Life after death: evidence. Life after death: real facts and incidents in history

Incredible facts

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death.

They discovered that consciousness can continue after death.

Although there is a lot of skepticism surrounding this topic, there are testimonies from people who have had this experience that will make you think about it.

Although these conclusions are not definitive, you may begin to doubt that death is, in fact, the end of everything.

Is there life after death?

1. Consciousness continues after death

Dr. Sam Parnia, a professor who has studied near-death experiences and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive brain death when there is no blood flow to the brain and there is no electrical activity.

Since 2008, he has collected extensive evidence of near-death experiences that occurred when a person's brain was no more active than a loaf of bread.

Judging by the visions conscious awareness lasted up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain usually shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart stops.

2. Out-of-body experience

You may have heard people talk about the feeling of separation from your own body, and they seemed like a fantasy to you. American singer Pam Reynolds spoke about her out-of-body experience during brain surgery, which she experienced at the age of 35.

She was placed in an induced coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and her brain was virtually deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed and headphones were inserted into her ears, drowning out sounds.

Floating above your body she was able to observe her own operation. The description was very clear. She heard someone say: " Her arteries are too small"and the song was playing in the background" Hotel California"by The Eagles.

The doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pam told about her experience.

3. Meeting with the dead

One of the classic examples of near-death experiences is meeting deceased relatives on the other side.

Researcher Bruce Grayson(Bruce Grayson) believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death is not just vivid hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives far exceeded the number of those who met living people.

Moreover, there have been several cases where people have encountered a dead relative on the other side without knowing that the person had died.

Life after death: facts

4. Borderline Reality

Internationally recognized Belgian neurologist Stephen Laureys(Steven Laureys) does not believe in life after death. He believes that all near-death experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.

Laureys and his team expected that near-death experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and would fade from memory over time.

However, he discovered that Memories of clinical death remain fresh and vivid regardless of the passage of time and sometimes even overshadow memories of real events.

5. Similarity

In one study, researchers asked 344 patients who had experienced cardiac arrest to describe their experiences in the week following resuscitation.

Of all the people surveyed, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12 % gave a classic example of near-death experiences. This means that from 28 to 41 people, not related to each other, from different hospitals recalled almost the same experience.

6. Personality changes

Dutch explorer Pim van Lommel(Pim van Lommel) studied the memories of people who experienced clinical death.

According to the results, many people have lost their fear of death, become happier, more positive and more sociable. Almost everyone spoke of near-death experiences as a positive experience that further impacted their lives over time.

Life after death: evidence

7. First-hand memories

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his mind about near-death experiences. He stated that he saw something that was difficult to believe.

He said that he saw light and a melody emanating from there, he saw something similar to a portal into a magnificent reality, filled with waterfalls of indescribable colors and millions of butterflies flying across this scene. However, his brain was switched off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have had any glimpses of consciousness.

Many have questioned Dr. Eben's words, but if he is telling the truth, perhaps his experiences and those of others should not be ignored.

8. Visions of the Blind

They interviewed 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Moreover, 14 of them were blind from birth.

However, they all described visual image s during your experiences, be it a tunnel of light, deceased relatives, or observing your body from above.

9. Quantum physics

According to the professor Robert Lanza(Robert Lanza) all possibilities in the universe happen at the same time. But when the “observer” decides to look, all these possibilities come down to one, which happens in our world.

I wonder what it takes to prove the existence of life after life? Comparison: What do I need to prove that you exist? Ideally, to see you and communicate with you. What if we are separated by many kilometers and it is impossible to see directly? You can find other ways to find out about you, for example, chat with you via the Internet, which is what we are doing now. How to understand that you are not a bot? Here we will have to apply some analytical methods and ask you non-standard questions. Etc.

How did scientists know about the existence of dark matter? After all, it’s basically impossible to see or touch it? By calculating the speed at which galaxies are moving away, comparing it with the observed speed. The result is a contradiction: there is more gravity in the universe than originally expected. Where did she come from? Its source was called dark matter. Those. The methods are very indirect. And, at the same time, no one questions the conclusions of physicists.

So it is here: a lot of people have had the experience of post-mortem visions and experiences. And not all of them are explainable from the point of view of hallucinations. I myself had the opportunity to communicate with people who were “there” several times. There is more evidence than evidence for the existence of dark matter.

And for the most skeptical skeptic, I will cite Pascal’s famous wager. One of the greatest scientists in the entire history of science, who discovered the laws without which modern physics is unthinkable.


