Zhanna Martirosyan: love, family and children. The ideal family of Garik Martirosyan Martirosyan biography personal life

Garik Martirosyan is a man who has an excellent sense of humor. His work is proud not only in Russia and Armenia, but also outside these countries. He constantly hatches new plans, which he shares with his fans. Even when he was not performing on stage, many KVnova fans admired his sparkling jokes, following the work of the “Burnt by the Sun” team. During these years, Garik's talent as an author only became more powerful. After a short time, the hero began to appear before a large audience, admiring his sparkle and accuracy of jokes on the topic of the day.

In addition to acting, the artist perfectly performs many other roles, being artistic director and a permanent resident of the comedy show club "Comedy". He produced “Show News”, “Our Russia” and “Laughter without Rules”, which are popular among television viewers.

Height, weight, age. How old is Garik Martirosyan

His height, southern temperament and ability to laugh at himself and make others laugh have attracted attention for a long time. True KVN fans have been following his work since the mid-90s. They know absolutely exactly what the popular showman’s height, weight, and age are. How old Garik Martirosyan turned this year is also known. On his birthday, which falls on Valentine's Day, he came to visit Ivan Urgant, where he was given royal honors in honor of his 43rd birthday. Our hero's height is 183 cm and his weight is 75 kg, although Garik seems somewhat plump on screen.

Since his youth, the well-known KVN player began running. Even now, although he is incredibly busy, sports activities he manages to devote a small amount of time. In addition, he loves traditional Armenian cuisine, dishes from which his wife sometimes spoils him with.

Biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan

Our hero was born in mid-February in 1974. Although his actual birth falls on the 13th, his parents, driven by superstitious motives, made him a day younger by recording him on the 14th, so the artist celebrates the holiday for 2 days. Garik was a very restless child since childhood. IN school years he loved to joke with everyone.

But everything was said with such a serious look that everyone around believed. For example, in the 1st grade he called himself the grandson of Leonid Brezhnev, which everyone believed: from students to teachers, until his mother came to school, who was summoned for her son’s bad behavior. The future showman was expelled from the music school for the same reason. But this did not stop him from learning to play several musical instruments on his own. On this moment our hero is fluent in guitar, drums and piano, and has also written several popular musical compositions, which sounded from the KVnov stage.

Creative biography And personal life Garik Martirosyan took place thanks to KVN, in which he began to take part in the mid-90s, as a student at Yerevan State Medical University, after which he became a practicing Moscow neuropathologist-psychotherapist. But still, KVN and the ability to joke outweighed everything. Now our hero is a popular comedian, whose work is admired by many residents of the vast expanses Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Talent popular comedian could be enjoyed in many projects, the most memorable of which were “Comedy Club”, ProjectorParisHilton, Show News.

Martirosyan is and popular producer, who made several humorous films.

Family and children of Garik Martirosyan

The popular showman calls 2 cities his homeland - Yerevan and Moscow. He was born in the first, and the second became his real hometown, since it is here that his large family lives happily and the children of Garik Martirosyan were born in the Russian metropolitan metropolis. The artist loves to visit Armenia, enjoying the beautiful sun and peace, since here he is known only as one of the residents who moved to Russia. Moscow attracts the hero with its scale and ability to change. He loves to take a break from its noise with his family, to whom he devotes everything. free time.

Garik's mother and father often come to visit him, not daring to leave their beloved Yerevan forever, although their son calls him to him. The artist also has an older brother, Levon, who lives with his wife and children in Armenia. Although the brothers are separated by a long distance, they constantly call each other and congratulate each other on the holidays.

Son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel Martirosyan

In 2009, he was born on the penultimate day of October 2009. On the same day, one of the episodes of ProjectorParisHilton was released with the participation of the popular American film actor Steven Seagal. When Garik announced that he had a son, the popular Stephen suggested calling him Daniel. Seagal assured that a child with that name will have happiness in the future. Martirosyan said he would think about it. After some time, it turned out that the showman still named his son Daniel.

For a long time Garik did not show his son to the general public. But recently the son of Garik Martirosyan, Daniel Martirosyan, was introduced to the public. This took place on Timur Kizyakov’s program “While everyone is at home.”

Daughter of Garik Martirosyan - Jasmine Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan's daughter, Jasmine Martirosyan, was born in 2004, 5 years earlier than her brother. The parents named their daughter in honor of Garik’s mother, who lives in Armenia. The girl is very artistic, as many of those present at the Jurmala humor festival in 2013 could see for themselves. She went on stage and danced so fieryly that all the spectators present in the hall were amazed.

Now Garik sometimes talks about his daughter’s successes. She studies at one of the best Moscow schools. The showman says that her character is completely similar to his childhood. The girl loves to make fun of her classmates, but these jokes are absolutely harmless.

Garik Martirosyan's wife - Zhanna Levina

Garik and Zhanna met at the Sochi festival. After Sochi, the comedian and his future lover met only a year later. A candy-bouquet period took place, which soon led to the wedding. The celebration was celebrated in Russia and Armenia. Garik's mother and father treated their daughter-in-law very well. They call her daughter, and she, in turn, considers them second parents.

