Zhanna Aguzarova: biography of an extravagant singer. Biography of Zhanna Aguzarova Life of Aguzarova

Zhanna Aguzarova is one of the singers whose popularity falls on difficult years late 80s - early 90s of the last century. Our heroine walked towards her dream of becoming a pop artist, overcoming all obstacles.

Aguzarova does not like to talk about her life, including her personal life. Only occasionally does information emerge about her and her beloved spouses. Zhanna Khasanovna has no children. One of her lovers assured in an interview that the outrageous star never set out to become a mother. In addition, doctors forbade the woman from becoming pregnant. Whether this is true or not is unknown.

Currently there is no time popular singer hardly appears. She lives alone in her house, not talking to anyone.

The once popular pop star is now difficult to see on television. She very rarely gives concerts. Almost nothing is known about the outrageous artist, except for her height, weight, age, and how old Zhanna Aguzarova is. In 2018, our heroine turned 56 years old. She dyes her hair extravagant colors, so she is given several years less than she is.

Zhanna Khasanovna Aguzarova, with a height of 162 cm, weighs 53 kg. A woman tries to increase her height by wearing shoes with large platforms.

When asked what her nationality is, the artist answers differently. Most often, she calls herself an alien guest who arrived from the planet Mars. But in some media you can read that she is an Ossetian, since it was to this nation that her father belonged.

Genre Aguzarova, whose photos in his youth and now are presented quite widely, stands out for his extraordinary appearance, shocking appearance, capable of hitting any person.

Biography and personal life of Zhanna Aguzarova

Biography and personal life Zhanna Aguzarova is shocking and somewhat defiant. Zhanna Aguzarova tries not to reveal anything about herself. She is surrounded by an aura of mystery. She even says about her origin that she is a Martian. In fact, her father, Khasan Aguzarov, left the family even before the birth of her daughter. Mother - Lyudmila Savchenko worked in a pharmacy as a pharmacist.

A girl was born on a beautiful July day in 1962. Already in her childhood, Zhannochka loved to shock others. For example, in 1st grade she cut her own hair and trimmed her bangs, declaring that she would walk the way she liked. Already at this time, the shocking star sang well. Strangers who heard this predicted a great future for her. And the girl herself has repeatedly stated that she will definitely become a world-famous singer.

Having received a certificate, Zhanna Aguzarova is trying to become a student at theater universities. Soviet Union, but she didn't succeed. For some time she studied at the Novosibirsk Theater University, but she had to withdraw her documents due to illness.

In the early 80s of the last century, the future pop singer decides to go to the capital of the USSR, since here, in her opinion, there are more opportunities to get settled in life. But here, too, obstacles stand in her way. Zhanna is not included in the number of students at the music school due to the complete lack of voice and vocal abilities.

To get a room in a dorm, Aguzarova submits documents to a technical school, where she learns the basics of painting. At the same time, the girl hopes to become a singer; she becomes a frequent visitor to fashionable parties. In mid-1983, the outrageous pop star began performing as a soloist in the Bravo show group.

After losing her documents, the artist tells everyone that her father is a citizen of the Kingdom of Sweden. She was arrested for using other people's documents in the mid-80s of the last century, after which she worked in a correctional facility for 1.5 years.

After this, Zhanna Aguzarova again begins to sing in the Bravo group, striking those around her with her outrageousness. At one of the concerts, the star was noticed by Diva A. Pugacheva, who invited her to sing in her “Christmas Meetings”.

After a quarrel with the artists who were part of Bravo, Aguzarova begins to perform solo. She is supported by Alla Pugacheva. But soon our heroine quarreled with everyone. She stops gathering large halls. In the early 90s of the last century, the singer left for the United States of America. But few people came to her concerts, so she had to take on any job. In the mid-90s, the singer decided to return to her native land, to Russian Federation. But here too she lost popularity. Few music lovers come to Zhanna Aguzarova’s concerts, and they are in no hurry to talk about her on television.

Currently, the shocking singer performs only occasionally. Due to the high cost of tickets, the halls are not full. Only regular fans of Zhanna Aguzarova come to the performances, who like her sonorous, slightly hoarse voice.

Family and children of Zhanna Aguzarova

Zhanna Aguzarova’s family and children are earthly projects that she does not like to talk about, since she claims that she was born on Mars. She was sent here to Earth to show her skills. The woman claims that to this day she listens to the advice of alien inhabitants.

So the outrageous performer is used to answering everyone’s questions about her parents and loved ones. Currently, Zhanna Aguzarova lives alone. She has no husband and children. She tries not to communicate with others.

