Which lottery did the man win 358 million. The biggest lottery winnings in Russia

A doctor from Novosibirsk won 358 million rubles in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, reports FlashSiberia. As the lottery organizers told the agency, the super prize was drawn at the end of February during the 1885 draw, but the 47-year-old doctor applied for the winnings only through for several weeks. The name of the lucky winner is not reported.

As it turned out, the man, having heard about the lottery winner, did not immediately realize that it could be his ticket. “The funniest thing is that I saw and read, probably, all the news about the record super prize - both on the radio, and on the Internet, and somewhere else, but I never thought that I was the hero of this news,” said the winner. According to him, he checked his ticket only a few days later and, in his words, “again did not understand anything.”

After finding a match on his ticket, the doctor double-checked the results five times.“On the sixth day, my ears began to ring a lot, and I finally got worried. Then I called the call center and only after that I began, as they say, to pack my bags,” the doctor said.

The lucky winner went to Moscow to receive his winnings with best friend. It turned out that he was the only one who confessed his victory. The doctor has not yet notified his family - his wife and two daughters - about his success. According to him, he “wouldn’t want to disturb” his family just yet. “Now I’ll decide how to continue to live, and then I’ll break this news on them,” the doctor promised.

“I’m not new to the lottery. The story about the first ticket in my life is not my story, although it sounds beautiful. great luck I've been racing for two years now. I closely monitor the growth of the super prize and use my signature formula. Every number that I cross out has a serious meaning,” said the winner, quoted by Sibnet.ru, but he refused to reveal his secret.

The winner of the super prize already knows how to manage the winnings. “Firstly, I will thank fate for the chance to completely change my life. Therefore, my immediate plans include good deeds - I will help someone who now needs financial support. And secondly, I will try to increase my happiness and the happiness of my family - I will move to Moscow, buy big house and will start developing my own business,” he said.

The super prize was drawn on February 27, 2016. The lottery organizers reported to TASS that a resident of Novosibirsk won a record amount for Russia in the entire history of lotteries. It was noted that the winning amount was 358 million 358 thousand 466 rubles.

It is known that the winner participated in three draws; the lucky bet cost 1,800 rubles. The combination of 11, 13, 45, 42, 1, 7 brought victory. The previous record belonged to a resident Nizhny Novgorod, who in 2014 won 202 million 441 thousand 116 rubles.

On February 29, the Stoloto company announced that in the history of Russian and Soviet lotteries won the most big prize, amounting to 358 million 358 thousand 566 rubles. The lucky one turned out to be from the Novosibirsk region, but at the time of writing the news and article he had not yet made himself known.

The super prize had been accumulating for several months and was drawn in draw No. 1885 of the “6 out of 45” lottery on the night of Sunday, February 28. The Novosibirsk resident guessed all the numbers drawn: 11, 13, 45, 42, 1 and 7.

As Alexander, an employee of the Novosibirsk Lotteries company, explained, the winner has not yet appeared, but he will find out about the prize in any case, since in the “6 out of 45” draw, when filling out the coupon, you must leave a number mobile phone, to which, if you win, an SMS with a special winning code will be sent. In other lotteries, where a person simply buys a ticket and does not leave a phone number for anyone, the rules stipulate that the money won can be received in the usual manner within 6 months, and with a statement explaining the reasons for not receiving the prize within six months - even after longer time. The winnings will be kept for 3 years, after which they will go to the state.

“It’s unlikely that he (the winner - I.K.) will show up with us. Such big wins- over 1 million - turn to Moscow to the lottery organizer. Even if he doesn’t know this and comes to us, we will inform him that he needs to go to Moscow with a ticket and passport,” Alexander explained, adding that

the money is transferred to any bank account of the winner - no “golden” bank cards, checks, or especially cash.

