Gabriella da Silva VK. The Voice star Gabriella enlarged her buttocks

Participant fourth season Gabriella da Silva did the show “The Voice” plastic surgery– enlarged the buttocks and also reduced the abdomen using liposuction with surgeon Seymur Aliyev. After the birth of two children, the singer’s roundness lost its former shape. For this reason, the Brazilian decided to go under the surgeon’s knife.

“I always thought that good plastic It’s only in Brazil, but no,” Gabriella shared with StarHit. – Once I saw a friend’s perfect belly. I asked if she had liposuction. She confirmed and recommended Russian doctor Seymur Aliyev. I decided not only to make my belly bigger, but also to enlarge my butt.”

After the operation, the singer lay for two days, only on her stomach, she was very ill. “The first week was very difficult,” says the singer. – My butt was huge after the operation, then the swelling went away, and now it’s round and neat. And my stomach became like that of an athlete. Everything turned out very nice and neat. There are still bruises, but they are small. It was also difficult because after such a surgical intervention you cannot sit for two weeks. Just lie down. Throughout this time, weakness and discomfort were present. But I am very pleased with the result. Now I consider Russia a country of skilled craftsmen.”

Gabriella had previously resorted to the services plastic surgery. The star does not hide the fact that she decided to intervene in order to change her breasts.

“It’s cool when it’s possible to correct deficiencies surgically,” the singer told StarHit. – In Brazil, breast enlargement is generally considered the norm, and no one hides it. Why not, if it adds charm to a woman and makes her more attractive.”

We also add that Gabriella always pays close attention to how she looks. To maintain her beauty, she regularly turns to cosmetologists, but chooses only those masters whom she can trust. She believes that every person is beautiful in their own way, and therefore their individuality should be emphasized.

Recall that Gabriella, a participant in the fourth season of the show “The Voice,” was born in Rio de Janeiro, where she later became famous singer. In 2008, the performer came to Moscow on tour, where she met her future husband, businessman Vitaly Chekulaev. Their romance developed so rapidly that in 2009 the lovers got married in Rio de Janeiro. And in 2010, the couple had a daughter. IN currently The TV star lives in Russia.

Gabriella Da Silva is a Brazilian singer. Real name Ana Lucia Gomes da Silva. Born July 6, 1984 in Rio de Janeiro. The talented Brazilian singer now lives in Russia. A bright, cheerful girl with a magnificent voice, who once you see, you will immediately remember her. In just one year, the performer won the love of Russian listeners.

The annual international competition"New Wave" passing in Jurmala. Right there, high marks music critics, the jury and the audience will be the beginning of fame in Russia. Having fallen in love with the country, the people, the friends and admirers she has acquired here, Gabriela tries to spend a lot of time in Russia. Touring and taking part in the rapprochement of two continents.

The singer accepted the unofficial post of “Cultural Ambassador of Brazil to Russia.” She organized an official dinner in honor of the abolition of the visa regime and received personal gratitude from the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Before fame in Russia, Brazilian Diva Gabriella was already popular in her homeland. The singer began her career when she was 7 years old. Gabriela was 12 years old when her first professional collaboration took place with the largest record label in the world - PolyGram. Incredible popularity, concerts drawing stadiums, all this brought the title “ Best Voice Rio de Janeiro". The performer was also awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen” hometown Rio de Janeiro.

Photo of Brazilian singer Gabriella Da Silva

Gabriella Da Silva

From: Brazil

Occupation: singer

“My real name is Ana Lucia. But for show business, Gabriella is more successful: firstly, she sounds, and secondly, in Russia only Anya will be remembered.

My family lives in Rio in a fairly modern and non-poor area near the ocean - Baja da Tijuca. It's quieter there than Copacabana, which, to be honest, I don't really like. I don't go to favelas. After all, what a favela is in essence: it’s when you don’t have documents, but you have drugs. In Moscow, I also live in a modern area: on Kaluzhskaya, next to Vorontsovsky Park.

The strangest Russian experience I had was the bathhouse in Krasnaya Polyana. I was naked there, the men beat me with branches, then invited me outside and put me in a huge boiler*, who was warming himself on a small fire. I told my mother about this, and then she cut off Vitaly’s phone - she decided that he had taken me to the Caucasus and was allowing me to be abused like that. We had a hard time convincing her that this was all within the bounds of decency - just a traditional Russian spa procedure.

