All the characters of the Ninja Turtles. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Michelangelo and his battle gear

    I remember when I was about ten years old, the first video clubs appeared - places where they installed a simple (I now understand what it is) VCR and played videos. Including cartoons about ninja turtles. Since then I have remembered their names well - Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo.

    The names of the Ninja Turtles are: Leonardo (their leader, armed with two swords, wears blue armbands), Donatello (a smart guy and a technician with a pole, purple armbands), Michelangelo (the most reckless of them, prefers nuntyaku and the orange color) and Raphael (owns sai and wears red). These names are given in honor of the great artists of the Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci (14521519), Michelangelo Buonarotti (14751564) and Raphael Santi (14831520) and the sculptor Donatelo di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (c. 13861466).

    The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic features 4 turtles! They are brothers and always support each other! They are named after great people! They fight for justice and law!

    Leonardo This main character this comic who wears a blue headband and fights with two swords! They named him in honor of Leonardo da Vinci.

    Raphael- he is among them as a philosopher who reasons more or less correctly! Raphael is depicted wearing a red bandage (mask). Fights with daggers-sai! They named him in honor of Rafael Santi.

    Michelangelo he is the most cheerful and active among his team! Works out a lot and loves to eat pizza! He is wearing an orange headband (mask)! Fights with nunchucks (1 pair)! His name was given in honor of Michelangelo Buonarroti.

    Donatello presented to everyone as a scientist, in one word - a genius! The most peaceful, as he always tries to resolve the situation peacefully! Wearing a purple headband (mask)! He fights with a pole-bo (stick). Named after Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi!

    All children love the Ninja Turtles. All children learned to distinguish and know the name of turtles by color. This is due to the blindfolds that are tied over their eyes. There are only four turtles, but they are very similar to each other and can only be distinguished by their bandages.

    Michelangelo - orange headband;

    Donatello - purple bandage;

    Leonardo - blue bandage;

    Raphael is the one with the red armband. Everything turns out to be easy and simple in reality.

    There are four Ninja Turtles and their names are:

    Leonardo. He is very determined and brave. Named after Leonardo da Vinci. He wears a blue headband and wields two swords.

    Raphael. At first the turtle had an aggressive character, but later it was changed and he became a philosopher. The headband is red and he uses a weapon: sai.

    Michelangelo. He is cheerful, good-natured and carefree. Loves to eat pizza and loves extreme sports. His bandage orange color, weapons: nunchucks.

    Donatello. He resolves conflicts peacefully. He is a scientist - a genius (interested in science and mechanics). Wears a purple headband and his weapon is the Bo Pole.

    The Ninja Turtles are named after 4 great Renaissance artists: Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael. This cartoon is very popular among children and teenagers; comics and toys in the form of Ninja Turtles are also produced. Recently, a series of Lego Ninja Turtles constructors has also appeared.

    Teacher Hamato Splinter- the sensei of the ninja turtles gave them the following names

    • Michelangelo, the main joker and merry fellow of the team, was born on November 24. Wears an orange headband and wields nunchucks.
    • Donatello, the brain of the team is an amateur scientist. Born on July 1st. Wears a purple mask and fights with a bo pole.
    • Leonardo, leader of the turtles, determined, brave, stubborn, born on August 12th. Wears a blue bandage and wields two swords.
    • Raphael The most suspicious turtle, a philosopher, with a very strange sense of humor, was born on September 20th. Wears a red mask and wields sai daggers.
  • I think everyone knows that there are only four Ninja Turtles, list by name:

    1.. LEONARDO or simply LEO, he has a blue headband and wields his own unique weapon - two balls, the leader of the quartet and the main strategist.

    2.. RAPHAEL or simply RAF, has a red bandage and wields its own unique weapon - two sai daggers.

    3.. DONATELLO or simply DON, or DONNY, has a purple bandage, wields his unique weapon - a pole (staff or just a stick for presentation).

    4.. MICHELANGELO or simply MIKEY, or MIKI, has an orange bandana, wields his own unique weapon - two nunchucks (short sticks connected by a chain).

    Their main enemy is SHREDDER, by the way, he is Japanese by nationality.