The previous article about the big win of a Novosibirsk resident - an apartment in Bulgaria or Sochi, NGS.NOVOSTI was written almost a year ago - on March 12. An employee of the Novosibirsk Lotteries assures that such coincidences are random and we are not talking about an annual PR campaign. “Now all lotteries are state-owned. There is such cruel control over everything! The Accounts Chamber checks all this... In fact, various winnings occur regularly,” Alexander explained.

Psychotherapist Igor Lyakh states that among the financial worries of an ordinary Novosibirsk resident, loans, both mortgage and consumer, or issues related to uncomfortable housing and life in general in Novosibirsk are usually most often worried. Therefore, with sudden large sums of money - inheritance or winnings - ordinary Novosibirsk residents will “cover up” precisely these problems. However, the psychotherapist added, sometimes a fabulous sum that falls on a person at one moment can play a cruel joke on his psyche.

“There are statistics that more than half of citizens are not conceptually ready to manage such money. They are in a state of crisis - a crisis social status. Citizens sometimes find themselves in various kinds fraud, to various scammers...

From 50 to 60% of such people emerge from these crises with some anxiety-depressive neurosis. This is a colossal responsibility... Families are collapsing. It would seem that he received an inheritance, but the family fell apart,” explained Dr. Lyakh.

In some cases, lucky people simply spend all their money for a short time without ever improving your life. Alexander from Novosibirsk Lotteries recalled a high-profile incident that occurred in the mid-2000s in Ufa, when an ordinary cleaner Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova and her unemployed husband won the equivalent of $1 million at Bingo. About this amazing story then they wrote in the media that after such a win, the millionaire was even guarded by a local police officer on behalf of the local authorities, and she and her husband found no other use for the money than to drink it away and give it away to all the friends and “relatives” who suddenly appeared. One of the eyewitnesses of that story said that as soon as the millionaire appeared on the street, her neighbors immediately ran to her and vying with each other to praise her. And she smiled back, saying, do you want money? And then she threw thousand-dollar bills at the sycophants.

As a result, the fairy tale ended sadly for the millionaire cleaning lady: after deducting taxes on her winnings and buying a three-room apartment, she simply drank herself to death.

In addition, the Novosibirsk Lotteries clarified that the lucky winner will have to pay a tax of 13% on the winnings received - i.e. more than 40 million rubles. This percentage is recorded in latest version The Tax Code is already several years old, noted Alexander from Novosibirsk Lotteries. Before this, more than a third of the winnings had to be given to the state. Moreover, the person who wins the prize will first receive the money, then until April 30 next year will have to enter the winnings into the declaration and only after that - before July 1, 2017 - pay the tax.

It is unlikely that it will be easy for a lucky person to divert this money from taxes, for example, to offshores. Technically, this is possible, says Olesya Nekrasova, regional manager at BCS Ultima, but this requires high legal literacy or painstaking work financial specialists.

“You immediately need to understand where and how this money will work. You need to choose products or invest money in real estate. That is, you need to do preliminary work to compile a certain investment portfolio... Now the legislation is being tightened not only in Russia, but also in other countries, and any incorrect payments can incur up to a 100% fine of the transfer amount,” Nekrasova explained.

Post this a large sum, for example, on a Swiss bank account, will also not be easy. To do this, you at least need to know well English language, come to Switzerland in person and have, among other things, an impeccable reputation, which the bank will definitely check.

Ilya Kalinin

A resident of Novosibirsk won 300 million rubles in the lottery. This is reported on the distributor's website state lotteries in Russia "Stoloto". Such a large prize was won for the first time at Gosloto “4 out of 20”. The winner purchased his ticket on the website for 100 rubles. After receiving the winnings, the winner is required to pay taxes in the amount of 13 percent of the winnings and as a result will receive 261 million rubles.

AiF.ru talks about other big lottery wins in Russia.

2017 - 364 million rubles.

This win was recognized as a record for Russia. The ticket cost the owner 700 rubles. The winner has not yet claimed his rightful winnings.

