Dmitry Komarov dancing with the stars. Dmitry Komarov left the show “Dancing with the Stars”


At the end of the seventh broadcast of the show “Dancing with the Stars,” unexpectedly for everyone, Dmitry Komarov and Alexandra Kucherenko left the project.

Dmitry Komarov himself left the show “Dancing with the Stars”

TV presenter Dmitry Komarov stopped competing for the title of best dancer. On October 8, he and his partner left Dancing with the Stars.

IN last episode a new rule has appeared - this is the “dance for life”. The jury members choose two couples who performed the task worst. At the end of the program they are provided last chance prove that they are worthy of participating in the show.

Sergei and Snezhana Babkin and Yuri Tkach and Ilona Gvozdeva had to dance again. The jury decided that Tkach and Gvozdeva should leave the competition. But Dmitry Komarov did a worthy thing and left the project in their place.


Also, before leaving, Komarov asked channel 1+1 to give money for treatment to the child. It's about about the budget that people spent voting for him during the week.

The TV presenter is very glad that he had the opportunity to participate in an amazing program. Dmitry believes that nothing is impossible, the main thing is the support of loved ones. Thanks to this support, he agreed to participate in the show, although not everything worked out for him right away.

Such Noble act left no one indifferent. Social networks are simply exploding with a huge number of comments. Every TV viewer is in a hurry to express their opinion on what is happening.

The seventh broadcast of “Dancing with the Stars” turned out to be very unpredictable. Yes, the judges of the “1+1” project expected such an act from Dmitry Komarov, but the fact that this would happen at this very moment... After the announcement of the judges’ results, Yuri Tkach and Ilona Gvozdeva had to leave the show. But Dmitry Komarov and Alexandra Kucherenko decided to change this result and give their place to their pair.

"For us now, all the couples are our family, we have long ceased to be competitors. Without Yura Tkach, the show will become too serious. Thanks to my partner Alexandra Kucherenko, because it was not easy for her. Thanks to all the fans who voted for us, and I ask for the funds received for SMS and phone calls for our couple, donate to charity - the treatment of a sick child,” Dima said on air.

We talked with Komarov about whether there is life after "Dancing..."

- Dima, which of you was the first to talk about refusing to participate in the show in favor of other participants?

I spoke out loud, but Sasha and I were already thinking in sync. So, we discussed something among ourselves. But yesterday a clear understanding came: it’s time!

- When were the guys announced for the nomination?

Yes, when they announced that we had passed the voting stage. At that moment, Sasha and I weren’t even happy anymore. We talked quietly, and I suggested: let's give in, because our mission is completed. Indeed, there are still strong couples on the project.

- How did Sasha take your words?

Fine. She was also in favor. This was correct from all points of view. And she fully supported me. We wanted to come up with some beautiful words, but we only managed to whisper quietly and didn’t even have time to really think.

Why didn't we say it right away? I am a television worker, and I understand what a colossal job my colleagues do: sleepless nights, calculating the show second by second, because this is a live broadcast, in which there should not be any breakdowns. I respect the work of my colleagues, and ruining their show is a no-no! Therefore, I waited until the moment when it was no longer possible to disrupt anything.

- Didn’t you think that this was a little unfair to your fans who voted for you?

No. This money, as I announced in live, we will give it to the children in my project “Cup of Coffee”. This decision came to me already on the air. I understand that this is a format that I have nothing to do with, but as an exception, I voiced such a request. Our channel does charity work and supports me and such initiatives. I think it's so fair. The fans will definitely understand me, support me and be in favor. After all, they vote for me so much that I can reach the finals and win. And this is also not entirely fair.

- Many people watched the project because of you and believe that with your departure, “Dancing...” lost a little.

Part of my audience, of course, was watching because of me. But, nevertheless, the intrigue remains, there are still strong couples in choreographic terms and, it seems to me, even my fans will be interested in watching and seeing how it all ends, how the fate of Tkach, who remained in the project, will turn out...

In principle, as far as I know, this is the first precedent in the world history of the show - no one has ever left the project voluntarily.

But this is right and fair. I really showed what I wanted to show - if you are not afraid and move forward, then everyone can turn their world inside out.

Everything turned out well, only Yura Gorbunov was very surprised (laughs).

The project has just ended, so you need to breathe out, first of all, and recover.

- Get some sleep, after all?

