Game of comic wishes for the New Year. Comic predictions for children and adults

In the process of preparing for the New Year holidays, you need to think about how you will entertain your guests. It will be very boring to drink and eat all the time, but New Year 2018 is a cheerful and kind holiday.

You can hold fun competitions, or you can make funny and humorous predictions for the New Year of the Dog 2018. On this page you will find them. There will be short and funny predictions, in poetry and prose. Be sure to warn your guests that these predictions are of a comic nature.

It is best to present such predictions as follows. Write them on pieces of paper and put them in a container. Guests will take out and read the predictions.

Waiting for you this year
Happiness and peace in everyday life.

And even if the rooster is not a migratory rooster,
A great vacation awaits you!

Don't expect much from the year
Love is enough for you!

May your wish come true this year,
You need to keep your promise!

Waiting for you this year
The road is long, my friend.
You will go through it many times,
From home to work and back!

Wait for a salary increase
Or a new addition to the family!

Fun awaits you at the beginning of the year,
And after that there will only be a binge with a hangover.
So friend, don't yawn
Improve your health!

This year will be busy
Full of things to do, worries, troubles.
To get even with them,
You will have to try!

Find time for love,
But just don't pass by.

Career growth is not coming soon,
But things will go uphill!

Waiting for you on the first
A whole crowd of guests!

Those who like to sleep a lot

A year without surprises awaits again!

You will sleep through all the surprises,

Just don't blame us for that!

The cockroaches in your head will have a very fun year.

Next year your friends will not forget you. You can't forget someone who owes you money.

Next year all your problems will go away. Because even they are bored with you...

Your life next year will be as multifaceted as a glass. Well, you understand…

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your sofa.

Next year you will understand that your inner core is a pain in the ass.

Next year, your body will decide for itself when it sleeps, where it sleeps and with whom it sleeps. Don't contradict him - he knows better!

You will spend your vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.

If you get bored, sing romances. Your finances will always keep you company.

The bad news is you will gain weight. The good news is that the increase will occur in the wallet area.

From a bad habit in the new year
You will definitely get rid of it.
But here's the problem: instead of one
Two new ones will replace them

You will spend your vacation at sea,
You will warm both body and soul.
You spend the entire amount, you get burned five times,
You'll gain six kilograms.

Smile always, smile everywhere,
Smile on land and water!
Fate will repay you for your smiles
A couple of wrinkles and a lot of money!

Either you eat it, or you pump it up,
Or you'll sit in a chair -
Know that next year
You will grow your butt significantly.

If you start kissing
Every day for half an hour,
All dreams will begin to come true.
Life will be filled with miracles!

Have a higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year promises you
Love madness!

If you can, without being lazy,
Plow like a horse on Thursdays
Fate will open the way for you
To big, big money.

If you walk across the field -
You will find money in the field;
When you find the money -
You'll spend it all on a spree

Go around three miles
Talkative hairdresser:
Shreds at random
And he'll cut off your ear!

We need to forget for a year
About cognac, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise you will
In crime reports.

"Dear Colleagues! As a friendly team, we worked for our common corporate cause, and now is the time to relax and celebrate the New Year 2017! We didn’t get enough sleep for a whole year, and even if we did get enough sleep, we didn’t have time to have breakfast. We worked as hard as we could for a whole year, and if we didn’t make any effort, it means we were still sleeping. For a whole year and every month we waited impatiently for our wages, and on that day none of us could sleep. We truly deserve a holiday! May we achieve even more victories over sleep in the New Year, and may a friendly and peaceful atmosphere reign in our team!”

Noise and bustle in our departments

They never stop talking.

The holiday is already underway

And we have a large amount of work.

Time left until the holiday

Just a little and just a little bit

So guys, let's finish

Bend your backs!

And may the year be happy

Let's dig into food

Your charm and beauty are preparing a happy meeting for you in the New Year

After such a delicious New Year's treat, you will be fighting off guests all year

Keep it clean. Wash your hands before eating. If your hands are dirty, you will get contagious diseases.

If you get up early in the new year, you will never be late for work.

This month you will have unexpected guests

It’s as if everyone has conspired - they’ll eat the refrigerator,

They'll drink all the vodka, they'll break the TV,

They will break all your dishes and ruin the kitchen.

Play the lottery this month

The prediction is that you will certainly be lucky

You just need to buy tickets, partially load them into the tanker,

And partly in two carriages, the rest - in a plane.

This month they will lure you to the dacha to have some fun

Swim, drink beer and eat barbecue

Don't believe these stories - they will force you to work there

Better sit at home, drink beer at home!

Or maybe even triplets, or maybe quadruples

And then the state will give you a huge apartment

Flag of honor in both hands and a dun horse!!!

This month the computer won't work as it should

Hit the motherboard hard with your fist.

