How to draw portraits of Marlin Monroe correctly. Drawing a realistic portrait of Marilyn Monroe

How to draw Marilyn Monroe with a pencil step by step

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) with a pencil step by step. This lesson is very detailed, every step is described.

1. Drawing tools.

Paper. The author uses paper from Hyper Value, also Bristol Board paper is good, drawing on it is faster. The paper should be relatively smooth.
Pencils . I It is very important to use quality pencils. Here are the brands the author uses: Derwent and Staedler Mars Lumographs. They are truly black, which is undoubtedly essential for color saturation, as well as for creating effective and dramatic designs. The author uses a 4B Derwent pencil because... 8B Mars Lumograph does very well in dark and black shades and can be used over Derwent.
Shading Tools. The author uses eyeshadow applicators for this tutorial, because when applied they give a smooth effect, and if desired, you can make a coarser shading. Some people use cotton wool or cloth.


1. Before drawing, your hands must be clean and dry. You can place a cloth or paper under your hand while drawing to avoid grease stains, but this is not convenient and disrupts the proportions. It is better to change the angle of the drawing to a position that is convenient for you.

3. When choosing a picture, do it carefully. Think about what you want to achieve in your work. If you are drawing a picture of a celebrity, choose to make it unusual or traditional. For example, everyone has seen this painting of Marilyn Monroe, and often used it for drawing, so if you find a less popular image, then your drawing will give you new skills and a new level of quality. Glossy magazines - good source. General magazines and photographs are also helpful. It is better not to use newspaper photographs.

3. Drawing a sketch of Marilyn Monroe.

It is important to draw the image in general outline before drawing in small details. Cinematographer Jack Cardiff: "A third-rate artist will draw someone's face with the eyes the same size and in the correct position. But in fact, on human face no two eyes are the same - one will always be smaller than the other, or they will have different shape. A true artist will see this as a real representation of a person’s characteristics.”

The author drew a sketch of Marilyn Monroe by hand, but he says that you can use a grid, building in squares, it is difficult to use, but it works wonders. The author uses circles and ellipses, on the basis of which he built the correct shapes of the main facial features.

Check to see if everything is correct. On at this stage All lines should be drawn with light lines, and also make the shading in a light tone to make your drawing look more realistic.

4.Drawing the background.

When shading and adding details it is important to follow these guidelines:

The direction depends on which hand you draw with. This is used to avoid messing up what you have already drawn. Therefore, they usually start drawing the background first, and less often the hair. If you place fabric or paper under your arm, you don't have to follow this order.
Who draws right hand begins to draw on the left side of the sheet, whoever is left-handed begins to draw on the right. This is the top left corner.

Use a 4B pencil to create mid-tones for the background. Let's do the shading. The author shades with light circular movements, which gradually move in the desired direction. For small parts When shading, you do not need to use circular movements.

After this, you should define the darkest tones. Press the pencil harder as they don't blend very well, and shade lightly as you darken between mid and dark tones.

Make a blend so that the transition between tones is invisible.

Add more dark shade if needed.

Use a soft elastic band, tear off a piece of it and give it this shape:

5. How to draw Marilyn Monroe's hair.

After drawing the background, graphite dust may appear on areas of the drawing that have not yet been painted; this must be erased before you proceed to the next stage of drawing. The only way to draw hair well is to draw it. Use a 4B pencil.

Blend in the direction of your hair.

Add dark tones, drawing individual hairs where needed.

Use an eraser to create highlights on your hair.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) with a pencil step by step. This lesson is very detailed, every step is described.

1. Drawing tools.

Paper. The author uses paper from Hyper Value, also Bristol Board paper is good, drawing on it is faster. The paper should be relatively smooth.
Pencils . I It is very important to use quality pencils. Here are the brands the author uses: Derwent and Staedler Mars Lumographs. They are truly black, which is undoubtedly essential for color saturation, as well as for creating effective and dramatic designs. The author uses a 4B Derwent pencil because... 8B Mars Lumograph does very well in dark and black shades and can be used over Derwent.
Shading Tools. The author uses eyeshadow applicators for this tutorial, because when applied they give a smooth effect, and if desired, you can make a coarser shading. Some people use cotton wool or cloth.


1. Before drawing, your hands must be clean and dry. You can place a cloth or paper under your hand while drawing to avoid grease stains, but this is not convenient and disrupts the proportions. It is better to change the angle of the drawing to a position that is convenient for you.

3. When choosing a picture, do it carefully. Think about what you want to achieve in your work. If you are drawing a picture of a celebrity, choose to make it unusual or traditional. For example, everyone has seen this painting of Marilyn Monroe, and often used it for drawing, so if you find a less popular image, then your drawing will give you new skills and a new level of quality. Glossy magazines are a good source. General magazines and photographs are also helpful. It is better not to use newspaper photographs.

