Choosing a CRM: how to make the right decision? CRM systems.

Many people ask the question: “How to choose a CRM?”, and end the implementation of sales automation with this question. Hundreds of offers on the market simply “blow” the mind. We have tested more than 50 CRMs and are ready to provide you with an algorithm for choosing a CRM and what questions need to be answered before making this irreversible choice. Why is it so irreversible? Because the company will have a very small chance to re-implement CRM.

If the leader and managers do not start working effectively in the system, there is a high probability that the next implementation will not happen due to skepticism.

Factors influencing the choice of CRM:

1. Warehouse and accounting system

If an enterprise has a warehouse system and managers must ship products in stock, it is optimal to do this in the same system, since transferring information from one system to another will require additional time and financial costs. But “finishing” the warehouse program can take a very long time. Then, as a temporary solution, you can use a simple and inexpensive “cloud” CRM to attract new clients, and after final setup, transfer clients from it to your modified system.

2. The company’s product range

If a company has a product range of more than 100 items and 2 levels of catalog nesting, then 1C CRM is most likely needed, since transferring information from 1C to another CRM will require additional investment and speed of implementation. If the assortment is small and not strictly regulated, then the manager does not need to use 1C; he can use any other CRM.

3. Pricing principle

If there is a fixed price for a product, fixed in 1C and the manager does not have the right to give discounts or can only give discounts within a limited framework, strictly tied to the volume, then for unity of accounting it is most optimal to work with 1C CRM.

4. Sales business process. Degree of automation.

If the business process is quite easy to formalize and 80-90% of sales follow a clear algorithm in which deadlines can be fixed, then it is optimal to use a CRM system that allows you to build a strict sales business process. If the sales process is difficult to formalize, then it is optimal to consolidate the manager’s actions only in instructions. The complexity of the sales business process determines the complexity of the CRM system.

5. Number of potential customers in the market

A large number of clients require their rapid processing and entry. If a manager makes 50 cold calls a day, then you need to be able to quickly enter clients into the database. In our opinion, AMOCRM is optimally suited for this. Adding a large number of new clients to 1C CRM will take up a significant amount of time in a manager’s working day.

6. Regularity of customer purchases

If transactions are one-time, then a simple system is sufficient. If analytics on positions, volumes, etc. is required, then 1C CRM is optimally suited for these functions.

7. Percentage of gray turnover at the enterprise

If there is “gray cash” in the company, then managers are afraid to entrust to a third party (in cloud CRM the client’s databases are located on the provider’s servers) with their information for storage and give preference only to server solutions located in their office. Although the office can be sealed by order of the tax office, and access to the provider’s server can be provided only by court decision.

8. Principle of calculating bonuses for managers

If manager bonuses are calculated as a percentage of plan fulfillment, then it is optimal to make calculations in the same system where financial transactions take place. And information not entered into CRM should result in non-receipt of the bonus.

9. Number of managers in the company

The number of sales managers and the complexity of the personnel structure directly affects the manageability of the system and the cost of its implementation. A small number of managers with a flat management structure will allow you to use the simplest CRM.

10. Budget allocated for automation.

The most budget option is AMOCRM - cheap rent, and 0 rubles. for implementation. Megaplan - reasonable rental price and 40,000 rubles. implementation. 1C requires the purchase of licenses for 1C itself plus the cost of CRM licenses + modifications for the client’s tasks - 20,000 - 300,000 rubles.

Which CRM system to choose?

We carried out practical work with several dozen CRMs and actually reduced the choice to three systems. AMOCRM turned out to be the most reliable and simplest. But there is a range of problems that it is not able to solve.

The implemented CRMs were distributed as follows:

      • AMOCRM - 75% of implemented projects;
      • 1C CRM - 20%
      • Megaplan - 4%

1. AMOCRM - characteristics

AMOCRM– implemented in 127 seconds. Initial setup for the company will complete 80% of the tasks within 2 days. Customization for 90% of tasks within 1 month of operation.

The system is clear and easy to use, there is nothing superfluous in it and the process of entering a client is no more complicated than in Excel.

