remember that under no circumstances should they be subjected to even the slightest comparison with the partners who came before them and cause them to feel jealous. There is no need to insist on intimacy if your partner is not in the mood for it. But his desire to engage in it must always be answered, at any time. It is very important for Cancer to feel significant in the life of a partner; he always needs to be reminded of this. Freedom is the most valuable thing in his life. By listening to these tips, you can count on a long and stable relationship.

For him, intimacy is an opportunity to feel more confident and have fun. But at the same time, he always remembers what a woman likes and tries to use the knowledge he gains to surprise and give pleasure. His partner has only one thing to do - play along with him. You should not show your experience and sophistication. He must feel like a leader not only physically, but also emotionally. A correctly chosen line of behavior will allow her to get more than he usually gives.

Cancers are romantic, sensitive, dreamy and gentle. They are devoted to their loved ones and are not capable of betrayal. This is reflected in their sex life. Men and women born under this zodiac symbol are very sensitive to intimacy and try to get maximum emotions from it, as well as to please their partner. You can attract a girl or guy not with the beauty of your body, but with your personal characteristics. For Cancers, trust and understanding are very important; if you give them this, then sex with them will be excellent. You need to pay attention to some tips and tricks to make the night spent together even more passionate, tender and sensual.

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    What kind of partners are Cancers attracted to?

    Representatives and representatives of this zodiac symbol are accustomed to giving themselves entirely to their feelings. They will not start an intimate relationship with someone they don't like. Such a person must feel sympathy for his chosen one or chosen one.

    Cancers, like any other zodiac sign, pay attention to the appearance of a man or woman. But this is not the most important thing for them.

    In relationships, especially sexual ones, these people place first place on openness, love, the ability to trust, but especially on affection. Sensual Cancers are unlikely to like rudeness and obvious attempts to dominate.

    For sexual compatibility with representatives of the water sign, the following characteristics are important:

    • The ability to relax. Cancers love it when their partners are completely relaxed, free from obsessive thoughts and focused only on the process. They immediately pay attention to something like this.
    • Authenticity of emotions. Men and girls belonging to this zodiac sign simply cannot stand imitation. If they behave emotionally and moan during intimacy, they do it completely sincerely.
    • Slowness. Cancers don't like fast and dynamic sex. They like to prolong the pleasure, starting the process with mutual touching, stroking, warm words, foreplay.

    To please Cancer, you need to behave sincerely, show yourself as real or authentic.

    There is no need to try to impress, do what you don’t like, and especially pretend. People born under a water sign will immediately feel this. They will not say directly about their dissatisfaction, but they will remember the behavior of their other half, and in the future they will try to hint it to her. Cancer is of the opinion that if there is mutual love in the union of a girl and a guy, then neither of them should try to seem better - everything will go perfectly anyway.

    The definition of sexuality for this sign consists of the gracefulness of one’s other half. Men like graceful women who make leisurely movements, as if deliberately tightening and playing. Women prefer charismatic, self-confident young men who think not only about themselves and their pleasure.

    What do representatives of this zodiac sign like most about sex?

    From a physiological point of view, Cancers in bed prefer slow sex, leisurely movements and stretching out the process. Very rarely they strive to dominate or submit - they do not like to distribute roles. Representatives and representatives of the water symbol believe that everything should happen naturally, in accordance with intuition, without thinking about each action.

    Often, intimacy with Cancer is accompanied by gentle touches, pleasant words or languid sighs. They like to demonstrate their pleasure, and they expect the same from their significant other.

    Erogenous zones

    Since these people are focused on manifestations of love for their chosen one or chosen one, they try to pay great attention to his or her erogenous places. These include:

    • Neck. You need to kiss and stroke your partner's neck from all sides: there is a high probability that she will like it very much. After a lingering kiss, you should gradually move to the throat, and then to the collarbones.
    • Rib cage. The girl's breasts should be given attention after the neck. The young man will also like it - he will perceive touching and kissing the shoulders, chest, collarbones as a sweet erotic gesture on the part of his chosen one.
    • Ribs. Not all Cancers have ribs that are an erogenous place, but you can still touch them with your lips or hand when removing clothes from a woman or man during sex.
    • Legs. For many people, the inner thighs are a very sensitive area. They can be stroked, touched and kissed immediately before sexual intercourse.

    If a man or girl kisses, touches, or strokes any specific part of the body, then such behavior should be taken as a hint, that is, you need to caress your partner in the same area and in the same way.

