Three money spells for the waxing moon. Self-made spells for good luck and money

The period during which the new moon grows is considered special. Being in the growth phase, it accumulates the strongest energy. It is for this reason that conspiracies for the waxing moon, read at home, have enormous power.

Waxing moon conspiracies are popular. Many people perform rituals to attract wealth, return or bewitch a loved one, and improve health. Women often read pregnancy conspiracies. The features of this phase of the moon are as follows:

  1. The new moon is ideal for a complete cleansing. In particular, this is an excellent time for white magic rituals.
  2. The waxing moon phase is a favorable time for magic that will bring marriage, pregnancy, finances, etc. closer.

Video “Strong money conspiracy on the waxing moon”

This video tells you how to perform a magical ritual to improve the financial well-being of your family.

Spells for money

As a rule, many rituals require the use of additional items. Their function is to enhance the impact directed by the text of the conspiracy. The main rule is to carry out the ceremony only when a new moon is visible in the sky. The power of magic is reduced if the sky is overcast.

With water

To make a profit, you need to do a ritual using salt water. First, dilute three teaspoons of salt in a glass of spring water. Then, near the open window, you need to take three sips while saying:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), exchange salt water for gold and silver, and take the profit from such a transaction into my wallet. I will save the magic salt and preserve my wealth for centuries. Let what is said come true. Amen".

At the end of the reading, the forehead and temples are moistened with salt water. You need to spray the remaining liquid on yourself so that it gets down your collar. The last drops splash out on the threshold of the house.

With bills and coins

A coin or bill will come in handy, as well as the light of the growing moon. As soon as dusk comes, you need to go to the window, put money on the windowsill and read the following text:

“The moon grew and gave strength to all living things. The lunar path leads to the house and opens a money passage. I’ll charge the money with light and put it in my wallet. Magic power will help me and increase my wealth.”

Leave the bill or coin on the windowsill until the morning. Put it in your wallet. Ideally placed in a separate pocket in your wallet. Such a talisman will help attract profits and avoid financial losses.

With honey

Since ancient times, people have used this ritual to attract prosperity to their families. To implement it, you need to prepare a little honey. It is important that the ceremony takes place after dinner, when the whole family has already left. You need to collect the crumbs on the table, after dipping your palms in honey. Collect the bread crumbs with your sticky palms, saying the following words:

“I collect trash and attract my luck. Stick the money to my hands like rubbish from the table to honey. My word is strong, sanctified by the young moon. Amen".

While washing your hands, you should say quietly:

“I wash my palms, I attract money to me. Litter go away, good luck come. The water runs away, the moon waxes, wealth attracts me. Amen".

From photo

It is important to choose a photo where the person who will perform the ritual is depicted in close-up. Another condition is that he must be alone in the photo. In the evening, the photograph should be placed on the windowsill so that it is charged with the light of the growing moon. A little later, coins should be placed around the photo. After enclosing the photo in a circle, light the candle. Place a large denomination bill in the center of the circle. Make a circle with a candle, drop wax on the coins four times - once on each side. Say the following text:

“I show my photograph to the moon, I call upon wealth, I connect myself with money. Wherever the candle wax drips, the money will come to me from there. From the south, west, north and east - goodness awaits me from everywhere. Coins marked, seen by the moon.”

After the ritual, hide the coins in the place where the money is. The next time the month grows again, you need to put the coins on the window. This way they will be charged with the necessary and powerful energy.

From poverty

When the moon is in its growth phase, you need to write on a piece of paper a list of what “poisons” life. That is, something that negatively affects financial well-being. As soon as the list is ready, you need to go out onto the balcony or street, burn the leaf and scatter the ashes. Then read the following words:

“The moon sees everything. My efforts and aspirations will be reinforced by her growth. Dejection and poverty will fly away to the wind. I burn away negativity and attract goodness. I'll sacrifice a few coins to the moon. They will return to me and multiply. As I said, so it will be. My word is strong. Confidence is strong."

For the ritual you will also need change, which is thrown towards the moon after reading the plot. After this, the person goes home and goes to bed. If you have good dreams the night after the ceremony, this is a guarantee that the magic has already begun. In the near future, new prospects and opportunities will open up for you.

For love

There are two common love spell rituals that are performed to attract love. Most often, love rituals are interesting to women.

To carry out the first conspiracy you will need bread. It is left on the windowsill and placed so that moonlight falls on it. As soon as dusk comes and the piece of bread is illuminated, read:

“Far, far away in a vast and spacious field, a maiden stands. In her hands is a basket containing a lot of bread products. Whoever tastes grain products will be able to dry out another person with love for himself. I, the servant of God (proper name), will take a piece of bread from the virgin in the basket and eat it. With this, I will use self-love as a reliable assistant. I will attract a sweetheart to me from any direction: from the south, from the north, from the east or the west. The growing moon will help me with this, and the path of my dear one will be illuminated with moonlight. So it will be. Amen".

Leave the bread slice in that place until the morning. Eat it on an empty stomach early in the morning. The ritual is effective when a woman already has a chosen one and she wants to strengthen this connection.

Sometimes a passionate knot is made on the waxing moon. A woman will need ropes or two laces. Sometimes red thread or shoe laces are used. A loop is made from one. The second is placed on the loop, weaving both laces together. During the weaving process, you need to think that you are weaving feelings and hearts. After this, say the following phrase:

“When the sun rises, my love will be with me. When it sets, I will be with her.”