Garik Martirosyan's wife, Zhanna Levina, devotes her life to her husband and children, trying to make them happy. But the young woman is also successful in her work. She, on the advice of her husband, became a very popular interior designer, from whom many beau monde stars consult.

On her Instagram page, the showman's wife often presents pictures. They depict Garik Martirosyan with his wife and children. The photos are always bright and unforgettable.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan

The popular star of the humorous beau monde runs his own page on Instagram, and Garik Martirosyan’s Wikipedia is full of information about him and his creative activity. In terms of the number of subscribed users on Instagram, the popular KVNist occupies one of the leading positions. The number of subscribers is incredibly quickly approaching the million mark. Here you can view pictures of Garik from his childhood to the present day, meet members of his large family and see who his friends are.

On the Instagram page, the official website of which is maintained by Garik himself, you can find out what the jokes lead to and bet him with friends. For example, after his favorite team won the English Premier League, the comedian cut his hair.

Garik Martirosyan, known for his humorous projects, cannot live a day without jokes with which he amuses those around him. The showman fully demonstrated his multifaceted talent: he managed to be a doctor, comedian, TV presenter, and producer of projects, but he never revealed his acting abilities, believing that professionals should act in films. Garik left television and has not appeared anywhere for the last two years, however, this does not mean that he has finished his creative career. In 2017, the TV presenter will take up a new business: he will create Internet humorous programs that will be posted on YouTube, Facebook and other platforms. In his personal life, Martirosyan is very lucky: his wife is an intelligent and wise woman who knows firsthand what a public profession is. Having left her job, she plunged into household chores and raising children, believing that her husband should only focus on his career.

Garik was born in 1974 in Yerevan. His parents’ professions were not related to creativity, however, the future artist inherited from them an excellent ear for music, a sense of humor and the ability to draw. An older brother also grew up in the family, but it was his mother and father who took him to music school. After graduating from school, the young man received training as a psychotherapist and then worked as a doctor. In 1992, Martirosyan became interested in playing KVN, making great success. In 1997, Garik was invited to television, where he wrote program scripts. A few years later the project was born Comedy Club, one of the founders of which was the showman. Soon he was fascinated by cinema, thanks to which the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny”, where Martirosyan tried his hand as a producer and scriptwriter. In addition, he was the host of various musical projects and show.

Thanks to KVN, not only Garik’s career developed, but also his personal life. He met his future wife Zhanna in 1997, when the KVN festival was held in Sochi. The girl, who was studying to become a lawyer in Stavropol, came there to support her team, where she met Martirosyan. After the end of the festival they broke up and met again only a year later. After some time, the lovers simply got married, and celebrated the wedding only two years later in Cyprus, where Garik performed with his team.

In the photo, Garik Martirosyan with his family: wife Zhanna and children

In 2004, their daughter Jasmine was born, and five years later their son Daniel was born. The artist loves his family and tries to spend more time with his children. His wife abandoned her career as a lawyer and devoted herself to her husband and children. Of course, Zhanna tried to work, but with such a lifestyle, she did not have time to do anything, and she hardly saw her husband. Now the Martirosyan family lives in a new spacious apartment, which they have long dreamed of.

The couple remembers their wedding anniversary and every year they gather friends for this family holiday. Both are passionate football fans who never miss a match on TV. The artist does not forget his relatives and often travels with his family to Yerevan. His mother taught Zhanna to cook Armenian dishes, so her wife often spoils Garik and the children with delicious dishes.

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The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 09/18/2016

They say that celebrities are so fickle in their relationships that they cannot create a strong, friendly family. However, in practice the opposite often happens, and an example of this is Garik Martirosyan.

Thanks to KVN, Zhanna Levina met her future husband and became Martirosyan’s Wife

wife famous TV presenter Garik Martirosyan's name is Zhanna Levina. She grew up in Sochi, and after graduating from school she entered the Stavropol State Law University and since then lived in two cities. Once upon a time in 1997, she was an ardent fan of the team of her native university and came to support her favorites at the festival in Sochi. And this was her fate, because at one of the parties Zhanna found herself at the same table with Garik Martirosyan. The young people immediately felt sympathy for each other, but their communication did not last long. The festival ended, and the girl flew back to Stavropol, without even leaving Garik a phone number. A year later, the couple met again, and just a few days later the young people decided to get married.
In an interview, Zhanna said that neither her nor his parents expected such a rapid development of events, but did not resist the will of their children. Their engagement took place in Yerevan, after which the young couple went on tour with the KVN team, where Garik performed. Due to a busy work schedule, the wedding was celebrated only 2 years later, and it happened in Cyprus. Zhanna is quite easy-going, so she took with interest the fact that she was taken down the aisle not from home, but from a hotel. The ceremony itself took place in a villa with a swimming pool, and the guests were the friendly KVN team “New Armenians”. The only “native” moment in the whole ceremony was the wedding in the Armenian church.