In conclusion, I will quote Pascal’s famous wager. We all studied the laws of the great scientist Pascal at school. Blaise Pascal, a Frenchman, is truly an outstanding man, ahead of the science of his time by a couple of centuries! He lived in the seventeenth century, in the era preceding the so-called Great French Revolution (late eighteenth century), when godless ideas were already corrupting the high society and, imperceptibly, were preparing his sentence to the guillotine.

As a believer, he boldly defended religious ideas that were ridiculed and very unpopular at that time. Pascal's famous bet has been preserved: his dispute with unbelieving scientists. He argued something like this: You believe that there is no God and there is no Eternal Life, but I believe that there is God and there is Eternal Life! Let's argue?.. Argued? Now imagine yourself in the first second after death. If I was right, I get everything, I get Eternal Life, and you lose everything. Even if you turn out to be right, you will not have any advantages over me, because everything will go into absolute oblivion! Thus, my faith gives me hope for Eternal Life, but yours deprives you of everything! Pascal was a smart man!

Belief in the existence of an immortal soul gives us our greatest hope. After all, this is the hope of gaining immortality. Even if the probability of receiving an infinite prize were negligible, then in this case we are infinitely winning: any finite number multiplied by infinity is equal to infinity. What does atheism give a person? I believe in absolute zero! As one poet said: only meat in the pit. Everything that is born will die, everything that has been built will be destroyed, and the universe will collapse back to the point of singularity.

The answer to the question: “Is there life after death?” - all major world religions give or try to give. And if our ancestors, distant and not so distant, saw life after death as a metaphor for something beautiful or, on the contrary, terrible, then it is quite difficult for modern people to believe in Heaven or Hell described in religious texts. People have become too educated, but not to say that they are smart when it comes to the last line before the unknown. There is an opinion about the forms of life after death among modern scientists. Vyacheslav Gubanov, Rector of the International Institute of Social Ecology, talks about whether there is life after death and what it is like. So, life after death - facts.

- Before raising the question of whether there is life after death, it is worth understanding the terminology. What is death? And what kind of life after death can there be, in principle, if the person himself no longer exists?

When exactly, at what moment a person dies is an unresolved question. In medicine, a statement of the fact of death is cardiac arrest and lack of breathing. This is the death of the body. But it happens that the heart does not beat - the person is in a coma, and blood is pumped due to a wave of muscle contraction throughout the body.

Rice. 1. Statement of the fact of death according to medical indicators (cardiac arrest and lack of breathing)

Now let's look from the other side: in Southeast Asia there are mummies of monks who have hair and nails growing, that is, fragments of their physical body are alive! Maybe they have something else alive that cannot be seen with their eyes and cannot be measured with medical (very primitive and not accurate from the point of view of modern knowledge about the physics of the body) instruments? If we talk about the characteristics of the energy-information field that can be measured near such bodies, then they are completely anomalous and many times exceed the norm for an ordinary living person. This is nothing more than a channel of communication with subtle material reality. It is for this purpose that such objects are located in monasteries. The bodies of the monks, despite the very high humidity and high temperature, are mummified under natural conditions. Microbes do not live in a high-frequency body! The body does not decompose! That is, here we can see a clear example that life continues after death!

Rice. 2. “Living” mummy of a monk in Southeast Asia.
Channel of communication with subtle-material reality after the clinical fact of death

Another example: in India there is a tradition of burning the bodies of dead people. But there are unique people, usually very spiritually advanced people, whose bodies do not burn at all after death. Different physical laws apply to them! Is there life after death in this case? What evidence can be accepted and what evidence is considered an unexplained mystery? Doctors do not understand how the physical body lives after the fact of its death is officially recognized. But from the point of view of physics, life after death is facts based on natural laws.

- If we talk about subtle material laws, that is, laws that consider not only the life and death of the physical body, but also the so-called bodies of subtle dimensions, in the question “is there life after death” it is still necessary to take some kind of starting point! The question is - which one?

This starting point should be recognized as physical death, that is, the death of the physical body, the cessation of physiological functions. Of course, it is customary to fear physical death, and even life after death, and for most people, stories about life after death act as a consolation, making it possible to slightly weaken natural fear - the fear of death. But today interest in the issues of life after death and evidence of its existence has reached a new qualitative level! Everyone is interested in whether there is life after death, everyone wants to hear evidence from experts and eyewitness accounts...

- Why?

The fact is that we should not forget about at least four generations of “atheists”, who were hammered into their heads from childhood that physical death is the end of everything, there is no life after death, and there is nothing at all beyond the grave! That is, from generation to generation people asked the same eternal question: “Is there life after death?” And they received the “scientific”, well-founded answer of the materialists: “No!” This is stored at the level of genetic memory. And there is nothing worse than the unknown.

