The number of victims is being determined. According to a well-known scenario

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    Veteran of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Lev Korolkov, in a conversation with RT, did not rule out the possibility of repeating terrorist attacks on British territory in the near future.

    “They will repeat themselves a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth time. The British police have a lot of strength and considerable experience. The organization of the British police services itself is quite high, which cannot be said about France, where there are problems in the system of law enforcement agencies. But spontaneous acts, often perpetrated by lone terrorists, are very difficult to prevent,” he said.

    Police said the number of victims of the attack has risen to seven.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram of condolences to British Prime Minister Theresa May, in which he noted that this crime is shocking in its cruelty and cynicism. The Russian leader also expressed confidence that the general response to the terrorist attack in London should be to increase efforts in the fight against terrorism.

    In connection with the terrorist attacks in London, the Federal Tourism Agency called on Russians in Britain to observe safety measures and avoid crowded places.

    “Rosturizm recommends Russian tourists, located in the UK, be vigilant, observe safety measures, avoid large gatherings of people and follow the instructions of local authorities,” the department said in a statement.

    Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo also expressed her condolences and also called on Europe to boldly confront terrorism.

    “Another brutal attack, new victims. We condole and sympathize. Europe must bravely confront terrorists,” Szydlo wrote.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the British in connection with the terrorist attack in London, said press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov.

    “Vladimir Putin deeply sympathizes with the British people and condemns the terrorist attack committed hours earlier in London. “In the near future, the president will send a telegram of condolences to British Prime Minister Theresa May,” Peskov said.

    “In Russia, everything possible is being done to prevent terrorist attacks, and there is no need for any additional measures. The terrorists failed to intimidate us - the country lives normal life, there is no hint of fear. Nevertheless, we need to be extremely vigilant, and this concerns each of us,” Klintsevich said.

    The senator also expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the terrorist attacks.

    First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Franz Klintsevich, commenting on the London terrorist attacks, said that Europe, by abandoning the real fight against terrorism, is giving militants the opportunity to strike again.

    “Unfortunately, Europe has not yet made the necessary conclusions, and our proposals for cooperation in the fight against terrorism are hanging in the air. I mean not just the exchange of information, but the real interaction of special services. I think that sooner or later the West will come to understand the inevitability of such interaction, but every month of delay means new and new victims,” Klintsevich’s press service quotes him as saying.

    According to preliminary information, citizens of Kazakhstan were not injured during the London terrorist attacks, said Anuar Zhainakov, head of the press service of the Republic's Foreign Ministry.

    At the same time, Belarusian diplomats are checking whether citizens of the republic were harmed during the attack, the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry reported.

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It is noteworthy that Ezziddin had already been sentenced to 4.5 years for terrorism-related crimes. To be more precise, the court sentenced him to both 2.5 years for collecting funds for terrorists and 4.5 years for inciting terrorism, which he was involved in abroad. The terms were combined, the verdict was announced in 2008. He was released in May next year on appeal, but was soon returned to prison because he violated the conditions of his release. In general, Ezziddin, of course, is a criminal, but, it seems, not the one who is guilty of the terrorist attack that happened yesterday in London. Who can really be behind these attacks - read in our final material. "Gazeta.Ru" ends the online broadcast, thanks to everyone who was with us.

What a twist! Abu Ezziddin has been mistakenly named as the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in London, reports Daily Mail. According to media reports, his alibi is ironclad - the man is serving time in prison. This was confirmed by Ezziddin's brother, his lawyer and some high-ranking secret sources. He was sentenced in January 2016 to two years for breaking UK anti-terrorism laws and leaving the country illegally. To do this, Ezziddin hid in the back of a freight train traveling through Dover to Romania in November 2015. However, when the train passed through Hungary, Ezziddin was discovered and deported back to Britain, where he was sentenced to imprisonment.

The London Ambulance Service has given an update on the condition of those injured in the series of attacks. According to the head of the service, Pauline Cranmer, 12 people are in critical condition. in serious condition. “We treated 12 seriously injured patients who were taken to hospital. Eight patients with less severe injuries were also treated on site. Three people, unfortunately, died on the spot,” she said. Earlier it was reported that five tourists from South Korea and three schoolchildren from France were injured in an attack in central London.