If you are just dating, give a charmed knot to a young man. If you live together, put the bundle in the bedroom. If the rules are not followed, it works like a lapel.

From the evil eye

At least once a year you need to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage when the moon is growing. This ritual has incredible power that will protect you from all negative events and influences, including diseases. Although simple, the ritual is still very powerful.

A person goes outside, finds a place where he will be alone, and no one will distract him. You need to concentrate, look at the month and say:

“I, servant(s) of God(s) (proper name) am stronger now than ever. I envelop myself in the moonlight of the waxing moon. I am in armor and no one can penetrate it, I don’t wish harm or trouble on anyone, but I also reliably protect myself. Amen".

To protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to perform the ritual, strictly following the recommendations.

For pregnancy

When a woman asks the moon for a child, you need to understand that the child is God's gift. That is why you need to combine Christian motifs and white magic. These are the main components with which you can conceive a child quickly. For this reason, before the conspiracy, it is necessary to go to church with a man to receive communion.

During the hike, be sure to give alms to the poor. Afterwards, the marital bed is spoken for twelve days. Before going to bed, you need to open the curtains so that the bed is charged with the light of the waxing moon. A woman needs to dress in clean sleeping linen. After this, slowly say the words:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy on me and forgive all sinful acts. You give us new life and Orthodox faith in the salvation of the soul. Bless me for the birth of a healthy child and protect him from terrible diseases. Save my future child from the devil's temptation and carnal temptation. Thy will be done. Amen".

Read them three times and call your husband to go to bed together. For even greater effectiveness, the plot can be read by two people.

For trade

Conspiracies for excellent trading are read in dreams where a person sells his products. If you want the plot to be profitable and effective, read it on your day off. Otherwise, it can be done on Wednesday, but not on the thirteenth.

To carry out the ritual, it is better to exclude the numbers 27 and 23. They are ideal for conspiracies that carry negative energy.

Take coins and salt. Make a circle of salt, place coins in it and read the words:

“My work is correct, I am building a stone house with a copper porch. I will meet and say goodbye to a third person. The first person is the king, the second is the prince, and the third person will bow to my belt. Not he, but I will be the power for him. My word is true, my deed is strong. Whatever I ask in that house, everything will be allowed. The fish has the key, the fish is in the water, the lock is in the swamp. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After the spell, pour the salt into the red bag and the coins into the green bag. Place the red bag near the entrance to the outlet, the green bag as close as possible to the cash register. One of them will attract customers, the other will do everything to ensure that money is always in the cash register.

It is important to concentrate, prepare all the accessories and read the text slowly, thinking about the desired result. All amulets and enchanted items should be kept even after you receive what you intended.

Recently, interest in everything unusual and unknown has increased. People, in pursuit of happiness and well-being, are increasingly turning to rituals and conspiracies. Effective rituals for the waxing Moon will help you attract material wealth.

The energy of the night luminary affects all living things. Its phases can awaken not only sleeping feelings, but also promote active actions. You can bring stability into your life and open money channels with the help of proven rituals. To do this, you will need confidence in yourself and your abilities, as well as the period when the Moon is gaining strength. The Earth's only satellite plays an important role in many rituals. It is not without reason that our ancestors used the power of the Moon.

Ritual to attract wealth

The centuries-proven method will not take much time. For it you only need a bill or coin, as well as moonlight. At dusk, go to the window, place a coin or bill on the windowsill and say the following:

“The moon grew and gave strength to all living things. The lunar path leads to the house and opens a money passage. I’ll charge the money with light and put it in my wallet. Magic power will help me and increase my wealth.”

Leave the money until the morning, and then put it in your wallet. It is advisable to use a separate compartment. This talisman will protect you from financial losses and will also help attract wealth.

Money ritual for the waxing moon

Prepare a small basin with clean running water. Place a silver coin at the bottom. If you don't have one, use a silver decoration or a piece of foil. Place it on the window where you can see the growing Moon at night. In the morning, before sunrise, wash your face with this water and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Moon charged the water and examined the wealth. I’ll wash myself with water and soak myself in happiness. I’ll have coins like drops in my basin. I’ll go along the road and I’ll find a treasure under my feet.”

Water charged with the night luminary can not only attract financial well-being, but also impart beauty and health. The value should be taken out of the basin and carried with you as a talisman, bringing good luck and prosperity not only in money, but in all areas of life.

Moon path made of money

During the period when the waxing Moon appears in the sky, choose a place in the house where its rays can be seen. Make a path from the window with small coins, change into a spacious, light, or better yet, white dress or shirt, and let your hair down. Walk a few steps barefoot over the coins towards the window. At the same time say:

“I go to the Moon for money, along the moonlight along the road of wealth, warmed by the cold light.”

When you approach the window, open it with the words:

“I let the Moon into my house, let it pass through the money, leave me its strength and increase my wealth.”

Collect the money in a bag or wallet and leave it open all night so that moonlight shines on it. Repeat this ritual for three days, and then put the coins in a secluded corner so that they attract monetary well-being to you.

Burning Poverty

On the waxing Moon, prepare a list of your negative qualities that do not allow you to get rich. It could be laziness, unwillingness to work hard, or absent-mindedness. At the end of the list, in large letters, write the words “Poverty”, “Destitution”, “Ruin”, “Failure”, “Disappointment”.

Go outside or onto the balcony and burn the leaf, scatter the ashes in the wind. Say the words of the ritual:

“The moon sees everything. My efforts and aspirations will be reinforced by her growth. Dejection and poverty will fly away to the wind. I burn away negativity and attract goodness. I'll sacrifice a few coins to the Moon. They will return to me and multiply. As she said, so it will be. My word is strong. Confidence is strong."

