The theme of love in the story is a garnet bracelet by Kuprin essay. Essay on the topic: Reason and feelings in the story Garnet Bracelet, Kuprin Cultural heritage of the work

Lesson topic: “Reason and feeling in A. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”

Lesson objectives:


Development of the skill of complex text analysis;

Development of a sense of artistic expression;

Developing attention to text details;

Development of the skill of self-analysis, systematization of acquired knowledge, and creative reflection on this basis.


Education of feelings:

To promote the understanding that true love elevates the personality, ennobles the feelings, inspires and inspires,

To promote a respectful attitude towards other people’s feelings, an understanding that the soul of a loving person is vulnerable and defenseless against arrogance and vulgarity,

To promote the education of aesthetic taste, to form a rejection of sacrilege, blasphemous attitude towards shrines,

Contribute to the development of the ability to conduct a discussion correctly and tactfully.


Provide knowledge of the plot, help remember the iconic details of the work;

Comprehend and summarize new information

Compare with existing knowledge;

Pay attention to some compositional techniques and means of expression;

Update and summarize the student’s existing knowledge on a given topic or problem;

Arouse sustained interest in the topic being studied, motivate the student to study activities;

Formation of each student’s own attitude to the material being studied, but also to ensure an understanding of the author’s idea and his attitude to the characters;

Encourage the student to be active in class and at home.

During the classes:

1). Emotional mood. Listening to Beethoven's Appassionata.

2) Communication with text.

1. Text analysis.

When do we first learn about Zheltkov?

(From Shein’s ironic story.)

How does Zheltkov show his feelings?

How does Vera feel about Zheltkov’s love?

How do you feel about Zheltkov? Do you sympathize or despise the hero?

2. Role-play reading of the episode from Chapter 11 “Shein and Bulat-Tuganovsky visit Zheltkov”

Find details that show the hero’s feelings.

(“He lowered his eyelashes reverently”, “his eyes sparkled”, his eyes “filled with unshed tears”)

Find and read the description of Zheltkov’s room. How does she characterize the hero?

What do we learn from the hero’s life before the events described?

How does Zheltkov behave during a conversation with Shein and Bulat-Tuganovsky?

(He is embarrassed, but then pulls himself together. Zheltkov is not ashamed of his feelings. He realizes that he is morally superior to Bulat-Tuganovsky and turns only to Vasily Shein, seeing that he is softer, more humane.)

Death of Zheltkov. Does it mean the hero's humility?

(Zheltkov cannot imagine life without love for Vera. His love is the meaning of his whole life. He does not demand anything in return.)

How does Vera behave when she learns about Zheltkov’s death?

(She considers herself guilty of this death. She goes to him and sees him for the first time.)

Does love die with Zheltkov?

(Love enters Vera’s soul in a place with music. And the hero’s letter becomes a kind of testament of Zheltkov. He does not reproach Vera for anything, but still idolizes her.)

3. Listening to a musical fragment of Sonata No. 2 by L. Beethoven “Largoappassionato" Against the background of music, the teacher reads the words that were composed in the mind of Vera Sheina.

What influence do you think music had on Vera Sheina?

(It is through music that communication takes place between Zheltkov and Vera. Only now the heroine understands that Zheltkov has forgiven her.)

Do you agree with Stendhal's statement? (Refer to the lesson epigraph)

Remember the episode of Vera’s farewell to Zheltkov. How does Vera feel? Zheltkov’s facial expression reminds her of the masks of the great sufferers: Pushkin and Napoleon. Is this detail also coincidental?

(Pushkin is a singer of love. Napoleon is a great man. Zheltkov is a “little man,” but love raises him above everyone, makes him more majestic. Zheltkov turns into a knight.)

What will be the future fate of Vera?

Why did Kuprin choose this epigraph for his story?

(The whole meaning of the work is contained in the epigraph. If we now re-read the story again, we will feel that music permeates it. It fills everything: Zheltkov’s life, and his touching love in Vera Sheina. And now his death no longer feels in vain. Music revealed to Vera the power of his love and helped her feel forgiven.)

Why does the story end tragically? Is a different ending possible?

So is Zheltkov funny or tragic? Make fun of him or admire his feeling? Zheltkov – “great” or “little man”?

