Questions about warming the scarlet sails. Test "scarlet sails"

Literary ring based on Alexander Green’s story “Scarlet Sails”

Target: to awaken and support in students a constant and effective love of reading,

the ability to dream, dare and not give up.

Progress of the event.

1. Introductory word about the writer.

2. Dramatized pages of the story. (The competition is worth 5 points)

3.Team competition.

4.Team captain competition.

5. Fan competition.

6. Summing up and awarding the winners.

Team competition.

Alternately, the presenter asks questions to one or another team. Each correct answer is 2 points.

    What is the name of the ship on which Longren, Assol's father, served? Why did he leave the service? ("Orion")

    What age was Assol when her mother died? How did this happen? (5 months)

    What was the name of the city near which the seaside village of Kaperna, where Assol lived, was located? (Liss)

    What kind of black toy did Longren make? (Didn't throw the berth to Menners)

    How old was Assol when her father taught her to read and write? (8 years)

    What made the collector of songs, legends and fairy tales Egle prophesy scarlet sails to Assol? (“Involuntary expectation of a beautiful, blissful fate”)

    What characteristics does the collector of songs and legends Egl give to the inhabitants of Kaperna? (“But you don’t tell fairy tales. You don’t sing songs”)

    What varieties of tulips grew in the flower garden of Arthur Gray's huge castle house? (silver blue, purple and black with pink shadow)

9) What prank did Arthur Gray commit in his eighth year of life? How does this prank characterize him? (I covered the nails in the painting “The Crucifixion” with paint)

10) What mysterious saying in Latin was on the hoops of the wine barrel in the cellar of the Gray family castle? What is the answer to this saying? (“Gray will drink me when he’s in heaven”)

11) What incident in the life of little Gray made him friends with the twenty-year-old cook Betsy? How does this characterize the boy? (Experienced the sensations of someone else's suffering)

12) At what age did Gray begin to dream of becoming a sea captain? How did this happen? (When I was twelve years old, I saw a picture in the library with a view of a raging sea)

13) What was the name of the schooner on which fourteen-year-old cabin boy Gray made his first voyage? ("Anselm")

14) What was the name of the ship whose captain was Arthur Gray for the first time? ("Secret")

15) What did Arthur Gray do to become a “devilish” sailor? (Drank vodka, jumped into the water from a great height, etc.)

16) What brought Arthur Gray to the port of Liss? (Trading business)

17) What goods did Gray prefer to transport? (Fruits, tea, coffee, etc.)

18) How did the very first meeting of Gray and Assol take place? (Fishing-gray, morning walk-Assol)

19) Where and from whom did Gray learn about Assol and Egle’s prophecy? (Tavern, Hin Menners)

20) How many years passed from the day of Aigle’s prophecy until the appearance of the Scarlet Sails? (7 years)

Assignment for both teams.

While reading the story, you came across an abundance of nautical terms or special vocabulary. In 1 minute, each team must remember as many terms as possible and, if possible, interpret them. Each correctly named term is 1 point, and if the term is interpreted, 2 points.

Boat (goal) - a small rowing, sailing or motor vessel.

Windlass (goal) - a manual, steam or electric winch for raising the anchor and

selecting cables.

Bowsprit (goal) - a horizontal or inclined beam placed forward from the bow

sailing ship; serves to move the bow sails forward,

to improve the maneuverability of the vessel.

Tack (goal) - the course of the ship relative to the wind.

Keel (head) - the main longitudinal beam on the ship from the bow to the stern end

The jury announces the results.

Captains competition.

    Who among the residents of Kaperna did not think Assol was crazy? (Coal Miner Philip)

    Why didn’t Assol, without communicating with the residents of Kaperna, feel acute loneliness? Where did she draw her spiritual strength? (In communication with nature)

    Who was the first on the ship to notice the changes that took place in the soul of Arthur Gray after his visit to Kaperna? (assistant Panten)

    What musical instruments were played on the Secret when the ship sailed on scarlet sails to Kaperna? (fanfare, clarinet, violin, drum, cello, cornet-a-piston)

    What decision does Longren make when the toys he made are no longer bought in the store? (He decides to board the mail boat between Cassette and Liss)

    Who predicted the appearance of Scarlet Sails as an adult Assol? (Greenish bug)

Each correct answer is 2 points.

