Cancer woman style. “Star” style: choosing clothes according to your zodiac sign

I bring to the attention of guests of my site the final article in a series of articles for women: clothing according to the signs of the Zodiac. In previous publications, we have already examined the attitude towards fashion of representatives of the signs of the elements, and. It's time to talk about women born under the influence of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Cancer style

Women born in this zodiac constellation dress exclusively “to suit their mood.” They often have complexes about their body and/or appearance, so they may give in to impulse and buy clothes without even trying them on. These are not the most practical shoppers in the Zodiac when it comes to their wardrobe.

They try to adhere to a conservative style. However, at heart, Cancers are secret fashionistas and revere high platforms, plunging necklines and sexy accessories. They may also have a large amount of designer shoes, which are either not suitable (dangerous) for everyday use, or Cancers simply have nothing to wear them with.

These charming but shy women at work like to play by established rules, preferring to conform to dress code. It is believed that a traditional dark suit with golden buttons and a skirt just below the knee is what is needed for the office.

Cancers love loose, comfortable casual clothing and often “hide” their bodies behind oversized shirts, black tights, etc. For festive events and going out to restaurants, they usually have some kind of standard option, for example, a little black dress for cocktails.

These lovers of trinkets and jewelry love to decorate their ears, fingers and wrists in the Indian style. They are especially greedy for jewelry made from large pearls.

Scorpio style

By the way Scorpio is dressed, you can guess her mood. So, if she is depressed, she will dress in something black from head to toe. However, despite the fact that their heart often rules over their heads, these women are able to soberly assess the situation and not go too far with their wardrobe.

In the office, they prefer to wear a “dress that keeps you at a distance” or a “Who are you? Let's goodbye!". However, many Scorpio women will be happy to add a sexy element to any conservative outfit, or at least unbutton one or two buttons on their blouse.

They love to go out, meet friends and are obsessed with finding their soulmate, so their closets are filled with dozens of dresses, chiffon blouses, cashmere sweaters and sparkly tops. Being, in fact, vamp women, extremely interested in men and sex, it is likely that they may have a couple of matching outfits in their arsenal. Although if they allow themselves to dress, they do it with taste, not at all vulgar.

They are delighted with red and black leather, so be sure to get a stylish leather jacket or long leather coat, which, combined with skinny trousers, will make them simply irresistible.

There is a lot of mysticism in their life, which is reflected in their passion for jewelry in the form of protective amulets, crosses, etc.

Pisces style

These gentle and charming women tend to choose sensual clothing items that appeal to their idealistic understanding of life, incorrigible romance. They love pastel-colored clothing and the tactile appeal of silk, velvet, and satin fabrics.

For office style, choose skirts with a high hem and a low-cut blouse. Although they don’t really bother about their “work” clothes.

In their free time, they wear fitted shirts with lace trim and sensual cashmere sweaters. Since they love walks, hikes and forays into nature, their closets are often overflowing with sports equipment and/or picnic clothes. But as a weekend outfit, a chiffon dress will suit them, which makes them look like a goddess at parties and formal events.

In the case of Pisces, their clothing according to their zodiac sign should always be complemented with jewelry. This water sign is thrilled at the sight of accessories made of coral, sea shells, pearls and mother-of-pearl. In addition, given the inherent romance and nostalgia of Pisces, they are happy to wear gifts from people dear to them or family heirlooms. In the Zodiac, Pisces is the sign that represents the 2000-year era of Christian dominance, which is why Pisces women love to wear religious jewelry, such as antique Roman coins and medallions of saints.

Astrologers told us what fashion style is ideal for representatives of each zodiac sign. Do you have such things in your wardrobe?

Aries: Sporty chic

The ideal style for Aries women is sporty chic. In such clothes they feel comfortable and cozy, since nothing will hamper their movements and will not prevent them from achieving their goals.

Favorite colors: denim, white and red.

Taurus: ethno style

Taurus women give preference above all to quality when choosing clothes. It should be expensive, but not flashy. Ethnic style, as a reasonable combination of folk wisdom and modern fashion, best meets such requirements in modern realities.

Favorite colors: natural, including blue, green, pink and all shades of pastel.

Gemini: casual style

Gemini women prefer casual clothing. They like things made from natural materials and always bright colors. Gemini girls will not refuse very short skirts.

