The meaning of the name Zinaida, origin, character and fate of the name Zinaida. Zinaida - a beautiful name and a bright personality

Belonging to Zeus - this is exactly the meaning of the name Zinaida. According to one version, the name comes from the male name Zenais, which was especially popular in ancient Greece. In Latin the name means “caring”, in Arabic it means “beautiful”. Abbreviated affectionately, Zinaida is often called Zina, Zinulya, Zinusya, Zisha, Ina. In the Orthodox calendar there is a record of two saints with this name.

Orthodox name day at Zinaida's

According to the church calendar, which lists two names - Zinaida and Zina, people with these names celebrate name days several times a year.

  • On October 24, Christians honor the memory of the martyr Zinaida of Tarsus, who, together with her sister Philonola, accepted Christianity and spread the Gospel to different cities.

Refusing luxury and wealth, they helped the suffering, healed bodies and souls. The pagans, who hated them for this, snuck into their homes under cover of darkness and threw stones at them.

  • Unfortunately, there is no information left about the holy martyr Zinaida the Wonderworker, only that she died a martyr’s death along with other Christians.

The church name day of Zinaida, whose patroness is the Wonderworker, is celebrated on June 20. To date, it is not included in the church calendar.

Angel's Day, like Zinaida's name day, falls on June 20 and October 24. In addition, Zinaidas celebrate name days on January 17, July 5 and October 10.


Zinaida is a strong and persistent person. As a rule, bearers of this name have high intelligence and amazing strength of character. Many of Zinaida's character traits resemble those of a predator, so they rarely see obstacles to achieving their goal. The owner of a similar name thinks through every step before doing something.

Often, they are driven by vanity and a desire for superiority. It is very easy to offend Zinaida, but making her forget the offense is an impossible mission. They can remember even the little things you did to them from childhood for the rest of their lives.

As a child, Zinaida surprises those around her with her childish seriousness. They easily find language with older people and can support any topic. Their unusual thinking and erudition attracts their attention. At school, the girl shows great diligence in her studies, which deserves the patronage of teachers. You won't see her playing with other children; as a rule, she keeps her distance. Already at this age, she defines her life goals and systematically achieves them.

Often, bearers of this name are not distinguished by their bright appearance. But this does not prevent them from being popular among men. She is always in shape and always watches her manners; it is difficult to see her in a dressing gown, overweight or without makeup. Even in her youth, Zinaida understands how men are afraid of strong women. Therefore, she masterfully hides it, showing only what they are pleased to see in her.

In married life, Zinaida is a tyrant. She demands complete and unconditional submission from a man, wanting to be the only leader in the relationship. If a man has the will to resist her, then a loud scandal cannot be avoided.

The mystery of the name

Venus is considered the patroness of the name. Zinaida is endowed by nature with sensuality and the desire to love and be loved. Despite all the external rigidity, the bearer of this name has a well-developed artistic sense, understanding of beauty and harmony. Zinaida is beautifully built, has a beautiful voice and natural grace. They have a highly developed intuition, which they rely on more often than on the advice of others.

This rare, original, bright and attractive female name has a great impact on its owner. Already from early childhood, the main meaning of the name Zinaida is manifested - the desire for leadership. Leadership qualities are bursting to the surface - the girl literally terrorizes her parents, not accepting refusal. Grandfather and grandmother, who take care of the little princess in every possible way, are subject to special tyranny.

She is cold and arrogant with her peers; she often has strained relationships with her friends, striving to be the first in everything. Often ingratiates himself with elders. At school he strives to become the right hand of the teacher, carrying out any assignments, and often becomes the head boy. She receives true satisfaction when she is used as an example to other students. He studies well, mostly graduates from basic school with a gold medal.

At this age, the meaning of the name Zinaida for a child is revealed in the girl’s attempts to grow up quickly and begin an independent life. The young lady does not like spending time with her peers; she is more attracted to communication with older students and teachers. Bows before power and influence.

At a young age, the girl's character changes slightly. During this period, the meaning of the name Zinaida for a girl is characterized by the revelation of the feminine qualities of a young person, the desire to please the opposite sex, the ability to flirt and flirt.

The girl has an innate sense of beauty and elegance. He knows when to stop when it comes to clothes, so there are no revealing or flashy outfits in the young person’s wardrobe. The young lady begins to take care of her appearance early and uses cosmetics sparingly. Likes to visit clubs and discos. She knows how to impress, is charming, flirtatious and playful.

At a conscious age, the interpretation of the name predicts the young lady’s ability to present herself, energy and some eccentricity of character. Capable of reckless, extravagant actions. Likes to gossip among close people. He has his own opinion on everything and will prove his rightness to his opponent until the last moment. He will never sacrifice his own interests, but he also does not intentionally wish harm to others.


A young person is rarely a beauty, but this does not mean a lack of fans. The young lady has a special appeal and charm that can interest and captivate men. She has a lot of fans who clearly express their sympathy for the girl. Male attention is of great importance for a young lady. Soft and feminine on the outside, she has a despotic character that begins to manifest itself only in marriage.

Zina is a passionate and skillful lover. He knows how to diversify his intimate life, but not by the number of sexual partners, but by openness to sexual experiments.