Between competitions, the jury announces the results and sums up the results.

Fan competition.

    How did the residents of Kaperna react to the appearance of Scarlet Sails? What feelings did they experience?

    Why did the children of Kaperna once and for all remove little Assol from the sphere of their patronage?

    What do Arthur Gray and Assol have in common?

    Which crew member did Gray trust the most? (Letika)

“When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able. He will have a new soul and you will have a new one...”?

    Which character owns the words:

“You will have to see a lot in the future not of scarlet, but of dirty and predatory sails; from afar - smart and white, close up - torn and arrogant..."?


The jury sums up the results and awards the winners.

Final word.

Quiz based on A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails"

    What was the name of Longren's wife?(Mary)

    Where do the events of the story develop? ( On the seashore, in Kaperna)

    “Ten years of wandering life left some money in his hands...” Who are we talking about? (About Longren)

    “He started working...” What did Longren do? (“Soon his toys appeared in city stores...”)

    “She asked you the same thing!” Whose words are these? Who are they addressed to? (Longren speaks to Menners)

    Gray curls, gray blouse, blue trousers. High boots, a cane and a bag...Who is it? ( Aigle, a famous collector of songs, legends, stories and fairy tales.)

    Whose portrait is in front of us: “A cotton dress washed many times..., thin tanned legs, dark thick hair tied up in a lace scarf... Every feature... expressively light and clean...” ( Assol)

    Who predicted the future of Assol? ( Egle).

    “Gray’s father and mother were arrogant slaves of their position...” How was Arthur Gray different from them?(Living soul.)

    What did Gray do with the painting of the crucifixion?(I covered the nails with paint)

    What role did Gray play in Betsy's fate?(He gave her money so she could marry the man she loved.)

    “Gray came several times to look at this picture...” What was depicted in the picture?(Ship )

    Continue the phrase: “In the autumn, in the fifteenth year of his life, Arthur Gray ....”(«… secretly left the house...")

    What was the name of Gray's new ship? ("Secret")

    Who told Gray the story of Assol?(Hin Menners - son of Menners)

    “Since then that’s what they call her...” What was Assol’s name in Kapern? ( Assol Korabelnaya .)

    How many meters of scarlet matter did Gray buy? ( Two thousand meters .)

    What did Assol Gray ask for as soon as she got on the ship?(“Will you take my Longren to us?”)

    What truth did Gray understand thanks to Assol?(you need to do so-called miracles with your own hands)

    The last phrase of the story: “Zimmer... sat... and thought about...”. What is the last word of A. Green’s book?. (“…about happiness”)

Lesson summary

in the 7th grade

on literature.

Lesson topic : “Waiting for a miracle...(Based on the work of A. Green “Scarlet Sails.”

Lesson Objectives: 1 . Diagnostics of reading a work.

2. Development of students' oral speech.

3. Learning the ability to give an accurate and comprehensive answer to


4. Development of the ability to highlight the main thing, systematize and

Summarize what you read.

Lesson type: quiz lesson.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Quiz on the work you read.
  3. Summing up the lesson.
  4. D/Z.

Lesson summary.

  1. Org moment.

When we open a book like “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green, we touch a very popular work. Andrei Bogoslovsky wrote the opera “Scarlet Sails”, many poets wrote poems based on Green’s book, and Sergei Norovchatov’s poem is called “Scarlet Sails”. The film adaptation is also great and very popular. And the point, of course, is not only in the performance of wonderful actors: Vasily Lanovoy, Anastasia Vertinskaya. “Scarlet Sails” has a charm that is not inherent in every work of art.

