Joint gymnastics for the elderly at a calm pace. Exercises for older people: complex and tips

If, having reached the age of 50, you were not physically active and did not play sports, then starting at this age, you need to observe some restrictions. This will allow you to gradually increase the intensity and not harm the body with high loads:

  • Charging for the elderly at the initial stage involves the absence of sudden movements, everything should be done smoothly and carefully. It is necessary to remember about changes in bone structures and associated minor restrictions in mobility;
  • between series of exercises it is necessary to take a break, if necessary, it can range from 15 seconds to 1 minute;
  • do brisk walking instead of running and intense jumping;
  • during classes, monitor breathing, well-being and body condition;
  • it is necessary to increase the load gradually, change the set of exercises once a month (video);
  • You need mandatory rest after completing the complex.

Morning exercises for women after 50 years differ in methodology - the type of movements and the influence of the proposed loads on the body, their strength. Gymnastics involves smooth, soft movements, the absence of force and excessive impact on the skeleton. Exercising for 50-year-old women will keep them energized throughout the day. It is necessary to focus on strengthening the abs and pelvic muscles.

Depending on the state of health and vital indicators of the body’s activity, individual gymnastics can be performed frequently and without any special restrictions.

The benefits of morning exercise

The morning awakening of the body is characterized by some slowness and “lethargy.” It will take some time to fully recover from sleep in the morning. Hygienic procedures, in particular washing, invigorate, but without the functioning of muscles and joints, it is difficult to achieve complete awakening. Morning exercises contribute to this. Along with this, stable, constant training:

  • assist in normalizing blood flow and stable heart function. This is characterized by a stable blood supply to all organs, normalization of metabolism, and the supply of more oxygen;
  • improves mood and performance due to the production of the hormone endorphin;
  • due to the normatively performed metabolic functions, dangerous toxins are actively removed from the body;
  • under the influence of oxygen entering the brain, its functioning improves, memory improves;
  • a woman doing sports looks young and beautiful, her skin acquires freshness and a dazzling visual effect.

How to choose the right physical activity for 50-year-old women?

Exercise for the elderly should include reasonable loads, and they cannot coincide with those designed for young girls. The time limit for daily exercise is about 30 minutes to 1 hour and involves moderate exercise in the gym, yoga, Pilates, swimming, cycling, gentle jogging or race walking.

Having entered the post-preparatory stage of sports, older women use the proposed methods of group exercise in fitness rooms. Having comprehended them, you can move on to independent studies at home. The beginning of increased loads should occur under the supervision of a trainer, and only after realizing that you can cope with them effectively and without negative consequences, turn to individual home training (video).

When choosing a set of exercises, you must apply the rules to avoid causing harm:

  • a gradual increase in the duration of classes takes place over the course of a month and gradually increases from 10 to 30 minutes;
  • training is carried out in the fresh air or with an open window, providing sufficient oxygen access to the room;
  • start with walking, gradually bringing it to running in place;
  • when playing sports, morning exercise should occur 30 minutes after exercise or 1 hour before;
  • Having finished the entire set of exercises you have selected, you do not need to lie down immediately, you need to restore your breathing and remain in an upright position for 15 minutes.

Swimming is an excellent opportunity to train all muscle groups. By doing it, endurance increases, the load on the fat layer increases, which allows you to lose weight and gain the desired shape. Water aerobics classes effectively contribute to this.

Circular training develops several muscle groups, reduces a woman's weight, improves the functioning of the heart and helps restore normal vascular function.

The technique consists of performing charging in a given sequence:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • performing lunges;
  • bends;
  • and squat again.

Yoga is the key to restoring energy and gaining inspiration. A set of exercises allows you to:

  • improve shape;
  • develop flexibility, elasticity and muscle strength, ability to coordinate;
  • increase performance;
  • relieve tension and stress, achieve a good mood, calmness, and find peace of mind.

No matter what a woman chooses, what set of exercises she chooses, no matter how she builds a schedule and no matter what tactics she chooses for her exercises, the main thing is that they are beneficial and contribute to a positive attitude.