It hasn't worked out yet. Woke up to the alarm clock. I wanted to go to work early, so I ended up going to the clinic. Yesterday I got frostbite on my stomach.

- Belly?

I tore my abdominal muscle during rehearsal. There was such pain that sparks started pouring out of my eyes. And in order to somehow minimize it, a minute before going on air we froze my abs from a spray can (the procedure is the same as for football players). And - they froze. I still laughed - I didn’t get frostbite on Everest, but on the parquet floor I did. But I’m already used to the fact that we break something, stretch it, so it’s not a problem. I think we looked decent and completed this story beautifully.

- You know, one more thing - a mustache suits you very well! All the girls in the editorial office say this.

Everyone told me this yesterday. With the mustache, everything just buzzed my ears yesterday. Everyone came up and said: Komarov, you need a mustache!

- So, maybe, yes?

A one-time look – very cool.

- Do you regret anything?

No. Everything is fine. These, of course, were two very difficult months, but now I can finally return to my main job, do what I have always done. Otherwise, the emphasis shifted very much and I only had to catch up with “The World Inside Out” at night, and devote my days to dancing.

It became clear again: TV viewers are not ready to let go of Dima Komarov, whom the strict jury members called in every possible way - a tree, Pinocchio or simply wooden. TV viewers respond to any, even the lowest ratings from the judges, from broadcast to broadcast by actively voting, saving Komarov from being thrown out of the project.

“Thank you all so much! From the heart. From the heart,” Dmitry says to everyone who sends SMS for him every Sunday. We talked with Komarov about which dances are most difficult for him, and also a little about personal things - about his relationship with Alexandra Kucherenko.

- Dima, why did you choose Alexander Kucherenko?

According to the project format, participants do not choose partners. But I was very lucky with Sasha. She is understanding and professional, supports me, teaches me. It's very difficult for her.

- Should there be passion, love (even if only in the head) between the partners of the show “Dancing with the Stars”?

Yes, contact is important. If you are complete strangers, you won’t even be able to rehearse together, given that it takes 4-5 hours every day. If you see your partner more than your family members, then without contact it is impossible. There must be some kind of sympathy, good human relations. If you have this, it will be easier for you. Otherwise it will be torture. The training process is very difficult. There are times when nerves are on edge. Mutual understanding is important here. So that your partner understands your weak sides, tried to somehow neutralize them, and you respected the fact that she had to work doubly hard because something wasn’t working out for you.

- Do you meet with Alexandra outside the court, for example, to discuss news over a cup of coffee?

Now yes. We can go to lunch after training and meet to discuss the next issue. For example, today Sasha came to my channel and we discussed our dance. We watched a video on YouTube together and thought about how to do it.

- What was the most difficult thing for you in the “Dancing with Stars” project?

A schedule in which we have to combine editing the new season of “The World Inside Out” and preparing for the show “Dancing with Stars.”

-What were you most afraid of?

Technical numbers. And my fears were confirmed. For me, the most difficult thing is when you need to clearly, rhythmically and, God forbid, quickly take any steps, for example, in the same samba - samba move or botafogo. You can memorize everything like a verse during rehearsals, but you go live and immediately forget everything. Technical numbers are the hardest for me.

- Which dance is the most difficult for you?

For me now all dances are equally difficult, to be honest...

- Do you have a favorite?

In the second broadcast, I danced half of the number sitting on a bench. In the third, he was hanging, which the presenter even joked about. I even joked with the team and partner that in the next dance they should put me down so that I could sleep the entire number, and it would be much easier for me. Dance technique is very difficult for me. Therefore, if there is an opportunity due to some theater scenes, mise-en-scenes leave out part of the dance, this makes the work easier. I want you to look at me more people decided to start dancing and were not shy. Often our main problem is that we are shy and think about how we will look in the eyes of others. I hope that my example - a person who dances poorly, but does it in front of 20 million spectators - will inspire someone to start dancing.

What turned out to be more difficult for you - conquering Everest or learning some kind of dance (spending 8 hours in the rehearsal room, living through the first nervous broadcast)?

I have not yet conquered Everest, but have reached base camp. But, honestly, in terms of emotional load this is no less than an expedition. Perhaps many people think that dancing for an hour on air is not so difficult, but you can’t even imagine what colossal work is done before each broadcast. Such a schedule radically changes the usual life. Now the main place in it is occupied by dancing.