But AMO has several elements that cannot be implemented:

      • No product catalogue;
      • There is no division into groups within the department;
      • No storage module;
      • Inconvenient project management after the sale has been completed;
      • There is no option to automatically issue an invoice.

This is not a problem for 75% of small and medium-sized businesses. For those whose sales are related to a specific product lying in the warehouse, we use 1C.

2. 1C CRM - characteristics

1 CCRM or 1C, configured for client management. The implementation of the system takes from a week to two months, this will cover 70% of the tasks, covering up to 95% of the needs will take up to six months.

3. Megaplan - characteristics

Megaplan also requires implementation, of course not as complex as in 1C, but not as simple as in AMO. The megaplan is more difficult to understand for a manager, technical failures occur more often, and freezes occur periodically. But Megaplan allows you to manage projects after the sale, allows you to distribute rights with a more ramified enterprise structure and an advanced system for grouping and managing tasks, which allows you to structure the management of projects.

Regardless of which program you choose, when implementing CRM, remember that CRM is just a tool. And to understand how to use it most effectively is only possible after working in it for some time.

If you want to implement the system and make it work, we will be glad to hear from you.

In the age of rapid computerization, no one will be surprised by the automation of business processes. Warehouse and accounting have become commonplace, but interaction with clients in the old fashioned way is not taken into account, but this would help optimize the cooperation process. There are CRM systems for this – what they are is described below.

What is a CRM system

The concept comes from the English language - Customer Relationship Management System - and literally means a customer relationship management system. A literal translation cannot convey the entire description, so you should look into it in more detail. It is impossible to define the meaning of a CRM system in one word, since it is not even a software product, but a business planning model with the client at the center.

To implement this process, information is collected about each client of the company, and then used to build effective relationships with him. A business would not be effective if it did not prioritize making a profit, and the implementation of a CRM system brings dividends from working with clients. An individual cooperation program with each customer helps to retain existing customers and expand the base by attracting new ones.

The CRM is part of the company's unified database and is a complex architecture. This helps automate the processes of working with customers, as a result of which the company is able to offer the client certain products or services exactly at the time when he needs them. This concept, which puts the consumer first and not the product, makes the company competitive in the market.

The architecture of the CRM system consists of the following modules:

  • front part (provides service at points of sale);
  • operational part;
  • data store;
  • analytical subsystem;
  • distributed sales support system.

Free CRM system

The price of systems varies greatly, but on websites you can find free CRM systems, some of which are provided free of charge for permanent use, while others are only available for testing. Among the common ones are the following:

A free CRM system designed for sales departments, it has a simple and user-friendly interface. Great for integrating several departments into a single database for more effective monitoring of employees, scheduling their work and collecting all the necessary statistics. Thanks to the CRM system, it is possible to create a customer database that will reflect all contacts with him. She records phone calls for later analysis.


A CRM system designed for centralized analysis of the operation of an enterprise and control of employees, as well as for maintaining a common database of clients and sales, preserving the entire history of cooperation. It has several subsections where you can deal with personnel issues, control and distribution of financial flows, and plan tasks.

Monitor CRM Free (Lite)

The CRM system has expanded functionality. Carries out management of economic activities and its analysis. Does not require additional software, but is designed for one employee.

Quick Sales Free

It is a single-user application with which you can maintain a database of customer and sales lists.

Why do you need CRM?

It is important for the company to ensure coordinated work of all departments with clients. At this stage, it becomes clear why a CRM system is needed. Its implementation facilitates the organization of a joint approach to each customer, when in practice, for the most part, these departments work separately. The company only benefits from such mutually beneficial cooperation, since working in one direction and in one direction not only increases the company’s profit by reducing costs, but also helps plan the company’s future strategy.

Principles of a CRM system

Interaction between departments allows you to attract new clients and not lose old ones. This happens because each employee, accessing a single database, has the opportunity to see a detailed and complete picture of the buyer, on the basis of which a decision is made that will be reflected in this database. All this is possible when the basic principles of CRM systems are followed:

  • The existence of a common center where information is stored.
  • The ability to interact with clients through all available communication channels: from telephone to social networks.
  • Conducting ongoing analysis of the collected information to make decisions on the company's future activities.