Exercises for retirees can be not only physical, but also moral, supporting their spirit and mood. Retired people, both men and women, often lose all interest in life. The consequence of self-doubt, loneliness, mental instability and poor contact with the outside world is not only excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking, but also excessive consumption of medications. After all, many retired women take handfuls of medications. But the main factor in this behavior is fear. Elderly people are tormented by the fear of loneliness, war, illness, old age, fear for the future of the country and youth. There are so many horrors and fears in the information field surrounding an elderly person that a person with poor health and advanced age cannot find their way to themselves and most believe that they do not live, but survive.

Pensioners live their lives from series to series, they know everything that is happening in the world, but do not know their neighbors, they listen to debates on TV, but do not want to talk with family and friends. The more we become passive contemplatives of what is happening, the more we move away from real life, and withdraw into ourselves in our own little world. How to break this ? After all, this greatly undermines our lives on a mental and physical level.

Conduct an introspection of your life, analyze your anxieties and fears, determine a goal for yourself for the near future. Relax, you won’t even notice that all your muscles, hearing and sense of smell are constantly tense. And if you pay attention, this is so. Lie on the floor or on the sofa, stretch your legs and arms and analyze how tense our arms, legs, and head are. Gradually let them go, relax, then let go of your thoughts. Lie down thinking about good things.

To learn how to manage yourself, you need to systematically engage in auto-training; it will only take 10 minutes a couple of times a day. In just a few weeks, you will be able to establish peace of mind. Over time, you will stop , but you will start making plans for the future.

Retired women should not withdraw into themselves; psychologists advise to communicate more, not to interrupt contacts with friends and relatives, but to expand and support them. If it is not possible to have personal meetings, you need to communicate by phone or write postcards and letters as before, by writing a letter a person released the heaviness from his soul, now, unfortunately, this is all in the past. Of course, you need to communicate only with those who bring positive emotions, showing respect for the problems of your interlocutor.

Having mastered the auto-training exercises, you can move on to exercises for morning exercises. For older people, physical exercise is recommended to maintain health. People of all ages can engage in physical exercise, provided their health allows it. You can go for light jogs and play team sports, which allow retirees to socialize. It should be noted that retired women visit physical education sections and the swimming pool more often than men. At home, you can perform feasible muscle-strengthening exercises designed for your health.

Therefore, we offer a set of exercises for morning exercises for retired women with poor physical fitness, but with a cheerful spirit. When doing the exercises, we monitor our breathing, inhale through the nose, inhaling deeply, and exhale slowly through the mouth. Charging time is 15 minutes. While doing the exercises, we monitor how we feel; if something goes wrong, we should immediately stop the exercises and move on to water procedures.

1st starting position standing. Hands to the shoulders, up - inhale, lower your hands down through the sides slowly - exhale, repeat 5 times;

2nd, stand up straight, cross your arms, spread your arms to the sides and swing your leg to the side, to the starting position, swing the other leg. Let's do it 5 times with each leg.

3rd starting position: sit on a chair with your hands on your belt. We turn our torso to the left, and inhale while moving our arms to the side, palm up. Return to the starting position – exhale. Let's do it 5-6 times in each direction.

4th starting position: sit on a chair with your back to the back of the chair, arms resting behind you, legs extended. We lift the leg bent at the knee, straighten it and lower it to the bottom, return it to its original position. Breath evenly, perform 6 times with each leg.

5th starting position - emphasis, standing with your hands on the back of the chair. Bend your elbows so that your chest touches the back of the chair, while simultaneously moving your leg back and up, inhale, and return to the starting position - exhale. We will do it if possible.

6th, we will complete the exercises by calmly walking in place.

Such simple physical activity will not harm women of any age and will be within the capabilities of retired women. After exercise, you will feel much more energetic and your mood will improve.

The pace of all exercises should be very moderate at the beginning and faster when the body copes and gets used to it. After intense exercise, you should take short breaks of a few seconds. Avoid sudden movements, only smooth and calm ones, this is especially true for older men who take on exercises without calculating their strength, and then their joints and muscles hurt.

