Animated series "Desperate Bakugan Fighters": actors, plot, brief description. Bakugan Battle Brawlers season episode descriptions

The main characters first meet the Nithians and Gundelians when they penetrate the virtual reality of Bakugan Interspace in order to win over the Bakugan fighters in the war.

Daniel Kuso, Marucho Marukura and Shun Kazami find themselves in the middle of a war between the planets Neathia and Gundalia.

At the very beginning, the fighters are misled and consider the Nithians guilty of starting the war with Gandelia. Later, our heroes learn the truth that in fact the opposite is true.

Together with new allies, Princess Fabia of Nythia, Dan's friend Jake and the Gandelian Ren, the fighters will have to stop Barodius, Gandelia's warriors and the brutal Fighting Dozen, and save Nythia and the Earth from destruction.

Bakugan Interspace

In the third season, the greatly improved Bakugan Interspace was finally launched online and became available to the whole world.

The free virtual service Bakugan Interspace was launched by the Marukura Group team under the leadership of Marucho, who is the general manager. Ren assists Marucho and is the data manager of the Interspace system.

In Season 3, Bakugan Interspace plays a very important role in the plot. The new combat system is very similar to that of New Vestroia.

Bakugan Interspace now has large battle structures and is free for everyone. When a Bakugan fighter first enters the Interspace system, he receives a synthetic Bakugan, while using his real Bakugan is not prohibited.

In Season 3 of Bakugan, Dan Kuso, Marucho Marukura and their families moved to the town of Bayview near the southwest coast of the United States. The Marukura Group Foundation continues to finance and develop the Bakugan Interspace project.


Vestroia consists of six elements, which correspond six featured Bakugan:
Strong Pyrus (Fire)
Strong Subterra (Earth)
Wise Haos (Light)
Powerful Darkus (Darkness)
Cunning Aquos (Water)
Fast Ventus (Wind)

Symbol Sign Color scheme Description
Pyrus red and orange sign of fire
Aquos blue and cyan sign of water
brown and orange sign of earth
Haos white and white sign of light
purple and black sign of darkness
green and blue sign of wind
No sign Pink and white no sign


Fire element. Pyrus is red and orange in color.
Pyrus is located in the inner core of the universe and is inhabited by Bakugan, who take their power from the heat radiation that surrounds them.
It is in the deep depths, where molten magma flows, that their strength is tempered. Pyrus Bakugan never waste a second in battle, attacking their enemies from multiple angles like a raging firestorm.
In Season 3 of Gundalian Invaders, the color scheme changed to red and yellow.


Aquos is a sign representing water.
Aquos has a color scheme of blue with cyan, or blue with light sea green. Sometimes a little bronze color is used.
In Season 3 of Gundalian Invaders, the color scheme became dark blue with light blue.

Subterra is a sign of Earth.
The Subterra has a light brown and bronze color scheme.
In Season 3 of Gundalian Invaders, the color scheme became light brown and dark brown.


Chaos is a sign of light. The elemental symbol is a five-pointed star.
The planet Haos has clear skies. The Bakugan of this planet have learned to use light energy.
Haos has a color scheme of white with a hint of blue.
In Season 3 of Gundalian Invaders, the color scheme became white with a hint of yellow.

Darkus is a sign of the element darkness.
Darkus has a color scheme of black and purple, with small red, light blue, yellow, and green accents.
In Season 3 of Gundalian Invaders, the color scheme is the same. Black is the main color. There are green inserts instead of purple ones.

Ventus is a sign of the elements of wind and air.
The Ventus features a green and turquoise color scheme.
In Season 3 of Gundalian Invaders, the color scheme became pale green with white and blue.

Hexagonal magic sphere

All Attributes are enclosed in a hexagonal system, where they are connected into various connections, allowing the activation of certain Ability Cards. These connections are used only in the series and the computer game Bakugan.

Adjacent Communication

Adjacent connection - Features that stand next to each other in the hexagonal system. If the Sign of your Bakugan is the same as the Sign of your opponent's Bakugan, then you receive a strength increase of + 100 G.

Diagonal connection

Diagonal Link – Features that are linked diagonally in a hexagonal system, as well as Fire (Pyrus) and Darkness (Darkus), which are linked vertically. Allows you to gain G-Force Boost + 100 G for any Bakugan.

Triangle within a Hexagonal Magic Sphere

The triangle within the Hexagonal Magic Sphere (triangular connection) is the most difficult to activate. The signs form a triangle, of which there are only two: Fire (Pyrus) - Water (Aquos) - Light (Haos), Earth (Subterra) - Wind (Ventus) - Darkness (Darkus). Allows you to gain G-Force Boost + 200 G in battle.

Bakugan: New Vestroia(New Vestroia) is the name of season 2 of the series, continuation of season 1 Bakugan Battle Brawlers.

The story of season 2 begins when Drago regained strength Silent Core And Infinity Core in the center of Vestroia. As a result, the six separated parts merged into a single whole - New Vestroia. After which Drago continued his transformation into Perfect Core New Vestroia. In the first episode of season 2, New Vestroia Drago is separated from Perfect Core and turns into Neo Dragonoid. Dan, Marucho and Shun were called to New Vestroia to help stop an invasion by a group of villains called Vex(Vexos). To prevent the capture of New Vestroia Dan,Marucho And Shun team up with three new fighters Mira, Ace And Baron.


Vestal creatures are almost identical to humans. In appearance, Vestals appear human with a difference in their emotionless eyes. Physical development and hair color are also different from human ones. Vestals breathe air like people. Home planet Vestal plays a role in the series parallel earth.

Vestal technologies are very advanced. Father Worlds(Mira) - Professor Clay is one of Vestal's most prominent inventors. Vestal possess technology of movement in space and between dimensions. Many of Vestal's technologies are identical to those developed by humans on Earth, but at a more advanced level.

The Vestals invaded New Vestroia. Vestal perceives Bakugan poorly; they see them as inanimate toys. Colonized cities of Vestal: Alpha City, Beta City, Gamma City, Mother Palace.


The Vex are a group of Vestals in the service of Prince Hydron and King Zenoheld, who are also members of the Vex group.

The Vex are the main opponents in Season 2 of New Vestroia. The Vex are the most powerful Bakugan players in Vestal. Each Vex has its own characteristic.

Vex Composition:
Spectra Phantom
Mylene Pharaoh
Volt Luster
Gus Grav
Shadow Prove
Link Volan

Each Vex has a specific partner that they fight with more often than other members.

Pair Lync And Volt: Together they are an effective team. They are rated as the weakest pair among the Vex.

