Growing onions on a window in water. How to grow green onions at home

Onions are one of the most unpretentious crops; they are successfully grown not only in gardens, but also on windowsills. There are two ways to plant onions on a windowsill: the traditional method in trays with soil and the hydroponics method in water.

Is it possible to grow onions on a windowsill at home?

You can grow the crop anywhere, on a balcony or windowsill. Moreover, it is worth growing it all year round. This method is especially relevant in winter and early spring, when you want to have fresh herbs on the table.

  • No need to buy onions, and you can save money at the same time. After all, greens are always at a premium on the market.
  • Enterprising people manage to grow herbs on the windowsill for sale.
  • There are practically no costs, just buy the seeds, prepare the soil and plant.

Growing onions on a windowsill

Everyone should have a tray of herbs on the window - it is very useful and profitable.

Onions grown at home will be environmentally friendly, without the admixture of chemical fertilizers. It’s not scary to give it to children or eat it yourself.

Deadlines for landing in the apartment

There are no specific planting dates. It is possible to plant all year round, as long as the trays are placed on the window. The temperature in the apartment will be sufficient even in winter. It would be good if the trays were placed on the window on the south side, although this is not essential. Sunlight will come from any direction.

  • If there is not enough light in winter, you can really use a lamp in the form of a backlight.
  • From a lack of light, green feathers will turn yellow and wither.
  • Moderate watering is possible; excess moisture will cause root rot.

In general, there are no difficulties in growing it. Planted at different times, the onion will regularly produce a harvest. While seedlings are forming in one tray, good greens will already be growing in the second, which can be cut for salads.

Growing onions in cells

How to grow onions on a windowsill?

Surely many people are familiar with the method of growing in a glass. A large harvest cannot be achieved using this method. It's another matter if you plant the bulbs in a flat tray so that a lot of seeds can fit there. You can plant it in flower pots, but not too deep.

Enterprising people who never waste anything for this purpose use food containers and plastic bottles. There are no fundamental rules for choosing containers; anything will do. To prevent water from stagnating, you need a tray and holes at the bottom.

There are a wide variety of flat plastic containers on sale in which you can grow any greens. They are sold already with pallets. In the old fashioned way, trays are made from wooden boards. When using plastic bottles, they are often cut crosswise. 3-5 liter bottles are well suited for this purpose.

Modern methods of growing onions at home involve structures made of plastic bottles with holes. There are many options; choosing the right method for yourself is easy.

By organizing mini-beds on the windowsill, you will always have fresh herbs.

Soil requirements

An unpretentious crop will grow in almost any soil. But there is still a difference; bad soil will turn into a lump from watering. It will start to mold. Due to a lack of nutrients and fertilizers, the bulbs will not grow well in it. You can prepare the soil yourself or buy a ready-made mixture at a flower shop.

Growing onions in flower pots

  1. If you are growing bulbs on a windowsill, you need soil that is neutrally acidic.
  2. The soil should be loose and crumbly. This can be achieved by adding peat to the soil.
  3. It is also necessary to ensure good drainage. Vermiculite (a mineral filler that is used when growing indoor flowers) is ideal for this purpose.

Prepare the soil yourself in a ratio of 1:3. Peat, sand and humus are added to the soil. The resulting disinfectant composition is dried inside the oven.

You can disinfect the soil from fungi using a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide.

Planting onions at home on greens

In order for the bulbs to sprout quickly, you need to carefully trim the tails with scissors. There is no need to touch the roots, and trimming the tails will produce greenery faster. It can also be soaked in water for half an hour, and then planted in trays. Moisture will contribute to the rapid awakening of dried roots.

Growing onions on a windowsill at home

  1. For planting, take medium-sized onions. If you take small seeds, the feathers will grow thin. A large one will have thick feathers.
  2. Shallots (popularly called kushchevka) are successfully grown on the windowsill.
  3. You can try to plant onions with seeds; they will sprout, but the feathers will be very thin and weak.
  4. Seed material is selected based on the type of feather needed. The best option is a medium-sized golden onion type.

The heads are planted at equal distances. There is no need to adhere to any parameters, as this onion is planted exclusively for greenery. The goal is to place as many trays as possible on the windowsill.

Rules for caring for bulbs

Care for seedlings in the same way as for indoor flowers. Watering is carried out as the moisture evaporates. Green feathers love being sprayed with water. In the warm season, the window needs to be ventilated; fresh air will be very beneficial for the greenery.

If desired, the trays can be taken out onto a ventilated balcony. Due to the sparse planting, it is not worth loosening the soil. As for fertilizers, if the soil is good, it will be enough to fertilize during watering.

Onion bushes on the windowsill

Mineral fertilizers are suitable for indoor flowers. You can prepare the simplest fertilizer yourself. You need to take an eggshell and fill it with water. Leave the jar with water and shells for 5-7 days.

You need to be careful when spraying from a spray bottle in the summer; the scorching sun outside the window can leave burns.