Family future star was incomplete. The artist’s father was from Ossetia. He left the family when his wife was still pregnant. Then the man only occasionally communicated with his daughter.

The girl was raised only by her mother, who tried to do everything for her daughter. The pop star does not talk about his childhood and youth.

Zhanna Aguzarova's ex-husband - Ilya

The popular singer does not like to talk about her personal life, but some information can be found on the Internet. The star married for the first time in her youth to someone her own age. He was an oceanographer.

Her first husband was so in love with his wife that he could not spend a day without her. He often visited Zhanna in the penal colony.

Ex-husband Zhanna Aguzarova - Ilya first tried to treat his wife for oddities. Then he began to accuse her of madness. Misunderstanding between the former lovers led to their quick breakup. After the divorce, Ilya and Zhanna no longer saw each other and did not communicate.

Former common-law husband of Zhanna Aguzarova - Nikolai Poltoranin

In the early 90s of the last century, the shocking star had a new novel. Nikolai Poltoranin became her lover. The man worked in the Bravo group as a musician, and Zhanna worked as a vocalist. Soon the couple decided to conquer America.

Arriving in the States, Zhanna Aguzarova’s ex-husband, Nikolai Poltoranin, began producing the artist. He organized concerts, but few music lovers came to them. The time of lack of money negatively affected the couple’s relationship, which led to their breakup a few years later.

Poltoranin currently lives overseas. He says unpleasant things about Zhanna Aguzarova.

Wikipedia Zhanna Aguzarova

Wikipedia Zhanna Aguzarova contains the most detailed information about this star Soviet stage. On the page you can read how it developed creative path. But about children's and youth women know nothing. All information from this period was covered with an aura of mystery.

IN in social networks popular pop singer maintains his own blog, in which he tells fans about his trips to various countries. A lot of space is occupied by photographs of the artist taken among the Tibetan mountains and African deserts. But Zhanna Aguzarova herself says that she often goes to Mars, where she gives concerts.

One of the most outrageous stars celebrates his birthday on July 7 domestic show business - Zhanna Aguzarova. In the 1980s her popularity was simply incredible, and in the 1990s she suddenly disappeared, which gave rise to a lot of rumors. Which of them can you believe, and where did the singer actually disappear?

The author of most of the hoaxes associated with Zhanna Aguzarova is Zhanna Aguzarova herself. She loved to shock journalists with made-up stories that she seemed to believe in herself. There is actually little reliable information about her. It is known that she was born in Turtas, small village near Tyumen. Zhanna's father, Khasan Aguzarov, an Ossetian by nationality, did not live with his family and was not involved in raising his daughter. After graduating from school, the girl tried to enter theater universities in different cities of Russia, but all attempts were unsuccessful. The capital also did not submit immediately: she was not accepted into the Gnessin School, and Zhanna began studying to be a painter at a technical school.

Zhanna Aguzarova - lead singer of the group *Bravo!*

Soon she came up with a new name and biography for herself - according to rumors, due to the fact that she had lost her own documents, or perhaps simply in order to attract attention to herself. She introduced herself to everyone as the daughter of a Swedish diplomat and called herself Ivanna Anders. Under this name, the girl went to auditions for various musical groups, tried to get a job as a vocalist in the groups “Crematorium” and “Postscriptum”. In 1983 a new Music band- “Bravo!”, of which Zhanna unexpectedly became a soloist.

Queen of shocking Zhanna Aguzarova

Group "Bravo!" quickly gained popularity among hundreds of thousands of listeners. However, in the 1980s, many rock bands in the USSR were persecuted by the authorities. During one of these checks, Zhanna was arrested right during the concert - it turned out that she was living on a fake passport, also a man’s (she corrected the name Ivan to Ivanna). For this, the singer was put in Butyrka, where she very convincingly pretended to be crazy. She was sent for examination to the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, was declared sane, and was then sent to forced labor in the timber industry enterprise of the Tyumen region.

Zhanna Aguzarova

Queen of shocking Zhanna Aguzarova

A year and a half later, Zhanna Aguzarova returned to the group “Bravo!” and continued to perform on tour. The growth of the group’s popularity was facilitated by its participation in the TV show “ Musical ring", where Aguzarova was introduced to the audience by Alla Pugacheva. In 1986-1987 the group was at the peak of its popularity: the whole country sang “Yellow Shoes” and “Wonderful Country”. According to the results of a survey of readers of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Zhanna Aguzarova took second place after Pugacheva in popularity in the USSR.