Pair Shadow And Mylene: Mylene considers Shadow to be a bad and useless fighter, while Shadow considers Mylene to be too overbearing. They are rated as the average strength pair among the Vex.

Pair Spectra And Gus: Spectra and Gus get along well with each other, better than Lync and Volt. They don't fight together often. Gus showed an incredibly high level of respect for Spectra. They are considered to be a very strong pair among the Vex.

Pair Zenoheld And Hydron: from the outside they look as if they are just beginning to establish relationships, although they are related by blood ties. Zenoheld does not trust Hydron, although Hydron now calls Zenoheld father. They don't have the ratings of other couples, but they lead all Vex.

Resistance fighters

Resistance fighters is a group of Bakugan fighters led by Mira Clay.

The main goal of the Resistance: to liberate New Vestroia from the invading Vestal invaders.

Resistance fighters fight Vex in frequent skirmishes.

The impetus for Mira Clay to found the Resistance was when she learned how her brother and father tortured Alpha Hydranoid. Mira Clay realized that Bakugan are living creatures, and not just toys, as all Vestals previously thought.

After merging with Dan, Marucho, Resistance detects my main task:destruction of Dimension Controllers, which force Bakugan to take the form of balls.

Three Dimension Controllers

Vex created Dimension Controllers to force the Bakugan into ball form. Controllers are located in the following cities: Alpha City, Beta City And Gamma City. The Resistance Fighters' mission is to destroy all controllers, so that the Bakugan can return to their normal form.

Computer game

For now computer game Bakugan released for consoles Sony Playstation 2,Sony Playstation 3, XBox 360, Nintendo Wii And Nintendo DS.

The game is colorful and interesting and looks on all platforms, in accordance with the graphical capabilities of each console.

The main character, whose appearance is created by the player himself, will have to overcome all computer characters - heroes of the animated series Bakugan and become the best in the player rating.

In the game you can fight with computer characters 1 on 1, 2 on 2, or each for himself. You can simply compete or go through a tournament.

To complete the game, you need to go through the entire storyline of the game, going through tournaments and arranging meetings in the park, and at the end defeat the main villain, but the game does not end there.

Like many of the newest games in Bakugan Battle Brawlers There is a list of achievements that can be completed while beating the game. For example, collect all the Bakugan, collect all the gate and ability cards, defeat all the characters in the park in 1 on 1 battles, etc.

The rules of the computer game practically coincide with the official rules of the board game. The exception is that in the computer version additional features appear: the ability to control the trajectory of the ball as it rolls around the arena, collect additional bonuses in the arena to strengthen the Bakugan, interfere with shots at the enemy’s ball, and undergo additional tests to increase the strength of the Bakugan participating in the battle.

Also, the game includes the ability to buy new Bakugan, improve their characteristics, buy gate cards and ability cards in the Alice store.

Strategy game Bakugan. In the game, as soon as the battle begins, the Bakugan take on their true form.

Each sphere contains a Bakugan, which acquires its real size, strength and abilities during the game. The cards contain abilities and bonuses for monsters. There is a ranking of the strongest Bakugan Fighters on the Internet.

Main character Dan with my friends whom I met on the Internet, I learned to play Bakugan well. Dan soon realized that this was not just a game, but something more important.

Not only he understood this, but also the insidious villains who, using the power of this game, decided to seize power in Vestroia and on Earth.

So the fight began Bakugan Fighters.


Vestroia is another dimension where the Bakugan originally lived.

Vestroia is powered by the energy of two cores ( Core) that keep the universe in balance. Negative energy Silent Core and positive energy Infinity Core.

Silent Core

Silent Core is a sphere of negative energy from the center of Vestroia, the opposite of the positive Infinity Core.

The Bakugan that can control both Cores will become the strongest. If, of course, he can retain this enormous power.

Infinity Core

Infinity Core is a sphere of positive energy from the center of Vestroia, the opposite of the negative Silent Core.

Infinity Core is the mainstay of the Bakugan Fighters. Infinity Core has the power to heal the wounded and bring the fallen back to life.

Daniel Kuso
The best Bakugan fighter in the world. Leader of the Bakugan Resistance Fighters. Master of the element Fire (Pyrus). The main Bakugan is Pyrus Neo Dragonoid. New Vestroia: Dan is 15 years old. Teams up with Neo Dragonoid, who received a new form after agreeing to separate from the core with the help of Vestroia's Legendary Soldiers.

Drago took Dan and Marucho to New Vestroia, where they met Mira, Ace and Baron. While Mira and Baron accepted him, Ace wanted Dan to earn his trust and fight him in a battle that ended in a draw. Dan agreed to help the Resistance free the Bakugan by destroying all the Dimension Controllers that keep the Bakugan in their ball form.

Dan is still cocky, but he has matured a lot. He is the same hyperactive boy who sometimes underestimates people, but by all indications, he has grown up. Dan, as before, loves to fight. Currently, Dan is the first and only person, capable of defeating all Vex at least once.

Dan has many different Bakugan. He used Drago most often. He has a Scorpion Trap. He captured and used Grakas Hound, Dark Hound, Grafias, Brachium, Spitarm and Spyderfencer.

Dan's Bakugan:
Pyrus Neo Dragonoid (Drago)
Pyrus Cross Dragonoid
Pyrus Helix Dragonoid
Maxus Dragonoid
Maxus Cross Dragonoid
Pyrus Apollonir
Pyrus Scorpion (Trap)
Silver JetKor (Combat Mechanism)
Pyrus Spyderfencer
Ventus Spitarm
Subterra Grakas Hound
Darkus Dark Hound
Haos Brachium
Aquos Grafias
Ventus Atmos
Haos Freezer

Shun Kazami
One of the strongest Bakugan Fighters. Shun is a 16 year old fighter. Travels to Vestroia with Dan and Marucho. His style is as strong and silent as before. The element of his Bakugan is Wind (Ventus). After being separated from the Skyress Bakugan, Shun teams up with Ventus Ingram and his Ventus Hylash Trap, which has an oval cylinder shape.

At the end of Season 2 of New Vestroia, Hawktor becomes his guard Bakugan.

Shun, as before, uses Bakugan of the Wind element (Ventus).

Bakugan Shuna:
Ventus Ingram
Ventus Master Ingram
Ventus Hawktor
Ventus Hylash (Combat Mechanism)
Ventus Shadow Wing
Ventus Storm Skyress
Haos Hammersaur

Marucho Marukura
A very wise 13-year-old fighter, Bakugan element is Water (Aquas, Aquos).
In the second season, he is paired with Aquos Elfin.

Marucho travels to New Vestroia with Dan and Drago. When the Vex attack Dan and Mira first, he retreats, but later finds himself a new style fight in a fight. Marucho later heads to the Resistance headquarters where he receives a new suit.

