Why do we need rules of behavior on the Internet? Rules for safe behavior on the Internet

1) Do not send confidential information (bank card number, PIN code, passport data) through social network messengers. It is better to delete letters with scanned documents immediately after sending or receiving them; there is no need to store them in the mail.

3) Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use. Protect yourself and save battery power. Be sure to turn off the automatic Wi-Fi connection feature on your phone or tablet.

4) Don't trust unverified Wi-Fi connections that don't ask for a password. Most often, it is these networks that attackers use to steal users’ personal data.

5) Do not access online banks and other important services through open Wi-Fi networks in a cafe or on the street. Use mobile internet.

6) Remember: banks, services and stores never send letters asking you to follow a link, change your password, enter your bank card number and secret confirmation code, or provide other personal data!

7) Disable Siri on iPhone. Most likely, you don’t use it, but scammers have already learned how to withdraw money through online banking using voice commands.

8) Create several email addresses: personal, work and entertainment (for subscriptions and services).

9) Create a complex password, different for each mailbox. We wrote about how to do this.

10) Wherever possible, enable two-factor authentication.

11) Change passwords regularly, update your browser and spam filters.

12) Install and update antivirus programs. Outdated versions may not guarantee protection against malware. Several new viruses appear in the world every day, so an antivirus needs to receive information about methods to combat them as often as possible.

13) Clicking on links received in messages from strangers is a sure way to fall for cyber scammers and infect your device with viruses. A dangerous link can also come from a hacked friend, so it’s better to find out what he sent you and whether you need to open it.

14) Do not run unknown files, especially those with the .exe extension

15) Carefully check the link addresses, logos, text and sender of messages.

16) Never respond to spam.

17) If you receive a request via messenger from a friend asking you to urgently send money, do not send anything! First, call him back and make sure that the account has not been hacked by intruders.

18) Read Kevin Mitnick's book "The Art of Deception." Mitnick is a cult figure in the information security community, and his book, like his life story, is both fascinating and instructive. You will learn how cybercriminals gain people's trust by manipulating their feelings.

19) A minimum of personal information: do not publish your home address online, do not write what time you are not at home, do not describe your regular route, do not boast about large purchases, and generally try not to advertise your level of income.

20) Back up your data regularly. Follow the 3-2-1 rule: create one primary copy and two backup copies. Save two copies on different physical media, and one in cloud storage (Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, special solutions from Acronis). Don’t forget to backup all devices: smartphones, tablets, computers/laptops.

21) To never lose money on unnoticed payments, not to buy additional services by mistake and to accurately pay for what you need, always read the rules before checking the “I agree” checkbox and proceeding to payment.

22) If in your security question you indicated your mother’s maiden name, which is now publicly available on her social media pages, be sure to change the security question.

23) Set a safe mode for the child. To do this, create a separate account on the website of the search engine of your choice or use children's search engines: Gogul or Sputnik.kids.

24) Talk to your child about the Internet: agree that he will inform you about unwanted information found. Explain that not all information on the Internet is reliable, and teach them to consult with you on any unclear issue.

25) Do not download dubious applications or try to do so from unknown links. Use only the official App Store, Google Play and Windows Market.

26) Advice for Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera users: if you often travel and access the Internet from a laptop in public places, install a special browser extension to access the Internet safely. We recommend. By default, this plugin provides a secure connection for Yahoo, eBay, Amazon and some other web resources. You can also add sites of your choice.

28) When purchasing from online stores, maintain healthy skepticism. Remember: the price cannot be too low, especially if you are counting on purchasing original brand products.

29) Study the history of the store online, check for contacts, find out if you can come there and meet in person. When reading reviews, pay attention that they are different. Custom reviews are written by people who have to do this many times a day, so such texts seem to be written according to a template.

30) See how sellers react to reviews. Pay special attention to the negative ones: if they are dealt with, this is a good sign (and the situation must be specific, contain the order number, etc.).

31) Pay safely! The classic case is that you will be redirected to a secure page (the address begins with “https://”). If not, it's better not to risk it. According to acquiring rules, the seller’s website must contain information about who accepts the payment. Read it and compare it with what is written on the next page.

32) Get a separate (virtual) card for online payments.

33) If you use your regular card to pay online, do not store large amounts of money on it.

34) Connect your bank to SMS notifications about all transactions on cards and accounts. This way you can quickly notice if your card is compromised and block it.

35) The pages for entering confidential information of any serious service are always protected, and the data is transmitted in encrypted form. The site address must begin with “https://”, next to which there is a closed green padlock.

36) Where to go if something goes wrong? The activities of online stores are controlled by the same organizations as regular ones: Rospotrebnadzor, the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. Be sure to write to the Runet Hotline: www.hotline.site

37) Be careful when communicating online with strangers, they may not be who they say they are.

39) Do not repost compassionate announcements about a cute cat who is urgently looking for a home (and in the post - the owner’s phone number or card number where you can transfer money for the care of the animal). There is a high probability that these are scammers who decided to make money on compassionate and gullible citizens.

40) The logo of a well-known charitable foundation does not mean that the money will go there - the account details can be falsified. If you want to help people, do it only for people you know personally or, for example, with a project

44) By following the link http://www.tcinet.ru/whois/ you can find out when the site was created. Attackers usually create one-day pages that are closed very quickly.

45) Lost your phone to which your bank card is linked? Block both your SIM card and your card immediately.

46) It is better not to use torrents: if you download illegal content, you are not only ripping off your favorite author, but you may also download a file infected with a virus.

