Compotes from pears are not as simple as it might seem. We store the autumn harvest in pear compotes for the winter

Pears in syrup turn out to be the best delicacy and dessert, which can not only be used as food, but also made into pies and casseroles.

Such a delicacy will always look not only appetizing, but also original. But in winter it is impossible to find pears, so they need to be preserved and then an experienced housewife will always have a jar of such a fragrant dessert at hand.

Preparing for canning

To preserve pears for the winter, they can be prepared either whole or in slices, or even cut into quarters. If the pears in syrup are whole, they will look great on any holiday table. But it’s still better to use the slices as stuffing to the pie. If the pears in syrup are quartered, then you shouldn’t think about how to decorate the holiday pie so deliciously. To cook this delicacy For the winter, like pears in syrup, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. Pears - 1 kilogram.
  2. Sugar – 500 grams.
  3. Vanilla – 2 tablespoons.
  4. Citric acid – 2 grams.
  5. Water -2 liters.

But not only the products are required to prepare a delicious pear delicacy for the winter, you also need to preserve such a dessert and utensils:

The volume of the jars will depend on the form in which the pears will be used for canning. If it’s slices, then you’ll get about one and a half liters of this delicacy. If the pears are cut in half, then you can first put them in jars, choosing their volume. It is known that the dimensions of the pears after its preparation decreases.

It is worth taking responsibly to the choice of fruits. So, only high-quality fruit should be used for cooking according to the recipe. The fruits should not have any dents or even rot. Any varieties of pears, except soft varieties, are suitable for such canning. If variety is very strong, then it is still better to cut the pears into slices, and it is worth preserving whole fruits.

Pears also require preparation for canning. First, they are washed well in cold water, and then the stalks are cut off. But you should do everything carefully so as not to damage the pulp. After this, the fruit is pierced with a toothpick and placed on the bottom of the pan. But they are folded neatly and loosely so that they do not wrinkle. The jars are also thoroughly washed.

Every jar pour about a third of it with cold and clean water, and only then place it in a saucepan, where a small layer of cold water. This pan is then placed over low heat and gradually brought to a boil. This whole process lasts about fifteen minutes.

A simple recipe for canning pears in syrup

The preparation of such a dessert from pears begins by first boiling the sugar syrup. To do this, add sugar to the water and put it on low heat.

This solution must be stirred constantly to sugar completely dissolved and only after that, after boiling for another 5 minutes, turn it off. This sugar syrup is poured into jars in which pre-prepared fruits have already been added. The pears are kept in this sugar syrup until they have cooled completely.

When the pears begin to cool, they immediately change their color. They may either turn white or become translucent. After this, they move on to the next stage of pear preservation.

Cook them like jam, over low heat and gradually stirring so that excess liquid can evaporate. But the fruits should not digest or even fall apart. As soon as the pears begin to boil at this stage, cook for another 5 minutes, then turn off and leave to cool.

The third stage of preparing such a delicacy from pears requires special care and attention. First, the pears are put back on the fire, but it should be low. Once they boil, boil for no more than 5 minutes. After this all the fruits carefully pulled out of the pan and placed in jars, but without syrup. They should be covered with lids for a while.

Now getting ready syrup. It is cooked over low heat by adding vanilla and citric acid. Stir the syrup until all additives have dissolved. Use a ladle to pour the syrup into the jars where the fruits have already cooled. Jars with lids are placed in a saucepan, where warm water has already been poured and sterilization is carried out. But it should last no more than 15 minutes. All that remains is to roll up the lids of the jars and wrap them in a towel. Leave it like this, without turning it over, until the jars have cooled.

Pears in syrup for the winter: recipe without sterilization

  1. To prepare such a simple recipe, where there is no need to sterilize jars of ready-made pears in syrup, you will need the following products:
  2. Pears - 1.5 kilograms.
  3. Citric acid - 2 grams.
  4. Water – 2 liters.
  5. Sugar - 0.5 kilograms.

The calculation of these products is given for a three-liter jar of pear dessert for the winter. The cooking method remains unchanged. The fruits are thoroughly washed, the core and tail are removed. Banks are prepared separately, which must first be sterilize. When the jars have cooled, place the pears tightly in them and pour boiling water over them.

Cover with lids, leave for five minutes according to the recipe, and then pour into a saucepan to make syrup from it, which will then need to be poured back into the jars of fruit. But to prepare it necessary add sugar.

The second pouring of syrup is kept for about seven minutes and again the sweet water with pear aroma is poured into the pan. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, you should add citric acid to it and fill the jars again and roll up the lids.

