What is cache memory? What is cache for Android. Running out of memory on your smartphone? Simple optimization tips

Modern smartphones are equipped with a fairly capacious storage device, but users often do not have enough built-in memory.

Because of this, the smartphone begins to slow down, applications slow down, and the owner of the gadget loses the ability to install new games and programs. One way to free up phone memory is to clear the cache. Unfortunately, not all users know what a cache is, why it is needed, and how to clear it correctly. In this instructional article we will consider this topic in more detail.

What is cache on an Android smartphone?

Each application installed on a smartphone has its own folder in the system in which temporary files are stored. These could be program reports, user settings, etc. For example, when viewing a VKontakte feed in a browser, the latter can automatically make copies of all images in order to load these images from memory the next time you open the page. This is necessary to save Internet traffic and speed up page loading.

Even if the user deletes the program from the phone, the folder with temporary files may remain. Over time, a lot of similar folders can accumulate, and the device’s memory will be significantly filled. Based on this, a logical question arises - how to clear the cache on an Android smartphone, and is it safe?

This procedure is simple and available to all users. By clearing the cache, you can get rid of many problems, including long loading times for programs, unexpected crashes, and frequent bugs.

Types of cache

Android devices have three types of cache: Dalvik-cache, system application cache, and user program cache. There is no point in clearing the first one, since it is automatically recreated. The second is located in the internal memory of the smartphone in a special folder /cache. It should also not be touched, as problems may arise in the operation of the system.

As for the user program cache, this is what we recommend periodically cleaning. These folders and files can be located both on the internal memory of the smartphone and on memory cards.

The classic way to clear the cache

The safest way to clear cache on Android is to use the built-in utility. The gadget's system will independently get rid of everything unnecessary and will not harm important files and user data.

To use this method, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to “Settings” - “Storage (or “Memory”)”.
  2. Find the Cache Data tab. In the pop-up window with the message “Cached data from all applications will be deleted”, click “OK”.
  3. After this, you should wait a few seconds until the system gets rid of unnecessary files.

Clearing cache via Recovery

You can get rid of unnecessary cache files on all smartphones. The main condition is to get into the Recovery menu, which we talked about in detail. To enter the section, you need to hold down a combination of buttons, which may differ on smartphones from different manufacturers. Typically this is the power button + volume button (up or down).

After opening the Recovery menu, you need to select the item. Navigation in the section is carried out using the power and volume buttons.

Programs for clearing cache on Android

You can clear the cache using . The most popular program is Clean Master, which can be downloaded for free on Google Play. To get rid of unnecessary data, you need to open the program and select the “JUNK FILES” tab. Next, in the pop-up window, select the applications whose caches need to be cleared and click on “CLEAN JUNK”.

You can also use other applications and programs:

  • CCleaner - functionality is almost similar to Clean Master and Power Clean, but the interface is better translated into Russian.
  • App Cache Cleaner - allows you to clear data yourself, as well as set up automatic file cleaning. It is possible to transfer data to a microSD card.
  • Power Clean is a multifunctional add-on that allows you not only to clear the cache, but also to delete old files, cool the processor, and much more.

Clear cache of one application

If you need to clear the cache of only one application without installing third-party programs, you can use the following instructions:

  1. Go to the menu “Settings” - “Applications” “All”.
  2. Find the application you need and select it.
  3. Go to the “Storage” section and click the “Clear cache” (or “Erase data”) button.

In some applications, after such actions you will need to re-authorize.

What does it mean to clear the cache on your phone? This question is often asked by smartphone users. Each application is configured in such a way as to minimize the load on the operating system and at the same time work quickly. To do this, some files are installed on the memory card. Do I need to periodically clear the cache? Everyone's personal business. However, you must understand that when the storage is full, the device may malfunction. Also, when installing new applications, you may run out of memory.

In some phones, the manufacturer has already provided a way to clear the cache in the settings. However, there are also models in which this cannot be done quickly. Let's look at a few ways.

