State subsidy for a start-up entrepreneur. option for providing assistance to small businesses from the state


Hello! In this article we will talk about how to get a loan for a small business from the state.

Today you will learn:

  1. What types of government loans exist for businesses?
  2. Who can receive government support?
  3. Which authorities should I contact for help?
  4. What documents need to be collected?

The government offers an alternative - state support for small businesses. But before you turn to the authorities for help, you should understand what type of government loan will be optimal for you - that’s where we’ll start.

Types of loans from the state for business

In 2017, the government actively supports start-up entrepreneurs and provides assistance in the form of such forms of material support as:

  • Small business microfinance;
  • Guarantee from the state;
  • (free loan);
  • Compensation payments;
  • Tax relief.

Now we will consider each type of state support for small and medium-sized businesses separately.

Small business microfinance

Each region of the Russian Federation has a microcredit fund for small and medium-sized businesses. It is he who facilitates the issuance of borrowed funds to entrepreneurs on a preferential basis.

Lending conditions are different in each region. A significant advantage of this type of lending is its accessibility: money is provided regardless of the area of ​​employment.

There are only some restrictions that are determined by each region independently. For example, for Moscow this is a limit on the amount of a loan to a young entrepreneur.

Average conditions for obtaining a preferential loan:

  • or physical () in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the loan will be received;
  • From 50 thousand to 1.5 million rubles (restrictions may be imposed on the amount depending on the scope of the organization’s activities);
  • The interest rate of a preferential loan ranges from 8 to 12% and will depend on the prospects of your business, market needs, the solvency of the borrower, the amount of borrowed funds and the loan term, the type of collateral;
  • Money is provided against security: property pledge, surety, pledge of a product in circulation, etc.;
  • The loan is issued in non-cash form;
  • If the conditions for providing money are not met, penalties are provided in the form of an increased percentage;
  • There is a limit on the number of loans;
  • The duration of consideration of documents for the provision of funds ranges from 5 to 10 days, depending on the region.

State guarantee

In this case, a commercial bank will give you the money, and the state fund, represented by the Federal Notary Chamber, will act as a guarantor. However, it should be borne in mind that not all commercial banks participate in the state program. Their complete list in your region can be obtained on the official website of the Russian government.

Unlike the first option, receiving funds under government guarantee does not differ in terms from a regular loan. Review of your application will not be quick. Also be prepared for the fact that the fund will not guarantee the entire amount, but only a portion.

Social enterprises providing services to citizens, production and industry, and innovation are most likely to receive a guarantee from the fund. When considering an application for a guarantee, the fund pays special attention to the number of jobs created by the organization.


Subsidies are the most desired type of government support by entrepreneurs. The thing is that it is provided to businessmen free of charge.

However, not all entrepreneurs can receive a subsidy.

Businessmen must meet fairly stringent conditions to obtain:

  • It is necessary to register with the Employment Center as an unemployed person;
  • Answer the psychological test questions at the same Employment Center;
  • Complete training in entrepreneurship;

At the same time, all expenditures of government money must be consistent and supported by documents. After an entrepreneur receives a positive response from the Center, he must register his enterprise. Only after this the money will be credited to your account.

It often happens that an entrepreneur is denied a subsidy. The grant may be allocated for the purchase of either equipment or goods for sale, or intangible resources. This should be stated in your business plan.


It is also provided to businessmen free of charge. The disadvantage of grants is that not everyone can receive one.

The following are eligible to receive a grant:

  • Beginning entrepreneurs (have been operating for no more than 12 months);
  • Entrepreneurs who do not have debts on taxes or loans;
  • Businesses that create a lot of jobs.

Also, the area in which the organization operates is important for receiving a grant. Each region defines these areas independently.

Compensation payments and tax breaks

In this case, the state simply compensates the entrepreneur for part of the money that he spent on business development.

The following companies can count on such a relaxation: companies producing innovative products, enterprises producing import-substituting goods, as well as service providers.

