As buzovoy it became bad. Olga Buzova felt ill during a performance in St. Petersburg

Famous TV presenter, and now singer Olga Buzova, took part in the Big Love Show festival. The beauty performed two super hits: “To the sounds of kisses” and “I’m getting used to it.” Flying onto the stage in a snow-white trouser suit in the company of four dancers, Olga said: “Hello, my favorite city!” The audience greeted their favorite with applause, and the twelve thousand-strong Ice Palace of St. Petersburg sang her songs in the voice.

Despite the fact that Olga is now going through a difficult period in her life after a divorce, she is holding up well and plunges headlong into her work. Buzova sings so well that she reached the first lines of the hit parade, but it seems that this is not enough for her. She decided to make a mini-show out of her performance.

// Photo: Mikhail Sadchikov Jr.

Behind the snow-white suit in which she alternately jumps and dances, many did not notice Olga’s silver stilettos – an obvious new thing from a famous designer, which Buzova had not yet had time to properly “break in”. During her performance, she pointed out these shoes to the dancers several times. When the first song ended, Olga opened her jacket and trousers with an elegant movement, after which she remained in a lace red bodysuit. Towards the end of the second number, she turned to one of the dancers, whispering something in his ear.

Then Olga approached him, and the athletic guy dashingly picked up the fragile girl, carrying her in his arms to the stairs leading to the stage. All this was done to music. Therefore, some viewers did not even realize that the St. Petersburg woman had fainted. However, Buzova’s fans began to worry about their idol.

// Photo: Mikhail Sadchikov Jr.

Olga came to her senses for a few minutes, and the StarHit correspondent saw her rubbing her sore legs. That evening, the star decided to ignore communication with journalists: pulling the hood over her head, she then rushed past, limping.

In her microblog, Olga Buzova thanked her fans for their support and apologized for being overwhelmed with emotions. By the way, the star previously admitted that she was very nervous before the performance. "Momy palms are covered, my legs are giving way, my heart is beating so hard that I can hear it beating,” she shared.

TV presenter Olga Buzova, who recently separated from her husband Dmitry Tarasov, became ill during a concert on the Dom-2 show.

Photo: DR

For almost two months now, fans of Olga Buzova have been worried about the condition of their favorite. After the news of her breakup with football player Dmitry Tarasov, the TV presenter plunged headlong into work and seemed to have driven herself to exhaustion. The night before during recording New Year's concert On the Dom-2 project, Olga almost lost consciousness.

After performing the hit “To the Sound of Kisses,” the girl felt bad and almost fainted. The TV personality was literally carried off the stage by young people from the backup dancers. A little later, the TV presenter explained her condition on Instagram.

“We rehearsed in very difficult conditions. It should have turned out even better, but due to health reasons, we had difficulty recording 2 takes. Excuse me. I overestimated my strength a little...” Olga apologized to the fans.

She also clarified that full version Viewers will be able to see the performances on the air of the project on December 30 at 23.00. In the meantime, you can only find a video on the Internet that captures an unpleasant incident involving the star.

On December 26, the filming of “Christmas with Grigory Leps” ended, where our pop stars, including Philip Kirkorov, Polina Gagarina, Ani Lorak, hastened to participate.

Olga Buzova also had the honor of singing her song. The singer managed to post photos from the concert shoot, and fans were impatiently awaiting the broadcast on Christmas Day, January 7th. What a surprise it was when their favorite was simply cut off the air!

Deputy Vadim Manukyan decided to comment on this matter. He decided that this incident was connected with the censorship law being discussed, thanks to Dmitry Bilan: “Bilan proposed introducing censorship if the performance and lyrics of the song do not meet the specified criteria. In fact, some kind of censorship already existed. And Buzova is not her only victim. But Olga at least noted on social networks that she performed at the concert. Therefore, it is impossible to hide the fact that she participated there. Here before the stars they fought for “a place on TV,” because if you weren’t shown, then it was as if you didn’t exist.”

Next, the deputy began to talk about how social networks influence current stars: “Now there is no need to “break through” to television screens; you can maintain popularity through social networks. As for Buzova, the channels are interested in her, not she in the channels.”

Meanwhile, this is Olga's second Christmas performance that has been cut. At the first, Olga presented the song “Few Halves,” but the management of Channel One decided not to show the performance.