At first glance, the process may seem labor-intensive, but in fact, nothing is simpler; anyone can grow onions at home. If the plant constantly has enough moisture and light, there will be no problems with growing.

Growing green onions on a window in a flowerpot or plastic flask is a correct and interesting activity. Green feathers contain a large amount of nutritional vitamins, so necessary during the winter lack of nutrients. Therefore, for good growth of onion shoots, you should know how to properly plant the heads for rooting on the windowsill at home.

Features of growing on a windowsill

You can grow green onions on your windowsill almost all year round. It does not matter where the pot with the germinating heads will be located. The main thing is warmth and soil moisture.

Planting green onions on the windowsill in an apartment has many advantages:

  1. You won’t have to buy onions at spontaneous markets, where you can’t be sure how long they’ve been there.
  2. Green feathers will always be fresh and elastic.
  3. It can be grown for sale, providing acquaintances, relatives and friends with fresh green onion feathers.
  4. There are virtually no production costs, except for the purchase of seeds of a certain variety or onion heads for planting.

Important! Self-planted and grown onion feathers at home are an environmentally friendly product that is not scary to eat yourself or give to small children.

In addition, onions contain various vitamins (E, some from group B, C, A), as well as a list of minerals such as calcium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium. Carotene, phytoncides and flavonoids are partially present.

Thus, planting green onions in containers and germinating them on the windowsill is a useful and necessary thing, helping to ensure that there will always be fresh vitamins on the table that can strengthen the immune system.

Which varieties are suitable for growing on a windowsill?

It is usually customary to grow traditional onions on the windowsill. It germinates quickly and produces an abundance of feathers. Sweet red onions (Yalta onions) are also often grown. Its tops are good for various salads and decorations for main courses.

There are the following types of onions that can be used for rooting and forcing green shoots on the windowsill at home:

  1. Batun;
  2. Sevok;
  3. Leek;
  4. shallot;
  5. Schnitt.

To grow bulbs for greens, any head you have on hand will do. But to obtain abundant growth, it is recommended to use those splinters that have multi-primed nests. From the latter, a large bush of green feathers then grows.

How to plant and grow on a windowsill - features, conditions and step-by-step instructions

In order for the plant to grow quickly and have bright, green, fresh shoots, it is recommended to know in what conditions you need to keep the container in an apartment on the windowsill so that the bulb begins to grow.

Attention! First, you need to decide in which container to plant the planting material, what should be the characteristics for growing in terms of humidity and lighting. The main thing is how to properly water the plant in an apartment.

What should the place be like?

In order for onion feathers to be richly green, elastic and useful, the plant requires a large amount of sunlight. South-eastern or south-western window sills are excellent for the germination of young shoots.

But the main factor for successfully growing green onions at home is that midday sun rays should not touch the juicy tips of the leaves. Therefore, on bright days you need to either shade the plant or move it into the shade.

Important! If there is not enough sunlight, it is recommended to additionally turn on special phytolamps above the green onion plantings in the window. The latter will support daytime until the optimal 12 hours necessary for the development of young feathers.

The ideal temperature for comfortable growth of green onions at home is +20 C. This is exactly how many degrees are required for the head to activate its activity and begin to produce feathers. If it is necessary for the greens to start growing, you can increase the temperature to +25 C.

A hotter room negatively affects the condition of young growth. Especially you should not place a container with seedlings over a hot radiator, otherwise the foliage will quickly turn yellow and wither.

What container to plant in?

There is no specific choice for planting onions - you can choose any container you like. The main requirement for choosing a container is a wide neck or hole through which the bulb is placed in the substrate or water.

Green onions can be grown at home in the following flowerpots:

  1. Glass - significant growth cannot be achieved with such a planting.
  2. A low, wide tray is perfect for sowing seeds.
  3. Plastic bottles - it is necessary to cut holes in the walls in which planting material can be placed.
  4. Food containers are the best option for planting - small trays where seedlings or seeds are neatly placed.
  5. Special plastic containers with the necessary tray for collecting excess water are sold in specialized stores.

Video: how to grow onions in a plastic bottle on a windowsill in winter

Note! There should be holes on the bottom for liquid circulation. It is recommended to place a stand under the flowerpot to collect excess water.

What kind of soil or soil should I place it in?

Onions are a fairly unpretentious plant that does not require specific soil. But if the soil is heavy, there will be no benefit from germination. The soil will begin to mold and deteriorate, and the seedlings will rot along with it.

In such soil, due to a lack of useful elements and fertilizers, the bulb will not be able to produce good growth in the apartment.

Attention! If the soil is loose, airy, well-permeable to oxygen and moisture, then the onion seedlings will quickly gain strength and throw out strong, large green feathers.

Such a soil substrate that meets all the qualities can be made independently or purchased at a specialized store.

To successfully grow green onions on a windowsill you need soil with neutral acidity. To achieve loose and fertile soil, you need to add a little crumbly peat to the garden substrate.

