The Moscow Architecture Committee dispelled residents' fears associated with the construction of the southern road. Design of two sections of the Southern Rockade may begin before the end of the year

Southern Rockada
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Region Moscow
  • 40,000 m
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The proposed rockade scheme, according to the site

Southern Rockada- a highway under construction in Moscow. According to the project, after completion of construction, a route with a total length of 40 kilometers will provide a diagonal connection between the western, southern and southeastern parts of the city, relieve congestion on the Moscow Ring Road, the Third Transport Ring in the southern and southeastern sector of the city and the center of Moscow.


Proposed layout of the section of the Southern road "Rublevskoe highway - Borisovskie Prudy street"

People first started talking about creating chord highways in Moscow in the first half of the 20th century. In the 1930s, the issue of laying chords was raised by the famous planner and urban planning specialist Anatoly Yakshin; in the 1970s, the idea was developed by his students, including Alexander Strelnikov. Predicting an increase in the number of cars, the authors of the 1971 Moscow master plan provided, in addition to the MKAD and the Garden Ring, 2 new ring roads and 4 high-speed chord highways. However, the projects of the chords remained on paper, and many of the areas where they were supposed to run were built up. In the mid-2000s, as part of the development of the Fourth Transport Ring project, two chord routes were included in the General Plan of Moscow - the Northern and Southern Rocades, which would provide communication with the Third Transport Ring, simultaneously relieving the city center.

After abandoning the construction of the Fourth Transport Ring, the project of which was estimated at 1 trillion rubles, the Moscow authorities returned to the idea of ​​chord highways. In the spring of 2012, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin presented to President Dmitry Medvedev a project for the development of the transport infrastructure of the Moscow agglomeration, which provided for the creation of three chord directions within the Moscow Ring Road: the North-Eastern and North-Western chords and the Southern Line, forming an open ring-shaped system with exits to the Moscow Ring Road.

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Activities to reconstruct the Rublevskoye Highway - Balaklavsky Prospekt highway

According to the project, the Southern Ring Road runs from the Moscow Ring Road along Rublevskoye Shosse, Aminevskoye Shosse, Lobachevskogo Street, Obruchev Street, Balaklavsky Avenue, then along Projected Passage No. 5159 and Kantemirovskaya Street in the direction of Kashirskoye Shosse and along Borisovskie Prudy Street to the Moscow Ring Road through Kapotnya. According to the head of the Moscow City Construction Department Andrey Bochkarev, completion of the construction of the road is planned for 2018.

MKAD - Balaklava Avenue

The first section of the Southern Road included Rublyovskoye Highway, Lobachevsky Street, Obruchev Street and Balaklavsky Avenue. Road reconstruction was carried out on the site, interchanges were built at the intersection of Rublevskoye Shosse with Academician Pavlova and Marshal Timoshenko streets and at the intersection of Lobachevsky Street with Michurinsky Prospekt. On sections of the Rublevskoye Highway from Mozhaiskoye Highway to Vernadsky Avenue and from Leninsky Avenue to Chertanovskaya Street, a dedicated lane for public transport was organized, and its stops were moved to drive-in pockets. For the movement of vehicles in areas without exiting the main highway, side passages were built. Also, 7 underground and 1 overground pedestrian crossings were built and a bicycle path was installed.

Balaklava Avenue - Proletarsky Avenue

Construction in the area of ​​Kantemirovskaya Street

In August-September 2015, the Moscow Engineering and Construction Company received a contract to perform contract work on the second section of the Southern Rokada. The project involves the construction of a multi-level interchange at the intersection of Balaklavsky Prospekt and Varshavskoye Highway, which will include a 600-meter-long tunnel under the highway, turnaround ramps, side passages and an overpass. In May 2017, a competition was held for the construction of railway overpasses along the Paveletsky direction of the Moscow Railway, under which the main route of the Southern Rockade will pass. After the highway and railway, the road will cross the Chertanovka River via a bridge and connect the areas separated by them.

Proletarsky Prospekt - MKAD

The third section of the Southern Road, following the intersection with Proletarsky Prospekt, will be formed using existing streets.

Design two sections of the Southern Rokada may begin before the end of 2017., reported the press service of the capital’s construction department, citing the head of the department, Andrei Bochkarev.

“Currently, urban planning documentation is being developed for two sections of the Southern Rokada; the design may start before the end of the year. It's about the highway from Proletarsky Prospekt to st. Donetskaya, and from st. Verkhnie Polya to MKAD“, - the words of A. Bochkarev are quoted in the message.