    Don't forget about your lips. They contain many nerve endings, and when touched, a person experiences a lot of pleasant sensations. The main advice is this: do not press, suck, or bite them, as this can bring additional discomfort to your partner.

    All body movements should be very light, gentle, unobtrusive, playful.

    Favorite poses In order for partners to get maximum pleasure from intimacy with each other, it is important not to forget about the chosen positions.

    • The most preferred ones for Cancers are the following: Missionary.
    • The most classic and familiar pose will appeal to Cancer, and he will not find it boring. A man should pay attention to the girl’s chest, neck, cheeks, lips during sexual intercourse, while it would not hurt for a girl to stroke the guy’s head, back or neck. This zodiac sign loves the pose primarily because of the close bodily contact, which should also not be forgotten. Cowgirl.
    • A woman sits on top of a man who is either lying on the bed. The Cancer man will appreciate this position for the simple reason that it implies complete trust in his partner. In a sitting position.

    Many young men and women enjoy changing positions during sexual intercourse. But you should not do this too often or abruptly, unexpectedly.

    How to satisfy your spouse?

    The question of satisfying a husband or wife arises when sexual relationships have been going on for a long time and have become obsolete. Bringing back passion in intimacy with Cancer is extremely simple - just renew old feelings.

    It is recommended to prepare your significant other for sexual intercourse in advance: arrange a romantic dinner, go somewhere together, change the environment, visit old places that evoke nostalgia. These emotional aspects will greatly affect the feelings of your spouse. Sensuality during an intimate relationship will return when Cancer remembers how much he loves and is inspired by his woman or man.

    You can also try to surprise a person by following his sexual preferences, especially if this will be the fulfillment of a long-standing desire. Experiments, innovations, intimate toys, new positions, a change of scenery - all this will help renew emotions and bring novelty to sex. However, if your spouse has a taboo, then there is no need to focus on this.

    You can also directly discuss your desires with Cancer and make suggestions. Most likely, he will treat the idea with interest and will not rush to condemn it.

    Compatibility with other zodiac signs

    To determine the compatibility of Cancer with other signs in astrology, it is recommended to pay attention to the sexual horoscope. To do this, you only need to know the zodiac sign of your soulmate.


    Aries is hot, passionate, emotional. Sex with him will be bright and unforgettable, but at the same time tender and affectionate - because Cancer likes it that way. Partners please each other without hesitation, always trying something new. They feel good together - this applies to sex and other areas of life.


    Taurus loves to say warm words, hug and cuddle tightly. Sex with them is different. Sometimes it is a long and passionate sexual intercourse with foreplay, and sometimes it is fast and dynamic. Usually, both Taurus and Cancer are quite happy with everything in such relationships.


    Problems can arise with Geminis. They are emotionally unstable, withdrawn, cold and distant. Gentle Cancer will not like this. Sex will always be different; sometimes the couple will even inevitably quarrel about it. Only great love can save intimacy - if the feelings in a couple do not fade for a long time, then the people will be interesting to each other.


    The relationship between Cancer and Cancer can provide an example of incredible passion and absolute mutual understanding, harmony, and sensuality. When it comes to sex, their needs are the same. But a man and a woman are encouraged to talk directly about sex at least sometimes, despite their ability to see right through the emotions of the other half.

    a lion

    Leos satisfy all the needs of Cancers - both emotional and physiological. They know how to be different: gentle, affectionate, dominant, sensual or passionate. For both of them, this is a kind of game that they never get tired of playing. Both the man and the girl in such a couple attach great importance to the feelings they have for each other.


    Cancer and Virgo lack mutual understanding, since they have different models of perceiving the world around them. This will also affect sex. Cancer will lack emotions, and the down-to-earth Virgo will not receive enough physical sensations. Each of the partners is focused on their own, so it is difficult for them to find a balance. Initially, with great love, intimacy will suit both; what will happen next is unknown.


    In a relationship with Libra, Cancer always has to adapt, including in intimacy. Very often this suits both. One can only guess how long the sexual relationship will be interesting for both. For Libra, the main element is the presence of love, emotional attachment, but they are also focused on physical sensations.


    Sex in a couple will be very passionate and sensual, despite the fact that Scorpios are by no means romantics. Cancer will be impressed by the emotionality and charisma of their partner in bed. Their intimacy will not become boring for a long time, because both are focused on emotions, and not the physiology of the process.