4. Final word from the teacher.

Zheltkov bequeathed the garnet bracelet to hang on the icon.

garnet bracelet → gift to Vera → refusal of a gift → gift to an icon

Consequently, the heroine is equated to an icon; she can only be worshiped. Now Zheltkov’s prayerful tone is clear. It is no coincidence that Zheltkov kept Vera’s scarf - her thing, an object of worship: Vera is a deity. “Hallowed be Thy name!” - writes Zheltkov.

A.S. Pushkin “Madonna” (read by student).

Not many paintings by ancient masters

I always wanted to decorate my abode,

So that the visitor might superstitiously marvel at them,

Heeding the important judgment of experts.

In my simple corner, amidst slow labors,

I wanted to be forever a spectator of one picture,

One: so that from the canvas, like from the clouds,

The Most Pure One and our divine savior -

She with greatness, he with intelligence in his eyes -

They looked, meek, in glory and in the rays,

Alone, without angels, under the palm of Zion.

My wishes came true. Creator

He sent you to me, you, my Madonna,

The purest example of pure beauty.


And again A.S. Pushkin (reading the epigraph to the lesson). How do the words of A.S. Pushkin relate to the topic of today's lesson?

The plot of the story is centered on hopeless love, on the story of the garnet bracelet. Why does the author introduce us in detail to the world of the Sheins and Bulat-Tuganovskys? Is this necessary?

(In the world of the Sheins and Bulat-Tuganovskys, life flows calmly, there is no place for violent feelings. For Vera, “the previously passionate love for her husband has long since turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship.” Zheltkov’s love makes Vera look at her life differently. The heroine is for the first time experiencing a shock in life).

What lesson can be learned from this story?

(You must try not to pass by “true and true love” in your life).

3) Homework. Essay on the topic of the lesson.

Kuprin in his works shows us true love, where there is not an ounce of self-interest, and which does not crave any reward. And love in the story “The Garnet Bracelet” is described as all-consuming, it is not just a hobby, but a great feeling for life.

In the story we see the true love of one poor official Zheltkov for the married Vera Shein, how happy he is to simply love, without demanding anything in return. And as we see, it didn’t matter to him at all that she didn’t need him. And as proof of his boundless love, he gives Vera Nikolaevna a garnet bracelet, the only valuable thing that he inherited from his mother.

Vera’s relatives, dissatisfied with the interference in their personal life, ask Zheltkov to leave her alone and not write letters, which she doesn’t care about anyway. But is it possible to take away love?

The only joy and meaning in Zheltkov’s life was his love for Vera. He did not have any goals in life, he was no longer interested in anything.

As a result, he decides to commit suicide and fulfills Vera’s will by leaving her. Zheltkova’s love will remain unrequited...

She will realize late that it was true love, the one that many can only dream of, passed her by. Later, looking at the dead Zheltkov, Vera will compare him with the greatest people.

The story “The Garnet Bracelet” colorfully shows us all the torment and tender feelings that are contrasted with the lack of spirituality in this world, where a lover is ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved.

A person who has managed to love so reverently has some special concept of life. And even though Zheltkov was just an ordinary person, he turned out to be above all established norms and standards.

Kuprin portrays love as an unattainable mystery, but for such love there is no doubt. “The Garnet Bracelet” is a very interesting and at the same time sad work, in which Kuprin tried to teach us to appreciate something in life in a timely manner...

Thanks to his works, we find ourselves in a world where selfless and kind people appear before us. Love is passion, it is a powerful and real feeling that shows the best qualities of the soul. But besides all this, love is truthfulness and sincerity in relationships.

Option 2

Love - this word evokes completely different emotions. It can carry both a positive and negative attitude. Kuprin was a unique author who could combine several areas of love in his works. One of these stories was “The Garnet Bracelet.”

The author has always been sensitive to such a phenomenon as love, and in his story he exalted it, one might say, idolized it, which made his work so magical. The main character - the official Zheltkov - was madly in love with a lady named Vera, although he was able to open up to her entirely only at the end of his life's journey. At first Vera did not know how to react, because she received letters with declarations of love, and her family laughed and mocked it. Only Vera’s grandfather suggested that the words written in the letters may not be empty, then the granddaughter will miss the love that all girls in the world dream of.

Love is shown as a bright, pure feeling, and the object of official Zheltkov’s adoration appears before us as an example of the female ideal. Our hero is ready to envy absolutely everything that surrounds and touches Vera. He envies the trees she could touch as she passed, the people she talked to along the way. Therefore, when the realization of the hopelessness of his love and life came to him, he decides to give the woman he loves a gift with which, although not on his own, he will be able to touch her. This bracelet was the most expensive item our poor hero had.

