What is the distribution function? Random Variable Distribution Function

In the previous n° we introduced the distribution series as an exhaustive characteristic (distribution law) of a discontinuous random variable. However, this characteristic is not universal; it exists only for discontinuous random variables. It is easy to see that such a characteristic cannot be constructed for a continuous random variable. Indeed, a continuous random variable has an infinite number of possible values, completely filling a certain interval (the so-called “countable set”). It is impossible to create a table listing all possible values ​​of such a random variable. Moreover, as we will see later, each individual value of a continuous random variable usually does not have any nonzero probability. Consequently, for a continuous random variable there is no distribution series in the sense in which it exists for a discontinuous variable. However, different areas of possible values ​​of a random variable are still not equally probable, and for a continuous variable there is a “probability distribution,” although not in the same sense as for a discontinuous one.

To quantitatively characterize this probability distribution, it is convenient to use not the probability of the event, but the probability of the event, where is some current variable. The probability of this event obviously depends on , there is some function of . This function is called the distribution function of a random variable and is denoted by:

. (5.2.1)

The distribution function is sometimes also called the cumulative distribution function or the cumulative distribution law.

The distribution function is the most universal characteristic of a random variable. It exists for all random variables: both discontinuous and continuous. The distribution function fully characterizes a random variable from a probabilistic point of view, i.e. is one of the forms of the distribution law.

Let us formulate some general properties of the distribution function.

1. The distribution function is a non-decreasing function of its argument, i.e. at .

2. At minus infinity, the distribution function is equal to zero:.

3. At plus infinity, the distribution function is equal to one: .

Without giving a rigorous proof of these properties, we will illustrate them using a visual geometric interpretation. To do this, we will consider a random variable as a random point on the Ox axis (Fig. 5.2.1), which as a result of experiment can take one position or another. Then the distribution function is the probability that a random point as a result of experiment will fall to the left of point .

We will increase , that is, move the point to the right along the abscissa axis. Obviously, in this case, the probability that a random point will fall to the left cannot decrease; therefore, the distribution function cannot decrease with increasing.

To make sure that , we will move the point to the left along the abscissa indefinitely. In this case, hitting a random point to the left in the limit becomes an impossible event; It is natural to believe that the probability of this event tends to zero, i.e. .

In a similar way, moving the point to the right without limit, we make sure that , since the event becomes reliable in the limit.

The graph of the distribution function in the general case is a graph of a non-decreasing function (Fig. 5.2.2), the values ​​of which start from 0 and reach 1, and at certain points the function may have jumps (discontinuities).

Knowing the distribution series of a discontinuous random variable, one can easily construct the distribution function of this variable. Really,


where the inequality under the sum sign indicates that the summation applies to all those values ​​that are less than .

When the current variable passes through any of the possible values ​​of the discontinuous value, the distribution function changes abruptly, and the magnitude of the jump is equal to the probability of this value.

Example 1. One experiment is performed in which the event may or may not appear. The probability of the event is 0.3. Random variable – the number of occurrences of an event in an experiment (characteristic random variable of an event). Construct its distribution function.

Solution. The value distribution series has the form:

Let's construct the distribution function of the value:

The distribution function graph is shown in Fig. 5.2.3. At discontinuity points, the function takes on the values ​​marked with dots in the drawing (the function is continuous on the left).

Example 2. Under the conditions of the previous example, 4 independent experiments are performed. Construct a distribution function for the number of occurrences of an event.

Solution. Let us denote the number of occurrences of the event in four experiments. This quantity has a distribution series

Let's construct the distribution function of a random variable:

3) at ;

In practice, usually the distribution function of a continuous random variable is a function that is continuous at all points, as shown in Fig. 5.2.6. However, it is possible to construct examples of random variables, the possible values ​​of which continuously fill a certain interval, but for which the distribution function is not continuous everywhere, but suffers a discontinuity at certain points (Fig. 5.2.7).

Such random variables are called mixed. An example of a mixed value is the area of ​​destruction caused to a target by a bomb, the radius of destructive action of which is equal to R (Fig. 5.2.8).

The values ​​of this random variable continuously fill the interval from 0 to , occurring at bomb positions of types I and II, have a certain finite probability, and these values ​​correspond to jumps in the distribution function, while in intermediate values ​​(position of type III) the distribution function is continuous. Another example of a mixed random variable is the failure-free operation time T of a device tested for time t. The distribution function of this random variable is continuous everywhere except point t.

Random variable is a variable that can take on certain values ​​depending on various circumstances, and random variable is called continuous , if it can take any value from any limited or unlimited interval. For a continuous random variable, it is impossible to indicate all possible values, so we designate intervals of these values ​​that are associated with certain probabilities.

Examples of continuous random variables include: the diameter of a part being ground to a given size, the height of a person, the flight range of a projectile, etc.

Since for continuous random variables the function F(x), Unlike discrete random variables, has no jumps anywhere, then the probability of any individual value of a continuous random variable is zero.

This means that for a continuous random variable it makes no sense to talk about the probability distribution between its values: each of them has zero probability. However, in a sense, among the values ​​of a continuous random variable there are “more and less probable”. For example, hardly anyone would doubt that the value of a random variable - the height of a randomly encountered person - 170 cm - is more likely than 220 cm, although both values ​​can occur in practice.

Distribution function of a continuous random variable and probability density

As a distribution law that makes sense only for continuous random variables, the concept of distribution density or probability density is introduced. Let's approach it by comparing the meaning of the distribution function for a continuous random variable and for a discrete random variable.

So, the distribution function of a random variable (both discrete and continuous) or integral function is called a function that determines the probability that the value of a random variable X less than or equal to the limit value X.

For a discrete random variable at the points of its values x1 , x 2 , ..., x i,... masses of probabilities are concentrated p1 , p 2 , ..., p i,..., and the sum of all masses is equal to 1. Let us transfer this interpretation to the case of a continuous random variable. Let's imagine that a mass equal to 1 is not concentrated at individual points, but is continuously “smeared” along the abscissa axis Oh with some uneven density. Probability of a random variable falling into any area Δ x will be interpreted as the mass per section, and the average density at that section as the ratio of mass to length. We have just introduced an important concept in probability theory: distribution density.

Probability density f(x) of a continuous random variable is the derivative of its distribution function:


Knowing the density function, you can find the probability that the value of a continuous random variable belongs to the closed interval [ a; b]:

the probability that a continuous random variable X will take any value from the interval [ a; b], is equal to a certain integral of its probability density ranging from a before b:


In this case, the general formula of the function F(x) probability distribution of a continuous random variable, which can be used if the density function is known f(x) :


The probability density graph of a continuous random variable is called its distribution curve (figure below).