2016 - 358 million rubles.

In March 2016, a resident of Novosibirsk won 358 million rubles in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery. The winner took part in three editions. His lucky bet, which he made at one of the city's lottery kiosks, cost 1,800 rubles. The 47-year-old doctor only applied for his winnings a few weeks later. He came to collect his winnings with his best friend. After receiving the prize, the winner said that he would move to Moscow, buy a big house and develop his own business, as well as help someone who needs financial support.

2015 - 126 million rubles.

On May 29, 2015, a resident of the Kaliningrad region won a super prize equal to 126,925,038 rubles. The 37-year-old engineer said he would use the money to build a house and a playground. According to him, he has been interested in lotteries since childhood. Together with his grandfather, he bought tickets and dreamed of becoming famous throughout the country as a lottery winner.

In the same year, during the drawing, more than 200 million rubles were divided between residents of the Murmansk region and the Stavropol Territory, who guessed 6 numbers out of 45. A resident of the Murmansk region won 102,293,526 rubles, while his bet was 2.8 thousand rubles. A lottery participant from the Stavropol Territory won 101,587,947 rubles, his bet was 1.8 thousand rubles.

2014 - 202 million rubles.

On August 9, 2014, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod won 202,441,116 rubles. The winner came to claim his winnings only a month later. Comment your incredible luck in the form of the largest win in the country, he refused, citing a state of shock.

At the beginning of 2014, during the super prize drawing, a resident of Omsk received 184,513,482 rubles. Mine happy ticket he bought it at one of the retail outlets and placed a multi-circulation bid worth 810 rubles. He planned to use the prize to buy a large house near the water in a country with a warm climate.

2013 - 121 million rubles.

On June 1, 2013, in the 585th draw, the super prize equal to 121,835,582 rubles was shared by two participants: a resident of Perm, Valery (60,917,821 rubles), and a resident of Volgograd, Olga (61,518,163 rubles). Valery purchased his ticket during a business trip to Sochi. He planned to spend the amount of money he won on his children’s long-standing desire: a big house. Olga also wanted to buy her own home on the Mediterranean Sea.

2012 - 152 million rubles.

On September 18, 2012, in the 477th draw, the super prize equal to 152,723,884 rubles was divided among four participants. They all made an expanded bet: they marked more than 6 numbers on the playing field.

2011 - 135 million rubles.

On December 31, 2011, a super prize equal to 135,198,272 rubles was shared between a pensioner from Pyatigorsk and an entrepreneur from Moscow.

2009 - 100 million rubles.

On March 19, 2009, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg won 100,118,974 rubles in the lottery. No one could overcome his record for more than five years. The owner of the winnings stated that he was going to spend the money on buying a home, a summer house and a car.

A resident of Novosibirsk won a record amount for Russia in the lottery. The bet that the lottery participant made in the 1885 Gosloto “6 out of 45” draw played out. The winnings amounted to 358 million 358 thousand 466 rubles.

“The winner is from Novosibirsk. He placed a bet in retail point cities. The bet cost 1,800 rubles: it was designed for three draws, all 6 fields in the coupon were filled in. Having guessed the combination of the 1885 drawing (11, 13, 45, 42, 1 and 7), the Siberian won a super prize - 358,358,466 rubles,” the organizers of the event say, INTERFAX.RU reports.

The Novosibirsk resident will receive another 100 rubles in addition to the super prize amount, because won another category.

The identity of the lucky winner is still unknown; he has not yet applied for his winnings, said Yulia Gavrishova, head of the press service of the company distributing state lotteries Stoloto, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

It is noted that the winner placed a bet at one of the city’s kiosks, which cost him 1,800 rubles. All six numbers matched winning combination: 11, 13, 45, 42, 1, 7. It is known that the previous record, which was broken by a Novosibirsk resident, was set by a resident of Nizhny Novgorod. In the summer of 2014, he won 202 million 441 thousand rubles.

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