Love at a distance was very difficult for him, but he cherished it in his heart for a long time. In parting, before his death, he wrote her one last letter, in which he said that he was leaving this life at the behest of God, and that he was blessing her and wishing her further happiness. But one can understand that Vera, who realized her chance too late, will no longer be able to live calmly and happily; perhaps this was the only true and sincere love that was waiting for her in life, and she missed it.

In this story by Kuprin, love has a tragic connotation, because it remained an unopened flower in the lives of two people. At first she was unresponsive for a very long time, but when she began to sprout into the second heart, the first, already exhausted from waiting, stopped beating.

The work “Garnet Bracelet” can be perceived not only as an “ode” to love, but also as a prayer for love. Zheltkov in his letter used the expression “hallowed be thy name,” which is a reference to the scriptures of God. He deified his chosen one, which, unfortunately, still could not bring his life to a joyful end. But he did not suffer, he loved, and this feeling was a gift, because not everyone is given the opportunity to experience such a strong feeling at least once in their life, for which our hero remained grateful to his chosen one. She gave him, albeit unrequited, but true love!

Essay Love in the work of Kuprin Garnet bracelet

Over the many centuries of human existence, countless works have been written on the topic of love. And this is not without reason. After all, love occupies a huge place in the life of every person, giving it a special meaning. Among all these works, one can single out very few that describe as strong a feeling of love as Kuprin’s work “Garnet Bracelet”.

The main character, official Zheltkov, as he himself describes his feeling, has the happiness of experiencing real, boundless love. His feeling is so strong that in some places he can be mistaken for an unhealthy, mentally ill person. The peculiarity of Zheltkov’s feeling is that this person in no way wants to disturb the object of his boundless love and passion. He demands absolutely nothing in return for this superhuman love. It doesn’t even occur to him that he can cool down and calm his heart just by meeting Vera. This not only speaks of the iron willpower of a person, but also of the boundless love of this person. It is love that does not allow him, even for a moment, to be worthy of the attention of the object of love.

In the letter, Zheltkov calls his love a gift from God and expresses his gratitude to the Lord for the opportunity to experience such a feeling. Of course, both the reader and the other heroes of the work are well aware that Zheltkov’s love brought him nothing more than bitter suffering and torment. But only a person who has experienced all this and felt such a strong feeling of love has the right to judge or understand the hero. Zheltkov is unable to do anything with his love. He knows about the impossibility of his further coexistence with this feeling of love. That is why the best way out for him is suicide. Before this act, he assures everyone in a letter that he has lived a happy life.

10th grade, 11th grade

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Reason and feelings - these two concepts are of great importance in a person’s life, despite the fact that they perform different roles. How often do we come across the fact that common sense tells us one thing, but the voice of the heart tells us something completely different. Indeed, reason is the ability of people to objectively evaluate the world around them, and feelings are to emotionally perceive the phenomena of reality. Many poets and writers of world and domestic fiction have addressed this topic in their works.

A striking proof is the story of the famous Russian writer A.I. Kuprin “The Garnet Bracelet”. Using the example of the main characters of the work, the author showed readers that the main thing is to remain yourself, have a reasonable mind, listen to your heart and be guided by your conscience. The main character Zheltkov, a small employee, a lonely and timid dreamer, thinks that his fate is to love madly, but unrequitedly, and that it is impossible to escape from fate. Love is like an ideal and should be based on sublime feelings, mutual respect, honesty and truthfulness. This is exactly what her main character imagined. For many years his hopeless love for a young socialite from high society continued. The letters he sends to her are the subject of ridicule from members of the Sheyny family. The princess herself does not take them seriously, and the bracelet given for her birthday causes a lot of indignation. With his mind, Zheltkov understood that his life would never be connected with this woman, but with his heart and feelings he was chained to her, because it is impossible to run away from his love.

However, a turning point still comes in the life of the main character, and he begins to realize that he is no longer able to live with unrequited feelings. He comes to the conclusion that he is only hindering Vera Nikolaevna’s life and complicating her relationship with her husband. Zheltkov is grateful to this woman for the wonderful feeling in his heart, which elevated him above the world of injustice and evil, for the inseparable love that, fortunately, he was destined to experience. But for him, love became stronger than death, he decided to die. And only after death Vera Nikolaevna realized that in the soul of the “little man” there lived a huge and pure love that had passed her by. I believe that the hero’s mind prevailed over his feelings, because the understanding that the woman he sincerely loves will never be with him became a fatal step in this man’s path.