  1. Quiz.
  1. How did A. Green determine the genre of his work?(extravaganza)
  2. What was the name of Longren's wife?(Mary)
  3. Where do the events of the story develop? (On the seashore, in Kaperna)
  4. “That evening there was cold, windy weather...” And what happened that evening?(Mary was chilled and sick, went to Liss, pawned the ring and got some money. She got wet...)
  5. “Ten years of wandering life left some money in his hands..” Who are we talking about? ( About Longren).
  6. “He started working...” What did Longren do? (“Soon his toys appeared in city stores...”
  7. “She asked you too!” Whose words are these? Who are they addressed to?(Longren says to Menners)
  8. “ they know how to love? You have to be able to love, but they can’t do that.” Who is the hero talking about? (About the residents of Kaperna.) Whose question is he answering?(Question from Assol ). What was the question?(Why don't people like us? ?)
  9. What was Assol's favorite pastime? (Climb onto your father’s lap and listen to his stories about people and life.)
  10. Gray curls, gray blouse, blue trousers. High boots, a cane and a bag...Who is it? (Aigle, a famous collector of songs, legends, stories and fairy tales.)
  11. Whose portrait is in front of us: “A cotton dress washed many times..., thin tanned legs, dark thick hair tied up in a lace scarf... Every feature... is expressively light and clean...” ( Assol)
  12. “I don’t know how many years will pass... One morning...” Who predicted Assol’s future? ( Egle).
  13. What will happen one morning? (“…in the distance of the sea a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you...")
  14. Why do you think the story about Assol’s life is parallel to Gray’s life story? (The author prepares the reader for the idea that the fates of these heroes are not intertwined by chance.)
  15. “Grey’s father and mother were arrogant slaves of their position...” How did Arthur Gray differ from them?? (Living soul.)
  16. Why did Gray ruin the painting of the crucifixion?(“I can’t allow nails sticking out of my hands and blood flowing. I don’t want that.”)
  17. What episode made Gray and the maid Betsy friends? (Betsy scalded her hand, and Gray deliberately scalded his hand to feel how painful it was for the girl..)
  18. What role did Gray play in Betsy's fate? (He gave her money so she could marry the man she loved.)
  19. Who did Arthur Gray play with as a child? ( One)
  20. “Gray came several times to look at this picture...” What was depicted in the picture?(Ship )
  21. Continue the phrase: “In the autumn, in the fifteenth year of his life, Arthur Gray ....” (“…secretly left the house...")
  22. Continue the phrase: "Captain" Anselm "... triumphed in advance, imagining how in two months Gray would tell him..." ( I want to go to my mother...)
  23. "Victory is on your side, rogue." Whose words are these? Who are they addressed to?(Captain Gop, to Gray).
  24. Who prayed with these words: “For those who sail, travel, are sick, suffer and are captive...” (Mother of Gray.)
  25. What was the name of Gray's new ship?("Secret")
  26. “The captain got out into the open... and saw here...” And what did Captain Gray see? ( Sleeping Assol).
  27. Who told Gray the story of Assol? (Menners, a long young guy...)
  28. “Since then that’s what they call her...” What was Assol’s name in Kapern? (Assol Korabelnaya.)
  29. Continue the phrase: “...There are two girls in it, two Assols, mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity. One was the daughter of a sailor..., the other was....”"...a living poem
  30. Who are Assol's true friends? (These are large old trees)
  31. “Whose joke is this? Whose joke?” What is Assol asking? How did the ring appear on her finger? (Gray put the ring on her while she was sleeping.)
  32. “He blushed like a smile, with the charm of a spiritual reflection”... What are we talking about?(About the scarlet silk purchased by Gray.)
  33. How many meters of scarlet matter did Gray buy? (Two thousand meters.)
  34. Continue the phrase that Assol said to the coal miner: “ probably, when you fill a basket with coal, you think that...”(“.. it will bloom.”)
  35. Complete the sentence: “Thanks to her, I understood one simple truth. It is to...”(“…do so-called miracles with your own hands.”)
  36. Continue the phrase: “When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle...” (“He will have a new soul and you will have a new one.”)
  37. “Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten...” When did happiness settle in Assol’s heart? (When she saw Gray.)
  38. What did Assol Gray ask for as soon as she got on the ship?(“Will you take my Longren to us?”)
  39. What did Assol call Letik?(Best cargo, best “Secret” prize)
  40. The last phrase of the story: “Zimmer... sat... and thought about...”. Say the last word of A. Green's book.("...about happiness.")

Questions and tasks for Alexander Green’s extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”

  1. What is the genre of the work? What do you know about this?
  2. Name the heroes of the work, including minor ones (preferably specifying them).
  3. What was the name of the area where the events take place?
  4. What was the name of the town mentioned in the work near the estate?
  5. What was the distance between the city and the village? What barrier existed between city and countryside?
  6. How old was Assol when her mother died?
  7. What two details, important for revealing the characters and ideas of the work, appear twice?
  8. How many years did Longren wander in search of income and happiness, leaving Mary alone?
  9. How old was Assol when she stayed with her father?