Area of ​​a figure (shaded in the figure) bounded by a curve, straight lines drawn from points a And b perpendicular to the x-axis, and the axis Oh, graphically displays the probability that the value of a continuous random variable X is within the range of a before b.

Properties of the probability density function of a continuous random variable

1. The probability that a random variable will take any value from the interval (and the area of ​​​​the figure that is limited by the graph of the function f(x) and axis Oh) is equal to one:

2. The probability density function cannot take negative values:

and outside the existence of the distribution its value is zero

Distribution density f(x), as well as the distribution function F(x), is one of the forms of the distribution law, but unlike the distribution function, it is not universal: the distribution density exists only for continuous random variables.

Let us mention the two most important types of distribution of a continuous random variable in practice.

If the distribution density function f(x) continuous random variable in some finite interval [ a; b] takes a constant value C, and outside the interval takes a value equal to zero, then this the distribution is called uniform .

If the graph of the distribution density function is symmetrical about the center, the average values ​​are concentrated near the center, and moving away from the center those more different from the average are collected (the graph of the function resembles a section of a bell), then this distribution is called normal .

Example 1. The probability distribution function of a continuous random variable is known:

Find function f(x) probability density of a continuous random variable. Construct graphs of both functions. Find the probability that a continuous random variable will take any value in the interval from 4 to 8: .

Solution. We obtain the probability density function by finding the derivative of the probability distribution function:

Graph of a function F(x) - parabola:

Graph of a function f(x) - straight:

Let's find the probability that a continuous random variable will take any value in the range from 4 to 8:

Example 2. The probability density function of a continuous random variable is given as:

Calculate coefficient C. Find function F(x) probability distribution of a continuous random variable. Construct graphs of both functions. Find the probability that a continuous random variable will take any value in the range from 0 to 5: .

Solution. Coefficient C we find, using property 1 of the probability density function:

Thus, the probability density function of a continuous random variable is:

By integrating, we find the function F(x) probability distributions. If x < 0 , то F(x) = 0 . If 0< x < 10 , то


x> 10, then F(x) = 1 .

Thus, the complete record of the probability distribution function is:

Graph of a function f(x) :

Graph of a function F(x) :

Let's find the probability that a continuous random variable will take any value in the range from 0 to 5:

Example 3. Probability density of a continuous random variable X is given by the equality , and . Find coefficient A, the probability that a continuous random variable X will take any value from the interval ]0, 5[, the distribution function of a continuous random variable X.

Solution. By condition we arrive at equality

Therefore, , from where . So,


Now we find the probability that a continuous random variable X will take any value from the interval ]0, 5[:

Now we get the distribution function of this random variable:

Example 4. Find the probability density of a continuous random variable X, which takes only non-negative values, and its distribution function .

1.2.4. Random variables and their distributions

Distributions of random variables and distribution functions. The distribution of a numerical random variable is a function that uniquely determines the probability that the random variable takes a given value or belongs to some given interval.

The first is if the random variable takes a finite number of values. Then the distribution is given by the function P(X = x), assigning to each possible value X random variable X the probability that X = x.

The second is if the random variable takes on infinitely many values. This is possible only when the probabilistic space on which the random variable is defined consists of an infinite number of elementary events. Then the distribution is given by a set of probabilities P(a < X for all pairs of numbers a, b such that a . The distribution can be specified using the so-called. distribution function F(x) = P(X defining for all real X the probability that the random variable X takes values ​​less than X. It's clear that

P(a < X

This relationship shows that both the distribution can be calculated from the distribution function, and, conversely, the distribution function can be calculated from the distribution.

Distribution functions used in probabilistic-statistical methods of decision-making and other applied research are either discrete, continuous, or combinations thereof.

Discrete distribution functions correspond to discrete random variables that take a finite number of values ​​or values ​​from a set whose elements can be numbered by natural numbers (such sets are called countable in mathematics). Their graph looks like a stepped ladder (Fig. 1).

Example 1. Number X defective items in a batch takes on a value of 0 with a probability of 0.3, a value of 1 with a probability of 0.4, a value of 2 with a probability of 0.2, and a value of 3 with a probability of 0.1. Graph of the distribution function of a random variable X shown in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. Graph of the distribution function of the number of defective products.

Continuous distribution functions do not have jumps. They increase monotonically as the argument increases - from 0 at to 1 at . Random variables that have continuous distribution functions are called continuous.

Continuous distribution functions used in probabilistic-statistical decision-making methods have derivatives. First derivative f(x) distribution functions F(x) is called the probability density,

Using the probability density, you can determine the distribution function:

For any distribution function

The listed properties of distribution functions are constantly used in probabilistic and statistical methods of decision making. In particular, the last equality implies a specific form of constants in the formulas for probability densities considered below.

Example 2. The following distribution function is often used:


Where a And b– some numbers, a . Let's find the probability density of this distribution function:

(at points x = a And x = b derivative of a function F(x) does not exist).

A random variable with distribution function (1) is called “uniformly distributed on the interval [ a; b]».

Mixed distribution functions occur, in particular, when observations stop at some point. For example, when analyzing statistical data obtained from the use of reliability test plans that provide for termination of testing after a certain period. Or when analyzing data on technical products that required warranty repairs.

Example 3. Let, for example, the service life of an electric light bulb be a random variable with a distribution function F(t), and the test is carried out until the light bulb fails, if this occurs in less than 100 hours from the start of the test, or until t 0= 100 hours. Let G(t)– distribution function of the operating time of the light bulb in good condition during this test. Then

Function G(t) has a jump at a point t 0, since the corresponding random variable takes the value t 0 with probability 1- F(t 0)> 0.

Characteristics of random variables. In probabilistic-statistical methods of decision-making, a number of characteristics of random variables are used, expressed through distribution functions and probability densities.

When describing income differentiation, when finding confidence limits for the parameters of distributions of random variables, and in many other cases, such a concept as “order quantile” is used. R", where 0< p < 1 (обозначается x p). Order quantile R– the value of a random variable for which the distribution function takes the value R or there is a “jump” from a value less R to a value greater R(Fig. 2). It may happen that this condition is satisfied for all values ​​of x belonging to this interval (i.e. the distribution function is constant on this interval and is equal to R). Then each such value is called a “quantile of order” R" For continuous distribution functions, as a rule, there is a single quantile x p order R(Fig. 2), and

F(x p) = p. (2)

Fig.2. Definition of quantile x p order R.

Example 4. Let's find the quantile x p order R for the distribution function F(x) from (1).