Bakugan Marucho:
Aquos Preyas
Aquos Elfin
Aquos Minx Elfin
Aquos Akwimos
Aquos Tripod Epsilon (Trap)
Aquos Wontu

Ace Grit
Handsome Ace, a character full of sarcasm. The element of his Bakugan is Darkness (Darkus). Ace is usually lost in thought. His battle partner is Darkus Percival and Falcon Fly Trap. He is 16 years old and acts a lot like Dan. Ace and Mira fight a lot, as do Dan and Runo.

Ace Grit is part of the Resistance. He is a Vestal and has feelings for Mira, although she is oblivious to this fact.

Ace did not readily accept people joining the Resistance, but after he had a draw in a test battle with Dan, he accepted Dan and Marucho into their group.

Ace's Bakugan:
Darkus Percival
Darkus Midnight Percival
Darkus Falcon Fly (Trap)
Darkus Flash Falcon Fly
Darkus Freezer
Haos Anchorsaur

Mira Clay
Daughter of Professor Clay, fighter of the Earth element (Subterra). Mira is a Vestal girl and is the leader of the Resistance. She has been accepted by the Bakugan Fighters, but is not fully trusted. Her partner is Subterra Wilda and Trap Baliton.

She also has a missing brother, whom she sees in Spectra due to their identical way of throwing Bakugan.

Mira is a 16-year-old girl who dreams of one day finding her brother. Mira is also in love with Dan, but is not going to admit it to him.

Bakugan Worlds:
Subterra Wilda
Subterra Thunder Wilda
Subterra Magma Wilda
Subterra Baliton (Trap)
Subterra Verias
Darkus Dark Hound
Subterra Grakas Hound
Pyrus Spyderfencer

Baron Leltoy
A Vestal boy who is a big fan of Dan, Marucho, Shun and Drago. He is kind and treats the Fighters well. He is a fan of the Bakugan Fighters, especially Dan, whom he calls only “Mentor Dan.” His Bakugan is Mega Nemus and Piercian Trap. He will soon turn 13 years old. He is the youngest member of the Resistance. His element is Light (Chaos).

Being the youngest of the Fighters, he has a lot to learn. He has a lot of potential, but he needs to improve in attack and defense. Baron is young, but physically stronger than anyone.

Baron's Bakugan:
Haos Mega Nemus
Haos Ancient Nemus
Haos Piercian (Trap)
Haos Blade Tigrerra
Haos Jelldon
Haos Rafflesian
Darkus Atchibee
Darkus Anchorsaur
Darkus Hammersaur

Leader of the Vex. Replaced Spectra Phantom after he left the Vex. Bakugan's element is Fire (Pyrus). His Bakugan is Farbros, which can combine with the Assail system.

Zenoheld is the main villain in Season 2 of New Vestroia. He is the former Vestal King. His Bakugan were created by Professor Clay. His element is Fire (Pyrus). Zenoheld fought six Legendary Soldiers and won against Pyrus Farbros. He is distinguished by his cruelty, trying not just to defeat the enemy, but to completely destroy him.

Zenoheld is the father of Prince Hydron.

Zenoheld's Bakugan:
Pyrus Farbros
Pyrus Assail System
Alternative Weapon System
Pyrus Fortress (Trap)

Prince Hydron is a proud and greedy prince. Has a habit of fiddling with the ends of his hair. Almost all of his subordinates, the Vex, dislike him. Prince Hydron replaced Gus after he left the Vex. Main villain Zenoheld is the father of Prince Hydron.

His Bakugan is a mechanical Dryoid. Bakugan element is Earth (Subterra).

Hydron's Bakugan:
Subterra Dryoid
Darkus Alpha Hydranoid
Haos Blade Tigrerra
Aquos Preyas
Subterra Hammer Gorem
Ventus Storm Skyress

Spectra Phantom
Real name Keith Clay is the former leader of the Vex. Wears a red mask. It is later revealed that he is the brother of Mira (Mira Clay) and the son of Professor Clay. Left the Vex for his own interests. Very cruel and cunning. Bakugan's element is Fire (Pyrus).

Spectra Phantom's main Bakugan is the Helios MK2 dragon. Uses the Metalfencer Trap.

Bakugan Specters:
Pyrus Viper Helios
Pyrus Cyborg Helios
Pyrus Helios MK2
Maxus Helios
Maxus Helios MK2
Pyrus Metalfencer (Trap)
Twin Destructor (Trap)
Zukanator (second Trap)
Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid
Pyrus Neo Dragonoid
Pyrus Fencer
Subterra Scraper
Haos Spindle
Darkus Foxbat
Aquos Leefram
Ventus Klawgor
Subterra Coredem
Rock Hammer
Ventus Hawktor
Aquos Akwimos

Mylene Pharaoh
A cold beauty with bluish hair. Hot-tempered and proud. He hates Bakugan the most.

The element of Bakugan is Water (Aquas). The main Bakugan is Macubass. Uses Tripod Theta Trap.

Despite being a member of the Vex, she does not trust Spectra. She also tends to get annoyed easily with Shadow. Mylene is also the only girl among the Vex.

Myleen's Bakugan:
Aquos Abis Omega
Aquos Elico
Aquos Macubass
Aquos Tripod Theta (Trap)
Aquos Jelldon
Aquos Fly Beetle
Aquos Freezer
Aquos Clawcer
Aquos Stug

Volt Luster
Chaos Fighter. Big and strong. Overly self-confident, cocky, but respects his opponents. Volt is a fighter of honor and usually does not act without orders. His element is Light (Chaos).

The main Bakugan is Boriates. Volt Luster has two Dynamo and Hexstar Traps.

In the episode Volt's Revolt, Volt leaves the Vex because he could not allow Professor Clay to destroy Earth and Vestal. Volt betrays the Vex because he cannot accept all the evil of King Zenoheld and Prince Hydron.

Volt is a fighter of the elements Light (Haos). He is the only Vex who does not have a mechanical Bakugan, but he is the first to possess a mechanical Trap.

Volt's Bakugan:
Haos Mega Brontes
Haos Boriates
Haos Dynamo (Trap)
Haos Hexstar (second Trap)
Haos Freezer

Gus Grav

Blue-haired guy, Spectra's loyal servant. Fought and lost to Spectra, after which he joined Spectra.

He is very loyal to him and follows all his orders. Power-hungry and greedy.

Gus Grav is a very strong fighter. Bakugan element - Earth (Subterra). The main Bakugan is Primo Vulcan. Uses Hexados Trap.