Martirosyan's wife devotes herself entirely to her family

Zhanna Levina is a lawyer by training, but own career she is in no hurry to build, because she devotes every minute of her life to her children and husband. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and in 2009, an heir, Daniel, was born. Perhaps due to the fact that Garik fully provides for his family and builds successful career on television, Zhanna can afford to enjoy family happiness.

Garik himself says that his wife is a talented housewife. She can not only cook deliciously, but also create real coziness in the house, “keep the hearth” so that when you come home after work, you can relax with your family. Martirosyan's wife tries to diversify family everyday life, she gladly gives gifts to her family and does it with special ingenuity. For example, in the Martirosyan family, a whole tradition has already developed - gifts are not given, but hidden in different places, and the recipient must find the gift himself. Although one day his wife gave Garik a gift that was difficult to hide. Knowing about Garik's passion for good music, Zhanna presented him with a piano.
easily takes on any endeavor related to the family. For example, when Garik gave her an apartment in Moscow, Zhanna completely took upon herself the arrangement of the new housing. And she succeeded; her husband appreciated his wife’s talent and even advised her to take up design professionally. Who knows, maybe the other halves of the presenters of “ProjectorParisHilton” have such a hobby - equipping their abodes, because Tsekalo’s wife also enjoys designing housing.

Zhanna Levina Not only good hostess and mother, she can rightfully be considered a professional friend of the famous presenter, because she is the first to hear the jokes that then appear on the screens. Garik appreciates this very much, although he was not able to recognize his wife’s sense of humor right away. Martirosyan’s wife always tries to be close to her husband: she goes to film premieres, awards presentations, and participates in interviews. She is perhaps the most active “other half” of the presenters of “ProjectorParisHilton”.

Garik Martirosyan's wife about secrets family life with a star.

My husband Garik Martirosyan star status has not changed at all. The same as he was nineteen years ago when we met, he remains the same. But I had to tame my character.

I'm a serious person. Judge for yourself: I dreamed of becoming an investigator, a criminologist. My grandparents were surgeons, and there were medical reference books and anatomical atlases everywhere at home. I read manuals on craniotomy like adventure novels. I won’t faint at the sight of a corpse. In general, I entered the law school in Stavropol, studied textbooks on criminal law, and walked towards my goal step by step. She also played student team KVN.

My dad, Viktor Morisovich Levin, had his own business in Sochi - optical stores, so I grew up in a wealthy family. Mom is an economist, worked in the city administration. Of course, they wanted their only daughter to marry successfully and live nearby. And suddenly I meet a guy from the KVN team “New Armenians”, from Yerevan! But what if it was love at first sight?! It was as if something had struck my heart.

Garik and I walked along the beach and talked. And I suddenly had the feeling that this was absolutely “my” person: dear, sincere, warm. But he immediately turned on common sense: I need to finish my studies, he will leave for Yerevan, we don’t have any common future. Garik also laughed at my dream. “The woman is an investigator! - he laughed. “They’ll kill you!”

The next morning I left for Stavropol for a session and didn’t even leave my phone number. Cell phones were rare in 1997, no one had heard of social networks at all, and Garik could not find me. We met only a year later, at the next KVN festival. He was so happy when he saw me! He complained: “Zhanna, why are you lost? I’ve been thinking about you for a year, I miss you!” He was so excited, sweet... He seemed like a very reliable person.

- Is this really the case? appearance could you determine?

Garik always behaves very naturally, he doesn’t show off at all. Maybe that’s why I immediately believed him. Thank God, my intuition did not let me down. In general, I fell in love. I just couldn't breathe without him. Gar met my parents, then we flew to meet his family.

Now, of course, I have a very good idea of ​​the situation our parents found themselves in. If my daughter Jasmine told me: “I fell in love with a guy - I’m leaving with him for Murmansk!” So what should I do? I’ll go crazy, worry, bite my nails, but I’ll have to let go. Otherwise he will say later: “Mom, you broke my fate.” What if he goes and doesn’t work out? She will scold me again: “Why didn’t you stop? You shouldn’t have let me in!”

And how should we live correctly so that we can be together until the end of our days - in sorrow and in joy? Is there such a recipe? Some people live a couple of years and run away. And others spend their entire lives hand in hand. What does this depend on? From character? Don't think. Both the husband and the wife can be a good person, but it is not their destiny to be together, and no one is to blame for this. But it happens the other way around: both the wife is imperfect and the man is so-so - but they live in perfect harmony.

Perhaps I believe in fate: either you meet “your” person or you don’t. I remember we were sitting at the Sochi airport, waiting for our flight to Yerevan - we were going to see Garik’s parents. I’m twenty-one years old, and I’m terribly worried: how will they receive me? Will you like me?