Social networks are perplexed as to how such a colorful character, who was repeatedly seen in extremist calls and called for radical actions through British media loyal to the Muslim community, was not under the supervision of security forces.

It is also reported that Abu Ezziddin actively preached, spoke at Muslim rallies and took a radical position. In particular, there are videos in which British journalists interview him and he openly approves of terrorism, and also calls his opponents and British politicians “kafirs,” that is, infidels.

The Independent, meanwhile, reports the first plausible information about the terrorist, who was wounded by police, hospitalized and died. According to press reports, this is British citizen Trevor Brooks, also known as Abu Ezziddin. He was reportedly born in London to Jamaican parents. His parents are Christians, but he allegedly converted to Islam at the age of 17 and changed his name to Abu Ezziddin.

According to British media reports, as a result of the terrorist attack, this moment, four people died: a policeman wounded with a knife, one of the attackers, and two passers-by hit by a car.

US President Donald Trump discussed the series of attacks in London by telephone with the British Prime Minister. However, White House spokesman Sean Spicer did not specify what exactly Trump said. It is known that the state will provide maximum assistance and support to Great Britain in the investigation of the terrorist attack. At the same time, in the United States itself, security measures in connection with the London attacks have not been strengthened.

Interim results on the dead and wounded have been summed up. A police officer who was stabbed in a terrorist attack outside the British Parliament in central London has died. Total number dead - four people, including the terrorist attacker, the policeman he stabbed to death, and two pedestrians who were run over by a car.

In total, at least 20 people were injured in a series of attacks in the center of the British capital, including three police officers. Also among the wounded are three French schoolboy from Brittany. All three are studying at the lyceum, they are 15-16 years old. According to preliminary data, they were injured as a result of a car collision.

A minute of branded English (black) humor. “Shocking news from London, but I can’t help but laugh at the sight of the man storming the fence second,” this fragment is distributed with approximately these captions.

Meanwhile, new details of the terrorist attack have emerged. Daily Mail parliamentarian Quentin Letts said he saw a man in black enter the British Parliament, attack a police officer and be shot dead.

“I saw a strongly built man dressed in black enter New Palace Yard, next to Big Ben. He had in his hand what looked like a stick; he was being chased by two policemen in yellow vests. Then one of the policemen fell and we saw a man in black allegedly stabbing him,” the journalist said.

According to him, after that the man in black ran about 15 meters further to the entrance to the House of Commons building. “As he ran towards the entrance, two men in civilian clothes shouted something like a warning to him, he ignored it, after which he was shot two or three times and he fell,” said an eyewitness.

Situation at the site of the terrorist attack in central London

According to preliminary information, the Russians were not injured during the terrorist attacks (and the London police qualified the attacks as a terrorist attack). The Russian Embassy in Great Britain has opened “ hotline" For Russian citizens. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, also called on Russians in London to “be vigilant and follow the official messages that will be published by both official representatives of Great Britain and the Russian foreign establishment.”

In London, if not a state of siege, then at least a state of increased danger has been declared. The police urge citizens to avoid being in Parliament Square and other places. British Prime Minister Theresa May will hold a meeting of the emergency committee, police patrols have been stepped up in the city, and law enforcement agencies have launched a “full-scale counter-terrorism investigation following a series of incidents outside the British Parliament in London,” the Associated Press reports.

One of the victims was pulled from the River Thames, she suffered serious injuries, but is alive. According to Reuters, citing the Port of London Authority, “a woman was pulled from the water near Westminster Bridge. IN currently she is receiving medical care.” He added that the river is closed to normal vessels.

In total, three police officers were injured as a result of the terrorist attack in London, security officials say

British Prime Minister Theresa May will hold a meeting of the COBRA emergency committee on Wednesday, the BBC reports. By the way, at the time of the attack she was in the parliament building and was hastily evacuated.

Apparently, the previous photo really is the criminal. In this case, it is appropriate to note that he is still not “Asian”.