If it doesn’t help, hit it with a sledgehammer, kick it on the monitor...

You will then explain to your superiors: “She started it first!”

This month the boss will get angry for no reason,

You tell him calmly, looking straight: “THIS IS THE GOAT!”

To top off the arguments, quickly, without sudden movements,

Give him a wastepaper basket like a hat.

And relief will come: A question that has been tormenting for a long time

“Who will be laid off” - It will finally be resolved.

Tonight you will fall asleep at the doorstep,

Forgetting to undress and take off your shoes,

Don't judge yourself harshly in the morning:

The main thing is that you were able to wake up.

This month, decide to hijack a plane to the West,

But you can’t think of anything to scare the pilots with,

Read them excerpts from today's newspaper, -

And they will fly to any country with you.

On Monday, early in the morning, the boss will offend you at work,

Without wasting a minute, you call all the newspapers,

Having reported the boss's mobile phone number in private advertisements,

Let him then, the bore, know the salt of everyone entering - free!

Predictions for the New Year of the Dog 2018: short, funny, humorous at the table

You definitely won't be going to work this month.

Why go there in the morning when you want to sleep.

You will be forced to try and work there all day long....

By the way, money from your salary will always be not enough for you

This month you will definitely be invited to work

Ten large corporations, perhaps even a hundred

Out of great joy you will steal all the secrets

Give them away to your competitors and you will live richly!

Very soon it will happen that you will become the boss

And now everything depends on you that was not on you before,

Start with the main goal - cut everyone's salaries.

Money can come in handy - don’t spend it just like that.

This month you may be sent on vacation to the sea

Crocodiles, cashelots, birds sing there.

The savages are dancing nearby and cooking soup here.

Go on a boat, bring your friends.

So that all the hungry natives can be fed quickly...

This month they will suddenly ask you to help with housework,

Don't go to stores - the groceries stink there,

But no one taught you to wear a gas mask.

Don't let anyone vacuum with a vacuum cleaner -

He yells like crazy - You don't need an alarm clock.

If you haven't found a penny in your pocket,

Look in your neighbor's pocket - obviously there is money there.

More on the topic:

Poems about New Year 2018 for children 6-7 years old

Congratulations for the New Year 2018: for a corporate party with jokes

Funny congratulations for the New Year 2018 in prose

Funny greetings for the New Year of the Dog 2018 in prose

New Year is a holiday that is celebrated on a grand scale, gathering close and dear people. Accordingly, preparations for the celebration must correspond to the scope, otherwise the entire event will be reduced to simple eating, with a few congratulatory words. If you decide that you will be the organizer of the holiday, we recommend that you prepare in advance. Today, among other entertainments, comic predictions and lotteries are becoming increasingly popular.

A prediction is a warning about an event that is going to happen in the near future. Whether we like it or not, it is human nature to be interested in our future. Nowadays there is no shortage of various predictions - all kinds of astrologers, fortune tellers and fortune tellers, so people are tired of serious prophecies in their lives.

Comic predictions for the new year are, in addition to a fun pastime, also a fresh look at forecasts for the near future. We are sure that the gathered guests will appreciate your ideas and receive great moral satisfaction.

Friends, your prophecies can be completely different - long, describing every action, or very short, written in prose or poetry, the most important thing is that they are funny, bring laughter and joy to others.

Submitting predictions for the lottery

Let's first consider the possible presentation of predictions, and then offer examples of text.

Prophetic balls

To do this you will need ordinary inflatable balls, small pieces of paper and a pen. We write down the predictions on pieces of paper, roll them up into a tube, put them into a ball and inflate it. Balls can be tied to guests' chairs, or they can be distributed during fortune telling. Having burst the balloon, the person reads out loud the prediction associated with his life. The more fun the prophecy, the more positive it will bring.

When preparing in advance for a session, you can specially age the paper (by dipping it in strong tea or onion solution) or make it bright, colorful with a beautiful rope. This will add a touch of mystery or celebration, depending on what you choose.

Pot of predictions

Everything is simple here, we take the dishes prepared in advance, put folded bags with comic wishes. We pass the pot around in a circle, each guest takes out one package and reads it out.

The container can be covered with worn paper, giving the dish an outdated look, or the paper can be aged in advance.

Gypsy chest

There is a deep-seated stereotype about gypsies that says they are all excellent fortune tellers, and this is a great way to use them in your comic prophecies.

Having dressed up as a gypsy in advance, you or one of the guests enter the room with a chest filled with predictions. The presenter invites each invited guest to take out one package in turn and read it out.

The main thing here is not the forecasts for the future themselves, but the presentation. It would be great if a gypsy would take on the role and, with the expression that is unique to them, hold a competition.