47) Fraudsters create websites where you can supposedly watch or download the movie you like for free, but first you need to leave your phone number or send a message to a short number. This way, a significant amount of money can be deducted from your account for SMS, and the phone itself will end up in the spammers’ database.

48) Some applications and services have a free trial period (for example, 2-3 months), after which you must disable the service yourself. If you do not do this, the subscription may be automatically renewed and become paid, and money will be debited from the card specified during registration.

49) Do not participate in promotions with prizes where you have to pay for something and then ask several other people to do the same. It's a pyramid!

50) Always lock your computer screen, even if you are leaving “just for a minute.”

Every year there are more young people on the Internet, and schoolchildren are among the most active users of the Runet. Meanwhile, in addition to a huge number of opportunities, the Internet also brings problems. This guide should help you stay safe online.

A computer virus is a type of computer program, the distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce. In addition to this, viruses can damage or completely destroy all files and data controlled by the user on whose behalf the infected program was launched, as well as damage or even destroy the operating system with all files as a whole. In most cases, viruses are spread via the Internet.

Anti-malware methods:

For more on the topic read on. She studied psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague. He currently acts as an interviewer, responsible for call quality and meeting the needs of consultants.

At the same time, she works as a consultant for email counseling for parents, Linka Bezpechi talk and lectures. We have tips for other sources of interesting information from our digital library. In addition to book titles, we offer relevant studies, legislative documents or audio and video recordings from Czech radio and television. Just click on the book or post you're interested in and find out more. You can find more literature on our topic.

  • Use modern operating systems that have a serious level of protection against malware;
  • Constantly install patches (digital patches that are automatically installed to improve the program) and other updates to your operating system. Download them only from the official website of the OS developer. If there is an automatic update mode, turn it on;
  • Work on your computer as a user, not an administrator. This will prevent most malware from installing on your personal computer;
  • Use anti-virus software products from well-known manufacturers, with automatic database updates;
  • Restrict physical access to the computer for unauthorized persons;
  • Use external storage media, such as a flash drive, disk or file from the Internet, only from qualified sources;
  • Do not open computer files obtained from untrusted sources. Even those files that your friend sent. It’s better to check with him whether he sent them to you.

Wi-Fi is not a type of data transmission, not a technology, but just a brand. Back in 1991, the Dutch company registered the “WECA” brand, which stood for the phrase “Wireless Fidelity,” which translates as “wireless precision.” Another abbreviation has reached our time, which is the same technology. This is an abbreviation for "Wi-Fi". This name was given with a hint of the highest standard of audio technology, Hi-Fi, which means “high precision”.

Radio, ChRO Ostrava - Poradna. Radio, CRO Brno - Questions and answers. Radio, ChRO Regina - Thirteen. Radio, CRO Pilsen - We advise you. This document aims to create a universal reference that will help all Internet users become aware of the potential dangers that may arise on the Internet and how to avoid them or reduce the risk.

This is not a definitive guide, but rather a list of recommended online behavior. Feedback is very important to this article and other future readers, so feel free to ask anything about Internet security when discussing this article. Perhaps, thanks to you, the article will be supplemented with important information and will help other readers.

Yes, free Internet access in cafes, hotels and airports is an excellent opportunity to access the Internet. But many experts believe that public Wi-Fi networks are not secure.

Safety tips for working on public Wi-fi networks:

  • Do not share your personal information over public Wi-Fi networks. When working in them, it is advisable not to enter access passwords, logins or any numbers;
  • Use and update antivirus programs and firewall. This way you will protect yourself from downloading a virus to your device;
  • When using Wi-Fi, turn off File and Printer Sharing. This function is disabled by default, but some users activate it for ease of use at work or study;
  • Do not use public WI-FI to transmit personal data, for example to access social networks or email;
  • Use only a secure connection via HTTPS, not HTTP, i.e. when typing a web address, enter “https://”;
  • On your mobile phone, disable the “Connect to Wi-Fi automatically” function. Do not allow your device to automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks without your consent.

Social networks are actively entering our lives, many people work and live there permanently, and a billion people are already registered on Facebook, which is one seventh of all the inhabitants of the planet. Many users do not understand that the information they post on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including not necessarily with good intentions.

Keep a strong email password and don't use it anywhere. In today's password reset for major services several times a year, there's nothing worse than a password you use everywhere. Read more about this topic: How to check if my emails and passwords are secure in any passwords? Use two-factor authentication. Unless someone stole your mobile phone, and unless you have a phone call, you have no way to log into your account. More on this topic: Use two-factor authentication. If the service requires security questions, provide completely different information as answers. Don't answer the question "mother's birth name" correctly, enter either a phrase as a password, or use an unexpected phrase, for example: "Sweet lemon", "Rose apple". Of course, security questions should be unique for each service, because once the information leaves the service, security questions may again be your weakness. Read more about this topic: How to properly handle management issues for online services? Change your passwords regularly; if your password is strong, change it at least once a year. If you find that the password has failed, please change the password immediately. Remember that a user with administrative rights can install a keystroke monitor on the computer to find out their password.

Here you can include your first and last name so the recipient can see who is writing it. For this letter, it is advisable not to indicate your first and last name so that your identity cannot be easily identified. Even free apps can drag your computer into the ballast of a browser plugin or “super” antivirus that you don't need. Which certainly won't help you use more antiviruses on the same computer or more secure software. If both vendors don't support simultaneous traffic on the same computer, it's like having two security guards who don't know each other.