At 0< p < 1 квантиль x p is found from the equation

those. x p = a + p(b – a) = a( 1- p) +bp. At p= 0 any x < a is a quantile of order p= 0. Order quantile p= 1 is any number x > b.

For discrete distributions, as a rule, there is no x p, satisfying equation (2). More precisely, if the distribution of a random variable is given in Table 1, where x 1< x 2 < … < x k , then equality (2), considered as an equation with respect to x p, has solutions only for k values p, namely,

p = p 1 ,

p = p 1 + p 2 ,

p = p 1 + p 2 + p 3 ,

p = p 1 + p 2 + …+ p m, 3 < m < k,

p = p 1 + p 2 + … + p k.

Table 1.

Distribution of a discrete random variable

For those listed k probability values p solution x p equation (2) is not unique, namely,

F(x) = p 1 + p 2 + … + p m

for all X such that x m< x < x m+1 . Those. x p – any number from the interval (x m; x m+1 ]. For everyone else R from the interval (0;1), not included in the list (3), there is a “jump” from a value less R to a value greater R. Namely, if

p 1 + p 2 + … + p m

That x p = x m+1.

The considered property of discrete distributions creates significant difficulties when tabulating and using such distributions, since it is impossible to accurately maintain typical numerical values ​​of the distribution characteristics. In particular, this is true for critical values ​​and significance levels of nonparametric statistical tests (see below), since the distributions of statistics of these tests are discrete.

Quantile order is of great importance in statistics R= ½. It is called the median (random variable X or its distribution function F(x)) and is designated Me(X). In geometry there is the concept of “median” - a straight line passing through the vertex of a triangle and dividing its opposite side in half. In mathematical statistics, the median divides in half not the side of the triangle, but the distribution of a random variable: equality F(x 0.5)= 0.5 means that the probability of getting to the left x 0.5 and the probability of getting to the right x 0.5(or directly to x 0.5) are equal to each other and equal to ½, i.e.

P(X < x 0,5) = P(X > x 0.5) = ½.

The median indicates the "center" of the distribution. From the point of view of one of the modern concepts - the theory of stable statistical procedures - the median is a better characteristic of a random variable than the mathematical expectation. When processing measurement results on an ordinal scale (see the chapter on measurement theory), the median can be used, but the mathematical expectation cannot.

A characteristic of a random variable such as mode has a clear meaning - the value (or values) of a random variable corresponding to the local maximum of the probability density for a continuous random variable or the local maximum of the probability for a discrete random variable.

If x 0– mode of a random variable with density f(x), then, as is known from differential calculus, .

A random variable can have many modes. So, for uniform distribution (1) each point X such that a< x < b , is fashion. However, this is an exception. Most random variables used in probabilistic statistical methods of decision making and other applied research have one mode. Random variables, densities, distributions that have one mode are called unimodal.

The mathematical expectation for discrete random variables with a finite number of values ​​is discussed in the chapter “Events and Probabilities”. For a continuous random variable X expected value M(X) satisfies the equality

which is an analogue of formula (5) from statement 2 of chapter “Events and Probabilities”.

Example 5. Expectation for a uniformly distributed random variable X equals

For the random variables considered in this chapter, all those properties of mathematical expectations and variances that were considered earlier for discrete random variables with a finite number of values ​​are true. However, we do not provide proof of these properties, since they require deepening into mathematical subtleties, which is not necessary for understanding and qualified application of probabilistic-statistical methods of decision-making.

Comment. This textbook consciously avoids mathematical subtleties associated, in particular, with the concepts of measurable sets and measurable functions, algebra of events, etc. Those wishing to master these concepts should turn to specialized literature, in particular, the encyclopedia.

Each of the three characteristics – mathematical expectation, median, mode – describes the “center” of the probability distribution. The concept of "center" can be defined in different ways - hence three different characteristics. However, for an important class of distributions—symmetric unimodal—all three characteristics coincide.

Distribution density f(x)– density of symmetric distribution, if there is a number x 0 such that

. (3)

Equality (3) means that the graph of the function y = f(x) symmetrical about a vertical line passing through the center of symmetry X = X 0 . From (3) it follows that the symmetric distribution function satisfies the relation


For a symmetric distribution with one mode, the mathematical expectation, median and mode coincide and are equal x 0.

The most important case is symmetry about 0, i.e. x 0= 0. Then (3) and (4) become equalities


respectively. The above relations show that there is no need to tabulate symmetric distributions for all X, it is enough to have tables at x > x 0.

Let us note one more property of symmetric distributions, which is constantly used in probabilistic-statistical methods of decision-making and other applied research. For a continuous distribution function

P(|X| < a) = P(-a < X < a) = F(a) – F(-a),

Where F– distribution function of a random variable X. If the distribution function F is symmetrical about 0, i.e. formula (6) is valid for it, then

P(|X| < a) = 2F(a) – 1.

Another formulation of the statement in question is often used: if


If and are quantiles of order and, respectively (see (2)) of a distribution function symmetric about 0, then from (6) it follows that

From the characteristics of the position - mathematical expectation, median, mode - let's move on to the characteristics of the spread of the random variable X: variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation v. The definition and properties of dispersion for discrete random variables were discussed in the previous chapter. For continuous random variables

The standard deviation is the non-negative value of the square root of the variance:

The coefficient of variation is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mathematical expectation:

The coefficient of variation is applied when M(X)> 0. It measures the spread in relative units, while the standard deviation is in absolute units.

Example 6. For a uniformly distributed random variable X Let's find the dispersion, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. The variance is:

Changing the variable makes it possible to write:

Where c = (ba)/ 2. Therefore, the standard deviation is equal to and the coefficient of variation is:

For each random variable X determine three more quantities - centered Y, normalized V and given U. Centered random variable Y is the difference between a given random variable X and its mathematical expectation M(X), those. Y = X – M(X). Expectation of a centered random variable Y equals 0, and the variance is the variance of a given random variable: M(Y) = 0, D(Y) = D(X). Distribution function F Y(x) centered random variable Y related to the distribution function F(x) original random variable X ratio:

F Y(x) = F(x + M(X)).

The densities of these random variables hold the following equality:

f Y(x) = f(x + M(X)).

Normalized random variable V is the ratio of a given random variable X to its standard deviation, i.e. . Expectation and variance of a normalized random variable V expressed through characteristics X So:


Where v– coefficient of variation of the original random variable X. For the distribution function F V(x) and density f V(x) normalized random variable V we have:

Where F(x) – distribution function of the original random variable X, A f(x) – its probability density.

Reduced random variable U is a centered and normalized random variable:


For the given random variable

Normalized, centered and reduced random variables are constantly used both in theoretical studies and in algorithms, software products, regulatory, technical and instructional documentation. In particular, because the equalities make it possible to simplify the justification of methods, the formulation of theorems and calculation formulas.