Favorite colors: all bright combinations.

Cancer: Romantic style

Cancer women are great lovers of romance and enjoy emphasizing their femininity. For them, clothing is a kind of shell that protects them from the outside world and provides comfort.

Favorite colors: lilac, light green and blue.

Leo: Dramatic style

Leo women simply adore expensive, high-quality and fashionable items from the world's most famous brands. For Lionesses, the whole world is like a stage on which they are the main actresses. Therefore, the appearance must match!

Favorite colors: gold, scarlet, purple.

Virgo: Classic style

Virgo women love classic style. Everything should be neat and tidy. The main condition in choosing clothes is cleanliness of lines, which representatives of this zodiac sign are simply obsessed with.

Favorite colors: beige, gray, white.

Libra: Glamorous style

Libra women love glamor. Chic, brilliance and beauty are the main priorities in the appearance of representatives of this zodiac sign. But at the same time they never look vulgar and unkempt.

Favorite colors: turquoise, silver, pink

Scorpio: Unique style

Scorpio women prefer individuality in their clothing style. They always find their own unique style in which they feel comfortable and comfortable. Even in gray, they will definitely stand out from the gray mass, although they usually prefer to dress in black.

Favorite colors: black, burgundy

Sagittarius: Eclectic style

Sagittarius women prefer an eclectic style. They amazingly manage to combine, at first glance, completely incompatible things of completely different styles. Sagittarians choose only the best in clothes!

Favorite colors: blue, yellow, orange

Capricorn: Elegant style

Capricorn women prefer an elegant style. It is important for them that the clothes are of high quality, expensive and neat, but not too bright and catchy.

Favorite colors: black, gray, turquoise, purple

Aquarius: Bohemian style

Aquarius women prefer a bohemian style of clothing that combines practicality with originality. They love a quirky mix of hippie, casual, vintage and boho styles. The main thing is not like everyone else!

Favorite colors: blue, purple, emerald

Pisces: Vintage style

Pisces women are big fans of neo-vintage style, which copies popular models of past decades. Such clothes allow these individualists to always look romantic and unusual.

What do you think about your style? Do you agree with astrologers or are you completely against it?

A modern woman has a very busy life - family, friends, work, career, various trips. And she can’t do without new clothes in her wardrobe. We try on new fashions, change haircuts, hair color, and clothing style. After all, each occasion requires its own style.

Over many centuries, astrology has provided a huge amount of information about the influence of colors, decorations and the structure of fabrics, decorations on each zodiac sign.

By learning to emphasize the character of your star patron with clothes of a certain color palette, you can strengthen the universal resonance and attract the favor of Fortune, the ancient goddess of luck. In any case, that's what people knowledgeable in astrology say.

Fire Signs

The fire element belongs to the impulsive Aries, the royal Leo and the active Sagittarius. These zodiac signs are characterized by an energetic temperament. If you are one of them, then your image is that of a proud, free from prejudice, sexy woman who does not hide her emotions.

Wardrobe of “fiery” women

The Fire woman prefers spectacular outfits; she closely follows fashion. Always chooses an extravagant style. The main thing is bright and expensive outfits made from natural fabrics.

The predominant colors of the wardrobe: all shades of red, orange, yellow, gold.

Aries women prefer rich shades. But they won’t wear a single fashionable item if they don’t choose the right accessory.

Lionesses are more conservative in clothing. They intuitively understand what suits them and what to avoid when choosing an outfit. At the same time, they will definitely add something that will emphasize their charm.

Sagittarius women strictly follow fashion. They love expensive branded items. The main thing for them is high-quality fabrics; it is very important for them to feel confident and sexy.

Accessories of “fiery” women

Beyond any competition, these are expensive voluminous jewelry - earrings, bracelets, rings, etc. made of gold, platinum, with natural precious stones, best of all - with diamonds.

Hairstyle of “fiery” women

Fire women prefer voluminous hairstyles, and choose hair dyes in the most fashionable shades.

Makeup for “fiery” women

The Fire woman chooses bright, sexy makeup, and first of all highlights, giving preference to rich, rich colors of lipstick or gloss.

Air Signs

The air element belongs to the fickle Gemini, balanced Libra and charismatic Aquarius.
The Air woman is an independent, inquisitive, active person.