10 At what age was Assol when there was complete alienation between the villagers and their family? Why did this happen?

  1. How old was Assol when she learned to read and write? Who taught her this?
  2. At what age does Assol meet Egle?
  3. Find and read the episode in which Egle helps Assol believe in her dream.
  4. At what age did Arthur Gray decide to become a knight? Who are knights?
  5. Find or retell the episodes where Arthur Gray “experienced the feeling of someone else’s acute compassion? At what age did it happen?
  6. Who was Arthur Gray's friend when he was 10 years old?
  7. How and in what ways did Arthur help Betsy?
  8. Why did Arthur grow up to be a man different from the rest of his class and circle?
  9. At what age did Arthur develop a beautiful soul?
  10. How old was Arthur Gray when he secretly left his castle home?
  11. What did Arthur want to become when he left home?
  12. How old was SArthur when he mastered the secrets of maritime art to perfection?
  13. Who taught Arthur seamanship?
  14. How many years did Gray wander outside home before his first return? How long did Arthur stay at home then?
  15. How old was Arthur when he became a real captain?
  16. How old were the characters when they met?

“Cleanliness Lesson” will be held in 200 schools in Tatarstan

This action will be one of the events held within the framework of the Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection in the Republic of Tatarstan.

(Kazan, January 15, Tatar-inform, Alsu Safina). Tomorrow, 200 schools in Tatarstan, including more than 70 Kazan schools, will host a “Cleanliness Lesson”, which will be dedicated to the development of nature conservation in the republic. This was announced by the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Artem Sidorov at a briefing at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dedicated to the Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection in the Republic of Tatarstan.

As Artem Sidorov said, the republican environmental and educational campaign “Cleanliness Lesson” is a large-scale event in which both employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and specialists from other environmental departments, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, public organizations, and educational institutions take part. , deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is expected that “Cleanliness Lessons” will be held quarterly in the republic.

In addition, within the framework of the Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection in the Republic of Tatarstan, in the first quarter of this year, together with the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is planned to hold a Republican competition of leaders and managers of children’s and youth environmental organizations “Leader of the Year - 2013” ​​in the category "Youth eco-leader" The Volga region environmental conference for schoolchildren will be held jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. Students who show the highest results at the end of the conference will subsequently take part in the All-Russian Environmental Conference of Schoolchildren and various international forums. Artem Sidorov also noted that in August the republic will host participants in the All-Russian Olympiad of Young Geologists.

The head of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan said that last year, together with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, the implementation of the project “The Health of My School” was launched, within the framework of which students from 78 schools in municipal districts and cities were trained in the skills of conducting environmental monitoring in the school territory: they analyzed samples air, water and soil. “We believe that this project has proven itself positively. This year we will continue this work and significantly expand it,” said Artem Sidorov. According to him, it is planned to begin implementing another project - “Green School”, within the framework of which schoolchildren, together with specialists from their department, as well as the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan, will equip and landscape their school areas, plant trees and shrubs and develop landscape elements design.

Participles of the perfect and imperfect forms (2 hours)

Know : the gerund retains the form of the verb from which it is formed; The participle, as an unchangeable part of speech, has no ending.

Be able to : recognize perfect and imperfect gerunds; form participles of the perfect and imperfect forms from the corresponding verb forms; use participles correctly in speech.

Equipment : table “Word formation of gerunds”, signal cards.

Lesson progress 1. Setting goals and objectives.

Today we have to learn how to create new words and use them correctly in speech. These words will be gerunds already known to you. We will find out in what ways and with the help of which morphemes gerunds can be formed, and whether perfect and imperfect gerunds are formed in the same way. But learning new things is built on existing knowledge, so first we’ll start reviewing the information about participles that you received in previous lessons.

2. Repetition. Game "Finish the sentence." Presentation

A gerund is an independent part of speech that means ... (additional action)

Participles answer the questions ... (what by doing? what by doing? how? in what way? why? when? etc.)