After analyzing the information, it became absolutely clear that the collision on London Bridge took place on the anniversary of two symbolic dates:

1) 22.03.2016 terrorist attack in Brussels

2) 22.03.2013 murder of British soldier Lee Rigby:

An ancient sign indicates that one shell misses into the same funnel twice. Yesterday a shell hit three times into one funnel!

1) The day and month of three terrorist attacks coincided

2) The motive for the crime coincided: radical Muslim extremism

3) In the spirit of the terrorist attacks in London, the weapons and the nature of the crime coincided

Regarding the third point. Lee Rickby was also hit by a car and then stabbed to death in 2013. The current London fanatic tried to repeat the same thing, but was unsuccessful - he was shot by the police.

Such coincidences do not happen, in this case we see a clear imitation of the murder of Lee Rickby. British authorities are fine understood and “turned on” the information silence mode ( silence). Parallels with the murder of Lee Rikby are not publicly drawn, and symbolic links with the terrorist attack in Brussels are not mentioned. This example shows the standard scheme for the work of the media in a situation of terrorist attacks. Silence is necessary to minimize “secondary” damage to the psyche of citizens through the media. We should expect reports to appear on television channels in the spirit of “the entire nation is united, is not afraid and is ready to fight back.”

No one from the official media will say that most of the terrorist attacks organized by the structures of the World Government in order to achieve your goals.

In my opinion, a very alarming trend should be recorded. The complexity of organizing “symbolic terrorist attacks” in Europe, and throughout the World, dropped catastrophically!

If earlier the World Government and the intelligence services controlled by it, private military companies, had to carefully organize and prepare sabotage, now it is enough " brainwash"radical Muslim element on the ground, pay their relatives and friends meager amounts and the fanatic will be ready to run into anyone, and then cut throats or chop with an ax right and left in front of the cameras. It is becoming increasingly clear that even those not associated with the intelligence services radicals develop a taste and desire to commit personal terror. In criminology, this phenomenon is described as the “imitation” effect. The desire for revenge, combined with the number of radical Muslim elements in the world and multiplied by the information society, can give a terrible effect. Much bloodier than the personal terror in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Very quickly the symbolic component was “read” in all countries and expressed condolences and solidarity with London. But to whom do they express regret? Britain - the cradle of modern radical terrorism? Territories where radical organizations banned in other countries operate freely? Moreover, they are actively used by intelligence services to organize international intervention in Syria and other countries.

In my opinion, Britain will have more big problems , because its elites will not stop and will continue to use terrorists for the sake of building the New World Order.

Nikolay Goryushin

Four people were killed and forty injured in a terrorist attack in London's Westminster on Wednesday afternoon; the terrorist himself was killed by police.

However, British Prime Minister Theresa May said that the level of terrorist threat in the country will not increase.

The terrorist attack on March 22, 2017 was the deadliest in the UK since the terrorist attacks on July 7, 2005.

Chronology of events

The terrorist attack occurred at 14.40 local time (17.40 Moscow time) in one of the most popular places in the city among tourists: a car driving along Westminster Bridge slid onto the sidewalk, hit several people, and drove to the Parliament building, where it was stopped by the police. The attacker stabbed a police officer, who later died. The alleged terrorist himself was shot dead by another police officer.

According to Prime Minister May, the location for the attack was not chosen by chance. “The terrorists did not choose the place by chance: it was there, in the very heart of our capital, that people of various religions and cultures gather to glorify our common values ​​of democracy and freedom of speech, near the building of the ancient parliament,” the prime minister said, addressing the nation.

After the terrorist attack, police cordoned off the Parliament building and the Prime Minister's residence, stopped the London Eye Ferris wheel, closed the Westminster metro station, and stopped traffic on nearby streets.

The information that appeared in the media contradicted each other: first it was about shooting, then about massacre, then it turned out that there was no shooting on Westminster Bridge. It was not immediately clear how many incidents were involved we're talking about and how many intruders there were.

These issues were clarified by the Deputy Chief of the London Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley, around 6 p.m. "We hoped this would never happen, but unfortunately it has become a reality," he said in his first statement to the press.