Gus's Bakugan:
Subterra Primo Vulcan
Subterra Rex Vulcan
Subterra Hexados (Trap)
Aquos Elico
Aquos Blast Elico
Haos Mega Brontes
Haos Alto Brontes
Ventus Spitarm
Haos Brachium
Aquos Grafias

Shadow Prove

Shadow Prove is a fighter of the Darkness element (Darkus) in season 2 of New Vestroia. Part of the Vex, and usually acts in tandem with Mylene in the story. He doesn't like it when Mylene treats him like his boss, but her opinion of him is important to him.

Ugly and mentally ill, he laughs terribly and stammers when he speaks. Constantly sticks out his tongue and licks everything he comes across.

The main Bakugan is the mechanical hydra MAC Spider, the Trap is Darkus Fortress.

Shadow's Bakugan:
Darkus MAC Spider
Darkus Hades
Darkus Fortress (Trap)
Darkus Sylvee
Darkus Hammersaur
Darkus Anchorsaur
Darkus Atchibee

Link Volan

State spy. Deceitful, proud and hypocritical.
He brags all the time about how he can defeat anyone in a fight, anytime.

Bakugan's element is Wind (Ventus). The main Bakugan is Ventus Aluze. Lync did not receive the trap.

Lync alone did not achieve a single victory. He is the weakest Vex fighter, and the youngest.

Link's Bakugan:
Ventus Aluze
Ventus Altair
Ventus Wired
Ventus Fly Beetle
Ventus Atmos

Minor characters

Professor Clay
Professor Clay is the father of Spectra Phantom (Keith Clay) and Mira Clay. Prefers to follow orders from the Vex in order to continue his research to further his own plans. Professor Clay is the creator of mechanical Bakugan.

Very located towards Zenoheld. Professor Clay created the BT System, which, if successful, will destroy all Bakugan.

Mechanical Bakugan created by Professor Clay:
Ventus Altair
Ventus Wired
Darkus Hades
Darkus Fortress
Haos Dynamo
Pyrus Metalfencer
Pyrus Cyborg Helios
Pyrus Spyderfencer
Aquos Grafias
Haos Brachium
Subterra Grakas Hound
Ventus Spitarm
Pyrus Fencer
Aquos Leefram
Haos Spindle
Subterra Scraper
Ventus Klawgor
Darkus Foxbat
Pyrus Farbros
Subterra Dryoid
Aquos Macubass
Ventus Aluze
Haos Hexstar
Darkus MAC Spider
Haos Boriates

Runo Misaki

Runo is a tomboy who is not a typical girl her age.

Blue-haired girl with green eyes. Always wears two high ponytails on the sides. Wearing a yellow top over a pink one and a white skirt with a pink belt.

She can't stand it when others think they can beat her just because she's a girl. Favorite colors are blue, yellow and white.

She works with her parents in their family cafe as a waitress. The element of her Bakugan is Light (Chaos). The main Bakugan is Tigrerra, who later evolves into Blade Tigrerra.

Runo often launches head-on attacks on enemies. She rarely uses strategy in combat, but when she fights her enemies, they find themselves in serious trouble.

Bakugan Runo:
Haos Tigerra
Haos Blade Tigrerra
Haos Griffon
Haos Siege
Haos Saurus
Haos Tuskor
Haos Hynoid
Haos Juggernoid
Haos Robotallion
Haos Mantris
Haos Serpenoid
Haos Ravenoid
Haos Terrorclaw
Haos Manion
Haos Monarus
Haos Bee Striker
Haos Falconeer

Julie Makimoto (Julie Makimoto)

Glamorous fashionista from Las Vegas. Has whitish hair with a blue tint and blue eyes. In Season 2 of New Vestroia, she is 15 years old.

She has an older sister whom she looked up to as a child. At first she liked Dan. But later her best friend Billy Gilbert became her boyfriend. She is very emotional, but always tries to remain optimistic even when something bad has happened.

The element of her Bakugan is Earth (Subterra). The main Bakugan is the mighty giant Hammer Gorem.

Bakugan Julie:
Subterra Gorem
Subterra Hammer Gorem
Subterra Tuskor
Subterra Rattleoid
Subterra Manion

Alice Gehabich

Masquerade - Alice's alter ego.

Born and raised in Moscow. She lived alone in a small house until her grandfather, Michael Gehabich, came to pick her up.

She also has an aunt and uncle, with whom she lived while hiding from the Fighters. Her parents died and she received her education at home from her grandfather. She is closest to Runo and often worries about Dan and Shun.

She has lush brown hair, radiant brown eyes and white skin without any flaws. She always wears a modest green dress with a yellow skirt.

She is afraid to play Bakugan, but she is well versed in the game. Often gives strategy advice to other players. Knows when to use each Bakugan in a timely manner. She herself works part-time for Runo’s parents in their family cafe, and the boys usually go there not to eat, but to gawk at Alice’s cute appearance.

Alice is very polite, often runs errands for others, and rarely bothers others with her problems. She is insightful and easily determines the mood of her friends by their behavior.

If Alice took part in battles, she would become the best in battle strategy. She would take high place in the ranking of the strongest Fighters. The only thing that prevents this is that she doesn't like fights.

The main Bakugan is Alpha Hydranoid.

Alice's Bakugan when she was herself and not Masquerade:
Darkus Alpha Hydranoid
Battle against Klaus
Subterra Mantris
Ventus Bee Striker
Darkus Centipoid
Illusionary Alice
Darkus Centipoid
Darkus Exedra
Darkus Wormquake

Klaus Von Herzen

He was 2nd in the ranking of the strongest Bakugan fighters before losing the fight with Masquerade. Collects a collection of Bakugan in his home in Germany. His element is Water (Aquos). Returns in Season 2 of New Vestroia in the episode “Saved by the Siren”.

Klaus' Bakugan:
Aquos Sirenoid
Aquos Stinglash
Aquos Griffon
Aquos Terrorclaw
Aquos Preyas
Haos El Condor
Pyrus Siege
Darkus Centipoid
Ventus Bee Striker
Subterra Mantris
Subterra Manion
Pyrus Gargonoid
Pyrus Saurus

Chan Lee
Chan Lee is of Eastern origin. He is good at martial arts.

In Season 2, New Vestroia helps Alice defeat Shadow. He occupies a high place in the ranking of the strongest Bakugan fighters. Her element is Fire (Pyrus).

Chang Li's Bakugan:
Pyrus Fortress
Pyrus Manion
Pyrus Centipoid
Pyrus Warius
Pyrus Gargonoid

Billy Gilbert

Billy first appeared in Season 1 as an Earth elemental fighter (Subterra) in a fight with Julie Makimoto where he won using his Bakugan Cycloid. But later in the series, Julie defeats Billy Gilbert using his new Gorem.