In order for such pears in syrup for the winter to turn out ideal according to this canning recipe, it is necessary carefully Turn the jar over so that the lid is on the bottom. And then, carefully wrapping them in a blanket, keep them there until they cool completely.

Pears in syrup slices and with vanilla

There are many recipes for canning pears in syrup. You can, for example, add lemon zest or vanillin to this recipe. But they are perfect for recipes like this. fruit large and hard varieties. It is advisable to have unripe ones, as they will become soft when treated with boiling water. To preserve pears in syrup, you need the following products, which are taken per three-liter jar:

Before you start canning, you need to thoroughly wash the whole fruits and then cut them in half. Must be deleted ponytails they have the middle where the seeds are located. If the fruits are very large, you can cut them again. But it is worth preparing not only pears, but also jars, which must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

As soon as both the products and containers are ready, then Rush slices placed in jars, but so that the cut is on top. When the syrup is cooked, then these fruits will be poured with it so that they are completely covered.

The jars should be filled to the very neck with syrup. Give brew let the fruits sit in the syrup for five minutes and drain it all. Repeat this drain three times. But only the third time it is necessary to add citric acid and vanillin to this syrup. Therefore, when the syrup is ready, you should immediately pour it over the pears and immediately roll up the jars.

Banks with pears in syrup are turned upside down, carefully wrapped and kept in the kitchen at room temperature for a whole day so that they can gradually cool. Only after this can such canned dessert be stored in any conditions. But then such slices will look great on any pie or can be suitable for fillings in pies.

If the pear fruits are very large, then you don’t even have to cut them if previously, before preparing, remove the peel from them. But you need to cut it carefully so as not to damage the pear itself or change its shape.

And for such a procedure, a thin knife is ideal, but it must be very sharp. Then even large fruits will look simple in syrup fabulous. In addition, in order for pears to have an attractive appearance, it is necessary to take varieties of fruit that have a yellow color or a color with a slight pink color.

When the syrup is being prepared, do not cover the pan with a lid. This is necessary so that the liquid evaporates quickly, otherwise the syrup will be too liquid. For the same reason, you should not take varieties that are very juicy. By the way, citric acid can be replaced with lemon. It needs to be washed well, cut into slices and added to the syrup at the third stage of preparing the syrup.

But when the liquid is poured into jars, then it is worth removing such circles of lemon from the syrup first, and only then pouring it into jars. You should not leave it for the winter, as then bitterness will appear in such jars.

Pear is an extremely tasty and healthy fruit and it cannot be kept fresh for a long time, so it is better to preserve it. Pear compote for the winter is a simple drink that can be prepared. It is important to know what positive and what negative qualities such a pleasant and popular fruit has.

What is important to know about pear


  1. Thanks to its composition, the pear will perfectly help in the fight against muscle pain after sports.
  2. Pears contain pectin, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and helps it function fully.
  3. If you make a decoction based on pears, it can be used for medicinal purposes, namely to combat elevated body temperature.
  4. If a person is tormented by a cough, he can eat a boiled pear, which will alleviate the condition and allow him to forget about the cough for a while.
  5. For constipation, it will be useful to drink pear compote or eat a pear that was boiled for this compote.
  6. The fruit contains a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal function, removes toxins from the body and helps normalize bile secretion.
  7. For those with diabetes, it will be useful to eat pears, as their composition helps reduce blood glucose levels and also has antibacterial properties.
  8. For gastritis, pears are quite useful during the chronic process, since their composition has an astringent effect and the ability to improve the functioning of metabolic processes in the body.
  9. Pears contain many different vitamins, microelements and fiber, so they are a great help for those who want to lose weight and, in addition to introducing useful substances into the body, quickly and easily satisfy hunger.

Having such a variety of properties, pear compote for the winter turns out to be very useful!

  1. For diseases such as pancreatitis, pears are contraindicated - they can cause a severe exacerbation of the disease due to the abundance of fiber.
  2. If there is an exacerbation of any intestinal disease, then pears should not be consumed, since due to their composition they can provoke a severe deterioration of the condition.
  3. Pear can cause significant harm to the body if consumed with heavy food or if washed down with large amounts of water.

It is better to avoid pears on an empty stomach or after a heavy lunch. Fresh pears are heavy food.

One of the most popular drinks in winter is compote. The variety of fruits and berries and the possibility of their combinations allow you to make drinks for different tastes. How to prepare pear compote for the winter? Simple cooking recipes are described below.

There is no need to use overripe pears to make compote. The pulp will quickly boil and make the drink cloudy.

A drink that will refresh and saturate the body with vitamins during the cold season is prepared pear compote for the winter. Both adults and children will enjoy it.

There are various options for preparing pear compote for the winter. You can safely adopt one of the recipes for this wonderful drink!

