When is Natalia's angel's day. When is Natalia's name day according to the church Orthodox calendar? Natalia's name day according to the church calendar: dates by month

Natalia - Latin natalis - native, Christmas, natural.

Name day of Natalia according to the church calendar:

  • 8 September:Natalia Nikomidiyskaya, mts .. [wife of mch. Hadrian of Nicomedia]

Characteristics of the name Natalya

Little Natalya is very mobile, charming and quick-witted. She loves to be the center of attention and loves to be praised. It is difficult, perhaps, to find a person with a more violent and imaginative fantasy than Natalia. She starts reading early, reads avidly and perfectly remembers and analyzes what she read. In all games and entertainment, Natalia brings something of her own, original, borrowed from her vivid imagination. Guys are always drawn to her - it is interesting to communicate with Natalia. She does not find a common language with her parents in everything, impatiently perceives their guardianship, strives for independence. Natalya can be extremely stubborn, it is impossible to convince her, it is better to leave her alone.

Natalia is an excellent student. She is very attentive, grasps the material on the fly, diligently and painstakingly works on assignments. Natalia has excellent abilities for languages, literature, history, drawing, drafting. She is proud, in everything she needs to be the first, she delves into every subject thoughtfully and meticulously. Natalya reads a lot of additional literature, draws a lot of knowledge from books. She is superbly erudite, able to draw non-childish conclusions. Natalia has diverse interests and diverse talents / She draws excellently, has a good voice and ear, and dances amazingly. Natalia is unusually artistic, she is an active participant in all school events and social assignments. She is usually appreciated by classmates and respected by teachers. Natalya tries to maintain friendly relations with everyone, she is very receptive to praise - they inspire her. She is touchy, she won’t go into her pocket for a word. Natalia's taunts are tinged with sarcasm and sting painfully. Possessing a remarkable mind and natural talent, Natalia is very successful. She has a strong will, strong character, she is purposeful. Natalya works conscientiously, does not have the habit of shifting her duties to others, she is executive and diligent. In life, she relies solely on her own strength. Pride will not allow her to accept help and patronage. Natalya hates advice, teachings, especially when they are accompanied by the phrase: "I wish you well." She organically does not tolerate criticism, in response she can say something harsh or rude. If someone made a remark to her in front of outsiders, then he acquired a dangerous enemy for himself. Natalya does not forgive insults, although she is unlikely to stoop to revenge. Failures unsettle her and plunge her into despondency. Natalya's hands instantly drop, she blames and mercilessly criticizes herself. Meanwhile, it is an invaluable worker in any field. Natalia can become a unique scientist, doctor, psychologist, linguist, lawyer, economist, public figure. She has rich opportunities in any direction of creativity: in language, literature, painting, cinema, theater, ballet, architecture. Natalia will be an excellent leader - decisive and strict.

Natalya is a very sociable person, she has a good sense of humor, she knows how to listen to a person and will not leave him in trouble. But Natalia is far from making friends with everyone. She is extremely infuriated by ignorance, arrogance and rudeness. She will not tolerate criticism “and from a friend, she will instantly withdraw into herself, deeply experiencing resentment. Natalia needs to be perceived as she is - then you will find a sincere and sympathetic friend.

Natalia is a charming, exalted woman. She usually has good taste, but sometimes she dresses a little exotic and strange. Men like Natalya, she can tirelessly flirt with them, but she won’t let her close to her. She likes male attention, courtship, compliments, admiration, flowers and gifts. Natalya will gladly reward the fan with a kiss, but things will not go further. She is looking for her ideal: a sublime, romantic, strong and courageous man. Only for this Natalia will marry. She can search for a very long time, and end up alone. Or, on the contrary, early marriage. Natalya will become a skilled housewife, she will direct all her strength to the improvement of the family, she will bring up children perfectly. Her relationship with her husband does not always go as smoothly as we would like. However, in public they always look like a perfect couple. Natalia knows how to hide family troubles. She has high moral principles, and in the event of a successful marriage, she will not dare to cheat. Having learned about her husband's infidelity, Natalya will fence herself off from him with a wall of contempt, silence and causticity. She can no longer trust him.