As for tax breaks, in 2017 a novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to take the so-called. They consist in exempting a businessman from paying taxes for two tax periods.

You can take advantage of the holidays if:

  • Are you an aspiring entrepreneur?
  • Organization on one of the following taxation systems: or;
  • You are employed in manufacturing, social welfare or science.

Requirements for borrowers

Let's take a closer look at what requirements are imposed on applicants for state support to receive a particular benefit. The information is given in the table.

Conditions of receipt Important Features
Microfinance — registered in the region where funds are received;

- the loan must be secured by property

— goal: development of small and medium-sized businesses;

- loan terms -
no more than a year

State guarantee — the bank must participate in the state program;

— you must be an active organization for at least 6 months;

— registration in the region where the loan is received is required;

— you do not have problems with creditors and tax authorities;

— it is necessary to repay a certain percentage of the loan with your own funds (set in each region)

— The priority activities for financing are: production, innovation, construction, service activities, transportation, tourism (in the Russian Federation), education, medicine, housing and communal services.

— Does not apply to the extraction and sale of minerals, gambling, banking and insurance activities, securities funds, pawnshops

Subsidy — the importance of business for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Each subject has its own significant areas (you can find out the priority areas of activity for your region on government resources);

— presence of a business plan that must meet certain criteria (also established in each region);

— the entrepreneur must invest a certain amount of his own funds (depending on the program)

Funds are issued for the purchase of:

— raw materials and supplies;

— production equipment;

— intangible resources.

The period of use of funds is limited. Typically 1-2 years

Grant — business activity has been conducted for less than a year;

— the businessman does not and has not had problems with loans and borrowings (“clean” credit history);

— the enterprise creates a certain number of jobs;

— you did not receive other government benefits;

- availability of own funds

Funds are allocated for the development of medium and small businesses
Compensation payments

Borrowers can be:

— manufacturers and developers of innovative products;

— sellers of import-substituting goods;

— organizations engaged in the provision of services

Spending goals: development of medium and small businesses
Tax benefits — engaged in entrepreneurial activity for no more than a year;

— you are a member of the taxation system: PSN or simplified tax system;

— assistance is provided to companies engaged in science, production, and providing services to the population.

To summarize, government assistance is available for:

  • Beginning businessmen ();
  • Organizations involved in the production of products, development of innovative products;
  • Enterprises providing services to the public;
  • Entrepreneurs have no problems with loans.

Where to contact

For each material benefit, a certain government body is responsible, to which the entrepreneur must apply.

Microfinance is provided by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in your region. To receive a loan on preferential terms, you need to collect a package of documents (it differs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities).

You can find out more about this issue on the official website of the fund in your region; we will name only the main generally accepted documents:

  • Application and questionnaire of the applicant, as well as the guarantor;
  • Entrepreneur data;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Extract from the register of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Certificate of entry into / and extract from there;
  • A copy of the applicant's passport;
  • Copy of SNILS;
  • Activity licenses;
  • Accounting and tax reports.

After you have collected all the documents, you should submit an application for a loan to the Support Fund. You can also download such a statement on the official website of the Foundation in your region.

To obtain a government guarantee, you must apply with all the necessary documents to a bank that participates in a partnership program with the Entrepreneurship Promotion Fund.

The bank itself will evaluate the possibility of government support and submit the application to the fund, which will consider it within three days. An application for a guarantee should be attached to the standard package of documents required to obtain a loan.

A subsidy or grant can be obtained from the labor exchange. To do this, you must meet a number of conditions that we have already discussed above. The package of documents for receiving a subsidy includes an application and a business plan.

You can receive compensation payments at the employment center. To do this, provide a business plan and a corresponding application.

To receive tax benefits, you should contact the tax office, where you will receive information about the documents that will need to be collected.

Non-state support for small businesses

If you do not meet any of the criteria for receiving government assistance, you can apply for non-government assistance for small businesses.