“Forty people were injured, some of them seriously injured, and five people were killed, including DPS Keith Palmer,” Rowley said late Wednesday.

Rowley also said that the terrorist attack at the Houses of Parliament in London was carried out by one person. According to him, he may be connected to international terrorism, but the investigation is still at an early stage. "We only have information about one person. However, as part of precautionary measures, the visible police presence in London will increase in the near future, including on transport," he said.

The Prime Minister said that the level of terrorist threat will remain the same.

"The terror threat level will remain serious. It will not rise," May said after an emergency meeting of the COBRA emergency committee, which includes government, police and intelligence officials.

Life is restored

At the moment, Westminster Bridge remains closed and there is still a large concentration of police cars there. However, the cordon around the parliament building has already been lifted; parliamentarians, staff and tourists, including many schoolchildren, have gone home.

Parliament will resume work on Thursday, as will the Scottish Parliament, which interrupted today's debate on the issue of a new independence referendum and postponed the vote on this matter to a later date.

“Tomorrow the parliament will meet as always, and we will all gather together, and everyone who came to our city will go about their business, they will leave the hotels and walk along our streets, and will live their lives, not giving in to terrorism and not allowing the voice of hate to divide us," May said.

Westminster station has opened for transfers, but the entrances and exits are still closed.

In other central areas of the city, everything is calm: people are sitting in restaurants, drinking beer in pubs, theaters and clubs are open, transport is functioning normally, although traffic jams in the center are a little more than usual.

Unknown details

As the case progresses, new details of what is happening are revealed. The first assumptions about the identity of the terrorist appeared. The suspect behind the attack is allegedly named Abu Izzadeen and has already spent time in prison for aiding terrorist activities, the Independent reported on Wednesday evening.

"Izzadin, long known to authorities for his links to terrorism, spent time in prison for fundraising, incitement and glorification of terrorism," the newspaper wrote.

At the same time, the American television channel ABC, citing Izzadin's lawyer, claims that he is still in prison. Scotland Yard said the identity of the perpetrator at this stage not going to reveal it.

Some details of the policeman's death have become known. It turned out that British Deputy Foreign Secretary Tobias Ellwood, a former army officer, tried to provide first aid to the wounded man by starting artificial respiration. The parliamentarian’s efforts, however, were in vain: the policeman, who was not armed during the attack on him, died from severe wounds. Scotland Yard lowered the flag above its headquarters as a sign of mourning.

It is gradually becoming clear who suffered during the terrorist attack. It is already known that among the wounded there are three French schoolchildren. According to the latest data, there are no Russians among those affected by the terrorist attack.

Terrorist attacks in recent years

London is no stranger to terrorism. Already after the signing of the Belfast Agreement in 1998, which completed a long period bloody "unrest" in Northern Ireland, several terrorist attacks occurred in Great Britain.

The bloodiest occurred on the morning of July 7, 2005 in London, when suicide bombers carried out three explosions on the subway and one on a bus. Then 52 people died and more than 700 were injured.

All the suicide bombers - Muhammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanveer, Haseeb Hussain and Jermaine Lindsay - were British citizens.

In May 2013, Britons Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale killed British soldier Lee Rigby in London. Islamists were sentenced to life imprisonment.

The murder of Deputy Jo Cox on June 16, 2016 is sometimes classified as a terrorist act. Her killer turned out to be Briton Thomas Mair, associated with far-right organizations. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without the right to apply for pardon.

What happened in London

On the afternoon of March 22 at 14:40 local time, a Hyundai SUV drove onto Westminster Bridge in central London. The driver began indiscriminately running over pedestrians who were walking on the sidewalk, killing at least two people on the spot and injuring several more. During the attack, people tried to escape from the bridge, causing a stampede.

After the car crashed into a hedge near Big Ben, the terrorist, dressed in black and holding a knife, headed into the parliament grounds, where he clashed with police. The attacker stabbed the unarmed officer to death, after which the terrorist was shot and killed by other police officers.