Prophetic Cookies

Remember the quote: “everything ingenious is simple, and everything simple is brilliant”? It is this aphorism that underlies this competition. To prepare it you will need fortune sheets and cookies. True, you will have to make the cookies yourself, however, if you have the opportunity to purchase them, why not. For those who want to create something original, we offer a recipe for making cookies.


  • Eggs, 3 pcs;
  • 50-70g wheat flour;
  • 50g butter;
  • Spices as desired;
  • Sugar, powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg white from the yolk, beat the white until foam appears, add flour, sugar, spices as desired, mix until smooth.

A little advice: when beating the egg whites, do not be overzealous; if you beat for too long, a large number of air bubbles will appear and the dough will begin to rise quickly as the temperature rises.

  1. Spread baking paper on a baking sheet and grease with butter, preheat the oven to 180-200 C. Use a teaspoon to place even circles on the baking sheet.
  2. Place in the oven for about 6-7 minutes, as soon as the edges turn golden, take it out and turn it over, add a piece of paper with fortunes, and fold it in half. Next, taking the cookies by the ears, bend them.
  3. Place on the table and wait until it cools completely.

Miracle dumplings

The next event has some similarities with the previous one, the difference is that instead of cookies we use dumplings. This old game is almost forgotten today, but it is perfect for making predictions with family and loved ones. The secret is in the item that we place along with the filling, which carries a certain meaning.

  • Orange peel - a loved one will give a gift;
  • Peanut - a romantic meeting is possible;
  • Cherry - to good luck in business;
  • Peas - comfort and prosperity will reign in the house;
  • Walnut - health will improve;
  • Buckwheat - a sudden increase in finances;
  • Mushrooms - a life full of peace;
  • Money – sporting victories;
  • Grain is a full cup of wealth;
  • Raisins are an unexpected temptation;
  • Cabbage - wages will skyrocket;
  • Caramel - a romance is possible;
  • Potatoes – promotion at work;
  • Cranberry - expect changes in your personal life;
  • Ring – wedding;
  • Hot pepper - possible problems at work or at home;
  • Dried apricots are great news;
  • Carrot - meeting new people;
  • Meat - financial success;
  • White thread - you will have to be away for a long time on company business;
  • Green thread – travel abroad;
  • Black thread - quick business trip;
  • Thread with knots - problems that were not expected;
  • Cucumber - a new passion;
  • Button - you will buy something from clothes;
  • Sugar - the year will be successful;
  • Apple - your work will be appreciated.

Lottery with three predictions

To do this, we write wishes or prophecies on pieces of paper, at the rate of three prophecies per person. We fold the leaves beautifully and mix them in a bag. It is proposed to pull out the bundles one by one, reading out loud.

Secret desires

To prepare for the competition, you need to prepare funny images of a person’s basic desires. You don’t have to draw it yourself; you can choose pictures from magazines or print them out, attach the images to a rope, and pull the rope. We blindfold the guests, untwist them and bring them to a stretched rope, giving them the opportunity to choose the leaf themselves. Images may be completely different.

  • Family hearth;
  • Finance;
  • Head office;
  • Wedding;
  • Huge, new estate;
  • New car;
  • Modern gadgets;
  • Travel and much more.

Text of comic predictions for 2020 in verse

  • Wait without crying, luck will come again;
  • Look quickly ahead, a lot of money is waiting soon;
  • You will have a fast journey, but there will be a lot of money;
  • Step forward boldly, success and luck are already waiting;
  • Expect news from close friends soon;
  • You will find your love, maybe you will get married again;
  • You’ll fly up the career ladder, you’ll even trick your boss;
  • A huge mountain of money will fall from above, your loved one will recover from his illness;
  • Don’t be sad in vain, friends are on the way;
  • Your neighbor fell in love with you, so live for many years;
  • In the last month of winter - February, success will come to you again;
  • I saw for sure that you will have a big family;
  • Precisely at midnight, on New Year's Day, your luck will come;
  • You will have to be in front of the management so that the temptation to get drunk goes away;
  • Since you were kicked out of work, it means your worries have diminished;
  • At the holiday, anyone who gets drunk will return to the house without an advance;
  • In the store, you take yourself some fashionable pants;
  • Underneath the clink of glasses, they will give you a cool phone;
  • A piece of ice will fall on your heels, life will become like a picture;
  • The year of the pig is approaching, we wish you, friends,
  • Being neat, smart, clean is not the equivalent of a wild boar.