In Season 2 of New Vestroia, Billy Gilbert is seen in a flashback by Julie Makimoto. Julie Makimoto remembers how he traveled the world, how he lived in Spain, how he moved to Africa to build schools.

His Bakugan are almost identical to Julie Makimoto's Bakugan.

Billy Gilbert's Bakugan:
Subterra Cycloid
Subterra Wormquake
Subterra Hynoid
Subterra Tuskor
Subterra Rattleoid
Subterra Centipoid
Subterra Manion

The highlight of Bakugan Battle Brawlers: the ability to create your own character and your own speaker Bakugan.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers is a Japanese anime series developed by TMS Entertainment and Japan Vistec under the direction of Mitsuo Hashimoto.

Desperate fighters

  • Daniel Couso, in original - Damma Kuso(Japanese) Ku:so: Damma) - main character. An ordinary hot-tempered and self-confident teenager from San Francisco. 12 years old. He is the organizer of the “Desperate Bakugan Fighters” society, of which he is a member. Strives to become the best Bakugan fighter in the world. One of the few Bakugan players who understands that this is not just a game, but something more important. The element of his Bakugan is Fire (Pyros, Pyrus). The main Bakugan is the dragonoid Drago.

IN New Vestroia Dan turned 15 years old. Having learned from Drago that the world of Bakugan - Vestroia was again in danger, he went to Vestroia. In Vestroi he united with the Bakugan Fighters Resistance Front. In this season, he is more responsible and has a romantic relationship with Runo. The main enemy is first Specter and then King Zenoheld. His main Bakugan remains Drago. Trap Bakugan Scorpio

IN Gundalian Invaders Dan is the best Bakugan player in the world. He is the leader of the team. Now he is 16 years old. Dan moved to new town where I met a new friend - Jake. At the beginning, like everyone else, he didn’t believe Fabia. He was later promoted to the rank of Knight of the Castle, becoming an elite soldier in the Niathya Guard. His partner is still Drago, only with a much higher level of strength. The combat mechanism is JetKor, after evolution - Explosix, and then Axator. At the end he says that he loves Runo.

  • Runo Misaki(Japanese) Misaki Runo) She hides from Dan that she loves him. Blue-haired girl with green eyes. Always wears two high ponytails on the sides. Wearing a yellow top over a pink one and a white skirt with a pink strap. 12 years old. Hates when others think they can beat her just because she's a girl. Favorite colors are blue, yellow and white. She works with her parents in their family cafe as a waitress. Constantly quarrels with Dan over every little thing. She loves Dan, but doesn’t admit it even to herself. The element of her Bakugan is Light (Chaos, Haos). The main Bakugan is the tigress Tigrara.

IN New Vestroia Runo is 15 years old. She is the 6th best player in the world. Only fought once. When Dan is in Vestroi, Runo is very worried, bored and worried about him. Continues to deny it, but loves Dan. Her Tigrerra was turned into a bronze statue, but later Dan and his friends saved her and she returned to Runo.
Voiced by: Eri Sendai

  • Marucho Marikura, in original - Choji Marikura(Japanese) Marikura Choji) - He has many friends. 10 years. Very smart for his age. He was an obedient boy because he wanted to please his parents, but everything changed when he met the fighters. Bakugan element - Water (Aquos, Aquos). The main Bakugan are Preyas and Angelo Diablo.

IN New Vestroia he is 12 years old. I ended up in Vestroia with Dan. And again he is the “brain of the team”. His main Bakugan is Elfin. His Preyas was turned into a bronze statue and later returned to Marucho. Thus, Marucho has two main Bakugan.

IN Gundalian Invaders he is the third best Bakugan player. He is the smartest of the team. Well versed in electronics. He became friends with Ren, and for a long time could not believe his betrayal, believing that Shun was telling a lie. He later became a castle knight, an elite soldier in the Niathya Guard. He is 13 years old. Akwimos became his Bakugan. The combat mechanism is Gigarf.
Voiced by: Ryo Hirohashi

  • Jully Trail/Jully Makimoto, in the original - Jully Hayward(Japanese) Juri: Heiwa:do) is a glamorous fashionista from Las Vegas. Has whitish hair with a blue tint and blue eyes. 12 years old. She has an older sister whom she looked up to as a child. She liked Dan, and later his best friend Billy became her boyfriend. She always tries to remain optimistic even if something bad happens. The element of her Bakugan is Earth (Sabtera, Subtera). The main Bakugan is the mighty giant Gorem.

IN New Vestroia Julie is 15 years old. She is in 8th place in the Bakugan ranking. She works as a waitress in Runo's cafe. And when Dan and his friends arrive on Earth, Jully always meets them with Runo. Her boyfriend is still Billy. She doesn't fight much this season, but she does participate in a few battles. Julie takes an interest in Ace while he is on Earth, but she still only loves Billy. Her Bakugan Gorem was turned into a bronze statue but was later rescued and returned to Jully.

IN Gundalian Invaders moved with Dan to a new city. She works at a local cafe as a waitress. She gave Jake advice with which he learned to win. She is 16 years old. Constantly helps the fighters with everything.
Voiced by: Risa Mizun

  • Shun Kazami, in original - Kazami Shun was the best Bakugan player until he was overtaken by Mask. 13 years old. Became withdrawn and taciturn after his mother fell ill. He believes that everything can be achieved alone, and he does not need his friends, but he changes his mind after the test of the Legendary Warriors of Vestroia and understands that he needs his friends. However, he still never participates in general showdowns. Always ready to help friends if his help is needed. He is Dan's childhood friend. He and Dan came up with a strategic game of Bakugan when cards fell from the sky. His grandfather dreams of Shun becoming a ninja fighter and therefore forbids him to play Bakugan, but Shun resists these prohibitions. Shun has excellent fighting skills. One day he left the team when Dan bad mood told him that the fighters didn’t need him. But after defeating Combo, Dan found him and asked for forgiveness, then Shun rejoined the fighters. The element of his Bakugan is Wind (Ventus, Ventus). The main Bakugan is Skyress.

IN New Vestroia Shun is 16 years old. Very reasonable and careful. 3 best Bakugan player in the world. Excellent in the art of ninja. He came to Vestroia by accident when, during his training, a portal to Vestroia opened in front of him. There he saved a Bakugan named Ingram, and Ingram told him what was happening in Vestroia. Then he decided to stay in Vestroia - to help the Bakugan, and of course save Skyres. He later joined the Bakugan Fighters Resistance Front. His main Bakugan Ingram, Skyress was saved but decided to stay in Vestroia. However, Skyress flew in to help Shun in the battle.