Rice. 3. Generations of “atheists” (atheists). Fear of death is like fear of the unknown!

We are also materialists. But we know the laws and metrology of the subtle planes of existence of matter. We can measure, classify and define physical processes that occur according to laws different from the laws of the dense world of material objects. The answer to the question: “Is there life after death?” - is outside the material world and the school physics course. It is also worth looking for evidence of life after death.

Today, the amount of knowledge about the dense world is turning into the quality of interest in the deep laws of Nature. And it is right. Because having formulated his attitude to such a difficult issue as life after death, a person begins to look sensibly at all other issues. In the East, where various philosophical and religious concepts have been developing for more than 4,000 years, the question of whether there is life after death is a fundamental one. In parallel with it comes another question: who were you in a past life. It is a personal opinion regarding the inevitable death of the body, a “worldview” formulated in a certain way, that allows us to move on to the study of deep philosophical concepts and scientific disciplines relating to both man and society.

- Is accepting the fact of life after death, proof of the existence of other forms of life, liberating? And if so, from what?

A person who understands and accepts the fact of the existence of life before, in parallel and after the life of the physical body, acquires a new quality of personal freedom! I, as a person who personally went through the need to understand the inevitable end three times, can confirm this: yes, such a quality of freedom cannot in principle be achieved by other means!

Great interest in the issues of life after death is also caused by the fact that everyone went through (or did not go through) the procedure of the “end of the world” announced at the end of 2012. People - mostly unconsciously - feel that the end of the world has happened, and now they live in a completely new physical reality. That is, they received, but have not yet psychologically realized, evidence of life after death in the past physical reality! In that planetary energy-information reality that took place before December 2012, they died! Thus, you can see what life after death is right now! :)) This is a simple method of comparison, accessible to sensitive and intuitive people. On the eve of the quantum leap in December 2012, up to 47,000 people a day visited our institute’s website with a single question: “What will happen after this “amazing” episode in the life of earthlings? And is there life after death? :)) And literally this is what happened: the old conditions of life on Earth died! They died from November 14, 2012 to February 14, 2013. The changes took place not in the physical (densely material) world, where everyone was waiting and afraid of these changes, but in the subtle-material - energy-informational world. This world has changed, the dimensionality and polarization of the surrounding energy-information space has changed. For some this is fundamentally important, while others have not noticed any changes at all. So, after all, people’s Nature is different: some are hypersensitive, and some are supermaterial (grounded).

Rice. 5. Is there life after death? Now, after the end of the world in 2012, you can answer this question yourself :))

- Is there life after death for everyone without exception or are there options?

Let's talk about the subtle-material structure of the phenomenon called “Man”. The visible physical shell and even the ability to think, the mind, with which many limit the concept of being, is only the bottom of the iceberg. So, death is a “change of dimension”, that physical reality where the center of human consciousness operates. Life after the death of the physical shell is aNOTHER form of life!

Rice. 6. Death is a “change in dimension” of the physical reality where the center of human consciousness operates

I belong to the category of the most enlightened people in these matters, both in terms of theory and in practice, since almost every day in the course of consulting work I am forced to deal with various issues of life, death and information from previous incarnations of various people seeking help. Therefore, I can say with authority that there are different types of death:

  • death of the physical (dense) body,
  • death Personal
  • death spiritual

Man is a triune being, which is composed of his Spirit (a real living subtle-material object, presented on the causal plane of the existence of matter), Personality (a formation like a diaphragm on the mental plane of the existence of matter, realizing free will) and, as everyone knows, the Physical body , presented in the dense world and having its own genetic history. The death of the physical body is only the moment of transferring the center of consciousness to higher levels of the existence of matter. This is life after death, stories about which are left by people who, due to various circumstances, “jumped” to higher levels, but then “came to their senses.” Thanks to such stories, you can answer in great detail the question of what happens after death, and compare the information received with scientific data and the innovative concept of man as a triune being, discussed in this article.

Rice. 7. Man is a triune being, which is composed of Spirit, Personality and Physical body. Accordingly, death can be of 3 types: physical, personal (social) and spiritual

As mentioned earlier, humans have a sense of self-preservation, programmed by Nature in the form of fear of death. However, it does not help if a person does not manifest as a triune being. If a person with a zombified personality and distorted worldview does not hear and does not want to hear control signals from his incarnate Spirit, if he does not fulfill the tasks assigned to him for the current incarnation (that is, his purpose), then in this case the physical the shell, together with the “disobedient” ego that controls it, can be “thrown off” quite quickly, and the Spirit can begin to look for a new physical carrier that will allow it to realize its tasks in the world, gaining the necessary experience. It has been statistically proven that there are so-called critical ages when the Spirit presents accounts to material man. Such ages are multiples of 5, 7 and 9 years and are, respectively, natural biological, social and spiritual crises.