How to clear the cache memory on your phone through the settings menu? In order to speed up the operation of the device, you will need to delete mobile browser files. The user must go to the WAP section through the main menu. In it, find the “Settings” item and activate the “Clear cache memory” command. After this, it is recommended to go back and select the “Delete cookies” line, which can also slow down the operation of the gadget.


How can I clear the cache on my phone if the fourth or fifth version of the Opera browser is installed? For this procedure you need to enter the settings. Then find the Settings Privacy tab. In it, select the Delete history and Delete cookies commands.

If Opera mini is installed on your phone, then you need to use a different method. From the “Tools” tab, go to “Options”. In it, find the “Clear cookies” command and activate it. When finished, reboot the device.

HTC Sensation

How to clear cache on HTC Sensation? The above methods are not suitable for this model. The user needs to perform the following algorithm of actions. Go to the menu through the main screen. In it, select the “Memory” tab. After which a list will open, in which there will be an item “Internal storage”. Here activate the “Free up more space” link. Next, the user will be presented with a list of applications where it is necessary to clear the cache. Having made your choice, confirm with the “Next” button. The system will then execute the programmed command.

Google Play app

Nowadays, most smartphone owners often use Google Play. For this reason, you need to know how to clear the cache of not only the application, but also the download manager. These actions are performed in the settings menu. It opens the “Applications” item and selects the “Manage Applications” tab. To display all programs installed on the phone, the user must click the "All" button. In the list that opens, check the box next to Google Play and activate the commands: the first is “Erase data”, the second is “Delete cache”. This algorithm is also used to clean download manager files.

How to clear the cache on your phone using Clean Master?

To clear the cache, advanced users recommend using the mobile version of the popular CCleaner program. The Clean Master app has a wide range of options. In addition to clearing memory, you can close all applications running in the background, monitor battery consumption, etc.

How to use the application?

  • Install on your smartphone.
  • Launch the utility.
  • Enter the “Garbage” item.
  • Activate the "Clear" command.

Cache Clear – program for clearing cache memory

How to clear the cache on your phone using the Cache Clear program?

  • Download the application to your device.
  • Open the program.
  • To quickly clear, select the “All” command.
  • Confirm action.

If you need to clear the cache in only a few applications, then instead of the “All” command, click on the “Cache” button. In the list that opens on the screen, select specific programs and activate the “Clean” link.

Cache Clear has an automatic option – “Auto Cleanup”. It allows you to program the time interval after which the device will clear the cache without user intervention.

What is cache memory? What is cache for Android

This article will tell you what a cache is and what types there are. This question is often asked by computer users who do not fully understand the meaning of this term. There are several types of cache memory available on different devices. It is an integral part of the computer and is simply necessary for it to work properly. The article will describe the differences in detail and talk about when the cache should be cleared and what it will lead to.

What is cache memory?

A cache is a section of memory taken from the hard drive that stores information that is most often needed by the processor of your device. It helps simplify the processor's work in cases where it needs to spend a long time searching or loading information. Simply put, this is information that is stored very close to the processor itself. That is, the device stores information or commands that are used most often in storage, this allows the device to quickly find the required material. The cache may vary. Let's say there is a cache on a computer, browser, or smartphone. Most often, the device places processed information in this memory area so as not to process it again and not waste extra time. What cache memory is is now clear. Let's see where it is used.

What is a computer cache?

The computer has RAM, which it uses to optimize its performance. Cache memory in a computer is a buffer between the processor and RAM. It is located close to the processor itself, so it is faster for it to use the information stored in it rather than get to the operational one.

Example of work

You can give an example of how cache memory works to properly understand its essence. A person needs to find out phone numbers that he does not remember. Finding telephone numbers in a directory will be equivalent to the processor searching for information in RAM. If these phone numbers are written down on a separate sheet, a person will be able to quickly find them out without searching in a directory. This piece of paper is an example of cache memory. The computer automatically uploads information there that can often be useful. This, of course, greatly optimizes the operation of the computer, thereby increasing its performance.