As stated in the press service, Southern road from Proletarsky Prospekt to st. Donetsk region is divided into four sections. On the section from Proletarsky Prospekt to st. Kaspiyskaya plans to build 2 km of roads, including an overpass with a length of 0.3 km. A section will be built from the street. Kantemirovskaya to st. Bakinskaya, which will provide exit from Proletarsky Prospekt to st. Baku without the need to go to Caucasian Boulevard. It is planned to build 1.5 km of roads.

On the site from the street. Kaspiyskaya to st. Shosseynaya plans to build more than 8 km of roads, including an overpass on the approach to the bridge, with a length of 1.97 km for eight lanes, six overpasses with a total length of 1.02 km, and a bridge crossing.

“As part of the construction of the highway along the street. In Donetsk, reconstruction and construction of 3 km of road are planned. On the site from the street. Maryinsky Park to the Moscow Ring Road is planned for reconstruction and construction of 4 km of roads,” the press service noted.

A. Bochkarev added that on September 10, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened traffic on the new direct overpass on Varshavskoe Highway, which was built under the project for the construction of the Southern Road. “The highway connecting Balaklava and Proletarsky Avenues will be completed in 2018, and will provide a direct connection between Balaklava Highway and Proletarsky Avenue. The mayor of Moscow has set the task of building chord highways in the city at an accelerated pace,” he concluded.

The head of the Construction Department, Andrei Bochkarev, is known in narrow circles as an urban planning freak; he has been caught more than once in the confusion of streets, objects, plans, and sequences, but nevertheless, what do his words say? 1. They are going to extend the southern road from Proletarsky Prospekt along Kantemirovskaya and further to Kaspiyskaya street. Donetskaya, and from st. Verkhnie Polya to MKAD. This new route of UR to MKAD,

moreover, going through the center of the Maryino district.

On the website of the Moscow City Complex, a picture was published to accompany the news about the opening of the overpass on the Warsaw Highway, which was presented to Sobyanin. Clickable to enlarge. Crossing the river here is the same bridge being designed . with an exit to Donetskaya.

It turns out that the exit along the road from Kantemirovskaya will, at best, run into the two-lane Kaspiyskaya bridge, with steep radii and under a traffic light.

In this form, we can talk about a new transport corridor, but not about Rokada, as it was stated. Rokada will reach Proletarsky, and then regional roads and connections.

Let me remind you that previously the continuation of the UR was planned in the section Katemirovskaya - st. Borisov Ponds - bridge - st. Kapotnya - MKAD. Apparently such a solution is expensive and time-consuming, but we need to show quick victories.

Extension of the UR along Kantemirovskaya will require widening the street to 6 lanes (or maybe 4 will be enough), removal of power lines, massive demolition of garages and parking lots on the even side of Moskvorechye, odd side of Tsaritsyno, will entail a deterioration in pedestrian accessibility between MS and Tsaritsyno, pedestrian crossings, I believe, will be designed lifting and in smaller quantities than exist now.

2. It is not clear what YR has to do with it, but Bochkarev also mentions the straightening of Proletarsky to Baku Street. This solution is also included in the General Plan of the city. However, it will be impossible to carry it out without relocating five-story buildings.

The announced projects have not yet been included in the Targeted Investment Program (TIP), so it is not clear when they will start.

According to my forecast, the development of these areas should be expected in 5-6 years, and not earlier. But they will seriously affect everyday life in the area. If the transport component improves, then living conditions cannot be expected to improve.

We continue to watch.

UPD. The post has been revised after receiving new data.

Next news

The Southern Rockade is at the final stage of construction. Now they are still driving around it, but soon it will be possible to drive straight along it, reports a correspondent for the 360 ​​TV channel.

The readiness of the large-scale facility is 90%, the main work on the Varshavskoye Highway has been completed, and all that is missing is an adapter (as road workers call it), which will go towards Moscow.

A very complex and important object. It is quite inconvenient for passenger traffic and transport today. As for public, personal and cargo - very difficult, cramped conditions to maintain capacity

— Petr Aksenov, First Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department.

Drivers treat minor traffic jams with understanding: now you have to wait a little, but then you can drive without traffic jams. On the Southern Road, three lanes in each direction - west, south-east and east of the capital - will connect to bypass the Moscow Ring Road.

The continuation of the Southern Ring Road to the southern directions of the Moscow Ring Road, in particular, at the Besedinskaya interchange, at the junction with Lipetskaya Street, the intersection with Verkhnie Polya Street, the section of the Southern Rokada through Kantemirovskaya - will lead to the highway connecting the west and south-east and east of the city, bypassing the Moscow Ring Road

— Pyotr Aksenov, first deputy head of the Moscow construction department.