If you take a walk through the cemetery and look at the main statistics of the dates of people’s departure from life, you will be surprised to find that they will correspond to precisely these cycles and critical ages: 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 years, etc.

- Can you give an example when the answer to the question: “Is there life after death?” - negative?

Just yesterday we examined the following consultation case: nothing foreshadowed the death of a 27-year-old girl. (But 27 is a small Saturnian death, a triple spiritual crisis (3x9 - a cycle of 3 times 9 years), when a person is “presented” with all his “sins” from the moment of birth.) And this girl should have gone for a ride with a guy on a motorcycle, She should have inadvertently jerked, violating the center of gravity of the sportbike, and she should have exposed her head, not protected by a helmet, to the blow of an oncoming car. The guy himself, the motorcycle driver, escaped with only three scratches upon impact. We look at photographs of the girl taken a few minutes before the tragedy: she holds a finger to her temple like a pistol and her facial expression is appropriate: crazy and wild. And everything immediately becomes clear: she has already been issued a pass to the next world with all the ensuing consequences. And now I have to clean up the boy who agreed to take her for a ride. The problem of the deceased is that she was not developed personally and spiritually. It was simply a physical shell that did not solve the problems of incarnating the Spirit on a specific body. For her there is no life after death. She actually did not live fully during physical life.

- What options are there in terms of life for anything after physical death? New incarnation?

It happens that the death of the body simply transfers the center of consciousness to more subtle planes of existence of matter and it, as a full-fledged spiritual object, continues to function in another reality without subsequent incarnation in the material world. This is very well described by E. Barker in the book “Letters from a Living Deceased.” The process we are talking about now is evolutionary. This is very similar to the transformation of a shitik (dragonfly larva) into a dragonfly. Shitik lives at the bottom of the reservoir, dragonfly primarily flies in the air. A good analogy for the transition from the dense world to the subtle-material one. That is, man is a bottom-dwelling creature. And if an “advanced” Man dies, having completed all the necessary tasks in the dense material world, then he turns into a “dragonfly”. And he receives a new list of tasks on the next plane of existence of matter. If the Spirit has not yet accumulated the necessary experience of manifestation in the dense material world, then reincarnation occurs into a new physical body, that is, a new incarnation in the physical world begins.

Rice. 9. Life after death using the example of the evolutionary degeneration of a shitik (caddisfly) into a dragonfly

Of course, death is an unpleasant process and should be delayed as much as possible. If only because the physical body provides a lot of opportunities that are not available “above”! But a situation inevitably arises when “the upper classes can no longer do it, but the lower classes do not want to.” Then a person moves from one quality to another. What is important here is a person’s attitude towards death. After all, if he is ready for physical death, then in fact he is also ready for death in any previous capacity with rebirth at the next level. This is also a form of life after death, but not physical, but of the previous social stage (level). You are reborn at a new level, “naked as a falcon,” that is, as a child. So, for example, in 1991 I received a document where it was written that in all previous years I had not served in the Soviet army or navy. And so I turned out to be a healer. But he died like a “soldier.” A good “healer” who can kill a person with a blow of his finger! Situation: death in one capacity and birth in another. Then I died as a healer, seeing the inconsistency of this type of help, but I went much higher, to another life after death in my previous capacity - to the level of cause-and-effect relationships and teaching people self-help methods and infosomatics techniques.

- I would like clarity. The center of consciousness, as you call it, may not return to the new body?

When I talk about death and evidence of the existence of various forms of life after the physical death of the body, I rely on five years of experience in accompanying the deceased (there is such a practice) to the more subtle planes of the existence of matter. This procedure is performed in order to help the center of consciousness of the “deceased” person to achieve subtle plans in a clear mind and solid memory. This is well described by Dannion Brinkley in the book Saved by the Light. The story of a man who was struck by lightning and was in a state of clinical death for three hours, and then “woke up” with a new personality in an old body is very instructive. There are plenty of sources that, to one degree or another, provide factual material, real evidence of life after death. And so, yes, the cycle of incarnations of the Spirit on various media is finite and at some point the center of consciousness goes to the subtle planes of existence, where the forms of the mind differ from those familiar and understandable to most people, who perceive and decipher reality only on a materially tangible plane.