High-quality cultivation is obtained when placed in a flowerpot drainage It does not allow liquid to stagnate at the bottom of the flowerpot, thereby oversaturating the soil with moisture. Otherwise, the soil becomes a swampy structure in which no plant can grow. A mineral filler (vermiculite) is ideal for drainage.

The resulting soil substrate should be roasted in the oven so that all pathogenic bacteria and pests are killed under the influence of high temperatures. After the calcination procedure, the soil should be shed with potassium permanganate or a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting, you should carefully prepare the necessary bulbs. They must be free of any mechanical damage, wrinkled sides and moldy surfaces. Heads with a diameter of 4-4.5 cm are suitable for planting.

Important! The tops of the bulbs are specially cut off. This is necessary so that the sprouts can germinate comfortably. After this, it is recommended to place the heads in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The consistency should be slightly pink in color and warm in temperature. If you don’t have potassium permanganate on hand, you can replace it with wood ash.

After holding in the solution for up to 20 minutes, the heads are moved into a cool liquid. Before placing the splinters in the ground, all the husks should be completely removed from them.

Direct landing

To plant green onions on the windowsill, select a suitable container. A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom, then filled with soil. The ground should be filled with water, then the onion head should be gradually pushed into it. The seedling should be placed in such a way that the top, which has been previously cut off or with green shoots, remains open for oxygen circulation.

The flowerpot should be placed in the warmest place in the house for exactly 7 days. After the first green shoots appear, the container is moved to the windowsill on the south side, under bright, warm sunlight.

Now the main thing is do not let the soil dry out. It is irrigated once every 2 days. This is enough for the bulb to absorb moisture and grow green feathers. It will take approximately 14-21 days for the feather to be plucked and eaten.

Video: how to grow green onions on a windowsill

Features of landing in water

One of the easy ways to grow onions on a windowsill is to root the seedlings in liquid. To do this, rinse the onion in warm liquid and remove the top husk.

Important! If the bulb has not sprouted, it is recommended to remove the top by 1.5 cm.

If there is greenery that has begun to grow on its own, then further actions are as follows:

  1. Place the bulbs close to each other so that they remain upright.
  2. Pour liquid of warm consistency.
  3. You need to pour water so that the liquid covers only 1/3 of the volume of the onion.
  4. To prevent the water from rotting and stinking, it is recommended to add a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate.
  5. Place the dish with onions in the brightest place, and add the required liquid as needed.

By the way! This process of planting and growing will be very interesting for young children.

How to care after planting and before harvesting

Watering should be done at least once every 48 hours. The surface of the soil should not be allowed to dry out, or the roots in a container with water should not reach the water. If this happens, the plant will immediately shrink and stop growing green mass.

Attention! Don't overdo it with watering. Excessive irrigation provokes rotting of the bulb near the roots, which causes irreparable damage to the growing feathers. In this case, all plantings die from a fungal disease.

In cold weather, you cannot water from the tap with running ice water. Irrigation requires boiling, cooling and settling water. Watering is carried out only with liquid at a temperature of 30 C.

Fertilizers are usually not used. But if in winter the torch has stopped producing a large amount of greenery, it can be stimulated by adding wood ash - 5 grams. for 1 l. water. It is recommended to dilute in large quantities, and fertilize using a syringe at the root. It is necessary to carefully introduce fertilizers so that they do not get on the green shoots. They can burn the plant.

Germination and harvest dates

Green onions grown on a windowsill begin to germinate quickly, but you should not rejoice and pick the first green feathers. You should bide your time. Harvesting can begin in 14-21 days. It is best to wait exactly 3 weeks and only after that start harvesting.

Important! If the bow has managed to shoot out the arrows, it is not recommended to touch them. Feathers should be collected from the outer feathers to the center.

You can get fresh feathers throughout the winter by constantly planting fresh bulbs. Young seedlings are planted once every 2 weeks. Thanks to this, the onion greens arrive exactly at the appointed time.

Thus, growing onions at home in the window is not only a useful activity, but also a vivid reminder of the spring sun. In order for the feathers to constantly turn green, they should not be picked immediately after appearance, but should be kept for 3 weeks. Eating fresh foods increases local immunity and has a beneficial effect on the body's susceptibility to various diseases.

Video: growing onions at home

There are amazing stories on TV about how other people grow exotic plants. They talk a lot about agricultural technology: how to choose the right soil and fertilizers, what tools to use for planting. Online publications even recommend videos on how to properly cultivate a vegetable garden. And, needless to say, I have a lot of books on gardening at home.

How to grow delicious onions on the windowsill

All this is true, but you have to start somewhere, right?

Onion is one of the ancient vegetable crops

One very famous vegetable crop immediately comes to mind - onions. Some of you just winced and said: “Fi, onion...”. No, friends, we will grow sweet and tasty onions with tender greens that crunch in your teeth. And we will do everything ourselves.