Yerevan is a stunning, magical and very sunny city. In the evening we walk around the center of the capital of Armenia, they recognize Garik and smile. A week passes, a month passes. Everyone already knows about us! Garik a famous person, captain of the “New Armenians” team. And here he is, a local, one might say, celebrity, eligible bachelor, brought a Jewish bride from Sochi. Not a very common case in Yerevan.

And romance begins, real relationships begin, endless flights: Yerevan - Sochi, Sochi - Yerevan - and so on throughout the wonderful crisis year of 1998.

- Was it difficult to adapt to Armenia? New culture, new friends...

There were difficulties with the language. I didn’t understand Armenian at all then. Moreover, everyone is so emotional, loud - they shout, gesticulate, everyone’s energy is just over the edge.

I went to the store. The seller asked something in Armenian. I said I don't understand. She immediately switches to Russian:

And where are you from?

From Sochi.

ABOUT! I live in Sochi...

And let’s list all our Sochi relatives: “on such and such a street is Uncle Karen, and on this street is Aunt Liana.” She talked for about fifteen minutes, as if we had known each other for a long time and were very close, and not seeing each other for the first time. So, in terms of temperament and energy, Armenians are somewhat similar to Odessa residents - open-hearted, amazing people, lovers of life and humorists. I know first-hand about Odessa residents - my grandfather Maurice Alexandrovich is from Odessa. Then he moved to Abkhazia and from there to Sochi. I simply adore my native Sochi! My Sochi is a multinational city. Armenians, Georgians, Tatars, Russians, Jews, and Adygeis live peacefully there and are friends. And for me it has always been important what kind of character and upbringing a person has, and only then - where he is from and what nationality. In addition, I consider myself not only Jewish and Russian, but also Soviet man. We were all born and raised in the USSR!

When we went to the hospital to meet Jasmine Surenovna - she is a gynecologist, Doctor of Science - I bought a bouquet of roses. I had never seen Garik’s mother before, but one day, you won’t believe it, I dreamed about her. I tell my future husband about this:

I saw your mother in a dream.

And what is she like?

Blonde, of course.

And here we are in the hospital. I notice: in the hall on the wall there is a huge group photo of all the doctors of the hospital, fifty women. I look at their faces - and suddenly I recognize the one from my dream!

Here's your mom! - I say to Garik.

He is shocked:

Wow! How did you know?

I told you: I dreamed about her.

Jasmine Surenovna came out, I handed her flowers, we hugged warmly. Never by word or hint did she let me know that she doubted her son’s choice. Although now I sometimes put myself in her place: my grown son brings home a girl with a different worldview and mentality. How should I feel about this?

I myself, of course, didn’t really understand then what was waiting for me. We are very young, nothing special. But does it really matter when it's love? Remember how in famous film: “To become a general, you have to marry a lieutenant and travel with him to the garrisons...” So I went “to the garrisons.”

“We won’t take money from our parents,” the husband said before the wedding. - We'll earn it ourselves.

But parents, yours and mine too, are ready to help...

Thanks to them, of course, but no! Me myself.

Garik, as I remember now, borrowed three hundred dollars from friends for the first time. And we went on tour with “New Armenians”. Of course, my husband and I are like thread after needle.

- You could stay at home with your parents, let your husband earn money.

Come on! I’m in Sochi, he’s traveling - and what kind of family is this? To make it clear: touring is not going on a business trip for a week. A month and a half of continuous “combing” small and big cities. Then five days off - and again on the road. There is little romance in this. But at twenty-one it seemed: oh, an adventure, I’ll see the world! I traveled with the “New Armenians” all over the planet - from Los Angeles to Vladivostok, from Hamburg to Alma-Ata! And as for everyday difficulties - with a dear one, as they say, heaven is in the hut.

“Paradise”, however, turned out to be the same. There are ten guys on the team. Everyone speaks Armenian. They are having fun, laughing, but I don’t understand a word. Garik, noticing my confusion, asks his comrades:

Guys, let's speak Russian - Zhanna doesn't understand.

Yes, sure. Garik, dear, let's switch to Russian.

Our guys only had enough for about five minutes - then they switched to native language, just automatically. And I decided to learn Armenian. I bought an Armenian phrasebook - what can you do? I started learning: I write out the words, I cram them behind the scenes. The first word I remembered was “sanr”, comb. The guys always ran and shouted before the performance: “Sanr! Sanr!

And if only there weren’t enough combs! The hotels that the organizers of Kaveanov's tour checked us into were absolutely different levels. Sometimes these were cool hotels, and sometimes the most modest ones: the toilet is on the floor, the shower does not work, the radiators are barely warm.

The guys were nervous and tried their best. We had to warm the kettles and help each other wash their hair.

It seems that it was Krasnoyarsk - on the calendar it’s January, outside the window it’s minus thirty, I wake up in the morning, and my long hair everyone was covered in frost and stuck to the iron headboard of the bed. Magic Honeymoon! It is clear that sadness sometimes rolled in, but Garik was right there: “Zhanna, everything will be fine!” Autumn gave way to summer, spring to winter, and we all toured.