Rice. 10. Stable plans for the existence of matter. Processes of embodiment-disembodiment and transition of information into energy and vice versa

- Does knowledge of the mechanisms of embodiment and reincarnation, that is, knowledge of life after death, have any practical meaning?

Knowledge of death as a physical phenomenon of the subtle planes of existence of matter, knowledge of how post-mortem processes occur, knowledge of the mechanisms of reincarnation, understanding of what kind of life happens after death, allows us to solve those issues that today cannot be solved by the methods of official medicine: childhood diabetes, cerebral palsy , epilepsy - are curable. We do not do this on purpose: physical health is a consequence of solving energy-information problems. In addition, it is possible, using special technologies, to take on the unrealized potentials of previous incarnations, the so-called “canned food of the past,” and thereby dramatically increase one’s effectiveness in the current incarnation. In this way, you can give a full-fledged new life to unrealized qualities after death in the previous incarnation.

- Are there any sources that are trustworthy from the point of view of a scientist that could be recommended for study by those who are interested in issues of life after death?

Stories from eyewitnesses and researchers about whether there is life after death have now been published in millions of copies. Everyone is free to form their own idea of ​​the subject, based on various sources. There is a gorgeous book by Arthur Ford “ Life After Death as Told to Jerome Ellison" This book is about a research experiment that lasted 30 years. The topic of life after death is discussed here based on real facts and evidence. The author agreed with his wife to prepare during his lifetime a special experiment on communication with the other world. The condition of the experiment was as follows: whoever goes to another world first must make contact according to a predetermined scenario and in compliance with predetermined verification conditions in order to avoid any speculation and illusions when conducting the experiment. Moody's book Life after life" - classics of the genre. Book by S. Muldoon, H. Carrington " Death on loan or exit of the astral body" is also a very informative book, telling about a man who could repeatedly move into his astral body and return back. And there are also purely scientific works. Using instruments, Professor Korotkov very well demonstrated the processes accompanying physical death...

To summarize our conversation, we can say the following: a lot of facts and evidence of life after death have been accumulated throughout human history!

But first of all, we recommend that you understand the ABC of the energy-information space: with such concepts as Soul, Spirit, center of consciousness, karma, human biofield - from a physical point of view. We discuss all these concepts in detail in our free video seminar “Human Energy Informatics 1.0,” which you can access right now.

Korotkov Konstantin Georgievich

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Treatises of ancient civilizations have been written about the immortality of the soul, about its exit from an immobilized dead body, myths and canonical religious teachings have been composed, but we would also like to receive evidence using the methods of exact sciences. It seems that the St. Petersburg scientist managed to achieve this . If his experimental data and the hypothesis built on their basis about the exit of the subtle body from the deceased physical body are confirmed by the research of other scientists, religion and science will finally agree that human life does not end with the last exhalation.

Konstantin Georgievich, what you did is both incredible and natural at the same time. Every reasonable person, to one degree or another, believes or at least secretly hopes that his soul is immortal. “Does not believe in the immortality of the soul; - Leo Tolstoy wrote, “only those who have never seriously thought about death.” However, science, which has replaced God for half of humanity, does not seem to give reason for optimism. So the long-awaited breakthrough has been made: the light of eternal life has dawned before us at the end of the tunnel, which no one can escape?

I would refrain from making such categorical statements. The experiments I conducted are rather a reason for other researchers to use precise methods to find the threshold between the earthly existence of a person and the afterlife of the soul. How one-sided is the transition across this threshold? At what point is it still possible to return? - the question is not only theoretical and philosophical, but also key in the daily practice of resuscitators: it is extremely important for them to obtain a clear criterion for the body’s transition beyond the threshold of earthly existence.

You dared to set the goal of your experiments to answer a question that had previously puzzled only theosophists, esotericists and mystics. What arsenal of modern science allowed you to pose the problem in this form?

My experiments were made possible thanks to a method created in Russia more than a century ago. It was forgotten, and in the 20s it was revived again by the inventors from Krasnodar, the Kirlian spouses. In a high-intensity electromagnetic field around a living object, be it a green leaf or a finger, a radiant glow appears. Moreover, the characteristics of this glow directly depend on the energy state of the object. Around the finger of a healthy, cheerful person, the glow is bright and even. Any disorders of the body - which is fundamentally important, not only those already identified, but also future ones that have not yet manifested themselves in organs and systems - break the luminous halo, deform it and make it dimmer. A special diagnostic direction in medicine has already been formed and recognized, which makes it possible to draw current conclusions about upcoming diseases based on inhomogeneities, cavities and darkening in a Kirlian image. The German doctor P. Mandel, having processed enormous statistical material, even created an atlas in which certain errors in the state of the body correspond to various features of the glow.