Browser cache

The browser also uses cache memory. He uploads information, pictures, sounds and more there. This can be seen in the way your browser opens a site you visit often faster than the one you visited for the first time. This happens because the browser “understands” that this site is often visited by you, and in order not to download information from it each time and waste time on it, it saves it in cache memory to optimize the work and save time . The browser uses hard drive space for this temporary storage. The browser cache size can be adjusted in the browser itself. But it is worth remembering that if it fills the entire space with information, then new information will be loaded there by displacing old information that is not used. You can easily clear your browser cache if you don't think you need it.

Cache for games on Android

Users of Android smartphones often wonder what cache is for Android. Most often it is required for games with 3D graphics, which require more space for additional materials. Sometimes for games it downloads itself when you enter the game. Using the Internet, the game independently downloads the information it requires and places it in storage. But sometimes it happens that the cache for a game needs to be placed in storage yourself. You can do this by following the instructions for installing the game. Most often, a game with a cache is installed as follows. The installation file is placed anywhere on your device, because this file just needs to be installed. The cache, in turn, must be placed in a specially designated place on your smartphone so that when the game starts, it begins to read information from the right place. If the cache is located where it is needed, the game will function smoothly. The place where you need to copy it is indicated in the game description.

What does "clear cache" mean?

Not many people know what “clear cache” is. This means deleting all the accumulated information on your device that is necessary to optimize the operation of your computer. This should only be done if absolutely necessary. Let's say that after deleting the browser cache, sites that you constantly use will take a little longer to load. After all, he will need to re-download all the information on the site. After deleting the cache on your smartphone, games that require it will not be able to launch without these materials.

A person must understand what clearing the cache means and know what it can lead to. Of course, sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to clean it. This may be due to memory overflow or problems that it can lead to. Sometimes it happens that the cache can interfere with the operation of the computer. This needs to be monitored. CCleaner can find caches on your system that you don't need and remove them. This program greatly helps optimize your computer's performance. It can check your computer for errors, clean the system registry, and also set programs to autoload when the computer starts. This can also be called an important function. After all, often the programs that we download from the Internet are automatically downloaded when Windows starts. If a large number of such programs are loaded when the computer starts, it may take a long time to turn on. The CCleaner program can easily fix this; you can set the autorun programs that you need and which you do not need when starting the system. When you already know what clearing the cache is, you need to find out in detail the reasons why you need to do it.

Why clear the cache?

One of the reasons why this memory needs to be cleared is due to free disk space. This is especially true for people who have multiple browsers. Each browser will take up space from your hard drive for its own personal cache, which can have a significant impact on memory. It also saves the design of sites. Let's say if you visited the site, your browser will save its design. And after the new design is released, you will not be able to see it, since you will be shown the design saved in your cache. In addition, it also saves your browsing history. If you don't want anyone to be able to view the sites you visit, you can also clear it. Deleting excess cache from your smartphone will also be useful. Often games leave it when deleted. Therefore, there may be a cache of a game on your phone that is no longer on the computer, and this will take up quite a lot of memory. Considering that a smartphone does not have as much memory as a computer, this plays a big role. We hope this article gave you a general understanding and helped answer the question of what a cache is.

What is cache memory? What is cache memory in a phone?

Valeria Mareeva

Your question:

Master's answer:

Aka diesel

The same as everywhere.
A cache is a fast-access intermediate buffer containing information that is most likely to be accessed. Accessing data in the cache is faster than retrieving source data from operational memory (RAM) and faster than external memory (hard drive or solid-state drive), thereby reducing the average access time and increasing overall system performance.

Many programs write intermediate or auxiliary results of work somewhere so as not to calculate them every time they are needed. This speeds up work, but requires additional memory (RAM or disk). An example of such caching is database indexing.

In the process of transmitting information over the network, caching of Internet pages can be used - the process of storing frequently requested documents on (intermediate) proxy servers or the user's machine, in order to prevent their constant downloading from the source server and reduce traffic. In this way, information moves closer to the user. Caching is controlled using HTTP headers.
Caching can be done both in memory and in the file cache.