Exercises for older men are specially designed to maintain their health, these morning exercises are intended for men who are retired but want to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.

1st starting position – standing with your hands on your belt. Rise on your toes, move your elbows back, inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Do it 8 times.

2nd starting position, standing with your arms forward and to the sides, palms down. Raise your right leg and reach the palm of your left hand, and do the same with your left foot to your right hand. Do it 8 times.

3rd starting position, standing with your legs apart, feet parallel, arms up, fingers in a fist. Bend your torso forward without bending your legs, arms back, unclench your fists. Return to starting position. Do it 7 times.

4th starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Perform springy torso tilts to the right, right hand behind your back, lunge with your left leg, bending the knee, lift your left arm up, return to the starting position. Repeat the bends gently in each direction 6 times.

5th standing, raise your arms forward and to the sides, arms forward and down back. Raise your arms up, move your leg back onto your toes, put your foot down, lower your arms down and back. Breathing is even, perform movements without delay 6 times.

6th, do a lying position, rest your hands on a table, window sill or chair. Bend your arms, touching the support with your chest, lift one leg and inhale, exhale and pull out to the starting position. Perform slowly, 6-7 times with each leg.

7th jumping in place, arms bent at the elbows behind you, perform for 60 seconds, then move on to steps in place, move on to walking around the room with deep breathing.

After charging, check your heart rate, count your pulse, it should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute. All advice for women and men retirees is based on medical literature and is aimed at improving health and prolonging life. When doing exercises, do not try to get tired, you should get a charge of vigor, not fatigue.

Previously, it was generally accepted that physical education and old age are incompatible. However, times are changing, and now no one will be surprised by a woman aged 55 or older leading an active lifestyle and playing sports. Of course, physical therapy at this stage has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account. We can offer several training options, and the video will clearly demonstrate how to properly perform gymnastics for older women.

The benefits of gymnastics for women after sixty years of age

With age, metabolism slows down, the body spends much less energy, and without sufficient exercise, nutrients begin to be deposited in the form of adipose tissue. The load on the joints increases, while the cartilage layer in them becomes thinner over time, and pain appears. In addition, the cardiovascular and nervous systems suffer, which can no longer respond with the proper speed to changes in external conditions. This results in changes in pressure, disturbances in balance and gait.

That is why exercise therapy after 60 years is especially necessary: ​​gymnastics for women after sixty helps to maintain health for as long as possible. Regular exercises allow you to achieve impressive results:

  • Improve metabolism;
  • Maintain a sense of balance and good coordination of movements;
  • Make the cardiovascular system more resistant to adverse external factors;
  • To avoid ;
  • Lose excess weight or prevent its occurrence;
  • Normalize gastrointestinal motility;
  • Maintain muscle mobility and slow down the processes of muscle atrophy and cartilage wear;
  • Activate mental performance;
  • Increase your mood and vitality.

In many cases, exercise therapy helps women who have retired and retired to avoid depression and regain interest in life.

This is interesting!

According to Rosstat, approximately 40% of people over 55 years of age are involved in some kind of sport. There is even an annual Spartakiad for pensioners held in Russia.

In what situations is charging contraindicated?

It has several more contraindications, because due to age, the body’s compensatory abilities weaken, and in some cases it cannot cope with the stress. Training should be stopped if:

  • Any diseases of an infectious or non-infectious nature in the acute stage;
  • Severe intellectual impairment and mental disorders with psycho-emotional agitation;
  • Severe disorders of the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by severe pain and significantly limiting the ability to move;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Detection of aneurysms in the heart and large vessels.

For people over 70 years old, a set of exercises is selected strictly individually and only after a medical examination. The first classes should be conducted under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor.