Choosing a name day named after Natalya: how to choose a patron, name day dates.

The name Natalya is one of the most common names in the post-Soviet space. The name is beautiful, singing, tender, and the girls named by this name usually grow up strong, strong-willed, smart and pragmatic. Natalia's life promises to be long and happy, filled with all sorts of life joys.

In Orthodox Christmas time, the name Natalya occurs seven times, but the name day is considered to be the day that is as close as possible after the birth of a girl. Also, the name day can be the day on which Natalia is baptized, if Saint Natalia is also revered on this day.

The full name in the world is written Natalia, and in Orthodox Christmas time - Natalia. The name comes from the Latin Natalis Domini, and according to one version it means “native”, and according to another “Christmas”, “Christmas” and “Birth of a new one”.

Natalia's name day in January

In this month of Saints Natalia, there are three great martyrs at once.

January 11, Great Martyr Natalia Sundukova. She was canonized in 2000 and is taken into account for those who were born after the year 2000.

Great Martyr Natalia Siluyanova

Also on January 11, Great Martyr Natalia Siluyanova is venerated; she, like her sister-in-law Sundukova, was canonized the same year. Also taken into account for girls born after 2000.

And another Great Martyr Natalia Vasilyeva is revered on the same day. Her fate is no less tragic than that of Sundukova and Siluyanova. It is believed that you can ask her for courage, self-confidence. And also the strength to live an honest, truthful life dedicated to the Almighty.

Natalia's birthday in February

This month, girls named Natalya do not celebrate a name day. Those born after January 11 and during February celebrate their name day in March.

Natalia's name day in March

In March, honors are due to two Natalyas at once, but on different dates.

On March 22, Great Martyr Natalia Ulyanova is honored. A novice of the Novodevichy Convent located in Moscow had a short but righteous life, during which she devoted herself entirely to the Faith of Christ. She patronizes Natalia, born from February to March 22, and helps them to be honest and open.

Martyr Natalia Ulyanova

On March 31, Natalia Baklanova is honored. Her life began as a novice at the Novodevichy Convent in the capital of the Russian Empire. But the time of troubles turned the hardworking and devout nun into a person who could only survive by helping people around the house and cleaning the premises. But she continued to bring the Orthodox Faith into the world. For which she was exiled to exile, where she died a martyr's death.

Name day of Natalia in April, May, June, July, August

In these months, girls named Natalya do not celebrate name days. Those born from April 1 to the end of August celebrate their name day in September.

Natalia's name day in September

On September 8, Great Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia is venerated. Her life took place during the period of persecution of Christians at the beginning of the 4th century. Her faith and regular help to Christians helped her pagan husband to believe in the true God, which doomed their couple to long torment and heavy martyrdom. Natalia of Nicomedia helps all the suffering, the seriously ill and those whose lives are in chaos and misfortune.

Great Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia with her husband

Also, the name day on this day is celebrated by all, without exception, Natalya, who were born after 2000.

On September 14, New Martyr Natalia Kozlova is venerated. She patronizes girls born after September 8 from 2004 onwards. She lived only 42 years, most of which fell on a difficult time for Russian Christianity. With the advent of Soviet power, the headman of the Churikov Epiphany Church, as well as the employees of this church, were accused of anti-Soviet activities and shot. Natalia helped and supported the others until her last breath.

Name day of Natalia in October, November, December

In these months, girls named Natalya do not celebrate name days. Those born in this period after the year 2000 celebrate their name day on January 11th. Those born before 2004 celebrate their name day on September 8th.

And in conclusion, let's add information about the secret of the name Natalya in the video below.

Video: The secret of the name. Natalia, Natalya

Accept congratulations: Name day of Natalia, Natasha.