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I have been studying music since I was seven, my uncle is a conductor, my aunt is a singer. She sings Portuguese songs, bossa novas, but I prefer the American style - Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez. My mother even took me to the doctor when I was a child, she thought I was crazy - she never stopped singing and dancing. I was taken to children's show the queen of our show business - Shushi, then at the age of 12 I was a soloist in a successful teenage group. Those who heard me at that time, but did not see me, said: you sing like another woman, big woman. I mean, an adult.

In general, I had a good career there - I was recognized as the best young voice of Rio and was even given a certificate of honorary citizen of the city for a song about street children, and then I came to Russia as part of the “Terra Brasil” show. We also performed at the Old Havana restaurant, where I met businessman Vitaly, who went there, as he says, not to listen to songs, but to look at Brazilian asses. We started dating, but I was afraid of him and at first I took my gay friend and colleague on all my dates, good singer and a wonderful person.

Since Vitaly wanted to make an impression, the first thing I saw were Moscow clubs, Opera, Diaghilev before the fire, Soho Rooms. The first thing that surprised me was the prices for drinks. It was also strange that go-go girls dance disco with their chests exposed. I asked: did we come to a strip club or something? Our people generally wear a thousand times less clothing, but dancers usually don’t take off their bikinis. Men often came to these clubs with some girls, sat down and started making eyes at completely different girls. Brazilians are probably much more jealous, we can’t behave like that.

At first, Russian food seemed tasteless to me, especially chicken noodle soup. Just boring pasta water. Then I got used to it - and now I really respect the Uzbek manti. Some Moscow restaurants are amazing: they look like grandma's apartments. I was especially struck by “Mari Vanna” and “Taras Bulba”.

At first I did almost nothing here, just watched TV. I really liked the show “Battle of Psychics” and I wanted to make friends with one winner - Liliya Khegai. In general, I was bored and wanted to return to my mother, but Vitaly promised that if I stayed here, he would help me with my singing career. This is what we are doing now. You can see me in Soho and in Paradise, I have already performed at the festival New wave“, I’m filming various shows for television. At one of the parties my dream came true - I met Lilia. She predicted success for me and saw me surrounded by important politicians and presidents. And indeed, after some time I was invited to perform at the President’s New Year’s reception in the Kremlin - I sang a duet with Sergei Mazaev, and in addition, I performed for the governor of Penza and met the president of my country in Moscow.

Each city has its own rhythm. In Rio it's samba and bossa nova, while the streets, coffee shops and shops of Moscow are filled with house music. I hear almost nothing else here. Of the Russian artists, my favorite is Grigory Leps. He is a singer, as they say, from God. My Russian is not yet good enough to understand all the metaphors in his song “A glass of vodka on the table.” This is probably the blues about vodka. In Brazil, songs about beer are popular, and there is also one hit about caviar - it’s about the fact that almost no one has eaten this very caviar, but everyone wants it. In general, concerts in Russia differ from those in Brazil in that here they often sing to a soundtrack. We have spectators in some restaurant or concert hall they would simply throw bottles at the artist.

True love overcomes all obstacles - ignorance of local customs, language and distances. “Domashny Ochag” talked about love and family with “The Voice” show participant Gabriella and her husband Vitaly.

Vitaly: I saw Gabriella on stage in a restaurant. A Brazilian show came to Moscow, thirty-seven people on stage, everything was very beautiful, and suddenly she came out and started singing. At that moment everything inside me turned upside down.

True, when her partner started singing, I decided that they were a couple, well, people can’t sing like that if they don’t love each other! Okay, I think I’ll come over after the speech and just say thank you. They stood together on the street. I walked up and started speaking in English, but Gabriella didn’t understand. Then this guy, Nerish, gets involved, and very quickly, at some points in his speech, I begin to suspect that he is of little interest to women, he is from a different category of men. It turned out, indeed, that he was just her friend and partner.