Accessories for “airy” women

Wooden bracelets, beads, baubles. The highlight is elegant, unique accessories that harmoniously fit into the image of the woman of Air.

Airy women's hairstyle

Light hairstyles with imagination suit women of the air element. The color scheme is the most varied, the main thing is that it is not dull and boring.

Makeup for “airy” women

Natural, in soft tones. The most successful image is . “Decoration” for lips - soft shades of gloss or light lipstick. Blush in light shades.

Water Signs

Reflective Cancer, Scorpio on his mind and romantic Pisces are signs of the water element. The “water” woman is sensual, romantic, gentle and mysterious.

Wardrobe of "watery" women

The clothes of “mermaids” are dominated by all shades of blue-blue, blue-green, similar to the color of the water surface, as well as white, like sea foam.

Preference is given to dresses with flounces and frills. Skirts are loose-fitting, wide, flowing. Of course, they prefer pumps when it comes to footwear.

The gentle nature of Cancer prefers natural and plain fabrics (linen, cotton, wool). Women of this sign are not fans of experimenting with style and are quite conservative in their clothing. Most of all, they like a simple, loose fit without unnecessary frills.

Scorpio women love the “sexy” style: deep neckline, clingy dress that emphasizes the figure, short or, conversely, long feminine skirts. Their wardrobe is dominated by a combination of black and red.

Pisces women are sensual and romantic people, they love active recreation, so in their wardrobe they will have things in both a romantic style and sports-camping ones. Often they prefer tight-fitting clothes in sea green or dark green.

Accessories of “water” women

“Mermaid” women are simply crazy about elegant, miniature jewelry. Heart pendants, rings in the shape of a flower, chains of noble weaving - these are their choices.

Hairstyle of "water" women

Water signs are characterized by flowing, loose hair that resembles waterfalls. If the “mermaid” chooses a short haircut, then this hairstyle will be romantic, with waves and curls.

Makeup for “watery” women

“Mermaid” makeup is characterized by blurred and “understated” shades: no arrows or clear lines! Deep with smoky eyeliner, juicy lips, a barely noticeable veil of blush on matte skin.

Earth Signs

The earth element is reliable Taurus, practical Virgo and intellectual Capricorn.
Most often these are calm, intelligent, practical women. They attract men with their poise and reliability.

Wardrobe of "earthly" women

Women of this element prefer a classic style and will not buy something that can be worn seasonally. These must be quality clothes. They focus on how long this thing can last her. Colors: sand, beige, chocolate, gray, black, deep green.

Taurus people love comfortable, sporty clothes. They give preference to one selected brand. All rich shades suit them.

Virgo has a strict and impeccable style. She can allow herself any color. But for daily outings, he prefers clothes in silver-grayish tones.

Capricorns avoid standing out from the crowd. Their main requirement for clothing is simplicity and functionality. They are characterized by strict, conservative suits in beige, blue and gray shades. They love old things in retro style.

Accessories of "earthly" women

“Earthly” women will choose thin gold chains, classic rings, bracelets and earrings as decoration.

Hairstyle of "earthly" women

Women of the Earth are suitable for simple, discreet haircuts in natural shades. Preference is for classic bobs and bob-based haircuts.

Makeup of “earthly” women

The makeup of “dugouts” is dominated by soft but deep shades, emphasizing the depth of the look. Women of this sign are suitable for all shades of brown, gray and smoky. Expressive well-groomed. A soft blush that gives your face a youthful glow. Lipstick in natural, muted tones.



Like it or not, astrology is of interest to most people (even skeptics). Despite the fact that astrological horoscopes for every day cannot be 100% reliable, the general signs that a particular zodiac sign has often coincide. For example, I am a Sagittarius: I am optimistic, energetic, impulsive, and when it comes to fashion, I am a complete maximalist, always wearing bold colors and loving complex multi-layered sets.

Style is, of course, first and foremost a manifestation of individuality, but your zodiac sign can have a certain influence on what clothes you choose. After doing a little research on each sign, experts have analyzed some of the current fashion trends that would complement your zodiac sign.

For example, Taurus, who is a home and earth sign, would be cool in wearing a pajama-style suit (even to the office). Virgo’s inner perfectionism and strength will be emphasized by a well-tailored suit and accent stiletto heels. And Pisces is a true esthete and lover of art; they can make each of their outfits chic by playing with catchy colors and original shapes.