Goals of the CRM system

If we talk about the goal of introducing CRM systems as a stage of management development, then customer satisfaction will come first, since the influx of new customers while maintaining existing ones helps the company to develop intensively by increasing the number of sales. This can be achieved by analyzing the relationship between the company and clients, maintaining a competent and balanced tariff policy and using the right trading tools.

Implementation of CRM

To begin with, you should carefully study the offerings on the market, paying more attention to those products that are widely used. The implementation of CRM systems will require training of employees, and in order for this process to proceed as quickly as possible, it is worth choosing programs with a simple and easy-to-understand interface. In addition, entering information into the database should not be difficult or time-consuming, since there is a risk that company employees will refuse to work with it.

Before you finally purchase the chosen CRM system, it is recommended to use the trial version, which in practice will help you understand how convenient it is to use the program. The more employees are involved in the process, the more effective the testing will be. In the process, you can identify missing functions that can be purchased from developers.

CRM for small businesses

Since a small business does not have a lot of cash, at the initial stage it is extremely important to identify the functionality necessary for work. The right decision would be to purchase a CRM system designed for sales. It is good if this program has a free period of use, since you can personally verify the need to use this product.

A CRM system for small businesses should be simple and inexpensive. Priority should be given to those who have the ability to work via the Internet, interact with mailing services, and IP telephony. You should not buy CRM systems that contain a large number of functions that are unnecessary for running a business. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. WireCRM.
  2. AmoCRM.
  3. Megaplan.
  4. Client base.

CRM system for business

The development of cloud technologies has contributed to the effective implementation of CRM for large businesses. Development can be carried out according to the characteristics of a single company. The system is used at all stages of business activity, helps to carefully analyze the entire process and properly organize the work of the company and its employees. With the help of CRM systems, it is possible to record and plan not only sales, but also the material resources of the enterprise. They make it possible to conduct the right marketing policy based on data analysis.

Types of CRM systems

If we determine what CRM systems there are, then depending on the functionality we can distinguish the following types:

  • sales management;
  • marketing management;
  • management of customer service and call centers.

Rating of CRM systems

What can influence the choice of a CRM system? Firstly, the presence of certain functions that are present in the program. Secondly, it is ease of use and return percentage. The ability to use the product anywhere, successful organization of work for company employees and the ability to plan business activities make the CRM system an indispensable assistant in running a business. The market offers a large number of solutions for small businesses, large enterprises and corporations:

  • AmoCRM. Designed for small and medium businesses. You can use it for free in test mode for the first two weeks. Used to work with clients. It is possible to use a mobile application to work anywhere via the Internet.
  • Bitrix24. There is no possibility of test use. More suitable for large companies. Using a CRM system, you can not only segment clients, but also plan working hours and maintain contact with employees. Two possibilities for using the system have been developed: through installation or online.
  • Pipedrive. There is a free trial for the first month. The program interface is very convenient and suitable for running any business. Focusing on small and medium-sized businesses, the developers have done everything possible to eliminate unnecessary functions from the CRM system, concentrating on sales. Operates via the cloud based on services using the SaaS model.
  • Megaplan. A demo version is available for the first two weeks of operation. Ideal for small and medium businesses. Helps monitor the implementation of assigned tasks for company employees, maintain a client base and effectively plan business processes. Installed on the company server or works via the Internet.

Price of CRM systems

The full price of the CPM-system is calculated individually. In general terms, the price can be represented as a combination of several parameters - the cost of a license, implementation, training and additional functions. The cost of introducing a product can be up to three times the cost of a license, but in most cases companies offer it at the level of 20-50%. Some include the cost of implementation in the cost of the license. Prices for consulting services start at $25 per hour. Training of specialists and administrators depends on individual approaches.

Price for CRM systems manufactured in Russia and foreign analogues excluding promotions (selectively):

How the CRM system works

The work of the CRM is simple; the only thing that needs to be done is to constantly fill and update the database. To do this, you need to enter tasks here and display information about received calls and letters from clients. You need to complete as many tasks as you can and try not to postpone tasks to a later time. Analysis should be constantly carried out in order to improve the company's performance.