How to play a downloaded movie, TV series or song

  • Use a minimum password of 10 characters.
  • For better memorization, you can use sentences.
  • Each service uses a different unique password.
  • Minimum unique passwords for banks, work and personal items.
  • Think about each application that you really need.
  • Think twice about apps that are just "fun".
  • Private email for important things and to communicate with friends.
  • Use this email only to send emails to friends.
  • Do not post it on any service.
  • Ideal is also a random email address name.
  • Keep only what you actually use.
  • Download and install applications from official sources.
  • If possible, do not install applications that are not digitally signed.
  • Open source projects are already digitally signed.
  • Downloading music and movies is legal in the Czech Republic.
  • Items 5, 6 and 5 are added to the “Passwords and Logins” section.
Already from childhood we learn to be wary of strangers, we should carry our wallet in a secret pocket, we should not tell anyone our personal information, we should not sign anything that we are not familiar with, and so on.
  • Limit your friends list. Your friends should not include random or unfamiliar people;
  • Protect your privacy. Do not include passwords, phone numbers, addresses, your date of birth or other personal information. Attackers can even use information about how you and your parents plan to spend the holidays;
  • Protect your reputation - keep it clean and ask yourself: would you like other users to see what you upload? Think before you post, write, or upload anything;
  • If you are talking to people you don’t know, do not use your real name and other personal information: name, place of residence, place of study, etc.;
  • Avoid posting photographs online that show you in a location that could indicate your location;
  • When registering on a social network, you must use complex passwords consisting of letters and numbers and with at least 8 characters;
  • For social networks, mail and other sites, you must use different passwords. Then if you are hacked, the attackers will have access to only one place, and not all at once.

Electronic money is a very convenient method of payment, but there are scammers who want to get this money.

But we also need to be careful when using the computer and surfing the Internet. We will present the following text with the basic rules of safe behavior on the Internet and important concepts. There are many tools that can cause harm or even commit crimes on your computer or on the Internet. One of the most common malicious tools is the so-called malware. The term malware collectively identifies various methods that can damage or misuse an external computer.

Electronic money appeared quite recently and it is precisely because of this that in many countries it is still not spelled out in laws. In Russia, they function and are already spelled out in the law, where they are divided into several types - anonymous and non-anonymous. The difference is that anonymous ones are those in which operations are allowed to be carried out without user identification, and in non-anonymous ones, user identification is mandatory.

Computer viruses can change some computer programs - they don't work properly, they can't open. Or the virus is just mocking him and depriving him of resources. This malware can have different functions: registering access passwords, credit card numbers, sending unwanted emails from the address of an infected computer, blocking anti-virus functions.

At the same time, it offers an annoying ad and automatically changes your computer settings. This advertisement may vary in appearance and intensity. These are classic banners, icons and pop-ups. A special concept that is a little outside the category, and it is also necessary to mention the botnet. For example, it sends unsolicited spam email. Another category of malicious behavior on the Internet is email attacks.

You should also distinguish between electronic fiat money (equal to state currencies) and electronic non-fiat money (not equal to state currencies).

  • Link your mobile phone to your account. This is the most convenient and fastest way to restore access to your account. A linked phone will help if you forget your payment password or access the site from an unfamiliar device;
  • Use one-time passwords. After switching to enhanced authorization, you will no longer be in danger of theft or interception of your payment password;
  • Choose a complex password. Criminals will have a hard time guessing a complex password. Strong passwords are passwords that are at least 8 characters long and include lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and multiple symbols such as dollar sign, pound sign, exclamation point, etc. For example, $tR0ng!;;
  • Don't enter your personal information on sites you don't trust.

Electronic mail is the technology and services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages that are distributed over a computer network. Typically, an email mailbox looks like this: user_name@domain_name. Also, in addition to transmitting simple text, it is possible to transfer files.

  • You need to choose the right mail service. There is a huge selection of free email services on the Internet, but it is better to trust those you know and who are first in the ranking;
  • Do not include personal information in your personal email. For example, it is better to select “music_fan@” or “rock2013” ​​instead of “topic13”;
  • Use two-step authentication. This is when, in addition to the password, you need to enter a code sent via SMS;
  • Choose a complex password. Each mailbox must have its own strong, hack-resistant password;
  • If you have the opportunity to write your own personal question, use this opportunity;
  • Use multiple mailboxes. The first is for private correspondence with recipients you trust. This email address does not need to be used when registering on forums and websites;
  • After finishing work on the mail service, before closing the tab with the site, do not forget to click on “Exit”.

Cyberbullying - harassment by messages containing insults, aggression, intimidation; hooliganism; social boycotting using various Internet services.

These letters are under the heading of a specific organization and they want to fill in your personal information such as account number, internet banking password, card number. In a previous article, Don't Be Afraid of the Internet, called "Email Etiquette." Finally, a few rules to help you use your computer and browse the Internet safely.