Simple pear compote for the winter

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • pear (medium size) - 1.5 kg;
  • water, boiling water 3 l;
  • sugar - no more than 3 glasses.

For compote, it is better to use dense, unripe fruits without dents. The most delicious drink is made from fresh homemade pears.

The process of preparing homemade pear compote for the winter:

  1. Place the fruit in a large container. Rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Prick each pear with a fork.
  3. Rinse the jar using baking soda or laundry soap. Sterilize it using one of the following methods. For example, holding it over steam. It is also worth boiling the lid.
  4. Place the fruit in the jar. Pour boiling water over them for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the water back into the pan. After adding sugar, cook the syrup over medium heat until it boils.
  6. Pour hot syrup into the jar and seal the jar.
  7. Cover it with a towel.

If the skin of pears is very dense and hard, then it is better to cut it off. Otherwise, the drink will not get the maximum taste.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization

To save time and effort, you can make compote using a shortened version - without sterilization. Such drinks are not inferior in taste and health to canned ones, but they have a shorter shelf life.

For a 3-liter jar, prepare:

  • pear (not large) - 1.2 kg;
  • water – about 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • citric acid to your taste

The process of preparing pear compote without sterilization:

Delicious and aromatic pear compote is ready for the winter! Now you can enjoy the taste of wonderful pear compote!

To give the compote a richer shade, you can add plums, apples, cherries, rowan berries, black currants, raspberries, and viburnum.

Pear compote with citric acid

Citric acid will help make the compote less cloying.

In the middle of the pear lies its wonderful scent. Boil the inside of the fruit separately, strain and add to the syrup. The drink will be very aromatic!

To prepare this compote you will need:

  • hard pear fruits;
  • sugar – no more than 300 g;
  • lemon (citric acid) (1 teaspoon);
  • a little vanillin or cinnamon;

The process of preparing pear compote for the winter with citric acid:

Do not keep pears in water for too long, as they may lose their beneficial properties.

Wild pear compote for the winter

Wild pear varieties have medicinal qualities. You can make a delicious drink from them.

Main ingredients:

  • wild pears - no more than 1.5 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • sugar (sand) – no more than 300 g;
  • lemon (citric acid) – 1 teaspoon.

The process of preparing wild pear compote for the winter:

A compote of aromatic pears prepared for the winter will quench your thirst well, energize you and provide the necessary vitamins during the cold season!

Pear is a sweet fruit. Therefore, you should not overdo it with granulated sugar. You only need a little bit of it. And if you want the taste to be as bright and rich as possible, then you need to put more than half of the pears in a jar.

Pear compote with honey

This is a simple recipe for pear compote for the winter that does not require much time.


  • small pears;
  • for pouring: you will need 800 g and 1 liter of water.


This recipe with a photo of pear compote for the winter is easy to follow and even a housewife who has decided to make a drink from these fruits for the first time can make it.

Pear compote is not only a vitamin drink, it is also a tasty treat. The juicy aroma of an amber pear drink will delight you with its incomparable taste and strengthen your immune system in winter. And fruits from compote can easily become a decoration for cakes and desserts made from different fruits.

Although in modern stores you can easily buy any sweet soda, juice, fruit drink or lemonade, many people get a special pleasure when they manage to enjoy homemade compote. A properly prepared drink made from fresh fruit and the optimal amount of sugar perfectly quenches thirst and is therefore indispensable in the heat.

How to make pear compote for the winter

The reputation of compotes in our country was significantly damaged by catering establishments that served “for third” a not very tasty drink made from dried fruits or low-quality berries, the sweetish taste of which did not go well with lunch. However, some gourmets in the USSR appreciated just such a set of dishes, and continue to order compote even with a large selection of drinks. And as an independent dish, in hot weather, it is irreplaceable!

Pear compote for the winter is rightfully considered inexpensive, so the housewife can provide her family with at least ten liters of this delicacy along with or apricot, but it will turn out to be cheap only for those who grow berries at their own dacha. An important rule: to prepare the drink, it is better to choose firm, not too ripe pears without dents or bruises. You don't have to cut off the skin.

Buy fruits from a trusted person in the market. The result directly depends on the type of fruit. Small Asian pears are best suited for compote, and it is recommended to choose slightly unripe fruits. After all, fruits that are too soft and potato-like will instantly lose their shape when cooked, and the drink will turn out cloudy and unsightly. Hard fruits will allow you to cook a transparent compote of a light caramel sunny color.

Blanching pears for compote for the winter

Before putting the drink into jars, the fruit must be blanched. This will require 1-2 liters of water and a pinch of citric acid. Follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Add citric acid to the water.
  2. Bring the solution to a boil.
  3. Turn off the heat (or reduce to low) and place the pre-washed whole pears there.
  4. Leave the fruit in hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then immediately plunge into cold water for 5 minutes. After this, the dessert can be placed in jars.