Knowing a little more about your sign, its characteristics and color preferences can help you tailor your wardrobe to perfection. Let's take a look at what each zodiac sign should add to their wardrobe this year.


Aries is famous for its energetic character. Aries are athletic and love the color red. So what better way for them than to buy another pair of sneakers and add Athleisure style clothing to their wardrobe.

Aries is fearless and unstoppable, and loves bold statement pieces. A daring mix of a bright yellow fur coat and sporty elements in one look is something that will suit any Aries.

Comfort is a key factor for those Aries who, due to their lifestyle, are constantly on the go. Look for universal basics and put together ensembles that are suitable for any life situation.


Taurus are ideal housewives. And they will look natural in silk pajama suits, backless loafers and a casual bun on the head.

This earth sign loves to work with their hands, such as gardening or cooking, so look for comfortable, durable items.

Taurus are also famous for their romanticism, so they should pay attention to silk blouses and kimono-style jackets, floral prints and fitted feminine silhouettes.


Gemini is a sign that does not have constancy. He quickly gets bored with many things. Therefore, they need to add clothes with a twist to their wardrobe, such as asymmetrical details.

Mixing different prints and shades is a Gemini's favorite thing. Such costumes seem original to them and have a special charm for them.

The trend with one bare shoulder is also a favorite among Geminis. Well, and of course, contrasting prints as a way to stand out among others.


Cancers are emotional and care deeply about their loved ones. Incorporating the color red into heart-shaped clothing and accessories can be a fun way to show off their personality.

Cancers enjoy hobbies that do not require leaving the house, gatherings over delicious food with friends and relaxing activities. Therefore, invite your friends to your place, telling them in advance the style and color scheme of the party.

Cancer loves to be near water, so add some nautical prints to your wardrobe, as well as a navy blue, white and red color combination.


Does anything say more about a Leo than fur and the color yellow? Leo loves bright colors. All shades of yellow, orange and gold are perfect for Leo to demonstrate his status.

Leo loves to be the center of attention, he is sociable and social, a real king of parties. Therefore, he should rely on disco details in clothes, for example, glitter and sequins.

With a busy schedule, Leos need versatile pieces like jumpsuits and classic accessories to wear from day to day.


Virgos are perfectionists, strong and independent, so the Power Suit (business suit) is the best choice for them. Strict silhouettes and neutral colors are mandatory components of such an ensemble.

For Virgos, not only appearance is important, but also functionality. Therefore, put aside your stiletto heels and look for comfortable low-top shoes. Also consider basic T-shirts and accessories that you'll use again and again.

This earth sign leads an active life, is an excellent analyst and a workaholic, so look for clothes that you can wear all day at the office and then go to a meeting in them.


Libras are charming, emotional, and hopeless romantics. Look for feminine things, your everything is dresses and skirts, heels, shades of red and pink.

Harmonious Libras are ideal people for monochrome looks, flounces, lace and light fabrics.

Let your artistic imagination shine through with your clothes - wear cool graphic tees, tulle skirts, etc.


Sexuality is Scorpio's role. Show some skin in a skirt cutout, or an open neckline, or under a sheer fabric.

Scorpios are no strangers to loud statements in the fashion world. They're not just fashionistas, they're true trendsetters, and red is the perfect color for those who stand out from the crowd.

All Scorpios are a little possessive and jealous, although they don’t show it. Therefore, they need identifiers that will belong only to them. For example, monogrammed accessories with personal initials and clothing that will have their name hand-embroidered on it.


Sagittarians are maximalists, but modern trends allow them to reveal themselves to the fullest. Now is your time - time to shine! Multi-layer sets, mixing colors, textures, things of different styles are suitable for your daily adventures.

All Sagittarius are children at heart, they strive for new things, love to be spontaneous, so don’t be afraid to combine incongruous things.

Sagittarians are always on the go, they travel and love freedom in everything. The same goes for freedom of expression - Sagittarians are memorable thanks to bold color combinations and fun details in their images.


Capricorns are known for wanting to be in control of everything in their lives. Therefore, the best option for them is simple monochrome looks, time-tested things that they like and that can be interchangeable.

Capricorns are wise and experienced. Channel your inner old lady and incorporate a few vintage pieces into your wardrobe. For example, in capsules for special occasions.