Varshavskoe and Kashirskoe highways will connect, thereby relieving both their traffic flows and Proletarsky Avenue. Traffic along the southern section of the road is planned to open in September. But then the work will continue - the second stage is next, which involves replacing the railway track. According to Pyotr Aksenov, construction is planned to continue between 2018 and 2020.

In addition, large-scale reconstruction will affect the area from Kantemirovskaya Street to Kaspiyskaya, Donetskaya Street, Verkhnie Polya, and an overpass will also appear on the Moscow River on Shosseynaya Street. It is planned to reconstruct Baltiyskaya Street, which will lead to Lipetskaya and, thus, an interchange through Verkhnie Polya and Lipetskaya will appear on the Moscow Ring Road.

The cost of the first stage of laying the overpass is 5 billion rubles, the second stage is 1.7 billion rubles. Travel on the Southern Expressway will be free, but travel on the North-East Expressway will have to be paid for.

These strange words in the title are the names of grandiose road construction projects in Moscow. One way or another, you have heard them - North-East Chord, North-Western Chord and South Rokada. - just an exit from the Shchelkovskoe highway to the temporary storage warehouse towards the Entuziastov highway. Now let's look at these construction sites from the air. The first part on temporary storage was published by me in May -.

In Moscow in 2016, 104 km of roads were built, which is a record construction.

In total, over the past 6 years (from 2011 to 2016), 544 km of roads were built and put into operation (about 12.5% ​​of the entire existing road network of the city), including:
- 162 artificial structures (overpasses, tunnels and bridges) and 160 off-street pedestrian crossings were built;
- 8 outbound highways (126 km) were reconstructed, full-fledged backup routes were created, as well as dedicated lanes for public transport with a total length of 150 km (this is 60% of the entire length of the existing dedicated lanes in the city - 250 km), 350 drive-in pockets were created;
- 13 largest and most complex transport interchanges were built and reconstructed at the intersection of highways with the Moscow Ring Road.

In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

All aerial surveys were completed sturman from On his YouTube channel you can find a lot of interesting videos.

1. The diagram shows the mileage only by chord: how much has already been done, what is in the works, and what is still being designed.

2. Let's start with the South Rokada, where at the intersection with the Varshavskoe highway the first stage of construction is in full swing - the construction of an overpass for the Varshavskoe highway.

3. Site diagram.


4. The second stage, as far as I understand, will be the construction of a tunnel for the South Rokada. At least there is such a scheme and rendering.

5. We managed to fly, right before the squall.

6. The construction of the railway tunnel will be completed, as usual, without stopping traffic.

7. And now the famous T-junction in the air. This is the junction of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

8. Monster scheme.


9. Connection of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

10. A reserve has been left in the center of the road for the continuation of the southern backup route to the center, along the railway.

11. The southern understudy will go to the left and the appendix will be connected to it.

12. But a very unusual look, of course.

13. And this is the interchange of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with the Southern Rokada. It is also drawn in the diagram above.

14. The most delicious thing is the construction of a new bridge across the Moscow River on the North-Western Expressway section.

15. Site diagram.


16. It is being built parallel to the existing Krylatsky Bridge.

17. The span structure of the old bridge is made in the form of a continuous steel beam with a ride on top, the span formula is 51.2 + 90.0 + 51.2 m. The structure is based on two box-shaped beams 2.5 m high, 2.74 m wide, covered with an orthotropic slab. The beams rest on two common V-shaped supports. The total width of the bridge is 25.4 m, including the roadway - 18.0 m (4 lanes). As far as I understand, the new bridge will be a copy of the old one according to the design.

18. Section of the North-Western Expressway from the bridge to the Northern alternate route of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

19. And this is the beginning of work on the construction of a 300-meter cable-stayed bridge across lock No. 9

20. It will connect Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street with Nizhniye Mnevniki above the gateway along an oblique line, not far from the existing small Karamyshevsky Bridge. At the same time, they plan to create pedestrian zones and an observation deck on the suspension bridge.

21. View towards the junction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street.

22. And already in the evening we stopped at the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway in the Festivalnaya Street area.

23. Site diagram. Note the gray branch to the east. If you want to familiarize yourself, here is a link to another diagram.


24. Partially commissioned interchange of the temporary storage warehouse with Festivalnaya Street.

25. Damn beautiful.

26. View towards the Moscow Ring Road.

27. If anyone has forgotten, then the diagram is for an already built site. By the way, when we were walking under the overpasses, there was a surveillance camera on each support!!! There are no dead zones at all. Holy shit.