Artyom Rubanov

What is cache

Dima Denisov

Your question:
How to free up cache memory in a mobile phone?
Master's answer:
If you have problems related to the lack of space to install any new applications or the phone has begun to respond more slowly to the tasks assigned to it, then you should clear the cache memory in your mobile phone, which will speed up its operation and, accordingly, install everything you need . Many modern models include the necessary tools to perform this operation.
First of all, it is always recommended to clear the phone cache by deleting the cache that is filled by using mobile browsers. To perform this operation, open the main menu of your mobile device and go to the WAP item. At this point, select the “Settings” section and execute the command “Clear cache memory”. Next, return to the settings menu and use the “Delete cookies” command.
In the Opera Internet browser version 4.2 or 5, go to the “Settings” menu and select “Settings Privacy”, where run the Delete history and Delete cookies commands. If you use the Opera mini browser, then the sequence of actions will be slightly different: go to the main menu of the browser and go to “Tools”. Open the “Options” tab and select the “Clear cookies” command.
If you are the owner of an HTC Sensation mobile phone, the algorithm of actions will differ from that described above. In order to free the cache memory in this mobile phone, open its main menu and go to the “Settings” section. Find the “Memory” item in this section and go to the “Internal storage” tab. Next, click the "Free up more space" link, use the "Clear cache" screen to select applications to clear memory. To confirm your choice, click the “Next” button.
You need to pay attention to clearing the cache memory of the Google Play application and the download manager. Open the main menu of your mobile phone and go to Settings. Select the "Applications" command and open the "Manage applications" link. Click on the "All" tab and select the Google Play program. Next, follow the commands “Erase data” and “Delete cache”. The same algorithm of actions is suitable for the download manager.
Download and install the special CacheMate application on your mobile phone, which will make it easier for you to clear your phone's cache memory. Through this application, the operation is performed manually with one click of a button, or it is possible to set a schedule for clearing the cache.

Liza Kiseleva

Your question:
How to free up cache memory in a mobile phone?
Master's answer:
If you have problems related to the lack of space to install any new applications or the phone has begun to respond more slowly to the tasks assigned to it, then you should clear the cache memory in your mobile phone, which will speed up its operation and, accordingly, install everything you need . Many modern models include the necessary tools to perform this operation.
First of all, it is always recommended to clear the phone cache by deleting the cache that is filled by using mobile browsers. To perform this operation, open the main menu of your mobile device and go to the WAP item. At this point, select the “Settings” section and execute the command “Clear cache memory”. Next, return to the settings menu and use the “Delete cookies” command.
In the Opera Internet browser version 4.2 or 5, go to the “Settings” menu and select “Settings Privacy”, where run the Delete history and Delete cookies commands. If you use the Opera mini browser, then the sequence of actions will be slightly different: go to the main menu of the browser and go to “Tools”. Open the “Options” tab and select the “Clear cookies” command.
If you are the owner of an HTC Sensation mobile phone, the algorithm of actions will differ from that described above. In order to free the cache memory in this mobile phone, open its main menu and go to the “Settings” section. Find the “Memory” item in this section and go to the “Internal storage” tab. Next, click the "Free up more space" link, use the "Clear cache" screen to select applications to clear memory. To confirm your choice, click the “Next” button.
You need to pay attention to clearing the cache memory of the Google Play application and the download manager. Open the main menu of your mobile phone and go to Settings. Select the "Applications" command and open the "Manage applications" link. Click on the "All" tab and select the Google Play program. Next, follow the commands “Erase data” and “Delete cache”. The same algorithm of actions is suitable for the download manager.
Download and install the special CacheMate application on your mobile phone, which will make it easier for you to clear your phone's cache memory. Through this application, the operation is performed manually with one click of a button, or it is possible to set a schedule for clearing the cache.

The cache contains pictures and all sorts of garbage from the sites you visited. In the future, the browser takes them from the cache, so as not to download them again from the network. This speeds up page loading. But if you surfed porn sites and don’t want anyone to see what you were looking at, then clear the cache. Because people like me, looking at the cache on your computer, can see all this disgrace.

Can I delete cached app data on my phone? What it is? How will this affect the phone's performance?