To the question, what is the correct name of the ninja turtles (based on the color of the bandages)? given by the author Elena the best answer is
Splinter is the sensei of the turtles, who practically replaced their father, a mutant rat. In some versions (comic book, first film adaptation), Splinter is a pet rat who learned the art of ninjutsu from his owner Hamato Yoshi. In others (cartoon) Splinter - former person Hamato Yoshi, under the influence of a mutagen, turned into a rat-like creature. Splinter's name is a parody of Stick, Daredevil's mentor.
Shredder is an evil ninja master named Oroku Saki, who leads the Foot Clan. Opponent of Splinter and the Turtles. In the comics and the first film adaptation, Shredder is the culprit in the death of Hamato Yoshi, in the 1987 animated series - the mutations of the turtles and Splinter, in the 2003 animated series - the Evil Morning (alien criminal).
Michelangelo - good-natured and carefree Michelangelo is the main comedian on the team. Likes to read comics and eat pizza, loves extreme sports (including skateboarding). Likes to repeat “Kawabanga, man!” . Michelangelo wears an orange mask and wields a pair of nunchucks. He was named after Michelangelo Buonarroti.(yellow bandage)
Donatello - an amateur scientist, researcher and “simply a genius”, Donatello has a reputation as an abstruse guy. He is perhaps the least aggressive of the team, as he prefers to resolve conflicts peacefully. Wears a purple mask and wields a bo pole. He was named after the sculptor Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi.(purple bandage)
Leonardo is the informal leader of the turtles, brave, determined and loyal. As a strict adherent of bushido, he follows the rules of honor very strictly. He wears a blue mask and wields a pair of katana swords. He was named after Leonardo da Vinci.(blue bandage)
Raphael was portrayed in early comics as an aggressive and suspicious ninja, jealous of Leonardo's leadership. In the animated series and subsequent works, Raphael's character changed. The authors gave him the inclinations of a philosopher and a peculiar sense of humor, which he shows, commenting on what is happening in a paradoxical manner. Raphael wears a red mask and wields a pair of sai daggers. He was named after Rafael Santi.(red bandage)
April O'Neil (eng. April ONeil) - in the first animated series - reporter for Channel Six, friend of the Turtles, red-haired beautiful girl. In the second series, a scientist who worked with Baxter Stockman was rescued by the Turtles from robots. In the 2007 full-length cartoon - an archaeologist.
Irma is the heroine of the first animated series, an employee of Channel Six. An unattractive, but very amorous girl, April's friend.
Casey Jones is a lone hero who has become the turtles' closest friend. Casey fights with sports equipment (baseball bat, golf club, hockey stick, etc.). He wears a goalie's hockey mask to hide his face. Named after the Wild West folk hero, locomotive engineer Casey Jones.
Krang (eng. Krang) - a character in the first animated series - an alien from Dimension X, an ally of Shredder. Lives at his station in Dimension X, later in the ice of the Arctic. Looks like a brain with tentacles. Moves by controlling the exoskeleton robot in which it is located.
Bebop and Rocksteady - characters from the first animated series - a rhinoceros and a mutant boar, Shredder's assistants, former punks. Role - “stupid henchmen of the main villain.” The names are the names of the musical genres, bebop and rocksteady, respectively.

Heroes with a difficult past.

This week, the sequel to the two-year-old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, which grossed nearly $500 million in wide release, is hitting Russian cinema screens. We decided to recall the main historical moments of some of the most unusual heroes comic book movies.

1. The Turtles' Creators Loved Martial Arts

The first sketches of future heroes.

Both iconic comic book artists Peter Alan Laird and Kevin Brooks Eastman were martial arts fans. The first studied aikido in his youth, the second adored films with Bruce Lee. That is why the main characters received the loud prefix “ninja”.

2. The names of the main characters were invented as a joke.

Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello. Originals.

Laird and Eastman loved art history, so the idea of ​​borrowing the names of Renaissance masters (Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Santi, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi) seemed funny to both creators.

According to the legend of the comic book itself, the sensei of the turtles, the rat Splinter, accidentally found a colorful album with paintings by these artists in a pile of garbage.