Race walking

Strange as it may sound, you also need to be able to walk. Of course, any movement will be beneficial for an elderly person, but there are ways to make it as effective as possible:

  1. Don't slouch.
  2. Move your slightly bent arms in time with your steps.
  3. Inhale air only through your nose. If it doesn't work, then you set the pace too fast.
  4. Do not speak.
  5. Walk only on an empty stomach and in the first half of the day.
  6. Stick to the set pace. At first it should be 60 steps per minute, you can increase it weekly.
  7. Think in advance about how to choose a route and not go further than your physical condition allows. The initial walking duration should be 20 minutes.

A good option is because it allows you to strengthen the shoulder girdle. However, it also requires competent execution:

  • The sticks should be kept close to the body, without spreading to the sides;
  • They should not drag along the ground, but push off from it;
  • Support is placed simultaneously on the right leg and left arm, and vice versa;
  • You need to step on bent legs, stepping from heel to toe;
  • The body should be tilted forward slightly.

A set of exercises for the elderly

Before starting training, you need to understand that exercise therapy is not acrobatics for older women and not a professional sport: there is no need to perform complex elements and chase records. All exercises are performed at a comfortable pace, smoothly, without sudden, jerky movements. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 20 minutes.

Below we present the most universal exercises selected for older people. The entire complex is recommended to be performed during the daytime. Some of its elements can be used as morning exercises for older women.

  1. In a lying position, lift your forearms up, clasp your fingers into fists. Perform rotations in the wrist joints.
  2. Sit down. Perform slow rotations and tilts of the head, thus stretching the neck muscles.
  3. Stand up and spread your arms out to the sides with your elbows bent. Rotate your forearms alternately inward/outward.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch one arm toward the ceiling, bend the other and place it behind your back, stretch a little, then change hands.
  5. Maintain the same position. As you inhale, move your arms to your sides and lean forward, bending your spine slightly if possible.
  6. Leaning on the back of a chair or table top, do squats. If this is difficult for you, then a half squat will be enough.
  7. Sit on the floor and spread your legs out to the sides as far as possible. Stretch your arms above your head and, as you inhale, bend alternately to your right and then to your left leg. Then connect them together and simply bend forward.
  8. Pull your legs closer to your buttocks. Tilt them alternately in one direction or the other, while stretching your neck in the opposite direction.
  9. Next, for a couple of minutes, walk along a line in which the heel of one foot touches the toe of the other.
  10. Finally, walk in place for 2-3 minutes, actively performing friendly movements with your arms.

Useful video - Gymnastics complex for women after 50

Exercises for obese older women

In old age, women experience health problems and the body can no longer cope with previous stress. When additionally, against the background of a slowdown in metabolic processes, weight begins to increase, it becomes very difficult to maintain physical activity. If a woman gives up in such a situation, then a vicious circle is formed: a sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain, additional body weight provokes the development of even more serious diseases and it becomes more and more difficult to move.

The solution to this problem is to take into account the presence of chronic diseases and the need to lose excess weight.

  1. Walk for two minutes, first at a slow pace, then gradually speed up, and by the end of the second minute we slow down again.
  2. Place your hands on, while inhaling, spread your shoulders to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together, and as you exhale, point them forward.
  3. Leaving your arms in the same position, perform full rotations of your shoulder joints, first forward, then back.
  4. We place our feet wider. As you exhale, bend forward, trying to touch your fingertips to the floor. As we straighten up, we simultaneously inhale and spread our straight arms to the sides.
  5. Find suitable support, such as the backs of chairs. Holding them with your hands, swing your lower limbs back and forth.
  6. With support on one chair, swing your straightened legs to the sides.
  7. Still leaning on the chair, we perform half squats.
  8. We sit down and place our palms on our waists. Inhaling, we bring our elbows as far behind our backs as possible, while inhaling, we try to bring them together in front.
  9. We get up, hands remain in the same position. We walk, raising our knees high, for a minute.
  10. We walk again as usual, gradually increasing the pace, but now we switch to a slow run for 1 minute, then slow down to a complete stop.

Gymnastics for obese older women

If you are overweight, it becomes more difficult to exercise every year, but this is not a reason to completely give up exercise, it’s just that physical exercise in old age changes somewhat.