Comic predictions in prose

  • As you firmly step up the career ladder, do not slip on the spit of envious people;
  • Perhaps a promotion is expected very soon, you will have to move a couple of floors higher;
  • Keep smiling and we will certainly sign a lucrative contract with a toothpaste manufacturer;
  • If you are lucky, remove the bad habit, but here’s the funny thing: a couple of new ones will appear;
  • Be careful - in the coming year it is possible to add to your family; cockroaches from your neighbors will come to you;
  • You will find a hidden treasure, although its appearance will be very similar to your spouse’s hidden treasure;
  • With the arrival of the new year, there is a great possibility of an attack on you. Success will strike an unexpected blow, it will be almost impossible to fight back;
  • The gray everyday life of next year will be diluted with bright meetings with the opposite sex;
  • In the near future, you will gain a lot, although this will happen to your pockets;
  • Your friends remember you very well, just as you can forget a debtor;
  • Be careful on the roads, perhaps fate awaits you at the crossroads;
  • This year, for the cockroaches in your head, will be especially lucky;
  • All difficulties and difficulties will leave you, it’s incredibly boring to be with you;
  • Next year, your body decides when, where and most importantly with whom it should be;
  • The rod inside you may turn out to be an ordinary nail in one place.

Probably many would like to look into the future. This desire is especially acute during the magical time of the New Year holidays. After all, even adults want to believe in miracles and hope that everything will be fine. On and on, during and during a meeting with friends and business partners, you can temporarily become a magician and predict a good future for people. And even if these are just texts of New Year’s predictions, and not real forecasts, they are very kind and good. They will give you a wonderful mood and increase the anticipation of a fairy tale. All that remains is to print them out, roll them up and invite the guests of the New Year's Eve to draw out their happy future. Or maybe it will come true, who knows?

20 positive New Year's predictions

  1. The year will be dazzling for you. Sometimes you want to close your eyes from bright events and colors. Enjoy what this year brings. Look around carefully so as not to miss the opportunity to find your happiness.
  1. The year will be prosperous for you. All reasons to worry will be a thing of the past. Family and friends will delight you, work colleagues will help you in your new project. There will be enough money for both vacation and investment in your future.
  2. The year will be very profitable for you. Not only will new cash flows come to you, but you will also receive offers for profitable investments. Pleasant purchases will be a new car or a cozy apartment.
  3. Your year will be filled with passion. You have long been waiting for butterflies to flutter inside you, and a pleasant warmth spread throughout your body from the touch of a loved one. A new surge of feelings can completely absorb you. Passion will also open up in work, where you want to achieve previously outlined goals.
  4. The year will be very productive for you. All projects and things that were planned in the past will easily begin to be implemented. Perhaps you didn’t believe it yourself. Great success will be achieved on the personal front. Keep a notebook to record all the good things the coming year has in store for you.
  5. The year will be filled with surprises for you. They will all be pleasant, so there is no need to be afraid of them. On the contrary, prepare for the fact that a complete reboot in life may be required in order to enjoy the upcoming happiness.
  6. The year will be romantic for you. Open your heart to love and stop being afraid to be a happy person. In response, you will receive a flow of tenderness that you have dreamed of. Agree to romantic dates, arrange events and surprises for loved ones. Having found new meaning in life, everything else returns to normal immediately.
  7. It will be a sweet year for you. Life in chocolate is fraught with the fact that you can gain excess weight. Therefore, while basking in your happiness, do not forget to look around in order to adjust your behavior in time. It is better to remove excessively sweet people from your environment so that they do not spoil the harmonious picture.
  8. The year will be harmonious for you. Surprisingly, the moment will finally come when there will be balance in all areas. You will be satisfied with everything that happens at work, on the personal front and at home. People around you will notice how your eyes will glow in a new way.
  9. It will be an amazing year for you. You are already unaccustomed to the fact that fate gives pleasant surprises. These are the ones she has saved for the coming year. Even those whom you seemed to know like the back of your hand will be surprised. It’s better not to refuse even very adventurous offers this year.
  10. It will be an amazing year for you. The success that will fall on you, the cash flow and the abundance of new acquaintances will put you in a state of shock. Come back to your senses and enjoy what the new year has in store for you.
  11. The year will be filled with communication for you. Even if before you didn’t like new acquaintances and frequent meetings, this year it will become the basis of your life. It is through communication that you will find new friends, partners or customers, and also find a new area of ​​application for your head.
  12. It will be an amazing year for you. Get ready that the results you receive, success in business and vibrant relationships with your loved ones may become the subject of envy. In order not to experience sad shocks from your enemies, think through your defense in advance.
  13. This will be an unusual year for you. You will discover hidden reserves within yourself, which will allow you to decide on the craziest actions. The time has come to make the planned parachute jump or go rafting on the river, tell your loved one how much you want to celebrate old age together. Sometimes it will seem that everything around has changed. In fact, you yourself changed and were able to open the doors to your happiness.
  14. The year will be active for you. You like to be in good shape. Unlike others, your activity always has a clear rational basis. Take action to achieve success: at work, at home, in business, in sports. Your activity will infect others, which will make the year rich in results.
  15. The year will be unforgettable for you. You won’t tell your grandchildren about it, but you will remember it with pleasure in old age, sitting by the fireplace. Bright relationships, unusual meetings, new discoveries and travels will leave an indelible mark on life history.
  16. It's going to be a great year for you. A revolution in life will allow you to gain access to new resources. This will open up opportunities for realizing your plans and fulfilling your dreams. What previously seemed inaccessible will suddenly be in your hands.
  17. The year will be filled with love for you. Being the center of attention may be unusual, but those around you will want to talk about their feelings often. Don't be afraid of this attention. Love has never harmed anyone. She is able to overcome any obstacles, so there is no point in hiding her feelings either.
  18. The year will be calm for you. I really want to take my time and enjoy communicating with loved ones and meeting friends. These opportunities will be available in the coming year. Save up your strength, because the sea of ​​life always welcomes a storm after a calm.
  19. The year will be filled with kindness for you. A kind heart will allow you to cope with even the most sophisticated intrigues. Share these feelings with others and receive kindness in return. Some actions will amaze you with their selflessness and change the structure of your values. As a result, you will be able to understand what is most important to you in this life.