- Of course, you haven’t thought about adding to your family in such conditions?

I really wanted to. But the internal stop valve was working - how is that possible in such and such a state of disarray? One day Garik said that it was time to move to Moscow: there are more opportunities in the capital. I thought: okay, maybe I’ll have my own home there?

And he appeared - a removable one-room apartment on Suschevsky Val. In a very old building. No renovation, no curtains, no TV. My mother taught me that a woman should create comfort. I went to the store, bought the cheapest fabric and sewed curtains. I hung it up, walked away, looked - now I can live.

One day we returned from another tour and the whole apartment was covered in green mold: the sofa, the floor, the walls. It turned out that a month ago our upstairs neighbors flooded us hot water. Nobody told us. And the apartment turned green. We didn’t even have the strength to swear, and at whom? We sat down in silence and drank tea. Then, just like that, without saying a word, they stood up. I took out baking soda and detergent and began to scrub and wash: the walls, the sofa, the floor...

It was still funny incident. Garik still cherished the dream of walking to the station: “The apartment is on Suschevsky Val - not far from Rizhsky. And in the summer, when we go to the festival in Jurmala, we will walk to the station directly from home. Beauty! Previously, it took a long time to get there - by bus, by metro...”

And then a happy day comes. It's summer, we have train tickets. We went out and went as we dreamed. Suddenly - grunt! - the wheel of the suitcase breaks. Poor Garik has to carry this heavy trunk on himself. The road seemed like an eternity. “This is the worst road to the station in my life!” - Garik sighed.

We bought groceries at the supermarket and crawled home with bags - there was no car yet. I remember how terribly my hands were frozen, accustomed to the warm Sochi climate. The police regularly stopped us and checked our registration. They found fault: “You have a square seal, but you need a round one. Let’s go to the police station - well, or pay...” All the guys from our Armenian team were harassed.

- Have you ever worked in your profession?

I tried. I got a job at one company and quit after a few months. I didn’t have time to do anything: I had to clean the house, do the laundry, cook dinner. The most annoying thing is that our schedules did not coincide. I have an office job, from nine to eighteen. And Garik creative person, “owl” - writes jokes in the evening and at night almost until the morning, then sleeps a little and goes to the office. He always doesn't have enough time. With his workload being so busy, we almost stopped seeing each other. And one day Garik very calmly but firmly said: “Zhanna, we have to choose. Either you work, or we are building a family. Think well".

I thought: in principle, Garik is right, in such conditions the family will not last long. We've survived five years of endless touring - and now we're going to run away because of my work? I didn’t want this at all, and I chose family. Something in life has to be sacrificed.

My husband is a crazy workaholic. He once said: “Food is a waste of time.” One day we ran into a restaurant with him for a snack. Garik orders himself a piece of “Napoleon”, and while we wait, he answers phone calls, looks at email on the laptop - in general, he usually works on the go. The waiter brings dessert - and Garik stuffed almost his entire piece into his mouth in one fell swoop. He chewed it, swallowed it and then pounded on the keys. And after some time, taking a sip of coffee, he suddenly said thoughtfully:

For some reason they don't bring the cake...

Garik, you already ate it!

Are you kidding?!

So the Comedy Club is everything for Garik, he lives by it. Do you know how it all started? Artak Gasparyan and Tash Sargsyan, Martirosyan’s comrades in the New Armenians, came up with the idea of ​​holding parties in Moscow clubs - this is how the Comedy Club appeared. And Arthur Janibekyan, one of the founders and director of the team, also suggested broadcasting it on TNT. Then, eleven years ago, no one could have thought that the club show would turn into a grandiose and large-scale project - programs, their own films... They were scolded for harsh jokes. And these jokes were only at first to provoke the audience. Now salty humor is rarely included. Now Comedy Club is so different that it cannot be described in two words; every viewer will find something interesting and funny for themselves.

By the way, I have never heard my husband swear. Never with me. But he pesters me with his jokes. At Comedy, they write their own texts, Garik composes at night at the computer, and then asks me: “Zhanna, listen.” I am his first listener and critic. Torments at two in the morning: “Is this funny? What about this?” Well, imagine how I would work as a lawyer or investigator?

One of our closest friends - Pasha Volya. Like Garik, he is a workaholic and is all about work. I asked him:

What, Pash, aren’t you getting married?

There is no good girl.

He is a homely person by nature, he dreamed of a family, but he never met real love. All the guys who went on tour in their bachelor youth constantly met girls in the cities they visited. But these were short “novels about nothing.” Crowds hung on Pasha, but he dreamed of dear soul- a woman who will support and understand. And finally Volya met Laysan- carries her and the children in his arms. I really love this couple. I love Garika Kharlamov, about whom we joke that he is the only native Muscovite in the Comedy Club - the rest have come in large numbers. He also finally found his soulmate - Christina, loving and sunny girl.