    Sagittarians always strive to get maximum pleasure. They are absolutely not romantic, they love quick sex, they like to dominate. The temperament of people in such a couple varies greatly. You will always have to look for compromises and adapt to the guy or girl, otherwise there will be no intimacy at all.

This zodiac sign has an excellent opportunity to show their intelligence and natural charm in all areas and branches of science and art. Very refined, light natures with a predominance of sentimentalism in their souls. Cancers are family monogamous people who are able not only to get a star from the sky for their children, but also to do everything possible so that they are well and comfortably settled in life.

When it comes to love and relationship plans, cancers have no equal. They are sensitive, gentle, very vulnerable and emotionally overwhelmed. Cancers are also very contradictory - they can live either the richest and most luxurious life, or a very poor and painful life.

How to satisfy a Cancer man?

It is not difficult to satisfy a Cancer, but to do this you need to show all your inner strength of mind and charm; Cancers love with their eyes, so you need to be very careful about your appearance and avoid gray and dark tones. Such a cold external environment simply frightens gentle and vulnerable cancers.

A Cancer man is much more likely to pay attention to a girl in a bright, juicy dress than to a beauty in a burqa. This is probably the true energy of all men.
In their youth, Cancer boys are very sensual and vulnerable romantics, they often have a thin, sickly appearance and from childhood they develop intelligence and the ability to think logically. Life experience is very important for Cancers; they value people who have already learned something and had their own experiences, people who know a lot and have seen a lot. Very often, Cancers are subconsciously drawn to older and emotionally mature women.

They are almost ideal in bed, but to get cancer in bed you need to cement this connection with a strong emotional feeling or experience. In other words, with Cancers everything is serious and out of love. They really love to feel feminine strength and charm on themselves, and therefore they try to squeeze as much as possible in terms of feelings from their partner.
If you want to provide a Cancer man with pleasure and enjoyment, then you don’t need to be afraid to overact and show all your feelings for your loved one. For him, this will be the best gift - to know that he is important to you and that he is able to give pleasure and real pleasure to the woman he loves and adores. They expect exceptional love from their partner and it is truly important for them to understand that there is no one better in her dull and boring life than them. They are often selfish. Although they surround their partner with tenderness and understanding from all sides.

Love is the most important thing!

To give pleasure to Cancer, you just need to love him and show all the manifestations of this beautiful and burning feeling. Very often, it is crayfish who are abandoned, so who else but them knows all the bitterness and experiences of unrequited love.

Cancers can be tyrants and rulers, so you need to take this point into account before plunging into the whirlpool of adventures and love stories.

Thanks to their loyalty, peace and inner peace, Cancers can make good and devoted husbands and boyfriends. If you want stability and constancy, then you need to look for a Cancer man, because perhaps he is also looking for his soulmate.

All cancers can be conditionally divided into two types - those who seek their love themselves, but because of shyness and natural modesty, they do it for a very long time, and the second type - those who persistently and stubbornly wait for the first step from the girl.

Love with a Cancer can be beautiful and sensual, full of tenderness and passion, the main thing is not to be afraid to meet them halfway, perhaps it will change your whole life for the better and fill it with meaning and sincerity of feelings...

Cancers are capable of love and Cancers are characterized by faith in real feelings. Geminis and Virgos are best suited for them, but sometimes there are cases that even fidgety Scorpios fell in love with their natural charm.

If Cancer has his eye on you, then most likely he will achieve his goal. Cancers are amorous, and they fall in love passionately, like the heroes of romance novels. They know how to care. If necessary, they subtly sense the mood and create the right one. Cancer's love, unlike many other representatives of the Zodiac, is directly related to sexuality. A Cancer man, having fallen in love, tries to bring the process to its climax in the shortest possible way, i.e. literally from the first minute the “bastion” will be tested for strength. Often women become intimate with a man in the hope of tying them to themselves. This is, in general, an illusion of the lady, but in the case of Cancer it makes sense. Cancers become attached to their loved ones through sex, but it (sex) must correspond to his hopes. I hasten to immediately warn those who are in love with Cancer. Don't rush into his bed. You will get the whole rainbow of emotions associated with courtship “before.” As soon as you become the property of Cancer, and he binds you to himself firmly enough, he will switch to new conquests, and you will only be left with memories and eternal expectations. Therefore, it is better to keep Cancer in suspense. He shouldn't be completely sure of you. Not in the sense of infidelity, but in the sense that you can escape his clutches.