Such assistance is provided by non-state funds affiliated with banking organizations, and is expressed in the form of a grant. At the same time, a non-state grant can be issued both with a return and on a gratuitous basis.

The grant is received on a competitive basis. At the same time, members of the commission will evaluate the economic benefits of the project.

To the standard package of documents for receiving a grant, you will need to attach a document that will describe the product and its cost.

The current situation in the economy of the Russian Federation encourages the government of the country to think seriously and help develop the business of small entrepreneurs. The market economy in the country began relatively recently. And it is not easy for ordinary citizens to make the transition from hired work to running their own business. To make it easier for individual entrepreneurs to overcome all initial problems, assistance from the state will also be provided to entrepreneurs in 2018. This year will not be an exception in terms of receiving government support. What kind of assistance from the state can an individual entrepreneur expect? This will be discussed in our article.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs through government services

According to current legislation, every individual can begin to carry out commercial activities if they have received state registration and the status of an individual entrepreneur. Once this procedure is completed, you can count on the support offered by the state.

How can a young entrepreneur get help from the state in 2018? For these purposes, you need to take the following steps:

  • submit a completed application for registration as an individual entrepreneur in Form No. 21001;
  • attach a photocopy of your passport so that the registration page is printed;
  • pay a fee to the state budget (800 rubles);
  • submit all requested documents to your district tax service (IFTS).

What kind of help does the state provide to aspiring entrepreneurs? provision on the? The state has a special service of services. Anyone can go to the Internet page at the link, register and fill out an electronic application on form No. 21001. As a result, the service must prepare a package of necessary documents. Also, through the designated website, a fee is paid in the amount with a 30 percent discount - 560 rubles. Thus, assistance from the state to starting individual entrepreneurs is associated with organizational issues and the ability to submit documents and perform some registration actions online via the Internet.

Government bodies also provide individuals with advice on starting their own business and obtaining individual entrepreneur status. But do they provide financial assistance to a start-up entrepreneur from the state in 2018?

Help for entrepreneurs: what you can count on

Below is a list of some types of assistance and support for entrepreneurs from the state:

Subjects of the Russian Federation can provide tax benefits and holidays for new individual entrepreneurs. Also see "".
Some banks are ready to reduce loan rates based on government programs aimed at supporting small businesses. Alternatively, they can help pay off part of the interest on previous loans.
Financial assistance to beginning entrepreneurs from the state can be expressed in the provision of subsidies to start their activities in the amount of 58,800 rubles. It is provided in some regions of the Russian Federation through the Employment Center.
If an entrepreneur already has his own business and would like to develop it further, he can count on a state subsidy of up to 500 thousand rubles (each subject of the Russian Federation has its own maximum amount).
At the legislative level, individual entrepreneurs without employees are exempt from accounting.
The state provides assistance in covering all expenses associated with participation in fairs and exhibitions.
Subsidizing the acquisition of fixed assets by an entrepreneur on leasing terms. We can talk about either a down payment or full repayment of the payment. The size of the subsidy directly depends on the cost of the operating system. For example, the city authorities are ready to subsidize up to 1/3 of the cost of the leased item excluding VAT (value added tax), but in amounts not exceeding 5 million rubles.

Before summarizing the information presented, it is worth noting that

A program of assistance to young entrepreneurs from the state is now being implemented to a very significant extent. However, obtaining development grants is not so easy.

If an individual entrepreneur has questions about receiving a subsidy or the possibility of closing the registration of his activities with outstanding debts, he can get advice:

  • in the territorial Fund for Support of Small Entrepreneurs;
  • at a local business incubator;
  • from a private consultant.

Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs: what to keep in mind

When applying for state support for your own business, you should remember some nuances, in particular:

  • if you are planning activities related to real estate, alcohol, tobacco products, or performing supply functions, then you cannot count on help from the state;
  • the future entrepreneur must have his own financial resources, since the state, as mentioned earlier, is ready to provide him with only partial financial support (usually no more than 40%).