Now all the guys from Comedy have wonderful families, and I will say this: than better than wife for residents, the cooler the guys work. Almost all of us are married. One of the old-timers Timur Batrutdinov single, everything will not be determined. Although there are a dime a dozen who want to marry him. It became especially big after he and Garik somehow got on the Forbes magazine list about eight years ago. Allegedly oligarchs! Timur's good flat- but not a palace and a car - not a Maybach, everything is much more modest, and he got into Forbes! They read it and they just died laughing, and Batrutdinov most of all: “Garik, Arthur, you are producers - and where are my billions?!”

Garik is also not an oligarch; he doesn’t pump oil. Humor, of course, brings money, we even finally bought an apartment - spacious, in a very good area. But, for example, Vacation home, which we have been dreaming about for a long time, we cannot afford yet. True, Garik promises: “Everything will be” - and I believe him.

Comedy Club has changed our lives a lot. More opportunities have appeared. More friends. And everything is as before. And Garik is still the same. Our friends are from the same circle, the same people who were around almost eighteen years ago, when our family just started.

I know for sure: in order to write and film funny sketches, Garik must be happy. Therefore, I defined the task for myself as follows: to support my husband good mood. Moreover, it is not difficult, Garik is an optimist in life and is not a bore. True, as a doctor by first education, he is very meticulous in matters of children’s health. As soon as Jasmine (daughter is eleven) or Daniel (son is six) gets a little cold, Gar starts calling every five minutes:

How's the temperature?

We were just talking - the temperature cannot drop so quickly.

Oh, well, yes...

Ten minutes later the call comes again:

Well, what about the temperature?

Garik! I gave the medicine. Work calmly, everything is fine.

I forbid children to tell dad that their tummy hurts or a rash has popped up - first tell mom, and then I’ll decide whether dad needs to know. Sometimes it’s easier to leave Garik in the dark than to answer his nervous calls all day.

There is no need to bother him with problems at home. Although the last word, of course, always behind him. I constantly praise: men also love with their ears. I write him text messages: “I love you.” For me, Garik is the best in everything. Sometimes I can lose my temper like a woman - it happens to everyone.

Just recently I attacked my husband because of nonsense - he threw his jacket on the sofa.

Is it difficult to hang in the closet? And he scattered his socks! - And Garik doesn’t like it when people raise their voices. He looked at me like that. I immediately began to count to myself to ten, calmed down and said: “Oh, why am I yelling like in the forest?” There don't seem to be any deaf people here. Did some kind of fly bite?

Garik’s look immediately became completely different, he laughed:

Make sure that no one else bites you, otherwise I will bite you.

Martirosyan, fortunately, is easy-going and unforgiving.

- Do you manage the house yourself?

Basically yes. But there is an au pair - Gaya, she is from Yerevan. I heard stories that someone’s nannies were stolen from, so when Gaya appeared in our house, I started checking on her: either I’ll “forget” the money in a visible place, or I’ll put a ring. Gaia brings: “Zhanna, here is your thing, I found it.” Never let me down. Now she is like family to us.

- Didn’t you want to “check” your spouse somehow?

Never. It is pointless. And my advice to all women is to think carefully before getting into your husband’s phone. For example, I never get into Garik’s phone. True, he has a password there, but I know this password! Fortunately, Garik and I trust each other very much and, moreover, there was no situation that made me doubt my husband. And I was also very lucky - Garik is not on any social network, and life is easier this way. Both for me and for him. Life is already too short to waste it on jealousy.

You just need to be able to be happy and enjoy life, because when real trouble happens, then you understand: where are the little things, and where is the real grief.

Four years ago I lost my beloved dad. He had health problems. I even shouted at him:

You must take care of yourself!

And he answered:

Zhannusik, don't worry. I will live as long as I have been given.

It all ended sadly, the disease simply devoured him. But I didn't know about it. Garik and I were already living in Moscow, my father called from Sochi: “I’m fine, I’m taking my pills.” Then he called from the hospital: “I passed the tests, everything is fine. The doctors said they would treat him and let him go.” The voice sounded cheerful. And two days later I’m sitting on the set of the Comedy Club, Garik is performing on stage. And suddenly a call from Sochi hit me like a blow to the head: “Your father is no more.” And then there are bitter thoughts that will now never go away: why didn’t I fly immediately as soon as I found out that he was in the hospital? Why didn't dad tell you how bad he felt? Could I change something, extend his days?!

I went up to Garik and told him about our grief. He turned pale. But you can’t cancel filming, you can’t say: “We have a misfortune here, go home.” I worked through the program as best I could, and at night we flew to Sochi to say goodbye to my father. We held hands the whole way.

Every family has its own idea of ​​happiness. People are all different. There are many recipes for happiness, everyone chooses their own. For example, we have patriarchy. This is when a woman is behind her husband. In my opinion, this is what nature intended: a man is strong, he makes decisions. In another family, the wife is like a mother, and the husband is like a son to her, I couldn’t live like that, but this is their happiness. Everyone has their own.