Thus, a person must understand and be aware of his actions and actions, which can affect his fate or lead to irreparable tragedies. Everyone must determine for himself what is more important: objective reason or unconscious feelings. After all, by making the wrong choice, we risk our own happiness, and maybe even our lives.

    In Kuprin's story The Garnet Bracelet, the theme of mind and feelings is fully reflected in Zheltkov's feelings for Vera Nikolaevna Sheina and subsequently in the ending of the story, reflected in her personal feelings and experiences, on the basis of which deep conclusions and sensory awareness of what happened are reproduced.

    Zheltkov, in love, fell in love at first sight, and, as often happens, this fatal love enveloped his soul completely by accident, but swiftly, when he had the opportunity to contemplate the beautiful image of Vera Nikolaevna at a circus performance. After this trip to an entertainment event, the life of a minor official completely turned into dependence and a barely overcome desire for Sheina, which burdened his life, but at the same time filled him with meaning. It consisted in the illusory hope that someday he would still be able to get the object of his desire. However, as a person not devoid of reason and rationality in his idea of ​​the world, he understood that in the realities of his existence, this was hardly possible.

    Moreover, although at first he wrote letters, and then, as the climax of the manifestation of his feelings, he gave her this very bracelet, the name of which is the name of the whole story, he realized that this compromises the object of desire of his feelings. In such manifestations, Kuprin cuts off possible thoughts that this person was ruled by selfishness. On the contrary, the author shows that Zheltkov truly loved Veora Nikolaevna, since only with such love there are thoughts that are nothing more than concern for the life of the person you love.

    Subsequently, in the form of Zheltkov’s suicide, the author shows that love in the harsh realities of life can be harmful and destructive and can sometimes destroy, destroying a person who has lost hope that his feelings will receive an adequate and reasonable response. Of course, it couldn’t exist for the reason that society is built on reasons, legalized in the form of marriage, which sometimes keep in a tight grip even those who could potentially respond to such an impulse in their direction.

    Alexander Kuprin's story The Garnet Bracelet tells us about love, which can be incredibly strong and pure. The main character, Zheltkov, loved the married princess, wrote secret letters to her, realizing that they would never be together. So why did you write??? Just so as not to keep everything to himself, he needed it, it’s like talking to someone, it’s believed that it will become easier.

    Reason and feeling— with his mind, the main character was well aware that he could not be with his beloved, that his love could not lead to something good, but he still wrote letters, turned off his mind and gave in to his feelings. This is what needs to be written about, that sometimes feelings are much stronger than the mind, they seem to simply turn it off. So it was with Zheltkov. Evaluate the actions of the main character, look at them with both feelings and reason, it will be interesting.

    In an essay about reason and feelings in the work Pomegranate Bracelet, you can write about how Zheltkov fell in love with Vera, about how he felt for her.

    And of course it must be mentioned that he understood with his mind that he could not be with her in any way, but at the same time the feelings did not go away. I would conclude that feelings are stronger than reason in this work.

    As an argument, one can cite the work War and Peace, where some heroes are guided by reason, others by feelings.

    You can start your essay with an epigraph from Moliere’s play:

    In Kuprin's story The Garnet Bracelet, the key theme is the relationship between the ordinary person Zheltkov and Vera Nikolaevna, who is unattainable for him. The feeling that arises feeds Zheltkov with hope, gives him the illusion of possible happiness, reveals in him sincere impulses to give himself to another person, to devote his life to caring for the object of love.

    However, the framework accepted by humanity can have a detrimental effect on beautiful principles and impulses - this is already the influence of reason, the so-called reality.

    Only such sincere feelings can motivate people to perform wonderful deeds and create masterpieces. But how often cruel reality brings people back to earth.

    Zheltkova’s love is sincere, all-forgiving and all-giving, which rarely happens to anyone in life. This is what Vera Nikolaevna understands when she loses this love.

    When writing the essay Reason and Feelings based on the story by Alexander Kuprin, The Garnet Bracelet, it is worth talking about great, pure love.