How to make pear compote

If you are thinking about how to close the compote for the winter and are using small-sized fruits, start with blanching described above. When the pears are already placed in jars, cook the syrup, and the ratio of sugar should depend on the initial sweetness of the fruit. If the juice from the pears is already sweet, then you need a weak syrup, you can even acidify it with lemon juice. For fruits with a more delicate taste, a rich syrup is suitable.

Banks must be sterilized in advance. Experienced housewives use a pan of boiling water and a special lid attachment for this, but in exceptional cases, sterilization before canning can be done on the spout of an old kettle. Pour hot syrup over the blanched pears placed in jars and close immediately. Before storing the workpiece in the cellar, closet or mezzanine, allow it to cool.

To completely guarantee the safety of the drink, it is recommended to sterilize the entire product, in already closed jars. To do this, the preservation needs to be loosely covered with a lid and cooked in boiling water for about half an hour, maintaining low heat. After this, wrap the workpieces in a warm blanket or rug to ensure slow cooling, and only after a couple of days put them away in a place where they are permanently stored for the winter.

Pear recipes for the winter

There are various preservation recipes that you can choose depending on the result you want to achieve. If you need fresh pear compote as a drink for the winter, add plenty of liquid to the fruit. If you want to enjoy canned fruits, there may be a minimal dose of syrup. In addition, pears can be combined with other fruits and berries.

Gourmet tastes differ. Some people prefer to combine them with sweet berries like strawberries or raspberries, while others prefer a piquant, sour combination with white grapes and red currants. If you successfully master one or two basic recipes for compotes for the winter, then in the future you will be able to change them to suit your mood, depending on your own culinary preferences.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization

If you don’t know how to cook compote for the winter, try recipes that do not require sterilization. For the simplest recipe you will need the following ingredients (in proportion to a three-liter jar):

  • pears – 1 kg;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • a few sprigs of mint.

This combination of spices gives the drink a special piquant taste. You need to cook it like this:

  1. If the fruits are large, it is better to cut into slices. It is not necessary to cut off the skin, but it is better to peel the rough, thick skin.
  2. Experienced housewives do not recommend throwing away the core. Having cut it out, you need to dip it in syrup and cook there: you get a special aroma.
  3. Blanch the pear pieces according to the method described above.
  4. Place the fruits in sterilized jars, filling them up to the shoulder. Add vanilla and mint.
  5. Pour in hot syrup made from a liter of water and a glass of sugar.
  6. Roll up the lids immediately. Cover the jars with a blanket to allow them to cool slowly.

How to cook compote for the winter with pears and lemon

Many gourmets prefer to acidify the compote. If you want to make this option, blanch the pears and prepare the syrup according to the recipe described above, but instead of spices, put one or two sliced ​​lemon slices along with the zest in each jar. You can also add a little lemon juice to the syrup for a nice flavor. It is better to drink this compote chilled.

Canned pears for the winter in their own juice

Sometimes compote is not brewed as a drink, but in order to preserve the bright, rich taste of fresh fruit. You will get a delicious dessert if you make a preparation with the following ingredients (per liter jar):

  • pears – 3-4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • citric acid – 4 g.

A tasty preparation will turn out if the pears fit evenly into the jar, filling it up to the shoulders. It is advisable to cut them into halves or slices. Do this:

  1. Place the fruits in jars.
  2. Pour sugar and citric acid into each jar.
  3. Take a large saucepan and line the bottom with a towel.
  4. The jars need to be loosely covered with lids and placed on the bottom of the pan (three or four jars fit in a standard five-liter pan).
  5. Fill with water. It should cover the cans up to the hangers. Then they need to be boiled and boiled for 20-25 minutes.
  6. The fruits will produce juice that will fill the jars. After this they need to be rolled up. This recipe preserves vitamins.

How to make compote for the winter from pears and apples

The most popular fruits in Russian gardens are suitable for any seaming. If you already know how to cook pear compote for the long winter, try combining them with apples for a change. Maintain proportions:

  • apples – 500 g;
  • pears – 500 g;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water – 2.5 l.

The standard container will be a three-liter jar. Do this:

  1. Cut the fruits in half. The core must be removed.
  2. Cut them into slices and place them in water with a pinch of citric acid so that they do not have time to darken.
  3. Boil sugar syrup.
  4. Place the slices in pre-sterilized jars. Fill with syrup.
  5. Roll up the jars. After this, they need to be turned over on their necks and left for a day.