Here is Garik, on his rare day off, playing football with his son in the hallway. And I run, waving my arms, and shout: “Be careful - the chandelier!!! Don't hit the lamp! Attention - mirror! They care about who will score a goal, and I care about how to save my property. But then the son’s eyes shine with such happiness, he walks around proudly all day and tells everyone: “And I won against dad in football!” My daughter writes scripts and makes videos - her dad’s genes. Growing up as a tomboy: “Mom, you don’t need a dress, it’s uncomfortable, give me ripped jeans, and I’ll run.”

We often fly with the whole family to Sochi to soak up the sun. We especially like to go there in winter: blue sky, palm trees are green. We also fly to Yerevan, which is also our hometown.

I am very grateful to Garik’s mother. He treats me very warmly and helps me with the children. I remember my daughter was brought home from the maternity hospital. I look at her, very tiny, and I’m terrified - tiny hands, tiny fingers, how can I take her without hurting her? I need to treat my navel with brilliant green, but I feel like I’m just “swimming” (not even from fear, but from a sense of responsibility: alive small man, child!), a veil before my eyes. Fortunately, Jasmine Surenovna was nearby (she came from Yerevan to help us with our granddaughter). I heard her confident voice: “Zhanna, pull yourself together! Breathe deeply: one-two!” - and calmness and strength of spirit immediately returned to me.

Garik’s mother taught me how to cook Armenian dishes, such as his favorite dolma. She is an excellent grandmother; children enjoy visiting Yerevan. Needless to say, I was lucky with my mother-in-law, I can’t even imagine how difficult it is for women who cannot find mutual language with my husband's mother. I really fell in love with Armenia, Garik’s homeland, I made my closest friends - Arthur Janibekyan and his beautiful wife Elina, my dearest close girlfriend, with whom we have been inseparable for seventeen years. I learned the ancient Armenian language- Now he is like a second family to me. The son and daughter speak Armenian fluently, as well as Russian.

It is important that they know their roots. Our children are very cheerful and cheerful, our family is generally cheerful. We love holidays, gifts, surprises. Garik is a master of sports in surprises. Every birthday is a testing ground for new ideas. For example, for my last birthday I gathered all my friends and girlfriends, and my husband secretly invited my favorite singer Valeria Syutkina with musicians. The restaurant is not very big, everything is in plain sight, and poor Syutkin sat with his back turned for an hour so as not to be noticed! And in the bustle I didn’t even notice my favorite artist. About two hours after the start of the holiday, Garik suddenly snatches the microphone, calls me onto the stage and says:

I love you so much that you can’t even imagine what I’ve done for you!


Do you know who will sing for you now?

I stand rooted to the spot. And behind me the musicians are already tuning up.


And then they close my eyes from behind. Everyone screams and applauds. I'm shocked! Garik's loud voice is heard:

- For Zhanna, especially for her birthday, the legendary Valery Syutki-i-in!!!

I was so delighted, I can’t even describe my feelings. We danced until we dropped! And Valery set such a mood that my birthday turned into a real concert. On the wave musical performance Syutkina sang on stage not according to the program, but as a surprise Soso Pavliashvili, with whom we are very friends. Then our favorite singer came out just as impromptu - Alsou, then the fantastic Armenian orchestra took the initiative, and away we go! The night ended with a grandiose fireworks display - another surprise from Yan Abramov, Alsou's husband. So, one might say, I’m almost at home in show business.

But all that remains of my childhood dream of becoming an investigator is that I love to shoot. In my free time I go to the shooting range and relieve stress. I'm actually obsessed with guns. Sometimes I even go hunting. Garik, by the way, is terribly amused by this.

Recently in Yerevan, friends took my husband and me to a military training ground where police officers pass their standards. They let me shoot and I scored everything within a ten. “Wow,” the owners did not hide their amazement. “Not every officer can do this.”

I smiled and thought to myself that I might have been a good investigator, but fate gave me a completely different role - a wife and mother. Which I'm very happy about.

We thank the furniture salon “Mebeland” for their help in organizing the shooting.

Celebrity fans want to know literally everything about their idols: what music they listen to, what cars they drive, what food they eat. Fans of comedians are no exception: they are interested in knowing where Garik Martirosyan lives. The latter does not meet his fan base and has not even created a page in in social networks. But in the world open information It’s difficult to hide any fact, even if it’s your place of residence.

Brief biography of the comedian

The life path of the Russian stand-up comedian in Armenia begins back in 1974. The following years look like an endless stream of achievements that everyone can envy:

  • Ros restless child, because of which he suffered a lot during his school years. Thus, behavior became one of the reasons for expulsion from music school;
  • But the young tomboy did not give up his music studies, and even succeeded a lot in this field. Keyboards, strings, drums - he did everything equally well;
  • Despite the fact that in his youth Garik even wrote music, he chose medical education, for which he entered a specialized Yerevan institute;
  • As a student, he began to participate in the work of the university KVN team. This happened in 1993, and since then the life of a failed doctor has been connected with the world of humor;
  • After leaving KVN, he and his friends from the “New Armenians” team founded a stand-up project modeled on American TV shows. And they even called it in English, so that there was no doubt - “Comedy Club”;
  • Among other projects to which he managed to have a hand: “Our Russia”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, “Minute of Fame”, “ Main stage" and etc.