Also in 2018, regions may have their own programs for supporting and subsidizing individual entrepreneurs, which a future entrepreneur can learn about from the media or get advice from specialists directly involved in these issues.

One of the main obstacles to starting your own business is the lack of funds. Often it is this obstacle that stops potential entrepreneurs from realizing their plans. Those who have already opened their own business may also face the problem of lack of finance to maintain and develop the business. In case of such problems, you should learn in detail about how to obtain a subsidy for a small business.

The state is interested in the development of the economy, so today Russia has a special program to support start-up entrepreneurs. Under this program, the state issues subsidies.

What is a subsidy and for what purposes is it issued?

A subsidy is a targeted payment from the federal or local budget.

The subsidy is given free of charge, so it should not be confused with a loan or loan. That is, after receiving a subsidy to the state, you do not have to return anything. Thus, the first property of a subsidy is its gratuitousness and irrevocability.

The second property of the subsidy is its strictly targeted nature.

The purposes of spending the received subsidy may be:

  • purchase of equipment and consumables;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • purchasing intangible assets such as patents.

Specific types of financial support for small businesses are approved by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the Government of the constituent entity). Typically, detailed information can be found on the website of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation dealing with issues of industry, entrepreneurship and trade.

The targeted nature of spending the subsidy is expressed in the fact that the citizen who received it is responsible for the targeted use of the subsidy. If the fact of misuse of funds is revealed, the entire amount will be recovered from the violator. In addition, one year after receiving the subsidy, you will be required to report on how the funds were spent. If you have not spent all the funds, the rest will need to be returned.

Entrepreneurs who plan to open a business in the production and sale of alcohol and tobacco products, in real estate, or in equipment rental cannot receive a subsidy.

Amounts and types of subsidies

The amount and types of subsidies are established by each subject of the Russian Federation. Let's give an example. In Moscow there are the following types of subsidies:

  • 300,000 rubles to open a business (conditions must be met: the entrepreneur has not previously been employed anywhere, has a disability, or is the only parent of a child being raised);
  • 60,000 rubles for starting a business (with the possibility of increasing the subsidy by the same amount for each additional job created);
  • 25,000 rubles for business support.

Procedure for receiving a subsidy for starting a business

Registering as unemployed

Receiving a subsidy is a rather long process and includes several stages.

You must register as unemployed. To do this, you must, firstly, not have an official place of work. Secondly, not to be a founder of any legal entity and not to be registered as an individual entrepreneur. If these conditions are met, then you should contact the employment center at your place of residence.

After expressing your desire to register as unemployed, you will be asked to fill out a form. You must also bring originals of the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • education document;
  • TIN certificate;
  • insurance certificate;
  • certificate of average monthly salary.

If you have never worked, you do not need to provide a certificate.

When filling out the documents given to you, do not forget to inform the employment center employee about your plans for self-employment in your own business. Don’t forget to also check where the self-employment department is located.

As soon as all your documents are accepted, you will be notified of the date of your return visit. Also, most likely, they will tell you where to open a savings book to transfer first unemployment benefits and then subsidies.

The next step is writing a business plan. Here you need to be very careful and not hope for a freebie. The state, although it provides support for business, is (let’s be honest) reluctant to give away budget money.

The business plan must be competent, detailed and realistic (executable).

Must be indicated:

  • project cost;
  • economic feasibility of the project;
  • project payback period;
  • the purpose of receiving support from the state;
  • planned own costs;
  • required subsidy amount;
  • creation of additional jobs.

After the business plan is ready, we take it to the department for promoting self-employment of citizens (both in printed and electronic form).

We come to the commission

You will be notified in advance of the date of the meeting of the commission, which, based on the presented business plan and your answers to the questions asked, will decide whether to issue you a subsidy or not. You need to be prepared: at a minimum, you should be very familiar with your business plan.

