Learn to dance modern dances at home. How to learn to dance: video lessons for those who are not afraid to try Dancing by movement

Come on, let’s all start dancing together in a modern way at home? It is unlikely that there is an opportunity to resist such a temptation. There is not a single person in the world who would not open up during dancing! And modern, newfangled dances offer so many different unique approaches and movements! Previously, everyone walked around and around and called it dancing. And now, basically, incendiary new products have burst into the world, demolishing everything in their path.

At first it seems to anyone that he will never be able to move like that. But a little time passes, and he is already dancing faster than everyone else! Oh, how many uncertain words there were at the very beginning. In any case, every Internet user has a unique opportunity, literally, right now, to break into a dance “on the fly,” repeating the movements shown in the video.

A colossal burst of energy! And many will feel something they have never felt before in their lives. These are modern dances, for which you don’t really need any instructors. Moreover, in many people the talent to move beautifully lives from birth. So to speak, it is embedded in them by Mother Nature herself, with whom, oh, how dangerous it is to argue! It’s better not to start these pointless disputes. And start dancing this minute.

Video: Strip-Dance Video lesson for beginners!

Video: Go-go dance! Strip of plastic. How to learn to dance at home?

Modern dance lessons on video: Beauties teach you to dance beautifully!

A selection of video lessons of modern dances at home for beginners:

Below there is a whole selection of step-by-step video lessons of modern dances for beginners at home, which will no doubt teach you something necessary and useful. The video squares are small, click “full screen” or double-click on the video for easier viewing.


Decide on the type of dance. Each direction has its own characteristic movements, be it flamenco, breakdancing, rock and roll or samba. For example, for Latin American dances, sexy and playful, the defining elements are hip swaying, rotation, and smooth movement in space. Movements and steps are performed at a high tempo to fast music. Breakdancing is based on acrobatic elements, rotations around your body, rotations on your arms and head. The dancer must have physical endurance and good coordination. Flamenco can be recognized by the performer's characteristic beating of the rhythm with his heels, and by the smooth free movements of the hands, like a fan opening and closing.

Study the basic elements of the chosen dance direction and performance technique. All compositions include the basic elements of this style, poses, steps, gestures. To do this, you can watch dance videos and training programs. Your task to begin with is to study the basics of the dance. It will be a solid foundation for further steps.

Choose music. Each dance has its own characteristic sound, melody, rhythm. For example, salsa time signature is four quarters. The dance is performed at a fast pace with a complex rhythmic pattern. In some countries this style is known as "tropical music". You can easily find the songs you need by the name of the dance.

While listening to the melody, try to perform the basic elements of the dance. If the rhythm does not fit the chosen movement, do the combination slower or, conversely, faster. Change the basic elements. At first the dance will look like a set of basic movements replacing each other.

After studying the basic elements and grammar of dance, listen to music and try to improvise. At this stage you can add your own movements and show creativity. To make it easier to improvise, come up with a plot. For example, your hands are tied and you can only move your legs. In this case, the execution of basic movements will be slightly changed. Or the dancer portrays a hero who has just broken up with, and characteristic emotions are noticeable on his face, certain feelings are expressed through his body. At the same time, do not think, but simply show your inner state. Based on the plot, the steps can be either small or large. Add objects and accessories to the dance. Change your position in space. These techniques will somewhat “dilute” the memorized basic elements, but will retain the basis and characteristic movements by which the dance is recognized.

It's no secret that when you get up in the morning, you'll spend the whole day with this attitude. There are many ways to wake up in a good mood, and one of them is dancing. Having selected certain dance moves, It’s quite possible to replace exercise or running. Not only are dance movements useful, they also have a positive effect on a person’s mood.

There are even many cases where people started their day with simple dance moves, and then fell into the popular one.

Basic dance movements for physical health

By adding physical activity to your life, it should be noted that you gain harmony, improve self-esteem and mood. Plus, it's a good activity for people at risk of heart disease. However, do not forget about the load. Perhaps at first you need to do easy dance moves, but even then you can feel positive results in the form of a surge of energy. Scientific studies even report this.