Throw a few coins towards the lunar disk and go to bed. If you dream of something pleasant, it means that the conspiracy has begun to work, and soon you will have a lot of opportunities to stabilize your financial situation.

Attracting wealth from photography

Find a photo that shows you close-up. Only you should be in the image. In the evening, place the photo on the windowsill and let it charge from the moonlight. After some time, place coins around. Having enclosed the photo in a money circle, light a green candle and place a large bill in the center of the circle. Trace a circle with a candle and drip wax on four sides of the coins. Say the following:

“I show my photograph to the Moon, I call upon wealth, I connect myself with money. Wherever the candle wax drips, the money will come to me from there. From the south, west, north and east - goodness awaits me from everywhere. Coins marked, seen by the moon."

Hide coins that have gotten wax on them in places where money is kept. On each waxing moon, place them on the windowsill to charge them with the energy of the lunar disk.

Use these simple rituals to attract monetary prosperity into your life. Believe in yourself and that you will be able to achieve financial stability. Remember that excessive greed does not lead to anything good, so during the waxing Moon there is no need to use all rituals at once. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.03.2017 03:10

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How to attract success and love? What can you do to make money flow to you like a river and make you feel dizzy with happiness? Especially for you, we have selected the best rituals to do during the waxing moon.

The moon still remains a mystery to humanity. This eternal satellite of the Earth greatly influences our energy. The Moon can both contribute to our successes and enhance our failures. Today we will tell you how to properly use the Moon so that it turns from an enemy into your ally.

Moon spell to attract love

The ritual is performed in the evening on the waxing moon. For it you will need milk and honey.

Before going to bed, warm up a glass of milk and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Stir well. Now go to the window. The most ideal option would be if the sky is clear and you can watch the stars. Standing in front of the window, you need to say the following phrase to the milk: “ Moon, moon, you are full of beauty. Help me, attract love to me. And I myself am as white as milk and as sweet as honey. Amen».

The words must be repeated three times. When this is done, drink all the milk and go to bed. The more the Moon grows, the closer the wish will come true, and your betrothed will not be long in coming.

Moon spell to attract monetary abundance

This plot is well suited for those who urgently need money. Moreover, the amount of money you need is already known.

Take a piece of paper and write the following: “ By the power of the Moon I conjure, ... (further write your desire, for example: I receive such and such an amount of money for such and such things). Amen».

Once your wish is written down, hold the piece of paper between your palms and imagine how it has already come true.

After this, you need to leave the piece of paper on the windowsill overnight. In this way, the information will be transmitted to the Higher Powers, and your desire will be charged with the energy of the Moon.

In the morning you need to burn this leaf. Just be careful and choose a container that will safely burn the paper. Ashes are best scattered in the wind. This is easy to do from the balcony or window.

It is advisable to wish for one amount at a time for one specific task. If you want to renovate your apartment and go on vacation, these are different desires, and the ritual will have to be done twice.

13.09.2015 01:00

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As you know, the phases of the moon are almost always taken into account when performing magical rituals. Certain rituals must be performed strictly on the full moon or new moon, others - on the waning moon, and others - when the night luminary is waxing. Today we will talk about conspiracies for the waxing moon. You will learn what rituals this lunar phase is suitable for, and how to carry them out correctly in accordance with your desire. Of course, we will not be able to include absolutely all existing rituals in one single article, so we will try to choose the most popular and powerful ones for you.

What conspiracies are suitable for the lunar growth phase?

In order to understand what spells you can read for the waxing moon at home, let's figure out how this lunar phase generally affects magical actions. When the night star grows, its energy allows us to attract something necessary into our lives; when it decreases, it allows us to say goodbye to something. For example, they are read only on the waning moon, since their goal is to remove extra pounds. The same can be said about rituals for selling something, for example, a car, saying goodbye to bad habits (drinking, smoking), and so on. Rituals suitable for the waxing moon will be as follows:

  • These are special ones, which we have already talked about in a separate article, as well as simpler rituals for love
  • Any rituals to attract wealth, good luck, to obtain material benefits
  • Returning a loved one to the family
  • Magical actions aimed at enhancing one's own beauty, attractiveness, sexuality
  • Rituals for pregnancy
  • You can read a spell on the moon for good health or better health, because in essence this is also attracting positive energy into your life

In a word, any actions associated with an increase or attraction of something are suitable for the lunar growth phase, and with a decrease or disposal - for the aging phase. There are no special general rules other than choosing the right day when using a waxing moon spell. It is enough to follow the recommendations given in the description of a specific ritual. We will look at several rituals of each type: for money, luck, love, beauty, pregnancy, and you yourself can choose what exactly you want to attract into your life.

Money rituals

Spells for money during the waxing moon are a great way to improve your financial situation and get out of the swamp of debts, loans, and austerity. We offer you two simple rituals.

Ritual for a new wallet

In order to ensure your financial well-being with the help of a simple ritual, you need to buy a new wallet - the one that you personally like best. It is better if it is red or with a red pattern, since such colors are considered the most “money-worthy”. You can drop a couple of drops of patchouli essential oil inside your wallet - it is believed that it attracts wealth. At night, you need to stand by the window or go out onto the balcony, pick up a new wallet, “show” it to the moon, and then read the money plot for the waxing moon:

“You are clear, the month is beautiful, the young light!
You arrive, you grow, and you illuminate the whole earth.
You pamper us and make us happy, you play with the waves and splash around,
And you move the sea-ocean without flinching,
You can shake the whole earth without difficulty!
Direct your good, mighty power,
For my wallet, for a brand new, elegant and attractive one,
How you grow, dear, how you arrive in the sky,
So bills and coins arrive in it!
Let there be enough for everything now!”