Transformations of random variables and more general ones are used. So, if Y = aX + b, Where a And b– some numbers, then

Example 7. If then Y is the reduced random variable, and formulas (8) transform into formulas (7).

With each random variable X you can associate many random variables Y, given by the formula Y = aX + b at different a> 0 and b. This set is called scale-shift family, generated by the random variable X. Distribution functions F Y(x) constitute a scale-shift family of distributions generated by the distribution function F(x). Instead of Y = aX + b often use recording

Number With is called the shift parameter, and the number d- scale parameter. Formula (9) shows that X– the result of measuring a certain quantity – goes into U– the result of measuring the same quantity if the beginning of the measurement is moved to the point With, and then use the new unit of measurement, in d times larger than the old one.

For the scale-shift family (9), the distribution of X is called standard. In probabilistic statistical methods of decision making and other applied research, the standard normal distribution, standard Weibull-Gnedenko distribution, standard gamma distribution, etc. are used (see below).

Other transformations of random variables are also used. For example, for a positive random variable X are considering Y= log X, where lg X– decimal logarithm of a number X. Chain of equalities

F Y (x) = P( lg X< x) = P(X < 10x) = F( 10x)

connects distribution functions X And Y.

When processing data, the following characteristics of a random variable are used X as moments of order q, i.e. mathematical expectations of a random variable Xq, q= 1, 2, ... Thus, the mathematical expectation itself is a moment of order 1. For a discrete random variable, the moment of order q can be calculated as

For a continuous random variable

Moments of order q also called initial moments of order q, in contrast to related characteristics - central moments of order q, given by the formula

Thus, dispersion is a central moment of order 2.

Normal distribution and the central limit theorem. In probabilistic-statistical methods of decision-making we often talk about normal distribution. Sometimes they try to use it to model the distribution of initial data (these attempts are not always justified - see below). More importantly, many data processing methods are based on the fact that the calculated values ​​have distributions close to normal.

Let X 1 , X 2 ,…, Xn M(X i) = m and variances D(X i) = , i = 1, 2,…, n,... As follows from the results of the previous chapter,

Consider the reduced random variable U n for the amount , namely,

As follows from formulas (7), M(U n) = 0, D(U n) = 1.

(for identically distributed terms). Let X 1 , X 2 ,…, Xn, … – independent identically distributed random variables with mathematical expectations M(X i) = m and variances D(X i) = , i = 1, 2,…, n,... Then for any x there is a limit

Where F(x)– function of standard normal distribution.

More about the feature F(x) – below (read “phi from x”, because F- Greek capital letter "phi").

The central limit theorem (CLT) gets its name because it is the central, most commonly used mathematical result of probability theory and mathematical statistics. The history of the CLT takes about 200 years - from 1730, when the English mathematician A. Moivre (1667-1754) published the first result related to the CLT (see below about the Moivre-Laplace theorem), until the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, when Finn J.W. Lindeberg, Frenchman Paul Levy (1886-1971), Yugoslav V. Feller (1906-1970), Russian A.Ya. Khinchin (1894-1959) and other scientists obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the validity of the classical central limit theorem.

The development of the topic under consideration did not stop there - they studied random variables that do not have dispersion, i.e. those for whom

(academician B.V. Gnedenko and others), a situation when random variables (more precisely, random elements) of a more complex nature than numbers are summed up (academicians Yu.V. Prokhorov, A.A. Borovkov and their associates), etc. .d.

Distribution function F(x) is given by the equality


where is the density of the standard normal distribution, which has a rather complex expression:


Here =3.1415925… is a number known in geometry, equal to the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, e = 2.718281828... - the base of natural logarithms (to remember this number, please note that 1828 is the year of birth of the writer L.N. Tolstoy). As is known from mathematical analysis,

When processing observation results, the normal distribution function is not calculated using the given formulas, but is found using special tables or computer programs. The best “Tables of mathematical statistics” in Russian were compiled by corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences L.N. Bolshev and N.V. Smirnov.

The form of the density of the standard normal distribution follows from mathematical theory, which we cannot consider here, as well as the proof of the CLT.

For illustration, we provide small tables of the distribution function F(x)(Table 2) and its quantiles (Table 3). Function F(x) symmetrical about 0, which is reflected in Table 2-3.

Table 2.

Standard normal distribution function.

If the random variable X has a distribution function F(x), That M(X) = 0, D(X) = 1. This statement is proven in probability theory based on the form of the probability density. It is consistent with a similar statement for the characteristics of the reduced random variable U n, which is quite natural, since the CLT states that with an unlimited increase in the number of terms, the distribution function U n tends to the standard normal distribution function F(x), and for any X.

Table 3.

Quantiles of the standard normal distribution.

Order quantile R

Order quantile R

Let us introduce the concept of a family of normal distributions. By definition, a normal distribution is the distribution of a random variable X, for which the distribution of the reduced random variable is F(x). As follows from the general properties of scale-shift families of distributions (see above), a normal distribution is a distribution of a random variable

Where X– random variable with distribution F(X), and m = M(Y), = D(Y). Normal distribution with shift parameters m and scale is usually denoted N(m, ) (sometimes the notation is used N(m, ) ).

As follows from (8), the probability density of the normal distribution N(m, ) There is

Normal distributions form a scale-shift family. In this case, the scale parameter is d= 1/ , and the shift parameter c = - m/ .

For the central moments of the third and fourth order of the normal distribution, the following equalities are valid:

These equalities form the basis of classical methods for verifying that observations follow a normal distribution. Nowadays it is usually recommended to test normality using the criterion W Shapiro - Wilka. The problem of normality testing is discussed below.

If random variables X 1 And X 2 have distribution functions N(m 1 , 1) And N(m 2 , 2) accordingly, then X 1+ X 2 has a distribution Therefore, if random variables X 1 , X 2 ,…, Xn N(m, ) , then their arithmetic mean

has a distribution N(m, ) . These properties of the normal distribution are constantly used in various probabilistic and statistical methods of decision-making, in particular, in the statistical regulation of technological processes and in statistical acceptance control based on quantitative criteria.

Using the normal distribution, three distributions are defined that are now often used in statistical data processing.

Distribution (chi - square) – distribution of a random variable

where are the random variables X 1 , X 2 ,…, Xn independent and have the same distribution N(0,1). In this case, the number of terms, i.e. n, is called the “number of degrees of freedom” of the chi-square distribution.