A woman is a skilled housewife, a real keeper of the hearth, and pays attention to comfort. Uses the family budget rationally, which often means some stinginess and tight-fistedness. However, he will not spare money on children or on quality home interior attributes.

Cooks well. Proper nutrition of the household is of paramount importance for Zina. He masterfully prepares homemade liqueurs and liqueurs, does not refuse to drink, and sometimes he can “sip” too much.

She is strict with children, teaching them discipline and independence from an early age. She pays a lot of attention and importance to raising her children, sparing neither effort nor time.

In relationships with her husband she often dominates. A man needs to either come to terms with this state of affairs, or in the first year of family life, show who is boss in the house, and force him to respect himself through his actions and deeds. For a girl, complete trust is of paramount importance in a relationship with her husband.

Business and career

A woman knows how to achieve her goals, which means she easily makes business connections and gets along with people. Discipline, professionalism and a clear statement of the issue are the distinctive positive features of the young lady. If the work has lost interest and meaning, then the girl will leave it without any regret.

Thanks to his leadership qualities, he becomes an excellent leader, whose primary importance is working for results. Can become an excellent diplomat, chief physician, lawyer. Will reach heights in trade, finance, pharmaceuticals.

The woman is so energetic that she succeeds everywhere - both in the professional field and in the household.

Origin of the name Zinaida

Zinaida, whose name was borrowed from the Greek language, became known in history even before the birth of Christianity in Rus'. Considering where the naming came from, etymology indicates that the origin of the name Zinaida was formed as a result of a combination of the words “Xena” (from the name of the ancient god Zeus) and “idos” (descendant), which means “descendant of Zeus” or “from the family of Zeus.”

The secret of the name reveals the ability of its bearer to take initiative, creative development and contagious optimism. He has a strong, often difficult character, thanks to which he can achieve great heights in his chosen field.

Characteristics of the name Zinaida

The characterization of the name Zinaida reveals the obvious arrogance and tight-fistedness of her mistress. She spares nothing for her family and friends, she is neat and creative in everyday life, she loves to spruce up her family nest.

The combination of character pros and cons causes some imbalance in the girl’s behavior. She has a rather “prickly” disposition, but is very affectionate, which is why it is not at all easy to get rid of the young lady’s goodwill. Capricious and impatient, but seemingly calm and flexible.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – emerald, malachite.
  • Name days - June 20, October 24.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Scorpio.
  • Patron planet - Pluto.
  • Favorable color – green, dark shades of blue, brown, red.
  • Totem animal – scorpion.
  • The treasured plant is chrysanthemum, pine.

Famous people

  • Zinaida Likhacheva (1975) is a Ukrainian artist and clothing designer.
  • Zinaida Linden (1963) is a Finnish writer of Russian origin. Her works are published in Croatian, Finnish and Russian, and the writer translates her prose herself.
  • Zinaida Gioare (1977) – commercial director of the Moldovan football club “Dacia”.

Different languages

In different languages, the translation of the name Zinaida in pronunciation and spelling is similar to the Russian analogue of the naming. In English, Polish, Italian, Spanish and Turkish, the name is spelled the same as Zinaida. In German the name is translated as - Sinaida, in French - Zinaïda, in Ukrainian - Zinaida.

In Chinese, the name will sound like 季娜依达 (jìnàyīdá), in Japanese - Kamigauma (神が生ま), which means born of God.

Name forms

  • Full name: Zinaida.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Zinovya, Zina, Zinochka, Zinulya, Zinusya, Zinusik, Zinulik, Zinulichka, Zinasha, Zinya, Zisha, Zinusha.
  • Declension of the name - Zinaida - Zinaida.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Zinaida.

More recently, the name Zinaida was very popular, but now it belongs to the category of “rare” and even “exotic”. However, this does not in any way detract from its merits. Zinochka is a very beautiful name that endows its owners with rare positive qualities and has excellent compatibility with many zodiac signs.

History of the origin of the name Zinaida

For a long time, linguists have been discussing the history of the appearance of the name Zinaida. Most of them believe that it is derived from the ancient Roman Zenais, which means “belonging to Zeus” or “from the family of Zeus.” Another part of the experts assures that the primary source is the ancient Greek name “Zinaid”, from which the male name Zinovy ​​and the female name Zinaida were subsequently formed. According to the third version, Zina has Arab roots. In this case, the translation sounds like “beautiful”, “wonderful”.

Zina, Zinochka, Zinok and other name options

Full: Zinaida.
Short version: Zina, Zinya, Zisha, Zita, Ina.
Diminutive form: Zinulya, Zinochek, Zinusha, Zinochka, Zinulchik.
Synonyms: Zinais.

When writing poems about the beautiful girl Zinaida, you can use the following rhymes: Themis, Artemis, fluid, pyramid, resentment.