As for the singer herself, she admitted that she felt bad during the filming, and even had to call an ambulance and put on an IV. It’s all because Olya works a lot and doesn’t eat enough—she ate one sandwich the whole evening. Of course, Channel One acted unfairly, because the concert received part of the PR precisely because the fans were expecting the performance of their favorite.

Olga Buzova feels like a world diva. Former member reality show gave a concert on a Hollywood scale. New concert at one of the most prestigious venues in Moscow cost the TV star 30 million rubles.

- This is not just a concert. This is a real show with a certain idea, concept, with my mood,- says Olga Buzova.

But Olga Buzova was received differently. Some joyfully danced to her rhythms in the fan zone, while others attacked her with angry criticism.

Almost eight thousand people came to listen to Olga! IN auditorium It was a full house, but the VIP area was half empty. The VIPs that Olga was looking forward to never showed up. Alla Pugacheva with her husband Maxim Galkin, Philip Kirkorov and Andrei Malakhov referred to urgent matters and did not come to honor Olga Buzova with their attention.

“The order was given to him to the west, to her in the other direction,” Philip Kirkorov jokes when asked by Secular Chronicle.

-You looked atYouTube her show? Did you like it?

— I’m not very friendly with the Internet. I barely mastered Instagram. In general, I think this is evil!

But the stars came to appreciate the talent former colleagues on reality shows, with whom she did not have the warmest relationship: Ksenia Borodina and Alena Vodonaeva. Another outrageous participant in “House 2,” Rustam Solntsev, did not go to the concert, but expressed his opinion.

- Olga, now I’m your fan too. I especially liked your descent on a rope in shorts and a curtain. I really want to be loved and adored. Plus these famous faces. Are you sure that they love you as sincerely as me or, for example, Kolya Dolzhansky? Everyone knows about your conflict and this conflict has not gone away.

In pursuit, Rustam posted a fragment of Buzova’s concert online and openly laughed at her.

Many were amazed by the performance when Olga, with the help of invisible cables, soared above auditorium like a bird. This trick cost her almost a million rubles!

— There was no insurance. “What are you saying, how can you rise to such a great height?” And without insurance. The first thing the parents said was: “What are you doing to us, daughter?”- says Olga Buzova.

Many publications called Buzova’s show an outright failure.

— The number of people in the hall is not always identical to the number of tickets sold. Because a visual sell-out is good, but they are not always sold out, there are a lot of invitations. The average price there is about three thousand rubles, so the cost could be around 20 million rubles. We see that even the production costs did not even pay off. Well, okay, this is an advertisement for her, explains in a commentary to the program “ Gossip column» columnist Alexey Ostudin.

It turns out that the net loss was ten million rubles, but Olga can afford it. The singer ranks sixth in Forbes magazine with an income of almost four million dollars. Buzova was even ahead of Ksenia Sobchak!

“The worst thing for me is to dance.” Because I have no problems with vocals,- Buzova proudly declares.

Popular actor and blogger Stanislav Sadalsky also paid attention to Buzova’s concert. He also posted a photo from the artist’s performance and published a large indignant comment under it.

“Everything is possible in our country... A girl who can’t sing, doesn’t have a voice, and doesn’t dance well, has become a singer on a universal scale. She should be given a Grammy.

Despite the substantial loss and angry statements from envious people and haters, Olga was satisfied with her show. And immediately after it she went to an after-party in one of the most expensive restaurants in the capital, where she sang all her songs as an encore!

Channel Five previously reported that his mistress and his illegitimate daughter criticized the singer's relatives.

Corporate parties, busy work at Dom-2, recording an album and filming a video - the 31-year-old TV presenter has almost no time left for sleep and especially rest. The girl repeatedly consulted doctors because of feeling unwell, and just before the New Year, Buzova, who had lost consciousness, was completely taken away from film set. Doctors never tire of repeating: the schedule is too busy, it is necessary to slow down. However, Buzova is in no hurry to listen to the advice of doctors, declaring in her interviews that she will rest in retirement.

At a concert in St. Petersburg dedicated to the upcoming Valentine's Day, Olga Buzova needed emergency medical intervention. During the performance of the hit “To the Sound of Kisses,” the singer felt dizzy and her eyes darkened. The dancers barely had time to catch the girl who was losing her balance. The show's headliner had to finish singing the song in the arms of the men, who carried her to the dressing room, where Olga received medical assistance. According to the singer’s representative, everything is fine with her now, but doctors have prescribed the artist strict bed rest.

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