The participle combines the characteristics of ... (verbs and adverbs)

Adverbial features are... (immutability; dependence in a sentence on the predicate verb; acts as a circumstance in a sentence)

Verbal signs of gerunds are ... (reflexivity-non-reflexivity; aspect; can be distributed like verbs)

The participle, combining the characteristics of an adverb and a verb, shows ... (how, why, when an action called a predicate verb is performed)

Of the morphemes in the participle, there is no ... (end)

In a sentence, the gerund depends on ... (predicate verb)

The participle phrase is... (adverbial participle with dependent words)

Participial phrase in writing ... (always separated by commas)

Between homogeneous participles connected by a conjunction And , comma...(not placed)

Not with gerunds it is written ... (separately)

  1. Checking homework (from Chapter IX of Gogol N.V. “Taras Bulba” from the words “And the enemy army was already marching out of the city...” to the words “... and the Cossacks were constantly raining bullets” it was necessary to write out the gerunds, determine their type, highlight the suffixes ).

The task was completed in advance on the board by one of the students or projected on the screen. - Name the suffixes of perfective participles. - Imperfect appearance.

We see that the perfect and imperfect participles have different suffixes, and now we have to find out from what verb forms they are formed: the same or different. What is your opinion? (Students express their opinions and provide evidence).

3. New material.

Now, working with the table, we will find out which of you was right and which was wrong. 1) Working with table.

Word formation of gerunds

What's up?

What did you do?

Present imperfect verb stem

Perfective infinitive stem

work [y’-u]t, sid ’-at

work, sit

Imperfect participles

Perfect participles

Work[y’ - a ], seed ’ - a

work - in, sit - in

Imperfect participles will not be happy with verbs:

  1. with a base consisting of only consonants: sew, pour, press, weave;
  2. with a base on G, K: beg-ut, tek-ut;
  3. with present tense stem to sibilant: mazh-ut

2) Conclusion: imperfective participles are formed from the stem of the present tense of the imperfect form and the suffix - a (ya), perfect participles are formed from the stem of the perfective infinitive and the suffix - in.

4. Training exercises.Using the table, write down the verb forms from which the gerunds extracted from Gogol’s story were formed. Are there only suffixes?– a (s) and – in do these gerunds have?

Participles have suffixes that are called unproductive, because at present, they are extremely rarely or not at all involved in the formation of new words. These are suffixes-v, -lice, -shi, -uchi, -yuchi.We find them only in outdated or dialect words. Give examples of participles known to you with such unproductive suffixes, determine the layer of vocabulary to which they belong: obsolete or dialectal.

  1. Solving linguistic problems. The following tasks are written or projected on the board:
  1. Collecting - collecting = X (X = -a)
  2. X – I = sing
  3. Spin + X = spin
  1. Shelomya – I = X Teamwork.

Exercise . Distribute the verbs according to the headings of the table, form gerunds from them, and indicate the suffixes of the gerunds. After finishing your work, formulate a rule for writing a vowel before gerund suffixes.

Wipe, wipe, turn pale, turn pale, give, give, organize, draw, shout, shout, be silent, be silent, wash, dig, swim, read, read, come.

Imperfect species

Perfect view

Checking the completion of the task, making a conclusion about the spelling of vowels before gerund suffixes.

Repetition : What ways of forming aspectual pairs of verbs are presented in our task? The use of participles in speech.

Participles are rarely used in oral speech, which cannot be said about written speech. And, unfortunately, their use is not always error-free. Our next exercises will develop the ability to correctly use participles in speech.

Task 1. About form participles and gerunds with dependent words from the verb, indicate suffixes, determine the type.

1) Worry (about what?), worry (for whom?), assure (about what?), manage (what?), defeat (who?), suffer (from what?).

Task 2 . We work as proofreaders. Correct errors in sentences (sentences are written on the board or given to each student on a card).

Driving past the station, my hat fell off.
Having settled into the cars, the engine roared.
Approaching the factory gates, the first whistle sounded.
While riding a boat, the moon made me sad.
Having combed the horses' manes, the carriages set off.

It is very important, when working on an essay or presentation, to monitor the use of gerunds in the text so that there are no such errors. Working with signal cards.

Blue color - there is such a participle; red – there is no such word.

Taking care, sleeping, circling, weaving, approaching, decorating, tearing, bending, reading, hating, drinking, knowing, being able, able, lying, observing, taking away, climbing, smearing, plowing, sitting, washing, offending, burning, sniffling, driving, smearing.

  1. Test work using a checklist on the topic “Communion and gerunds”.

Exercise: write out gerunds from blocks B, C (option 1) and E, G (option 2), determine their type, write down the verb form from which the gerund is derived.