3. Turtles was originally a parody of another comic book.

Hero of the Daredevil comic book.

Many fans associate the idea of ​​mutation of the main characters with the story of another comic book character - Daredevil. While saving a man from under the wheels of a truck transporting radioactive substances, he lost his sight. The liquid got into his eyes, depriving him of his vision, but improving his hearing and smell. The Turtles were originally a parody of this hero.

In addition, the comic was similar to Frank Miller's Ronin, about the adventures of a samurai in New York.

4. The heroes did not immediately get multi-colored headbands

Cover of the original comic.

In the original comic there was a lot of aggression and cruelty, the Ninja Turtles themselves were black and white, only the heroes had red armbands on the cover.

Only after the comic became popular the artists “gave” each turtle a bandage a certain color and buckles with letters on belts. Raphael received red, Donatello received purple, orange went to Michelangelo, and blue to the leader of the quartet, Leonardo.

5. Each turtle has its own set of characteristics

All heroes are different.


Date of Birth: 12th of August
Weapon: Punishes enemies with two katanas
Characteristics: Disciplined, inflexible in decisions, constantly argues with the carefree Michelangelo
Chip: Informal team leader. In the 1987 animated series, he has an affair with the ninja girl Lotus


Date of Birth: July 1
Weapon: Uses a boken (a long bamboo stick) as a weapon.
Characteristics: Brains of the team, loves technology and science
Chip: In the new film adaptation, the hero has a backpack with gadgets, a headset with a camera and an electronic monocle, and he himself wears glasses. In the 2016 film, Don built the Turtles' signature truck, which is as gadgety as James Bond's.


Date of Birth: August 22
Weapon: Uses a pair of sai daggers (stiletto-type bladed weapons)
Characteristics: A brutal fighter with an unbalanced psyche
Chip: In the animated series “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” Raphael had an affair with Mona Lisa, a girl who mutated into a lizard


Date of Birth: November 24
Weapon: Favorite weapon nunchucks
Characteristics: Carefree and frivolous team
Chip: The main optimist of the team. He loves pizza more than anyone else and jokes more often than anyone else. In the 2014 film, the hero breathes unevenly towards April; in the continuation of the story, we expect new advances from the turtle towards the journalist. It was Michelangelo (the turtle with nunchucks) who was the first to draw one of the comic book authors, Kevin Eastman.

6. Rocksteady and Bebop, two iconic jerks appear in the new film

Big and stupid.

Two antagonists and assistants to the main villain Shredder, who promise to become one of the main features of the future film, which comes out at the very beginning of June. In the classic animated series, these two mutants were the result of crossing two punk bandits with a rhinoceros and a boar. Both are absolutely stupid.

The names of the heroes indicate musical genres: Bebop is a style in jazz. Rocksteady is a Jamaican style of music (father of Reggae style).

7. Animated series, many and different

Nostalgia from the 90s.

For Russian viewers, the heroes of the comic opened the series, which was filmed from 1987 to 1992, the total number of episodes is 193, seasons – 10.

In 2003, Fox Network revived the animated series, which is more similar to the original comics, becoming darker and more dramatic.

In 2012, the Nickelodeon channel premiered an animated series that uses computer graphics.

8. The first film adaptation looks ridiculous now, but it became a hit in 1990

Trailer for a movie from the 90s.

The film about the Turtles, which appeared in 1990, repeated the main story of the appearance of the heroes. With a budget of $13.5 million, the film grossed $201 million worldwide. It is curious that Sam Rockwell played one of the roles in the film.

Don't believe that the film turned out strange? Let's watch the trailer.

9. The Turtles reboot was a success.

Still from the 2014 film.

In 2014, for the 30th anniversary of the franchise, director Jonathan Liebesman shot a new film adaptation of the comic book, released in 3D format.

Fans were unhappy with the new repulsive appearance of the main characters. On the one hand, you can understand them, everyone is accustomed to the cute faces of turtles, on the other hand, take a look at pictures of a common turtle. From artists new version mutants had every reason for their creativity.