Pear compote with berries

Those who know exactly how to prepare compote for the winter will love sweet and sour recipes with the addition of berries. Try modernizing well-known recipes by replacing apples with black or red currants, raspberries, blueberries or any of your other favorite berries. Gooseberries go well. However, remember that when cooked, berries give a richer and more concentrated taste and aroma than fruit, so you need to add them a little.

In addition, adding fragrant herbs to the drink, for example, a sprig of basil or mint, has an interesting effect. When cooking the syrup, you can add a cinnamon stick or a vanilla pod, or a couple of clove inflorescences. Some people with a sweet tooth love the combination of pears with honey or grapes. Do not forget that you can use not only fresh, but also dried fruits if you have managed to make such supplies for the winter.

Video: how to cook pear compote for the winter

My dears, you and I have already completed a lot of preparations for the winter. Many fruits and vegetables have already died. But there are those that, on the contrary, are only good in the fall. Therefore, today I will make pear compote for the winter.

I will give you recipes and the ratio of products per 3 liter jar. If your volume is smaller, then we divide the proportions by the volume you need.

I also want to remind you that the amount of sugar may vary depending on your preferences and the sweetness of the pears themselves. We will also look at what needs to be done to prevent the compote from becoming cloudy. And also recipes with the addition of other fruits that will make the drink sparkle in a new way.

Let's first look at the nuances that need to be taken into account before starting conservation.

  1. Firstly, compotes can be prepared in two ways: with and without sterilization. You either boil jars filled with the drink, or heat the fruit 2-3 times with boiling water. I will show both methods below.
  2. Secondly, it is better to take slightly unripe fruits so that they do not steam under the influence of boiling water and turn into puree. This will determine whether the compote becomes cloudy.
  3. If you are going to use whole small fruits, then prick their skin in several places with a toothpick or fork. Then the pear will give off more of its aroma, warm up more evenly and retain a beautiful poured appearance in the syrup.
  4. Large fruits can be cut into slices.
  5. Remember that pear flesh begins to darken quickly. Prepare a weak acid solution in advance. Add 1 g of lemon to 1 liter of water and place fruit slices in the solution. The same rule works with apples.
  6. We always use only sterile jars and lids.
  7. It is better to blanch fruits with hard skin in boiling water for 5 minutes. Or even cut off the peel altogether.

Now I want to list the herbs and spices that make the compote more aromatic:

  • a very tasty drink is made with cinnamon,
  • mint, it is added before the last pouring,
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar. Pour directly into steamed pears before rolling.

Consider the classic recipe for making pear compote. Without adding other fruits and spices. We will use the method of triple heating the fruit with boiling water. And as a preservative we will take citric acid.

For a 3 liter jar:

  • pears - 7 pcs.,
  • sugar - 400 g,
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

We remove the tails and cut out the places of the inflorescences. You can put in whole fruits, but to make them easier to remove, cut them in half.

Place pears in sterile jars.

We put 2 liters of water to boil. And let's start warming up the fruits.

Fill the filled containers with boiling water. Close the lids, cover with a towel and give them about five minutes to warm up.

Pour the water back into the pan. It is better to do this through a convenient lid, which is sold in all hardware stores.

You can make this cover yourself by making holes in the nylon cover with a hot awl.

Now add sugar to the drained broth. We put it on heat and boil for 3 minutes, pour in the pears a second time.

We wait 5 minutes and drain the syrup from the jars again. Please note that the fruits have already changed color. Now add citric acid to the syrup. Stir the syrup and put on fire.

After boiling, pour in the fruit a third time. At this stage, you can add vanilla sugar, mint or cinnamon.

We roll up the jars and check for leaks. If everything is fine, then we send them “under a fur coat” for natural sterilization.

If you did everything correctly, your drink will last a long time. It must be stored in a cool place. Better on a cold balcony or in the basement.

How to cook pear compote with lemon (without sterilization)

Lemon is often added to pears. It dilutes the sugariness of the fruit and is a natural preservative.


  • 200 g pears,
  • half a lemon
  • 1.5 cups sugar.

Sterilize jars and lids.

Wash the pears, cut them into halves, remove the stems and cores. We put them in jars.

Wash the lemon and cut it in half. Take one half, divide it in half again and place it on the halves. By the way, I recently saw that they use lime instead of lemon. I think the drink has a very unusual aroma.
Well, now we use the method of heating the fruit.

Fill the jars with boiling water and leave them for 5-10 minutes to warm up. Then drain the water. Pour sugar inside the pears.

Boil water and fill three-liter containers up to the neck. It's better when the syrup runs a little over the edge. This is important so that there is no oxygen left inside, which can cause fermentation inside the container.