Italian scientists observed a group of people who danced every week. As a result, not only their physical condition improved, but they also became more energetic.

At first, when learning movements for beginners, you should not overdo it. Only by gradually increasing the load does the body gain flexibility, endurance and strength. Most classes begin with flexibility and stretching exercises. When performing the dance movements themselves, all muscle groups will be involved. Styles such as ballet or jazz, and not only, include jumping, which develops strength and endurance.

Dancing: movements for beginners

It's no secret that even the most simple dance moves not just good for the body, but also healing for the psyche. These include:

  • « Square" is performed with feet along an imaginary square. In this case, the hands are on the belt, and the body protrudes slightly forward. This dance move is also called the “Box Step”. It is often used in music videos and in fitness.

The next movement comes from the previous one. Only it is performed cross to cross. At the same time, the step becomes more difficult: the right leg is brought forward and placed in the upper left corner, and the left leg, because of the right leg, is placed in the upper right corner of the imaginary square. From this position they step back.

  • « “Slide” is another simple movement in which one leg stands to the side and is slightly bent, and the other is “pulled” as if along a slippery surface, straightening the supporting leg. Repeat in the same way in the other direction. Such slides can be found in “Hip-Hop”
  • « The figure eight can be performed with the hips, knees and even shoulders, moving along the trajectory of infinity (8s).

Even in the simplest dance movements, a person will feel himself and establish contact with himself. Thanks to such activities, people get rid of suppressed emotions. By doing different dance moves, there is a release of feelings. This is typical for most areas, but you can especially remember. Even the term itself speaks of the spontaneous manifestation of moods, feelings, and emotions, which are of secondary importance to the audience.

In Rus', ancestors used ritual rhythmic dances to express overwhelming feelings, emotions, hopes and expectations. Everyone took part in them, including children and old people. Movements for children's dance were not particularly different. They tried to teach Russian dance from a very young age. Over time, dance culture has improved, but people can still get rid of sadness through dance.

New and unusual dance movements that are not used in everyday life help to break the usual life scenarios, break out of a vicious circle and let in long-awaited changes. In the end, dance moves, give joy, make a person happy. This is also confirmed by scientists. It turned out that dance movement therapy regulates the level of dopamine and serotonin in the body.

Unfortunately, more and more people are now suffering from depression. And dance, from ancient times, was considered a healing art. Shamans used it as a way to enter a trance and expand their consciousness. They believed that dance movements are a connection between Heaven and Earth. So, they can also be used, like meditation. It will help you find yourself and activate your dormant abilities. A state of harmony, internal integrity and freedom will successfully become a pleasant result of daily exercise!

Modern dances are those that arose at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. Basically, these are directions used in a person’s everyday life, for example, in a nightclub or at some kind of celebration (, pole dance and many others).

Modern dances today include strip dance, jump style, go-go, shuffle, and hip-hop. Let's take a closer look at each type so you can choose the best one for yourself.

Many people compare strip dancing to striptease, but these are different acts. Strip dancing includes erotic and seductive movements that can be used with or without elements of undressing, in contrast to striptease, where undressing is an obligatory part of the show.

Jump style dance (from the English jump - jump) is movements to fast and very energetic electronic music. All dance elements of jumpstyle resemble jumps, and if jumpstyle is performed by a group of dancers, then non-synchronous movements are encouraged. An important rule for performing jumpstyle is that dancers should not be very close to each other, and touching while performing tricks is prohibited. Jumpstyle is incredibly popular today in Germany, the Netherlands and France.

The shuffle dance is a set of jazz movements performed in a new way to modern electronic music. Shuffle is like the fresh air of modern dance. It fascinates with its novelty and exclusivity.

If we talk about Go-Go, then it is worth immediately emphasizing the purpose of the performance - go-go was invented as a dance style that will help girls attract the admiring glances of men. The go-go action is very rhythmic and sexy, and the dance is always complemented by erotic costumes.

There are many more styles of modern dance. And their main advantage is that movements of different styles can be combined, combined, and updated. If you are dancing at a party with friends, feel free to perform a few strip dance, hip-hop, go-go or jumpstyle moves to the fiery music - they will all be appropriate.