“It’s enough to be with me,
The banknotes are lying next to each other,
They bear fruit, multiply,
It's been a month since they arrived!
Let it be so!"

Ritual with a banknote

Another simple ritual that can replace the previous one. It is worth using if you do not plan to buy a new wallet. Take a bill, for example, 100 or 50 rubles, bend the corners on it so that you get a triangle. Fold the triangle in half. After waiting until nightfall, stand by the window, put a folded bill to your lips, and then read the spell for the waxing moon:

“Like a mighty river attracts small streams to itself, just like a deep sea collects rivers in itself. Just like a woman attracts a man to her, and a man attracts a woman. How night is always side by side with day, and day is inseparable from night. So you, money, attract people like you to yourself, and gather them together. Let it be so! Amen"

Then put the money, without unfolding it, into your wallet - it is better if it is a separate compartment. Carry this bill in your wallet for a whole month, trying not to touch it. If possible, periodically transfer other bills of the same denomination to the compartment with the charmed money so that they are charged with its energy. And one more important rule - during this month you cannot count the money in your wallet. If you need to count them, do it before putting the bills inside.

Love spells

To find happiness in your personal life, you can read a love spell on the waxing moon, since this time is considered the most suitable for love magic. We have already described many rituals in articles about, but now let’s talk about simpler techniques.


At night, you need to open a window or go out onto the balcony, look at the month, and then mentally imagine the person you feel sympathy for, and then say the following magic words:

“In the middle of the blue sea there is a stone - a mountain. He rose high and did not give in to the waves. The servant of God (the man’s name) sits on that stone and looks at the waves. In his hands is a key and a lock, he is alone among the winds. Just as a key closes a lock, loneliness turns away and drowns in the blue waves. A dear soul will emerge from the surf, and it will remain on the stone with me forever! Amen!"

Ritual with bread

This ritual can be used both to attract the love of a specific person, and to improve your personal life in general, if you just want to meet a man for a relationship. On the day you are going to perform the ceremony, buy a loaf of bread, late in the evening break off a piece from it, put it on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it, and then read the following plot:

“In a clean field, a wide field, a maiden stands, holding a lot of bread in a basket. Whoever eats the bread of that virgin will be able to dry it with love for himself. I, the servant of God (your name), will find that bread, eat that bread, attract love to myself as a helper. I attract from the north, I attract from the south, from the east and west, I attract from everywhere. The young moon is my help, the moon is my help. Let it be so. Amen!"

After reading, go straight to bed, without doing any other things, leave the bread on the windowsill. When you wake up in the morning, immediately eat this bread - it is believed that such a simple ritual will attract good luck in love.

Attracting good luck

Lucky spells for the waxing moon are considered very powerful. We invite you to try the most popular ritual. To carry it out, you will need your personal item that you often carry with you and never wash, for example, some kind of jewelry (bracelet, ring), wristwatch, amulet. At night, read the following text over the item, leave it lying on the windowsill until the morning, and from the next day use it as usual. Magic text that must be read three times in a row:

“By the will of God, I call Nikola the Pleasant to put my luck in prison! Let the blue bird sit next to you, do no harm, but attract good, protect you from slander and the evil beast! Only it’s not really a prison, but a golden cage in my body! Called by the heart, luck will not turn away from it! Nikolushka, God’s helper, come and bring me luck! So that the heart beats loudly and gives birth to success! Amen!"

Beauty rituals

For rejuvenation

To always look fresh and attractive, fill a bottle of spring, well or melt water, and at night during the waxing of the moon, take a sieve and some deep dishes, for example, a saucepan and a bowl. You need to pour this water through a sieve from container to container three times, each time pronouncing a magic spell:

“Water Tatyana, land Ulyana, my key Ivan, give me water for every trouble!”

Leave the container in which the water was after the last transfusion on the windowsill at night, and in the morning pour the liquid into a bottle. Wash your face with the charmed water every morning, and store the remaining water in the refrigerator.

For beautiful hair

Since ancient times, it was believed that female strength is stored in hair. The thicker and longer a girl's hair, the more attractive she looks in the eyes of men. To maintain the beauty of your hair, buy a new comb made of wood or bone. At night, when the moon is waxing, anoint it with rose essential oil or any other oil of your choice, then “show” this comb to the month through an open window or from the balcony, saying the following words:

“A month and a month it sows, a month and a month it grows, the sickle will not reap the tight sheaves of my hair. Grow braid, come beauty! Let it be so!"

After reading the spell for the waxing moon, leave the comb on the windowsill or balcony until the morning, and from the next day comb your hair only with it. Remember that no one else should be allowed to use this comb - otherwise a stranger will “steal” your attractiveness.

Rituals for pregnancy

If you really want to become a mother, but for some reason you have not yet succeeded, use the energy of the growing star. You need to buy a seed of a plant that you want to plant at home, and also prepare a pot of soil for it. At night during the waxing moon, take the seed in your hands, warm it with your palms, and then apply it to your bare lower abdomen, cover it with your hands and hold it there for a while. Mentally imagine how the same seed appears in your stomach and life gradually begins to appear in it. After this, look at the moon and read the plot:

“A horse has foals, a cow has calves,
The sheep has lambs, I have no child.
As the month grows and grows,
So let a seed turn into a seed and there will be a baby for me.
Bless, Lord. Amen!"