3. Drawing a sketch of Marilyn Monroe.

It is important to sketch the image in general terms before drawing in fine details. Cinematographer Jack Cardiff: "A third-rate artist will draw someone's face with the eyes the same size and in the correct position. But in fact, no two eyes on the human face are the same - one will always be smaller than the other, or they will have a different shape. A true artist will see this as a real representation of a person’s characteristics.”

The author drew a sketch of Marilyn Monroe by hand, but he says that you can use a grid, building in squares, it is difficult to use, but it works wonders. The author uses circles and ellipses, on the basis of which he built the correct shapes of the main facial features.

Check to see if everything is correct. At this stage, all lines should be drawn with light lines, and also make the shading in a light tone to make your drawing look more realistic.

4.Drawing the background.

When shading and adding details it is important to follow these guidelines:

The direction depends on which hand you draw with. This is used to avoid messing up what you have already drawn. Therefore, they usually start drawing the background first, and less often the hair. If you place fabric or paper under your arm, you don't have to follow this order.
Those who draw with their right hand begin to draw on the left side of the sheet, those who are left-handed begin to draw on the right. This is the top left corner.

Use a 4B pencil to create mid-tones for the background. Let's do the shading. The author shades with light circular movements, which gradually move in the desired direction. For small details, when shading, you do not need to use circular movements.

After this, you should define the darkest tones. Press the pencil harder as they don't blend very well, and shade lightly as you darken between mid and dark tones.

Make a blend so that the transition between tones is invisible.

Add more dark shade if needed.

Use a soft elastic band, tear off a piece of it and give it this shape:

5. How to draw Marilyn Monroe's hair.

After drawing the background, graphite dust may appear on areas of the drawing that have not yet been painted; this must be erased before you proceed to the next stage of drawing. The only way to draw hair well is to draw it. Use a 4B pencil.

Blend in the direction of your hair.

Add dark tones, drawing individual hairs where needed.

Use an eraser to create highlights on your hair.

Now we need to add more light and shadow.

Draw another part of the hair using the same principle.

6. How to draw skin.

The use of eyeshadow applicators is necessary to shade areas of the skin, this allows you to create a transparent, glowing effect. Draw the middle tones on the forehead.

Blend with the applicator in a circular motion.

If some areas are too dark, erase them.

Blend to even out the transitions.

Here is a portrait of Marilyn Monroe at this stage.

This is a continuation of the lesson “How to draw Merlin Mongo”, see part 1.

7. How to draw.

To begin, apply shadows and shade the eyebrow using a 4B pencil.

Let's draw individual hairs in the eyebrows.

Using an eraser, highlight the light areas.

Now we draw the eyelid and sub-brow space.

Let's add eyelashes.

Using a 4B pencil, shade the iris and lightly the white. It can also be used for cotton swab with graphite.

Use an eraser to highlight light areas. Make sure that the reflection in the pupil is really white. Draw the pupil with a softer pencil.

Take the 4B pencil again. Lightly shade under the eye. Be careful with the lash line.

Draw the lower eyelashes.

Blend the skin under your eyes.

Portrait of Marilyn Monroe at this stage.

8. Drawing.

It is very difficult to depict a nose; it requires a separate lesson, because if it is depicted incorrectly, it violates the proportion of the entire picture. use a 4c pencil for midtones.


We remove the excess with an elastic band.

Use a 4B pencil to add dark areas. We extinguish and wash where necessary.

Add more shadows.

And we do the lightest areas with an elastic band.

Let's draw realistic portrait Marilyn Monroe

"A truly fantastic tutorial that will teach you how to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe with a simple pencil. Each step of the lesson is well explained and commented on, and is also very detailed, but it requires a lot of patience."
I generally use £1 paper from Hyper Value, but I've heard more than once that Bristol Board is better. I recently started using it and it's really good. Drawing on it takes much faster. If you don't have access to a good art store, try to find paper that is at least 135gsm and is relatively smooth.
I can't stress enough the importance of having high quality pencils. I find Derwent to be definitely the best. I also use Staedler Mars Lumographs. They are truly black, which is essential for color saturation, as well as for creating effective and dramatic designs. I use the 4B derwent pencil as it is soft enough for blending and picks up light and medium shades very well. Mars Lumograph (of which I use 8B) produces darks and blacks and can be used over Derwent.
Shading Tools
To hide pencil lines, you need several shading tools. I use eyeshadow applicators because they give a really smooth, almost sheer result, and can also do a coarser blend if desired. I've also heard of people using cotton wool and cloths. In this tutorial I will be using eyeshadow applicators.
I think a regular eraser is useless for drawing. My favorite is WH Smith's erasers. (Don't buy anything else from this company for art - especially pencils - they are terrible.)