CRM manager

The position of a specialist includes a number of activities, among which are the following:

  • database management, keeping it up to date;
  • interaction with clients and company employees;
  • making a CRM decision;
  • conducting marketing projects, evaluating effectiveness.

CRM client base

Application software automates the workflow. With its help, you can monitor the completion of tasks by employees in the context of the entire company as a whole. The complex organizes customer relationship management: it stores information about each contact, accepts applications, and makes mailings. This version of the CRM system has the ability to work with documentation and create reports.

CRM marketing

At the first stages, CRM for sales was created. Since the sale of goods is tied to consumers, marketing is actively involved in this. With its help, all knowledge about customer behavior is built, thereby exploring the needs of current and future customers. Ultimately, after analyzing all previous purchases, their quantity and expression of interest in them, a specific offer is developed for a potential client.

Video: CRM program

We build effective relationships with clients.

The abbreviation CRM (Customer Relationship Management) translates as “customer relationship management system.” A system is a service that allows you to systematize the information the user works with. Such programs can be called databases, which, if necessary, will remind you when you need to sign a contract or send a letter to the client.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a CRM?

The best CRMs are those that optimize the work of sellers and marketers as much as possible: they build sales funnels and issue analytical reports. Today there are many such complexes, but before you make a choice in favor of one system or another, you need to understand for what purposes you need it.

Before purchasing a CRM, you should study reviews from business executives and sales managers. Feedback will help you navigate the variety of software and make the best choice. The choice of CRM depends not only on its functionality, but also on how convenient it is to work with it, whether it is possible to plan tasks and generate reports on ready-made transactions. Also, before making a choice, study licensing issues. If you have previously decided which CRM to choose, implement its demo version and see how effective working with it will be.

In this material we present an overview of the CRMs that are most often used in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

CRM System "Freshoffice"

CRM called Freshoffice allows you to differentiate between work with individuals and legal entities. This process is implemented through the ability to maintain two types of cards, to which you can add new fields.

User reviews of freshoffice highlight the following advantages of this complex:

  • Availability of a softphone, which, in addition to standard functions, allows for free conferences between two offices.
  • Built-in “FastReport” constructor, which allows you to create simple documents and complex tables with formulas and selection functions.
  • A convenient list of orders that makes it possible to track processes that were not completed on time.
  • Each action is confirmed by a characteristic internal message, for example: “The client has been transferred,” “You have been entrusted with the task.”

CRM System "Client Base"

Client Base is one of the most popular complexes for small businesses, allowing you to create almost any tables and differentiate access rights to various data sets.

The Client Base program has the following advantages:

  • Availability of a designer with which you can customize the system for any business.
  • A special configuration store where entrepreneurs can purchase ready-made modules for clinics, communication shops and other types of businesses.
  • Possibility to try a free version that can be used by small business owners (no more than 10 people, 500 customers).

If you want to choose a client base system for running a business, reviews from experienced users will help you with this. Managers who use this complex characterize it positively and highlight such an advantage as the ability to group clients by activity level.

CRM System« amoCRM»

This complex was first introduced in 2008; it is popular among users largely due to the simplicity of the interface and control. AmoCRM also differs from other systems in that the backbone here is not client files, but transaction information files.

Other advantages include:

  • Displays the number of calls (for the manager) that each manager made.
  • Report on meetings held and deals concluded.
  • Events report. Allows the manager to see all the changes that were made over the past day.
  • Integration with services that send emails and SMS.

AmoCRM is available for use in one of four paid versions, or one free version with limited functionality. A special “Business Solution” offer is also offered, which includes setting up and implementing the complex in a specific company and a three-month subscription, during which you can use the maximum range of functions.

CRM System« bitrix24»

CRM "Bitrix24" was developed by 1C-Bitrix and released to the market in 2012. User reviews of bitrix24 emphasize that with the help of this complex you can take into account current and potential clients, suppliers, and even those to whom you sent your press release.

The system is popular due to the following positive aspects:

  • The system can be integrated into an online store and work with orders right there.
  • Integrated lists of goods and services.
  • Integration with an electronic mailbox is possible - data from CRM letters will be entered into the required fields.
  • Prompt assignment of tasks to sales specialists.