We roll up the container and put it “under the fur coat”.

How to make a drink from pears and apples at home

Apples complement pears perfectly. It is this compote that I associate with childhood. Because these two types of fruits were the most common and accessible in the Urals at that time.


  • 3 apples,
  • 5 pears,
  • glass of sugar
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

By the way, the compote will last longer if you add apples.

Cut apples and pears into slices. We remember that they darken quickly, so we put them in an acid solution. I wrote about him above.

Boil water and pour in the fruits for 15-20 minutes.

Drain the syrup and pour a glass of sugar into it.

Now add half a teaspoon of lemon to the jars. When the syrup boils, fill the container. We seal it and send it to cool “under a fur coat”.

Simple recipe with orange

I love how the orange adds a citrusy, refreshing note to the drink. If you add a sprig of mint to it, you get almost .


  • 2.5 liters of water,
  • 2 orange slices
  • 2 pears,
  • 300 g sugar,
  • 0.5 tsp lemons.

We remove the stems and cores from the pears and cut them into 4 parts.

Fill the jars about 1/3 with them. I like there to be more syrup than fruit, so I use this rule. But you can add more fruits, then the taste of the drink will become more intense.

We put the water to boil. Pour boiling water over the fruits and leave for 10 minutes. Then pour the infusion back into the pan.

Add 300 g of sugar, lemon and a couple of orange slices inside the three-liter bottle. I don't peel them.
Boil water, pour in the slices and roll up the container.

Option for preparing compote with plums without using citric acid

You don't have to use lemon at all. Compote is also tasty and keeps well in the cold.


  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 400 g pears,
  • 300 g plums.

To prevent the plum from bursting under boiling water and to keep its shape, pierce it in several places with a toothpick.

Wash the pears and also pierce the skin. Then we put all the fruits in a jar.

If desired, you can remove the pits from the plums. But then pieces of pulp will float in the drink and it will not be transparent. Plum will also give the drink a beautiful reddish tint.

Boil a kettle or saucepan of water in advance. I take a vessel with a capacity of 3 liters, no more is needed. It is not that heavy and is easy to lift to fill the container.

Pour boiling water over the fruit. Leave for 10 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it, set to boil.

It is important here that the sugar grains dissolve.

Once again, pour boiling water over the fruit and roll up our container. We remember that no air should get inside, so shake the jar top and bottom and see if bubbles form inside the drink. If they are, then the lid must be opened and the container must be sealed again (well).

Compote of sliced ​​pears and grapes

Very often, the popular pear variety “Severyanka” grows in our gardens. It is sweet and aromatic. But it is almost never stored in its plucked form. Most often, this variety has medium and large fruits, which are not convenient to remove from the jar. They get stuck or slip off the plug in the narrow neck. Therefore, we will cut them into slices.

Let's take:

  • pears - 5 pcs.
  • grapes - 350 g,
  • sugar - 200 g,
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

You need to cut all 5 fruits lengthwise into slices in advance.

The grapes need to be washed and separated from the branches. For this compote, I like to use quiche or lady fingers.

Place the fruits in clean, sterile jars.

Boil water and pour in the slices. Leave for 15 minutes. Then pour the syrup back into the pan. Pour sugar into it and place on high heat.

Place citric acid in a container.

When the syrup boils, pour in up to the top.

Seal and leave to cool under a towel.

Video recipe for cooking “Assorted”

Of course, you can make a drink from several types of fruits and berries at once. I have put together a wonderful video recipe for you. My namesake Elena tells in detail, step by step, how to prepare such a compote.

Recipe for pears and cherry plums

Not long ago there was a selection of cooking recipes. And now we will add a pear to it.

Let's take:

  • 9 pears,
  • 0.5 kg yellow cherry plum,
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Cut the pears into four parts, removing the core.

We sterilize the jar and fill it with slices and washed cherry plum.

Pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then drain the water.

Add sugar to the infusion and boil it.

Pour syrup over fruits.

Close and leave for self-sterilization under a layer of warm clothing.

How to cook wild pear compote: a simple recipe for a 3 liter jar

I wrote about the northern woman, so I can’t ignore the wild one. I really love these sweet and fragrant little fruits. We will cook them whole.


  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg,
  • 1 tsp citric acid,
  • 0.5 kg of game.

We wash the container and sterilize it. We sort the fruits and remove illiquid goods. We cut off all the bruised areas and tails.

We put game on a third of the jar.

Pour boiling water over them. I preheated the kettle. Let it warm up for 5 minutes and pour the water into a saucepan.

Add sugar to this aromatic infusion and boil. Then fill the jars to the middle. Pour a spoonful of lemon into each container and add syrup to the very top.

Seal with lids and put away for storage.