Distribution t Student's t is the distribution of a random variable

where are the random variables U And X independent, U has a standard normal distribution N(0.1), and X– chi distribution – square c n degrees of freedom. Wherein n is called the “number of degrees of freedom” of the Student distribution. This distribution was introduced in 1908 by the English statistician W. Gosset, who worked at a beer factory. Probabilistic and statistical methods were used to make economic and technical decisions at this factory, so its management forbade V. Gosset to publish scientific articles under his own name. In this way, trade secrets and “know-how” in the form of probabilistic and statistical methods developed by V. Gosset were protected. However, he had the opportunity to publish under the pseudonym "Student". The history of Gosset-Student shows that for another hundred years, managers in Great Britain were aware of the greater economic efficiency of probabilistic-statistical methods of decision-making.

The Fisher distribution is the distribution of a random variable

where are the random variables X 1 And X 2 are independent and have chi-square distributions with the number of degrees of freedom k 1 And k 2 respectively. At the same time, the couple (k 1 , k 2 ) – a pair of “degrees of freedom” of the Fisher distribution, namely, k 1 is the number of degrees of freedom of the numerator, and k 2 – number of degrees of freedom of the denominator. The distribution of the random variable F is named after the great English statistician R. Fisher (1890-1962), who actively used it in his works.

Expressions for the chi-square, Student and Fisher distribution functions, their densities and characteristics, as well as tables can be found in the specialized literature (see, for example,).

As already noted, normal distributions are now often used in probabilistic models in various applied areas. What is the reason for this two-parameter family of distributions being so widespread? It is clarified by the following theorem.

Central limit theorem(for differently distributed terms). Let X 1 , X 2 ,…, Xn,… - independent random variables with mathematical expectations M(X 1 ), M(X 2 ),…, M(X n), ... and variances D(X 1 ), D(X 2 ),…, D(X n), ... respectively. Let

Then, if certain conditions are true that ensure the small contribution of any of the terms in U n,

for anyone X.

We will not formulate the conditions in question here. They can be found in specialized literature (see, for example,). “The clarification of the conditions under which the CPT operates is the merit of the outstanding Russian scientists A.A. Markov (1857-1922) and, in particular, A.M. Lyapunov (1857-1918).”

The central limit theorem shows that in the case when the result of a measurement (observation) is formed under the influence of many causes, each of them making only a small contribution, and the total result is determined additively, i.e. by addition, then the distribution of the measurement (observation) result is close to normal.

It is sometimes believed that for the distribution to be normal, it is sufficient that the result of the measurement (observation) X is formed under the influence of many reasons, each of which has a small impact. This is wrong. What matters is how these causes operate. If additive, then X has an approximately normal distribution. If multiplicatively(i.e. the actions of individual causes are multiplied and not added), then the distribution X close not to normal, but to the so-called. logarithmically normal, i.e. Not X, and log X has an approximately normal distribution. If there is no reason to believe that one of these two mechanisms for the formation of the final result is at work (or some other well-defined mechanism), then about distribution X nothing definite can be said.

It follows from the above that in a specific applied problem, the normality of measurement results (observations), as a rule, cannot be established from general considerations; it should be checked using statistical criteria. Or use nonparametric statistical methods that are not based on assumptions about the membership of the distribution functions of measurement results (observations) to one or another parametric family.

Continuous distributions used in probabilistic and statistical methods of decision making. In addition to the scale-shift family of normal distributions, a number of other families of distributions are widely used - lognormal, exponential, Weibull-Gnedenko, gamma distributions. Let's look at these families.

Random value X has a lognormal distribution if the random variable Y= log X has a normal distribution. Then Z= log X = 2,3026…Y also has a normal distribution N(a 1 ,σ 1), where ln X- natural logarithm X. The density of the lognormal distribution is:

From the central limit theorem it follows that the product X = X 1 X 2 Xn independent positive random variables X i, i = 1, 2,…, n, at large n can be approximated by a lognormal distribution. In particular, the multiplicative model of the formation of wages or income leads to the recommendation to approximate the distributions of wages and income by logarithmically normal laws. For Russia, this recommendation turned out to be justified - statistical data confirms it.

There are other probabilistic models that lead to the lognormal law. A classic example of such a model was given by A.N. Kolmogorov, who, from a physically based system of postulates, came to the conclusion that the particle sizes when crushing pieces of ore, coal, etc. in ball mills have a lognormal distribution.

Let's move on to another family of distributions, widely used in various probabilistic-statistical methods of decision-making and other applied research - the family of exponential distributions. Let's start with the probabilistic model leading to such distributions. To do this, consider the “flow of events”, i.e. a sequence of events occurring one after another at certain points in time. Examples include: call flow at a telephone exchange; flow of equipment failures in the technological chain; flow of product failures during product testing; flow of customer requests to the bank branch; flow of buyers applying for goods and services, etc. In the theory of event flows, a theorem similar to the central limit theorem is valid, but it is not about the summation of random variables, but about the summation of event flows. We consider a total flow composed of a large number of independent flows, none of which has a predominant influence on the total flow. For example, a call flow entering a telephone exchange is composed of a large number of independent call flows originating from individual subscribers. It has been proven that in the case when the characteristics of flows do not depend on time, the total flow is completely described by one number - the intensity of the flow. For the total flow, consider the random variable X- the length of the time interval between successive events. Its distribution function has the form


This distribution is called exponential distribution because formula (10) involves the exponential function ex. The value 1/λ is a scale parameter. Sometimes a shift parameter is also introduced With, the distribution of a random variable is called exponential X + s, where the distribution X is given by formula (10).

Exponential distributions are a special case of the so-called. Weibull - Gnedenko distributions. They are named after the names of the engineer V. Weibull, who introduced these distributions into the practice of analyzing the results of fatigue tests, and the mathematician B.V. Gnedenko (1912-1995), who received such distributions as limits when studying the maximum of the test results. Let X- a random variable characterizing the duration of operation of a product, complex system, element (i.e. resource, operating time to a limiting state, etc.), duration of operation of an enterprise or the life of a living being, etc. Failure intensity plays an important role


Where F(x) And f(x) - distribution function and density of a random variable X.

Let us describe the typical behavior of the failure rate. The entire time interval can be divided into three periods. On the first of them the function λ(x) has high values ​​and a clear tendency to decrease (most often it decreases monotonically). This can be explained by the presence in the batch of product units in question with obvious and hidden defects, which lead to a relatively rapid failure of these product units. The first period is called the “break-in period” (or “break-in”). This is what the warranty period usually covers.

Then comes a period of normal operation, characterized by an approximately constant and relatively low failure rate. The nature of failures during this period is sudden (accidents, errors of operating personnel, etc.) and does not depend on the duration of operation of the product unit.