Despite all the convenience of Bitrix24, there are also shortcomings in the system. The main one is the inability to track the dynamics of the project’s development. Specifically, you will not be able to separately display the list of goods that were offered to the client during the transaction process. It is also impossible to assign several managers to one transaction.

CRM System "Megaplan"

The Megaplan project management system was released in 2008. In it you will find the tools you need to automate sales, planning and working with clients. Megaplan CRM can be tested for free for 30 days, then you will have to pay. Using the full paid version costs 750 rubles per month. There is also a free version of CRM-Free, but its functionality allows you to register 7 employees in the system, and only 3 people can work in it at the same time. Also, the free version allows you to simultaneously manage only 50 projects. But, despite this, reviews from users of the Megaplan system say that it is ideal for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.

The advantages of CRM-Megaplan include the following:

  • The work of each manager will be monitored by the transaction management function.
  • Receiving full reporting for each counterparty.
  • Convenient processing of business calls and meetings.

The implementation of a CRM system should help create long-term relationships with clients, and with the help of such complexes the work process itself can be simplified. Such a system will make it impossible for several sales employees to call the same client.

Today there are many CRMs for stores and other types of businesses, the most popular of which we have already reviewed. Programs can be divided into those that need to be installed on the server and cloud systems.

  • Classic systems are located on your server, and you can modify the program code to suit your requirements at any time.
  • With cloud-based systems (SAAS), the software resides with the vendor and you log into the system via the Internet. When working with such a complex, you cannot change the product, and work will also be disrupted if the Internet suddenly turns off. The advantages include the fact that you do not need to monitor system updates and purchase a server.

Free CRMs for business on the market target a single number of users and cannot be implemented in a large company. Also, a free CRM may work slowly if there are too many records entered into the database.

Users themselves say that among free CRMs for sales, Monitor CRM has proven itself best. There is a paid option, but even with limited functionality, the CRM system free of charge allows you to keep detailed records of clients, as well as take into account competitors’ prices for this product, which allows the enterprise’s marketing service to respond quickly.

Also pay attention to how simple the CRM will be installed at the managers’ workstations. The simpler the program, the faster and more productive your employees will work. Before using a CRM system in an enterprise, be sure to check with the developers what your costs will be if you need to make changes to the program code. You also need to find out how much you will have to pay extra if the number of employees increases. Calculate future expenses, and based on the data obtained, you can choose the optimal CRM system for yourself.

After I wrote the article, I began to receive questions from readers about the operation of CRM, the functionality of a particular system, possible additions and add-ons.

At the same time, many questions turned out to be of the same type and were even completely duplicated in letters and comments from different people. That’s why I decided to write a small FAQ, i.e. a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers to them.

I would like to remind you right away that any CRM system exists only for sales management; it is a system for automating and monitoring relationships with clients. It can be compared to a counter or showcase. Here you can see what the seller and the product look like, what receipts were on different days, what the customers’ reaction was to this or that offer.

Everything that goes beyond the scope of directly working with clients is a back office, the functions of which have nothing to do with the CRM system. This is very important for understanding my answers and working with the CRM system in principle. I work with small and medium businesses. This is also important for understanding my answers and the advice I give here.

So, let's get straight to the questions.

Is it possible to maintain orders in the CRM system?

No. There are other software products for working with orders.

What is usually meant by this question? People want the manager, in the process of telephone communication with the client, to immediately create an order in the CRM system, reserve certain goods from the balance for this order, and, if necessary, place an order with the supplier.

These functions relate to the accounting system, and they are simply not provided for in the CRM system. It would seem that the order is part of the sales process. But at the same time, inventory balances, mutual settlements, orders to suppliers - all this relates to the accounting system used in your company.

Is it possible to take into account sales and everything connected with them in a CRM system?

No! If you buy a CRM system as a software product, it does not provide such extensive accounting functionality.

As with the previous question, you will need an ERP system to record your sales.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an organizational strategy for integrating production and operations, human resources management, financial management and asset management, focused on the continuous balancing and optimization of enterprise resources through a specialized integrated application software package that provides a common data model and processes for all areas of activity. An ERP system is a specific software package that implements an ERP strategy.


Is it possible to use foreign services due to updates to the personal data law that came into force on September 1, 2015?