30 short predictions that can be written on pieces of paper

  1. Happiness is already at the door.
  2. Be attentive to your health.
  3. Listen to the advice of your intuition.
  4. The people who are nearby now will help all year.
  5. The necessary meeting will happen very soon.
  6. Love smiles and waits in the wings.
  7. Luck in money matters.
  8. Good luck in any endeavor.
  9. Happiness is somewhere nearby, turn around.
  10. A year of tears, but only from joy.
  11. A trip to a new country awaits you.
  12. This year will radically change your life.
  13. There may be a new addition to the family this year.
  14. Career growth will be rapid and successful.
  15. Peace and tranquility in the family all year round.
  16. A romantic date will help you find mutual feelings.
  17. Any business is doomed to success.
  18. Traveling for the soul will give you the necessary rest and new impressions.
  19. Open your heart to love this year.
  20. The family will give real support.
  21. This year many new acquaintances are expected.
  22. It's time to relax and take up a hobby.
  23. A sea of ​​happiness awaits you this year.
  24. Fortune will answer yes to any question.
  25. Take risks and you will definitely win.
  26. This year will bring a promotion at work.
  27. The desired will come true in the middle of the year.
  28. This year will bring only happiness and success.
  29. Love will come to you this year, don’t miss it.
  30. A very successful year to start your own business.

20 realistic New Year's predictions

  1. The year will not be easy. You will have to fight for your own happiness. Nothing will happen without hard work, but patience and perseverance will lead to positive results.
  2. Serious illnesses are possible this year. Don't be lazy to dress warmer. As a result, your health will improve.
  3. This year will bring a lot of fun. Don't forget about the main thing in a carnival - fun.
  4. The year promises miracles and delight from others. Get ready to become the center of the company and make new friends.
  5. You have a lot of work to do, but also an increase in income as a result of hard work. Try new areas, success awaits you.
  6. It's better to be careful on the roads. Failure to follow the rules can lead to serious problems.
  7. There are many important issues to be resolved this year. Every decision you make will affect your future life. Be careful.
  8. The year is favorable for self-realization. Everything planned will come true easily, as if by magic. Believe in a fairy tale and accept the gifts of fate.
  9. A year of serious trials. Not all acquaintances are equally useful. Review your social circle to avoid trouble.
  10. This year you will have to try to stay afloat. In a difficult situation, those closest to you will help. Don't be shy to ask for help, and you'll definitely get it.
  11. Great love awaits you. Make the right choice and she will stay with you for a long time.
  12. The year is good for major acquisitions. A new car will not break down, and the house will give you warmth and comfort.
  13. This year, pay attention to the situation in the family. There is a high probability of quarrels for far-fetched reasons.
  14. A difficult year in terms of love. Misunderstandings, quarrels and even separations are possible. Pay more attention to your significant other. Discuss every exciting moment and you can avoid unwanted consequences.
  15. This year, luck will follow you in everything. Big wins and serious finds are likely.
  16. A year of losing peace. It will seem that everything is not going the way you would like. It’s worth relaxing, taking a vacation and collecting your thoughts in order to overcome a difficult period.
  17. A year of change. Change everything, success awaits you in any new endeavors. More determination, fate rarely gives such chances.
  18. The year will clearly show who is a friend and who is not. In difficult situations, the attitude of acquaintances will manifest itself especially clearly.
  19. A year for you. Don't be afraid to say “no” and do as you see fit. Otherwise, fortune will not help.
  20. This year your family will grow. Several weddings of relatives are possible. A caught bouquet this year is a particularly effective omen for a close marriage.

Good day, my dear readers. Seriously, you and I have learned to make wishes. Now I propose to prepare thoroughly for the celebration of children's New Year's parties. How will we entertain guests and participants of the holiday? Or do you intend to sit in the auditorium, watch the program prepared by the children and go home to watch TV with a feeling of accomplishment?