There is only one antivirus installed on your computer - there is no more antivirus protection here. Turn off your computer at least twice a week - don't just fall asleep. By turning it off and then on, your computer's system updates may be updated. These updates do not need to be interrupted; laptops will not be able to catch up or even update. These updates can take other times, sometimes a few seconds, sometimes hours. Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and other symbols when creating a strong password. For example, Internet banking. Use a spam filter in your mailbox. Each mailbox has its own spam filter and spam bin. If a suspicious or unsolicited message arrives in your inbox, you can mark it as spam without opening it. The next message from this address will be sent directly to the spam bin next time and will no longer harass or threaten you. Do not click on any links in suspicious emails. If you see a message from an unknown address that additionally challenges you to click a link, ignore the link and delete the message. However, you may also receive a message with a known organization header, but the message contains a link to an unknown and suspicious address. Even then, don't open the link. They will always contact you personally or by registered mail. If you are unsure, check your organization's message in person or by phone. If your pages are misused by malware, you can help other less informed users report this unwanted email. On online banking sites, always check the domain name listed in the address bar. If it does not match the official Internet address of the service, leave the site immediately. Always scan downloaded files from unauthorized sources individually using an antivirus. The easiest way to do this is to hover your mouse over the program and select "scan with antivirus" above the right button. Ideally, however, do not download programs from unverified sources at all! On pages with problematic content, always carefully examine which link you click on. The most problematic sites include sites with erotic content, sites of violence against people or animals, etc.

  • Install an antivirus program and update it regularly.
  • Whenever your antivirus asks for an update, agree to it.
  • Often you will also need to restart your computer.
  • Update your computer.
Children study a computer or cell phone today before they begin to speak.
  • Don't rush into battle. The best way: get advice on how to behave and, if there is no one to turn to, then calm down first. If you start responding to insults with insults, you will only inflame the conflict even more;
  • Manage your cyber reputation;
  • Anonymity on the Internet is imaginary. There are ways to find out who is behind an anonymous account;
  • You should not lead a hooligan virtual life. The Internet records all your actions and stores them. It will be extremely difficult to remove them;
  • Maintain your virtual honor from a young age;
  • Ignore the single negative. One-off offensive messages are best ignored. Usually aggression stops at the initial stage;
  • Ban the aggressor. In instant messaging programs and social networks, it is possible to block sending messages from certain addresses;
  • If you are a witness to cyberbullying. Your actions: speak out against the stalker, show him that his actions are assessed negatively, support the victim who needs psychological help, inform adults about the fact of aggressive behavior online.

Modern smartphones and tablets contain quite mature functionality, and now they can compete with desktop computers. However, there are still very few protection measures for such devices. Testing and searching for vulnerabilities in them is not as intensive as for PCs, the same applies to mobile applications. Modern mobile browsers have almost caught up with their desktop counterparts, but expanding functionality entails greater complexity and less security. Not all manufacturers release updates that close critical vulnerabilities for their devices.

  • Nothing is truly free. Be careful, because when you are offered free content, there may be some paid services hidden in it;
  • Think before you send an SMS, photo or video. Do you know exactly where they will end up?
  • It is necessary to update the operating system of your smartphone;
  • Use antivirus programs for mobile phones;
  • Do not download applications from an unknown source, as they may contain malicious software;
  • After you leave the site where you entered personal information, go to your browser settings and delete cookies;
  • Periodically check which paid services are activated on your number;
  • Only give your mobile number to people you know and trust;
  • Bluetooth should be turned off when you are not using it. Don't forget to check this sometimes.

Modern online games are colorful, exciting entertainment that unites hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Players explore the world given to them, communicate with each other, complete tasks, fight monsters and gain experience. They pay for pleasure: they buy a disc, pay for a subscription or purchase some options.

All these funds go towards maintaining and developing the game, as well as security itself: authorization systems are being improved, new patches (digital patches for programs) are released, and server vulnerabilities are closed. In such games, you should be afraid not so much of your opponents as of the theft of your password, on which the authorization system of most games is based.

  • If another player behaves badly or causes trouble for you, block him from the list of players;
  • Complain to the game administrators about the bad behavior of this player, it is advisable to attach some evidence in the form of screenshots;
  • Do not provide personal information in your game profile;
  • Respect other participants in the game;
  • Do not install unofficial patches and mods;
  • Use complex and different passwords;
  • Even while playing, you should not disable your antivirus. While you are playing, your computer can be infected.

The usual theft of money and documents today will not surprise anyone, but with the development of Internet technologies, attackers have moved to the Internet and continue to do their “favorite” business. This is how a new threat emerged: Internet fraud or phishing, the main goal of which is to obtain confidential user data - logins and passwords. In English, phishing is read as phishing (from fishing - fishing, password - password).

  • Keep an eye on your account. If you suspect that your profile has been hacked, then you need to block it and inform the resource administrators about it as soon as possible;
  • Use safe websites, including online stores and search engines;
  • Use complex and different passwords. Thus, if you are hacked, the attackers will have access to only one of your online profiles, and not all of them;
  • If you have been hacked, then you need to warn all your friends who are added as your friends that you have been hacked and, possibly, spam and links to phishing sites will be sent on your behalf;
  • Set a strong password (PIN) on your mobile phone;
  • Disable password saving in the browser;
  • Do not open files or other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. It’s better to check with them whether they sent you these files;

Digital reputation is negative or positive information about you online. Compromising information posted on the Internet can seriously affect your real life. “Digital reputation” is your image, which is formed from information about you on the Internet. Your place of residence, study, your financial situation, character traits and stories about loved ones - all this accumulates on the Internet.

Many teenagers are frivolous about publishing personal information on the Internet, not understanding the possible consequences. You won’t even be able to guess that a photo posted 5 years ago was the reason they refused to hire you.

Safe behavior on the INTERNET children and teenagers

Cybercriminals on the Internet try to attract attention and win over children. Usually they are well aware of the latest music and modern hobbies of children, and try to listen to the problems of teenagers and sympathize with them. Listed below signs may mean that your child is under the attention of an attacker:

Tips for keeping children 10-13 years old on the Internet safe:

Children this age are beginning to use the Internet to develop school projects, they download music, use email, play online games and visit fan sites of their idols. While on the Internet, a child may try to visit websites or chat without parents.