The most mysterious star Russian stage

In 1988, Zhanna decided to leave the group and start solo career. She graduated from the Music College named after. Ippolitova-Ivanova and recorded a solo record. At the same time, she had an obsession with going abroad. With the collapse of the USSR, Aguzarova went to the USA, but she failed to achieve noticeable success there. For two years, Zhanna sang at the Black Sea restaurant for emigrants, after which she completed DJ courses and released an album, but it is simply impossible to compare its success with its former popularity in the USSR.

In 1993, Aguzarova took part in the anniversary tour “Bravo!”, in 1996 she returned to Russia, gave concerts as part of B. Yeltsin’s election campaign, and starred in “Old Songs about the Main Thing-2”. In 1998, she again performed with the group on the Bravomania tour, and in 2001 she sang at the Maxidrom rock festival. Now Aguzarova lives in two countries, sometimes performs in clubs, takes up painting, but very little is known about her life and work.

Dark glasses are an integral part of the *Martian* image

The most mysterious Russian pop star

For a long time there were rumors about drug addiction Aguzarova - they couldn’t explain her extravagant antics otherwise. But all her friends unanimously say that the singer’s originality has nothing to do with bad habits. Zhanna’s ex-husband Nick Poltoranin states: “I didn’t have any drugs on me. On holidays, Zhanna could take a sip of gin or drink a glass of champagne. And that’s it!”

Queen of shocking Zhanna Aguzarova

Zhanna and her husband Nick Poltoranin

Close friend of Aguzarova, musical critic Artemy Troitsky states: “ Zhanna never used anything! She didn’t even drink, unlike many other artists. I understand perfectly well how such rumors arise. People think that in order to behave on stage like Zhanna, you must smoke something or take some pills. But Aguzarova is like herself».

Zhanna Aguzarova, whose biography, children and career will be discussed below, appears quite rarely on TV screens today, showing us her new songs and videos. You can even safely say that it is in the shadows. Nevertheless, the singer still remains popular and recognizable. Her name is synonymous with creative madness, and her songs are immortal hits.

In the mid-90s, Aguzarova put almost the entire musical elite on their ears, after which she abruptly disappeared. One could even hear the opinion that the singer flew into space and settled on some planet solar system. These statements appeared after the legendary performer, in an interview, announced her connection with the Martians. How did Aguzarova’s career begin and how did she achieve success? We will try to figure this out in this article.


Zhanna Aguzarova, whose biography is shrouded in mystery, was born on July 7, 1962. According to one version, she was born in the Tyumen region, according to the second - in Vladikavkaz. The singer refutes both options; in addition, there is another opinion that Zhanna’s homeland is Uzbekistan. There is also the following data: Aguzarova was born in 1965 or 1967, on July 7.

By official version, the future singer was born on July 7, 1962 in the Siberian village of Turtas. She spent her childhood in the village of Boyarka, Kolyvan district, where her mother worked as a pharmacist. I would like to note that for a long time nothing was known about Jeanne’s early years. Aguzarova did not want to reveal facts from her past. It is for this reason that information in various sources is contradictory. All that was learned was that the father did not live in the family, and raising the daughter fell entirely on the shoulders of the mother.

Carier start

Zhanna Aguzarova, whose biography is known to few people, for a long time tried to get into theater educational establishments, but all attempts were unsuccessful. In 1982, the girl moved to Moscow; before that, she lived for some time in Rostov-on-Don. While taking exams at GITIS, the extravagant vocalist was rejected by 11 out of 12 commission members. She decided not to stop there and tried to enroll in School of Music them. Gnesins. The verdict was disappointing: she was told that she had no voice. Having received another refusal, Aguzarova, out of despair, became a student at a technical school, where painting was taught, and students were also provided with a dormitory. However, fate decreed otherwise, and Zhanna became a famous singer, and not a professional painter.

The life of the future singer changed significantly after meeting Evgeniy Khavtan, a famous Russian rock musician. Having come to an audition conducted by the Postscriptum group, Zhanna Aguzarova, whose biography is full of bright, varied events, unexpectedly even for herself, became the lead singer of the Bravo group. In 1984, the singer was detained right at a concert. As it turned out, this was not a mistake. Aguzarova actually lived for some time under the name Ivana Anders, claiming that her parents were Swedish diplomats, and she herself was a student at the Institute of Forensic Medicine. Serbian.

In 1985, they learned about the Bravo group from Alla Pugacheva. She presented the team at the Music Ring.

From that day on, the popularity of the group, and especially its vocalist, grew daily, and soon the first record appeared.