Pear drink with chokeberry for the winter

And now I will give you two recipes where we will use sterilization. Of course, the previous method of preservation is faster, but not everyone uses it.


  • 0.6 kg pears,
  • 0.4 kg chokeberry,
  • 0.5 kg sugar.

Cut the pears into 4 slices. Place immediately into sterile jars. We wash the rowan, dry it and also put it in a jar.

Boil 2 liters of water and dissolve half a kilo of sugar in it. Pour syrup over fruits.

Cover with lids and sterilize for 45 minutes.

To do this, cover the bottom of the pan with a towel. So that the three-liter bottles do not crack when heated. We display the container. Be careful, everything is hot and you can get burned.

Pour warm water into the pan until it reaches the middle of the container. We don't use cold water, because temperature changes can cause the glass to crack.

After the time has passed, take out and seal the compote.

Compote of pears and peaches with sterilization

Well, let’s also consider preparing a drink with peaches. And we will sterilize him too.


  • 1 kg of pears,
  • 0.3 kg peaches,
  • 0.4 kg sugar.

We wash ripe, healthy peaches, place them in a colander and lower them into boiling water for 10 seconds. Then quickly cool them in cold water and remove the skin.

Place peeled peaches in sterile jars.

Wash the pears, remove the stem and perianth. Cut into 4 pieces and place on peaches.

Cook the syrup: pour 400 g of sugar into 2.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and pour in the fruits. Cover with a lid and send for sterilization.

To do this, place a cloth in a very deep pan. Place the filled jars on it and fill them with warm water. Sterilize 3 liter jars for 30 minutes.

Then we take out the containers and seal them with lids.

I like to cook . Usually this is not a very troublesome matter. Yes, they sell out quickly here, especially on holidays or after a bathhouse. Thank you for your attention!

Elastic and tasty fruits with a light aroma of citrus, spices or vanilla can conquer even a gourmet with their exquisite taste. The selection of recipes below will help every housewife prepare wonderful fruits for the winter that will delight the whole family with a wealth of flavors.

Canned whole fruits with citric acid: a simple recipe for the winter

This recipe doesn't take too long to make. You will be able to prepare the same fruits that you tried in childhood.

Ingredients for 1 3 liter jar:

  • 2 kilograms of dense pears;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 grams of citric acid;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar.

We preserve in stages:

  1. First you need to prepare the fruit for subsequent preservation.
  2. To do this, rinse the fruits thoroughly and then carefully remove the tails.
  3. Now the pears need to be placed in a three-liter jar. This way it will be possible to determine their number.
  4. Place the fruit in a large saucepan, add the required amount of sugar and cover with water.
  5. Place the filled pan on the fire.
  6. After the first bubbles appear, indicating the water is boiling, transfer the fruits inside a sterilized glass container and add citric acid.
  7. Pour boiling sugar syrup over everything.
  8. Next, you can start rolling up the cans.

When canning is complete, turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave them to cool.

Delicious spiced pears

To ensure excellent preservation, you should choose only dense, not overripe fruits. Canned pears will retain their shape and excellent taste.


  • 2 kilograms of hard pears;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of table vinegar (9%);
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • 5 grams of coriander;
  • 3 grams each of ground ginger, nutmeg and cardamom.

The process of preparing delicious spicy fruits:

  1. Dense but not overripe fruits must be washed under running water and the core removed.
  2. Then you need to boil sugar syrup made from water, granulated sugar, and table vinegar.
  3. After the sugar is completely dissolved in the liquid, transfer the prepared fruits to the syrup, add all the spices required for the recipe.
  4. The pears in the syrup should boil for 40 minutes, set the flame to minimum.
  5. Throughout the cooking time of the fruits, you should constantly stir them with a wooden spoon.
  6. You can check the readiness of the fruit after cooking with a toothpick; they should be pierced well, but at the same time retain their original shape.
  7. Now let's preserve the fruit. After sterilizing the jars, you can place the pears and fill them with spicy syrup.
  8. Seal the jars with sterile tin lids. Once completely cooled, store the preserves in a cool place.

If the pear skin is too thick, you can cut it off first.

Unusual recipe with orange

A simple and at the same time original preparation method will allow you to enjoy a light, low-calorie dessert on cold winter evenings.


  • 2 kilograms of dense seasonal pears;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 small lime or lemon;
  • 1 medium orange.

