Irina Saltykova's daughter at the factory. The sixth concert of the “New Star Factory”: rap from Keti Topuria, Sobchak’s provocations and the departure of Saltykov’s daughter

The heiress of Viktor Saltykov, Anna Moon (the girl took this pseudonym) became one of the 16 participants " New Factory stars." However, few people know that at the last stage the artist wanted to abandon the show. "But I convinced her that she would make a huge mistake. People, of course, will not believe that the girl got caught on her own. How is it with us? If you are someone's child, then you were pushed through. But I didn’t know about her intentions until the third stage of the qualifying round, honestly!” said Viktor Saltykov.


On a television project, father and daughter have already sung a duet. However, according to Saltykov, the producers suggested this idea to him, and Anna was not particularly enthusiastic about it. “Anya wants independence. While studying in England, her daughter has excellently improved her language and speaks English fluently. She also writes her own songs in a foreign language. And once I even heard the following: “Dad, I hope I will never sing in Russian.” Now let’s see how he sings,” quotes popular artist Starhit.

According to the rules of the show, Saltykov’s daughter now lives without any means of communication. "We can only talk if we can get through to the landline internal telephone star house. It turned out that immediately after filming the concert, the guys were put on a bus and taken to a rented mansion in the Moscow region, and at the entrance they took away all their gadgets. I can understand how she feels there, how she communicates with the guys, from the diaries - reports that are shown on TV three times a day,” the singer said.

Let us recall that daughter Anna was born in Viktor Saltykov’s second marriage with Irina Metlina. For the past few years, the performer's heiress has been studying in the UK at a music academy. As a student, Anna started her own blog on YouTube. She posted songs there and communicated with subscribers. Viktor Saltykov admitted: “Since we were far from each other, I got used to seeing her more often on the monitor than in person.”

" The audience met 16 project participants, among whom there were young singers who needed no introduction. For example, 21-year-old Anya Moon decided to compete for victory in the “New Star Factory”. True, Moon is the girl’s pseudonym. Anya – youngest daughter of a retro star Viktor Saltykov.

Last few years Anya Moon lived in London. According to the girl, people often tell her that she is completely unsuited to life in real world, always has his head in the clouds. Anya believes very much in the power of consciousness and in the fact that a person attracts to himself what he is. He has been singing since childhood, simply because he cannot help but sing. Writes songs to tell his story. He believes that the most important thing for an artist is to have his own unique style. By the way, in the first reporting concert"New Star Factory" Anya Moon sang in a duet with a singer who, without a doubt, has unique style. Saltykov’s daughter appeared on stage with Anna Sedokova, and together the two beauties performed the composition “Universe”.

Anya Moon with her father Viktor Saltykov

Anna is the daughter of Viktor Saltykov, born in the artist’s second marriage. As you know, Victor’s first wife was singer Irina Saltykova, with whom a daughter, Alisa, appeared in the union in 1987. Saltykov's second wife was Irina Metlina, who gave him two children: daughter Anna (born in 1995) and son Svyatoslav (born in 2008).

Let us recall that the project “New Star Factory”, of which Viktor Saltykov’s daughter Anna became a participant, began with grand concert. Young singers sang with already recognized stars. The presenter of the project, Ksenia Sobchak, admitted from the stage that, while watching the filming, she herself began to think about whether she should take up vocals. “Today I was so inspired by the incredible atmosphere that reigned on the set that I even turned to Viktor Yakovlevich ( music producer“New Star Factory” Viktor Drobysh. - Note ed.) with a proposal to write a song for me...” said the presenter. However, most likely, Sobchak about his singing career joked, as well as about the dress in which she led the concert dedicated to the opening of the “Factory”. Ksenia came to mind comparing the bright red outfit with sparkling sequins to a firefighter beetle.

After filming the first reporting concert, 16 participants of the “New Star Factory” moved into the “star house” - a 2-story mansion near Moscow with an area of ​​1500 square meters, under the roof of which they will have to spend 16 weeks in a row, 120 days under the sights of 42 cameras 24 hours a day. They can expect: vocal classes, choreography, acting, dancing, fitness, work with stylists and makeup artists, master classes with stars, work in a recording studio - everything a young aspiring artist needs to know.

Anya Moon and Anna Sedokova at the first reporting concert of the show “New Star Factory”

Anya Moon and Anna Sedokova. Show "New Star Factory"

Anya Moon (Saltykova) is a Russian singer, participant in the show “New Star Factory” by Viktor Drobysh.

Anya Moon's childhood and youth

Anya Saltykova was born on September 2, 1995 in Moscow, in the family of performer Viktor Saltykov and his second wife, linguist Irina Metlina. Anya has a brother Svyatoslav, who is 13 years younger than the girl.