Natalia - Latin natalis - native, Christmas, natural.
Name day of Natalia according to the church calendar:
September 8: Natalia Nikomidiyskaya, mts .. [wife of mch. Hadrian of Nicomedia]

The corresponding zodiac sign is Virgo.
The ruling planet is Mercury.
Talisman-stone, mineral, metal - bloodstone.
Talisman-color - scarlet.
Mascot plant - valerian, azalea.
Animal talisman - swimming beetle.
The most successful day is Wednesday.
Predisposition to such traits as energy, heightened pride, strong will, logical thinking.
Natalia's birthday - January 11, March 22, March 31, September 8, September 14.

nature rewarded you
Mind, talent, beauty.
Gave a unique character,
Showered with motherly kindness!

Putting it all together in you
I decided to tell my parents
That they need a daughter
Natalia without a doubt to call.

This name will bring her good luck,
Sorrows will dispel everything like fog,
And keep her in addition
As a nominal, reliable talisman.

If the girl was given the name Natalya, then a hardworking, very persistent, purposeful person will grow out of her, whom no work will make her give up. The owner of this name is simply not able to be cunning, tricky, skillfully avoid some situations that are unpleasant for her due to resourcefulness, fraud, etc. She has a very developed pride, and high self-esteem must be constantly fueled by the praise of others. She needs them like air, and it will be better if not only restrained and concise compliments, but also enthusiastic speeches are addressed to her. However, even a pleasant word said by someone in passing, a slight praise gives Natalya strength, energy, and helps to maintain a high level of self-esteem. Natasha dreams of the role of a leader, makes great efforts to earn the recognition of others. If she is not in the center of attention, if the owner of the name Natalya is forgotten, this is of great importance even for her physical well-being, not to mention her morale.

From nature, Natalia gets a variety of talents. The exact and humanities are given to her without any problems; she draws with pleasure, masters musical instruments. She is not devoid of business abilities, however, she is unlikely to achieve great success in trade. The owners of this name do not tolerate any criticism, even if it is completely fair and completely harmless. The memory of the offenses caused remains in her heart forever, but she does not bear thoughts of revenge on someone. Sometimes she gives the impression of a frivolous person, but it is deceptive. All her decisions and actions are based on a sober, pragmatic calculation, logical judgments and are calculated several steps ahead. Natalia is a very strong-willed and hardy person. These qualities, combined with an unwillingness to reveal their mistakes to others, push Natalya to complete any business, even if she understands that she initially went in the wrong direction, or if she completely lost interest. A woman never makes a tragedy out of her defeats and everyday troubles, she treats them quite calmly.

Having married, Natasha actually becomes the head of the family, the most important decisions in family life are entrusted to her. However, officially this status belongs to her husband, whom she publicly positions as the leader in their couple. This wise woman manages to establish good relations with her husband's parents. Nevertheless, both they and the rest of the household should never forget about Natalya's intolerance to critical remarks. The owner of this name is an intelligent, economical hostess who keeps the house in proper order.

The name Natalia is very popular in Russian. She is one of the 20 most popular names in Russia. The meaning of this name, like all other names, must be sought in its history. The name Natalya has several theories of origin, and hence the meaning.

The most likely is the theory of the origin of the name in the first centuries of the new era. It is the name of Christendom and is associated with the Christian faith. It is believed that it is formed from the word "natalis", which means "native". To be more precise, it came from the phrase "Natalis Domini", which means "Christmas". This gave rise to the idea that the meaning of the name Natalia is "blessed" or "Christmas".

The second version of the origin of the name can be called the theory of origin from the language of ancient Judea (other Hebrew), and not from the Latin language. It is believed that the names Nathan and Natalie come from the same word "נָתָן", meaning "given (donated) by God"‎. According to this theory the meaning of the name Natalia is "given" or "donated".

The meaning of the name Natalia for a girl

Natasha is growing up as an active and obedient girl. She is a cheerful child and charges others with her joy. Very social and loves company. Easily gets along with other children and plays well with them. Early learns to understand what is good and what is bad. Sometimes taught the right behavior begins to teach others.