In general, the film turned out to be a kind of symbiosis of the harsh and realistic “The Dark Knight” by Christopher Nolan and #let’s blow everything up here by Michael Bay’s “Transformers”.

The film's budget was $125 million, and worldwide grosses were $493 million ($29 million in Russia).

10. The second part of the new “Turtles” promises to be very cool

You will be pleasantly surprised.

There are several reasons. The scale of events became larger, the heroes had new enemies known to us from the animated series, there were more jokes, April #Megan O'Neal was stripped even more, and her female counterpart was the world-famous model Alessandra Ambrosio.

Every earthling whose childhood was in the late 80s - early 90s can easily list the names of the most famous reptiles - the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And the Russians will also add words from the annoying song: “We are not pathetic insects - super-ninja turtles,” with which every episode of the classic cartoon about mutants began. The inhabitants of the sewer taught children true friendship, courage and bravery, certainly defeating evil.

History of creation

Comics with one of the craziest ideas came up with fellow artists Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. In the winter of 1983, friends gathered in the living room of a house in the town of Dover and drew the first characters of the future cult project. As planned, the mutant turtles parodied four comics - Marvel's New Mutants and Daredevil, the Samurai Adventures of Ronin, created by illustrator Frank Miller, and the aardvark story Silverbass, written by Dave Sim. The idea of ​​​​turning slow turtles into fast ninjas is more than ridiculous. But who would have thought that the four mutants would bring fame to the authors and stay in the film industry for a record period!

The comics tell about the adventures of four turtles, whose names are Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael. The names are borrowed from the great masters of the Renaissance, which does not quite fit with the images and skills of the characters in graphic novels. However, Eastman once explained the choice of names in an interview:

"We used all kinds of Japanese martial arts, but we didn't want to call turtles Japanese names, because they thought it would be too alien for American readers. Therefore, we decided to go in the opposite direction and select characteristic European names related to the history of art."

At first the characters were black and white, the only bright spot being the red blindfolds. The color indicated the species of the reptiles - they were copied from the red-eared slider. But when these sewer residents won recognition among readers, the authors gave the main characters colorful headbands.

By the spring of 1984, the finished comic book series went into print. Eastman and Laird, impoverished over the winter, had to borrow money to publish their creation, but it was worth it. The adventures of unusual reptiles were appreciated - the heroes occupied the minds of American children. Having become stars of the comics industry, the turtles migrated to the silver screens, adding a dozen films and cartoons to their collection.

Images and characters

- leader of the squad. His main features are justice and prudence. But the ability to look at things soberly makes the hero a little boring. He boldly throws himself into the embrasure, a faithful comrade, honoring the rules of honor. Separated from the team by a bandage of blue color, and his weapons are two katana swords.

- the opposite of Leonardo. The suspicious and hot-tempered turtle does not hesitate to show aggression. Sometimes too independent, many of Raf's undertakings lead to problems and disasters. Later, animators added features of a brooding philosopher to the image. Raf wears a red headband and a pair of sharp sai daggers.

appears as an amateur scientist, the brains of the turtle squad. Muscular nerd ninja in purple headband provides the team with an airship, a computer and a technology van. Scientific experiments not without dire consequences: everything around Donny burns, explodes, and disasters happen. The character chooses exclusively peaceful ways to resolve conflicts, although he still has to use force. Donatello's arsenal includes a pole-bo - a long wooden staff.

infects with fun and carefreeness. The good-natured guy loves to play video games or read comics over pizza, and skateboarding. The hero is strained by his training, he is happy to exchange chases on rooftops for peaceful hours in front of the TV. Mike's muzzle is decorated with an orange bandage, and he uses nunchucks as his weapon.

Adventures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The plot is based on the adventures of turtles who, under the influence of a mutagen, have turned into unusual creatures that combine the features of reptiles and humans. Being small, together with the aquarium they ended up in the sewer, where the sage-sensei Splinter already lived - the mutagen turned him into an overgrown rat. The characters learned techniques from the sensei martial art and rushed to defend New York from the claims of evil creatures. The main opponents of the brave and desperate green heroes are bloodthirsty villains and Krang. IN free time the heroes gorge themselves on pizza and fool around.