Based on the results of the commission meeting, you may be approved for a subsidy or denied it. Don’t be upset if the latter happens - you will simply be asked to finalize the business plan and come back to defend the business plan again.

Final Steps

All you have to do is register as an individual entrepreneur (registration period is 5 working days) and bring the documents issued by the tax office to the Employment Center. After this, the subsidy will be transferred to your savings book within one month.

You can receive funds from the state not only for opening, but also for developing a business.

This is somewhat simpler. It is necessary to provide the Employment Center with a certificate of state registration as an entrepreneur, documents confirming compliance with the requirements for candidates for subsidies, and a business plan.

It’s worth saying a little about the requirements for candidates to receive a subsidy. They may be different in different entities and may relate, for example, to the availability of own funds, activities in priority sectors, completion of special courses by the entrepreneur, etc.

Many people dream of opening their own business, which will subsequently generate stable passive income.

However, the desire to work for yourself is often hampered by the need to attract start-up capital. Finding funds can be a big problem, because to obtain a bank loan you need to collect a lot of formal documents and it is not a fact that the manager will approve the loan.

Loans from microfinance organizations are an unprofitable source of financing for starting a business.

The only option left that anyone can use is a government subsidy for starting a business. Obtaining funding for opening and promoting a small business is a very real source. What should someone who plans to take advantage of the subsidy program know?

What is a small business grant?

A “subsidy for small business” is the transfer of a certain amount of money to a businessman.

At the same time, the businessman must strictly follow the pre-agreed plan for investing resources.

As a rule, government subsidies are provided free of charge and are non-refundable.

The main goal of government programs to support small businesses is to develop the country's economy by creating a favorable climate for starting one's own business.

Should we expect real help from the state?

The answer to this question is, of course, positive. The state pursues its hidden interests by issuing subsidies. This includes the opening of additional jobs and the overall development of the country’s economy. It is not without reason that famous economists call small and medium-sized enterprises the “lungs” of the country.

The most convenient option for receiving assistance from the state in starting a business is a subsidy on a non-repayable basis.

All support for small and medium-sized businesses is regulated by a unified program for the development of entrepreneurship, which is approved by the Duma.

When applying for government assistance, it is recommended to follow the points of this program.

Residents of rural areas have a good chance of receiving a subsidy for business development. For example, bee keeping is a very popular activity. Subsidies for such businesses are given almost unconditionally. It is also necessary to remember that a well-drafted business plan plays an important role in obtaining a subsidy for starting a business.


How to get support for small businesses from the state? Today in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF) there are several types of subsidies for small and medium-sized businesses.

Their main difference lies in the intended purpose of the funds.

State aid is provided strictly to specified areas of activity for specific purposes. Thus, the state develops an area that is beneficial to it in the short or medium term.

Small business support programs are also different for different regions of the Russian Federation. The main document that defines targeted support for industries in the region is the Federal Law on Small Business Development.

The most common subsidy programs are cash transfers for the opening and development of a business.

How to get government assistance?

Government subsidies for start-up businessmen are issued by various self-government bodies.

There are subsidies that are issued to unemployed citizens at Employment Centers at the place of residence or registration.

If a person registers with the Labor Exchange as unemployed, then he has every right to one-time government assistance to open his own business.

However, receiving this type of subsidy requires the preliminary preparation of a business plan with a detailed description of the project for which funds are taken and the subsequent provision of a report on the expenditure of money.

The issuance of targeted subsidies for starting or developing a business is carried out by the Small and Medium Business Support Centers, which operate in each region.

As a rule, these government agencies are closely related to the system of municipal self-government.

To receive a subsidy for starting a business, you must register with the Employment Service office at your place of registration.

After this, the citizen who applies for a subsidy must write an application. The next stage is the preparation of a project plan with the calculation of the payback period and the overall profitability indicator. The business plan is considered at a special meeting of the commission.