Gabriella then, like many foreigners, was afraid of Russians, thinking that they were aggressive and dangerous. And when I invited her to ride around Moscow, she took Nerish with her. As a translator and as a bodyguard. For three weeks he rode with us everywhere, then he got tired of it and said: enough, let’s do it ourselves, I have my own cultural program. In these three weeks I learned 30 Portuguese words. Gabriella showed objects on her fingers and named them, but it was difficult with intangible words. And yet, soon we began to real romance. Interesting: before that, it had never occurred to me to introduce my parents to my friend. And a week after meeting Gabriella, I wanted to show her to my family. It was summer, everyone was at the dacha, both grandparents. I called and warned that I was coming with very exotic friends. Of course, the relatives did not expect it and they were shocked, but rather of a joyful nature. My mother was crazy about Gabriella from the first minutes, not knowing the language, they somehow began to communicate...

Gabriella: I was afraid to get to know each other, but all my worries and fears went away instantly. His family immediately hugged me, accepted me, and I felt absolutely comfortable with them.

Vitaly: Yes, and in a month she had to fly home. I remember well how we walked through the airport, I saw her off. Gabriella then looked completely exotic - searing black hair, bright clothes, a typical Brazilian. I look at her and hear inside everything that my friends told me: “Vital, you are no longer a little naive boy, she will fly away to her home in Rio de Janeiro, she has her own life, family, she is a singer, and you are a serious person and so far away in Moscow... Well, yes, we indulged for two months, like a holiday romance, but you have no future...” And suddenly I feel hurt to the point of tears: how is there no future?! Fuck you all! I don't want it to be now last time when I see her. She flew away, and we began a period of daily calls on Skype and by phone, with crazy bills. Then I couldn’t stand it and flew to Brazil.

Nerish also warned me: they say, if you have serious plans in relation to Gabriella, a big problem called "her mother". Gabriela has four sisters, she is the fifth, youngest, and her mother loves her madly!

Gabriella: Yes, my mother was very worried when we first started dating. But she never forbade me anything, she only supported me and this time she said: “Daughter, if you love me, I agree.” Then she met Vitaly, saw that he was a serious person, from a good family, and calmed down.

Vitaly: That time I said I loved her. He asked: “Please come with me to Moscow.” She arrived. And three months later she ran away...

Gabriella: It was very difficult for me during these three months, there was real depression. I don’t speak Russian, I have no friends, no work - I didn’t sing at that time, I’m sitting at home, I can’t even watch TV, because I don’t understand anything. We only communicate with my mother on the phone, that’s all. Yes, we went out somewhere with Vitaly, but he sat down with friends and seemed to forget about me, talking only to them. It was very lonely.

Vitaly: I didn't think about it! And then she says: I need to fly to my mother for two weeks. She deceived me because then she already knew that she did not want to return. And she flew away. Two weeks pass, I call to find out when to get tickets, and she says: “I won’t be back.”

Gabriella: I told him everything I was going through, how bad I felt. He called for two months, we talked, but I still couldn’t say whether I’d come back... And then he arrived again.

Vitaly: I was in shock, I couldn’t believe that she had deceived me. All my life I’ve been used to controlling everything, but she just did it her way! But during the time when I demanded a return date from her, I rethought a lot, and how a man grew during this time. I heard what was bothering her, I had time to analyze my mistakes and come to her as a different person. On that visit, I realized that I wanted to propose. I just felt like I might lose her, and I was very afraid of it.

We sailed on a big boat - with Gabriella, her mother and my friends, who then flew with me to Brazil for company. The music was playing, I took the microphone and asked for her hand in front of everyone. Everyone clapped, it was very touching. And six months later, there, in Rio de Janeiro, we had a wedding. I told her then: “I give you my man’s word that we will take care of your career, you will sing.”

Gabriella: I didn’t think about a career, I just had to sing, I’ve been singing since I was seven, this is my life. I am lucky that Vitaly not only understands that this is important for me, but also helps. I tell him all the time: “Thank you for being like this. good husband" His parents raised him that way. And he is also a very good dad.

Vitaly: The daughter is six years old, the son is three years old. They speak three languages: we communicate with each other in Portuguese, with the children in Portuguese and Russian, and our nanny is Filipino and speaks excellent English, so English is almost native to the children.

When my daughter was born, I really didn’t want to be present at the birth, but I had to - the doctor needed a translator. Then I chose a position so as not to see anything, rested my head against the wall and, without looking, translated what I heard. This is how our little Gabriella was born. It was the same with my son, although my wife already spoke decent Russian, but with me she felt calmer.