One day, the turtles saved a TV news presenter from punks, who becomes a friend and ally of this peculiar team. Michelangelo falls head over heels in love with the girl; for the sake of his beloved, the turtle is even ready to turn into a human.

The Ninja Turtles have dozens of battles with a variety of enemies. In addition to the war with Shredder, they are fighting with Dragons that emerged from the mirror in which they were imprisoned Chinese sages; ruin the plans of a mysterious clan in Japan; are in cyberspace and space to save their mentor. In the cartoon “Monsters vs. Mutants,” creepy vampires and werewolves are the turtles’ enemies.

Film adaptations

The Mutant Turtles made their screen debut in 1987. The long-running (ten seasons that aired until 1996) animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a phenomenal success. Next, they created three more multi-part projects and two full-length hand-drawn paintings. The cartoons, although they belong to the action genre, are good, especially the first series. And the characters become examples of courage, honor and true friendship for children.

The popularity of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles prompted directors to create films. Reptiles “came to life” in 1990. The cool ninja costumes were donned by David Foreman (Leonardo), Leif Tilden (Donatello), Lee Josh Pace (Raphael) and Michelan Sisti (Michelangelo). Journalist April was played by Judith Hoag.

A year later, the adventures of sewer mutants continued. In the film “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Emerald Potion,” some of the roles went to other actors: Mark Caso (Leo), Michelan Sisti (Raf) and Kenn Trome (Mike). The image of April became the most famous in her film career.

The actress was offered to work in the next film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993). The main characters in this film go to save their friend in feudal Japan. The costumes of Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo were worn by Mark Caso, Mat Hill, Jim Raposa and David Fraser. Critics and fans did not appreciate this picture, calling it extremely boring. The audience was also disappointed by the absence of the usual villains - for some reason the authors abandoned the classic Shredder.

The era of the new cinema was illuminated by an updated version of the adventures of the reptilian ninjas. Director Jonathan Liebesman gave the world a colorful film (2014), without being original with the title. The picture is called “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” On film set The superhero action film featured Pete Plozek, who played the leader of the Turtle Squad, Alan Ritchson, who played the aggressive Raphael, and Jeremy Howard, who played the role of the smart guy Donnie. The merry and restless Mike was played by, and the beautiful April O'Neil was played by. However, although the film paid off at the box office, it was again not to the taste of film fans - there was not enough action and special effects.

So far, the final film dedicated to the turtle epic was a sequel to the previous film, which was released in 2016. The actors who played the main characters met again. But the director's chair was taken by Dave Green, who managed to create a more interesting product.

  1. The overwhelming success of comics has spawned dozens of board and video games. Some computer toys are named after comic book and cartoon series, for example, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legends”, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Battle for New York”. The youngest children are asked to cure reptiles in the video game “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Are Sick.”
  2. The project about unusual superheroes has acquired related products. By the end of the 1980s, toy store shelves were filled with action figures, and images of the characters appeared on T-shirts and baseball caps. And today the popularity does not leave turtles. The toy industry is crafty when it comes to inventions - no self-respecting child would refuse, for example, the amazing 3D cyber-glasses with night vision function “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”.

0 0 0

Casey Jones's young girlfriend, his neighbor, who displays the typical maximalism and willfulness of a teenager. She plans to join the Purple Dragons gang, but later becomes an ally and friend of the turtles

Baxter Stockman

0 1 0

An unlucky, somewhat mad scientist-inventor who went into the service of Shredder. Later he becomes (in different canons) a cyborg or a mutant fly

Baron Draxum

0 0 0

A sage alchemist warrior from the Secret City, Baron Draxum is the self-proclaimed protector of all mutants. Using Slime, he plans to mutate all of humanity with the help of his insect-like helpers called Slizskites.