A lot of questions related to changes in the Federal Law on Personal Data have recently arisen. Let me remind you that on September 1, 2015, requirements for storing confidential information of citizens of the Russian Federation on servers located in Russia came into force.

What could this law mean for users of CRM systems? So far, the requirements of this law are so vague and complex that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer as to how this will turn out for users of a particular system. Almost all specialists and users are in standby mode.

What can be done in such a situation and what to choose? I believe that you need to choose the system that suits you. Without regard to the country of origin. On the one hand, it is not a fact that all Russian CRM systems are located on Russian servers. On the contrary, it is reliably known that many Russian developers actively use foreign resources due to their reliability and at the same time favorable prices. Therefore, even if you buy a Russian system, it is not a fact that your data will be stored on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is also not very clear what is meant by “confidential information”. There are certain clarifications, but most of them are advisory in nature. In general, at this stage, the operation of this law raises more questions than answers.

I personally believe that choosing a CRM system depends entirely on your tastes and needs. So far, there has not been a single case of any claims being made against CRM systems and other similar commercial projects. Moreover, if you are a small or medium-sized business (and I work with these segments), you have nothing to worry about at all. You are too small and uninteresting for our regulatory authorities in this matter. I think that they will be occupied by large companies and websites for a very long time. Therefore, you can work calmly, as before.

How expensive or cheap will it be to implement a CRM system? And how to calculate its payback? How to understand whether it is needed or not?

Every businessman strives to calculate in advance the economic benefits and feasibility of introducing a new product. Therefore, these questions are quite natural. How to determine how beneficial a CRM system will be for you?

I propose the following formula: take the volume (amount) of sales and divide by the number of managers. This gives you the average amount of income that one manager brings to your company. For example, it will be 30,000 rubles. Now compare this amount with a CRM system license for 1 computer, let’s say it will be 3,000 rubles. It is clear that the costs of optimizing the work of the sales department are not comparable to income. And the CRM system will be an additional plus, which, with proper management, will help increase the amount of income and make the work of managers more efficient. And if your manager brings you about 20,000 rubles on average, and the system you choose requires a monthly payment of up to 10,000 rubles per workplace, then you should think about whether you need this system? Most likely, you should look for a cheaper option or do without CRM altogether.

In general, a CRM system is convenient for managers, as it helps them automate part of their work, serves at the same time as a reference book, an organizer, and an assistant in optimizing their personal work process. CRM is also an excellent analytical tool for a manager, which provides high-quality indicators of the sales department’s performance and helps identify “weak spots” in the work process. When used correctly, CRM will help increase efficiency and, as a result, sales volumes. But it is important to remember that CRM is not a panacea, but just another working tool, and if your turnover does not allow for painless implementation and use of it, the best solution would be to find a less expensive solution and postpone the use of CRM for the future.

Is the statement true: “CRM is about sales, and we have been in sales for a long time, so we can handle the implementation of CRM ourselves”?

No! I heard this statement quite often from my clients at the stage of deciding to use a CRM system, but later they turned to me for help. A significant role in the formation of this opinion is played by the manufacturers of CRM systems themselves, who write that during the implementation process everything is intuitive.

In fact, this is not so: like any software product, CRM has its own implementation features, its own advantages and disadvantages. And if you want to effectively implement a CRM system, you need to turn to specialists. You can often find such a specialist directly on the manufacturer’s website.

I highly recommend: do not fall into the illusion that implementing CRM is very easy. Don’t buy into phrases like “Less time, more sales.” All CRM systems are not a ready-made system, they are a constructor that you must first customize for yourself.

On the issue of unsuccessful implementation of CRM systems

Clients often ask about successful experiences in implementing CRM systems. But in addition to this, I also talk about unsuccessful cases, because I believe that it is very important to understand not only what leads to success, but also what leads to failure.