No, it won't work that way! Every holiday should be memorable! And this is our task, including you and me, parents! In addition to the fact that you are ready to bring something tasty for tea, you will have to make sure that the table is interesting. Today I offer you comic fortune telling for the New Year. We'll have fun with the kids and have a great time ourselves!

Lesson plan:

How to arrange everything?

Agree, fortune telling looks more impressive when a real witch or gypsy speaks about your future. Are there any activists among parents who would try on a gypsy costume or pick up a magic crystal ball?

We'll have to look for such positive ones! After all, this is half the success of the entire event.

What else do we need besides the main fortuneteller? We will find out what awaits us in the new 2018 from the notes, for which we prepare the material at hand in a few days. We write short predictions on small pieces of paper. To make it interesting and colorful for children, we are creative to the fullest.

I’m sure you are friends with imagination, and you will come up with wonderful notes. And don’t forget: the number of treasured pieces of paper should be at least equal to the number of participants, or better yet with a reserve, in case someone drops by to tell their fortunes!

How to arrange everything?

So, we discussed ideas for designing the prediction notes we prepared. Now all that’s left to do is implement it. Here are three simple tips from “experienced” people on how to arrange everything.

If you couldn’t get anyone to play the role of either an astrologer in a cap, or a fortune teller with cards in a bright skirt, or a witch with a necklace made of frogs’ legs, you can go the simple route: just hang the notes on threads. Remember this game? Children, blindfolded and with scissors in their hands, head towards the hanging pieces of paper and cut off the first one that falls under the scissors. Also no less fun and quite interesting.

Ideas for fortune telling

It is best to write predictions based on the age of the children. The main thing is that they are positive and not at all offensive.

For preschoolers

Kindergarteners are always interested in everything that rhymes, so it is better for them to prepare fortune tellers in verse. They will appreciate it.

For younger students

Children a little older are usually preoccupied with their studies and friends, but are always happy to receive something as a gift. For them, notes with predictions can be shorter. For example, like this:

They can be very short, like these:

  • A surprise awaits you.
  • Fortune smiles on the brave.
  • Everything will be fine.

For high school students

Who said that for those who have almost grown out of childhood, it will not be interesting to unfold the treasured piece of paper and read what awaits them? Let the wishes be more serious, because these are already high school students who have eternal spring in their heads and certainly a brilliant career. Well, for example:

Short but promising texts are also good:

  • Dreams Come True.
  • Smile, everything will work out.
  • The whole world is at your feet.

Well, I gave you an idea on how to have fun at a children’s New Year’s party or with friends. Now I propose to make a joint effort to make predictions about who has what in their heads. Eh, let's tell fortunes!

I am sure that all the wonderful predictions in the New Year will definitely come true! I wish this for you with all my heart!

New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. A wonderful time to get together, eat delicious food, give gifts and share wishes. Children see the magic in it that Santa Claus visits homes, leaving gifts there. And so that he knows which ones exactly, the children write letters. For adults, New Year is also a time of waiting for a miracle. After all, they make wishes, make plans and believe that it will definitely turn out better than the previous one.

That’s why the game of New Year’s predictions is so popular. Moreover, these are comic predictions regarding various topics. There are allegorical ones, where there are hints or lengthy expressions. There are accurate ones that reflect existing reality. There are many options to play a game like this. The main thing is to prepare in advance.

Comic predictions based on films and songs

A great opportunity to have fun with a group when the festive dinner is eaten and dessert remains ahead. Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of ​​​​New Year's predictions will certainly appeal to you.

How to apply:

Predictions can be hidden in special cookies.

  • you can bake special cookies by putting notes with funny predictions inside them instead of filling;
  • inflate a dozen multi-colored balloons and give the players a needle in turn so that they burst them - place notes inside;
  • print out multi-colored candy wrappers, placing notes inside, then wrap chocolates in them and give them to guests for dessert;
  • write a dozen prophecies on identical pieces of paper, fold them and put them in a box or hat - let the guests take them out one by one;
  • make short prophecies and assign a number to everyone, tell the guests at the feast the numbers or ask them to choose for themselves (for example: “Name the numbers 1-10 one by one”).

It is more interesting to guess for the coming year using films or songs. The results are funny sayings.

For example, find suitable song titles:

  • Dark night;
  • Night, night (Factor 2);
  • New turn;
  • One day the world will bend under us (c) (Time Machine);
  • Goodbye;
  • Wait, steam locomotive - from the film, Yu. Nikulin / G. Vitsin sing;
  • Nadezhda - A. German;
  • Abnegation – Fleur;
  • They won’t catch up with us - Tattoo;
  • Furry bumblebee;
  • White Rose;
  • Winged swing;
  • Combat;
  • The wind of change;
  • Tenderness – M. Kristalinskaya;
  • The beautiful is far away;
  • There is only a moment;
  • Ah, what a woman!
  • White Rose;
  • Farewell, love - A. Makarsky;
  • Memories – Factor 2;
  • I'll stay - City 312;
  • Love - Dan Balan.