Safety Tips:

Safety Tips:

  • Insist that your children give you access to their email so you can make sure they are not communicating with strangers. Control is best exercised unobtrusively, respecting the child’s personal dignity and right to independence.
  • Review what children plan to post online before they post it.
  • Talk to your children about their online friends and what they do as if you were friends in real life.

  • With the participation of your children, create a set of house rules for using the Internet and demand strict adherence to them. Change it according to the age and needs of the children.
  • Request that children never give out personal information online, including last name, first name, home address, telephone numbers, school number, email address, last name of friends or relatives, date of birth, photographs. Remind me how this could turn out. Use a neutral screen name that does not reveal any personal information.

  • Make it a habit to become familiar with the sites your children visit. Make sure they don't visit offensive sites or post personal information or photos of themselves.
  • Insist that teens tell you if someone threatens them online. Never allow children to meet people they know online in person without adult supervision.

  • Help protect yourself from spam. Teach teens not to respond to unwanted emails. Use email filters to block unwanted messages.
  • Explain that illegally copying someone else's work - music, computer games and other programs - is theft.
  • Teach your children about responsible, decent behavior online. Guys should under no circumstances use the Internet to engage in hooliganism, spread gossip, or threaten other people.

Here you will find definitions of such concepts as: vishing, gambling, griefers, cyberbullying, gambling addiction, sexting and other words that the built-in Windows dictionary He won’t “find out” soon. The dangers of the Internet are evolving much faster than software.

2 . . An extensive and detailed guide on how to install software on a computer or laptop that does not allow a child to see content (information) that is dangerous for him. And also in this document “Teaching children the basics of safety when working with the Internet.”

Internet Safety Reminder

Every year there are more young people on the Internet, and schoolchildren are among the most active users of the Runet. Meanwhile, in addition to a huge number of opportunities, the Internet also brings problems. This guide should help you stay safe online.

Computer viruses
A computer virus is a type of computer program, the distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce. In addition to this, viruses can damage or completely destroy all files and data controlled by the user on whose behalf the infected program was launched, as well as damage or even destroy the operating system with all files as a whole. In most cases, viruses are spread via the Internet.

Anti-malware methods:

  • Use modern operating systems that have a serious level of protection against malware;
  • Constantly install patches (digital patches that are automatically installed to improve the program) and other updates to your operating system. Download them only from the official website of the OS developer. If there is an automatic update mode, turn it on;
  • Work on your computer as a user, not an administrator. This will prevent most malware from installing on your personal computer;
  • Use anti-virus software products from well-known manufacturers, with automatic database updates;
  • Restrict physical access to the computer for unauthorized persons;
  • Use external storage media, such as a flash drive, disk or file from the Internet, only from qualified sources;
  • Do not open computer files obtained from untrusted sources. Even those files that your friend sent. It’s better to check with him whether he sent them to you.

WI-FI networks
Wi-Fi is not a type of data transmission, not a technology, but just a brand. Back in 1991, the Dutch company registered the “WECA” brand, which stood for the phrase “Wireless Fidelity,” which translates as “wireless precision.” Another abbreviation has reached our time, which is the same technology. This is an abbreviation for "Wi-Fi". This name was given with a hint of the highest standard of audio technology, Hi-Fi, which means “high precision”.

Yes, free Internet access in cafes, hotels and airports is an excellent opportunity to access the Internet. But many experts believe that public Wi-Fi networks are not secure.

Safety tips for working on public Wi-fi networks:

  • Do not share your personal information over public Wi-Fi networks. When working in them, it is advisable not to enter access passwords, logins or any numbers;
  • Use and update antivirus programs and firewall. This way you will protect yourself from downloading a virus to your device;
  • When using Wi-Fi, turn off File and Printer Sharing. This function is disabled by default, but some users activate it for ease of use at work or study;
  • Do not use public WI-FI to transmit personal data, for example to access social networks or email;
  • Use only a secure connection via HTTPS, not HTTP, i.e. when typing a web address, enter “https://”;
  • On your mobile phone, disable the “Connect to Wi-Fi automatically” function. Do not allow your device to automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks without your consent.

Social media
Social networks are actively entering our lives, many people work and live there permanently, and a billion people are already registered on Facebook, which is one seventh of all the inhabitants of the planet. Many users do not understand that the information they post on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including those who may not have good intentions.

  • Limit your friends list. Your friends should not include random or unfamiliar people;
  • Protect your privacy. Do not include passwords, phone numbers, addresses, your date of birth or other personal information. Attackers can even use information about how you and your parents plan to spend the holidays;
  • Protect your reputation - keep it clean and ask yourself: would you like other users to see what you upload? Think before you post, write, or upload anything;
  • If you are talking to people you don’t know, do not use your real name and other personal information: name, place of residence, place of study, etc.;
  • Avoid posting photographs online that show you in a location that could indicate your location;
  • When registering on a social network, you must use complex passwords consisting of letters and numbers and with at least 8 characters;
  • For social networks, mail and other sites, you must use different passwords. Then if you are hacked, the attackers will have access to only one place, and not all at once.

Electronic money
Electronic money is a very convenient method of payment, but there are scammers who want to get this money.