Natasha studies well, and especially loves when she is praised. After praise from Natasha, efforts are doubled, and this applies not only to training. Humanities and exact sciences are equally easy for her. The mindset is rather analytical, which does not prevent him from successfully engaging in literature in artistic circles.

Natasha's health in childhood is good, but you cannot call it heroic. Ordinary childhood problems are often supplemented by a stomach problem. It is the ability to engage in something with enthusiasm that affects Natalia's health. She can sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position and forget about food. Ulcers and scoliosis rarely appear in childhood, but the first problems are noticeable already in adolescence. Take care of the girl's health.

Abbreviated name Natalya

Nata, Natasha, Natakha, Natalie, Tasha, Nasha, Tusya, Talka.

Diminutive names

Natochka, Natalochka, Natashenka, Natashechka, Natushka, Natulya, Natunya, Natusya, Natalyushka.

Name Natalia in English

In English, the name Natalya is written as Nataly, and is read as Natalie.

Name Natalia for passport- NATALIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Natalya into other languages

in Arabic - ناتاليا
in Belarusian - Natallya
in Hungarian - Natalia
in Greek - Ναταλία (Natalia)
Natalie in Danish - Natalie
in Hebrew - נטליה‎
in Spanish - Natalia
in Italian - Natalia
in Chinese - 娜塔莉娅
in Latvian - Natālija
German - Natalie
in Norwegian - Natalie
in Polish - Natalia
in Serbian - Natalia
in Ukrainian - Nataliya
in French - Nathalie
in Czech - Natalie
in Estonian - Natalie
in Japanese - ナタリア

Church name Natalya(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged, unless Natalia is given a different name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Natalia

Natalia is pleasant in communication and even a sweet person. It has such characteristics as honesty and moral cleanliness. Natalia will not take part in unseemly deeds and commit unworthy deeds. Self-esteem will characterize her entire life path.

At work, she is characterized by diligence and increased efficiency. She keeps her distance from colleagues and only occasionally allows herself to be relaxed. Natalia's success is characteristic of almost all types of work. Her name has a positive effect on career advancement, although given her hard work and talent, this is only a small part of her success.

Family for Natalia is the most important thing in her life. She chooses a man quickly enough, since there are plenty of contenders for a hand and a heart. She will create the most comfortable home and be the best mother, but from time to time she will need to take a break from all this and be weak. She is unlikely to admit this, but this is already the task of loved ones.

The secret of the name Natalya

Natalia's secret can be called resentment to comments. She doubles her work when she is praised, and completely gives up when she is scolded. Even the smallest remark can hurt her, but he remembers insults for a long time. Find a way to convey information about the situation without commenting.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

totem animal- Swimming beetle.

Name color- Scarlet.

Wood- Aralia.

Plant- Hemorrhagic.

Stone- Bloody.

On the eve of Natalia's name day and angel's day, the question arises, which gift to choose? After all, this holiday is not celebrated as a traditional birthday. Therefore, the gift must be special.

It is better to choose a thing of a religious nature, since the name day is a tribute to the memory of the holy great martyrs. A suitable gift can be bought at the church or made by yourself.

The most famous and popular female name in our country is Natalya. From Latin means native, birth, Christmas. An interesting fact, in Byzantium in ancient times only boys were called that way.

As for our country, only the female version of the name has taken root. In our article, we will describe in detail how Natalya celebrates the day of the angel and in general the historical meaning of this name.

Derivatives of the name Natalia in Orthodoxy

This name has a huge number of different variants of the saying. For example, Nata, Natalie, Natalka, Tasha, Natka, Natalyusha, Natella, Nati, Natalina.

IMPORTANT! Previously, it was allowed to write down only the official version of the name on the birth certificate, but now there are no such rules. You can easily record any option you like.

Natalia - angel's day and name day according to the church calendar

Every year, on September 8, Natalia's name day is celebrated. This day was chosen for the veneration of the great holy martyr Natalia of Nicomedia. We will talk more about this woman below.