So, twenty years of working with the Kirlian effect pushed me to the idea of ​​​​seeing how the glow around living matter changes as it becomes inanimate.

Did you, like Academician Pavlov, who dictated a diary of his own death to his students, photograph the process of dying?

No, I did something different: I began to study the bodies of recently deceased people using Kirlian photographs. An hour to three hours after death, the motionless hand of the deceased was photographed hourly in a gas-discharge flash. The images were then processed on a computer in order to determine changes in the parameters of interest over time. Filming of each object took from three to five days. The ages of the deceased men and women ranged from 19 to 70 years, and their manner of death was different.

And this, no matter how strange it may seem to some, was reflected in the photographs.

The set of obtained gas-discharge curves was naturally divided into three groups:

a) relatively small amplitude of oscillations of the curves;

b) also a small amplitude, but there is one well-defined peak;

c) large amplitude of very long oscillations.

These differences are purely physical, and I would not mention them to you if the changes in parameters were not so clearly linked to the nature of the death of those photographed. But thanatologists—researchers of the process of dying of living organisms—have never had such a relationship before.

Here's how the deaths of people from the three groups mentioned above differed:

a) “calm”, natural death of a senile organism that has exhausted its life resource;

b) “abrupt” death - also natural, but still accidental: as a result of an accident, blood clot, traumatic brain injury, or help not arriving in time;

c) “unexpected” death, sudden, tragic, which, had circumstances been happier, could have been avoided; Suicides also fall into this group.

Here it is, completely new material for science: the nature of death is literally displayed on the instruments.

The most striking thing about the results obtained is that oscillatory processes, in which rises alternate with declines over several hours, are characteristic of objects with active life activity. And I photographed the dead... This means that there is no fundamental difference between the dead and the living when Kirlian photography! But then death itself is not a break, not an instantaneous event, but a gradual process, a slow transition.

- And how long does this transition last?

The fact of the matter is that the duration in different groups is also different:

a) “calm” death revealed in my experiments fluctuations in glow parameters over a period of 16 to 55 hours;

b) “sharp” death leads to a visible jump either after 8 hours or at the end of the first day, and two days after death the fluctuations converge to the background level;

c) with “unexpected” death, the oscillations are the strongest and longest, their amplitude decreases from the beginning to the end of the experiment, the glow dims at the end of the first day and especially sharply at the end of the second; in addition, every evening after nine and until approximately two or three o'clock in the morning, bursts of glow intensity are observed.

- Well, it’s just some kind of scientific and mystical thriller: at night the dead come to life!

Legends and customs associated with the dead are receiving unexpected experimental confirmation.

Who would know what it is abroad - a day after death, two days? But since these intervals are readable on my diagrams, it means that something corresponds to them.

- Have you somehow identified nine and forty days after death - especially significant intervals in Christianity?

I did not have the opportunity to conduct such long-term experiments. But I am convinced that the period from three to 49 days after death is a crucial period for the soul of the deceased, marked by its separation from the body. Either she is traveling at this time between two worlds, or the Higher Mind is deciding her future fate, or the soul is going through circles of ordeal - different faiths describe different nuances of the same, apparently, process, which is reflected on our computers.

- So, the afterlife of the soul has been scientifically proven?

Do not misunderstand me. I obtained experimental data, used metrologically proven equipment, standardized methods, data processing was carried out at different stages by different operators, I took care of evidence of the absence of influence of meteorological conditions on the operation of the instruments... That is, I did everything possible for a conscientious experimenter to ensure that the results were as accurate as possible. objective. Remaining within the framework of the Western scientific paradigm, I, in principle, must avoid mentioning the soul or the separation of the astral body from the physical; these are concepts organic to the occult and mystical teachings of Eastern science. And although, as we remember, “The West is the West, and the East is the East, and they cannot come together,” they converge in my research. If we talk about scientific proof of the afterlife, we will inevitably have to clarify whether we mean Western or Eastern science.

- Maybe just such research is called upon to unite the two sciences?

We have every right to hope that this will eventually happen. Moreover, the ancient treatises of mankind on the transition from life to death are fundamentally the same among all traditional religions.

Since the living body and the body of the recently deceased are very similar in the characteristics of the gas-discharge glow, it is not entirely clear what death is. At the same time, I specifically conducted a series of similar experiments with meat - both fresh and frozen. No fluctuations in the glow of these objects were noted. It turns out that the body of a person who died a few hours or days ago is much closer to a living body than to meat. Tell this to the pathologist - I think he will be surprised.