Finally, the last period of operation is the period of aging and wear. The nature of failures during this period is in irreversible physical, mechanical and chemical changes in materials, leading to a progressive deterioration in the quality of a product unit and its final failure.

Each period has its own type of function λ(x). Let us consider the class of power dependences

λ(x) = λ 0bx b -1 , (12)

Where λ 0 > 0 and b> 0 - some numeric parameters. Values b < 1, b= 0 and b> 1 correspond to the type of failure rate during the periods of running-in, normal operation and aging, respectively.

Relationship (11) at a given failure rate λ(x)- differential equation for a function F(x). From the theory of differential equations it follows that


Substituting (12) into (13), we obtain that


The distribution given by formula (14) is called the Weibull - Gnedenko distribution. Because the

then from formula (14) it follows that the quantity A, given by formula (15), is a scale parameter. Sometimes a shift parameter is also introduced, i.e. Weibull-Gnedenko distribution functions are called F(x - c), Where F(x) is given by formula (14) for some λ 0 and b.

The Weibull-Gnedenko distribution density has the form


Where a> 0 - scale parameter, b> 0 - form parameter, With- shift parameter. In this case, the parameter A from formula (16) is associated with the parameter λ 0 from formula (14) by the relationship specified in formula (15).

The exponential distribution is a very special case of the Weibull-Gnedenko distribution, corresponding to the value of the shape parameter b = 1.

The Weibull-Gnedenko distribution is also used in constructing probabilistic models of situations in which the behavior of an object is determined by the “weakest link”. There is an analogy with a chain, the safety of which is determined by the link that has the least strength. In other words, let X 1 , X 2 ,…, Xn- independent identically distributed random variables,

X(1)=min( X 1, X 2,…, X n), X(n)=max( X 1, X 2,…, X n).

In a number of applied problems, they play an important role X(1) And X(n) , in particular, when studying the maximum possible values ​​("records") of certain values, for example, insurance payments or losses due to commercial risks, when studying the elasticity and endurance limits of steel, a number of reliability characteristics, etc. It is shown that for large n the distributions X(1) And X(n) , as a rule, are well described by Weibull-Gnedenko distributions. Fundamental contribution to the study of distributions X(1) And X(n) contributed by the Soviet mathematician B.V. Gnedenko. The works of V. Weibull, E. Gumbel, V.B. are devoted to the use of the results obtained in economics, management, technology and other fields. Nevzorova, E.M. Kudlaev and many other specialists.

Let's move on to the family of gamma distributions. They are widely used in economics and management, theory and practice of reliability and testing, in various fields of technology, meteorology, etc. In particular, in many situations, the gamma distribution is subject to such quantities as the total service life of the product, the length of the chain of conductive dust particles, the time the product reaches the limiting state during corrosion, the operating time to k-th refusal, k= 1, 2, …, etc. The life expectancy of patients with chronic diseases and the time to achieve a certain effect during treatment in some cases have a gamma distribution. This distribution is most adequate for describing demand in economic and mathematical models of inventory management (logistics).

The gamma distribution density has the form


The probability density in formula (17) is determined by three parameters a, b, c, Where a>0, b>0. Wherein a is a form parameter, b- scale parameter and With- shift parameter. Factor 1/Γ(a) is normalizing, it was introduced to

Here Γ(a)- one of the special functions used in mathematics, the so-called “gamma function”, after which the distribution given by formula (17) is named,

At fixed A formula (17) specifies a scale-shift family of distributions generated by a distribution with density


A distribution of the form (18) is called the standard gamma distribution. It is obtained from formula (17) at b= 1 and With= 0.

A special case of gamma distributions for A= 1 are exponential distributions (with λ = 1/b). With natural A And With=0 gamma distributions are called Erlang distributions. From the works of the Danish scientist K.A. Erlang (1878-1929), an employee of the Copenhagen Telephone Company, who studied in 1908-1922. the functioning of telephone networks, the development of queuing theory began. This theory deals with probabilistic and statistical modeling of systems in which a flow of requests is serviced in order to make optimal decisions. Erlang distributions are used in the same application areas in which exponential distributions are used. This is based on the following mathematical fact: the sum of k independent random variables exponentially distributed with the same parameters λ and With, has a gamma distribution with a shape parameter a =k, scale parameter b= 1/λ and shift parameter kc. At With= 0 we obtain the Erlang distribution.

If the random variable X has a gamma distribution with a shape parameter A such that d = 2 a- integer, b= 1 and With= 0, then 2 X has a chi-square distribution with d degrees of freedom.

Random value X with gvmma distribution has the following characteristics:

Expected value M(X) =ab + c,

Variance D(X) = σ 2 = ab 2 ,

The coefficient of variation



The normal distribution is an extreme case of the gamma distribution. More precisely, let Z be a random variable having a standard gamma distribution given by formula (18). Then

for any real number X, Where F(x)- standard normal distribution function N(0,1).

In applied research, other parametric families of distributions are also used, of which the most famous are the system of Pearson curves, the Edgeworth and Charlier series. They are not considered here.

Discrete distributions used in probabilistic and statistical methods of decision making. The most commonly used are three families of discrete distributions - binomial, hypergeometric and Poisson, as well as some other families - geometric, negative binomial, multinomial, negative hypergeometric, etc.

As already mentioned, the binomial distribution occurs in independent trials, in each of which with probability R event appears A. If the total number of trials n given, then the number of tests Y, in which the event appeared A, has a binomial distribution. For a binomial distribution, the probability of being accepted as a random variable is Y values y is determined by the formula

Number of combinations of n elements by y, known from combinatorics. For all y, except 0, 1, 2, …, n, we have P(Y= y)= 0. Binomial distribution with fixed sample size n is specified by the parameter p, i.e. binomial distributions form a one-parameter family. They are used in the analysis of data from sample studies, in particular, in the study of consumer preferences, selective control of product quality according to single-stage control plans, when testing populations of individuals in demography, sociology, medicine, biology, etc.

If Y 1 And Y 2 - independent binomial random variables with the same parameter p 0 , determined from samples with volumes n 1 And n 2 accordingly, then Y 1 + Y 2 - binomial random variable having distribution (19) with R = p 0 And n = n 1 + n 2 . This remark extends the applicability of the binomial distribution by allowing the results of several groups of tests to be combined when there is reason to believe that the same parameter corresponds to all these groups.

The characteristics of the binomial distribution were calculated earlier:

M(Y) = n.p., D(Y) = n.p.( 1- p).

In the section "Events and Probabilities" the law of large numbers is proven for a binomial random variable:

for anyone . Using the central limit theorem, the law of large numbers can be refined by indicating how much Y/ n differs from R.

