Umk in geography. Educational and methodological complex in geography UMC lines in geography

I work with the Classical line in geography. It is convenient to work with the textbook by Barinova I.I. at the lesson. The text of the paragraph contains everything you need - tasks and questions for students to ask during the lesson, questions for repetition after each topic, colorful pictures and diagrams, workshops that students do at home or in class, there are various reminders, geographical nomenclature.

Somova S., teacher, MBOU secondary school in Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region

The strengths of the 7th grade geography textbook from the “Classical Line” include clarity, structured material, a reasonable combination of scientific content and accessibility for students.

Egorkina G.K., geography teacher, MBOUSOSH No. 4 named after Nisanov Kh.D. Proletarsk, Rostov region Line UMK Geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

I work with the "Classical Line" in geography. A colorful textbook, interesting, accessible text of paragraphs, there are maps of Russia and the world. Another advantage is the presence of an electronic application for textbooks.

Smazhenko Z., geography teacher, MBOU "Novobezginskaya Secondary School", Belgorod region

I work with atlases and contour maps on geography from the Bustard-Dik publishing house, and teach along the Classical line.

Separately, I would like to note the geography atlas for grade 7 - it complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, there is useful reference information, and good print quality. The atlas helps schoolchildren to learn information about continents and oceans, and the features of nature. Thanks to the publisher!

Nikonorova L.R., geography teacher, St. Petersburg

I often watch webinars on geography, they help a lot and develop the professional competence of the teacher. Thanks for organizing them.

Emelyanova O.V., geography teacher, MBOU "Chernobor Secondary School"

I work with the Classic line of teaching materials in geography. On the plus side, I would like to note the material available to study, there is a sufficient amount of visual material, the textbook contains very good questions to review the topics studied after the sections.

Kostochkina Yu.V., geography teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 34, Moscow region

Textbooks for grades 5-7 form a holistic understanding of the diversity of the modern world, knowledge about nature, the population and its economic activities, and reveal the complex relationships between society and the environment. In textbooks for grades 8-9, the educational material is presented compactly; a variety of diagrams and drawings make the material easier to understand. Tasks of varying levels of complexity, creative and problematic in nature are presented.

T. M. Fominykh, geography teacher, MAOU Lyceum No. 34, Tyumen

All textbooks are well illustrated - contain a huge number of photographs, diagrams and maps. The material is presented in accessible language, which corresponds to the age characteristics of the students. The logic of presentation of the material allows you to effectively teach schoolchildren of different levels of preparedness.

N. M. Kiryanova, teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 102, Moscow

Generally speaking, I really like UMK. The presentation of the educational material is satisfactory; there are enough pictures and maps.

S.R. Alikeeva, geography teacher, Tyumen region, Setovo village

I work with the Classical line in geography. It is convenient to work with the textbook by Barinova I.I. at the lesson. The text of the paragraph contains everything you need - tasks and questions for students to ask during the lesson, questions for repetition after each topic, colorful pictures and diagrams, workshops that students do at home or in class, there are various reminders, geographical nomenclature.

Somova S., teacher, MBOU secondary school in Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region

The strengths of the 7th grade geography textbook from the “Classical Line” include clarity, structured material, a reasonable combination of scientific content and accessibility for students.

Egorkina G.K., geography teacher, MBOUSOSH No. 4 named after Nisanov Kh.D. Proletarsk, Rostov region Line UMK Geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

I work with the "Classical Line" in geography. A colorful textbook, interesting, accessible text of paragraphs, there are maps of Russia and the world. Another advantage is the presence of an electronic application for textbooks.

Smazhenko Z., geography teacher, MBOU "Novobezginskaya Secondary School", Belgorod region

I work with atlases and contour maps on geography from the Bustard-Dik publishing house, and teach along the Classical line.

Separately, I would like to note the geography atlas for grade 7 - it complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, there is useful reference information, and good print quality. The atlas helps schoolchildren to learn information about continents and oceans, and the features of nature. Thanks to the publisher!

Nikonorova L.R., geography teacher, St. Petersburg

I often watch webinars on geography, they help a lot and develop the professional competence of the teacher. Thanks for organizing them.