Onions are one of the ancient vegetable crops. Growing onions is not easy, but very simple. It is one of the most well-studied crops and has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.

In the ground or in the water

To grow delicious onions at home, you need a little: the onion itself and a little patience. There are several growing methods: traditional (in the ground) and hydroponically. Well, don’t let the word hydroponics confuse you - this is also the method of growing onions in a glass, known to everyone since childhood.

Onions in a glass For those who have little window space, I suggest this mini-bed design:

Mini-bed for onions from a 5-liter plastic bottle. Bulbs are planted in planting nests as soil is poured into the container. This design can be modified into a hydroponic one by replacing the soil with a substrate such as mineral wool. If you use mineral wool, wear rubber gloves to avoid skin irritation.

The key to success is the right onion

For a good harvest, you need to select the right bulb. It should be round, dense to the touch, without traces of rot. The root cup should be well formed and large enough. For window planting, it is best to choose healthy, sprouted bulbs - they will allow you to get a green harvest at an accelerated pace. The scales of the bulb should be shiny.

The key to success is the right onion. If there is no sprout, you can carefully cut the head of the onion parallel to the root bottom. This will speed up the release of the green feather. Before planting, the bulb should be soaked if you plant it in the ground, but if in an aquatic environment, there is no need to soak it.

Optimal temperature

Onions are a cold-resistant crop: the optimal temperature for growing them is +18...+20°C. Therefore, if you have the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing onions in a window, make sure that they do not overheat either from the sun or from the heat of steam heating radiators. However, if you want to speed up the forcing of green feathers a little, you can raise the temperature to +24°C. But keep in mind: at a temperature of +30°C green growth stops.

Soil parameters

If you grow onions in the ground, then neutral soil (with neutral acidity PH 6-7) is suitable for it. The article How to find out the type of soil and why it is needed will help you determine acidity and other parameters. The soil should be quite loose, with good drainage. I recommend adding a neutral filler such as vermiculite to the humus (this is an intermediate technology that lies at the intersection of hydroponics and traditional farming).

When growing using the hydroponic method, make sure that the bulb does not float in the solution, otherwise it will rot. To do this, use a cardboard circle or “skirts” of various designs.

Onions are not very demanding on moisture, but if you want the greens to be more juicy, you can lightly spray the feathers. It is advisable not to wet the bulb itself.

Lighting and other miracles

Usually, after planting, onions are placed on the window, but this is not entirely true. It must be placed for 10 days in a cool shaded place so that the root system is intensively formed. In Russian: remove from the window and place away from the radiator.

The onion should be placed in a cool, shaded place so that the root system can intensively form. Then the onion will need a lot of light. He should get as much of it as possible. If you live in a region where the nights are long, you should use additional lighting. This can be achieved using fluorescent lamps, or using specialized lamps for growing plants, or LED panels.

If you have a loggia, then the bow will do best there. Unlike people, it can be illuminated 24 hours a day, combining natural and artificial light - the longer you shine, the faster you will get the desired result.

Exemplary supplementary lighting in the Arctic Circle Much depends on the temperature in the room where onions are grown. At low temperatures, onion feathers grow slowly, so it is necessary to maintain the temperature within +25...+27°C. Under such conditions, the feather reaches a length of 30-35 cm in just 17 days. To maintain the desired temperature, you can use almost any heating device.

To prevent the container with onions from overheating in the sun, you can wrap it in foil.

Fertilizers and chemistry

What fertilizers should I use? It’s better, of course, nothing, but it can be used complex with NPK 10-10-10 according to the instructions, in no case exceeding the dosage. It is better to dilute them in large volumes, and then use a syringe to draw the required amount to feed the plant.

If you use a container of solution for your hydroponic setup without aeration (air saturation), the solution may rot, as well as the roots of the plant. To prevent this, you can periodically add a 4% hydrogen peroxide solution. Or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

When you outgrow the jar

If you plan to grow more than 10 bulbs at a time, it is better to make a miniature hydroponic installation: select a 20-30 liter container, make a floating raft from foam plastic with a hole for the bulbs, and aerate the water with a compressor for the aquarium.

Hydroponic installation for growing onions. Photo from Of course, these are not all possible tips, but I hope that they will help you grow onions tasty and healthy.

In winter, you won’t surprise anyone with jars of bulbs on windowsills in apartments. In a season when there is so little sun, fresh greenery on the windows pleases the eye. And finely chopped green onions add attractiveness and spiciness to the dishes.

Green onions have been cultivated as an agricultural crop since the fourth millennium BC. During this period, all possible methods of growing it were studied. It has been known since school days that it is very easy to get a harvest at home.

On a note! If you use traditional methods, you can get a harvest of green onions at home either by planting the bulbs in the ground or in a container with water.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. But the housewife has her own secret for getting the best harvest. This has given rise to many unusual new ways.