Photo gallery: name variations

Zinaida - the full form of the name Zina Zina - the most commonly used short form of the name Zinaida Among friends and acquaintances, Zinaida may be called Zita
Zinaida is affectionately called Zinochka Little Zina is often called Zinenok by her parents - the short form of the name in English

Name day dates, church name

In the Orthodox calendar there are two names at once - Zina and Zinaida, and each has its own guardian angels. Zinaida of Tarsus is considered the patroness of all women named Zinaida. During her life, the martyr was the blood sister of the Apostle Paul and was engaged in healing people, thanks to which she was able to convert many pagans to Orthodoxy. For her true and unshakable faith in Christ, the idolaters stoned the woman to death. Currently, prayers are extolled to Saint Zinaida of Tarsus for healing from physical and mental illness. They remember the Great Martyr on October 24th.

You can also congratulate Zinochka on June 20 (Zinaida the Wonderworker) and November 12 (Zinovia Egeiskaya).

Table: the name Zina in different languages

LanguageHow do you spellHow to read
Chinese季娜伊達 Jì nà yīdá
Korean지나이다 jinaida
Japaneseジナイダ Zinaida
Georgianზინაიდა Zinaida
Hindiज़िनेदा Zinēdā
Arabزينايدا Zynʼaydʼa

Name transliteration

When applying for a foreign passport or booking a hotel room, you need to know the transliteration of the name: Zinaida.

Zinochka is a fickle person who changes partners like gloves.

Table: compatibility of first name and patronymic

Name Patronymic nameCharacteristic
Zinaida Artyomovna, Andreevna, Alekseevna, Albertovna, Viktorovna,
Vladimirovna, Vitalievna, Evgenievna, Fedorovna, Yurievna
The owners of these combinations have many complexes, which they carefully hide under the mask of rudeness and indifference. Such insolence often repels males and shocks women. Such Zinaida always strives for leadership. Even in the family, she tries to occupy a dominant position, pushing her husband aside.
Zinaida Arkadyevna, Alexandrovna, Bogdanovna, Borisovna, Timofeevna, Gordeevna, Petrovna, YakovlevnaThis combination of first name and patronymic rewards girls with incredible patience and the ability to restrain their emotions. Such Zinaida is persistent and stubborn. However, her sharp mind allows her not to go ahead, but to achieve what she wants by cunning. The girl is economical and hospitable. However, when choosing a husband, she is guided not by feelings or material gain, but more by moral principles. In her opinion, the main qualities of a spouse should be stability in views and affections. Therefore, Zinaida will never tolerate betrayal.
Zinaida Albertovna, Arturovna, Ruslanovna, Olegovna, Samuilovna, Semyonovna, StanislavovnaRepresentatives of these combinations are independent, proud, and purposeful. They are not distinguished by external beauty, but they will attract the attention of any man, since they can present themselves favorably and effectively. Before the wedding, such Zinaida plays an innocent lamb, but Mendelssohn's march turns her into a tyrant who seeks to dominate everyone around her. If the spouse cannot withstand her pressure, then the marriage breaks up.

Zinochka loves noisy parties and always strives to join the “golden youth”

The impact of a name on fate and character

Positive features:

  • determination;
  • strength of character;
  • great willpower;
  • a high self-evaluation.

Negative features:

  • stubbornness;
  • cunning;
  • prudence;
  • capriciousness.

As a child, I had to deal with the owner of this name, and this was my first teacher - Zinaida Petrovna. She was a wonderful woman and teacher. I still remember the fragrant cookies that she often treated all her “chickens” (as she affectionately called us). Strict but fair, she gave many a good start to adult life.

Zinochka in childhood

In early childhood, Zinulya is a spoiled, hyperactive, undisciplined child. The girl cannot sit quietly for a minute; her energy is overflowing. Therefore, she constantly commits actions that make even her parents’ hair stand on end. The efforts of adults to re-educate the child or at least pacify her a little will not yield results. However, there is a way out - you just need to send the baby to the sports section, where she can splash out her energy.

The name Zina endows the girl with other equally important qualities that appear in her almost from infancy - practicality, vivid imagination, optimism, and a cheerful disposition. The girl always strives for leadership, for which she makes many enemies among her peers. Zinaida respects strength and authority, therefore she strives to be in sight of educators and teachers, curries favor with them and tries to please them in everything.

Studying comes easy to Zinula. Thanks to her good memory, she doesn’t have to spend hours studying school subjects, but she only has good grades in her diary. Moreover, often those with the name Zinaida finish school with excellent marks, delighting their parents with a gold medal.

Those with the name Zinaida often graduate from school with a gold medal

Parents need to teach Zinaida to treat others with respect and not to be petty. The girl must understand that the world does not revolve only around her. If she does not understand this from childhood, then in adulthood it will be very difficult for her to communicate with other people.

As a teenager, Zinochka practically does not change. The girl is capricious and stubborn. There is a certain arrogance and coldness in her behavior. While still at a very young age, Zinulya is already striving to join the elite. The girl tries to be friends only with the “golden youth”, not paying attention and even despising her peers from less wealthy families. From an early age, Zina becomes a regular at nightclubs and discos, thus seeking to plunge into the world of luxury and recklessness.


As she gets older, Zinaida transforms. Unpredictability and self-indulgence are replaced by constancy, reliability, and hard work. A woman is incapable of meanness; she will never cause serious harm to another person, although she may cause a scandal for no reason. However, some character traits do not change - Zina still strives for luxury and is drawn to influential people. The girl adores luxury and grace, knows how to present herself favorably, flatter and flirt.