Solo career

The rapid rise in the group's popularity gave way to a decline. In 1987, the team fell into a creative hole, and Zhanna left the Bravo team. Fans saw her in 1989 in the “Musical Ring” program, where she performed new songs. From that moment it began Solo career performers. A year later, the first disc called “Russian Album” appeared.

Aguzarova made her debut as a solo performer quite successfully, but this did not in any way affect her decision to move to the USA. In America, she often performed in clubs, even collaborated with some Russian performers. But overseas creativity did not bring the expected results, so Zhanna Aguzarova, whose biography is radically changing, leaves her profession and works as a DJ. In the future, she generally becomes a driver.

Zhanna Aguzarova: biography, personal life

The singer's private life has always remained in the shadows. It can be noted that, being young, Zhanna was very modest - she did not wear makeup and was not friends with boys. One day famous performer stated that her first husband was the oceanographer Ilya.

After her marriage to the scientist Aguzarova, Zhanna, whose biography is closely connected with her work, had an affair with Timur Murtuzaev, because of whom she left the Bravo group and went to America. The singer married producer Poltoranin for the second time. He told about his wife’s secret: Zhanna was not allowed to have children because she used drugs. The artist also considers actor Mickey Rourke to be one of her passions.

Aguzarova Zhanna: biography, interesting facts

  • She starred in two films: “Jeanne in Israel” and “Bravo”.
  • The singer was awarded for her contribution to the cause of Peace.
  • Aguzarova is a performer of soundtracks for the films “Assa”, “Disc Jockey”, “One Love in a Million” and “Goodbye, Lenin”.
  • Zhanna is an honorary citizen of Cernusco.
  • Constantly takes part in charity events.
  • In 2011, she dubbed the Martian Key in an American film based on Brised’s book “The Secret of the Red Planet.”
Currently, Zhanna Aguzarova no longer appears on screens so often, delighting us with new songs and videos. She seems to have faded into the shadows a little. However, even despite this, she still remains popular and recognizable. Her name has become synonymous with creative madness and constant shocking. Her songs are immortal hits that exist outside of space and time. Having put the entire musical elite on notice in the mid-nineties, then Zhanna Aguzarova seemed to disappear somewhere in an instant. Many said that famous singer

flew into space and now lives on one of the planets of the solar system, because she herself has repeatedly admitted in numerous interviews about her internal connection with the Martians. But what really happened to the legendary performer? How did her career develop at the very beginning, and how is she doing right now? We will try to figure this out today.

Zhanna Aguzarova's childhood By official information , the future famous singer was born in the village of Turtas, Tyumen region. However, almost her entire childhood was not spent here: at an early age, Zhanna moved to the village of Kolyvan, Novosibirsk region, where her mother got a job as a pharmacist. It is worth noting that For a long time, they remained a closely guarded topic for the singer. She carefully hid the facts from her biography. Therefore, in various sources you can find ambiguous information on this matter. What is known is that her father did not live with his family, and her mother was raising her daughter.

The fog over the singer’s life and biography clears after Zhanna leaves home. After graduating from school, she tried unsuccessfully for a long time to enroll in various theater educational institutions. Following her dream, Aguzarova traveled to an incredible number of places, trying her hand at entrance exams in Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, and Sverdlovsk. Ultimately, the future singer enters the theater school in Novosibirsk. However, she studied there for only a short time. Chance intervenes in Zhanna's fate. Even in her first year, she became seriously ill with pneumonia and, having missed most of her classes, left the school.

After this, in 1982, Zhanna appears on the other side of the country - in Moscow. Here she again tries to enter college (this time at the Gnessin Music School). However, the tests again become unsuccessful for her. The admissions committee issues a verdict, noting the singer’s lack of hearing and voice.

Zhanna Aguzarova and Bravo. Blue-eyed boy

Abandoning thoughts of entering drama school, in 1983 Zhanna applied to one of the Moscow vocational schools to major in painter. But she didn’t study there for long. While still studying, Zhanna Aguzarova met many famous rock musicians and became involved in bohemian circles in Moscow. It is quite noteworthy that during this period she was better known as Ivanna Anders ( this fact the singer explained by the loss of her own documents).

Zhanna Aguzarova and the Bravo group

A fateful meeting in the career of the future singer will be a meeting with famous musician Evgeniy Khavtan. Having come to audition for the group “Postscriptum”, in which she wanted to perform as a vocalist, Zhanna unexpectedly came out of there as the lead singer of the group “Bravo”. The catalyst for such a decision will be Evgeniy Khavtan, who during this period will announce his departure from the Postscript team and the creation of a new project.