After this, you need to plant the seed in a pot and carefully care for the future plant: water it, protect it from dryness and the scorching sun, talk to it. If a sprout appears from the seed and the plant begins to grow, expect an early pregnancy.

There is an easier way to attract the desired pregnancy; you will need a small mirror. At night you need to go out onto the balcony, catch the moonlight with a mirror so that its reflection hits your stomach, and then say:

“A month is young, the groom is daring, a good place, I am your bride! How you were born today, so that I will soon give birth to a child! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Protective Ritual

At the end of the article, we will talk about a simple but very effective protection ritual that will allow you to become invulnerable to negative magical and everyday influences. True, such a ritual should be performed every month or at least once every six months, since its power may weaken over time. All you need is to open the window, look at the month, and then read a special protective spell for the waxing moon:

“I envelop myself in the rays of the waxing moon. I create armor, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I protect myself! Amen!"

As you can see, the energy of the growing star can be used for completely different purposes. We hope that the rituals given in our article will be useful to you. And, of course, do not forget to leave your feedback if you have already tried any ritual.

We will consider in detail a strong conspiracy for wealth on the full moon that cannot be removed - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

It is generally accepted that the full moon accumulates energies as much as possible, especially material ones, and splashes them out onto the Earth. This energy can be used for your own purposes; in particular, attracting money during the full moon is popular, namely - full moon spells for money.

Some people in full moon they feel unwell, they are restless, they cannot sleep, their heart is pounding. If you use the excess energy of the moon for creation - for example, your own well-being - then your well-being will also level out.

Read a few below full moon spells for money. Choose any one for yourself and do it. And the results will not keep you waiting!

Spell for money and wealth on the full moon

Look out of the window at the full moon, preferably open the window. Or even go outside or onto the balcony. While looking at the full moon, read three times:

Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debts and poverty. I ask you to give away wealth and generosity. I always attract money to myself. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Money plot using banknotes

Find the newest banknote in your home or wallet. It can be of a small denomination - and after the conspiracy it will become irredeemable. Fold the corners to the base. You will get a triangle. Next, bend it across, hold it at the level of the throat chakra or directly opposite your breath and whisper:

Like a mighty river attracts small streams to itself and unites them in itself, like a wide sea collects rivers in itself, like a woman attracts a man to herself, and a man attracts a woman. How night attracts day. So this money will attract its own kind and gather together. All rivers flow into my hands. All the money flows to my wallet, magnetized by this bill. May what is said come true, for the benefit of all. Amen. Amen. Amen.

“Place” the charmed banknote in a folded wallet, let it lie next to the rest of the money, but do not take it out of there, much less spend it. It will be the battery of your well-being.

Three-day money ritual

The conspiracy for money and material wealth is read for three nights - the night before the full moon, on the full moon and the next night.

When you see that the full moon is coming tomorrow, put your EMPTY wallet on the windowsill on the side of the moon. The light from the Earth's satellite must reach your wallet. Say:

“There are so many stars in the night sky. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet. So that God’s servant (name) ((God’s servant (name)) has enough money and has enough for everything. Amen.”

On the full moon, put some money in your wallet, also make sure that the moonlight falls on it and read the same plot. On the night after the full moon, collect all the money you have in the house in this wallet, the conspiracy is the same.

Full moon ritual with a handful of coins

Take a handful of coins with both palms, preferably from your wallet. Go out to where the full moon is clearly visible, close your eyes and imagine how the pile of pennies in your handfuls grows, increases, multiplies, your hands become heavy and you are filled with a sweet feeling of joy and prosperity. Say:

Fertile Moon, saturate my house to the fullest.

Multiply my coins - by number and color.

Send some golden rain into my bottomless wallet!

Money comes into my life and finds shelter for itself.

Full moon, full cup, rivers of prosperity flow through my house, settling in the required amount and even more. Let it be so for the common good! Amen!

What rituals do you perform on the full moon? Share your secrets in the comments!

Spell for money and wealth on the full moon

Humanity has long attached special significance to the full moon. The full moon was associated with something mysterious and unsolved, endowed with enormous power and authority. This approach is due to the fact that the energy accumulated by the night star reaches its peak at the moment of its full phase and moves from accumulation to waste. The most important qualities of all life on earth appear precisely during the full moon.

In magic, this time is also considered special and is used to perform various rituals that are highly effective. For example, the full moon is ideal for performing rituals designed to attract and increase financial well-being. There are many conspiracies for money on the full moon, but they all serve one purpose - to enrich the performer of the ritual. They attract not only money itself, but also other types of material wealth.

How to use full moon rituals?

During the full moon, you can perform many rites and rituals with money. They help the performer obtain the desired wealth in the very near future, therefore, it is recommended to use wealth conspiracies at this time for those who are forced to limit themselves in funds due to loan repayments, accumulated debts or a banal lack of finances in the family. Rituals for prosperity help attract monetary luck and allow you to get rid of poverty.

Money spells are considered a relatively safe magical effect. They will not do any harm if used sparingly, in cases where money in the family is truly an urgent need. It is absolutely not advisable to abuse them. Remember that on a full moon you cannot use more than one money plot. Using several financial rituals at the same time can lead to completely opposite results.

