What is exaltation? Is exaltation good or bad? Exalted personality type: characteristics, causes, diagnosis and treatment.

Exaltation is an extremely excited, primarily ecstatic state. Many people are inspired, but not every football fan can be called exalted after a goal from their favorite team. The main thing here is that an exalted person may not have any particular reason for joy.

T&P has been mentioned more than once various types accentuations, but the affective-exalted type of temperament has not yet been touched upon. Let us recall that accentuation is a certain combination of clearly manifested character traits, in which a person’s vulnerability to certain psychogenic influences increases. People with accentuations are normal in the generally accepted sense - however, sometimes their relationships with the outside world and with themselves are more complex than those of people without such pronounced manifestations. The first to identify such temperaments as a separate group and classify them was the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. One of the ten temperaments he described was precisely the affective-exalted type.

Leonhard called exaltation “the temperament of anxiety and happiness.” Such people are separated from passionate jubilation to mortal melancholy by one step (or an ambiguous look, the inattention of a friend, sad news on the radio, a drop of coffee spilled on a shirt - whatever). The only saving grace is that the road back to happiness is just as short for them. In psychology, the tendency to such sudden changes emotional state called increased lability.

In people with an exalted personality type, emotions are elevated to a cult. People with such a temperament not only do not restrain their expressions of feelings, but also consider emotional experiences to be the most important component human life. They often strive to realize themselves in areas such as religion and art, and this makes sense: such people are distinguished by good taste and sensitivity. They often achieve success in creativity - largely because the value of a work of art is determined by the final emotional impact on the viewer/reader/listener, and it is quite logical that this is best achieved by someone who is himself capable of a high intensity of sensory experiences.

There are many exalted personalities among the actors, because generating a flow of emotions is natural for them; you just need to learn to direct it in a constructive direction. According to Leonhard, exaltation becomes constructive when volitional abilities are added to it. In this combination, it turns into passion: delight and despair begin to be expressed in actions, and not in experiences and ideas, which is typical of a simply exalted person.

From passionate jubilation to mortal melancholy such people are one step away. The road back to happiness is just as short for them.

Another strong (or weak) trait of exalted individuals is compassion. A TV show about the difficulties of life in concentration camps or a puppy with a broken paw can lead them to despair; They experience a friend’s ordinary trouble more painfully than the victim himself. In an impulse, they are ready for real feats of altruism and self-sacrifice. And others often take advantage of this: in order to borrow money from an exalted person, it is enough to convince him that, for example, buying a new car is a matter of life and death for you.

Increased emotionality in people of this type manifests itself in various traits: they are sociable, smiling, often fall in love and talk a lot, but at the same time they are touchy and prone to panicking. People with this temperament often argue, but, as a rule, it does not come to open conflicts. Fear in an exalted person tends to increase sharply, and even in non-serious situations its physiological manifestations will be noticeable - trembling, cold sweat.

An exalted personality type can be well illustrated with the help of heroes works of art. With their rash impulses and emotional outbursts, they heat up passions and turn the tide of the narrative, which is why authors love them. A similar exemplary type was created by Dostoevsky in The Brothers Karamazov. His heroine Katerina Ivanovna is going to marry Mitya Karamazov not because she loves him, but because she is passionate about the idea of ​​​​saving him. At some point, inspired by the idea of ​​​​making her rival Grushenka a partner in this matter, she invites her to her place. Katerina Ivanovna speaks spiritually and enthusiastically to her guest, but when she realizes that Grushenka laughed at her, the heroine experiences a severe mood swing, which ends with the fact that “Katerina Ivanovna had a seizure. She was sobbing, the spasms were choking her.” With approximately the same amplitude of emotional fluctuations - from proud happiness to tragedy - she lives throughout the entire novel, at the end of which she finds herself in severe hysterics during the trial of Mitya. A striking example The male exalted image can be called Shakespeare's Romeo. The hero is constantly in an extreme state of excitement and either suffocates from the happiness of being close to his beloved, or finds no place for himself due to the tragedy of forced separation. Romeo is simply not capable of experiences of the average order and finds reasons in everything to strengthen his own feelings.

Exalted individuals endear themselves to those around them by their ability to empathize, sincerely rejoice at others’ successes and sympathize with grief. But the repulsive traits in people with this temperament are approximately the same: excessive anxiety, a tendency to panic, drama, and “increasing the volume” for no apparent reason. Often effective communication with exalted people is possible only when their emotions begin to weaken, and the best recommendation for them is to try to reduce the significance of the events they experience.

How to say

Incorrect: “The Spanish Inquisition organized terrible exaltations for all dissidents.” That's right: executions.

That’s right: “I have no life at all with this exalted lady: she’s either in the clouds or beating in hysterics.”

Correct: “Fedya’s exaltation tired the entire group: screams, indignation and the fight for the truth that he alone understood were his faithful companions.”

A 9-year-old child with an inability to perceive educational material. This is what the specialist explained to me over the phone, who referred him to me.