  1. It contains a large amount of vitamins. Contains vitamins A, B, PP. It is especially worth noting the presence of important vitamin C, which enhances the body’s protective functions during the cold period, which helps to effectively fight viral diseases.
  2. Green onions also include elements necessary for human life. These include potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc. Phosphorus and calcium are needed to maintain normal bone tissue and teeth. The heart needs potassium, which helps the normal functioning of the myocardium. Zinc is useful for restoring immunity. It also helps strengthen nails and hair, maintaining their beauty.
  3. It also contains the substance quercetin. It prevents the development of tumor diseases and is an antioxidant, that is, it fights the aging process of the body.
  4. Finally, onions produce chlorophyll, the beneficial properties of which include participation in the formation of blood. Another beneficial function of chlorophyll is to counteract harmful bacteria.

Ways to grow on a windowsill

  1. Hydroponics- this mysterious term refers to the ordinary and familiar to everyone growing green onions from a bulb in a container of water.
  2. An alternative to growing in water is planting bulbs in a container with soil. This method is more complicated, but the yield will be more substantial and with better nutritional properties.
  3. A new variation of the previous method, invented by inventive housewives, is the so-called onion cactus. It is a five-liter plastic bottle in which the bulbs are placed between layers of soil. Feathers of greenery grow from pre-made holes in the sides of the jar.
  4. Help turn your windowsill into a conveyor belt for growing green onions hydroponic setup. It helps to accelerate growth, and thereby increase productivity.

Rules for growing green onions in water

To get green onions in winter, it is not at all necessary to prepare pots or boxes of soil. Most often, the simplest approach is to use a simple jar of water as a container for the bulb. In addition to the obvious advantage of the method, which is its simplicity, there is another advantage - the absence of dirt on the windowsill.

Preparing the bulbs

To get good green onions, you will need to select bulbs that are not damaged. Heads slightly smaller than the average size are best suited, the diameter of which in cross section will be approximately 4 cm. The tops of the bulbs need to be cut off so that they do not interfere with the emergence of young shoots. Then the heads are placed in heated water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use ash. After 20 minutes they are transferred to cool water. Before planting the bulbs, remove the husks from them.

Preparation for planting - trimming the top

Containers for growing in water

The most suitable containers for these purposes are all kinds of jars, cups or bottles. The main requirement is a neck wide enough to hold the bulb. The container is filled to the top with water so that the bottom of the onion is slightly submerged in it (water). It is not recommended to submerge the bulb heavily in water to avoid rotting of the lower part. Until the roots appear, you will have to make sure that the bottom of the head touches the water and, if necessary, top up.

Not only glass containers are suitable for sprouting onions. You can use transparent food containers. They must be covered on top with a piece of cardboard thick enough to support the weight of the bulbs. You will need to make holes in this cardboard for the onion heads. The container is also filled with water, and the bulbs are planted in the cardboard. In this case, the same rule is followed for shallow immersion of the bulb in water as when planting it in a jar.

On a note! In addition, you can adapt a simple plate for forcing onions. Its bottom should be filled with water. The bulbs are placed tightly and vertically so that the neighboring heads serve as support for them. It is advisable not to allow the onion to submerge in water more than 25%.

When growing green onions in this way, almost half a month can pass from planting to obtaining long feathers. To speed up the process, you can add mineral supplements to the water.

Amount of fertilizer per liter of water

  1. Two teaspoons of mineral complex.
  2. Superphosphate: 2 g, ammonium nitrate: 1.5 g, potassium chloride: 1.5 g.
  3. Wood ash: 5 g.

Important! Fertilizer should be added when roots begin to grow and green shoots appear.

To obtain a harvest of green onions from a jar of water, it is recommended to follow simple principles:

  • the container in which the arrows will be grown must be treated in advance with a weak composition of potassium permanganate;
  • Only the very bottom of the onion head needs to be moistened, avoiding deep immersion in water to avoid rotting;
  • until the roots appear, it is advisable to place containers with onions for forcing greens away from heat sources;
  • During the same period, the water should be renewed 2 times during the day. After the shoots begin to grow, this action must be performed only once a day. If fertilizing is introduced into the water, then the first should be replaced no more than once in 7 days;
  • It is advisable to periodically rinse the roots under running water. The container also needs to be washed when changing moisture;
  • You can prevent onions from rotting if you remove them from the water from time to time and leave them in the air for 3 hours;
  • In order to always have fresh onion shoots on the table, you need to place new onions for germination on the windowsill every 14 days.

Rules for growing green onions in the ground

To force onions and place planting material in the ground, the following measures are required:

  • choosing suitable onion heads;
  • preparing containers for growing - all kinds of containers and boxes, the height of which is more than 7 cm;
  • planting onion sets in the soil with which the container is filled;
  • installing the container on the windowsill.

Landing in the ground

The method of germinating onion feathers in a container with soil differs from the simple method of planting in water.

Lighting and temperature

Green onions love full sun but can't stand heat. Onion seedlings will feel best on well-lit window sills when the windows face south, southeast or southwest.