28. View towards the NATI platform, Likhobory MCC, Likhobory depot LDL.

29. See that in order to save the access railway line, the pitch of the supports had to be changed.

30. View towards Festivalnaya.

31. Interchange of the temporary storage warehouse with the section that will go to the east.

32. Station "Likhobory" MCC.

33. Likhobory station and temporary storage area under construction.

34. Interchange at the temporary storage warehouse. On the right you can see the new depot "" of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line.

35. And 3D panoramas. To watch and play them, welcome here:

36. Grand construction.

37. Moscow is changing before our eyes

38. In total, over the past 6 years, 561 km of roads have been built in Moscow. This is approximately 12.5% ​​of the entire existing road network of the city. The reconstruction of 13 transport interchanges at the intersection of major highways with the Moscow Ring Road, and 8 outbound highways was carried out. The length of backup and dedicated public transport lanes was about 150 km. In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

39. Happy upcoming Builder's Day!

It's finished! On October 20, 2015, the Construction Department signed a contract for the construction of a 2-kilometer section of the Southern Road from Balaklavsky to Proletarsky Avenue. The contract amount is 5 billion rubles, the road will be built by OJSC Moscow Engineering and Construction Company. According to the contract, 19.5 months are allotted for this: they plan to launch traffic in August 2017. Now construction sites are being prepared and the territory is being cleared.

Let's talk about the past, present and possible future of this road. A series of 3 articles will be devoted to it: the first will be about Moscow expressways in general and the background of the Southern Road, the second will be devoted to an analysis of the project, and the third will be devoted to the additional measures that need to be implemented to maximize the transport effect of the new road.

What is the Southern Rockade and why is it needed?
The Southern Road, also known as the South-Western Expressway, is a through city highway that in the future will run from the prestigious Rublyovka to the working city of Kapotnya, connecting the western, southern and south-eastern districts of the capital.

The 23 km long section from Rublevskoye to Varshavskoye highway has existed for a long time. Now the road will be extended another 2 km to Proletarsky Prospekt. Neither Kantemirovskaya Street east of Proletarsky Prospect, nor Borisovskie Ponds Street will be touched for now.

Why are chords needed?
Someday there will be 4 main chord roads in the capital: North-Western, North-Eastern, South-Western (also known as South Rokada) and South-East. So far, only the first three are being built.

The transport task of chords is more than important. They will become an alternative to the Third Ring and the Moscow Ring Road when traveling around the periphery of the city, will reduce over-mileage, relieve sections of radial highways, and directly connect all Moscow districts. This will increase transport accessibility of “dormitory” areas, create conditions for the transfer of jobs to them and help attract investment in the development of these territories. As a result, Moscow will get rid of the hyper-concentration of jobs within Sadovoye and the insane “pendulum” load on the transport system. Read more about this in materials and.

By the way, the capital’s authorities are increasing transport accessibility and connectivity of the territory between the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring Road not only for motorists, but also for public transport passengers. And we’re not just talking about future NOT routes on chords: in the coming years, Moscow will have two intersecting rings of high-speed off-street transport. The Moscow Ring Railway, which extends to the north, is now being converted into an “overground metro”; traffic should open at the end of 2016. And the Third Interchange Circuit of the metro, shifted to the south, will be closed after 2020.

But let's return to the Southern Rockade.

Why is the section from Warsaw Highway to Proletarsky Prospekt especially needed?
Because between the Moscow Ring Road and Kolomensky Proezd there is not a single crossing over the Paveletskaya railway for 10 km! And if you don’t have a helicopter at hand, you can overcome the unfortunate 2 kilometers by driving either 8 or 21 km - in the first case, the mileage is 4 times, in the second a fantastic 10 times! This topology of the road network creates a wild load on Varshavskoye and Kashirskoye highways, Lipetskaya street, a section of the Moscow Ring Road and Kolomensky passage.

Why wasn't this road built a long time ago?
It is not for nothing that the Southern Rockade is considered the most long-awaited in the Southern District of Moscow. Her story is full of mysteries and misadventures. Take, for example, the fact that the current project is already the third “approach to the projectile.”

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 2 ground crossings across the Paveletskaya Railway on the southern outskirts of Moscow: in the area of ​​Starokashirskoe Highway and 2nd Varshavsky Proezd. Why were they closed for safety?