IN Gundalian Invaders Shun is cool, calm and cautious as always. He is the second best Bakugan player in the world. Shunu, before all the fighters, realized that Ren was an enemy, and together with Fabia, whom only he believed at first, they opened the eyes of the other fighters. Later, Captain Elwright ordains him, like the rest of the fighters, as a knight of the castle, making him an elite soldier of the Niathia Guard. Shun is 17 years old. His new partner was Hawktor. The combat mechanism was Swayfer.
Voiced by: Chihiro Suzuki

  • Ellis Gehabit(Japanese) Arisu Ge:habitty) - 13 years old. Possibly Russian, since she lives in Moscow. She has lush brown hair, radiant brown eyes and white skin without any flaws. He always wears a modest yellowish raincoat over a green T-shirt and white shorts. She doesn't play Bakugan, but she's very good at the game. She is the granddaughter of Michael Gehabik (Helji). She herself works part-time for Runo’s parents in their family cafe, and the boys usually go there not to eat, but to see Ellis’s pretty appearance, so Runo is often jealous of visitors to her, even though they are best friends. She is very kind, tries to do everything possible so that the fighters do not quarrel with each other: more than once she tried to reconcile Dan and Runo when they quarreled, tried to return Shun when he wanted to leave the fighters, etc. Later it turns out that she has a split personality due to negative energy in the form of a mask. At the end of the season, the Mask's identity disappears and Ellis receives Hydranoid.

IN New Vestroia Ellis is 16 years old. He is the 2nd best player in the world. She rarely meets with fighters, because she lives in Moscow with her grandfather Michael. But she still helps the fighters when needed. She only fought once, but she was afraid to fight for fear of turning into a Mask. She once helped Link, but he deceived her. Later it turned out that he fell in love with Ellis, and came to Earth to warn her about the danger, but did not have time to do this because he was defeated by Prince Hydron and sent to another dimension. Her Hydranoid was turned into a bronze statue, but after rescuing it, it returned to her.
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto.

  • Joe Brown(web-master Joe) - editor of "Desperate Bakugan Fighters". 12 years old. At first he was sick, then he recovered thanks to Vaif, who directed the positive energy of the Infinity Zone towards him, and became a desperate fighter. Has a romantic relationship with one of the top ten players, Chang-li. The element of his Bakugan is Light (Chaos, Haos). But after that, Weife became his Bakugan.


  • Mask (Ellis) - Can fly, teleport and skillfully deceive. Uses Death cards that can kill Bakugan if they lose the battle. He has distinctive features - he wears huge mask-like glasses and a white cape. He was the strongest Bakugan fighter. Faithful servant of Naga and Helji. The element of his Bakugan is Darkness (Darcus, Darkus). The main Bakugan are the Reaper and the toothy wingless dragon Hydranoid, who is Darkus's most powerful Bakugan. At the end of the first season, the Mask's personality disappears, and Hydranoid becomes Ellis's Bakugan, since she is the Mask.
  • Michael Gehabit (Helji) - grandfather Ellis. A scientist studying portals in a laboratory located in the Moscow forests. After his journey to Vestroia, a surge of negative energy passed into his laboratory, which transformed him into Helji (an ugly old man with green skin), and at this time he accidentally ended up in Vestroia, where Naga forced him to swear allegiance to himself.

IN New Vestroia lives with Ellis in Moscow. Constantly works with the spatial portal. The portal was damaged, but after studying the gantlet, he repaired the portal with only one problem: You can go through the portal with a gantlet.

Other characters

  • Claus von Herzen- a rich and noble young German. Cool and sophisticated. Had the largest collection of Bakugan of all elements in the world. One of the 10 best Bakugan players (was second in the world). He was recruited by the Mask and fought against the Desperate Fighters, but was defeated by them and subsequently became their ally in the fight against Naga and Helji (together with Ellis and Christopher, Rapidi defeated). While fighting Marucho, he took Preyas from him, but then returned him. After Ellis learned that she was the Mask, Klaus helped her realize herself as a Reckless Fighter and gain confidence in herself. In the second season, there was a hint of his romantic relationship with Ellis, but it was not further developed. The element of his Bakugan is Water (Aquas). The main Bakugan is the mermaid Siren. After the Mask defeated Klaus, Siren was sent to the Death Dimension, but then she returned to him. There was a special closeness between Klaus and Sirena, and he suffered greatly when he lost her.

IN New Vestroia Klaus moved to Vestal, and leads successful business. Helped Ace in battle. Gave Chang Lee instructions to keep an eye on Alice. His Bakugan is still Siren.

  • Chang Lee- one of the 10 best Bakugan players (was third in the world. From China. Excellent in martial arts. She was recruited by Mask and fought against the Desperate Fighters, but was defeated by them and subsequently began to help them (together with Joe, she defended Vaif from Naga). Has a romantic relationship with Joe Brown. Her Bakugan's element is Fire (Pyrus). The main Bakugan is Many-Faces. After Mask defeated her, Many-Faces was sent to the Death Dimension, but later returned to her.

IN New Vestroia Chan Li received a gauntlet from Klaus, and he also asked her to keep an eye on Ellis. Chang Li arrived on time, and using martial arts saved Alice from Shadow. She also helped Alice in the battle against him. Her Bakugan remains Many Faces.

  • Julio Santares- one of the 10 best Bakugan players (was fourth in the world). Tall, muscular, shaved head guy. Hispanic. Cocky and self-confident. He was recruited by the Mask and fought against the Desperate Fighters, but was defeated by them and subsequently helped them (along with Shun and Combo, he defeated Heredi). The element of his Bakugan is Light (Chaos). The main Bakugan is the Eye of Light. When Julio was defeated by the Mask, the Eye of Light was sent to the Dimension of Death, but it returned to him.
  • Combo- one of the 10 best Bakugan players (was fifth in the world). A boy from Central Africa. He was recruited by Mask and fought against the Desperados, but was defeated by Shun and became his apprentice. Together with Shun and Julio, Heredi defeated. The element of his Bakugan is Wind (Ventus). The main Bakugan is the bird girl Orpheus. When Combo was defeated by the Mask, she ended up in the Death Dimension, but then returned to Combo. They constantly argue and swear, but in general their relationship is friendly.
  • Billy- one of the 10 best Bakugan players (was 10 in the world, but later increased his ranking). An ordinary, slightly self-confident teenager. Julie's childhood friend. Lives in Las Vegas, like Jully. He was recruited by the Mask and fought against the Desperate Fighters, but when, through his fault, Jully almost ended up in the Death Dimension, he refused to fight against them. Subsequently he became her boyfriend. Together with Jully and Nene, Tricloid won. The element of his Bakugan is Earth (Sabtera). The main Bakugan is Cycloid. When the Mask defeated Billy, he ended up in the Death Dimension, but then returned to Billy.