The girl grew up in a creative atmosphere - as a child, Anya attended theater studio, where she studied music and acting. However, the studio classes did not inspire Anya too much, but she always liked singing on stage.

At some point, Anya, perhaps wanting to follow her own path and gain independence from big name father, decided to connect her life with fashion and entered the London University of the Arts. However, the girl soon hated studying at a fashionable university.

“I didn’t have enough time to just pick up a guitar. Only then did I realize how much I missed what I used to do.”

As a result, Anya gave up fashion and entered a music university. Her parents approved of her choice. Viktor Saltykov, who never understood Anya’s passion for fashion, was especially pleased with his daughter’s step, but did not dare to go against the girl’s wishes.

Anya lived in England for a total of four years. According to the girl, for the first 2.5 years she felt complete euphoria from what was happening, but then she really missed Russia. But her studies allowed her to learn English perfectly and compose her own songs in this language.

Creativity of Anya Moon

The girl began introducing viewers to her work back in 2015, through blogs on her YouTube channel and Instagram page. Mostly the girl talked about her life in London and trips abroad, but sometimes she posted cover versions famous songs, accompanying himself on the guitar.

Many of her covers eventually ended up in the popular community on YouTube “Best covers” - it was from there that Internet users learned about Anya.

By that time, the girl was already performing under the pseudonym Moon. Later, Anya said that the idea for the nickname came to her in a dream.

In the fall of 2015, Anna took part in vocal competition“My Chance” won many hearts of fans of good music.

Anya Moon at the Star Factory

In mid-2017, Ani’s friend told the girl about the casting for vocal show"New Star Factory" By serendipity, Moon had just arrived from England and did not yet understand what she was going to do next. As a child, Anya was a fan of “Factory”, so there was no doubt about whether to attend the casting or not.

"New Star Factory". Anya Moon and Viktor Saltykov - The leaves have flown away

Anya recalls that she hardly prepared for the auditions - she was subconsciously confident that she would pass the selection. As a result, Moon became one of the participants in the project, which started on September 2, 2017 on the MUZ-TV channel.

Anya Moon - Taboo. New Star Factory

At the first reporting concert, the girl had a number with her father. The Saltykovs performed lyrical song"The leaves have flown away." In the following weeks, Anya was lucky enough to perform with such famous performers, How " Ivanushki International", Emin, Denis Klyaver and Anna Sedokova. On October 14, Anya Moon, who was nominated for the second time, left the show: the audience saved Rada Boguslavskaya, and the participants saved Guzel Khasanova.

Personal life of Anya Moon

In London, Anya had a young man named Josh. How their relationship developed after Anya returned to her homeland is unknown.

At the project, many spectators and the manufacturers themselves noticed that between Anya and the participant

Alisa Saltykova is the daughter of singers Viktor and Irina Saltykova, famous in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century. The girl, like her parents, became a singer. However, unlike her star parents, she prefers much harder music. Information about Alisa Saltykova: date of birth, biography and others Interesting Facts- collected in the article. Let's talk about it.

Alisa Saltykova: biography

Alice was born on December 7, 1987 in the star family of the participant musical group"Electroclub" by Viktor Saltykov and the popular Russian singer Irina Saltykova. But after being married for about 10 years, the couple decided to separate. The girl remained to live with her mother, and Victor became her “Sunday dad,” however, the periods between Sunday meetings with her father could be up to six months.

So after her parents’ divorce, Alice did not see her father for a long time. Victor didn't support ex-family financially, he was not looking for a meeting with his daughter, he was a dad only in name. Alisa Saltykova experienced the divorce of her parents for a very long time and hard. The reason for this was also the fact that ex-spouses After parting for a long time, they continued to sort things out on various television programs in front of a multimillion-dollar public.

Girl's achievements

When Alice graduated from 9th grade, she left the country and started new life in France. There the girl studied at an international school, then moved to a Swiss city called Versoix, where she received an international bachelor's degree at a boarding school. After that for a long time she lived in London. Here Alisa received two degrees, simultaneously studying at the drama department and studying the basics of vocals. Saltykova Jr. speaks 3 languages: Russian, English and French.

As a profession, Alisa Saltykova (photos of the girl are presented in the article) chose the career of a singer. She writes her own songs English language, and, according to stylist Alisher, who created new image for Saltykova Sr. and Pugacheva, “has a low jazz voice - almost like Toni Braxton.” A girl performs under the pseudonym Alisa.

Relationship with father

On this moment Alisa Saltykova analyzed the whole situation with her parents’ divorce and no longer holds a grudge against Victor. She didn’t communicate with her dad for a long time, but now their relationship has improved. The girl supports them with Victor and his family.