The corridor for the construction of the Southern Road was included in all Soviet General Plans, but construction never came to fruition. The first promise to build the Southern Road was made by Yuri Luzhkov. Few people remember, but in 1994 he ran for mayor with a promise to certainly build a road from Balaklavsky to Kantemirovskaya. Alas, having taken office, Yuri Mikhailovich conveniently forgot about the promise, being carried away by more global construction projects.

In 2000, at the Moscow Urban Planning Council, in the presence of the mayor, a decision was made to build the road “in the near future.” The object was even included in the plan of priority construction activities until 2005. To the considerable surprise of citizens, by 2005, at the intersection of Warsaw and Balaklavskoe highways, ... the Airbus shopping center was erected, but the road was never built.

We returned to the project only in 2007. But they did it stupidly: instead of first designing and building the most needed section in the industrial zone between Warsaw Highway and Proletarsky Prospekt, the mayor’s office decided to start with the much less effective connection between Kantemirovskaya Street and Borisov Ponds, expanding half of Kantemirovskaya Street by 3 times, and under the second half, opening the road towards Borisov Ponds in a deep tunnel under the Kashirskoye Highway.

The first version of the Southern Rockada project (2008) is clickable.

This strange decision was justified as follows: “in connection with the completion of the excavation of the Serebryanoborsky tunnels and in order to create conditions for the further effective use of the unique tunnel boring complex.” Translating into Russian “to stick the Elizaveta tunneling shield somewhere.” Needless to say, such a decision, coupled with the planned mega-interchange with Proletarsky Prospekt, increased construction costs many times over, and the lack of connection with Kashirskoe Highway due to deep excavation would have killed all local streets. These and other mistakes and shortcomings caused serious objections from residents on both sides of the Kashirskoye Highway, who even created a special website for coordinating actions, and in 2008-2009, 2,300 signatures were collected for correcting the project.

However, that project was finally finished off by the 2009 crisis. Expenditures on road construction were halved, and the remainder was used to complete construction that had already begun. The Southern Rockada project was sent for revision.

The second version of the project started under Sobyanin in 2011. This time the site (from Balaklavsky Avenue to Kantemirovskaya Street) was immediately chosen correctly. But the project, which was already completed and approved in 2012, was never implemented: the already announced construction competition was postponed several times and was eventually canceled altogether.

Sketch of the planning project (2012): Southern road from Balaklavsky Avenue to Proletarsky Avenue

Old traffic management project (2012): section of South Rokada from Balaklavsky Avenue to 1st Kotlyakovsky Lane

The exact reasons for the cancellation of the competition are unknown. but perhaps it’s due to the high cost: due to the three-level interchange between Warsaw and Balaklava (overpass, tunnel and ground section), the project cost more than 10 billion! In addition, that project was strangely divided into sections: the first reached only the narrow 1st Kotlyakovsky Lane, and the second, with a strange roundabout, which received the nickname “Kantemirovsky Egg” from residents, was never designed.

Be that as it may, at the end of 2013 the design began again, and in mid-2015 the project was finally approved. In September 2015, a competition for construction was held, and in October a contract for construction until August 2017 was signed.

How will traffic be organized on the future section of the Southern Road?
The fully approved and handed over to the builders traffic management project (TRAP) looks like this.

We'll look at it in more detail in the next part.

What will happen to garages and window replacement?
Several hundred garages and other real estate properties will be demolished during construction. The construction estimate provides 340 million rubles for compensation to owners. If you are afraid that your property will be demolished, go here or here. On average, 188 thousand rubles are provided for compensation for each garage.

As is usually the case with large construction projects, residents of nearby houses will have their windows replaced by installing double-glazed windows with noise-proof valves for effective sound insulation during ventilation mode. In total, more than 1,880 windows need to be replaced.

Why does the competition say “stage 2” and what about stage 1?

The title of the construction project in the competition is called “The section of the Southern Rokada from Balaklava Avenue to Proletarsky Avenue (stage 2).” It includes everything on the diagram, except... the future overpass for the Paveletskaya railway, under which the road will pass! The fact is that the territory of the railway is federal, not Moscow, land, and the project for it should be approved not by the capital’s Moscow State Expertise, but by the federal Main State Expertise. That is why the project of this overpass was allocated to “Stage 1”. It is currently under examination, and as soon as it is approved, it will be drawn as a separate lot worth approximately 1 billion rubles. It is planned that this will happen in the near future, which will allow both stages to be built simultaneously and the entire road to be completed by the scheduled date, August 2017.

For those interested, below is the spoiler schedule for stage 2.


Thanks to the forum for the project materials.

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