So, what leads to failure:

  1. General level of training of managers. The first who will resist the implementation of a CRM system are the heads of sales departments, no matter how strange it may sound. As a rule, the idea of ​​using a CRM system belongs to a business owner who wants to increase the transparency of managers’ work and evaluate their work from an objective point of view, as opposed to the subjective opinion given by the head of the sales department. For a business owner, CRM is a control tool that makes it possible to be less dependent on the head of the sales department. For the head of the sales department, it is important to maintain the status quo. Also, the implementation of CRM reveals the general unpreparedness of personnel for changes in the company. There is such an indicator as labor productivity - with the implementation of a CRM system, labor productivity increases. But the intensity of work also increases, because in the same period of time a larger amount of work needs to be done, as management control increases. Many employees can't stand it and leave.
    Often, a boycott occurs at enterprises: active or passive - you can read more about this in my article “Implementation of a software product. Features of the work of a business consultant. Part III. Final »
  2. Lack of funds. If you are starting to implement CRM, you need to calculate your financial capabilities. There was a case in my practice when a client refused implementation because he was not ready to spend. As I wrote above, many people think that they can cope with the implementation on their own, but during the work many technical issues arise that require contacting specialists, and therefore entail additional costs. You need to be prepared for this and calculate your financial capabilities.
  3. Unprepared for technical difficulties . Clients often expect quick implementation of CRM. In practice, everything may take longer, and you also need to be prepared for this. This is due to some technical issues. This is especially true for the integration of CRM systems and accounting systems. You need to understand that there are no ready-made integration modules; they are created, as they say, for the client. And accordingly, after creating the integration, a test period is also required to verify it. Not all of my clients were ready for this; they didn’t want to wait, but wanted to get everything at once.
  4. No CRM system needed at all . One of my clients implemented a CRM system, but after a short period of time they stopped using the system as unnecessary. It turned out that the client has 7-8 transactions per week, and this is not such a voluminous material for analytics. Therefore, in order not to waste time and money, carefully analyze your business in order to understand whether you need a CRM


  • Sales management
  • crm system
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Introduction. Why do you need CRM?

To increase sales, you need to make the customer happy, come back and buy again. And this can only be achieved by attention, fulfillment of promises, impeccable service - that is, ideal work.

A CRM system is exactly what you need to ensure that your sales department works as well as a Swiss watch, and your clients return to you again and again.

This is a good working tool that keeps records of clients and transactions, helps monitor the work of employees and analyze sales results. Ultimately, a smart program helps you earn more. These are not just words: the consulting company Capterra conducted a survey of 500 companies and found that CRM implementation really increases profits.

But! Such results can only be achieved if you choose the right program.

What to look for when choosing a CRM

Domestic developers alone offer several hundred CRM solutions, and only business consultants and other professionals can navigate this diversity. But what should those who are new to the IT market do? To begin with, narrow down your search by deciding on the basic requirements for the system.

1. Universal programs or sectoral ones?

This is the first question you should ask yourself. Most CRM systems are universal and suitable for the average sales department. However, sometimes such functionality is not enough. For example, a realtor needs to maintain a database of real estate properties, and a private clinic needs an interactive calendar to record clients. Most generic CRMs don't have these features, and if you need specific capabilities, it's worth considering industry-specific solutions. There are special systems for the banking sector, real estate, logistics, as well as many programs for the service sector: beauty salons, insurance and legal agencies, fitness clubs, auto repair shops, and so on. That's why:

If you have studied the largest CRM systems on the Russian market and found that they are missing something, you probably need an industry program.

2. Cloud solutions or desktop?

CRM programs are divided into all groups: “clouds” and “boxes”. First- these are online services in which you can work from any computer through a browser: you just need to have an Internet connection. There is no need to buy such a program: all data is stored on a remote server, you simply subscribe and pay a monthly fee regularly. Second are installed on work computers, and all data is stored on the company server. One-time payment: you buy a license, and then you only need to buy update packages. However, in the future you will have to pay for the services of a system administrator to support the program.

Recently, online CRM has become increasingly popular.. There are several reasons for this: they are more affordable, they are convenient for working with remote employees and offices, all updates appear in your account automatically, and you do not need to pay extra for them. At the same time, you can save on programmer services and take advantage of free technical support. Judging by a study by the consulting company Capterra, today 73% of companies are implementing cloud solutions.