What is the nationality of Garik Martirosyan's wife?

Mikhail Zhvanetsky wrote that a man can be judged by the woman who is next to him. Therefore, it’s worth taking a closer look at the showman’s chosen one, Zhanna Levina-Martirosyan:

  • She was born in Sochi into a decent and wealthy family. There is no exact data regarding nationality, but there are rumors about belonging to the chosen people (Jews);
  • The surname “Levin”, which is related to the variants “Levinson” and “Levi”, can indirectly speak about the origin. On the other hand, it is worn by many Russian people - descendants of the same name noble family. Be that as it may, this issue is of great concern only to the Nazis;
  • The girl received a law degree and worked for some time as an investigator. In the service she had to see blood, but this was not what made the woman dry and unemotional;
  • I met my future husband back in 1997, when the KVN team “New Armenians” toured cities and villages. Since then, they have been dating for two decades;
  • In 1999, a magnificent wedding took place at a Mediterranean resort. Children were born in 2004 and 2009 (a boy and a girl). Zhanna had to quit her job, and today she devoted herself entirely to family life.

Showman's residence

At the dawn of his artistic career, Garik had very modest housing on Pyatnitskaya Street. The tiny apartment barely had enough space for a family with a child.

Today, the nationally famous comedian can boast luxury apartments worth almost one hundred million rubles:

  1. The five-room apartment is located in the premium residential complex “Golden Keys” in the Western Administrative District of Moscow (on Minskaya Street, 1A);
  2. Each room has its own design, developed in an eclectic style: within the same room, classic and high-tech can easily coexist - and together they look very organic;
  3. In the living room there are musical instruments(the head of the family is a big fan of playing the guitar and keyboards);
  4. The silver and black design of the bedroom is reminiscent of theater scenery. The room is divided in half: in one wing there is a bed, in the other there is a TV and sofas;
  5. The children's room is decorated in Art Deco style and resembles a toy house. The only detail that reminds of reality is a giant photograph of his father on the wall;
  6. The kitchen resembles a cozy country house of aristocrats. The atmosphere is complemented by an elegant chandelier and floral curtains;
  7. In that luxury house Even a restroom can be called an art object. There is a mosaic on the walls, and the ceiling is decorated with photo wallpaper with a forest landscape.

What place does Garik Martirosyan have in Forbes?

The living conditions in the house on Minskaya Street are reminiscent of a fairy tale from the life of a millionaire. The first impression is true: information about fees with six zero stars has been circulating for a long time:

  • In 2011, Garik appeared on the pages of the Russian Forbes. The publication's experts estimated the comedian's income at $2.8 million. In the prestigious top 50 of the richest domestic celebrities, the colorful Armenian took an honorable 41st place;
  • The beginning of the 2010s can be called the zenith creative career Martirosyan. During these years, he played the role of host of the popular program “ProjectorParisHilton”, took an active part in the work of “Comedy Club” and “NashaRussia”;
  • However, he did not last long in the millionaire ranking. In an interview with the famous YouTube blogger Yuri Dudu on September 13, 2017, the country’s former main comedian spoke about his unenviable financial situation;
  • According to him, earning at least a million a year (in American currency) is possible only with 100% workload and in current conditions is almost impossible.

Why doesn't Garik Martirosyan host Comedy?

Not least of all, the finances of the founding father of domestic stand-up were affected by the departure from his “native” project, “Comedy Club”. For five whole years he was a resident (permanent participant) scandalous project. However, on April 17, 2015, fans of the legendary showman were seriously alarmed when they discovered Timur Batrutdinov in the place of the presenter.

Among the most popular versions of what happened:

  1. Disagreements within the Comedy team of comedians. Allegedly, Timur did everything to survive his colleague from the program, and achieved this;
  2. Conflict of the largest television channels . Recently, “Russia-1” claims to be the main “button” of Russian-language broadcasting. The channel's management is making enormous efforts to lure outstanding personnel. Among the latter are not only Martirosyan, but also Andrei Malakhov;
  3. Creative crisis. This official reason, which is broadcast by the hero himself in every interview. “I have nothing more to say,” says one of the creators of the country’s modern humorous landscape without a hint of irony.

It so happened that modern Russian humor can safely be called Armenian humor. Just look at the composition of the participants in “Comedy Club” or “ Open mic" And it makes no difference where Garik Martirosyan lives - in Moscow or Yerevan. His work is a fusion of two great cultures. This explains the popularity of this wonderful comedian.

Video: Dud interviews Martirosyan

In this video, Garik will reveal many of his secrets, tell you how much he earns and where he lives now:

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