Artyom Rubanov

What is cache
This is when you spend a lot of time on the Internet and load the same pages several times, your browser stores the contents of all viewed pages in a cache. For what? And so as not to reload those pages that you come to again. The browser simply retrieves them from the cache. It works out much faster this way.
That is, in simple terms, the cache is the browser’s memory. The place where the browser stores pages you have already visited.
Everything is fine, but due to the large amount of stored information, the computer begins to work slower. Now is the time to quickly clear the cache.
How to clear cache in Mozilla Firefox
I'll tell you the easiest and fastest way to do this. To do this, in the menu on the top panel, select Tools, then Settings, from the top tabs in the window that appears, select Privacy, Clear all current history, check the box next to Cache - click on the Clear now button. Now everything superfluous and unnecessary has been removed, and the computer begins to work faster.
If suddenly you don’t see the Menu at the top of Mozilla Firefox (File, Edit, View, Journal, Bookmark, Tools...), right-click on a blank field, and in the window, check the box next to “Menu Bar”
If you are working in the Google Chrome bowser, then in the upper right part of the panel find the “wrench”, hovering over it, you will see a hint “Customizing and managing Google Chrome” Click and select “Options”. On the left, select the “Advanced” tab. Click on the button “Delete browsing data”. In the “Clear browsing data” window that appears, check the box next to “Clear cache” and click on “Delete browsing data”.
Clear the cache regularly, and you will not have problems with the speed of your computer. Of course, this only applies to the reason I mentioned

Why do you need a cache? what happens if they are removed?


Before the browser displays what you requested, it first needs to be downloaded from the Internet to the computer and then it can display it directly from the computer. . .everything that has been downloaded is in the cache. . .can and should be deleted...
The browser automatically saves certain data to your computer's hard drive. This list includes website design elements, images and pictures, video files that you watched on the Internet, music you listened to, etc. This is done so that the next time you access the page, it loads faster, due to the fact that some of the information is not loaded from the server, but directly from your hard drive!
What does this mean? Of course, taking into account everything described above, we can conclude that the cache makes life much easier for users, making surfing the Internet the fastest and most comfortable, but on the other hand...
First. If you have never cleared your browser cache, but regularly use the Internet, then you can probably imagine how many cache files (so-called temporary files) could accumulate on your hard drive during your use. Of course, these files are small on their own, but multiply this by all the time you spend on the Internet. If you are at a loss, I can tell you that the total size of cache files can reach several gigabytes! Agree, not a little.
Second. As already mentioned, website design elements are stored in cache, so over time, some websites may begin to display incorrectly. For example, the design of the site has changed, but the old design is still stored in the cache of your web browser. It turns out to be a conflict. A similar situation occurs in some online games. Sometimes the problem can be solved by simply refreshing the page, sometimes not.
I believe that these reasons alone are enough to periodically clear your browser cache, especially since anyone, even an inexperienced user, can handle this procedure. However, keep in mind: after deleting cache files, Internet pages will load a little slower. This is because all these pages will be loaded directly from the web server and the cache files will be recreated.

As a rule, a cache is understood as an area on a faster drive where a software product stores reorganized data that is frequently used by the user. The cache is used to significantly speed up the application. The cache is formed during operation and can be re-formed and/or reorganized at any time convenient for the application.
For example, thumbnails of images in a folder are cached so that the next time the user accesses the folder, he does not have to wait for the operating system to scan all image files and build thumbnails.
In most cases, deleting cache files does not lead to disruption of the application, except in cases where the deletion occurs at the time of direct use of these files.

Yuri Sergeevich

The browser cache is a certain area on the hard drive in which files downloaded from the network when viewing web pages are stored.
Usually it has a limited volume, since old unused files are constantly replaced by new ones as the user works, and when using a cache, web pages load faster. If you delete the cache, nothing will happen, periodically you need to clear the cache, cookies, browser history
[link blocked by decision of the project administration]


Let's imagine a site in the form of a mosaic - every time you open a site - your computer downloads the details from this mosaic and puts them into a whole picture, so that each time you open the site you do not have to download these details again - your computer stores them in its memory - these details are the CACHE .
Cache or cache (English cache, from French cacher - “hide”; pronounced “cache”) is an intermediate buffer with quick access, containing information that can be requested with the greatest probability. Accessing data in a cache is faster than retrieving source data from slower memory or a remote source, but its capacity is significantly limited compared to source data storage.