If the business plan meets all the criteria, then the Employment Center makes a positive decision regarding the issuance of a subsidy. After approval of the timing of payment of funds, the recipient of state assistance to small businesses is required to register an individual enterprise. The transfer of the subsidy occurs upon the provision by a citizen of the Russian Federation of documents on state registration of the business.

To receive a subsidy for the development of an existing enterprise, its owner must provide documents. The subsidy is issued only for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

There are also some separate programs for issuing subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in different regions of the Russian Federation.

The age of the company for which state aid is issued should not exceed one year (according to some programs - two years).

If a company operates in a priority area of ​​activity for the region, then receiving a subsidy is 100% guaranteed. In all other cases, officials may reject the application for a subsidy. Priority areas of activity are often published on the official websites of individual regions of the Russian Federation. An entrepreneur who has received a subsidy is required to use the funds strictly for their intended purpose and provide a report on expenses.

  • The standard goals for using state aid are as follows:
  • payment for components and raw materials for production;
  • purchase of equipment and consumables for it;

purchasing software, production technology or patents, as well as other types of intangible assets.

Most subsidy programs have a mandatory condition, which is that the businessman invests his own funds (a certain percentage of the subsidy amount) in the business. For example, the recipient of the subsidy must invest at least 45% of the amount of government assistance in starting his own business.

The specific ratio of borrowed and own money is established for each federal program separately.

Some enterprises in Russia, despite the form of their activities, cannot qualify for government subsidies.

These include alcohol and cigarette companies. Also, the subsidy is not provided to companies that rent out equipment for short-term rent.

When drawing up a business plan to receive assistance, it is necessary to take into account that it will be assessed according to certain criteria. The main one is the profitability of the organization. Also, the lower the level of risk of loss of funds, the higher the likelihood of receiving a positive decision in issuing a subsidy.

An important criterion in approving a subsidy is the desire of the entrepreneur himself to create new jobs. The future businessman must demonstrate in every possible way to the loan commission his interest in developing the business.

What could be the reason for refusal?

A frequent and very common reason for refusal to issue a subsidy is the inconsistency of the applicant’s project with the field of activity supported by a particular fund. If a person has requested too large an amount, the government service may lower the “bar” or even refuse to issue a subsidy.

The subsidy fund usually gives an answer no earlier than six months from the date of writing the application. Therefore, if you really need funding, then applications for subsidies can be submitted to several funds at once.

State Grant Fund

Another common reason for rejection is a questionable or poorly written business plan. The grant commission must ensure that the money will be used for its intended purpose. Subsidies are not issued for projects located outside the Russian Federation. Also, a refusal to issue subsidies is likely to await an unemployed person who has already received government assistance once.

Before contacting an institution to obtain a patent or subsidies, you must think through everything to the smallest detail and collect documents. – content and summary, market analysis, financial calculations.

You may find this useful - read all about obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online.

And here you will learn how to find an investor to open a promising business. Where to start searching and how to draw up contracts correctly?

Support provided by the program

Assistance under the subsidy program, as described above, is issued for opening or developing a business. Money within the subsidy can be spent on financial assistance to an enterprise for the purchase of raw materials, on benefits for the placement of advertising materials or rental of premises/land, on ordering emergency legal assistance, etc.

List of documents

A citizen who has written an application for a subsidy is required to prepare the following documents:

  • internal passport of the Russian Federation or another document replacing it;
  • work book (except for young specialists);
  • educational diploma or certificate;
  • an order from the Employment Center stating that this citizen is unemployed.

In addition, you will also need a business plan, as well as copies and originals of the constituent documents of the enterprise.

Expense report

A citizen who has received a subsidy is required to account for the money spent to the last penny. A corresponding report is drawn up.

Loans to small businesses from the state

An alternative to subsidies is bank loans from the country's leading financial institutions. There are special loan products for small businesses, for example, at Sberbank. The total amount provided by banks can range from 5 to 12 million rubles.