De Moivre-Laplace theorem. For any numbers a and b, a< b, we have

Where F(X) is a function of standard normal distribution with mathematical expectation 0 and variance 1.

To prove it, it suffices to use the representation Y in the form of a sum of independent random variables corresponding to the outcomes of individual tests, formulas for M(Y) And D(Y) and the central limit theorem.

This theorem is for the case R= ½ was proven by the English mathematician A. Moivre (1667-1754) in 1730. In the above formulation, it was proven in 1810 by the French mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace (1749 - 1827).

Hypergeometric distribution occurs during selective control of a finite set of objects of volume N according to an alternative criterion. Each controlled object is classified either as having the attribute A, or as not having this characteristic. The hypergeometric distribution has a random variable Y, equal to the number of objects that have the attribute A in a random sample of volume n, Where n< N. For example, number Y defective units of product in a random sample of volume n from batch volume N has a hypergeometric distribution if n< N. Another example is the lottery. Let the sign A ticket is a sign of “being a winner”. Let the total number of tickets N, and some person acquired n of them. Then the number of winning tickets for this person has a hypergeometric distribution.

For a hypergeometric distribution, the probability of a random variable Y accepting the value y has the form


Where D– the number of objects that have the attribute A, in the considered set of volume N. Wherein y takes values ​​from max(0, n - (N - D)) to min( n, D), other things y the probability in formula (20) is equal to 0. Thus, the hypergeometric distribution is determined by three parameters - the volume of the population N, number of objects D in it, possessing the characteristic in question A, and sample size n.

Simple random volume sampling n from the total volume N is a sample obtained as a result of random selection in which any of the sets of n objects have the same probability of being selected. Methods for randomly selecting samples of respondents (surveys) or units of piece goods are discussed in instructional, methodological, and regulatory documents. One of the selection methods is this: objects are selected one from another, and at each step, each of the remaining objects in the set has the same chance of being selected. In the literature, the terms “random sample” and “random sample without return” are also used for the type of samples under consideration.

Since the volumes of the population (batch) N and samples n are usually known, then the parameter of the hypergeometric distribution to be estimated is D. In statistical methods of product quality management D– usually the number of defective units in a batch. The distribution characteristic is also of interest D/ N– level of defects.

For hypergeometric distribution

The last factor in the expression for variance is close to 1 if N>10 n. If you make a replacement p = D/ N, then the expressions for the mathematical expectation and variance of the hypergeometric distribution will turn into expressions for the mathematical expectation and variance of the binomial distribution. This is no accident. It can be shown that

at N>10 n, Where p = D/ N. The limiting ratio is valid

and this limiting relation can be used when N>10 n.

The third widely used discrete distribution is the Poisson distribution. The random variable Y has a Poisson distribution if


where λ is the Poisson distribution parameter, and P(Y= y)= 0 for all others y(for y=0 it is designated 0! =1). For Poisson distribution

M(Y) = λ, D(Y) = λ.

This distribution is named after the French mathematician S. D. Poisson (1781-1840), who first obtained it in 1837. The Poisson distribution is the limiting case of the binomial distribution, when the probability R the implementation of the event is small, but the number of tests n great, and n.p.= λ. More precisely, the limit relation is valid

Therefore, the Poisson distribution (in the old terminology “distribution law”) is often also called the “law of rare events.”

The Poisson distribution arises in the theory of streams of events (see above). It has been proven that for the simplest flow with constant intensity Λ, the number of events (calls) that occurred during the time t, has a Poisson distribution with parameter λ = Λ t. Therefore, the probability that during the time t no event will occur, equal to e - Λ t, i.e. the distribution function of the length of the interval between events is exponential.

The Poisson distribution is used in analyzing the results of sample marketing surveys of consumers, calculating the operational characteristics of statistical acceptance control plans in the case of small values ​​of the acceptance level of defects, to describe the number of breakdowns of a statistically controlled technological process per unit of time, the number of “service requirements” received per unit of time in queuing system, statistical patterns of accidents and rare diseases, etc.

Descriptions of other parametric families of discrete distributions and the possibilities of their practical use are considered in the literature.

In some cases, for example, when studying prices, output volumes or total time between failures in reliability problems, the distribution functions are constant over certain intervals in which the values ​​of the studied random variables cannot fall.


A universal way of specifying the distribution law, suitable for both discrete and continuous random variables, is the distribution function.

Distribution function of a random variable X called function F(x), defining for each value x the probability that the random variable X will take a value less than x, that is

F(x) = P(X < x).

Basic properties of the distribution function F(x) :

1. Since by definition F(x) is equal to the probability of the event, all possible values ​​of the distribution function belong to the segment:

0 £ F(x) £ 1.

2. If, then, that is F(x) is a non-decreasing function of its argument.

3. The probability that a random variable will take a value belonging to the half-interval [ a, b), is equal to the increment of the distribution function on this interval:

P(a £ X < b) = F(b) - F(a).

4. If all possible values ​​of a random variable belong to the interval [ a, b], That

F(x) = 0, at x £ a; F(x) = 1, with x > b.

The distribution function of discrete random variables can be determined by the formula

. (15)

If the distribution series of a discrete random variable is known, it is easy to calculate and construct its distribution function. Let us demonstrate how this is done using example 23.

Example 25. Calculate and construct the distribution function for a discrete random variable, the distribution law of which has the form:

x i 0,1 1,2 2,3 4,5
p i 0,1 0,2 0,6 0,1

Solution. Let's determine the function values F(x) = P(X < x) for all possible values x:

at xО (- ¥; 0.1] there is not a single value of the random variable X, less than these values x, that is, there is not a single term in the sum (15):

F(x) = 0;

at xО (0.1; 1.2] only one possible value ( X= 0.1) less than the considered values x. That is, when xО (0.1; 1.2] F(x) = P(X = 0,1) = 0,1;

at xО (1.2; 2.3] two values ​​( X= 0.1 and X= 1.2) less than these values x, hence, F(x) = P(X = 0,1) + P(X = 1,2) = 0,1 + 0,2 = 0,3;

at xО (2.3; 4.5] three values ​​( X = 0,1, X= 1.2 and X= 2.3) less than these values x, hence, F(x) = P(X = 0,1) + P(X = 1,2) + P(X = 2,3) = 0,1 + 0,2 + 0,6 = 0,9 ;

at xО (4,5, ¥) all possible values ​​of the random variable X will be less than these values x, And F(x) = P(X = 0,1) + P(X = 1,2) + P(X = 2,3) +

+ P(X = 4,5) = 0,1 + 0,2 + 0,6 + 0,1 = 1.