Interesting! You can make prophecies not just by taking the name, but by turning on the composition you got and listening to it. It will be a real musical evening. Many songs carry deep meaning and make you think.

Examples of predictions that can be made based on films of the current years:

“The evening of memories will end with an unexpected meeting. Perhaps an old school or college friend will come?”

“Goodbye to the love of delicious donuts! The New Year will definitely start with a new advanced diet!”

“A mysterious stranger will send you white roses. Who is he? The answer will surprise you. Perhaps a fan or an old friend?

“The year will fly by like a winged swing - up, when you’re lucky and the work is going well, then down, when difficulties arise. Keep swinging, the black stripe will definitely give way to a white one.”

“When the dark night comes without the moon, make a wish. It will come true soon."

“The usual life will end after the New Year holidays. The wind of change is inevitable! At first the changes will seem like an unpleasant surprise to you, but then you will realize that everything is going well.”

Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of ​​​​New Year's predictions will certainly appeal to you.

Movie titles

You can guess by songs or movie titles. This is a simple, at the same time original way to get comic predictions for the New Year 2019. Then the guests themselves will be involved in the procedure of deciphering the “prophecy”, and most of the results will be cool. A list of movie titles to be used should be compiled in advance or written later with the guests. Let them remember the pictures, and the presenter will write them down. In a column, without numbers. Then, the players name the numbers and the presenter finds the desired name in this list. Using it, he predicts for the year, adding a version of the decoding on his own, or he will first distribute paper notes to everyone with the names.

For example:

A striking design option for predictions.

  • Predator;
  • Armageddon;
  • Curse of the Nun;
  • The smell of a woman;
  • Taming of the Shrew;
  • The escape;
  • Sex and the City;
  • Groundhog Day;
  • Deal with the devil;
  • Stranger;
  • Quiet place;
  • Titanic;
  • Big jackpot;
  • Reincarnation;
  • The Wedding Planner;
  • The Forty-Year-Old Virgin;
  • Love affair at work;
  • Zigzag of luck;
  • Christmas trees;
  • Matchmakers;
  • Long road in the dunes.

Examples of predictions for the new year:

“A big jackpot awaits you!” – clearly concerns money.

“The taming of the obstinate is awaiting” - perhaps the management will take special measures to “educate” a careless employee, or this “surprise” concerns the home. Will you have to raise your child more strictly?

“A colleague has been eyeing you for a long time. Previously, he did not try to take active action. The office romance will begin suddenly. A stormy whirlpool of passions will swirl! Be extremely careful and trust your intuition!”

“The reincarnation of a forgotten project will bring unexpectedly successful results, even though you have to try!”

“Be careful, you will have to unite the team when the boss entrusts you with a new major project. Work as a united front, otherwise you will sink like the Titanic!”

“The nun's ominous curse awaits you! Perhaps your beloved mother-in-law or mother-in-law will come soon?

“Wait for the matchmakers! Is your beloved niece really getting married?

Lines from songs

At the same time, train your memory by remembering the lines of some favorite compositions or names of paintings. You can print them out on pieces of paper in advance and hand them out to your guests.

Song excerpts suitable for forecasts (for next year):

“Forget him, forget him” (c) “Hands up.”

“Such tenderness on the mirrors” (c) Maxim.

“A million, a million, a million scarlet roses” (c) A. Pugacheva.

“Oh mom, I’m going crazy!”

“Don’t listen to anyone, only your heart - it knows everything” (c) Max Korzh.

“But when everyone leaves, stay, sit next to me” (c) Olga Marquez.

“I really want to be with you, but sorry, dear, I have a lot to do” (c) Vitya Ak-47 - Sorry, dear, I have a lot to do.

“And even if the whole world turns to dust, I will carry your heart in my hands” (c) Olga Marquez.

“Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man’s world"

“Wait a little longer. We will show you the way” (c) “The path.

"I am free! Like a bird in the sky!”

“How lucky you are, my bride” (c) Mumiy Troll.

“Dad bought a car” (c) A. Pugacheva

“Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome” (c) P. Volya.

“Only, a glass of vodka on the table!” (c) G. Leps.

“The plane easily carries me away” (c) Valeria.

“For a week, until the second. I’ll go to Komarovo!”

“If you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket. So everything is not so bad today” (c) “Kino”.

Interesting! Each line is a ready-made prophecy; participants only need to choose! Somewhere there are hidden wise wishes, somewhere a reason to laugh, and at the same time to think.