What does the 2019 small business start-up subsidy offer and how can I apply for it? Starting a business for many people seems very difficult from a financial point of view. Not all beginning entrepreneurs can realize their own plans due to a simple lack of funds. For this case, a state program to help small businesses was developed.

What do subsidies do for small businesses?

The state is interested in the development of small businesses, therefore, in 2019, a subsidy program is envisaged for implementation in the form of free targeted support for business activities. This is a payment of funds from the state budget that does not require repayment, which makes it very different from a loan or loan.

According to the program, subsidies for small businesses in 2019 are aimed at the following purposes:

  • purchase of production raw materials;
  • purchasing necessary consumables;
  • purchase/rental of machinery, production equipment;
  • on intangible assets;
  • carrying out repairs.

A special executive body is responsible for coordinating subsidies. Upon receiving a positive decision and financial assistance, the entrepreneur must provide a report on how the funds received will be used. This confirms that the subsidy received is distributed precisely for the needs for which it was issued, and the entrepreneur is fully responsible for it.

One of the features of the program is that the unspent balance of the accrued amount must be returned to the state budget. The same applies to situations where misuse of finances has been identified.

Attention: State aid is not issued for opening the production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products!

Types of government assistance

The amount of the subsidy for starting a small business in 2019 is set in accordance with the purpose:

  • to support an existing business – 25 thousand rubles;
  • to open your own business with the possibility of increasing the amount of financial assistance - 60 thousand rubles;
  • to open a business (if the entrepreneur is disabled, has no employment, and is raising a child alone) – 300 thousand rubles.

In 2019, the subsidy conditions assume that state aid is also provided for the development of an existing business. The company can continue to operate based on its own idea or as a franchise.

How can I get a subsidy in 2019?

To receive government support in 2019, you will have to go through a difficult path, but nothing is impossible. According to current legislation, even an unemployed person who has previously registered with the employment center can receive financial assistance (providing subsidies to unemployed citizens). You will only need a certificate stating that the person is not employed at the time of submitting an application for a subsidy.

To submit an application, you must draw up a business plan (an example of a business plan), which displays complete information about the type of activity, technology features, type of equipment used, and all suppliers of raw materials. The total cost of the entire project, including the amount of own investments and subsidies, is indicated separately. An analysis of the volume of expected profit, profitability, and payback of the business being opened will also be required.

The prepared project is submitted to the self-employment promotion department in printed or electronic form. After accepting the documents, the center will set a time to appear; in addition, experts usually recommend immediately opening a savings book to calculate the subsidy.

After agreeing on the business plan, you should contact the tax office for registration; registration usually takes 5 days, after which a certificate will be issued. Next, you should visit the employment center and provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • prepared and agreed business plan;
  • completed application.

Based on the package of documentation, an agreement is concluded between the state and the entrepreneur, then the amount of financial assistance will be transferred to the personal account (this usually takes 1 month).

Attention: In order for the subsidy to be awarded, it is necessary to correctly approach the preparation of a business plan and correctly present all the calculations.

Features of receiving a subsidy

What is special about receiving a small business grant in 2019? Government financing now does not require the return of funds paid if they were spent for the intended purpose, that is, it is not an installment plan or a loan that is provided, but gratuitous assistance. What is the benefit of the state? Such support for small businesses makes it possible to form a new economic unit, ensure economic development and employment of citizens.

The responsibility of an entrepreneur after receiving government assistance and implementing his own ideas is to maintain records. After 3 months After receiving money into your account, you must go to the employment center and provide information confirming the intended use of the amount received. These can be orders, receipts or checks. The provided report and business plan must be identical; if discrepancies are found in them, the funds will be required to be returned in full.

Attention: The subsidy program also provides protection from fly-by-night companies - to use the funds, the enterprise's activity must last for at least a year.

Some of the priority areas for which subsidies are issued for the development of small businesses in 2019 are the following areas of activity: education, agriculture, tourism, healthcare.

Receiving government assistance may cause some difficulties, but this is compensated by the possibility of material support for business development without the need to return the funds received.

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