What does clear cache mean? what it is????

✔Cache is temporary files stored on your computer, which include pictures, flash drives, sounds and other elements from the web pages you visited. The next time you visit this page, they are not downloaded again, but are taken from the cache, which speeds up the page loading time.
✔How to clear your browser cache?
In Windows Internet Explorer browser
In Mozilla Firefox browser
In the Opera browser
In Google Chrome browser
In Safari browser
Mobile version of Safari for iOS
Mobile version of Opera Mini for iOS and Android
Mobile version of Mozilla Firefox for Android


Internet definitions
A cache or cache (cache, from cacher - to hide; pronounced - cache) is an intermediate fast-access buffer containing information that is most likely to be requested by high-speed memory, such as RAM. ..
An area of ​​memory (RAM or disk) in which used data is placed to speed up re-access to it. Firefox cache - copies of viewed web pages that are saved on your local drive. ..
A system mechanism that increases page output speed. It is a kind of buffer into which already processed html code is written for subsequent output to the browser. ..

This is a block of high-speed memory into which data extracted from RAM is copied. This preservation of basic instructions improves processor performance. Intel processors have a cache memory of the first (L1) and second (L2) levels. ..
Cache is a way to save frequently used data. By storing this data, the server uses fewer server resources, allowing it to handle other tasks. By default, phpBB caches its templates when compiled and used.

What does it mean to clear the cache on your phone? This question is often asked by smartphone users. Each application is configured in such a way as to minimize the load on the operating system and at the same time work quickly. To do this, some files are installed on the memory card. Do I need to periodically clear the cache? Everyone's personal business. However, you must understand that when the storage is full, the device may malfunction. Also, when installing new applications, you may run out of memory.

In some phones, the manufacturer has already provided a way to clear the cache in the settings. However, there are also models in which this cannot be done quickly. Let's look at a few ways.

On the phone through the settings menu? In order to speed up the operation of the device, you will need to delete mobile browser files. The user must go to the WAP section through the main menu. In it, find the “Settings” item and activate the “Clear cache memory” command. After this, it is recommended to go back and select the “Delete cookies” line, which can also slow down the operation of the gadget.


How can I clear the cache on my phone if the fourth or fifth version of the Opera browser is installed? For this procedure you need to enter the settings. Then find the Settings Privacy tab. In it, select the Delete history and Delete cookies commands.

If Opera mini is installed on your phone, then you need to use a different method. From the “Tools” tab, go to “Options”. In it, find the “Clear cookies” command and activate it. When finished, reboot the device.

HTC Sensation

How to clear cache on HTC Sensation? The above methods are not suitable for this model. The user needs to perform the following algorithm of actions. Go to the menu through the main screen. In it, select the “Memory” tab. After which a list will open, in which there will be an item “Internal storage”. Here activate the “Free up more space” link. Next, the user will be presented with a list of applications where it is necessary to clear the cache. Having made your choice, confirm with the “Next” button. The system will then execute the programmed command.

Google Play app

Nowadays, most smartphone owners often use Google Play. For this reason, you need to know how to clear the cache of not only the application, but also the download manager. These actions are performed in the settings menu. It opens the “Applications” item and selects the “Manage Applications” tab. To display all programs installed on the phone, the user must click the "All" button. In the list that opens, check the box next to Google Play and activate the commands: the first is “Erase data”, the second is “Delete cache”. This algorithm is also used to clean download manager files.

How to clear the cache on your phone using Clean Master?

To clear the cache, advanced users recommend using the mobile version of the popular CCleaner program. The application has a wide range of options. In addition to clearing memory, you can close all applications running to monitor battery consumption, etc.

How to use the application?