In addition to lines from various famous songs or movie titles, you can write your own humorous predictions. At the same time, add meaning so that, in addition to being a joke, they bring benefits to the players.

Examples of prophecies for this year:

Drink tea regularly and never get sick

Interesting texts for New Year's comic predictions.

Your keyword will be: “Rapidly”

Your career will develop rapidly in the new year,

Salaries will also increase rapidly.

Rapidly - relationships will strengthen,

Quickly - you have to run when the boss calls.

Quickly - the premium will be accrued.

Quickly - the working year will fly by and a leisurely (no need to rush here) vacation will begin!

Look more cheerful - everything will turn out great in the new year.

Predictions in verse.

Happiness will come in your personal life,

At the same time, income will increase.

He will live calmly, without worries and no worries.

Smile more often - and fate will answer you with a smile!

The year will definitely be successful,

You will calmly solve all the assigned tasks.

Fulfill the plan, distinguish yourself with diligence,

And the bosses will praise you when they notice this.

Ask for a bonus, don’t be shy.

At the same time, you’ll get a raise sooner!

The prince is waiting for you, he arrived long ago. A white horse, a stable job, a bouquet of flowers – I collected everything. All that remains is to convey to him the answer: “Yes!” and take a step. Look around, he's nearby!

What was dreamed for a long time will certainly come true in the new year,

Unexpected troubles will go away unnoticed.

Definitely expect

The arrival of a harmful relative!

He will grumble constantly

But it will bring good luck and unexpected income.

He’ll come for a short while and check on everything,

At the same time, it will take away problems, sadness and troubles!

Don't be sad, better open the door wider.

Is this how you want to celebrate this New Year?


Let happiness into the New Year.

Nadezhda will come with him, stay a little,

Take her out of the way too.

Love will pass freely, it is impossible to contain it.

With her you can safely expect good luck when visiting.

Prosperity will gradually approach the threshold,

He will carefully examine the house, the threshold and the surroundings.

He decides that he should stay, the people are nice, it’s cozy here.

Gather this company at your place, treat them to tea,

If they wish or suggest something, write everything down.

Feed her delicious food, read fairy tales and put her to bed.

Now you always live with them!

It will be long, even dreary and difficult. It will take enough time, perhaps it helps the nerves. But the result will definitely justify all the investments - a new home!

Soon in the coming year you will become the victim of a surprise attack. In the evening, after all the New Year's holidays, a group of unknown people will find you. Among them is luck, it will hold tight. The active ringleader will be love, who is also the organizer of the attack. The third is prosperity, and inspiration will come with them.

It is worth warning - the attack will succeed and you will no longer be able to escape.

Smile more often, then you will receive an unexpected offer. The director of a toothpaste manufacturing factory will want to work with you.

Your wealth in the coming year will increase significantly after winning a million dollars! Be careful, do not waste money on trifles.

On this holiday, your many relatives will unexpectedly remind you of themselves. Everyone will invite you to visit, feed you delicious food and give you a gift!

You will feel like a prisoner of a time machine - you will have to work a lot and it will seem as if you have returned to the Year of the Horse. However, the results will be worth the time and effort invested!

The end of the year will bring a series of strong shocks. Your success will amaze your envious people, competitors and other ill-wishers.

Expect a stranger to visit. He will appear on Sunday morning and shock you. Perhaps it's the postman? Will give you a notification that you have won a million dollars! We'll have to let him in!

You will lose seven things: failure, debts, an unpleasant acquaintance, resentment, misfortune and a bad habit.

You will get seven things in return: love, prosperity, luck, inspiration, hope, happiness and a bonus.

Be careful, the word “big” haunts you. If there is a salary, you will get a big one, if there is a project, they will entrust you with a large one, if there are gatherings, then they will be large-scale, where many people will gather! So try to use this word wisely! Then the big boss will certainly be pleased with you.

The year will fly by! Get a cool car and have a great vacation at your favorite resort. Your life will change dramatically, and your cool boss will give you a stunning bonus!

Looking for destiny? Be sure to visit a nudist beach and look around carefully. Perhaps your happiness will find you and settle down next to you in the new year!

A lot of things will pass you by in life. Only a few things will remain: happiness, prosperity, good health and good luck.

Prepare dinner, decorate the Christmas tree and open the door: Santa Claus will definitely come to visit! Give him a treat and entertain him with conversation. At the same time, tell him about your plans. In return, the kind old man will bring you a wonderful gift!

Bottom line

When composing the text of notes, you need to focus on the age and hobbies of the audience. The main thing is not to offend, but to make those present laugh. If there is a company with children, it is better to avoid vulgarities. If all the guests are relatives or friends and they have been communicating for a long time, you can add snippets of pleasant memories to the prophecies.

It would be a good idea to write several individual messages aimed at a specific recipient. His hobbies, professional activities and character will be clues.

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