Capterra survey results in 2015

3. Is there a mobile version?

Another important question. If your employees only work in the office, then you can move on to the next selection criterion. If they often have to be “in the fields,” then they cannot do without a “pocket” CRM. For example, realtors and medical representatives definitely need a mobile version of CRM in order to quickly receive notifications about new clients and applications, immediately mark the results of negotiations with counterparties in the program, change the status of transactions and make comments on sales.

According to some studies Having a mobile CRM increases manager productivity. The Innoppl Technologies organization (Atlanta, USA) found that in companies that use a mobile version of CRM, 65% of employees fulfill the sales plan. While in companies without mobile CRM, this figure is only 22%.

Where to begin? CRM evaluation criteria

Once you have decided on the first three questions, you can move on to specifics. Select at least 5-7 programs that meet your criteria and test them one by one: Almost all developers provide a free trial period for this. To then analyze the results, evaluate the systems according to a number of parameters by filling out the table:

Criterion Name CRM Name CRM Name CRM
Simplicity and convenience of the interface
Flexibility of settings
Integration options
Reports and statistics
Addition of functionality
Access rights settings
Technical support

1. Functionality

Surely, even before you asked yourself which DRM to choose, you had an idea of ​​what the program should be able to do. Namely: what processes do you need to automate, what databases do you need to create, what reports are needed to analyze sales, how many types of transactions do you need to conduct through the program, etc. When testing different IT products, check: do they meet all the requirements? Do not hesitate to contact technical support with questions about whether the program has this or that functionality.

2. Simplicity and convenience of the interface

Will it be convenient for you and your employees to work in this system? Look at the arrangement of the blocks, pay attention to how quickly you find the necessary sections and how intuitive it is “where to point.” Within a couple of days you should get comfortable with the program. If this happens, then it is really easy to work with.

3. Flexibility of settings

Be sure to ask the developers how flexible the settings are in the system: how many sales funnels and custom fields can be created, what business processes can be automated, whether you can independently create new statuses, types and other parameters for objects, whether you can remove unnecessary functionality from the interface, etc. The more flexible the settings, the more individual needs your company can meet.

4. Integration options

Be sure to find out what integrations your CRM supports. Is it possible to connect telephony and mail to it, is it possible to integrate with the website, SMS mailing services, social networks and instant messengers. This is necessary so that new applications from any sources are necessarily recorded in the program. And also to record phone calls and keep in touch with customers through one window of your CRM.

5. Reports and statistics

Many CRMs provide a limited set of reports by default: sales funnel, transaction amount, dynamics of new applications and clients, etc. Other systems allow you to independently design any reports, graphs and charts. You need to make sure your CRM has reports on all the metrics you need to track to analyze your sales.

Judging by the results of a study by the international consulting company Capterra (2015), three-quarters of companies tested two or more CRM systems before making a final decision.

6. Addition of functionality

Keep in mind that your company will grow and develop, new tasks and processes will appear, so you need to find out in advance whether the developer, at your request, is ready to expand the functionality of the system by introducing new functions into it. Otherwise, you may simply outgrow your CRM and have to look for a new one.

7. Access rights settings

CRM stores a complete database of your clients, applications, transactions, projects, financial statements and so on. Much of this data needs to be kept away from the rank and file of the company. There are access rights settings specifically for this. Check with the developer if his program has such a function, and how many “roles” (access options) can be configured.

8. Technical support

The ideal option is if technical support is available online. However, with many CRMs, consultations are only possible by mail or only for a fee. Find out in advance how things are going in each of the programs you are testing. Rest assured, you will have to contact this service more than once, especially at the stage of mastering the service.

Fallback option: turnkey CRM

Follow our recommendations and you will have a better chance of choosing a truly effective IT product. In addition, you can seek help from CRM implementation specialists and business consultants. However, it may happen that none of the known programs will suit your needs. Then you have only one option left - order the development of a custom CRM from scratch. However, it is worth considering that the process will take at least 3-6 months and will cost at least 1-2 million rubles. The exact development time and cost will depend on the complexity of the tasks and the performing company.

If you are planning to implement CRM, then try our development - the program. This is a cloud-based system that is easy to learn, but has all the necessary functions. We created it in such a way that it would be convenient for both an ordinary manager and a leader to work in it. . We also have a free plan)

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