Important! If it is not possible to place the containers on the sunny side, then it is recommended to install them above them for additional light.

The success of growing green onions also depends on the room temperature. It is not recommended to install seedlings in a hot room where the air is heated above +20°C.

Watering and fertilizing

Running water at room temperature is suitable for watering the bulbs. The water must first be settled. It is enough to water once every 48 hours, avoiding flooding of the roots. Excess moisture can lead to rotting of the root system. Drying out the soil is also undesirable for the plant.

Onion seedlings do not need fertilizer. But a little feeding can still improve the development of green shoots. To do this, the seedlings are watered with a solution of 5 g of ash per liter of water.

There is no need to rush into collecting the first green shoots. Otherwise, the development of the plant may be slowed down. It is advisable to trim onion feathers for the first time no earlier than after 3 weeks. The arrows in the middle do not need to be touched. The harvest of green onions begins by trimming the side feathers.

Constant collection of green onions throughout the winter will be ensured by planting new batches of seedlings in separate containers every 2 weeks. Onion arrows will grow evenly if you expose each side of the container to light in turn.

Step-by-step instructions for growing “onion cactus”

A new original way of forcing onions is the invention of resourceful housewives. It allows you to free up space on the windowsill for other needs, as well as decorate the interior of the kitchen with the help of such “exotics”.

You will need bulbs, a five-liter plastic bottle, a sharp hole-cutting tool, and an all-purpose primer.

Table. Step by step planting guide.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Take a plastic bottle and a tool for cutting circles (here - a heated screw that needs to be held with pliers).

3-centimeter round holes are cut into the container.

The first layer of soil is poured into the container up to the holes. The bulbs are placed so that their tops go into the holes and the roots go deep into the jar.

A new layer of soil is sprinkled on top. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until completely filled.

Several onion seedlings are planted vertically on the surface.

The arrangement of bulbs should be placed on a well-lit windowsill. To ensure that the green shoots grow evenly, it is recommended to periodically expose different sides of the container to the sun. The rules for watering and fertilizing should be the same as for the general case of planting bulbs in the ground. You just need to make sure that the soil does not wash away.

Hydroponic setup

For those who like to enjoy green onions from the garden on the windowsill in winter, special devices have been invented. They operate on the hydroponic principle.

The box is filled with water, and the bulbs are placed in the holes on top so that their lower surface almost does not come into contact with the water. A special compressor forms a suspension of moisture inside the container. This eliminates the possibility of root rotting. It has been noticed that with this method, onion arrows grow much faster.

Video - Growing green onions in a bag

The fact that it is convenient for city residents to grow onions on their windowsill at home is undeniable. He went out onto the balcony, plucked the feathers and continued cooking. Little of. Although this is beneficial, you don’t even need to go far. Step one, two and that's it.

Onions on the windowsill are a real storehouse of vitamins at any time of the year

Green onions at home

It would be difficult to grow tomatoes or cucumbers on a windowsill, much less potatoes and cabbage, but what could be difficult about growing onions or herbs at home? You can plant onions on plumes or bulbs. Both types can be grown. There is little time spent on care and constant access to a plant containing a large dose of vitamins. What is the benefit of having this growing in your home?

Green onions on the windowsill are not a curiosity, they are a common occurrence. In an urban environment and the hustle and bustle of always busy people, you can rarely afford to maintain a plot of land for many years. And plant onions in a pot at home for the purpose of growing an onion.

It’s easy to grow onions on a windowsill. There are several types to plant onions at home:

  • cultivation using land;
  • growing a house on a substrate;
  • growing in water.

As we can see, there is nothing fundamentally new here. The substrate includes fine gravel and sand. Using this material you can do the same as on the ground. It is recommended to fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers and add fertilizer based on rotted sawdust. The green harvest that your garden will give you is no different from the productivity of sowing at home. The only difference may be the scale. In indoor conditions, the volume of sowing depends only on how much your square meters will allow you. But it’s worth spending your time on these actions in order to always be provided with fresh onions and sources of vitamins both in winter and summer.

The easiest way to grow green onions is in the ground

Growing feathers on water is easy. It is enough to select onions of the same size and place them so that the water covers only the roots of the vegetable. Otherwise, the process of rotting will begin, and you can’t expect success from the process.

There is also a hydroponics method, when the bulb is covered with water by one-fourth. And as it is absorbed, it is added. Some people are distrustful of this technique and try to resort to traditional methods using soil or substrates. Although the effectiveness of all these methods is the same. On water, seedlings form even earlier.

The material chosen for planting, meaning the bulb, is washed under water and a hot solution of manganese, and then peeled. Due to the absence of shoots on the head, it is cut off by one and a half centimeters.

Place all the material in a container in close proximity, and transfer the onion in water to the windowsill. Planting in the ground involves similar steps; you don’t have to peel the bulbs, and they are placed at a certain distance from each other.