Zinaida is very pedantic, slightly stingy, but loves to acquire expensive and beautiful things, which she then protects like a kite, not allowing anyone to even touch them. The girl is a housewife and loves to receive guests.


Zinaida loves art and often writes paintings or poems herself.

Professional quality

Zinaida does not look for easy ways and prefers mental work that requires great dedication. A woman’s inherent sense of purpose helps her achieve great heights professionally. Having an entrepreneurial spirit will allow Zinaida to express herself in trade. A girl can start any business - the business she starts will definitely bring benefits.

Thanks to her ability to dialogue with people, Zinochka can become an excellent politician or journalist. Professions related to record keeping can also captivate a girl. Zinaida will become an excellent accountant, bank employee, secretary, notary or lawyer.

It’s better for her not to work with children, since Zinochka’s teacher will turn out to be overly picky and even somewhat tyrannical. Therefore, it is better for her to refuse such a profession.


In general, Zina can boast of good health. However, too rhythmic a life, stress and lack of rest can leave their mark over time and weaken a woman’s nervous system. Zinaida is also predisposed to arthritis, rheumatism and diseases of the reproductive system.

A woman should never drink alcohol, even in small doses. This is due to a natural predisposition to alcoholism. In principle, fate has prepared for Zinochka a long and happy life without serious illnesses, but only if she abuses smoking and alcohol, or better yet, gives up bad habits altogether.

Zinaida is prone to alcoholism, so she should under no circumstances indulge in alcoholic beverages

Love, sexuality, marriage

Since her girlhood, Zinaida has been extremely popular with men, and external beauty does not play any role here. The attention of men is attracted by Zina’s unconventional behavior, her charisma and ability to present herself. The owner of this name can initially show herself in front of her chosen one, a fragile and weak girl. However, as soon as she feels that the “victim” is trapped, she will immediately show her inherent qualities.

You can’t call Zinaida particularly passionate, but if she decides to surprise her partner or “tame” him, she will definitely try to please him, even if this means sacrificing her principles.

Zina is a very frivolous and amorous person, so she starts a family early. As a rule, she chooses a potential henpecked man as her wife, whom she can subsequently easily control. Zinaida's despotic character will also manifest itself in family life. Having driven her husband under her thumb, she will still continue to nag him. Not many men will be able to withstand such a character of their wife, so Zinaida’s first marriage often ends in divorce. However, Zinochka will not let go of the “victim” just like that. During the divorce process, a woman will try to rip off her ex-betrothed, leaving him in only his trousers.

Zina takes the upbringing of children with all responsibility - she drills the kids like a company of soldiers. The despotic nature of the mother weighs heavily on her offspring, so they are more drawn to their father. For them, the mother is the source of financial well-being.

Table: compatibility with male names

Video: name characteristics

Significant years of Zinaida's life

The most important, fateful events will occur in Zinaida’s life at the ages of 24 and 37 years.

Table: name astrology

Literal analysis of the name Zinaida

Z - rich imagination, the ability to find a way out in any situation, developed intuition.

And - peacefulness, desire to have a family, stability, subtle spirituality.

N - a sign of protest, a sharp critical mind.

A - leadership, the desire to create something new.

And - repeat.

D - extrasensory abilities, responsiveness.

A - repeat.

People believed that if on Zinaida (October 24) the mud spreads across the ground and the horse's tracks are filled with water, then the first snow will immediately set the path to winter.

Video: group “Na-na” with the song “Zinaida”

Characteristics of a name according to the time of year

Winter Zinaida is flexible, feminine, and easily adapts to any situation. He has a gentle character and strives to please everyone, everywhere. Spring Zinochka is little like a ray of sunshine. She is selfish and crazy. The girl’s desires are in the foreground, and only then is her concern for her loved ones. Zina, born in the summer, is eccentric, smart, active. Always in the center of attention and takes a leading position. Autumn Zinaida is stingy and thrifty. Her family's well-being comes first.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA straightforward, relaxed person who always strives to be a leader. He always acts only in his own interests and says what he thinks, without caring about the feelings of other people. He never lacks fans, because he knows how to present himself effectively, although he does not have an outstanding appearance.
TaurusA balanced, responsible woman who knows her worth. She does not flaunt her virtues; she prefers that people judge her by her actions. Leads a calm and measured life. She values ​​her husband and supports him in everything. In family life she does not claim a leading role, agreeing to always be in the shadow of her husband.
TwinsThe main qualities are optimism and love of life. Zinaida-Gemini is an enthusiastic person who is constantly “searching for herself.” The main disadvantage is inconstancy. The woman changes both partners and place of work with enviable regularity.
CancerPositive and optimistic. Prefers to avoid communicating with tedious and boring people. She chooses a cheerful man as her wife, who will always surprise her with unpredictable actions. She is hardworking and devotes herself entirely to building her life. She will be an ideal wife and mother.
a lionHas outstanding leadership skills and organizational character. Easily manipulates people. Rarely remains alone. As a rule, she is surrounded by people who admire her and try to imitate her. For family life he chooses a calm, balanced man.
VirgoA loner who, instead of noisy celebrations, prefers quiet gatherings in nature or going to the theater. She values ​​her freedom very much, so if she marries, it will only be to a man who will not keep her in a “golden cage.” Financial support will also fall entirely on the powerful shoulders of her husband, since Zinochka is a creative person who is alien to material values.
ScalesShe is sincere, honest, never gets involved in conflicts and does not create situations that could lead to a dispute. Avoids deceitful and selfish people. She will always be faithful to her man, although she loves to flirt with other members of the opposite sex.
ScorpionOne can say about her - “a rock man”. She loves stability and lives strictly according to the plan. She is demanding both of herself and of those around her, especially relatives and subordinates. It will not be easy for her husband, since not everyone can please such a demanding and strict person.
SagittariusSociable, easy-going, but irresponsible woman. Entertainment comes first for her. Her suitors are crazy about her, but Zinochka himself is very fickle, so he changes them like gloves without regret.
CapricornA self-confident person who strives to comprehend all sciences at once. Her goal is self-realization, so she gets married quite late. However, she is not particularly suited to family life, as a result of which she tries to shift all her responsibilities to her husband.
AquariusArrogant, domineering, always insists on her opinion. He has excellent oratory skills. Prefers to be friends with men with whom he enjoys success.
FishFriendly and shy person. Does not strive to conquer big peaks, being content with small things. She chooses a strong and courageous man as her husband, who would protect and protect her from all the blows of fate.