Six Powerful Rituals for Wealth

The words of the conspiracy given below must be read on a banknote of medium denomination (a 100-ruble note is perfect). It must be new, clean and not wrinkled. You need to pronounce the text in a whisper, by heart, without a single hesitation. Before charming, the corners of the bill must be bent towards the center to form an isosceles triangle, and the resulting triangle must be halved again. You need to slander the money by bringing it to your lips so that your breath touches it.

“Just as a mighty river attracts and unites small streams, just as a wide sea gathers rivers in itself, just as a woman attracts a man, and a woman attracts a man, just as the night attracts the day to itself, so this will attract its own kind and gather them together.” money. I will have a lot of you, and I will be rich. As she said, so it will be. Amen (3 times) !”

The folded bill should be kept in your wallet along with other banknotes. It should not be wasted for at least 3 months; it is advisable not to touch it at all. You can place bills of the same denomination nearby, but you cannot count them.

For morning and evening dawn

The prayer below will help attract wealth and financial success into your home. It must be said strictly on the day of the full moon, twice a day - at dawn and at dawn in the evening. Look at the dawn and read:

“Just as the dawn of morning and evening do not come together, so I, the servant of God (servant of God) (my name), will never run out of money in the house. Now and forever, so be it! Amen!"

Conspiracy - appeal to the moon

They read at night, looking at the moon. Text:

“Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove poverty and debts. I ask you to give generosity and wealth. I attract money to myself forever. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen (3 times) !”

To the anthill

On the day of the full moon, go to the forest and find a large anthill there. Throw a handful of coins there and wait until the ants start crawling on them (to speed up the process, you can smear the coins with something sweet and aromatic in advance). When a decent number of ants have accumulated on your coins, say:

“Just as there will be a lot of ants here, so there will be as much money in my house. I don’t desire someone else’s, I attract my own good. Amen!"

To wallet

On the day of the full moon, prepare your wallet for the ritual: collect in it coins and bills of all (!) denominations currently used - from 1 kopeck to 5 thousand.

When midnight comes, open your wallet, show it to the moon and say:

“The full moon shone in the heavens and brought money into my life every day. I saw all the money in my wallet and showed it to the full moon. The moon will now grow quickly and bring money into my wallet every day. For the moon to grow and grow, and for me to always live and live in wealth. Amen!"

See also how the lunar calendar affects financial well-being:

The words are pronounced on a full moon on a coin whose face value contains the number 5:

“I go to bargaining as a merchant, and return home a fine man. I bring the treasure home. Give me, Lord, so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen (3 times) !”

Place the charmed coin in your wallet and keep it there until the next full moon. On the next full moon, spend it by giving it away when buying something. This spell can be used again 2 more times.

Effective spells for money on the full moon

The full moon is the best time for money magic. Find out why conspiracies work quickly and effectively on this day and how to properly perform a ritual to attract financial flows.

Since ancient times, it was believed that during the full moon one could gain power over money from Fate. The time of the full moon is endowed with enormous energy power. Therefore, all rituals and conspiracies performed on the full moon are performed faster than usual.

Banknotes themselves represent the concentrated energy of abundance and well-being. It is known that the more money a person has, the easier his life is. Possession of financial savings allows you to arrange your life at your own discretion. If you want to attract the desired banknotes to you, there are several effective money spells.

Strong conspiracy for money

On a full moon, stand in front of the window and take a bill in your hand. It doesn’t matter what denomination it will be, the main thing is that it is in good condition and without tears. Fold the bill into a triangle, and then start a spell on it:

“Just as the Moon attracts day and night, so let this talisman attract money, riches, and golden things to me. I will save them, I won’t spend them on trifles, I will multiply them and put them to use. Let the power of the Moon help me with this."

Place the charmed bill in your wallet and carry it in it all the time.

Money plot on the full moon with a wallet

To carry out the ceremony, you will need an empty wallet and a large handful of small change prepared in advance. First, the money must be cleaned of negativity by holding it under running water and wiping it dry with a clean towel. When the full moon comes, the empty wallet should be opened and placed on the windowsill in a beam of moonlight. Read the words:

“The moon does not wane, the moon does not wax, the moon fills my wallet with money. As long as the moon shines in the sky, until then my wallet will not be empty. Amen".

Now pour some change into your wallet and leave it on the windowsill until the morning. Then hide this talisman in a secluded place.

Money plot from candles

For this ritual, take a candle, a wallet full of bills and wait for the full moon. Go to the window, light a candle and begin in double light - from the Moon and from the candle - slowly count the contents of your wallet. Say the spell:

“May my wallet never be empty while the moon shines in the sky. May luck and wealth flock to the light of my candle every full moon. Father Saint Seraphim of Sarov, hear my prayers and send me prosperity without loss. Amen".

Cross yourself three times, cross your wallet and candle three times. The candle should be extinguished and used in the future for similar rituals.

Such effective money spells can be repeated periodically depending on the result. All of them belong to white magic and have no side effects. Be rich, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Strong conspiracy for money (read at home)

Sometimes difficult situations arise in life when you can experience what poverty is like. And let them say that happiness does not lie in material goods, but in the absence of them, it is very difficult to survive in our time.

Fortunately, there are many ways to cope with financial difficulties. The main thing is to believe, and first of all, in yourself.