As you can see, the energy-information structure of a person is no less real than his material body. These two hypostases are connected with each other during a person’s life and break this connection after death not immediately, but gradually, according to certain laws. And if we recognize a motionless body with stopped breathing and heartbeat, a non-functioning brain as dead, this does not at all mean that the astral body is dead.

Moreover, the separation of the astral and physical bodies can somewhat separate them in space.

- Well, we’ve already agreed on phantoms and ghosts.

What to do, in our conversation these are not folklore or mystical images, but a reality recorded by instruments.

Are you really implying that the dead man is lying on the table, and his flickering ghost is walking around the house left by the deceased?

I’m not hinting, but I’m talking about this with the responsibility of a scientist and a direct participant in the experiments.

On the very first experimental night, I felt the presence of a certain entity. It turned out that this is a common reality for pathologists and morgue attendants.

Periodically going down to the basement to measure parameters (which is where the experiments were carried out), on the first night I experienced an insane attack of fear. For me, a hunter and experienced climber seasoned in extreme situations, fear is not the most characteristic state. With an effort of will I tried to overcome it. But in this case it didn’t work. The fear subsided only with the onset of morning. And on the second night it was scary, and on the third, but with repetitions the fear gradually weakened.

Analyzing the reason for my fear, I realized that it was objective. When, going down to the basement, I was heading towards the object of research, before I even reached it, I clearly felt eyes on me. Whose? There was no one in the room except me and the dead man. Everyone feels a gaze directed at themselves. Usually, when he turns around, he meets someone's eyes fixed on him. In this case, there was a look, but there were no eyes. Moving now closer to the gurney with the body, now further from it, I experimentally established that the source of the gaze was located five to seven meters from the body. Moreover, every time I caught myself with the feeling that the invisible observer was here by right, and I was there by my own volition.

Typically, work associated with periodic measurements required being near the body for about twenty minutes. During this time I was very tired, and the work itself could not cause this fatigue. Repeated sensations of the same kind prompted the idea of ​​a natural loss of energy in the basement.

- Did the Phantom suck your energy?

Not just mine. The same thing happened to my assistants, which only confirmed the non-randomness of my feelings. Even worse, the doctor of the experimental group - an experienced professional who had performed autopsies on corpses for many years - in our work touched a piece of bone, tore his glove, but did not notice the scratch, and the next day he was taken away by ambulance with blood poisoning.

What kind of sudden puncture? As he later admitted to me, for the first time, a pathologist had to stay near corpses for a long time, and at night. At night, fatigue is stronger, vigilance is weaker. But besides this, as we now know for sure, the activity of a dead body is higher, especially if it is a suicide.

True, I am not a supporter of the view that the dead suck energy from the living. Perhaps the process is not so clear cut. The body of the recently deceased is in a complex state of transition from life to death. There is still an unknown process of energy flowing from the body into another world. If another person enters the zone of this energy process, it can be fraught with damage to his energy-informational structure.

- Is that why the deceased is being buried?

In the funeral service, prayers for the soul of the newly deceased, in only kind words and thoughts about him, there is a deep meaning that rational science has not yet reached. A soul making a difficult transition should be helped. If we intrude into its domain, even for what seems to us to be excusable research purposes, we apparently expose ourselves to an unexplored, although intuitively guessable, danger.

- And the reluctance of the church to bury suicides in consecrated ground is confirmed by your research?

Yes, perhaps those violent fluctuations in the first two days after voluntary death, which our computers recorded when calculating Kirlian photographs of a suicide, provide a rational basis for this custom. After all, we still don’t know anything about what then happens to the souls of the dead and how they interact with each other.

But our conclusion about the absence of a tangible boundary between life and death (according to the experiments conducted) allows us to assume the truth of the judgment that the soul, after the death of the body, continues in the afterlife the same fate of the same person living in a different reality.

If we look at the history of mankind from afar, we will notice: Each era had its own prohibitions. And often entire layers of culture were formed around these prohibitions.

The ban of Christianity by the pagan rulers of Europe resulted in the incredible popularity of the teachings of Jesus Christ, which gradually destroyed paganism as a belief.

Theories about the central position of the sun and the round earth appeared in the strict Middle Ages, where it was necessary, under pain of the Inquisition, to believe only in the opinion expressed by the church. In the 19th century, the topics of sex were taboo - Freudian psychoanalysis arose, overwhelming the minds of his contemporaries.