It is worth noting that at the moment when Zhanna Aguzarova joined the Bravo group, the team was not yet even half formed. However, this fact did not bother the performer at all, and some time later she was already having a blast at the group’s rehearsals.

The Bravo group gave its first concert in March 1984. The team was promoted by success, and very soon Zhanna Aguzarova became popular and recognizable in all corners of the country. However, the takeoff was short-lived. And the reason for this was old story with fake documents.

Zhanna Aguzarova, who introduced herself as Ivanna Anders and posed as the daughter of Swedish diplomats, was arrested right during one of the concerts. In the same year 1984, the singer was sent to a psychological hospital, but after establishing the fact of her full sanity, she was transferred to one of the forestry enterprises of the Tyumen region, where Zhanna will serve her sentence for the next year and a half.

After returning from the labor camp, Aguzarova again joined the team of the Bravo group. In 1986, as part of the “Musical Ring” program, the shocking performer was presented by Alla Pugacheva herself. During this period, the singer's popularity began to grow steadily. Aguzarova’s eccentric manner of demeanor on stage, as well as her non-trivial clothing style, become one of distinctive features group "Bravo".

Together with the band, the singer actively tours the country. The compositions “I Believe”, “Yellow Shoes”, “Old Hotel”, “Wonderful Country”, “Cats” become all-Union hits.

Bravo and Zhanna Aguzarova “I Believe”

Solo project of Zhanna Aguzarova

However, the rapid rise in popularity of the Bravo group was followed by an equally rapid decline. At the end of 1987, the team finds itself in a kind of creative pit, and Zhanna decides to leave the group. In 1989, as part of the Musical Ring program, she debuted new songs as a solo performer. A year later, her first album, “Russian Album,” appeared.

Aguzarova’s debut as a solo singer turned out to be quite successful, however, despite this, in the same year Zhanna moved to live in the USA. There she often performs in clubs. Collaborates with some famous Russian performers. But overseas creativity does not bring the expected results, and, leaving her profession, Zhanna begins to work as a DJ and then as a driver.

Zhanna Aguzarova currently

In 1996, she returned to Russia, and two years later she began touring again with the Bravo group. In the early 2000s, Aguzarova made a number of unsuccessful attempts to return to big stage, but fails. IN currently Aguzarova is still popular in certain circles; her outfits, balancing on the verge of kitsch, still cause everyone's surprise, and her soulful voice - indescribable delight. However, about big stage Zhanna no longer dreams, performing mainly in small clubs.

Evening Urgant. Zhanna Aguzarova visiting Ivan Urgant

On July 7, 2017, the most shocking and extravagant Russian pop artist, Zhanna Aguzarova, turned 55 years old. She was called the queen of rock and roll and the most mysterious character in show business. Having become mega popular in the mid-80s, she decided to leave to conquer America in 1990. What happened to her after she left her homeland, where does she live now and what does she do?

Unfortunately, repeat your bright takeoff and incredible success Zhanna did not succeed in the USA. It was difficult to surprise the American public, accustomed to eccentric personalities, with anything, so after 6 years she returned to Russia. During this time, life in the country has changed dramatically, many new pop singers, which were at the peak of popularity. Zhanna had no choice but to take part in B. N. Yeltsin’s election campaign “Vote or Lose.”

In 1998, together with the Bravo group, where she had previously been a soloist, Aguzarova went on an anniversary tour of Russian cities. The basis of her concert repertoire consists of songs by the group from the 80s.

Now Zhanna lives in Moscow in a three-room apartment. She is very withdrawn and does not allow anyone to approach her. strangers and annoying journalists. Officially, the singer is not married, but they say that she has a long and strong relationship that began in America.

In 2015, Aguzarova attended Ivan Urgant’s show. She came in a rather unusual feminine look. She gave an interview to Ivan in her previous manner, that is, she did not tell anything special about her life.

It turns out that today Aguzarova remains one of the most sought-after and dear singers in show business. Although she does not give public appearances, she is constantly invited to private events by wealthy fans. The performance of the outrageous artist costs them 3,000,000 rubles. The amount is impressive. One or two performances a year, and you can live peacefully without denying yourself anything, which is what Zhanna does.

She is known to travel a lot around the world. Loves to go on yoga tours. Among her favorite places: Bali, Tibet, Africa. Every year she flies to Los Angeles for her birthday, where she also has her own home.

At 55, Aguzarova looks great. It is clear that she carefully monitors her appearance. What do you think about Zhanna? Have you listened to the songs of this outrageous singer? Share with us in the comments!

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