Electronic money appeared quite recently and it is precisely because of this that in many countries it is still not spelled out in laws. In Russia, they function and are already spelled out in the law, where they are divided into several types - anonymous and non-anonymous. The difference is that anonymous ones are those in which operations are allowed to be carried out without user identification, and in non-anonymous ones, user identification is mandatory.

You should also distinguish between electronic fiat money (equal to state currencies) and electronic non-fiat money (not equal to state currencies).

  • Link your mobile phone to your account. This is the most convenient and fastest way to restore access to your account. A linked phone will help if you forget your payment password or access the site from an unfamiliar device;
  • Use one-time passwords. After switching to enhanced authorization, you will no longer be in danger of theft or interception of your payment password;
  • Choose a complex password. Criminals will have a hard time guessing a complex password. Strong passwords are passwords that are at least 8 characters long and include lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and multiple symbols such as dollar sign, pound sign, exclamation point, etc. For example, $tR0ng!;;
  • Don't enter your personal information on sites you don't trust.

Electronic mail is the technology and services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages that are distributed over a computer network. Typically, an email mailbox looks like this: user_name@domain_name. Also, in addition to transmitting simple text, it is possible to transfer files.

  • You need to choose the right mail service. There is a huge selection of free email services on the Internet, but it is better to trust those you know and who are first in the ranking;
  • Do not include personal information in your personal email. For example, it is better to select “music_fan@” or “rock2013” ​​instead of “topic13”;
  • Use two-step authentication. This is when, in addition to the password, you need to enter a code sent via SMS;
  • Choose a complex password. Each mailbox must have its own strong, hack-resistant password;
  • If you have the opportunity to write your own personal question, use this opportunity;
  • Use multiple mailboxes. The first is for private correspondence with recipients you trust. This email address does not need to be used when registering on forums and websites;
  • After finishing work on the mail service, before closing the tab with the site, do not forget to click on “Exit”.

Cyberbullying or virtual bullying
Cyberbullying - harassment by messages containing insults, aggression, intimidation; hooliganism; social boycotting using various Internet services.

  • Don't rush into battle. The best way: seek advice on how to behave and, if there is no one to whom you can turn, then calm down first. If you start responding to insults with insults, you will only inflame the conflict even more;
  • Manage your cyber reputation;
  • Anonymity on the Internet is imaginary. There are ways to find out who is behind an anonymous account;
  • You should not lead a hooligan virtual life. The Internet records all your actions and stores them. It will be extremely difficult to remove them;
  • Maintain your virtual honor from a young age;
  • Ignore the single negative. One-off offensive messages are best ignored. Usually aggression stops at the initial stage;
  • Ban the aggressor. In instant messaging programs and social networks, it is possible to block sending messages from certain addresses;
  • If you are a witness to cyberbullying. Your actions: speak out against the stalker, show him that his actions are assessed negatively, support the victim who needs psychological help, inform adults about the fact of aggressive behavior online.

Mobile phone
Modern smartphones and tablets contain quite mature functionality, and now they can compete with desktop computers. However, there are still very few protection measures for such devices. Testing and searching for vulnerabilities in them is not as intensive as for PCs, the same applies to mobile applications. Modern mobile browsers have almost caught up with their desktop counterparts, but expanding functionality entails greater complexity and less security. Not all manufacturers release updates that close critical vulnerabilities for their devices.

  • Nothing is truly free. Be careful, because when you are offered free content, there may be some paid services hidden in it;
  • Think before you send an SMS, photo or video. Do you know exactly where they will end up?
  • It is necessary to update the operating system of your smartphone;
  • Use antivirus programs for mobile phones;
  • Do not download applications from an unknown source, as they may contain malicious software;
  • After you leave the site where you entered personal information, go to your browser settings and delete cookies;
  • Periodically check which paid services are activated on your number;
  • Only give your mobile number to people you know and trust;
  • Bluetooth should be turned off when you are not using it. Don't forget to check this sometimes.

Online games
Modern online games are colorful, exciting entertainment that unites hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Players explore the world given to them, communicate with each other, complete tasks, fight monsters and gain experience. They pay for pleasure: they buy a disc, pay for a subscription or purchase some options.

All these funds go towards maintaining and developing the game, as well as security itself: authorization systems are being improved, new patches (digital patches for programs) are released, and server vulnerabilities are closed. In such games, you should be afraid not so much of your opponents as of the theft of your password, on which the authorization system of most games is based.

  • If another player behaves badly or causes trouble for you, block him from the list of players;
  • Complain to the game administrators about the bad behavior of this player, it is advisable to attach some evidence in the form of screenshots;
  • Do not provide personal information in your game profile;
  • Respect other participants in the game;
  • Do not install unofficial patches and mods;
  • Use complex and different passwords;
  • Even while playing, you should not disable your antivirus. While you are playing, your computer can be infected.

Phishing or identity theft
The usual theft of money and documents today will not surprise anyone, but with the development of Internet technologies, attackers have moved to the Internet and continue to do their “favorite” business. This is how a new threat emerged: Internet fraud or phishing, the main goal of which is to obtain confidential user data - logins and passwords. In English, phishing is read as phishing (from fishing - fishing, password - password).