Photo gallery: celebrities named Zinaida

Zinaida Aleksandrovna Volkonskaya - Russian writer, one of the most beautiful and smartest women of her time Zinaida Serebryakova - famous Russian artist who entered great art with her self-portrait painting "Behind the Toilet" Zinaida Slavina - People's Artist of the RSFSR, theater and film actress Zinaida Kiriyenko - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, pop singer Zina Portnova - scout of the partisan detachment "Young Avengers"

Zinaida's character can change significantly depending on various factors: time of year, zodiac sign, etc. However, one thing remains unchanged - she is a strong and purposeful person who loves life in all its manifestations.


The name Zinaida is of ancient Greek origin. Most likely it was formed from the male name Zenais, which in turn was very popular among the Greeks. The literal interpretation of this name sounds like “from the family of Zeus,” or in the modern interpretation, “belonging to Zeus.”

The female name Zinaida previously enjoyed enormous popularity in Russian-speaking countries, like many outdated names, but today it is rarely used. It has excellent significance compatible with many zodiac signs, strong energy and more...

Popularity: Today the name Zinaida is not even among the hundred most popular female names, although in Soviet times it was found everywhere. Now it accounts for no more than 5-6 girls out of 10 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Zina, Zinulya, Zinochka

Modern English analogues: Zinais, Zina, Zenaida

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Zinaida usually promises its bearers a cheerful character, filled with optimism and positivity, and good luck in life. In most cases, this is a noisy, very energetic and restless person with many unattainable goals. She is a chatterbox who knows no rest, a spoiled woman, an optimist, a successful hard worker, a gold digger and simply a comedian. You won’t get bored with such a woman, and communicating with her is a real pleasure.

And we can also note the fact that the majority of Zinas are very unusual girls, trying not to give in to men, having very strong willpower, and trying to be the first in everything. That is why they often make excellent leaders.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of the name Zinaida is that they are for the most part diligent, responsible, purposeful and effective girls who always achieve their goals, whether there are ten of them at once, or just one...

Zinaida has a bad attitude towards people who throw words to the wind and do not strive for anything good. And the bearers of this name despise people who are not capable of good deeds.

By the way, the female name Zinaida is not very well known in Europe, but its derivative form, a male name, is known...

Character of the name Zinaida

The nature of the name Zinaida is such that it endows the bearer of this name form with a whole bunch of good qualities. Usually among their huge list are such as optimism, positivity, eloquence, talkativeness, friendliness, devotion and loyalty, creativity, mobility, energy and activity, ingenuity and perseverance. In fact, Zinaida’s character is usually endowed with everything that is necessary for the full development of an individual and the rise of popularity in society, but at the same time, the character is also endowed with a bunch of qualities that, on the one hand, are important and necessary, but on the other hand, are undesirable. For example, we are talking about energy, which at the right moments prevents Zinaida from concentrating on important matters and achieving the required result. On the other hand, the character promised by the name Zinaida is such that it presupposes that Zina will become a successful lady - in most cases, she becomes popular in society, a successful, diligent and lucky woman. True, there is one “but” - the fact is that upon reaching maturity, Zinaida changes, as does her character; in particular, her adherence to principles manifests itself, which in some cases prevents her from making the right decisions and acting on the call of her heart.

At the same time, it should be noted that, as in the case of other names, this one has a drawback in the form of a strong dependence on additional factors. Thus, character can change depending, first of all, on astrological factors. The character of the woman named Zinaida is especially strongly influenced by her zodiac sign and time of year of birth...

Early childhood

The meaning of the name Zinaida usually gives the character of a little girl named this way a lot of qualities that are difficult to get along with. She is spoiled, active, efficient, unplanned, undisciplined, restless, active and energetic. He can’t sit still for a minute, he’s always on the move, and he’s always coming up with things to do that make the hair on everyone’s head stand on end.