  1. Lying on a horizontal surface, alternately bend and unbend your right and left leg.
  2. Still lying down, raise your hands up, put them behind your head, then return them back.
  3. Start doing the classic “bicycle” exercise, simulating pressing the pedals with your feet.
  4. Get up and begin a calm two-minute walk with gradual acceleration and then deceleration.
  5. We stop. Raise your arms to the sides as you inhale, then up, and lower as you exhale.
  6. Lean against the back of the chair. Move the limbs of the same name to the side as you inhale, bring them back as you exhale. Repeat with the other leg and arm.
  7. Stand up straight, bend your arms at right angles, clench your palms into fists. Imitate the movements of a boxer, throwing forward alternately your right and left hand.
  8. Sit on and get up from a chair five times.
  9. Finally sit down on the chair. Now, inhaling, we spread our arms and move our left leg to the side. Exhaling, return to the starting position. Then do the exercise with your right leg.
  10. We walk in place for 2-3 minutes at an average pace.

Video - Morning exercises for women after 60 years

Therapeutic swimming is significantly different from sports swimming. The recommended style of swimming in the pool for older people is breaststroke, since it has the optimal ratio of muscle tension/relaxation. The intensity and duration of water procedures is recommended by the doctor.

  • Gymnastic complex for the spine

Elderly people often suffer from back pain, so special training in this area is simply necessary. includes part 1 – stretching and part 2 – muscle strengthening. It is their combination and complementarity that is important.

People of the older age category are also allowed to ride a bicycle, specially adapted for the elderly. It is only important that all loads are selected adequately to the person’s health condition.


Many older women try to replace physical therapy with work in the garden. Considering that agricultural work involves carrying heavy loads, forced bending over, and intense loads, such activity is not an adequate replacement for exercise therapy and does not benefit the body.

Physical therapy exercises are important at any stage of life and bring undeniable benefits to older people, provided that all medical recommendations are followed. Certain exercises can be performed even in old age to maintain not only physical health, but also a clear mind. The list of permitted loads for people in the older age category is quite wide, and everyone can choose the best option for themselves.

Video - Exercises for women 55+

After 60 years, everyone gets the opportunity to appreciate all the “delights” of approaching old age: when muscles, bones, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems are no longer the same. This is why strength training after 60 is no less important for health and longevity than training at 20 years old.

Consequences of not training with weights

1. Loss of muscle mass

Once you reach 40 or 50 years of age, your body begins to steadily lose muscle tissue. This process may be partly due to a decrease in the level of physical activity and the production of anabolic hormones.

As you know, there are 2 types of muscle fibers: type I (“slow” muscle fibers) and type II (“fast” muscle fibers). It is the second type of fibers that is capable of producing a force 2-4 times stronger than fibers of the first type. Unfortunately, as we age, we lose predominantly fast-twitch fibers. What do you think happens when we lose muscle fibers that are responsible for strength and power?

2. Loss of functionality

Functionality is one of the most important abilities that makes life easier after 60 and can significantly improve its quality in old age.

Below we will look step-by-step at how, over time, loss of strength and power leads to limited functionality and eventually disability.

Stage 1 – muscle pathology

Muscle pathology is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Loss of motor units.
  • Changes in muscle fibers.
  • Amyotrophy.
  • Decreased neuromuscular communication.
  • Slowing down the rate of muscle activation.

Stage 2 – loss of functionality

This stage is characterized by a decrease in the speed of movement and force production.

Stage 3 – Functional Limitations

At this stage, people take longer to climb stairs and get out of chairs.

Stage 4 – onset of disability

This is the saddest stage, because without the help of a cane it is difficult for a person to leave the house.

The 4 stages above show how giving up exercise slowly but surely leads to a decrease in quality of life.

Training after 60 years: strength or power?

If you are 60 years or older, strength training in its classical sense is not the best option for you. The optimal type of training for older people is speed-strength training (power training).

If classic strength training involves performing movements at a slow pace (for example, 3-4 seconds per repetition on the bench press), then speed-strength training means performing exercises at maximum speed.