Burne Thompson

0 1 0

Editor-in-Chief of Channel 6 News and immediate boss of April O'Neil. Most of all, he cares about the popularity of his TV channel, and does not like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

1 5 0

A punk from a street gang that obeyed Shredder. After the mutation he became a mutant warthog boar. Assistant to Krang and Shredder in the fight against the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Named after a musical genre

Venus de Milo

1 1 0

Character from "New Mutation", the fifth mutant turtle. Her headband is blue and braided. She mutated along with the rest of the turtles, but by chance she was separated from them and raised by shinobi master Chang Ai

Vernon Fenwick

0 1 0

April's employee is a cameraman who dreams of becoming a journalist, but is too cowardly for it. Jealous of April and sometimes tricks her minor mischief, tries to flatter Burn to get his way

John Bishop

0 0 0

An agent of the secret organization "Earth Defense Force", which is designed to prevent the invasion of alien creatures on Earth. IN early years was abducted by aliens and, as a result of experiments carried out on him, acquired abilities exceeding ordinary human ones. He is suspicious of any kind of non-human intelligent beings - aliens, mutants, etc., pursues and seeks to capture them, seeing them as enemies of humanity

Dr. Chaplin

0 0 0

A young scientist working for the Foot Clan. His origins are unknown, but he is definitely talented and has created more than one useful invention for the clan


5 13 2

One of the four heroes of the comic book series and other media projects about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Wears a purple bandana. His personal weapon is the Bo Pole. He is always portrayed as the smartest and most knowledgeable of the four, often using scientific terminology as he has a natural aptitude for science and technical talent. He is the third oldest brother and was named after the sculptor Donatello.

0 0 0

A boy who admires the exploits of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Wears a homemade suit to be

similar to his idols, tracks them down in order to meet and help, but more often than not, instead of helping, he only causes problems. Also known as the Fifth Turtle

Irma Langinstein

1 1 0

Secretary at Channel 6, employee and friend of April O'Neil. A clumsy, simple-minded girl, a little advanced in meeting a suitable man

3 19 0

Shredder's ward and first deputy in the Foot Clan. According to the events of a number of canons, Karai was orphaned as a child, but was found and raised by Shredder as his own daughter, and when she grew up, she became part of the clan and was named his heir. She is sincerely attached to her adoptive father and master, and is devoted to him, but unlike him, she places a high value on the honor of a warrior. Her favorite weapon, like Leonardo's, is katanas. Kunoichi sympathizes with the leader of the turtles, just as he respects her as a worthy opponent and personality, but the duty of a daughter and a warrior becomes an obstacle to their possible friendship

Kazuo Saki

0 0 0

Shredder's younger brother, a Tokyo police lieutenant, reveres law and order more than anything else. He is very ashamed that he brother- a criminal, and tries to ensure that no one around him finds out about it.

Casey Jones

1 2 0

Masked vigilante, crime fighter. He has good hand-to-hand combat skills, but his specialty in battle is the use various items sports equipment, which he carries in an unusual golf bag. An ally of the turtles, in some canons a friend of Raphael, although their acquaintance was not very peaceful

Kirby O'Neil

0 0 0

Scientist and father of April O'Neil in a number of universes. In the 2012 series he mutated twice, but the turtles returned him to a human state

0 0 0

Great-grandson of April O'Neil, owner of the O'Neil Tech company, which he inherited. He is also the creator of Turtle X, a powerful fighting machine. Cody learned the art of ninjutsu from the Turtles. As a person, he combines the intelligence of April O'Neil and the stubbornness of Casey Jones.


0 1 0

A mutant crocodile also lives in the sewers of New York (or, in one of the canons, in the swamps of Florida). In different versions of the canon, he is an ally or adversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Chris Bradford

0 2 0

He is also Dogpound, Sharptooth, Rahzar. One of Shredder's main henchmen in the TMNT-2012 universe. He was very experienced and good famous master martial arts with its own line of dojos. However, at night he worked as a ninja in the service of Shredder. After several run-ins with Shredder's turtle enemies, he came into contact with a substance known as mutagen, which transformed him into a giant anthropomorphic dog, leading Michelangelo to nickname him "Dogpound" or "Sharptooth". In Mikey Has Shell, Bradford was exposed to the mutagen a second time and this time he mutated into a more wolf-like form and became known as "Rahzar".