Emelyanova O.V., geography teacher, MBOU "Chernobor Secondary School"

I work with the Classic line of teaching materials in geography. On the plus side, I would like to note the material available to study, there is a sufficient amount of visual material, the textbook contains very good questions to review the topics studied after the sections.

Kostochkina Yu.V., geography teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 34, Moscow region

Textbooks for grades 5-7 form a holistic understanding of the diversity of the modern world, knowledge about nature, the population and its economic activities, and reveal the complex relationships between society and the environment. In textbooks for grades 8-9, the educational material is presented compactly; a variety of diagrams and drawings make the material easier to understand. Tasks of varying levels of complexity, creative and problematic in nature are presented.

T. M. Fominykh, geography teacher, MAOU Lyceum No. 34, Tyumen

All textbooks are well illustrated - contain a huge number of photographs, diagrams and maps. The material is presented in accessible language, which corresponds to the age characteristics of the students. The logic of presentation of the material allows you to effectively teach schoolchildren of different levels of preparedness.

N. M. Kiryanova, teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 102, Moscow

Generally speaking, I really like UMK. The presentation of the educational material is satisfactory; there are enough pictures and maps.

S.R. Alikeeva, geography teacher, Tyumen region, Setovo village

Federal State Educational Standard in Geography

Slides: 27 Words: 1610 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Teaching geography and Federal State Educational Standards Ltd. Goals of school geography. Goals have three levels. Reflecting the contribution of the subject to the formation of the scientific picture of the world. Reflecting the acquisition of knowledge and skills by schoolchildren. Reflecting the possibilities of geography in the education and development of students. New concept of the subject "geography". The purpose of the item has changed. Place in the curriculum. The main task is the integration of school geography into a single subject. Subject results of mastering the general education program in basic general education. General history Social science Geography. Characteristic features of the school geographical education system. - Federal State Educational Standard on Geography.ppt

Geography Standards

Slides: 37 Words: 877 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The federal component establishes: The maximum amount of teaching load. Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs. Requirements for the level of training of graduates. Study time standards. Place of the subject “Geography” in the Federal Basic Curriculum. Including: In grade VI – 35 hours, based on 1 teaching hour per week. In grades VII, VIII and IX - 70 hours each, based on 2 teaching hours per week. In the Federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Carrying out practical work on the ground. At the stage of secondary complete general education at the basic level. - Geography standards.ppt

New standards for geography

Slides: 12 Words: 995 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The functions of the second generation standards have changed. The activity approach is implemented in the requirements for the content of educational programs. Number of hours. New (subtopics): Main resource bases. Making a weather forecast. The concept of human capital. Labor resources and economically active population of Russia. Territorial differences in the human development index. Quality of population; The concept of production capital. Distribution of productive capital throughout the country. Light industry and environmental protection. Topics that are no longer studied. Composition, place and importance in the economy. - New standards for geography.ppt

Geography program

Slides: 5 Words: 584 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

A basic level of. Beginning geography course. 6th grade - M.: Bustard, 2007. 2. V.I. Sirotin. Geography. Geography of continents and oceans, grade 7 - M.: Bustard, 2008. 2. V.I. Sirotin. Geography of continents and oceans. 7th grade. 4. V.A.Korinskaya, I.V.Dushina, V.A.Schenev. Geography of continents and oceans, grade 7. Work program in geography. 4. Atlas. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade - M.: Bustard, 2008. 2. V.P. Dronov. Workbook. Population and economy of Russia. To the textbook by V.Ya.Roma, V.P.Dronov “Geography of Russia. Population and economy." 9th grade - M.: Bustard, 2008. 3. V.I. Sirotin. - Geography program.pptx

Teaching materials on geography

Slides: 15 Words: 53 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Teaching materials on geography and cartographic support High school. Educational complex "Spheres" 10 - 11 grades. Educational complex "Polar Star" Geography. Modern world. 10-11 grade. UMK publishing house "Drofa" edited by A.I. Alekseeva 10 - 11 grade. UMK Classic line 10 - 11 grades. Educational and educational complex of the publishing house "Russkoe Slovo" grades 10 - 11. UMK publishing house "Ventana-Graf" 10th grade. Profile course “Public Geography” V.N. Kholina 10th grade. Profile course “Public Geography” V.N. Kholina 11th grade. - Teaching materials on geography.ppt