IN New Vestroia he travels the world studying sports, periodically sending Jully postcards. Together with Jully, he fought against Ace, having learned that she liked Ace. He accidentally brought Myleene and Shadow with him to Marucho's house, who with this help understood where the Resistance Front was located. His Bakugan is still Cycloid.

  • Christopher- Ellis's close friend. He was constantly losing and one day, having decided to stop playing, he wanted to throw his Bakugan into the river. However, Ellis did not allow him to do this. She taught Christopher to believe in himself, and he won. Later helped her and Klaus defeat Rapidi. The element of his Bakugan is Water (Aquas). The main Bakugan is the sea turtle Jigernoid.
  • JJ Dolls- duet Jenny and Julls. They famous singers and love to play Bakugan. At the request of the Masks, they fought against Dan and Marucho, but lost. Helped Marucho defeat Teigon. Jenny's Bakugan element is Water (Aquas). Her main Bakugan is Water Knight. Bakugan Julls' element is Earth (Sabtera). Her main Bakugan is Centipoid.
  • Kato- butler Marucho. Constantly helps fighters. Kato refers to Marucho as "Mr. Marucho". One day, Helji tried to impersonate Kato by calling the fighters and giving them incorrect information. But Shun knew it instantly when he simply said "Marucho" without adding "Mr." Helps the fighters even when Marucho is in Vestroia.

Bakugan Resistance Front

An organization led by Mira in New Vestroia. The main goal is to free the Bakugan. Enemies - Vex.
Mira Fermen is a 16-year-old Vex girl. Has red hair and blue eyes. She was the first of all to understand that Bakugan are living beings. Founded, belongs to and leads the Bakugan Resistance Front. Her father is a scientist who studies Bakugan and creates Cyberbakugan based on the DNA of real ones. All the time she was looking for her brother Keith, who had disappeared somewhere, when it turned out that her brother Spectra, she even followed him to the side of the Vex, but quickly returned to the fighters. When Kid joined the fighters, she was very happy and spent a lot of time with him. Calm and reasonable, always believes in the team. Very attractive. He drives a motorcycle masterfully. As Dan said, “she sounds like Runo.” Bakugan element is Earth (Sabtera). The main Bakugan is Wilda.
Ace (eng. Ace) - 16 years old. Has bluish-gray hair color and gray eyes. He is very proud and self-confident, and often treats people with contempt. He is in love with Mira, but Mira doesn’t really pay attention to it. Ace is careful, but when it comes to Mira, he forgets about everything and goes to her aid. Bakugan's element is Darkness (Darkus). The main Bakugan is the humanoid dragon Percival.
Baron is a slightly funny guy, 13 years old. He wants to see and touch everything he likes. A fan of the Desperate Bakugan Fighters, especially Drago and Dan, whom he calls only “Mentor Dan.” In the beginning, his second partner was Tigrera, but he lost her to Spectra. After that, he was afraid to fight because he might lose Nemus. But later he realizes that he should fight, and not be afraid of battles. Very emotional. Has a lot of brothers and sisters. Bakugan's element is Light (Chaos). The main Bakugan is Nemus.


A special organization consisting of 6 of the most powerful West fighters. They fight the Resistance Front and treat Bakugan somewhat differently than fighters. Like any other characters, they have both positive and negative traits character. Serves Prince Hydron and King Zenoheld.
Spectra Phantom/Keith Fermen is the former leader of the Vex. Wears a red mask. It is later revealed that he is Mira's brother. Left the Vex for his own interests. Very cruel and cunning. Bakugan's element is Fire (Pyros). The main Bakugan is the dragon Helios. In episode 44, he took off his mask and joined the Resistance Front. In episode 48, he became Specter again in order to fight Shadow and Maylene together with Mira. Spectra was the first fighter to use the Battle Gear.
Gus Graw is a blue-haired guy. Close servant of Spectra. He fought with Spectra and lost to him, after which he joined Spectra. He is very loyal to him and follows all his orders. Power-hungry and greedy. Left the Vex along with Spectra. Bakugan element is Earth (Subterra). The main Bakugan is Volcan. Gus was supposedly killed during the battle with King Zenoheld, however in episode 49 he was shown in the Mother Palace prison. Moreover, Gus turned out to be alive, which we can see in the next, episode 50. There he spoke with Hydron, who was also sent to the Mother Palace prison. And in the final battle, together with Hydron, he helped the fighters in the battle with Zenoheld.
Shadow Prow is one of Darkus' strongest fighters. A very extravagant and unusual personality, whose character combines both bad and the good side. He is very emotional and childishly touchy, and often does not know how to lose, especially in Bakugan battles. The only one who does not show much respect for Prince Hydron, and even on the contrary, very demonstratively shows his ignorance. At meetings he sits on the sidelines, which indicates his distance from normal news. His behavior can even be considered obscene: he speaks loudly in a raised voice, laughs and sticks out his tongue, quite often changing his facial expression. But no one knows whether he is as crazy as he wants to appear, or whether he is simply overly sensitive. His hair is white, his eyes, which periodically become different sizes, are red. For some unknown reason, it has claws and fangs. The main colors of the suit are black, yellow and purple. The main Bakugan throughout the series was Hades (a Bakugan created based on the DNA of Hydranoid), after Hades broke, he was replaced. Shadow spends a lot of time next to Myleene, although they are not considered official partners. Very often he tries to impose himself on her, shows off and constantly chats something. She, on the contrary, tries to get rid of him, ignores him, calls him names, etc. If you look closely, you can understand that Shadow clearly does not like this, but he, nevertheless, continues to stand his ground. This is proof that he is clearly not indifferent to her. He even shows this in the last episode of his and Maylene's presence: when they both began to be carried away to another dimension, he, instead of saving himself, grabbed her hand. She, of course, said that was stupid, to which he replied that he would have much more fun going to who knows where with his new best friend. Myleene just sighed and smiled, because she did not expect this from someone whom she considered only a burden.
Mylene Pharaon is a cold beauty. Has bluish hair and blue eyes. Proud, proud and arrogant. Very insidious. She is most cruel to Bakugan. The element of Bakugan is Water (Aquas). The main Bakugan is Elico, later the mechanical Bakugan Macubass. In episode 48, Makubass was broken by Vilda during a duel with Mira. Sent to another dimension along with Shadow by her own mistake. Before she was pulled into another dimension, Mira and Keith tried to help her, but she said that she would rather die than accept help from her enemies.
Lync Volan is a government spy. Deceitful, proud and hypocritical. It has pink color hair and blue eyes. Bakugan's element is Wind (Ventus). The main Bakugan is the mechanical bird Altair, who broke down in episode 11. In episode 30, his new Bakugan was Aluze, which is an upgrade from Altair. In episode 47, it turns out that Link is in love with Alice - he tried to warn her about the danger by going to Earth. On Earth he was forced to fight with Prince Hydron and lost without having time to warn Alice. Eluz was broken, and Hydron sent Link to another dimension. But despite this, before Link went completely to another dimension, he threw down his gauntlet, which was later found by Alice. In it, she found a memory card with the developments of Mira and Keith’s father, Professor Clay. Later, with Volt, he came to Hydron in a dream, telling him to defeat his father and take his place.
Volt Luster is a Chaos fighter. Big and strong. Overly self-confident and sometimes cocky, but respects his opponents. The main Bakugan is Brontes, and later the mechanical soldier Boriates. He was very attached to Brontis, and when Mylene threw him out, he was horrified. In episode 46, he left the Vex because he decided that they had gone too far. He wanted to return to Vestal, but Prince Hydron prevented him - Volt defeated him in battle, but the prince sent him to another dimension. Then he and Link came to Hydron in a dream, telling him to win and overthrow his father from the throne.
Prince Hydron is a proud and greedy prince, the son of Zenoheld. He has a habit of fiddling with the ends of his hair. Almost all of his subordinates, the Vex, dislike him. Prince Hydron replaced Gus after he left the Vex. He sent Link and Volt to another dimension, but after that they constantly came to him in his dreams. Later betrayed Zenoheld, and fought against him along with the resistance front. Exploded along with Dryod and Zenoheld. Most likely he died. His Bakugan is the mechanical ninja Drayoid. Bakugan element is Earth (Subterra).
King Zenoheld - Replaced Spectra after he left the Vex. Bakugan's element is Fire (Pyros). His Bakugan is the mechanical Dragon Farbrus, which can combine with the Assail system (4200 g). He challenged the Legendary Warriors of Vestroia to battle, but after they deceived him, his only goal was to capture the elemental energy that the Ancients transferred to the fighters. He fought against the fighters until the last, but exploded together with Hydron, who betrayed him.
Professor Clay is Mira and Keith's father. He created cyberbakugans based on the DNA of real ones. Mira tried to persuade him to come over to her side, but he was already too obsessed with his work. But he cares about his children. I'm so obsessed with my research that I've gone crazy.