At the appointed time, a boy and his grandmother, who can hardly be called a grandmother, came to the reception. Cutaneous-visual in vectors - very youthful, mobile, readily coming (one might say, running rapidly) to contact. I admit right away that the first impulse directed in my direction was very pleasant to me.

It’s nice to see people who are not indifferent, but interested in you, but then...

To my question: “What did you come with? What are you complaining about? She said something very brightly, colorfully and emotionally for 5 minutes. I didn't understand a word of her speech. When I asked her to formulate the problem for the second time, a stream of words fell upon me again, which I tried to formulate into some kind of meaning in order to catch on to something, but to no avail... The only thing I understood was that the boy at some point falls into a state of stupor. And this was not spoken, but shown.

I felt this stupor myself when, after the examination, the boy lay down on the couch, and I walked around him for about a minute, since I had completely forgotten the entire algorithm of work. I was shaking inside. I asked my grandmother to sit silently, not to tell me anything else, and consciously began to calm myself down. Giving yourself commands: “Tanya, calm down! Breathe! Everything is fine, now we will do this and that.” A minute later my condition returned to normal, and I was able to begin performing my duties.

Naturally, the boy had a state of stress, “tension” in the head and in the area of ​​the thoraco-abdominal diaphragm. His internal craniosacral mechanism was limited.

The boy's vectors were cutaneous-anal-visual. Both his mother and his grandmother were carriers of the visual vector. Grandmother in a state of emotional exaltation in the visual vector. Mom, apparently, was also in a not entirely harmonious state. The grandmother herself said that “her daughter is still hysterical and will be worse than her in her emotional manifestations.”

Of course, you shouldn’t believe everything that such people say. Everything can be greatly exaggerated and have little to do with reality. But even from the grandmother alone it was clear that life was very difficult for the guy in such conditions.

After working osteopathically with the boy, I explained to his grandmother that the reason for his condition is the behavior of his loved ones. Representatives anal vector A calm rhythm and consistency in everything, including the presentation of information, are very important. They are thorough in everything they do. To begin action, such a child needs to get ready and tune in. And once you start, bring it to the end. This the necessary conditions for his psychological comfort and the development of his properties.

And here the grandmother’s emotional exaltation, along with flickering, twitching in the skin vector, is constantly tear it down, preventing you from going deeper into anything. Her attention jumps from object to object. Doesn't fixate on anything for long. It’s difficult to even follow her train of thought. She is sending conflicting signals - what she is talking about and what to do is unclear to him. This puts the boy in need of consistency into a stupor.

Not life, but an eternal scene

The visual vector is endowed with emotionality, which, in conditions of unrealization in a person, can take an exalted form. Their emotions are violent, but at the same time superficial. Such spectators perceive everything very exaggeratedly, at the peak of their emotions. With this behavior they undermine themselves and those around them. This can cause irritation and rejection from other people.

Viewers who have stopped in their development are infantile. They can't do anything themselves. They just attract attention. To yourself. But today, when there is a real opportunity to realize the entire enormous potential of your emotions in helping people, remaining at the level of oohs and ahs is not enough. It's not filling.

Such viewers need an audience. It is important for them to evoke emotions in other people. They need to be empathized with, sympathized with. It's like a child who attracts attention to himself by crying, hysterical, or otherwise for the sole purpose of getting what he wants.

Emotional vampire. A tangle of fears and emotions

Exaltation or depth of real feelings

Emotions are a type of reaction to current events. The ecstatic viewer hears them scream, knocking everyone around them off their feet. Not being realized in socially useful activities, they simply spill out randomly, without ever forming into a deep feeling - empathy, compassion, love.

Feelings are deeper, they don’t scream. They are quietly lived by the person inside. Developed sensuality helps a person to focus his attention on his neighbor. Feel someone else's pain and respond to it, support it. It’s warm and comfortable to be with such a person.

Tatiana Karakazova, doctor


Psychology considers exaltation as a manifestation of temperament, close to psychopathy. The German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard was the first to describe the concept of exaltation, identified and classified this type, and also characterized it as "temperament of anxiety and happiness".

Manifestations of exaltation are characteristic certain types temperament: sanguine and choleric. Women exhibit exaltation in behavior more often than men. For people from the acting environment, exaltation is an inherent feature that helps them in their profession.

Manifestations of exaltation

Exaltation is a tendency to exaggeration And abrupt transitions from a state of happiness to overwhelming grief.

How early does exaltation begin to appear?

In the behavior of fairly young children, exaltation is quite common occurrence. Aged 2–5 years almost every child throws tantrums from time to time with loud crying, and can move from a joyful mood to sadness and tears. Sometimes children burst into laughter so hard that it is impossible to calm them down, sometimes they run around excitedly, waving their arms and screaming, attracting attention. We can say that all this is characteristic of a certain stage of growth and development of each individual.