  • Keep an eye on your account. If you suspect that your profile has been hacked, then you need to block it and inform the resource administrators about it as soon as possible;
  • Use safe websites, including online stores and search engines;
  • Use complex and different passwords. Thus, if you are hacked, the attackers will have access to only one of your online profiles, and not all of them;
  • If you have been hacked, then you need to warn all your friends who are added as your friends that you have been hacked and, possibly, spam and links to phishing sites will be sent on your behalf;
  • Set a strong password (PIN) on your mobile phone;
  • Disable password saving in the browser;
  • Do not open files or other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. It’s better to check with them whether they sent you these files;

Digital Reputation
Digital reputation is negative or positive information about you online. Compromising information posted on the Internet can seriously affect your real life. “Digital reputation” is your image, which is formed from information about you on the Internet. Your place of residence, study, your financial situation, character traits and stories about loved ones - all this accumulates on the Internet.

Many teenagers are frivolous about publishing personal information on the Internet, not understanding the possible consequences. You won’t even be able to guess that a photo posted 5 years ago was the reason they refused to hire you.

Pedophiles are known to use this method to contact young people by masquerading as another young person. This can lead to trust in the individual and friends. These false relationships based on lies can often pave the way for the disorder to be exposed to images and online content, and in some cases to arrange a meeting in person.

  • Insist that your children give you access to their email so you can make sure they are not communicating with strangers. Control is best exercised unobtrusively, respecting the child’s personal dignity and right to independence.
  • Review what children plan to post online before they post it.
  • Talk to your children about their online friends and what they do as if you were friends in real life.

  • With the participation of your children, create a set of house rules for using the Internet and demand strict adherence to them. Change it according to the age and needs of the children.
  • Request that children never give out personal information online, including last name, first name, home address, telephone numbers, school number, email address, last name of friends or relatives, date of birth, photographs. Remind me how this could turn out. Use a neutral screen name that does not reveal any personal information.

  • Make it a habit to become familiar with the sites your children visit. Make sure they don't visit offensive sites or post personal information or photos of themselves.
  • Insist that teens tell you if someone threatens them online. Never allow children to meet people they know online in person without adult supervision.

  • Help protect yourself from spam. Teach teens not to respond to unwanted emails. Use email filters to block unwanted messages.
  • Explain that illegally copying someone else's work - music, computer games and other programs - is theft.
  • Teach your children about responsible, decent behavior online. Guys should under no circumstances use the Internet to engage in hooliganism, spread gossip, or threaten other people.

One of the most obvious and yet most frequently broken rules on the Internet. Many people forget that their interlocutor is not a computer, that behind the letters on the screen there is a living person hiding. You can have a very real effect on it.

Online grooming is a term used to describe inappropriate behavior towards a young person, putting them at risk of sexual offending. Even if nothing dangerous happens, knowing that you may have been involved with someone like this can be very upsetting.

We all know that it's not healthy to spend hours and hours in front of a computer screen. But another problem with social media is the pressure you may feel to make sure you have a lot of friends. But here are some things to remember. So while you may know someone who likes to brag about how much? they ended up on a social networking site, remember that real friendships are not created by computers.


The Internet creates a feeling of anonymity. It seems that no one will do anything to you, thereby creating a misconception that the rules of conduct online are not so strict. It is necessary to observe the ethics of communication, as well as remain within the law, both in real and virtual space. In some communities, mutual respect and ethics are deliberately ignored. That's why they look like trash.

Tips to keep you safe on social networking sites. Always use strong? password. That is, don't use any names or words that someone might guess, such as the name of your dog or your favorite singer. Use random letters or numbers and change your password regularly. This means that only your friends will be able to view your information. Pictures and videos can be easily shared online, so make sure you're very careful when uploading - even if you're only sharing with friends, it can easily spread out into a lot more than that. Be very careful about sharing content online, especially if you don't share it. Illegal downloads are definitely best avoided. Never date anyone you met online. Make sure you are aware of the security features on any network host. Some, for example, have a panic button? which you can click if you see something that shouldn't be there. If something happens on the Internet that you don't like, tell someone.

  • Make sure you are old enough to join.
  • Perhaps use your name or nickname on your profile.
  • Never give out personal information.
  • Don't make friends with friends you don't already know personally.
  • Perhaps use an email address that does not include your name.
If you have an email address, at some point you may receive a message from someone you don't know.

If you lead an active online life - you visit several communities and forums, it is especially important for you to remember what style of communication your local interlocutors adhere to. Most long-established online groups have their own written or unwritten rules, which they will be happy to share with a newcomer. The universal advice is to sit in a corner for the first time, watch and listen.

By selling something that sends you a virus, sends you an attachment, sends you offensive or explicit content. Golden rule: If the email is from someone you don't know, delete it. If it's an app, it might contain a virus, or it might be something you don't want to see.

  • If it's spam, you may get ripped off.
  • If it is a virus, your computer may be damaged.
  • You will have to pay to remove it from your computer.
  • If it's offensive or explicit, it could upset you or even get you into trouble.
You can avoid unwanted emails by getting the right software.

Only information that appears on the Internet is of interest to a wide range of people or is at least slightly beneficial to the author. Therefore, people may have questions that are not answered on the Internet. In this case, all hope lies only in kind people who can spare 5 minutes to help a person. The world becomes a better place when we help others, and we ourselves are happier.

This is something for an adult to figure out, but you may know more about it than they do, so help them out. The Internet is undoubtedly one of the greatest inventions of our time, giving us the ability to learn, explore, explore and develop - whatever we want, whenever we want.

Safety Tips for Working on Public Wi-Fi Networks

However, if you use the Internet, you may be at risk of illegal activity or online abuse. Whether it's identity theft or cyber bullying, the Internet is rife with events that can pose a threat. To minimize your chances of becoming a victim online, learn about the possible dangers and follow best practices to avoid them.