To maintain the love fire, Cancer needs: suffering. If they are not observed, he unconsciously “corrects” his behavior to create tension. The “victim” unwittingly gets involved in this “hot-cold” game. But by and large, Cancer's affections are very strong, so deep and breathtaking that he can deny that he really loves. He himself is sometimes afraid to look into this abyss called love. And if you add Cancer’s emotional instability to this: So it turns out that Cancer today is glowing with love, and the next day he sits all sulky, disappointed in life, love and people. There is no need to be afraid of these states. It will go away on its own, although it’s unknown in which direction. But this can no longer be controlled. Even he himself does not know where Cancer will take him. Or he will return to “mommy”, i.e. to you, if by this time you have begun to play her role, or will go looking for new impressions. But what is guaranteed is that in tandem with Cancer you will not be bored, because you will never know what mood he will be in the next minute. If you are a lover of extremes, then Cancer is just for you. You will visit heaven, you will go through seven circles of hell, in general, life will be in full swing. Which, in fact, is the essence of earthly love: the more passions and experiences, the brighter the sensations and the stronger the envy of others.

For Cancer, sex is a kind of experimental testing ground. Some people, let alone Cancers, will try everything imaginable and unthinkable related to sex. Cancers are traditionally considered good family men and this is true. Family for Cancer is sacred, the basis of himself. But in the concept of family, sex is included as a constituent element, and for any Cancer, the word “sex” is not a synonym for the word “marriage” or “family.” Therefore, it is impossible to suspect Cancer of being unfaithful to his hearth, but whether he is faithful to his sexual partner, including his wife... this is a moot point. He thinks yes - his partner is sure no. Cancer is loyal to the family. The concept of “family” for Cancer is not limited to blood relationships. Family for Cancer is everything he considers necessary to think about and care about. It could be a friend, a brother, a dog, a lover, and more. He is faithful to them, parting with them is very painful. Often, even after parting, he continues to take care of them. As for the family, ideally for Cancer the most suitable option is a harem. One wife cooks, another sews, a third loves, etc. He will be attached in soul to everyone. And it is unlikely that everyone will change together. So Cancer never cheats in the same way as others. He's just expanding the family. And this is qualitatively different, and you will not understand this if you are not a Cancer. It doesn’t matter what culture Cancer grew up in, he is a sultan at heart. Ideally, it would be desirable for him that all the wives (in our version, mistresses) were friends, and in difficult times everyone would become one. What, in fact, did Roger Vadim come to, to whom, when he had a heart attack, all his four wives rushed to the hospital (or rather, they managed to get together in the process of moving to the hospital) and they all tenderly looked after him while he was in the hospital bed . If you find that your loving Cancer is cheating on you, the best thing you can do is make friends with your new passion and “welcome her into the family.” Neither ultimatums, nor requests, nor tricks will achieve anything. Sexually, Cancer is a bit like Taurus. This is a sweet tooth. But unlike Taurus, he doesn’t care where, as long as it’s what. In this way, he compares favorably with Taurus, because Cancer will not be scared off by a cold barn, a dirty fireplace or luxurious apartments. What he lacks now, he will more than make up for at another time, but as soon as he is alone with you, he immediately gets down to business. And it doesn’t matter that this happens on a flight of stairs, in an elevator, or in a classroom where people are about to enter, it only adds spice. In this way he is a little reminiscent of Aries. When the conditions are right, Cancer settles down thoroughly. Intimacy will be provided: wine, delicious food at arm's length, and God bless him, in time! Happy hours are not observed. Well, Cancers know how to care like no one else.

If Cancer has a crush on you, don't immediately rush into his arms. Live this wonderful process of Cancer courtship. You will get everything you dream of and what you don’t dream of, because you can’t even imagine it. It’s all the more worthwhile to delay this wonderful time, since you are unlikely to have to experience anything like this in the future. As soon as Cancer gets hold of you, he will instantly forget all his abilities, put you in his hole and... will court another object, not necessarily a sexual one. Cancers walk in circles around anyone who is of interest to them, looking for weak points in them. Having tried it on, they cling tightly. Having settled in the Crayfish burrow, you will most likely have more than those living in other minks, not Crayfish, but the wonderful feeling that you are the only queen of his thoughts and desires, which settled in you at the time of his courtship, you will no longer have to test. That's how Cancers are. But these are sensations. You will have enough sex. There's enough cancer for everyone. Even if you are offended by Cancer, it is difficult to refuse sex with him. Knowing your deepest desires, he plays your strings as he wishes. But... if before bed you wanted to kill him out of anger, then in bed you will have only one desire - to die in his arms.