Potassium permanganate will protect the bulbs from rotting

How to grow onions

Just as it is easy to plant onions in the garden, it is also easy to plant them at home. The only difference is that the volume of planting in your garden is more expensive and methodical.

In the garden, it is necessary to carry out a number of sequential actions in preparing the soil for planting. First, a satisfactory plot is selected in the garden, where onion-friendly predecessors were previously planted. After this, the garden plot is processed:

  1. The soil in the garden is plowed.
  2. Remove weeds and kill pests.
  3. Divide the garden plot into holes and water it, adding fertilizer.

It is easier to plant onions at home than to invest time and effort into planting them in the garden. You can plant both seeds and bulbs in your garden. At home, it is better to grow feathers from bulbs planted in a container. Although there is no problem in growing it from seeds or seedlings.

It’s easy to grow vegetables of interest at home in winter.

If you grow a product in a substrate, it is filled with water one centimeter above the level of the substrate. Grow quickly on substrate and soil. There is not much difference in growing food on different materials.

Green onions can be obtained throughout the year

When the planting material bears fruit in winter, it is transferred to the balcony. Before sprouting, it is stored in a warm place. The first arrows are cut off at the tips so that the growth of the arrows does not stop.

It is better to place the container with seedlings on the south side of the balcony. The plant is light-loving, but does not tolerate heat. If you have a shadowy side in your apartment, don’t despair. Just provide the seedlings with fluorescent lamps.

While growing plants can be done quickly, many inexperienced home farmers may be hesitant to attempt such an endeavor. Yes, you will need to devote a little time to quickly grow the long-awaited feathers from your small garden. But by ensuring that all standards and sequence of actions are followed, you will achieve the expected result in a short time.

We all lack vitamins in winter; vitamin deficiency is now common both in winter and in early spring. Seedlings of onions and other greens growing on your windowsill provide you with reliable protection and provide you with stable immunity to various diseases.

The plant contains vitamin C and many other vitamins and microelements that provide you with reliable protection against harmful bacteria.

Provide the plant with regular watering, timely fertilizer and properly plant onions on your windowsill to get a generous harvest of a fortified plant.

Onions are a common product on our table, we eat them as a snack, add them to any dishes in different forms: from heat-treated to fresh onions. There is no difficulty in growing onions at home, so why not start growing this crop at home.

One of the most ancient vegetable crops is onion. It began to be cultivated more than 5 thousand years ago. In both summer and winter, you can buy this spicy additive in a store or market. But its taste cannot be compared with greens grown independently. Many will be interested in learning how to grow onions on a windowsill.

How to plant onions at home on the windowsill?

By growing onions at home, you can be sure that they do not contain any chemicals or other harmful substances. You can pick fresh herbs at any time and use them for cooking. And the healing properties of onions are known to everyone. Thanks to vitamins and microelements, this seasoning can relieve vitamin deficiency, improve digestion and strengthen the immune system. There are two known ways to grow green onions on a windowsill: on the ground and in water.

Onions from seeds at home on the windowsill

Anyone can grow onions from seeds on a windowsill at home. However, from sowing to the first harvest it will take about one and a half to two months. If you still decide to grow this spicy herb “from scratch”, then for this you need to purchase nigella - this is the name given to small onion seeds that are black in color. It is better to buy them in a specialized store, although you can also find them on the market.

Onion seeds are soaked overnight in water. The next night - in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. After this procedure, you can proceed directly to sowing. Onion seeds grow best in a mixture of 2 parts coconut fiber and 1 part vermicompost. It is imperative to place it at the bottom of the container. The soil mixture is poured on top. The seeds are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. The pot with the seeds should be covered with cellophane. The temperature should be maintained between 18-25°C.

After 2 weeks, onion shoots will appear. By this time, the shelter should be removed and the temperature reduced to 12-18°C. During the first month, onion seedlings will grow slowly. In winter, it is advisable to use backlighting to extend daylight hours by several hours. Seedlings must be watered carefully. In winter, watering can be reduced so as not to overwater weak plants.

Onions on the windowsill - planting the bulb

Want to know how to plant onions on a windowsill? You can get this spice at home in another way - by planting an onion. In this case, the onion will be ready for cutting in 2-3 weeks. To plant the bulbs, you need to choose small ones, without scratches or other defects. First they are soaked for 20 minutes. in water at a temperature of about 50°C. The soil for the bulbs should be loose and fertile. The bulbs must be planted so that the bottom with future roots is in the ground, and the main part is outside.

Fresh green onions can be obtained with proper plant care:

  • Bulbs need to be grown in good light;
  • for irrigation, use water at room temperature, standing for 24 hours;
  • do not over-moisten the soil to avoid the appearance of rot;
  • excessively high air temperature slows down the growth of onions;
  • do not cut off the first feathers of the onion, as this may stop the growth of the bulb;
  • As a rule, you can grow onions on a windowsill in this way within 2 months. Later, the greens become tasteless and not juicy.

How to grow green onions on a windowsill?