The most effective ways to attract wealth and good luck to your home

With the help of magic:

With the help of folk signs:

  1. You cannot spend money immediately after receiving your salary. The full amount must spend at least one night in your home
  2. Throughout the year you need to store and not spend one large bill. It will be “saturated” with your energy and will help attract money into your home
  3. Don't let your wallet remain empty - there should be at least one coin in it. The same applies to the pockets of clothes: when putting them away in the closet until next season, leave a few coins or small bills there. Don't forget to make sure there are no holes in your pockets - money doesn't like that. “Money comes to money” - this is the “magic of money”
  4. The resulting bubbles in the mug on the surface of the tea need to be collected with a spoon and drunk - it is believed that this is for money
  5. Always keep three red carnations bought on Thursday in a vase in your home, then material wealth will not leave you
  6. To ensure prosperity in your home, you need to scatter coins (preferably silver) on the floor when moving into a new home.
  7. Hide a few bills under the tablecloth and store them there, then there will be no losses in your home
  8. To prevent money transfers, place an empty open wallet on the windowsill on the night of a full moon, and a closed one with money on a new moon. When you see the moon, show it the largest banknote you have so that the money grows like the new moon, or grab gold so that the money flows

With the help of Feng Shui.

It is considered one of the most reliable methods for attracting profit. But in order for the efforts not to be in vain, you must sincerely believe in the energy of things.

Your wallet should attract money, not repel it.

The following rules will help achieve this:

  • Your wallet should not be old, worn or unkempt. Buy a new green wallet - this is the color of money, it will help attract money
  • Keep your wallet tidy. It is necessary to throw away all old unnecessary receipts, business cards, used tickets.
  • Organize your money by denomination and currency: thousandth bills in one compartment or just next to thousandths, hundreds with hundreds, dollars with dollars, rubles with rubles. Changes should be stored in a separate pocket of the wallet
  • The smell of cinnamon and mint is attractive to money - put a mint leaf or cinnamon stick in your wallet

Using the power of thought:

None of the methods listed above will work if you are thinking in the wrong direction.

You must forget about all the stereotypes associated with money. Just love money, think about it only in a positive way. Remember that a thought is material and can be translated into reality.

Strong conspiracies and prayers for money

Magic ritual for the waxing moon

This conspiracy is pronounced only on the waxing moon. It is recommended to do this in the morning before noon or in the evening after 8 o'clock. Conduct the ceremony in secret so that no one knows about it.

Place two large buckets next to each other. One needs to be filled with water, and a coin must be placed in the other. You need to pour water from one bucket to another 7 times and say:

“The river flows wide, the river flows deep, the circle of a pure field, the circle of Alatyr-stone, the river carries mighty water, boiling water, for every animal, every grass to live on, so would I have a servant of God (name), gold and silver It flowed like a river, washed the rapids, filled the corners, gave the children strength, the old people their belongings, and people’s income.

My words are bound with iron, you can’t pierce them with a knife, you can’t chop them with an ax, so be it.”

If you spill a little water, blot it with a canvas rag and wipe the floor at the threshold of your apartment with it.

The charmed coin must be taken out of the bucket, put in your wallet and always carried with you. Be careful, if you accidentally spend this coin, the plot will lose its power.

Prayer to the young moon to attract profit

The prayer is said on the third day after the new moon. To carry out the ritual you will need several coins.

In the evening, just before sunset, take the prepared coins and go outside. At this time, if weather conditions permit, the month should already be visible in the sky.

Bow to the young moon and, jingling coins, say a prayer to her:

“I will bow to the month and pray for prosperity. Moon, young month, you are the master of all the stars, be the master of my money: as many stars as there are in the sky, send me as much money.”

Enchanted coins cannot be spent until the next new moon, and then they must be distributed as alms. On the new moon that appears, speak again to the other coins.

A strong spell for wealth on the full moon that cannot be removed

On a full moon, you need to stand in front of a window with a bill in your hand. Its denomination does not matter, but it must certainly be in good condition: not dirty and without tears.

“Just as the Moon attracts day and night, so let this talisman attract money, riches, and golden things to me. I will save them, I won’t spend them on trifles, I will multiply them and put them to use. Let the power of the Moon help me with this."

Always carry the bill you have in your wallet.

Prayer for prosperity to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Read this prayer daily until your financial difficulties are resolved. But know that you need to do this exclusively in the mornings or exclusively in the evenings:

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy.

Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker

This prayer can help in attracting money that suddenly disappeared from your life:

“Father Nicholas! I pray to you, ruler of those floating on the sea, feeder of the hungry, helper and patron of all, for a peaceful and bright path of life. I unceasingly glorify the one God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen!".

Ritual with a coin so that money is kept in the house

You need to take any coin and say the following words on it:

“As there is a lot of mud in a swamp, and fish in the water, so there is a lot of wealth for me. Month, grow and grow, and give me, the servant of God (name), wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If someone takes it from the corner or shifts it, then it will be necessary to start all over again.

In exactly one week you need to spend this coin. Then on an even day and on the waxing moon, you need to put a new coin, also speaking to it first. Repeat the ritual two more times. After this, your income should increase.

How to apply these methods at home?