As a rule, you recognize a person who has been living on the Internet for a long time not by his inflamed red eyes and reflexive trembling of his fingers, no. A person who has been living on the Internet for a long time has strong nerves. If you seriously think that you can surprise some Internet elder with a dashingly twisted swear word, then think a little more. The desire to distinguish yourself reveals a newbie in you much more clearly than the nickname “I’m new here.” Plus, a passionate argument can really get on a newbie's nerves if it's provoked.

Why is Internet security important?

Just as we consider our personal safety when we go about our daily activities, we also need to learn how to protect ourselves in the online environment. While the Internet is an invaluable source of information and support, there are many issues you should be aware of.

Just as in the real world, bad behavior exists online - only the perpetrators can remain anonymous, protected behind computer screens. Although their actions may not cause physical harm, the impact can still be disturbing, destructive and far-reaching.


Do not distribute personal information of other people on the Internet - real names, addresses, telephone numbers, photographs without their consent. Never.


Virtual space presupposes different access to certain resources, different levels of knowledge in certain issues. While you have advantages over other users, you should not use them against people.

The Internet provides an unparalleled level of freedom, which, unfortunately, can encourage some people to act in ways they would not publicly. With this in mind, it's important to err on the side of caution when surfing the Internet and be especially vigilant about the following online behaviors that we've covered below.

If you or your child frequent chat rooms, social networking sites, or use instant messaging or online role-playing games, the following information may help you enjoy your time online without sacrificing malicious behavior online.

Now no one will deny that the Internet has firmly entered our lives. It has grown into one of the largest media outlets. Every day we have a huge amount of time and can do whatever we want there. The Internet has formed into a certain world, in which, to maintain order, it has its own laws and norms, which, in turn, are united in the so-called netiquette. Its rules are very important because they establish and maintain respect and mutual understanding among all Internet users.

1. There is the same person on the other side of the screen

Don't forget that behind all these screens and wires there is the same person who has his own feelings and emotions. First of all, he is a person, and then an Internet user. Be kind, respect his feelings and himself.

2. Caps / Caps Lock

What am I doing now? I'M SCREAMING AT YOU THROUGH THE MONITOR SCREEN! Agree, in real life there is little pleasure in being shouted at, so on the Internet try to avoid such a huge font. Don't write in all caps all the time unless you're trying to make a point. It's quite crude and also very hard to read.

3. Emoticons

Emoticons convey the emotions of a message using symbols: letters and punctuation marks. On some sites, a combination of characters is automatically translated into animated emoticons. They are, in general, very useful and even decorate your text. But please don't overdo it!

4. Abbreviation and slang

All kinds of abbreviations greatly simplify the transfer of information between interlocutors. But again, the main thing is not to overdo it. In addition, it is extremely important to be sure that the interlocutor will clearly understand you. In the end, your message may turn into a rudimentary set of signs, which, you know, is not very conducive to understanding what you wanted to say.

5. Compliance with the rules of grammar and punctuation

Try to follow all proper language rules. As already mentioned, you shouldn't write in capital letters all the time. But it is worth separating sentences, at least with capital letters in the first word of the sentence. Otherwise, your message turns into an incoherent sentence, and no one will understand it. In addition, by following all the rules, you will create the image of an intelligent and educated person, which will greatly endear you to your interlocutor.

6. Brevity is the sister of talent

We all don't have enough time. Therefore, it is extremely important to clearly communicate the essence of your message. Make sure that you provide the necessary and specific information without “water” and idle talk.

7. Check the “Frequently Asked Questions” option

If you have any difficulties on a particular site/forum/online group/service, please contact the special FAQs section (the so-called “FAQs” or Frequently Asked Questions). Maybe someone has already dealt with a similar problem, and its solution is described there.

8. Email

Before sending an email, please make sure you have entered the correct address. Also check that you wrote everything you wanted in the letter. Don't send huge files unless you have to. If you need to send an email to multiple recipients, send copies to everyone. Don't spam your friends, avoid fraudulent messages. And don’t expect people to answer you instantly. Be patient, everyone has their own things to do.

9. Set of rules and “laws” on websites

Each forum or group has its own rules. Please read them before you become a full member. This will protect you from unwanted violations. Look around before immersing yourself in the culture of a given environment. When communicating with other participants, make sure you are polite and respectful. No spam or so-called “trolling”! Don't go overboard with photos. In general, everything in moderation.

10. Learn the power of “self-censorship”

Thanks to social networks, you can now find information about almost any person. And you must clearly filter all the information you put there. Do not compromise yourself with nude photographs by posting photos from parties, parties and drinking sessions. Know that someday this information may seriously set you up.

11. Everything is under public scrutiny

You should know that all messages, passwords and settings are stored on some server and, if necessary, they can be restored. All letters, photographs and personal data are available to the “heads” of the sites on which you post this data. Don't do anything that could ever set you down.

12. Law

Although the Internet allows you to maintain some degree of anonymity, if you break the law, it will eventually take revenge and punish you. Certain sites have their own laws, and it is worth making sure that you do not violate them. Despite the fact that the Internet is a very virtual thing, punishment can be quite real. Be careful!

All these rules touch on very general topics, but many continue to ignore them. Remember that the Internet has now taken over the whole world, and what it can do is limitless! Follow the rules and laws of this “world”. They can change and be updated, this also needs to be monitored. Be attentive and, of course, polite. And remember that, first of all, these rules try to make spending time on the Internet enjoyable for you. Maybe you know some rules that should be followed? Tell us!

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