Subsequently, the majority of people begin to control their emotions and behavior - which can be considered a sign of maturity. But individuals can remain an eternal child and deservedly gain the opinion of themselves as an exalted person.

Attitudes of others towards exalted people

Like everything excessive, exaltation is subject to censure. For such people:

  • Conflicts with others often arise.
  • They try not to give them important work assignments.
  • One also does not establish deep friendships with them, since it is difficult to trust them. You never know what such a person might “throw out” in the next minute.

Exaltation is a huge problem for those close to the person who is characterized by such a temperament. Living next to such a person is tantamount to living near a sleeping volcano. Living together with such people is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones.

How does an exalted person live?

Not all individuals with a similar temperament consider its manifestations your problem. Confidence in their own infallibility does not allow them to understand that for most of their failures in life they have no one to blame except themselves. These people often make mistakes. Being poorly adapted to everyday life, they cannot cope with the “prose of life”, they can become drunk, get bogged down in everyday problems, and thoughtlessly lose their home.

At first life path, while my parents are nearby, close people - they participate in their fate and do not allow something irreparable to happen. Over the years, these people begin to be persecuted more often than others. loneliness. One can recall quite a lot of such broken destinies using the examples of great artists and famous artists who died alone and in poverty.

But even if the person himself is aware of his peculiarity and would like to get rid of exaltation - alas. Your natural temperament and mental characteristics not given to anyone change by the power of desire alone and the knowledge of what exaltation is.

Exalted personality type

Well, first of all, you need to decide what is exaltation. Or let's put it another way - what is exaltation, what kind of condition is this? Some people think that this is a special chic and pretentiousness in clothing. But these qualities, rather, relate more to the choice of clothing style than to human character traits. Because exaltation is precisely trait and behavior, and possibly lifestyle.

And how will the definition of this human character trait sound?

It must be assumed this way: exaltation is a person’s tendency to immeasurable and irrepressible experiences and the manifestation of violent unfounded emotions regarding ordinary and even insignificant phenomena and situations.

Let's say there's someone coming woman on the street. She is most likely wearing an Italian straw hat and an umbrella, despite the cloudless weather. She walks along and suddenly sees... no, not a legless beggar in a broken carriage, but a tiny kitten, who pokes at the feet of passers-by and squeaks in confusion. This happens, and quite often, but a woman in a hat made of Italian straw throws up her hands, stops and loudly begins to “pity” the kitten. Oh, what a little fluffy ball, they say, how difficult it is for him without his mother, he’s probably lost, and stuff like that. Tearful affection for a kitten turns into indescribable delight, after which the woman picks him up and brings him home. And this is, in general, good. For a kitten.

The woman runs around with him for several days, forgetting about own husband(although it’s unlikely she has one) and children. She even sews a vest for him so that he doesn’t get “drunk.” Another day later, when the kitten relieves itself in her slippers, the delight, and with it the tenderness, suddenly passes, and the kitten is carried out into the yard under the cover of darkness and left there, despite its indignant squeaking. And that's bad.

What else is a sign of exaltation?

This is when a person is in a state of delight and extreme excitement constantly...

Oh, what a handsome man! A real macho! - the young lady exclaims loudly, following the handsome, stately man with her eyes. But she walks arm in arm with a guy who, after such exclamations and behavior of his beloved, no longer knows how to behave: either make a reproachful remark to her, or tell her to go to hell and quickly get away from her.

Very often a person’s exaltation manifests itself when he is in love.

Klava, dear, I love you so much! - the gentleman enthusiastically repeats to his chosen one, everywhere: in a cafe, on the phone, in bed, at breakfast.

This happens every day. Hourly, if not every minute. In the end, Klava simply runs away from his beau, and after a couple of weeks he has new beloved, to whom he repeats even more enthusiastically and more tirelessly:

Zina, dear, if you knew how much I love you...

There is little good in this, to be honest.

Also exaltation, this is an emotional expression of feelings...

- Nikolay, my friend, how glad I am to see you! - you jump joyfully and clap your co-worker on the shoulder, whom you saw at work until the evening just yesterday.

Is it good or bad? A dog knows him...

And what is exaltation?

This is when you are in a state of complete happiness or inescapable hopelessness. Also, in general, without any particular reason. For example, passing on the street, You hug everyone you meet transverse, and with your face beaming with happiness you kiss them on the mouth. You invite strangers to your house, you treat them, entertain, have fun. And it doesn’t matter that later you are missing dishes and chairs. You are still happy.

Quite different, but also falling under the sign of exaltation, is being in a state of complete hopelessness.

All, this is the end. Alles. “Kirdyk,” you repeat, tapping your forehead on the concrete wall. All that happened was that a piece of paper with a couple of phone numbers was lost. Which, as it turns out later, you will never need.

Is this good? This is lousy! So it turns out that exaltation is a set of human qualities that do not represent anything good. Moreover, these qualities, given full free rein, can lead their owner to one of psychiatric clinics, the number of which in our country, as well as their patients, is steadily growing and expanding.

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