Of course, Saltykov loves his eldest daughter, but as he himself has repeatedly admitted, with a different love, different from the feelings that he has for his younger children.

Alisa Saltykova - daughter of Irina Saltykova

According to the girl herself, her life is based on 3 important things: work, sports and her beloved pet. The daughter of the stars of the Russian pop scene is not yet thinking about marriage and her children.

The girl spends most of her time in the capital of Great Britain. Irina Saltykova bought and furnished it for her daughter two-room apartment. Alice's home is located in west London, almost near the Chelsea Bridge. To the capital of Russia to visit my mother and visit my father with new family the girl does not come very often, and if she does appear in Moscow, she travels exclusively in her personal Mercedes.

In London, Alice produces concerts and theatrical productions. Not long ago she recorded a single for Irina and came up with a new image for her. The girl dreams that her mother will appear serious in a new way adult woman, and not in the usual glamorous appearance.

By appearance Alice is the complete opposite of her famous mother. A natural blonde, she dyes her hair dark color, loves boxing and periodically decorates his body with various tattoos. However, it is worth noting that these are not small girlish butterflies or flowers located in intimate places, and impressively sized thematic tattoos that are made on the girl’s arms and back.

Unlike Irina, Alisa does not wear sexy dresses or stilettos; in her clothes she prefers sweaters, jeans and comfortable shoes.

As for musical preferences, Alisa Saltykova (photo of the singer in the article above) also does not follow her parents’ “pop” path. For herself, the girl chose more heavy music. Irina, as a mother who always supports her daughter in everything, is currently the producer of her daughter’s rock band called “Alice”.

The popular talent show “Star Factory” opened the way to show business not only for ordinary young people talented people, who decided to try their luck on the project, but also the heirs of recognized megastars of the domestic scene. Just remember Stas Piekha, Nikita Malinin, Sofya Kuzmina and other star offspring. New season the project was no exception, and among the participants in the reality show was a charming young singer, 22-year-old Anya Moon, whose Instagram now has almost 18 thousand subscribers. You, of course, will ask who this girl is, what is she famous for, and why did we suddenly include her among the star heirs? But let us tell you everything in order.

Singer Anya Moon, biography

The future performer was born in the Russian capital, in 1995, on September 2, and was the eldest child in the family. The artist has a younger brother, whose name is Svyatoslav. Anya Moon, whose parents instilled in her a love of art from childhood, almost from the cradle dreamed of becoming famous singer. Anya Moon's real name is Anna Saltykova, and her father is rock musician Viktor Saltykov, famous in the 80s and 90s. Even before school, her parents enrolled their heiress in a theater studio, where Anya studied diligently, but she did not particularly enjoy acting didn't receive it. The talented girl liked writing poetry much more, and she also constantly sang songs, no matter what she did. Since childhood, Anna believed that thought is material and set herself up to be positive, and was also confident that she would become famous singer and will succeed. The girl lived in London for more than four years, where she received higher education at one of the prestigious arts universities. Among the graduates of that university there were many nominees for the prestigious Oscar film award. There the girl lived in an ordinary student dormitory, and did not rent separate apartments, and in parallel with her studies, she worked part-time in the fashion industry. However, the beauty, in love with music, at some point decided to give up everything, return back to Moscow and enter a music university. By the way, according to Anya, she never regretted it. The aspiring artist was fascinated by London only at first, but then she began to miss home unbearably.

Singer Anya Moon, “Star Factory”

As we have already noted, Anna was sincerely in love with music since early childhood However, she managed to get into show business as an adult and conscious, when she decided to go to the casting of the “New Star Factory”. The blonde successfully passed the qualifying stage, and the strict jury highly appreciated the vocal abilities of the aspiring singer. At the project, the performer sang the song “Taboo” and immediately won the favor of the audience, who, among other things, also appreciated the girl’s very impressive external data. During her participation in the project, Anya Moon has already managed to sing a duet with the famous pop diva and actress Anna Sedokova, with whom they sang the composition “Universe”. In addition, the aspiring artist also performed with the idols of the 90s, the boy band “Ivanushki International” and their megahit “Clouds”, in which she brilliantly performed the part of the untimely departed vocalist Igor Sorin. But the most unexpected thing was collaboration young performer with her star father Viktor Saltykov. Together they performed a lyrical composition called “Leaves Are Flying Away,” and Anya even accompanied herself on the piano. Note that in one of her interviews the girl admitted that she dreams of performing songs own composition to develop your own special and recognizable style. The singer decided to take a creative pseudonym so as not to be associated with her eminent father. She does not hide that she dreams of becoming famous, and she considers the “New Star Factory” as an excellent launching pad for realizing her ambitions.

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