  • Install on your smartphone.
  • Launch the utility.
  • Enter the “Garbage” item.
  • Activate the "Clear" command.

Cache Clear - program for clearing cache memory

How to clear the cache on your phone using the Cache Clear program?

  • Download the application to your device.
  • Open the program.
  • To quickly clear, select the “All” command.
  • Confirm action.

If you need to clear the cache in only a few applications, then instead of the “All” command, click on the “Cache” button. In the list that opens on the screen, select specific programs and activate the “Clean” link.

Cache Clear has an automatic option - “Auto Cleanup”. It allows you to program the time interval after which the device will clear the cache without user intervention.

No matter how much memory an ultra-modern tablet has, sooner or later it becomes clogged with all sorts of unnecessary files. Therefore, every owner of such a gadget is faced with a completely logical and logical question: a browser on Android? After reading this article, you will learn how to do this in several different ways.

Why is there a need to delete files?

Before you start figuring out how to use Android, you need to try to understand what is meant by this term and why there is such a need. The system cache is nothing more than a set of videos, images, text and other auxiliary files that are responsible for the most correct display of Internet browser pages.

Surely many of those who are interested in how to clear the cache on Android have repeatedly noticed that it takes some time to load a web page. Sometimes this process goes quickly, and sometimes you have to wait quite a long time. The more you use the Internet, the more files are stored in the cache of your device. On the one hand, this allows you to save Internet traffic. On the other hand, the question arises about the advisability of storing a large number of unnecessary files, many of which may never be used.

The same is true with games and applications. Any action or achievement is stored in the cache, and it is completely unclear why this data should be accumulated if the user wanted to get rid of a boring game or application.

Cleaning with built-in tools

Before you clear the cache on Android, you should figure out what we gain as a result of such actions. It must be said right away that such manipulations can solve several important problems at once. Clearing free space in memory helps to significantly speed up the entire system.

Any modern device running on the Android operating system has a special function that allows you to get rid of unnecessary files. To use it, you should open the gadget settings and, going to the “Memory” section, go to the “Cached Data” tab. As a result of these actions, a prompt will appear on the screen to free up memory from unnecessary files. After clicking “Ok” the cleaning will be performed. However, it should be understood that repeating this algorithm too often can harm the system.

How to completely clean the device?

Those who don’t know how to clear the cache on Android will probably be interested in the fact that this can be done by resetting to factory settings. This will allow you to completely clean the device, erasing everything that was recorded on it after purchase. To get rid of all unnecessary files, you can go to the gadget settings and find the “Confidentiality” tab there. After this, the user can only press the “Reset settings” button and reboot the device.

Getting rid of unnecessary files using third-party programs

Those who are interested in how to clear the cache on a tablet (Android is installed on these devices quite often) will be surprised to realize that this can be done using special software. The work of all "cleaners" is based on the same principle. Therefore, the user needs to open the appropriate program and, having launched a memory analysis, wait for a report to appear on the files found that can be disposed of. To start deleting data, you need to activate the function

One of the main advantages of using such utilities is that they immediately show how much memory will be freed up as a result of getting rid of cached files.

No matter how much memory you have on your device, sooner or later you will start wondering how you can clear the cache to free up memory on your Android. Another reason why this operation is carried out is the incorrect operation of one or another application or game.

We would like to notify you that the cache is loaded automatically as long as you have a program or a specific game installed. With each update and continued use of the application, the amount of memory consumed increases, and sometimes even reaches a high level. In this regard, many users decide to clear the cache.

It should be noted that cleaning is not deleting a program, but simply erasing certain files that take up extra memory and, perhaps, have not been used by any program for a long time.

What is cache and the main cleaning methods

There are 3 types of cache memory in Android, which, accordingly, is stored in different sections of the operating system.