History name and meaning of name day

During the reign of Emperor Maximian (311), during the period of persecution of Christians, this story happened. A simple girl, Natalya, from Nicodemia of Bithynia, married Adrian, a court official. He dealt with the affairs of Christians imprisoned and arrested. The young man admired the courage and bravery of the people brought before the court. The strength of their spirit and faith amazed and made them think about worldly values. Once, unable to stand it, he asked the Christians: what reward will they receive from God for their suffering?

And in response from the martyrs he heard: this reward cannot be expressed in language and comprehended by the mind. Such a sincere answer opened Adrian's eyes to faith and Christ, and he immediately took the side of the Christians. And the young judge was arrested with other peasants for preaching the faith and thrown into a damp cold dungeon. Upon learning of the arrest of her husband, Natalya supported his faith in every possible way and tried to help him.

Adrian was humiliated and tortured, forced to renounce his faith, but this was impossible. And they did everything to force the Christians and the young judge to change their religion. One of the terrible tortures was the process of beating off the hands and feet on the anvil with an iron hammer. This was done so that a Christian, seeing the pain of his comrade, would give up his faith.

Fearing for the steadfastness of her husband's faith, Natalya asked him to be executed first, she even helped to hold his hand on the anvil. After severe torture, all the bodies had to be burned, but this did not happen due to a sudden storm. The natural disaster claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including executioners. Natalya managed to hide herself and took with her her husband's hand, which she kept for many years.

Many times the servants of the emperor offered her marriage. But her steadfastness and fidelity to her husband were amazing. From constant harassment, she fled to Byzantium. And on the very first night, she saw her lover in a dream, where he told her about the imminent connection and her imminent death. And so it happened. Exhausted by mental suffering, Natalya died near the coffin of her husband in Byzantium. His remains were brought here by Christians. According to the old church calendar, name days are celebrated on the day when this event happened, i.e. August, 26th. Natalya, for all the trials, devotion to the faith and the suffering suffered, was canonized as a saint.

How many name days does Natalia have in a year?

Natalia's angel's day can be celebrated not only in September. The Orthodox calendar indicates 4 more days, these are the dates: January 11, March 22-31 and September 14. Which day suits you, determine by the approximate date of your birth.

The nature of the name

Girls named Natalya

These are calm, gentle personalities with a strong-willed character. A small child Natalia does not know fatigue, constantly on the move, energetic, cheerful and groovy. The character is more eccentric than obedient. In studies, neat, but not excellent students. Actively take part in the life of the class and school. Women and girls with this name are sympathetic and devoted natures. You can rely on them in everything, they will not condemn and will not betray.

ATTENTION! Do not sharply criticize Natalya, she does not like this. In general, he perceives any comments sharply and with hostility. It is better to point out her mistakes indirectly, rather than directly.

In friendship, there is no more reliable comrade than Natalie

But at the same time, she is very vulnerable. If you offend her, she may not talk for a long time or even delete this person from her life.
In terms of work, Natasha succeeds. any job she takes on can be assessed as five plus. She is responsible, attentive, sociable and moderately self-critical.

What congratulations on the day of the angel Natalya to prepare and what to give?

If your close friend has an angel's day soon, you can organize surprise party and make a gift with your own hands.

So, for a cute souvenir, you can choose scrapbooking box. For this you will need:

You can find a detailed master class on creating a jewelry box on the Internet. To date, many creative workshops offer their services to create such boxes. You just have to choose the right one.

If you do not want to waste time creating a masterpiece or are not sure of a positive outcome, you can order a box in an online store and they will bring it to your home. In any case, a gift saddled with hands is considered exclusive and is valued much higher than a factory item.

In our article, we tried to reveal the meaning of the name, its history and how the day of the angel Natalia goes according to the Orthodox calendar. From the above, we can conclude that Natalya will grow up as wonderful housewives, mothers and wives. And in general a great person with a pure soul.

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