A number of studies have shown that power is responsible for the ability of older people to cope with such types of daily activities as walking in the park, walking up the stairs, and getting out of a chair. Scientists also consider power to be the main ally of functionality.

In 2011, Swiss researchers analyzed several studies and concluded that speed training provides greater functional benefits for older adults than classical strength training.

Training after 60 years: tohow to train power?

Power training involves performing movements at as fast a pace as possible. However, this type of training should not be confused with training for weightlifters. Power training is a common gym workout that involves lifting weights as fast as you can (with perfect form, of course).

Most studies used machines rather than free weights. The exercises were performed in 2-3 sets for large muscle groups, which were trained 2-3 days a week. The intensity of the training was 70% of the maximum weight that the subjects could lift, which was 8-10 repetitions per set.

Workouts after 60 years:safety

Most studies involved older people who did not experience problems with bones, joints, or the cardiovascular system.

Unless you're an energizer nerd, choose a lower workout intensity level. Perform exercises with a range of not 8-10, but 15-20 repetitions. This way you will be safe from possible negative consequences of training.


  • If your age is close to 60 years or more, do not give up weight training. By limiting your physical activity under the pretext “I’m already old, my bones and heart won’t withstand the stress,” you are doing yourself a “disservice.”
  • Train at speed so you can improve your functionality and ensure a more comfortable standard of living in old age.
  • Train your muscles 3 times a week in 2-3 sets of 8-10 or 15-20 repetitions.
  • Don't forget that each of us is individual. Don't overdo the intensity of your workouts.

Physical therapy is very important for the elderly because it allows you to prolong life and activity. At an advanced age, people are susceptible to many chronic diseases. The young body had sufficient strength and simply did not allow them to manifest themselves.

In old age, unfortunately, this is not possible. But don't despair. You can successfully resist them even at this age. And a special set of exercises will provide significant assistance with this. And read about carbohydrates.

Optimal physical activity

Intense physical activity is contraindicated for an elderly person. But physical therapy is necessary. It will help maintain the level of physical activity, which will certainly only be beneficial. Physical therapy for an elderly person will be a feasible exercise and will bring many benefits.

Why do older people need physical therapy?

  1. Skeletal muscles must be maintained in constant tone.
  2. It is very important that the blood is saturated with oxygen. At this age, this is extremely necessary, since lung capacity is reduced, resulting in oxygen deficiency. This has a negative impact on the human condition.
  3. The heart and vascular system is trained. But there is no need to be too zealous, not forgetting about age.
  4. It is an excellent way to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerotic phenomena. Vasodilation occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the state of blood flow through the vessels.
  5. The intestines begin to work better, increasing their peristalsis.

Approximate set of exercises

The complex given below consists of several publicly available lightweight exercises.

  1. “Pendulum” - performed in a standing position. The neck muscles relax, and the head tilts to the right and left. The head makes slow movements like a pendulum.
  2. The exercise is performed from the same starting position. The head is placed on each shoulder in turn. It doesn’t matter if nothing works right away, increase the amplitude gradually.
  3. The head is thrown back and rotational movements are made.
  4. The location of the hands is the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbow joint and spread in different directions. If the exercise is performed 5 times in each direction, then this is quite enough.
  5. Bend your arms at the elbow joints and spread them to the sides. Imitate a situation in which you want to hug someone.
  6. You need to take a maximum breath and arch your back. You need to stay in this position for a little while. Then exhale and straighten up.
  7. Hands on the belt, socks apart. The legs should be slightly bent at the knee joints. In this position, half squats are performed.
  8. Legs stay together. A low squat is performed. At the same time, circular movements are performed with the hands. It is enough to make several such approaches. This exercise may be difficult for some at first. It's okay, everything will get better gradually.

The use of such a set of exercises will provide the elderly person with the necessary physical activity. If you do them daily, after a while you can feel much better.

Your general condition will become noticeably more cheerful, and various diseases will bother you less. Interest in life will awaken again, and everything around you will be perceived with a positive attitude.

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