How to satisfy crayfish
Make them feel young! They idolize youth (followed by Libra and Leo).

The only way for a Cancer to overcome sexual desire and remain faithful is to get into a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife.

Most suitable partners
Until the age of 29.5, Cancer should look for the best partners among the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. All three are water signs and require close, passionate and deep emotional connections. After age 29.5, Cancers usually begin to mature and realize their true personality, becoming more liberal and less cautious. Then they often find compatibility with the energetic signs of Gemini and Virgo. These two signs, ruled by Venus, have a lot of youthful energy and do not consider it humiliating to accept attentions, including gifts from boys who are already over 30 years old.

After 41.5 years, Cancers must fully develop and gain control over themselves. Then they can be compatible with Capricorn (a highly organized, partly mental sign, which is always ready to unite its goals and gain power with the already settled Cancer)

Fidelity Score
In your younger years it’s bad. The exception is the case when Cancer stays at home for a long time under the guidance of one of the parents, usually the mother, and thus their behavior is controlled not by Cancer himself, but by someone else. It is also bad in marriage, unless Cancer is connected with his spouse through a common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. The best period for obtaining fidelity from a Cancer is when he is very young and inexperienced, or after 35 years of age, when he is already a seasoned lover and welcomes the refreshing demand for fidelity. Cancers are also loyal to lovers when they are offered luxury and comfort. But this will seduce any sign in our age of materialism!

Usually people born under this zodiac sign value their relationships very much, but their passionate nature sometimes makes them turn left. Cancers are very sensitive and are constantly in search of some special intimacy. Cancers, more than all other zodiac signs, try to find in sex the most complete physical and emotional understanding and unity with their partner. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not hesitate to express their desires and preferences, demanding from their partner the manifestation of imagination and readiness to experiment. Sexual relationships are perceived as very confidential, therefore both partners are obliged to completely trust each other. If they manage to tune in to the same wavelength, then a synchronous and very strong orgasm awaits them. At the same time, Cancers are owners and do not tolerate competition.

Cancer man

Cancer - a man knows his own worth very well and does not seek to win the favor of women, being convinced that it is they who should seek his attention. Not a single woman, even the wife with whom Cancer has lived for many years, will be 100% sure that she managed to “tame” him, because he does not allow himself to openly show his emotions. And only by having sex with him can you feel his attitude. Cancer men are very purposeful and vain, they strive to be in leading positions in everything, set difficult tasks for themselves and successfully solve them. He is an owner and strives to tie his woman to himself and to the house as tightly as possible. He values ​​comfort and coziness very much. He needs his partner to share his interests, ideals, tastes, to understand and support him in all his endeavors. Since Cancer is very sensitive, he can be overly touchy and suspicious. In sex, such a man wants to achieve complete intimacy, preferring twilight, curtained windows, and quiet music. At the same time, he believes that a woman should always be ready to satisfy his desire at any time and in any place. The best partners for him will be women born under the signs of Earth and Water (Taurus, Cancer, Pisces). As for poses, Cancers love maximum contact, so poses 9, 15, 16 and pose 33 would be ideal for them.

Cancer woman

Cancer women are often selfish and domineering. These traits determine attitudes towards sex. The Cancer woman loves to be in charge and therefore chooses her own partner, while deciding what, when and how will happen. Often, she first of all thinks only about maximum personal satisfaction, using her partner only as a tool to achieve this goal. But Cancers are very erotic in bed, they give themselves selflessly, being in ecstasy for a long time. Most women of this sign have a very sensual body; it will not be difficult for a partner to find erogenous zones - they are almost everywhere. She can be an excellent lover if she doesn’t want anything from her partner other than sex. Sometimes she is aggressive in bed and suppresses the partner with her activity, making her doubt his capabilities. She can be very happy if she learns in a relationship not only to take, but also to give. In general, she is sentimental, appreciates tenderness and care, but knows how to hide it. Sometimes capricious and inconsistent, she is strongly affected by the phases of the Moon and eclipses. In bed he prefers positions 8, 15, 20, as well as positions 45 and 81.

You can view descriptions of the poses mentioned above in the Kama Sutra Poses section. Also published on the site is the book Kama Sutra - the full text.

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