This girl has more than enough energy, it is almost impossible to pacify her, and the significance of this name, plus everything else, has too much influence on her nature. The most interesting thing is that no matter how hard the parents try, they will never be able to re-educate her, but nevertheless, there is still a way out - the parents just need to give her to some section where she can throw out everything your energy out. The meaning of this name, in addition to everything, bestows a huge number of other equally important characteristics, moreover, they appear in the girl named after Zinaida already in early childhood - practicality, excellent imagination, excellent imagination, eloquence and friendliness, honesty and cheerful disposition, positive thinking and optimism.

You won't get bored with such a little girl. She always makes everyone around her happy, and at the same time she doesn’t try to please anyone, everything works out by itself. But there is also a drawback - this girl has a strong pride, and she gets very offended, especially when the minimum attention of others is concentrated on her...


The teenage girl, whose parents at birth decided to choose the rare name Zinaida, has a completely unpredictable, but quite interesting nature. Zinaida, over whom the meaning of this name protects, is a talkative, restless, unpredictable, eloquent, disobedient, playful leader, next to whom no one will ever achieve peace. She is so energetic and active that she doesn’t sit still for a minute, and what’s more, she gets the people around her going – no one can sit next to her, she will have to move, act, do something, that’s how she influences people.

Teachers at school are often dissatisfied with her behavior, which makes her parents nervous, but at the same time there is a plus that outweighs this drawback - this plus is the ability to independently cope with any problems, in one hundred percent of cases to achieve the goal and result, the ability to be serious at moments when it is needed most.

A girl named Zinaida has a complex nature, this is a fact, but it is positive on all sides - the meaning of this name endows the girl named in this way with eloquence, attentiveness, caring, optimism and positivity, unprincipledness and ingenuity. And the meaning most often turns the girl named by the nominal variation Zinaida into an excellent friend and faithful comrade - she will never betray a loved one for her own gain, will not deceive for the sake of her own self-protection, will not take advantage of someone else’s weakness.

Adult woman

If a girl with the name Zinaida has a lot of energy, splashing out in the form of pampering and unpredictability, then an adult woman with the same name no longer has this drawback. But there is another drawback - its role is played by the inability to see their true face in people, she poorly distinguishes between traitors and good people, idealizes everyone and tries to align them with one line.

The meaning of this name bestows idealistic views and gullibility, which manifest themselves precisely at the stage of maturity - Zinaida does not see bad in people, trusts everyone without exception, does not want to believe that a person can consciously be bad. That is why, in most cases, she forgives people for their misdeeds. But there are also moments when Zinaida is not ready to forgive, this concerns deception and betrayal, she does not forgive such offenses, and moreover, she may, slightly, but still take revenge for them.

An adult Zinaida can become a careerist and a hard worker - the meaning of this name form can bestow hard work, responsibility, diligence, commitment and a sense of duty, but only proper upbringing can help them manifest themselves. What also helps Zina find success in her work is her fantasy and imagination, the creativity that lies within her and manifests itself already in adolescence.

Interaction of Zinaida’s character with the seasons

Spring - under the auspices of this season, a child is born who is restless, exuberant, active, optimistic and extraordinary. She is open-minded, doesn't like being alone and loves sports. Movement and communication are her weaknesses. She is cheerful and charming, wins people over and manipulates them. Its downside is gullibility.

Summer - the meaning of the summer months gives rise to a love of adventure and travel, daydreaming, well-developed imagination and passion in the character named after Zinaida. Not sociable, but interesting to everyone around her, has organizational skills and can be a leader, but does not want to be the center of attention. Unable to concentrate on what is most important.

Autumn - capricious autumn weather gives the baby an excellent sense of humor, politeness, delicacy, sincerity and unscrupulousness. Responsible, rarely able to give up on the path to her own goal, often worries about uncertainty and strives for stability. She needs not just a husband, but a friend who can bestow care and love.

Winter - and here we are talking about an interesting and versatile careerist by birth, a girl with the gift of eloquence. She easily finds a common language even with unapproachable people, and is not ready to conflict or lie. She is dreamy and active, does not sit still and dreams of perfection. Everything is complicated with the opposite sex - she doesn’t accept men as they are, she tries to idealize everyone.

The fate of the name Zinaida

The fate of the name Zinaida in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and in marriage, is such that it requires her to search for a long time for a man with whom she can have a normal relationship. But Zinaida’s fate turns out this way for a reason - the reason is Zina’s character and her attitude towards the male half...

Zinaida herself is beautiful in soul and nature, she can easily win the man with whom she wants to build a relationship, her destiny involves many different relationships. But the problem is that at the start of a relationship she tries to seem like a compliant and flexible girl, while in marriage, on the contrary, she demonstrates her leadership with all her might. Her destiny is in marriage, to be a leader, a vamp woman, patronizing her chosen man. After the wedding, she will not allow herself to be led, and at the same time she will not tolerate an attack on her personal freedom.