After the release of the Japanese animated series, toys-characters from this film gained enormous popularity. They have become the dream of many boys and girls around the world. Therefore, a huge number of them have appeared on the market, and in order to maintain the interest of children, developers regularly release a film with a new hero, and then his clone goes on sale. It turned out like this: the heroes of computer games stepped out of the monitors into the real world, and now the guys communicate with each other “live.” This game is for boys from 5 years old (although some young ladies also love it).

Who are Bakugan?

Translated from Japanese, Bakugan is a “sphere explosion.” And if you watch the series, it will become clear that they are aliens from another dimension - “Vestroi”, with whom various adventures occur. Magnetic inserts and springs allow you to transform when you enter the area of ​​a metal card (gate card) - these are the main features that distinguish the Bakugan robot. The toys, photos of which show the sphere and the Bakugan opening from it, are included in the kit along with special magnetic and cardboard cards.

Are these games useful?

Computer games are distinguished by the fact that they develop strategic thinking, Bakugan toy - This great alternative them. While playing, boys learn to think through their actions and moves, predicting the consequences, while using logic and intelligence. During the game, they develop memory, perform various arithmetic operations, learn to achieve leadership and maintain it. This game can be played both by two people and by whole noisy groups, which means that Bakugan are useful toys, as they develop the communication skills necessary for coexistence in a team. The game is clearly regulated and understandable, so children do not have quarrels during joint activities.

How to play?

Each participant in the Bakugan game has 3 toys, as well as three ability cards and gates. The child must choose cards and toys in advance. Ability cards are needed to give the Bakugan additional unique features that others do not have, and strength. The game begins like this: the participants place the goal card face down and say: “The goal card is on the field.” The youngest player starts the movement first. Then the next “warrior”, with the words: “Bakugan to battle!”, throws his Bakugan. The goal is to get to the gate map. If a Bakuganne toy lands on it, then the turn passes to the next player; if someone else’s warrior is standing on it, then a fight begins, and the one with more G power wins.

How can you recognize them in a store?

If your child only talks about cartoon characters, and you don’t know what they look like, don’t worry, because they are in the most visible place in stores. The Bakugan toy looks like a ball that can transform into a robot. They are sold in sets, but there are also single copies, and there are also big size. Don't rush into buying a giant; children usually play with small toys that match the size of the cartoon characters. These spheres vary in color and the set may contain cards.

What's the price?

Does your child like Bakugan? Toys are inexpensively priced (on average about 90 rubles per piece) and are available in many stores. But these are fakes and often Bad quality. Perhaps these will do if your child does not take part in the game, but is a collector. You will immediately see a poorly written number and not very good disclosure. A real Bakugan (the toys, photos of which you see below are an excellent example) should transform well during board games. They cost more, from 300 rubles for one.

Cards for the game

In order to start the game, you will definitely need cards, so your baby will definitely ask for them. They are included in the kit, but can be purchased separately. For a board game, goal and ability cards are indispensable. There is a magnet inside the gate card, and when it enters its field, the toy opens. Therefore, you should not hit the toy on any surface, otherwise it will break. The ability card is cardboard and does not have a metal surface. By using them during the game, the player receives more advantages.


The stores also offer additional accessories. If your child wishes, you can buy small figurines, they are not suitable for board games, but children use them for collecting. A battle arena or playing field is necessary if your child wants to play a board game. The trigger mechanism for Bakugan allows you to launch them more accurately, but in the cartoon the characters act with their own hands, so some guys are not too interested in it. The Gantlet is a very desirable toy, since the characters in the series have something similar. This is a wristband calculator that reads G-force and holds cards. A stand for Bakugan is needed to conveniently store and transport them. There are also suitcases on sale for storing toys, but children are interested in stand-clips.

New items

There are new products on the market. Toys (Bakugan Season 3) include combat equipment, which opens if you place it on the back of your warrior or on the gate card. The property map is included in the set and describes its capabilities.

Nice to meet you

If your child is not yet familiar with the popular board game, then you can purchase a starter set. It includes three spheres, six cards for individual training. This is the perfect way to get to know the game and gain skills for future battles with friends.

The Bakugan toy has a beneficial effect on the development of the child, he becomes diligent, visually receptive, attentive, in addition, accuracy, imagination, reaction, memory and logical thinking develop.

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