  1. Dalvik-cache.
  2. This is a cache of the Dalvik virtual machine register of the same name, which is present in the system code and is responsible for executing programs. It has its own section in the internal memory of an Android smartphone or tablet. System application cache.
  3. It also has its location in the internal memory of the device and can be found in the /cache section. Responsible for a lot of operating system data and, if cleared, can lead to some disruptions in the functionality of the device. Since this is a cache of all those applications that were installed by the user of the device, it can be saved both in the internal memory and on the memory card (depending on the features of a particular application or game). As a rule, clearing such a cache is completely safe for the device. Moreover, in this case, the cache can be cleared for all applications at once using special programs, which are discussed below in this article, or specifically for each application using the capabilities of the system itself. To do this, you need to launch “Settings”, select the “Applications” submenu, then “Manage applications”, and then click on the program of interest, and in the window that appears, select “Clear cache”.

Cleaning can be done in different ways. Here is a list of the main methods for clearing cache on Android:

  • Through the application manager.
  • Clean Master program.
  • App Cache Cleaner program.
  • Using a factory reset.

Cleaning through the application manager

The Android operating system has built-in standard services for working with the cache, and you can manage each application separately. To do this, go to “Settings”, select the “Applications” tab and click on any program or game in which you need to clear unnecessary data.

The system will display complete information about the selected application (weight, version, occupied space and much more), and at the bottom there will be a “Clear cache” button. Press this key, after which the system will clear the cache. Typically, such operations are carried out within a few seconds, but in programs with a large amount of data, the operation can take much longer.

Now you can clear the cache in any other program in the same way. For example, a lot of garbage accumulates in browsers and various applications that use an Internet connection, for example, Vkontakte, Avito, Odnoklassniki, and therefore each time the program takes longer and longer to launch, and sometimes even crashes immediately upon opening!

Cleaning with Clean Master

Let's say you need to delete the cache in all applications at once. What to do in this case? Shouldn't you erase data separately for each application? We suggest using the Clean Master utility, which allows you to remove all junk from your smartphone in a few clicks, optimize its operation, and remove all errors and problems. Essentially, this is an alternative to modern programs such as CCleaner for the computer.

Go to the Google Play service and enter the name of the program in the search. Next, click the “Download” button and wait until the application is installed on your phone. Once the installation is complete, a shortcut will be automatically created on the desktop.

Open the program. There will be 4 buttons in front of you:

  • "Junk files";
  • "Antivirus";
  • “Working with memory”;
  • "Application Manager"

Click the Junk Files tab. This item is responsible for the cache in all applications. Within a few seconds, the system will generate a list of installed programs and games. You use checkboxes to select all programs for which the cache will be cleared. Then all you have to do is click the “Clear” button.

Important! Next to the “Clean” button, the system displays the amount of data that will be released after removing garbage. In addition to clearing unnecessary data, you can manage applications, erase them completely, speed up your smartphone, and much more.

Clearing the cache with App Cache Cleaner

Another interesting and multifunctional program for working with cache on Android devices is App Cache Cleaner. Go to Google Play service and download the program to your device. Next, launch the application and accept the terms of service by clicking the “Agree” tab.

A complete list of programs and games will appear in front of you, and information about the cache size in each of them will also be displayed. Select the necessary programs by ticking the boxes and click the Clear button! Cleaning is done in a matter of seconds.

In addition, you can experiment with the settings. For example, you can activate an icon that will appear in the notification area to quickly clear temporary files. That is, in subsequent times you will not need to enter the program, but just click this icon once on the quick access panel and that’s it!

Resetting the device to factory settings for a complete cleaning

Another way is to return to factory settings! But this method is only suitable for those users who decided to completely free up their phone’s memory and remove all previously installed applications from Google Play or manually. In this case, the phone will be completely cleaned to such a state as if you had just purchased it in a store. Have you decided to use this method? Here's an article with instructions for using it on any device.

Now you know how to clear the cache on Android and what is needed for this. The programs described above in this material are provided free of charge, and they do not require root rights to work! We also recommend that you read the article, which also concerns working with temporary files.

And remember that the cache will accumulate constantly. This is why he is in the system. The more often you use an application or game, the more cache accumulates in the device’s internal memory. It is mainly used in many programs that require Internet access (games, browsers, social network clients, and much more). In some applications, the cache can reach 1 GB or more of memory!

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