"Geography" profile level

Slides: 28 Words: 800 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Geography. The structure of the educational and methodological complex. Scope of use. Innovation. Novelty of the project. Equipment at school. Computer. Course structure. Printed textbook. Information support site. The role of the information support site. Statistical information. Creative projects. Multimedia textbook. Types of multimedia tasks. Disk. Test tasks. Photo galleries. Reference material. Practical problems. Assessment of factors for the location of industrial enterprises. Formation of basic skills and competencies. Assessment of students' knowledge. Point-rating system. - “Geography” profile level.ppt

Geography textbooks

Slides: 14 Words: 721 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Updating the content of the geography course in the new generation educational complex. Teaching materials for the textbook by V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Roma “Geography: population, economy.” Widely used in Russian schools. The clarity and accessibility of the language of presentation in the textbook is noted. The content of the textbook has also been changed and significantly expanded. Statistical information has been supplemented and updated. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade. Workbook for the textbook by V. Ya. Roma, V. P. Dronova `Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade`. Non-standard test lessons, competitions, and additional materials are also offered. - Geography textbooks.ppt

Textbooks Russian word

Slides: 43 Words: 973 Sounds: 0 Effects: 59

Advantages of the unity of the group of authors. Continuity of material. Stylistic unity of the text. General structure of content organization and methodological apparatus. Serial design. Features of geography textbooks for grades 6-11 published by the Russkoe Slovo publishing house. Features of geography textbooks for grades 6-11 published by the Russkoe Slovo publishing house. They take into account the transition from the “knowledge” paradigm in education to the “activity” one. Methodological apparatus. Repetition block. Two-level questions and map questions. Test tasks. The illustrations in the textbook vary in typological composition, form and content. - Textbooks Russian Word.ppt

Geography textbook for 6th grade

Slides: 28 Words: 895 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Main activities. Lines of federal textbooks. Geography. Program. Contents of the program. Program structure. Features of the program. Conceptual framework. Geography course. Course structure. Course schedule. Features of the course. Textbook structure. Questions before the paragraph. Title of the paragraph. Questions and assignments after the paragraphs. Selection of additional material. Structure and content of the textbook. Use in the design of reproductions of paintings. Use of schematic drawings. Using simplified diagrams. Use of computer circuits. Usage. - Geography textbook for grade 6.ppt

Geography textbook for 7th grade

Slides: 38 Words: 1773 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

School textbook. Geography course content components. Modern society is based on knowledge. Changing teaching models. Geography in the 21st century school. Development strategy. Global world of the 21st century. The content of the 7 cash desk course should be activity-based. Change of teaching models in the Federal State Educational Standard. New requirements for learning outcomes. Skills are the operational part of knowledge. Fundamentals of geographical science. General earth science component of the course. New course structure. Types of educational activities. Potentials of geography. Redistribution of educational material. General earth science component of the textbook. - Geography textbook for grade 7.ppt

Geography textbook for 9th grade

Slides: 69 Words: 939 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Geography 9th grade. Course "Geography of Russia". Features of the textbook. Principles of structure and content. Textbook text. Types of textbook text. Types of illustrations. Classification schemes. Structural diagrams. Genetic circuits. Maps and charts. Tables with text. Diagrams. Statistical data (absolute and relative). Drawings. Photos. Methodological apparatus. Questions and tasks aimed at testing different components. Questions and tasks aimed at working with different sources. Partition ratio. Textbook structure. Sectoral structure of the economy. -

1 day of seminar

The publishing house "Ventana - Graf" was represented at the seminar by Nadezhda Petrovna Emelina, a methodologist in the geography of the publishing center. The attention of the listeners was offered to the program “Geography for grades 6-10”, textbooks from grades 6 to 11, edited by corresponding member. RAO V.P. Dronova. There was a presentation of textbooks from grades 6 to 11. Textbooks on geography IC "Ventana-Graph" under the general editorship of V.P. Dronov represent a consistent line of textbooks from grades 6 to 10. The project manager is Iraida Vladimirovna Dushina. The textbooks meet the state educational standard and the Basic Curriculum (2004), meet the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs and the requirements for the level of students’ preparation in geography. The line includes the following textbooks:

  • Geography. 6th grade. Letyagin A.A.
  • Geography. 7th grade. Dushina I.V., Smoktunovich T.L.
  • Geography. 8th grade. Pyatunin V.B.
  • Geography. 9th grade. Customs E.A.
  • Geography. 10th grade. Bakhchieva O.A. (basic level).