Make sure your hands are clean and dry before you start drawing. You can place a cloth under your hand while drawing to prevent oils from your skin from getting onto the paper, but I find this awkward. From my experience, it's better not to do this. This breaks the proportions. It is better to change the angle of the drawing to a position that is convenient for you. To take your time away, I recommend watching TV while drawing. If you are drawing a celebrity, watch the programs where they participate, this will give a better understanding of their characteristics. When choosing a picture, do it carefully. Think about what you want to achieve with your work. If you are drawing a picture of a celebrity, choose to make it unusual or traditional. For example, everyone has seen this picture of Marilyn Monroe, and often used it for drawing, so if you find a less popular image, then your drawing will give you new skills and a new level of quality. Glossy magazines are a good source. General magazines and photographs are also helpful. It is better not to use newspaper photographs. The image I chose:
I know the photo is not high quality, that's because it was too big to scan, so I took a photo of it, but you need to find it in good quality to get excellent results.


It is important to sketch the image in general terms before drawing in fine details. I skipped this step so my drawing suffered because of it.
Cinematographer Jack Cardiff: "A third-rate artist will draw someone's face with the eyes the same size and in the correct position. But in fact, no two eyes on a human face are the same - one will always be smaller than the other, or they will have a different shape. A real artist will see this is to truly reflect the characteristics of a person.” This is my sketch:

I drew this by hand, but if you need to, use a grid. I know it's difficult to use, but it works wonders. To be sure of the correctness of the process, I used circles and ellipses, and from these I built the correct shapes of the main objects.

This is what the basic shapes should look like.
You can easily see what needs to be changed to get the correct shapes.
You can make sure everything is accurate by looking at the relative measurements.

At this level, all lines drawn should be light. Apply light shadows to make your drawing look more realistic.

When shading and adding details it is important to follow these guidelines:

Which direction you use depends on which hand you're drawing with (this is used to avoid messing up what you've already drawn). Therefore, they usually start drawing the background first (less often, the hair). If you place the fabric under your arm, you don't have to follow this order.
Since I'm right-handed, I'll start at the top left corner.

First of all, shade the middle tones of the background with a 4c pencil.

Now we remove the pencil lines by shading with the tool you are using. I blend with light circular movements that gradually move in the desired direction. For small details, when shading, you do not need to use circular movements.

After this, you should define the darkest tones. Press the pencil harder as they don't blend very well, and shade lightly as you darken between mid and dark tones.

Blend again so that the transition between tones is invisible.

And add more black if necessary.

Use a soft elastic band, tear off a part of it and give it this shape:

Next, use the pointed part to highlight the light parts of the background. Wipe down the shading areas if necessary. Here's what I got:

After drawing the background, dust from graphite may appear on areas of the drawing that have not yet been painted. It needs to be erased before you continue painting. The only way to draw hair well is to draw it individually for each work.

Apply midtones with a 4c pencil.

Blend in the direction of your hair.

Add dark tones, drawing individual hairs where needed.

Use an elastic band to shine your hair.

Now we need to add more light and shadow.

This is what part of the drawn hair looks like.
The use of eyeshadow applicators is necessary to shade areas of the skin, this allows you to create a transparent, glowing effect.

Drawing midtones

Blend with the applicator in a circular motion.

If some areas are too dark, erase them.

Blend to even out the transitions.

Eyes and eyebrows
The eyes are perhaps the most important part of a portrait.

To begin, apply shadows and shade the eyebrow using a 4c pencil.

Let's draw individual hairs in the eyebrows

Use an eraser to highlight light areas

Now we draw the eyelid and sub-brow space

Let's add eyelashes

Using a 4c pencil, shade the iris and lightly shade the white. You can also use a cotton swab with graphite for this.

Use an eraser to highlight light areas. Make sure the glare in the pupil is really white.

Take the 4c ​​pencil again. Lightly shade under the eye. Be careful with the lash line.

Draw the lower eyelashes

Blend the skin under your eyes

This is what it looks like
It is very difficult to depict a nose; it requires a separate lesson, because if it is depicted incorrectly, it violates the proportion of the entire picture.

Pencil 4c for midtones


Use an elastic band to remove excess

Use a 4c pencil to add dark areas. We extinguish and erase where necessary

Adding more shadows

And we do the lightest areas with an elastic band

This is what happened.
Lips are very difficult to draw. They are different for everyone and require different techniques.

We draw shadows and midtones of the upper lip with a 4c pencil


Use an elastic band to add shine to your lips

Slightly darken the places where we went with an eraser. Using the applicator, lightly knead the teeth

Add the lines of the teeth, starting with the upper ones and ending with the lower ones.