It was funny when we registered our daughter at the registry office. They ask: “What surname will the girl have?” I say: “Chekulaeva, of course.” And suddenly the wife starts crying. What's happened? It turns out that according to their traditions, the surname must consist of the mother’s and father’s, and if I don’t want the mother’s, it means I don’t love my wife. So our children became Gabriella Vitalievna Gomez da Silva Chekulaeva and Mikael Vitalievich Gomez da Silva Chekulaev. I never thought that feelings could become stronger over the years. But that’s how it worked out for us. I love my wife more now than in the early years.

Gabriella: He and I are very similar, we are halves. Of course, we fight sometimes, I’m temperamental, and he’s temperamental, although he doesn’t admit it. They used to shout - both in Portuguese and Russian. Now we have become wiser and quieter, as soon as the wave begins, we try to relax. We believe in positive and negative energy. Whatever you feel is how it will work. If one of us is sad and gives up, the other one says: look to tomorrow, everything will be fine! Indeed, everything is going well.

Vitaly: When we were just planning how we would build her career as a singer, those same friends of mine said: “Vitalya, Vitalya... Well, where are you going, what kind of show business! There, millions need to be poured in constantly, and it is unknown whether there will be a result!” Now look what a wonderful result we have!

I fell in love with her when I saw her on stage and heard her sing. And her dream became my dream. I believed in her, and when you love and believe, everything works out.

The singer told the site in an interview why she doesn’t want her daughter to become an artist.

Exotic singer Gabriella ( full name singer – Ana Lucia Gomez da Silva) after participating in the show “The Voice” she became a welcome guest at social events in the capital. We met a spectacular Brazilian woman at a party in a fashionable restaurant in Moscow and started talking.

It turns out that Gabriella is not such a party girl; the artist sometimes even cancels rehearsals to be at home with her family - her businessman husband and two children.

– Now I’m working on a new project, recording solo album, where there will be a mix of popular Brazilian and Russian songs,” the singer begins our conversation. – I plan to release it at the end of the year. I recorded a very cool dance song in Russian called “My Hero”.

With husband Vitaly / Global Look Press

– And who is your hero?

– For me, the hero is my husband Vitaly! I appreciate many qualities in him, he a real man, works hard, brings money home, pays all the bills, supports the family. She also understands and supports me as an artist. But not every spouse will allow his wife to realize herself; some are ready to close their beloved at home so that she can only deal with housework and raising children. My husband understands that the happy man is the one who has happy woman. Therefore, it gives me freedom in terms of implementation. And it's priceless.

– You are bright and spectacular, isn’t he jealous of you?

“We’ve been together for nine years now, the passions have subsided. I have become a wise woman, because by nature I am much more jealous than Vitaly. Now I'm calmer than before. I know that we have mutual understanding and trust in our relationship; Vitaly and I are very similar. And it’s easy for us to understand each other’s actions.

– Looking at you, it’s hard to believe that you have two children. How do you maintain such a great figure?

– I don’t know, I have no secrets. I work out at the fitness club once a week, because I don’t really like sports, but I dance all the time. I like to move, feel my body, control it. And enjoy the dance. I don’t follow any diets, but I don’t smoke or drink alcohol. It seems to me that the most important recipe for good shape for any person is happiness. Stress always has a negative effect on the body.

Husband and children / Instagram

- Everyone relaxes in the summer. And you?

– At the end of August, our whole family is planning to go to Dubai, Italy or Spain, we haven’t decided exactly where yet. But definitely where it’s hot, sea, sun, beach!

- Your daughter is in this this year will do to first grade. Have you already chosen a school? Is this a Russian school?

– My daughter speaks excellent Russian, Portuguese and English languages. To be honest, she speaks three languages ​​better than me. We have chosen a British school to educate Gabriella and are looking at a music school. My daughter used to dance, but now we are thinking about developing her vocal talent. I would like to find a serious teacher who will give her a good foundation. I do this not because I want Gabriella to become a singer - this is a very difficult profession - but because my daughter really likes to dance and sing.

– And Mikael is already showing Creative skills?

– He is only three years old, and for now he just copies everything, imitates his sister. Our son sings and dances. Everything follows Gabriella. It is very funny. I really like spending time with my children, seeing their smiles, kissing them, playing with them, feeling like a happy mother. True, it is not always possible to find time for pleasure; you need to work. But sometimes I still cancel rehearsals to be with the children.

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