(Completed assignments are checked either by the teacher or consultants).5. Summing up the lesson.- What did you learn new in class today? - From what verbs can imperfective participles be formed? from the perfect form? - What suffixes are used to form perfect participles? Imperfect looking?6. Homework.

Typical characteristics of a teacher who meets the requirements of the first qualification category

Competence in the field of personal qualities is formed at a fairly high, but not the highest possible level. The teacher is capable of a subtle, accurate and individualized perception of the inner world of students. It is characterized by a high degree of satisfaction from the profession and self-realization in it. The teacher has a fairly high level of general culture, which allows him to freely navigate not only his subject, but also related subject areas, and as a result, effectively implement his professional functions. It is possible to combine a relatively low general culture with a high level of self-organization, which makes it possible to compensate for shortcomings and, as a result, ensure acceptable performance of teaching activities.

A teacher can set and justify the goals and objectives of a training course and a separate lesson, focusing on a good knowledge of regulatory requirements, age and individual characteristics of students. Shows not only the necessary knowledge, but also sufficiently developed skills to use it when setting goals. The teacher can set and justify goals and objectives for each student within the training course for each individual lesson on any topic. The teacher can adjust the goals and objectives of the training course and individual classes depending on the educational needs of students, the identified level of their development, educational achievements, etc. He periodically involves students in the process of goal setting. Advanced training and corrective work are required to eliminate possible problems: developing the ability to set a goal for students based on the topic of any lesson, developing the ability to take into account the characteristics of any age and the individual characteristics of any student when setting a goal, involving students in the process of goal setting.

The teacher has the skills to motivate and has the necessary knowledge for this, and knows how to stimulate interest in the subject. Focuses on the “interestingness” and brightness of examples from the point of view of the perception of specific students. Uses an individual approach in assessing students. Includes material that is significant for students in training, transforming normative tasks into personally significant ones. Uses assessment as a motivating factor. Actively uses positive motivation (approval, praise). Creates situations of success.

Takes into account students' interest in competition as a form of work and uses mutual comparison and comparison with past personal results to motivate students. Includes motivation for a positive attitude towards school and friends. The teacher’s activities contain elements of correlating school learning with the student’s personal success in a system of specific relationships with peers and adults.

A teacher can successfully implement a standard educational program, justify the independent choice of textbooks and educational kits, and make the necessary permissible changes to the program material. Periodically participates in the discussion of programs at meetings of the methodological association.

Has a number of independent software and methodological developments. When comparing different programs, one sees their common features rather than their differences. The teacher successfully implements educational programs modified taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation. The teacher purposefully updates methodological and didactic materials.

The decision-making methods he uses are creative in nature, they are aimed at supporting the student’s personality. Such a teacher is capable of developing several alternative solutions; the leading criterion when choosing an alternative is the interests of the student.

The teacher knows how to plan training sessions, chooses the optimal methods and means of teaching. However, his level of skills does not always ensure high results in mastering the subject content, since he underestimates the versatility of the educational process. The teacher “does not always see” the place of the taught discipline in the curriculum, does not know how to distinguish the main (essential) and secondary in the educational content, in the system of concepts - everything is important for him. As a result, despite all efforts, some students do not show a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject as a whole.

Such a teacher is distinguished by his ability to work in a team, being included in the system of business and interpersonal relationships with other participants in the educational process. He is characterized by developed practical habits, inclinations, and an individual style of productive pedagogical activity; attitude towards learning as the most important means of self-preparation for practical activities. He has extensive experience in professional self-education. The distinctive features of such a teacher include: a critical assessment of the results of their work and their comrades, an active position in matters of effective organization of productive educational activities, focus on assessment and correction of the educational process to achieve high performance results.

The most important of his practical skills is the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and transfer it to educational situations. By varying the degree of novelty and complexity of the educational task, the teacher can determine and assess the level of students’ readiness to master and apply knowledge.

1. Rewrite the words in your notebook, insert the missing letters:

distorted, pumped out of the garage, mixed with sugar, curtained windows, hated, creeping, bubbling, fluttering, pecking, shelled.