Textbooks for grades 6,7,8 are included in the Federal List of Textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions in the 2008-2009 academic year. The 10th grade textbook is included in the Federal list of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions in the 2008-2009 academic year. The educational complex ensures the complexity and continuity of teaching geography in school from class to class.

The following features are characteristic of teaching materials in geography:

The transition from separate study of physical and socio-economic geography to an integrated course, which corresponds to the development trends of modern geographical science;

Information about modern methods of geographical research (global navigation system tools), sources of geographic information (satellite images), the role of geography in society has been expanded, a list of Internet resources is provided;

Humanistic and cultural approaches to the disclosure of educational material have been strengthened, many examples of geographical objects, including Russian ones, included in the list of World Natural and Cultural Heritage are given;

Much attention is paid to practical activities, the application of geographical knowledge and skills in everyday life;

A significant number of topics focus students on studying their native land. Questions and tasks have been introduced that require the application of acquired knowledge to the analysis of the situation in their area;

The second part of the seminar was devoted to the presentation of testing teachers in the Vladimir region. Prokofieva E.Yu. presented their testing experience. Geography teacher of the city of Kolchugino (6th grade), Baeva V.E. Geography teacher of the city of Kolchugino (grades 7 and 8) Kopylova O.Yu. Geography teacher of the city of Murom (grade 10). The textbooks of this line received generally positive reviews from testing teachers.

summary of other presentations

“Federal State Educational Standards of the Geography Program” - Requirements for subject results. Fundamental core of content. Continents. Regions of the country. Differences between Federal State Educational Standards and State Educational Standards. Content and structure. Gaining finding skills. Sample and working programs. UUD system. Requirements for the results of mastering programs. Logistical. Federal State Educational Standard. Standard of secondary general education. Organizational section. Target section. Geography of Russia. Content section of the program.

“Line of Geography Textbooks” - Practical tasks require a creative approach and the manifestation of imagination. At the beginning of each paragraph, a clear goal statement is given. Links to modern educational resources. The authors place human economic activity at the center of the review. The textbooks are well illustrated. Questions and assignments after each paragraph. Detailed description of the main types of economic activities. Main content lines.

“Geography “Ventana-Graf”” - Conference, pedagogical forum. Modern technologies (electrometallurgy). Author's seminar. Communicative UUD. Earth as a planet in the solar system. Author team of a line of geography textbooks. Geography. Features of textbooks. Practical work is an integral part of the content of school geography. Achieving advanced positions in global economic competition. Traditional tasks of pedagogy from the perspective of the activity approach.

“Educational program in geography” - Planned results of studying the academic subject. System for assessing subject results. Methodological support. General characteristics of the educational subject. Psychological and pedagogical features of children's development. Thematic planning. Structure of the program by subject. Planned results of studying the training course. System-activity approach. Cabinet equipment. Sample curriculum for basic general education.

“Educational and methodological complex in geography” - Sources of geographical information. Skills that develop and are formed in the process of work. Sources of regional information - working with a dictionary. Working with reference words. Literary descriptions – V. Peskov. From the notes of Lieutenant Lavrenty Zagoskin, 1842 - 1844. Implementation of a methodological idea. Subject-methodological line of geography textbooks. Goals of geographical education at school. Universal learning activities.

“Geography teaching programs” - Interactive maps on geography. Interactive posters. Scheme for describing educational software products. Unified State Exam 2011. List of links to educational software products. Analysis of teaching programs in geography. List of educational software products. 1C: Educational collection. Geography lessons from Cyril and Methodius. Geography. 1C: Audiobooks.

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