Rat King

0 1 0

A person who can telepathically control rats. Lives, like the Ninja Turtles, in the sewers; in some versions of the canons, he can team up with their enemies to achieve their goals. He wanted to put an end to the rule of people, believing that rats (of which he believed himself to be one) were superior to all other types of living beings.

0 10 0

An alien creature that looks like an animated brain. Shredder's ally and enemy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Comes from another dimension - Dimension X, where he was a tyrant ruler until he was exiled to Earth, where he wants to return - however, he is not averse to conquering the earthly dimension first. He owns a powerful combat machine - the Technodrome - and an army of stone soldiers who remained in his native dimension.

Xever Montes

0 2 0

He is Fishface, Sabretooth. A former street thief, now working for Shredder, Bradford's partner (they treat each other with poorly hidden hostility, they constantly compete). He masterfully wields a knife and knows capoeira techniques. During one of the battles, he fell under the influence of a mutagen and turned into a mutant fish. Baxter Stockman built him mechanical legs and an artificial respiration system, as a result of which the incapacitated Xever (named Michelangelo Fishface or Sabretooth) again became a strong fighter


5 26 2

One of the main characters. He is shown to be the oldest of the Turtle Four. He usually wears a blue headband and is armed with two katanas. He is characterized by leadership and discipline. It got its name in honor of the Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

0 0 0

An alien warlord who becomes the main villain of the last two seasons of the first animated series. In the 2013 series, the leader of the insectoid people

Lord Simultaneous

0 1 0

Time Lord and outer space, teacher Renet. Owner and creator of the Scepter of Time

Lotus (Lotus Blossom)

1 1 0

A ninja girl from Japan who temporarily replaced Shredder and easily defeated him. She was hired by Krang to deal with the turtles

0 0 0

A mutant who was once the scavenger Garson Grange. He mistakenly blamed the Ninja Turtles for his mutation, which is why he was their enemy for some time. Inseparable from his partner - John Eyeball, also before the mutation, a former scavenger - his partner

0 0 0

Ray Fillet, also known as Man Ray, is an anthropomorphic Manta Ray found in some of the TMNT universes. In almost all of these universes, he primarily protects environment and its inhabitants. However, he prefers to stay near water, because Man Ray can live on land only for a limited period of time, after which he must return to some body of water. He was known to use a harpoon as a weapon, but still prefers hand-to-hand combat.

Miyamoto Usagi

0 0 0

Rabbit samurai from a parallel dimension. By chance he meets turtles (in different options universe - getting to Earth or meeting the Nexus at the Battle). Particularly friendly with Leonardo

Miyoko Saki

0 0 0

Shredder's mother, lives in a shelter for former villains. Powerful, proud lady, not very respectful of her son


6 12 2

This is a very spontaneous Ninja Turtle, a “party star.” He always tries to make the Turtles' situation easier by making snarky remarks and fooling around. He himself calls the life of a ninja “fantastic!” But when it comes down to it, he can take care of himself.

Mr. Murakami

0 0 0

Mr. Murakami (or as he is also called Murakami-san) is the blind owner of a sushi cafe. He is an experienced chef from Japan. Becomes friends with the turtles after they save him from a gang of Purple Dragons who were extorting money from him.

Mona Lisa

0 1 0

An amphibian mutant, an ally of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Especially friendly with Rafael

Mondo Gecko

0 0 0

A mutant lizard, into which a teenager who loves skateboarding and music turned by chance. In different versions of the universe, he was an ally and adversary of the turtles, and also became part of the Mighty Mutanimals group


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A creature from Dimension X, captured by the Krang race. On Earth, he managed to free himself, but, actively destroying his enemies, regardless of the damage caused to the human world, he becomes an enemy of the turtles. Interacts with Slash for a while

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A fox that once belonged to a tribe of humanoid foxes that lived on a hidden island off the coast of Japan. Her real name is Umeko, but for some reason that remains a mystery, she is called Ninyara. She is also Raphael's girlfriend in the Archie comic series.

Oroku Nagi

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Shredder's older brother. Like Hamato Yoshi, he belonged to the Foot clan and competed with him for the love of Teng Shen. In a fit of jealousy, one day he began to beat her, for which Yoshi was killed.

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