2. Write out the past participle from the sentences.

The cobblestone road cut through the village we met on our way. We saw chimneys smoking over the roofs, heard the cries of a shepherd driving his flock returning from the pasture, and smelled the smell of freshly baked bread. Dreaming of rest and lodging for the night, we knocked on the nearest hut, the windows of which were wide open.

3. Which sentences have correct punctuation?

a) The street leading up the mountain was free.

b) Covered with frost, the rocks went into an unprecedented distance.

c) Gerasim, gifted with unprecedented strength, worked for four.

d) The road, skirting bare rocks, winds through a deep hollow.

e) It is difficult to determine the distance in the snowy expanses, deceiving the inexperienced eye.

4. Write down the sentence, add punctuation marks, and do the analysis.

Saucers of lilies and threads running 3 from them in depth they are very graceful 4 . (3 morph. 4-synth) 1. Indicate the active past participles:

a) spoiled; d) washed;

b) chopped; f) washing;

c) interceded; g) hated.

d) stabbed;

5. Indicate the passive participles of the present tense:

A) revised; e) considered;

B) considered; f) soaring;

B) listening; g) breathable.

D) audible;

6. Write out the participles from the sentences along with the nouns to which they relate; determine the number, gender and case of the participles.

I admired the thunderstorm, sitting in a dark library, deafened by the thunder and blinded by the flames that brightly illuminated the room. Little by little, the thunder that had been raging all day began to subside, and the room became brighter from the moon that had appeared from behind the garden, from behind its wet, dangling branches. Watching the changes in nature, I thought about how beautiful and unpredictable the world around us is.

Үез ітеньә applicantlar

(yaki hap ta-hop...ugez yuk!)


Karavylchy: һay rәkhmәt tooshkerlәre bүgen dә suigannar ikәn әle. Suysynnar, farmasy belen kyryp betersәlәr dә suzem yuk. Mina esh kimer.Azny karavyllavy da hinelrak...(pause) Iten sorasan da karun farm modire birmas inde. Anyn loaves ech-bashy, үpkә-bavyry mineke bulyr. Suep beterganche monnan kitmәskә kirәk.

Farm modire:Karavylchyny әitәm,yөri inde shakal syman it tirayli kuzen maylandyryp. Bu aynimaska ​​da it kirәk mikәn әllә? Ashamy torsyn әle, artyk tuyenip kickerә bashlar...(pause) So-tәk, suyuchylarga muenin bulsa da birergә tury killer. Bolar taralyshkach uzemә nichek tә yunlerәk өleshen eleәkterermen әle.

Accountant: Fold үlchәrgә alyp bargach itneң kilogram kimetep warehouse mөdirenә dә үzemә dә өlesh chygarmy bulmas.Үgeze zur kurenә ,kүbrәk kimetsәң dә sizelmәs әle.

Livestock specialist: Itne tagyn districtdagy ber tүrәgә tөsherep birergә deep alyrga and vәssәlam-tours өygә! Җөе dә sizelmasen alyp kaityp kitkәnnen. Shushynda farmada butalyp yorep itssez kalsam mine berkem dә anlamas.

Engineer: Keremgә alynmagan,kәgazdә kүptәn chygyp ochkan spare parts warehouse. Shularnyn bersen chittan alyp kaittym digan bulyp, het algy botyn bulsada elakterergә ide bit inde, җay bar chakta.

Agronomist: Ashlama sөylәshergә kirәk deep bu itneң ber un kilosyn bulsa da note yazdyryp almyycha bulmas. And then bu arada өydә refrigerator and bushap tora әle.Үzemneң dә gәүdәdә it betep tora.

Peshekche: Ashka itne barmak ochy kadyr genә kalҗalarda turap salyp peshersәm, inshallah, kalganyn bag tutyryp alyp kaytyp kitәrgә kirәk bulyr. Өydәge refrigerator tula bugay әle st.Uryn tabyp bulmasa berәrsenә shypirt kyna satyrmyn.

Khukhalyk rәise:Үgez ite shәp inde st. Shoferga әitep artky sanyn өygә kaytartyryp kuyarga kirәk.Kunaklar da kilep chiguy bar.

Inspector:Bu ni bu?Anlat!(Warehouse mөdirenә mөrәҗәgәt itә) nishlәp үgez ite 1 quintal gyna itep keremgә alyngan?What are the Kalgans?

Warehouse modire: Shh. Shaulama!

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