    In the story we see two unhappy people: Zheltkov, an unrequitedly in love official who was in love with a married lady, Vera Sheina. She, in turn, no longer experiences any emotions towards her husband. And their whole family life and happiness is false.

    Zheltkov does not dare to confess his passionate feelings to her and only shows her rare signs of attention for 8 years. Over time, Vera’s entire family begins to laugh at the lover in love, because they are unable to understand such pure feelings.

    Of course, we can say with confidence that it is impossible to meet such men capable of such feelings in modern life.

    Zheltkov is the happiest person among the other characters. He knows how to live and love without asking for anything in return. His love leads to death, but he is happy because he experiences such feelings that are rare.

    In the essay you need to describe the feelings of the hero of the work Zheltkov’s Garnet Bracelet. Zheltkov fell in love with the married Vera Nikolaevna, he loved her with the purest and most unrequited love, realizing that he would never see reciprocity from a married woman.

    Zheltkov’s love led him to death, and it was death that helped Zheltkov cope with his feelings.

    In the story called The Garnet Bracelet, we can follow such an amazing feeling as love. How strong love can be is known only to those who really love or have been sincerely in love. So the main character of the story, Zheltkov, was simply hopelessly in love with a heroine named Vera. And everything would have been fine, but she was married. And because of this, his hopelessness only intensified every day. The main character struggles with reason and feelings, but his feelings take over and he gives Vera a garnet bracelet and writes letters.

    The struggle between reason and feelings and, ultimately, the superiority of feelings over reason is written through Kuprin’s entire work. Zheltkov is a very sincere person who, despite the lack of reciprocity, continues to love and occasionally express himself, because he wants to shout about his feelings to the whole world, but he does not have this opportunity.

    And let feelings overcome reason, but Zheltkov was truly sincere, which is rare, especially these days. Yes, and the main character understands this, because there is nothing real left in her marriage with her husband, but honor cannot be lost.

    The story ends sadly. The suicide of the main character, whose mind could not prevail over his feelings. Death shouldn't be like this, but it freed him from torment. This is his choice, although I don’t think it’s the right one.

Alexander Kuprin, the author of the story “The Garnet Bracelet,” is considered a recognized master of love prose. “Love is unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward, the one about which it is said “strong as death.” Love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to undergo torture is not work at all, but one joy,” - this is the kind of love that touched an ordinary official of the middle level, Zheltkov.

He fell in love with Vera once and for all. And not ordinary love, but the kind that happens once in a lifetime, divine. Vera does not attach importance to the feelings of her admirer and lives life to the fullest. She marries a quiet, calm, good man from all sides, Prince Shein. And her quiet, calm life begins, not overshadowed by anything, neither sadness nor joy.

A special role is assigned to Vera’s uncle, General Anosov. Kuprin puts into his mouth the words that are the theme of the story: “...maybe your path in life, Verochka, was crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.” Thus, Kuprin in his story wants to show the story of love, albeit unrequited, but nevertheless, this unrequitedness did not become less strong and did not turn into hatred. According to General Anosov, every person dreams of such love, but not everyone receives it. But Vera, in her family life, does not have such love. There is another thing - respect, mutual, for each other. Kuprin in his story sought to show readers that such sublime love is already a thing of the past; there are only a few people left, such as the telegraph operator Zheltkov, who are capable of it. But many, the author emphasizes, are not at all able to understand the deep meaning of love.

And Vera herself does not understand that she is destined to be loved. Of course, she is a lady who occupies a certain position in society, a countess. Probably, such love could not have a successful outcome. Kuprin probably himself understands that Vera is not able to connect her life with the “little” man Zheltkov. Although it still leaves her one chance to live the rest of her life in love. Vera missed her chance to be happy.

Idea of ​​the work

The idea of ​​the story “The Garnet Bracelet” is faith in the power of a true, all-consuming feeling, which is not afraid of death itself. When they try to take away the only thing Zheltkov has - his love, when they want to deprive him of the opportunity to see his beloved, then he decides to voluntarily die. Thus, Kuprin is trying to say that life without love is meaningless. This is a feeling that knows no temporary, social or other barriers. No wonder the main name is Vera. Kuprin believes that his readers will wake up and understand that a person is not only rich in material values, but also rich in his inner world and soul. The red thread running through the entire story is Zheltkov’s words “Hallowed be Thy name” - this is the idea of ​​the work. Every woman dreams of hearing such words, but great love is given only by the Lord and not by everyone.

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