Graph of a function F(x) is shown in Figure 8.

In general, the distribution function F(x) discrete random variable X is a discontinuous step function, continuous on the left, whose jumps occur at points corresponding to possible values X 1 , X 2 , ... random variable X and are equal to the probabilities p 1 , p 2 , ... these values.

Distribution function of continuous random variables. Now we can give a more precise definition of continuous random variables: random variable X called continuous, if its distribution function F(x) for all values x is continuous and, in addition, has a derivative everywhere, with the possible exception of individual points.

From the continuity of the function F(x) follows that the probability of each individual value of a continuous random variable is zero.

Since the probability of each individual value of a continuous random variable is 0, property 3 of the distribution function for a continuous random variable will be of the form

P(a £ X < b) = P(a £ X £ b) = P(a < X £ b) = P(a < X < b) = F(b) - F(a).

Example 26. The probabilities of hitting the target for each of the two shooters are respectively equal to: 0.7; 0.6. Random value X- the number of misses, provided that each shooter fired one shot. Create a series of distributions of a random variable X, build a bar chart and distribution function.

Solution. Possible values ​​of this random variable X: 0, 1, 2. The problem condition can be considered as a series of n= 2 independent trials. In this case, to calculate the probabilities of possible values ​​of a random variable X you can use the theorems for adding the probabilities of incompatible events and multiplying the probabilities of independent events:

Let's denote the events:

A i = ( i-th shooter hit the target) i = 1, 2.

According to the condition, the probability of an event A 1 P(A 1) = 0.7, probability of event A 2 - P(A 2) = 0.6. Then the probabilities of opposite events: , .

Let us determine all the elementary events of a given random experiment and the corresponding probabilities:

Elementary Events Events Probabilities

(Let's check that ).

Distribution series of a given random variable X looks like

x i Total
p i 0,42 0,46 0,12

The bar graph corresponding to this distribution series is shown in Figure 9.

Let's calculate the distribution function of this random variable:


at x Î (- ¥, 0] ;

at xО (0, 1] ;

at xО (1, 2] ;

at xО (2, +¥);

So, the distribution function of the random variable under consideration has the form:

Graph of a function F(x) is shown in Figure 10.

Probability density function of a continuous random variable.

Probability distribution density continuous random variable X at the point x the derivative of its distribution function at this point is called:

f(x) = F¢( x).

According to the meaning of the function values f(x) are proportional to the probability that the random variable under study will take a value somewhere in the immediate vicinity of the point x.

Density distribution function f(x), as well as the distribution function F(x), is one of the forms of specifying the distribution law, but it is applicable only for continuous random variables. Probability density function f(x) also called differential distribution function, while the distribution function F(x) are called, respectively, cumulative distribution function.

Density distribution plot f(x) is called distribution curve.

Let us consider the properties that the distribution density function of a continuous random variable has.

Property 1. The probability distribution density is a non-negative function:

f(x) ³ 0

(geometrically: the distribution curve lies not below the x-axis).

Property 2. The probability of a random variable falling into the area from a to b is determined by the formula


(geometrically: this probability is equal to the area of ​​the curvilinear trapezoid bounded by the curve f(x), axis Oh and straight x= a and x= b).

Property 3.

(geometrically: the area of ​​the figure bounded by the distribution curve and the x-axis is equal to one).

In particular, if all possible values ​​of a random variable belong to the interval [ a, b], That

Property 4. Distribution function F(x) can be found from the known distribution density function as follows:


Example 27. A continuous random variable is specified by a distribution function

Determine the differential distribution density function.

Solution. Let us define the differential distribution density function

Example 28. Is each of the following functions the distribution density of some random variable?

Questions for self-control

1. What is called a random variable?

2. What quantities are called discrete? continuous?

3. What is the law of distribution of a random variable called?

4. In what ways can the law of distribution of a discrete random variable be specified? continuous?

5. What characterizes the distribution function F(x) random variable?

6. How to determine the probability of a random variable falling into a certain interval using the distribution function?

7. What does the distribution density function of a random variable characterize? Indicate its probabilistic meaning.

8. For what quantities is the distribution density function defined?

9. Can the distribution density function take negative values?

10. How functions are related to each other F(x) And f(x)?

11. What random variables are called continuous?

12. What is the area of ​​the figure bounded by the distribution curve and the x-axis?

13. How to determine the probability of a continuous random variable falling into a certain interval using the distribution density function?

The distribution function of a random variable X is the function F(x), which expresses for each x the probability that the random variable X will take the value, smaller x

Example 2.5. Given a distribution series of a random variable

Find and graphically depict its distribution function. Solution. According to the definition

F(jc) = 0 at X X

F(x) = 0.4 + 0.1 = 0.5 at 4 F(x) = 0.5 + 0.5 = 1 at X > 5.

So (see Fig. 2.1):

Properties of the distribution function:

1. The distribution function of a random variable is a non-negative function between zero and one:

2. The distribution function of a random variable is a non-decreasing function on the entire numerical axis, i.e. at X 2 >x

3. At minus infinity, the distribution function is equal to zero, at plus infinity it is equal to one, i.e.

4. Probability of hitting a random variable X in the interval is equal to a certain integral of its probability density ranging from A before b(see Fig. 2.2), i.e.

Rice. 2.2

3. The distribution function of a continuous random variable (see Fig. 2.3) can be expressed through the probability density according to the formula:

F(x)= Jp(*)*. (2.10)

4. The improper integral in infinite limits of the probability density of a continuous random variable is equal to one:

Geometrically properties / and 4 probability densities mean that its graph is distribution curve - lies not below the x-axis, and the total area of ​​the figure, bounded by the distribution curve and the x-axis, equal to one.

For a continuous random variable X expected value M(X) and variance D(X) are determined by the formulas:

(if the integral is absolutely convergent); or

(if the above integrals converge).

Along with the numerical characteristics noted above, the concept of quantiles and percentage points is used to describe a random variable.

Quantile level q(or q-quantile) is such a valuex qrandom variable, at which its distribution function takes the value, equal to q, i.e.

  • 100The q%-ou point is the quantile X~ q.
  • ? Example 2.8.

Based on the data in Example 2.6, find the quantile xqj and the 30% random variable point X.

Solution. By definition (2.16) F(xo t3)= 0.3, i.e.

~Y~ = 0.3, where does the quantile come from? x 0 3 = 0.6. 30% random variable point X, or quantile X)_o,z = xoj"is found similarly from the equation ^ = 0.7. where *,= 1.4. ?

Among the numerical characteristics of a random variable there are initial v* and central R* moments of kth order, determined for discrete and continuous random variables by the formulas:

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