Is it possible to believe in life after death?

Now, in our century, there is an unspoken ban on everything related to death. This primarily concerns Western society. For the deceased rulers of medieval Mongolia, mourning was observed for at least 2 years. Now, news of disaster victims is forgotten literally the next day; grief for relatives lasts only among their closest descendants. Reflections on this topic should only be done in churches, during national mourning, and at wakes.

Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran once remarked:"To die is to cause inconvenience to others." If a person seriously thinks about whether there is life after death, then this becomes a note in the psychiatrist’s notebook (study the DSM 5 psychiatry manual at your leisure).

Perhaps this was all created because of the fear of world governments of people who are too smart. Anyone who has recognized the frailty of existence, believes in the immortality of the soul, ceases to be a cog in the system, an uncomplaining consumer.

What's the point of working hard to buy branded clothes if death multiplies everything by zero? These and similar thoughts among citizens are not beneficial to politicians and transnational companies. That is why the general repression of themes of the afterlife is secretly encouraged.

Death: the end or just the beginning?

Let's start off with: whether there is life after death or not. There are two approaches here:

  • this life does not exist, a person with his mind simply disappears. The position of atheists;
  • there is life.

In the last paragraph, another division of opinions can be discerned. They all have a common belief in the existence of the soul:

  1. the soul of a person moves into a new person or into an animal, plant, etc. This is what Hindus, Buddhists and some other cults think;
  2. the soul goes to specific places: heaven, hell, nirvana. This is the position of almost all world religions.
  3. the soul remains in peace, can help his relatives or, on the contrary, harm, etc. (Shintoism).

Clinical death as a way of studying

Often doctors tell amazing stories associated with their patients who experienced clinical death. This is a condition when a person’s heart has stopped and he is as if dead, but within 10 minutes he can be brought back to life with the help of resuscitation measures.

So, these people talk about different objects that they saw in the hospital, “flying” around it.

One patient noticed a forgotten shoe under the stairs, although she had no way of knowing about it because she was admitted unconscious. Imagine the surprise of the medical staff when a lone shoe actually lay in the indicated place!

Others, thinking that they had already died, began to “go” to their home and see what was happening there.

One patient noticed a broken cup and a new blue dress on her sister. When the woman was revived, the same sister came to her. She said that, indeed, while her sister was in a state of near death, her cup broke. And the dress was new, blue...

Life after death Confession of a dead man

Scientific evidence of life after death

Until recently (by the way, for good reason. Astrologers talk about the coming era of control of minds by Pluto, which arouses people’s interest in death, secrets, and the synthesis of science and metaphysics), scientists answered the question of the existence of life after death in the unequivocal negative.

Now this seemingly unshakable opinion is changing. In particular, quantum physics directly speaks of parallel worlds that are lines. A person constantly moves through them and thereby chooses his fate. Death only means the disappearance of an object on this line, but its continuation on another. That is, eternal life.

Psychotherapists give the example of regressive hypnosis. It allows you to look into a person’s past, and into past lives.

Thus, in the USA, one American woman, after a session of such hypnosis, declared herself to be the incarnation of a Swedish peasant woman. One could assume a clouding of reason and laugh, but when the woman began to speak fluently in an ancient Swedish dialect unknown to her before, it was no longer a laughing matter.

Facts of the existence of afterlife

Many people report dead people coming to them. There are many of these stories. Skeptics say that this is all fiction. That's why let's look at the documented facts from people who were not prone to fantasy and insanity.

For example, Napoleon Bonaparte's mother Letitia reported how her tenderly loving son, imprisoned on the island of St. Helena, once came to her house and told her today's date and time, and then disappeared. And only two months later a message came about his death. It happened exactly at the same time when he came to his mother in the form of a ghost.

In Asian countries, there is a custom of making marks on the skin of a dead person so that after reincarnation, relatives can recognize him.

A documented case of a boy born, who had a birthmark in exactly the same place where the mark was made on his own grandfather, who died a few days before the birth.

By the same principle, they are still looking for future Tibetan lamas - leaders of Buddhism. The current Dalai Lama, Lhamo Thondrub (14th), is considered to be the same person as his predecessors. Even as a child, he recognized the things of the 13th Dalai Lama, saw dreams from a past incarnation, etc.

By the way, another lama - Dashi Itigelov, has been preserved in an incorruptible form since his death in 1927. Medical experts have proven that the composition of mummy hair, nails, and skin have lifetime characteristics. They could not explain this, but they recognized it as a fact. Buddhists themselves speak of the teacher as having passed into nirvana. He can return to his body at any time.

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