Prayers and conspiracies are serious business. And if you are not a professional and do not have experience in this matter, then you need to know and strictly follow a number of rules:

  1. Start performing a ritual or reading a plot only if you are prepared for any unexpected consequences that your magical actions may result in. Think everything over carefully, weigh the pros and cons again. Please note that it is impossible to predict the consequences

Do not cast spells simply to test their effectiveness out of curiosity. If everything in your life is already good, and you don’t need money, then you won’t see any results from the ritual

  • Conspiracies to attract money need to be read word for word, as written and without hesitation. It’s better to re-read them several times to yourself or memorize them before saying them out loud
  • It is forbidden for pregnant women to resort to any magic related to raising money. An unborn baby is extremely vulnerable to such things. If you, being in a position, nevertheless decide to carry out the ritual, then be prepared for unpredictable consequences
  • For various conspiracies and prayers there is a specific time of day and a specific day when they should be said. If you do not take this into account when reading conspiracies as you please, then, of course, you will not get any results.
  • If rituals to attract wealth are performed at your request by another person who is not knowledgeable in this matter, then you need to give him something in gratitude. It can be anything, but under no circumstances should you give alcohol or money

    If the conspiracy that you are going to pronounce is aimed exclusively at you, then you need to carefully prepare for this. Fast for three days before performing a ritual to attract financial wealth. It is strictly forbidden to quarrel and sort things out with your relatives. On the contrary, it is advisable to stock up on positive emotions. You cannot do anything bad: steal, kill animals, etc.

  • Do not tell anything related to the conspiracy to a single living soul, even to your closest and dearest people. Keep what you are going to say secret and especially do not talk about the results of the ritual. Remember that this is only your business and does not concern anyone but you.

    Money spells on the full moon

    The night of the full moon has long been shrouded in a veil of mystery and endowed with great magical power.

    After all, it is on this night that the transition from the accumulation of energy by the moon to its waste takes place.

    Strong magical spells to attract money will be especially effective during the full moon phase.

    As we already wrote in the article about money rituals during the full moon, this is a unique opportunity to attract not only money, but also other material benefits closer to yourself.

    Conspiracy: Money never transfers!

    To carry out this conspiracy, you will need money received in the most “accidental” way: won, found, received in the form of a gift, returned a “bad” debt, given as a bonus, etc.

    From this money, take a bill of the highest denomination and, finding your oldest wallet, which you have not used for a long time, put the bill in it. On the first day of the full moon, whisper the following spell into the wallet in which you put the bill 7 times:

    “Like a lost puppy rushes to its mother, like a lost dog rushes to its owner, like a cat separated from home always returns to it, so all the lost, lost, excommunicated money and money would rush to me today, tomorrow, always! LET IT BE SO!"

    Then take this bill in your hands again, fold it in half lengthwise and read the spell again. Then fold them in half again along the short side and hide them in the wallet so that they do not touch the said bill. Do this for 3 months every full moon. Then the money collected in the wallet can be spent. And all the money will return to you again, in its place, in your old wallet.

    In order to carry out a conspiracy and ritual for money on a full moon, you will need a sheepskin. A small piece of old outerwear will also work. You need to lay it in front of you and, turning your face to the full moon, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    “As a sheep is small and rich in wool, so may I be rich. Just as I can’t count the hairs on my sheepskin, I can’t count the money in my wallet. May it always be like this!”

    After the ceremony, the sheepskin needs to be hidden in a secluded place, but not forgotten about it. Sometimes take it out, stroke it, mentally imagining banknotes. When money begins to appear and prosperity comes, you need to wait for the waning moon and bury the sheepskin in a secluded place.

    Magic spell to attract money

    “Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debts and poverty. I ask you to give away wealth and generosity. I always attract money to myself. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    To carry out the conspiracy you will need seven coins. It is desirable that they be of large denomination. On a full moon, you need to take coins, a glass of holy water and say the words of the water spell:

    “Just as you give life to everything, even a dead stump begins to grow, so let my money only multiply and make me richer.”

    After this, the coins must be buried in any pot with a house plant and watered with the enchanted water.

    Do it on the night of the full moon, in clear weather. Fill a cup or pot halfway with clean water and throw a silver coin into the water. Place the cup so (in a house or apartment - on the windowsill, opening a window or window, or on the balcony) so that the light of the moon falls into the water. It is better if the moon is reflected in the water. Lightly move your hands over the surface of the water several times, as if you were collecting moon silver in your palms. At this time, say three times:

    “Beautiful Mistress of the Moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever You give!”

    Go outside and pour water into the ground (not on the asphalt...). Keep the coin in your wallet.

    Look carefully at the full moon and literally inhale monetary power from the heavenly sanctuary. When your channels are open, you will feel a certain surge of strength and calm. Then you should read the money plot from a handwritten sheet filled with your handwriting.

    “Oh, Moon and powers of the night, enter me and remain forever. Bring money, wealth and luck with you. Deliver me from scarcity and poverty. I attract into my life everything that I buy. I renounce forever anything that sells cheap. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    Go to the forest on the Full Moon, find a pile of ants, throw some change there. Read on to see how the ants start running after the money:

    “Like there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that I don’t have any money

    Full moon spell for wealth

    This is a home spell for wealth through a coin on the full moon, where the number 5 is present:

    “I go to trade as a merchant, and return home a fine man. I bring home the treasure. God grant me so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Carry the spoken coin in your wallet until the next full moon. When the time comes, give it away when you buy something. You can repeat this conspiracy to the Moon two more times.

    No matter how great the temptation may be to take advantage of the powerful lunar energy and use several conspiracies to attract money, you should not do this. Various spells for money on a full moon can often reduce each other’s effect or reduce it to complete zero.

    Therefore, if you have a desire to improve your own financial situation, you should choose one ritual you like and perform it.

    We should not forget that all conspiracies and rituals for money relate to aspects of an intangible nature, so they must be carried out carefully. It is important to follow all the rules prescribed by the ritual.

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