Capricorns are ambitious, driven, and have high professional qualities. Show off your intelligence with chic silhouettes, business suits, and smart casual clothing.


Aquarians are people who perfectly combine mental activity with executive activity. They are naturally social, frequent guests of various events, and therefore they need to keep clothes on hand for going out.

Aquarians are freedom-loving thinkers, often eccentric and do not like to make concessions. Abstract outfits with unusual details match their curiosity and unpredictability.

These outgoing people need a conversation starter, and metallic boots and an accent coat are the perfect excuse to start a conversation.


As art lovers, Pisces should strive for bold patterns, geometric silhouettes, and abstract details.

Use a play of different colors and shapes in all your looks. Combining will bring all these pieces together and create a piece of art in itself.

Pisces are friendly, compassionate and have a delicate taste. Emphasize these inner qualities with warm, bright colors.

Which style suits you? Choose your zodiac sign and find out:

ARIES. The temperamental Aries will suit an extravagant style of clothing and the most unusual colors that match. Pamper yourself with fashionable new things more often so that you always have room for choice and new combinations.
Style example, famous Aries person: Victoria Beckham

CALF. Practical Taurus is reluctant to change the style once chosen. A good choice for Taurus: discreet colors; simple, high-quality clothing in a sporty or classic style. Choose your wardrobe so that the items match each other in color and shape. Avoid “one-time items” that don’t coordinate with other clothes in your wardrobe.
Style examples, famous Taurus people: , Uma Thurman, Penelope Cruz

Your style according to your horoscope. In the photo: Victoria Beckham, Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz

TWINS. Gemini, who cannot stand monotony, needs to change their style more often. But! Only in the details. This is the only sign that will feel comfortable in any clothes. Pay special attention to the color and cut of clothing that suits you.
Style examples, famous Gemini people: , Johnny Depp, Heidi Klum, Angelina Jolie

CANCER. An elegant style and soft colors will suit the dreamy Cancer. High-quality expensive accessories will give confidence and solidity. Cancer is advised to stick to a single color scheme.
Style examples, famous Cancer people Stars: Josh Holloway, Vivien Leigh, Harrison Ford, Isabelle Adjani

Your style according to your horoscope. Pictured: Josh Holloway, Madonna

A LION. The domineering Leo always wants to look great and be the first everywhere. Choose luxury and catchy colors. Even if funds do not allow, your wardrobe should have at least one super luxurious item. Avoid cheap fakes and low-quality items. Don't chase quantity!
Style examples, famous Leo people: , Jacqueline Kennedy, Madonna

VIRGO. Reasonable Virgo does not like any eccentricity or avant-garde! Impeccable strict style. But there is no need to bring everything to perfection - this is unrealistic. Don't fall into dullness; try bright colors in your wardrobe. Remember that even a conservative style can look very attractive.
Style examples, famous Virgos: , Claudia Schiffer, Sophia Loren

Your style according to your horoscope. In the photo: Claudia Schiffer, Gwyneth Paltrow

SCALES. Harmonious Libras usually have a wonderful innate sense of color and style. They are not conservative and do not strive to keep up with fashion; they skillfully combine several styles. Trust your intuition when choosing clothes.
Style examples, famous Libra people Stars: Catherine Deneuve, Gwyneth Paltrow,

SCORPION. Passionate Scorpios are very sexual by nature, but some are shy to show it. In vain. Avoid boring styles and colors. Highlight your stunning natural features.
Style examples, famous Scorpio people Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Alain Delon, Sophie Marceau

Your style according to your horoscope. In the photo: Sophie Marceau, Til Schweiger

SAGITTARIUS. Sagittarius are gourmets in life; comfort and quality are their priority! Style: sporty, country-luxury or practical luxury. Simple cut, but high-quality fabrics, comfortable styles and expensive, rare accessories. Even, give preference to comfort and quality.
Style examples, famous Sagittarius people Stars: Brad Pitt, Til Schweiger, Milla Jovovich

CAPRICORN. Punctual Capricorns do not like to draw attention to themselves with their appearance. Their charm is in their simplicity. They value functionality in clothing above all. Inexpensive, but high-quality things, practical, wrinkle-resistant fabrics.
Style example, famous Capricorn person.

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