How to preserve:

  1. Rinse the pears along with the orange, lime or lemon.
  2. Now you need to start removing the core of the fruit, as well as trimming the tails.
  3. If desired, the tails can be left uncut, so the fruit in the jar will look fresh.
  4. Bring the water in the pan to a boil, add the prepared fruits there.
  5. Boil the fruits for 5 minutes, remove them from the pan, and then fill them with cold water.
  6. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange using a vegetable peeler and stuff each blanched fruit with it.
  7. Place the pears with zest in a three-liter jar. Pour syrup prepared from two liters of water and the required amount of sugar over the fruits.
  8. The process of sterilizing jars will take about 20 minutes.
  9. Next, canning is completed by rolling the fruit in jars.

Wrap the preserved food in a towel and wait until it cools completely.

Whole fruit preservation without sterilization

A wonderful recipe that should appear in every housewife’s notebook, because it only takes a few minutes to prepare the aromatic preserve. Vanillin will emphasize the delicate aroma of the fruit and give a pleasant note to the preparation. The ingredients are given for 1 glass jar (3-liter).


  • 1400 g pears (strong, with elastic skin);
  • 380 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 15 g citric acid.


  1. Wash the pears thoroughly; if the tails are too long, shorten them a little.
  2. Fill a sterile, clean container with fruits, leaving part of the jar free from the narrowing of the neck.
  3. Bring the sweet syrup to a boil (do not add vanilla sugar and citric acid!), pour the contents of the glass containers.
  4. Drain the aromatic liquid after 4-6 minutes, repeat the steps.
  5. Boil the syrup one last time, add the remaining ingredients and pour over the pears (which have already greatly reduced in volume). If necessary, add clean boiling water.
  6. Seal the container filled with pears with tin lids, check the tightness with your fingers (by twisting the lid in different directions), and turn it over onto a flat surface to cool.
  7. Be sure to wrap the containers warmly, removing the blanket only after two days.

Whole pickled pears


  • 600 grams of small pears;
  • 2 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 4 buds of cloves.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse small pears thoroughly, then blanch for 5 minutes and cool.
  2. Place peppercorns, ground cinnamon, and clove buds into jars.
  3. Place blanched fruits in a glass container with spices.
  4. Prepare the marinade using water, granulated sugar, cinnamon and vinegar.
  5. Cool the filling and strain, immediately pour into jars.
  6. Place the jars of fruit in a saucepan, fill with water, and then cover with tin lids.
  7. The duration of sterilization is the same for jars of different sizes and is 3 minutes.
  8. Remove the canned food from the water, immediately seal it and place it upside down on a flat surface.

You can store the preparation in the pantry or cellar, and serve pickled fruits on the table as an addition to dessert.

Whole pears in wine

It is quite possible to prepare a restaurant-style dessert from small sweet fruits. There are no particular difficulties in canning, but the result will pleasantly surprise everyone.

Ingredients for 2-liter jars:

  • 1.5 kilograms of small pears;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 500 milliliters of water and cider;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • a handful of clove buds.

Cooking process:

  1. First preheat the oven to 150°C.
  2. Next, you can start preparing the cider-based syrup. To do this, you need to pour the required amount of water into the pan, add granulated sugar and bring the mixture to a boil so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the pan with syrup from the stove, pour in the cider. Cover the dish with a lid and leave in a warm place.
  4. Carefully peel the pears without removing the stems.
  5. Place the fruits in slightly salted water, thanks to this they will not lose their original color.
  6. Cut the pears lengthwise and insert 2 cloves into each slice.
  7. Place the fruit in prepared sterile jars, adding a cinnamon stick.
  8. Bring the cider syrup to a boil and pour it over the fruit.
  9. Close each jar with a lid, without securing it with clamps.
  10. Place the jars in the preheated oven, keeping a distance of 5 centimeters between them, for 1 hour.
  11. After the specified time has passed, remove the jars from the oven, close with clamps, and place on a wooden board. Check the tightness of the refrigerated canned food.

In applesauce

This method of canning may seem strange, but believe me, the result is worth it. Pears in puree acquire extraordinary tenderness and are filled with new taste and aroma.


  • 1 kilogram of sweet apples;
  • 1 kilogram of hard pears;
  • sugar;
  • 3 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 grams of citric acid.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare sweet apple puree, add granulated sugar to your own taste, add cinnamon and citric acid, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Pour the hot applesauce into the jars; they should be half filled.
  3. Peel the pears and cut them into 4 pieces, removing the core.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in jars; the puree should completely cover the pears.
  5. Sterilization of jars of fruit depends on their volume. For a half-liter glass container, 30 minutes will be enough; jars of 1 liter and 2 liters should be sterilized for 40 minutes.

After the preservation has completely cooled, you can transfer it to the pantry for further storage.

Whole pear jam (video)

The simple and original canning methods presented above will help you prepare delicious fruits for the winter. The exquisite, unforgettable taste will conquer even those who are not too fond of preservation.

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