British Middle East Minister Tobias Ellwood, whose brother was killed in the 2002 Bali terrorist attack, tried to save the wounded policeman. The media circulated photographs of Elwood helping the policeman.

What is known about the attacker

The attack in London was carried out by a lone terrorist, said British Prime Minister Theresa May, who called the attack “sick and twisted.” The attacker was “inspired by international terrorism” and the Islamic State (an organization banned in Russia), said Mark Rowley, head of Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism unit. He did not comment on the nationality of the attacker or other details. It is known that the terrorist had previously come to the attention of the intelligence services.

— Alistair Bunkall (@AliBunkallSKY)

The attention of all the world media is focused on London. The terrorist attack took place near the walls of Parliament next to the main symbols of the British capital. Two people died. at least 10 are injured. According to preliminary information reported at our embassy, ​​there are no Russians among the victims.

There are conflicting reports from London. But everything is reminiscent of the tragic events on the Nice embankment in July 2016. Another fact: exactly a year ago on this day, terrorist attacks were committed in Brussels.

Midday, central London. At this time, there are always a lot of people on Westminster Bridge, including tourists. A small, dark gray SUV plows into a crowd on the sidewalk, a familiar terrorist tactic. The police will say in a few minutes: this is a terrorist attack. The number of victims is still unknown; eyewitnesses say everything happened very quickly.

“I saw with my own eyes, six or seven people were lying on the ground. Nobody understood what was happening. He moved in zigzags, everything happened very quickly, in about 10 seconds,” says the man.

“We were on the bridge. We thought we heard shots, turned around and saw a car crashing into a woman. I think it was a woman, well I'm not 100 percent sure, and I heard her screaming. And then we heard shots again and turned around, there were bodies on the ground,” the woman says.

“I was walking across the bridge and suddenly a bus stopped nearby - people ran out screaming. And on the other side of the road I saw a body, and then another one. I leaned over the railing and saw another body in the water,” says an eyewitness to the incident.

Witnesses say at least five people were trapped under the wheels. The car did not stop - it crossed the bridge and crashed into the parliament fence. The driver or passenger, it is also not yet clear, got out of the car and wounded the policeman with a knife. Another police officer shot and killed the attacker.

There is another version: near the gate there is a certain man in a black jacket - according to various reports, either Asian or Arabic appearance- hit the law enforcement officer with an iron rod and ran towards the entrance to the building. He was shot by security. A meeting was going on in parliament at that time - its participants were forbidden to leave the building.

“The alleged perpetrator was shot dead by police and ambulance helicopters arrived at the scene to evacuate the victims. There are also reports of further incidents in the area of ​​the Palace of Westminster, but I hope colleagues will understand that it would be wrong for me to go into further detail until we have corroborating information from the police and security services about what is happening." , said Leader of the House of Commons David Lidington.

A little later, special forces appear in the parliament building. Reportedly news agencies, all employees were taken to the central hall. The entire area is cordoned off by police. The famous London Wheel has been stopped for safety reasons.

According to preliminary information from the embassy, ​​there are no Russian citizens among the victims. But the diplomatic mission said it was in close contact with British police. The Foreign Ministry calls on compatriots who are now in London to be extremely careful.

The Russian Embassy in the UK has opened a hotline through which Russians can report any important information about incidents in London or submit a request for the whereabouts of their acquaintances.


“We repeat our urgent recommendation to Russians who are now in the UK, directly in London, to refrain from attending public events,” said Maria Zakharova, director of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

  • The car as a weapon is not a new invention of terrorists. The July terrorist attack in Nice killed 86 people and injured more than 300. And in December, at the Christmas market in Berlin, 11 people were killed and more than 50 were injured. In both cases, the militants used trucks, and since then such vehicles have received increased attention in European cities.

So today's small crossover in London is apparently a new tactic - an inconspicuous car is unlikely to arouse suspicion. Coincidentally or not, the terrorist attack in London occurred exactly one year after the tragedy in Brussels, to the same day. Then explosions at the airport and in the metro of the Belgian capital claimed the lives of 35 people. Responsibility was claimed by militants of the Islamic State group banned in Russia. It is still unknown who planned today's terrorist attack in London.

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