Darken between the teeth and draw the lower lip


Wipe off all the dust where the earrings should be. Then draw the outline with a 4c pencil

Drawing in dark areas

Using a rubber band to add shine to diamonds

We're already finishing
Finishing touches
I didn't draw the necklace so I had to trim the picture because the neck seemed too long.


    Before your eyes, most likely it will be necessary to put a portrait of the great actress(unless you are a professional, of course!)... I suggest this photo:

    First we draw an image of Marilyn Monroe in general terms.

    We use both a grid and a square construction for this purpose.

    Now we draw the hair, forehead, shade the drawn tones.

    Draw the nose, second eye and skin on the cheeks.

    Now lips and teeth. Again, draw and shade everything well!

    At the end, you will need to draw the singer’s diamond earrings, shade and darken them.

    The portrait of Marilyn Monroe is ready!

    It will be easy to draw the icon of beauty of the twentieth century, the famous Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe, using step-by-step photo diagrams presented below.

    Drawing of Marilyn Monroe We will do it with a simple pencil on thick drawing paper.

    You can take a semi-soft TM or HB pencil for drawing a drawing, but for tonal elaboration you will need to take a more soft pencil or even stylus. An eraser will be needed to correct mistakes and to add light accents and highlights at the final stage of work.

    Let's start drawing a portrait of Marilyn Monroe by marking the main mass of the face with a circle and adding the lower part of the face, drawing the central axis of symmetry and outlining the horizontal lines of the eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, as in the photo below.

    Let's start working out the details with the eyes and eyebrows, move on to the nose and lips, draw the entire oval of the face and hair.

    A professional artist works in this master class. he is confident in the result, so he immediately works through the tone.

    We will do it differently and complete the linear work first, only then starting to work with tone.

    Creative inspiration!

    Marilyn Monroe is a real beauty, which managed to win fame and love from the audience. She was able to create her own own image, which distinguishes her from other popular people. Many girls are still trying to imitate the beautiful Marilyn Monroe. You can draw it very simply using the following images:

    Marilyn Monroe is not a girl, but a dream! Despite the fact that more than a dozen years have passed since she shone on the horizon of films, the image of Marilyn Monroe, which was created by the once modest Norma Jeanne, continues to excite and attract attention. I liked this one step by step drawing, which depicts this star:

    Who doesn't know the famous Marilyn Monroe? This woman still remains recognizable and loved by many fans. Drawing her portrait is not so easy. To do this you need to have certain skills and abilities. However, with some persistence and patience, you can achieve quite good results. In order to depict Marilyn Monroe, you need to draw an oval, divided into parts. With the help of these parts it will be possible to correctly position her nose, eyes, and mouth. Next, you will need to complete some details and the portrait will be ready.

    To draw the famous Marilyn Monroe, prepare a simple pencil, white paper and an eraser.

    Drawing a silhouette of a woman - sketch.

    We detail Marilyn Monroe's dress and hairstyle.

    We detail Monroe's face, hands, and dress.

    We shade the dress and remove all excess with an elastic band.

    The drawing was made from this photo.

    Good luck with your creativity!

    I can offer a few very simple sketches that depict Marilyn Monroe. They are simple, but the features of this particular woman are clearly visible in them. The main thing is to draw sensual lips, eyes and a charming mole.

If you have been “friends” with us for quite some time, you have probably noticed that we do not make promises that we cannot keep. Not so long ago, we studied with you and even her, and we informed you that soon you will have another lesson related to this legendary woman. And today we are keeping our promise. We shall be together learn to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe step by step. The wonderful singer and actress deserves due attention from us.

Step 1.

As in any other lesson, we start by drawing a vertical oval and drawing facial lines.

Step 2.

Using the guide lines, we will outline the shape of her face and draw a curly curl.

Step 3.

Using the same front lines, we let's draw Marilyn upper eyelids and neat eyelashes on them. The lines of the eyelids should be wide enough so as not to stand out from general concept her image.

Step 4.

Now we have to draw the eyebrows, followed by the eyes, which need to be finished. Also at this stage we draw the nose with a button and a sign of a mole above the lip.

Step 5.

Let's draw Marilyn's plump lips, which are slightly parted, and move on.

Step 6.

When starting the sixth stage, it is important to understand that first we need to draw the ears, and only then start drawing Marilyn’s curly locks. We also recommend drawing several lines to emphasize the fullness of her hairstyle.

Step 7

We're almost done. All that remains is to draw a long neck and outline the shoulders.

Step 8

That's all. Learn to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe step by step it was simple and fast. Once your skills at this are honed, you can teach others, so don't forget: the more you draw, the better your drawings will turn out. So never stop learning for a moment. And if you take a break, then find the strength to draw again, despite the failures.

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