Since onions are a light-loving plant, growing onions on a windowsill is the most convenient way to obtain this spicy herb. To force onions to grow, they are planted in January, since until this time the bulbs are dormant. If you want to get greens for the New Year’s table, then the planting material must be “awakened” in advance. There are several methods for this:

  1. Since autumn, the bulbs should be kept in the refrigerator or in a cold cellar for their stratification.
  2. Before planting, the tops of the bulbs are cut off, but if there are sprouts that have hatched, they are not touched. This method will help increase the number of green feathers.
  3. Rapid germination will be facilitated by keeping the bulbs in a humid environment until tubercles form on the bottoms, under which the rudiments of roots develop.

Onions in a pot on the windowsill - soil

In order to grow onions on a windowsill in the ground, you need to take care of the soil mixture in advance. The soil taken from the garden must be calcined in the oven for disinfection, and then spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Ready-to-use soil can also be purchased at a specialized store. The container for growing onions should not be too shallow. It must have drainage holes for water drainage. Having two or three containers and planting bulbs in them with a difference of 7-10 days, you can harvest onions using a conveyor belt.

How to grow onions on a windowsill - watering

When growing onions for greens on a windowsill, we must not forget about watering them regularly. To do this, use slightly warm, settled water. You can water the planted bulbs with rain or melt water. If you grow onions on a windowsill in the summer, you can spray the green feather. Be careful not to get moisture directly on the bulbs, otherwise they may rot. To protect the onion container from overheating, you can wrap it in foil.

How to feed onions on the windowsill?

Many people strive to grow onions without using any fertilizers. However, some owners are interested in the question of how to fertilize green onions on the windowsill. To do this, you can use a complex fertilizer that has an NPK value of 10-10-10. The fertilizer must be diluted according to the instructions and used without exceeding the dosage. When used, the liquid is drawn into a syringe and carefully injected into the soil.

Onions on the windowsill in winter - lighting

If you want to learn how to grow green onions on a windowsill in winter, then you need to remember that daylight hours are short at this time. Therefore, to successfully grow spicy herbs, it is necessary to use special lighting with fluorescent lamps. Natural light can be enhanced by installing narrow and tall mirrors on both sides of the window. They will reflect the rays of the sun and direct them to the growing onions.

Onions on the windowsill - ideas

Growing green onions on a windowsill is a useful and fun activity. After all, without leaving home, you can pick juicy spicy herbs at any time. In addition to traditional cultivation in the ground, there are several interesting ideas on how to grow onions at home on a windowsill. Using them, you can create an original garden bed in your kitchen, which will both bring benefits and serve as an excellent decoration for the room.

How to grow onions on a windowsill in water?

We learned how to grow onions on a windowsill in soil, but you can also do this in water. Select medium-sized bulbs, peel them from the upper scales. If there are no sprouts that have hatched, then you need to cut off the top of the bulb by 1.5 cm. Place the prepared bulbs bottoms down in a shallow container, placing them closely vertically. Fill the bulbs with warm water to one quarter of their size and place the container on the windowsill. As the water level drops, you need to add it using settled tap water.

You can grow onions in water on a windowsill in cups or small jars. You need to prepare the onion as in the previous case, and then install each one in the hole of the container. If the onion is smaller than the diameter of the cup, you can cut a circle out of cardboard with a hole in the middle, place it on the container, and place the onion on top. You need to pour in so much water that the bottom of the onion is only slightly hidden under the liquid. Add water as needed and wait for the harvest.

Onions in sawdust on the windowsill

Growing onions on a windowsill in sawdust is almost no different from the technology in the ground. Any sawdust will do, except coniferous ones, which will give the greens an unpleasant aftertaste. Before planting, wood waste must be poured with boiling water. After cooling, the excess water must be drained and the bulbs placed tightly on such a substrate. It should be remembered that sawdust is highly permeable to water, so watering it should be slow and gradual. Otherwise, the moisture will evaporate quickly.

Onions in a bottle on the windowsill

Another interesting option for growing onions in an apartment is to use a plastic bottle. This method requires a container with a volume of 3-5 liters. We cut the neck of the bottle so that the onion can easily fit into the resulting hole. We make holes of a smaller diameter on the sides of the container: the onion should not pass through them. When cutting out the next hole, be sure to try on an onion that fits it in size. After this, pour soil onto the bottom of the bottle, level with the bottom hole.

We insert the bulbs into the holes with the bottoms inward and the growing point outward. We gradually cover them with earth. Watering for such planting is carried out in layers. When all the bulbs are inserted into the holes and the container is filled with soil, the neck of the bottle can be returned to its original place or the last bulb can be planted on top. The container must be placed on a pallet.

We learned how to grow onions on a windowsill in a bottle. Instead of soil, you can place sawdust, paper napkins, or toilet paper in a plastic container. Midges and various infections will not appear in such substrates. Another advantage of this method is that in a small container you can grow a much larger crop compared to conventional methods.

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