Modern dance lessons for beginners

For people who feel insecure in establishments where they need to dance, we recommend taking modern dance classes. Today there are many tempting offers for beginners - the Internet, along with schools and studios, provides the opportunity to learn anything.

Let's try to learn some simple but very effective Go-Go style ligaments.

Let's get started:

  1. Stand straight, straighten your shoulders, put your feet together.
  2. We step forward with our right foot, then raise our left, bent at the knee. As you begin to prepare to lift your left leg, begin the upward movement of your arm at the same time.
  3. Once your hand is up, raise your head and look up.

This is a fairly simple move, but if done gracefully, it will be very sexy and alluring. It can be continued with another set of movements. After you remain in the final position (standing on your right leg, left knee bent, arm up), lower your left leg back and take a step, then another step with your right. Then stop for a second and take two quick steps forward, starting with your right foot. Then, without a break, take the third step with your right foot, but not forward, but to the right, and the fourth step with your left foot to the left.

You can continue this combination with the most unexpected erotic movements. Invent them yourself or learn a simple technique - make a beautiful bend in your back, involving your hips in the movement. Of course, the basics may not be very clear in words, which is why we are giving you a video lesson that will make it easy for beginners to learn a bunch of these movements.

Now let's try to repeat the movements of modern dance in a different style - a mixture of hip-hop and R&B.

We begin our training with rotations of the shoulder joints, and the faster and sharper the movements, the better. At the same time, your hands should not hang near the body - place them on your waist. Then they will move a little, complementing the rotation of the shoulders. You can improve the movement by stepping from foot to foot to the side.

We continue the training by stepping, but we change the movement of the arms: it can be swinging the arms bent at the elbows back or imitating the movements of scissors alternately on the left and right.

You can safely repeat all the movements that are in this modern dance video lesson on any dance floor and, believe me, no one will call you a boring dancer.

Modern dances for children and teenagers

Modern dances are very relevant in the lives of children and teenagers, since it is at this age that they develop as individuals. Every child dreams of looking stylish among their peers, and the art of modern dance can help with this.

Modern dancing can be practiced by both boys and girls. Each child must choose a style that is closer to their spirit - the one that attracts and likes the most, the one that they want to dance in front of friends. Modern dance classes have a positive effect not only on the psycho-emotional, but also on the physical development of adolescents. The child strengthens the spine, forms correct posture and flexibility, pumps up the muscles, and keeps them in good shape. Not every child or teenager can be forced to do exercises in the morning or evening to maintain physical fitness, but any parent can instill a love for modern dance.

Unfortunately, there is an opinion that there are age restrictions in the performance of modern dance and only people under the age of 30 can dance it, and even generally only teenagers. But this is a mistaken opinion. In fact, modern dance is so universal that you can perform it at 40 or 50 years old, you just need to correspond in body and soul to this direction of choreography. If you are not fifteen years old, but you are young at heart, love movement and have the physical fitness to repeat jumpstyle or hip-hop dance tricks, do not hesitate to start training! Drive away the thoughts that modern dance can only be danced by young people and convince those around you of this.

The easiest way to relax after everyday work, relieve stress and take your mind off problems is dancing. However, many avoid it because they do not know how to dance. But don’t be afraid, because it’s very easy to learn, even at home. The main thing in club dancing is to feel the rhythm and move beautifully to it. First, practice at home, and when you are confident in yourself, feel free to go out on the dance floor.

We present to you a training video lesson on club dancing for girls. It is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level and age. The main thing here is the desire to learn to dance.
This lesson will help you master the basic club dance moves on your own. The choreographer will show you the simplest dance elements. You
learn to move beautifully and gracefully to club music. With a little practice, you can
feel free on any dance floor and will confidently improvise to the music in the club.

So cast aside all doubts and make up your mind. Learn club dances for girls at home. The main thing is to relax and be yourself. Turn on the video lesson, music and dance to your heart's content. You will definitely get a boost of energy and
positive emotions. Good luck!

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