Watch the updated “Dancing with Stars” every Sunday at 21.00 on the “1+1” TV channel and follow the project news in a special topic on.

The emotional statement did not leave many indifferent. And he voiced his position in more detail in an interview with the publication “KP in Ukraine”.

I looked through the comments and understand that the audience did not fully understand everything either. Watch the Babkins' performance. The decoration of their room was a large tree. And after their performance, Yama says, in a serious tone: “I think your act was dishonest, there were three participants, Komarov is standing on the stage (pointing to a large decoration tree). Remove him from the floor and we will continue dancing.” We heard it all behind the scenes. Neither we nor the other participants even realized what it was.

This joke initially angered Dmitry Komarov, who, already aware of his inability to dance, wants to motivate others to take up dancing by his example.

Yama wanted to joke, but the joke failed. It didn't seem like a joke, and that's not just my opinion, but the opinion of all the stars who were in the red room. How can a judge allow himself to do this?! This is already a transition to personal insults. And I’m not used to being made a whipping boy. Moreover, it is quite strange when a judge behaves like this. Firstly, there is no need to touch other participants in the room of one of the competitors. Secondly, a joke that is told for four weeks in a row becomes not funny, we all know about " bearded joke". Yama didn’t manage to make a joke, but he managed to insult me. But I don’t allow myself to be insulted, I can fight back. I don’t exaggerate my dancing abilities, I’m far from Yama, but I try and learn. And general mood the judges were "dunked", and it looked ugly. But I wouldn’t have reacted to this if it weren’t for the comments in the Babkins’ issue.

But even despite the criticism, Dmitry Komarov does not intend to give up, no matter how hard it is for him.

We have a maximum of 5 days to prepare the dance. Just imagine: how can a non-dancing person learn from scratch in 5 days what people have been teaching for years?! I really do everything I can, sacrifice my life, edit “The World Inside Out” at night, fight the alarm clock every morning... It’s easier for me to fly out, believe me. My life won't change in any way. But I'm not going to give up or leave. If you start - go while you can go - you must go.

And this position of the TV presenter is worthy of respect. And we remind you that it became known.

The fourth broadcast of the legendary project “Dancing with the Stars” turned out to be very hot. Why, the editors found out website.

Let us remind you that Vlad Yama did not very gently comment on the performance of Sergei and Snezhana Babkin when he saw a large tree in the middle of the parquet as a decoration. In his conversation with the couple, he insulted the innocent next participant in the dance, Dmitry Komarov, who at that time was watching from behind the scenes and listening to every word spoken by the judge.

Yama told the participants that they were performing dishonestly, since they invited a third participant - a tree - to their room. He joked that another participant was clearly hiding behind him - Dmitry. And in all seriousness he said: “I propose to remove the decorations, and then we can start our show.” Later, against the backdrop of this, a childish conflict flared up!

Komarov, having heard unkind things addressed to him, was seriously offended! And after his performance - a hot tango with Alexandra Kucherenko, when Yama also said that there was not enough passion in their number, Dmitry grabbed the microphone from the presenter and compared Yama to the blind man from the film “Scent of a Woman”. He said that no matter how strong a person's ability in dance technique is, anyone with the help dance moves will be able to convey his emotions, feelings and experiences! And only a blind person through the prism of his glasses could fail to notice in such beautiful dance passion! And therefore Vlad Yama is a blind judge.

Moreover, a very offended Komarov so directly proclaimed on the air that he himself is not a tree at all! “I am a person, a person, yes, maybe I don’t have super talents in dancing, but I do everything in order to learn how to move great! I try my best and don’t give up!”

Vlad Yama responded only with silence. And the presenter tried to resolve the conflict and asked Dima and Sasha to leave the stage to applause!

But Dmitry did not give up. Apparently, he was greatly affected by the situation that had happened: in his social network he told the whole world about the cruel, bad jokes judges. Hundreds of fans supported him there.

And we just asked ourselves: why does someone think that he has the right to judge a person for his love of dancing and, moreover, call him names behind his back? Is this fair? What do you think? We believe that Dmitry Komarov did the right thing, he showed himself to be a real man, ready to deal with this terrible and ridiculous situation in front of everyone. Yes, Dima reacted very emotionally, but what would you do in his place?!

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