But Zinaida’s fate presupposes that she will become a full-fledged mother, the kind that is usually held up as an example. Zinaida is a good mother and wife, she is an excellent housewife, she will never allow herself to betray or lie. She is also a lover of luxury - her destiny is to be a spender, but moderate.

Love and marriage

Zinaida is a beautiful, spectacular and self-sufficient woman, whose main goal is independence and independence, both financial and personal. She is a true workaholic and a leader by nature, so high positions at work will not be long in coming. Zina is slowly but surely approaching such a step in life as marriage. A successful business lady has excellent feminine intuition and wisdom. She understands that it is better not to compete with men. For her, it is important that her chosen one is smart and brave, but she cannot stand weak-willed men.

Zina will fall in love only with a strong, wise, courageous and fair man. With him, she changes some of her habits, shows complaisance, and the ability to give in. Ideally, Zinaida’s husband is a courageous, purposeful, even strict man who managed to force her to respect and obey him. But you shouldn’t indulge Zina’s whims or follow her lead, since such a manifestation of weakness will make her disappointed in her man, and she will simply leave.

Zinaida perfectly combines work with her household responsibilities. She is a wonderful and dexterous hostess, who has everything in her hands. She can cope with all household chores in just a couple of hours. Her house is always tidy and clean, strict order and discipline reign, and a delicious dinner always awaits her household members on the dining table.

Zinaida as Mother

No one can guarantee or predict exactly how this or that person will behave when such a great responsibility as parental duty falls on his shoulders. However, such strong character traits as Zinaida’s, combined with her ability to love and care, suggest that she has every chance of becoming a good mother. She will love and take excellent care of her children, while also managing to work for her own pleasure.

Zinaida is a very strong and strong-willed woman, she has a very tough character. However, with the advent of children, it changes quite a lot and becomes much softer. In the educational process, Zina still shows her rigor and strength of character; she is demanding, but always fair towards her children. She carefully controls her children, tries not to spoil them too much, and also spares no time and effort for their diversified development and good upbringing.

She is able to unite all family members for the benefit of her children. She believes that the atmosphere at home greatly influences the development and psyche of her children, so it is very important that everyone in the family has warm, calm, friendly relationships. She will not tolerate showdowns or other high-profile conflicts, because she does not want to traumatize the children’s psyche. This is the trait of a strong woman who loves her children and protects their health and happiness.

Compatibility with male names

The compatibility of the name Zinaida with male names is a rather difficult parameter, but it has already been solved by at least 80% by modern experts in the field of studying this issue. So…

The ideal combination in terms of love and relationships is achieved with those named: Boris, Gleb, Gordey, Egor, Makar, Robert, Trofim.

A strong and reliable marriage with Bogdan, Daniil, Trofim, Frol, Khariton, Kirill, Ilya, Veniamin.

You should not associate your life with Vilen, Vladislav, George, Naum, Plato and Yaroslav.

This restless and active woman needs a calm and balanced man, but in no case a “sheaf” with whom she will be bored...

Meaning and origin: divine daughter (Greek).

Energy and Karma: in terms of its energy, the name has significant sharpness and assertiveness. Perhaps one can catch some hint of dreaminess and romanticism in it, but if it exists, it is thoroughly drowned out by the sonority of the word. You could even say that the name Zinaida sounds like a victory marching song, or rather, like the beginning of its melody. Of course, one way or another all this should be reflected in the character of Zina herself.

Secrets of communication: you shouldn’t cross Zinaida’s path once again, but if something like this happens, then the dispute can only be resolved through a compromise. In the end, having infringed on her, even unwittingly, in one thing, try to give in on something else. And don't forget to emphasize this if you want to maintain your relationship with her.

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Name colors: light green, brown, red.
  • Talisman stone: carnelian, amber.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 2

Ancient Greek origin, means: born of Zeus, from the family of Zeus. A somewhat arrogant, coldish girl. She often quarrels with her friends and loves to be first in everything. He tyrannizes parents, especially grandparents, and does not tolerate refusals in anything.

At school he strives to be the teacher’s right hand, somewhat curries favor with his elders, and respects strength. Don't mind gossiping. She studies well and cannot hide her joy when she is cited as an example to other students.

Having matured, she discovers good taste, she develops coquetry, and her mental lability allows her to hide the sharp edges of her character. In this age Zinaida- a regular at dance evenings and discos. She is rarely a beauty. But she is charming and knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. If we add to this that Zinaidas are almost always passionate people, then we can understand why they do not complain about the lack of attention from men. Zinaida smart. A leader in mentality, she skillfully hides this, demonstrating, on the contrary, subordination to a man; later, when she is already connected to him by marriage, the despot hiding inside her breaks out. The husband must agree with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and unstoppable scandals, or, on the contrary, immediately resolutely insist on his own. In the family, she is in charge of finances and always knows better than anyone what to do for her husband and children, how they should act and what to say.

Zinaida she meticulously takes care of the improvement of the apartment, she is somewhat stingy, but when she sees a beautiful thing, she will not regret the money. He perfectly prepares all sorts of homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines; on occasion he will not refuse to drink, and sometimes displays a noticeable penchant for drinking.

Zinaida makes good accountants and pharmacists. Zinaida's teachers stand out for their pickiness.

“Summer” Zinaidas have a softer character, and Zinaidas with patronymics Olegovna, Aleksandrovna, Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna are those with a complex character. There are great chances for a successful marriage with Stepan, Yuri, Vladimir, Pavel, Efim. Less favorable are marriages with Ivan, Stanislav, Dmitry, Denis, Peter, Taras.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 3

Zinaida- “born of Zeus” (Greek)

A somewhat arrogant, coldish girl. She often quarrels with her friends and loves to be first in everything. He tyrannizes his parents, especially his grandparents, and does not tolerate refusal of anything. At school he strives to be the teacher’s right hand, somewhat curries favor with his elders, and respects strength. Don't mind gossiping. He studies well and cannot hide his joy when he is given an example to other students.

Having matured, he discovers good taste, constancy, a peculiarity of the psyche that allows him to hide the sharp corners of his character. At this age, a regular at evenings, dances and discos, shows great effort in mastering the technique of modern dances. She is rarely a beauty. But she is charming and knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. If we add to this that Zinaida almost always a passionate nature, you can understand why she does not complain about the lack of attention from men. Zinaida smart. A leader in mentality, she skillfully hides this, demonstrating to a man that she is ready to obey him in everything. Later, when the marriage bond is concluded, the despot hidden within her breaks out. The husband must come to terms with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and unabating scandals, or, on the contrary, boldly protest in a decisive form and always stand firmly on his own.

Zinaida she meticulously takes care of the improvement of the apartment, she is somewhat stingy, but when she sees a beautiful thing, she will not regret the money. He makes excellent homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines; on occasion he will not refuse to drink, and sometimes shows a noticeable tendency to drink.

Prone to infectious and viral diseases.

She makes a good accountant and pharmacist. Zinaida- The teacher is too picky.

"Winter" Zinaida has a softer character.

“Autumn” - in addition to everything that has been said, it is also practical, thrifty, and a little stingy. Can work as an assistant, accountant, store manager, mid-level manager at an enterprise, or at a research institute. The name matches patronymics: Alekseevna, Naumovna, Borisovna, Sergeevna, Boyanovna, Samoilovna, Gavrilovna.

“Summer” is always in the center of attention and knows how to present herself. Eccentric. She is a leader in the family and in the team, energetic, smart, active.

“Spring” is selfish, extravagant. May be an actress, music worker, pharmacist. The name matches patronymics: Vissarionovna, Veniaminovna, Aleksandrovna, Stepanovna, Lazarevna, Leonidovna.

Zinaida with patronymics Olegovna, Aleksandrovna, Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna refers to people with a complex character.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 4

Unbalanced, complex, labile (i.e. unstable) natures. Cunning, touchy. They don’t get married for a long time, but if they do, the marriage is short-lived, since in the family they are the “leading leaders”. They also show their character at work, becoming teachers, foremen, heads of departments, etc.

Painful. They give birth to boys. Zinaida has a big disadvantage - a tendency to drunkenness, and a great advantage - refined taste.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 5

Zinaida- from Greek from the genus of Zeus, godlike.

Derivatives: Zinaidka, Zina, Zinakha, Zinasha, Zinuha, Zinusha, Zinulya, Zinusya, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

Folk signs: If dirt spreads across the ground on Zinaida and the horse’s hoof is filled with water, then the snow that falls will immediately establish a winter path.


She is a leader by nature. But if necessary, she knows how to submit to a man, so much so that he will not notice her natural leadership and even some arrogance. After all Zinaida can be charming, impressive, and graceful in communication thanks to her lively, sharp mind. She is somewhat tight-fisted, but the family only benefits from this, receiving everything they need for a comfortable, comfortable life.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 6

ZINAIDA - from the family of Zeus (Greek).

Name day: October 24 - Holy Martyr Zinaida, sister of the Apostle Paul; in the name of Christ she healed the sick, thereby converting many pagans to the faith of Christ; was stoned.

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
  • Planet - Pluto.
  • Green color.
  • A favorable tree is pine.
  • The treasured plant is the chrysanthemum.
  • The patron of the name is Scorpio.
  • The talisman stone is emerald.


Zinaida She is somewhat arrogant and cold in behavior, but knows how to smooth out the sharp edges of her character. She is charming and can present herself favorably and effectively. She has a passionate nature, a sharp mind; a leader by mental make-up, she will submit to a man when necessary. Zinaida somewhat tight-fisted, but does not spare anything for his family.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 7

Zinaida- a common name. It gives its owner a certain coldness and complexness, which many Zinas try to cover up with rudeness as they age. Insolence actually liberates them somewhat, but at the same time it turns off people who do not accept such a manner of behavior. In a constant struggle with internal timidity, the Zinas strive to become leaders, trying to command and lead. If they do not always succeed in this in the work collective, then in the family Zinaida she certainly dominates, she is in charge of finances and, as it seems to her, she always knows better what to do for her husband and children, how they should act and what to say. Here she is a dictator.

Zinaida always dresses with taste and pays a lot of attention to her appearance. They try to look impressive, believing that this is one of the important conditions that gives power over others. As for health, Zinaidas are often sickly. Their big drawback is their affinity for alcohol.

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