Dream interpretation gave gold jewelry. Why do you dream of gold jewelry: earrings, rings, bracelets? Basic interpretations of what gold earrings and other jewelry mean in dreams

Gold is a desirable metal for many people, because it can not only decorate a person, but also bring him material wealth. At the same time, there were many conflicts and quarrels because of him, so the properties in real life are quite ambiguous. Despite this, dream books usually offer a fairly positive interpretation of the yellow metal in the dream. Basically, seeing gold in a dream means strengthening your authority and material wealth. If it was found, then future profit will not require effort; it is rather a gift of fate. But if you suddenly dream of a lot of gold at the same time, then this indicates envy and gossip in the environment.

If you dreamed of gold

Any dream that a person remembers well can be interpreted thanks to dream books. Dreams are a connection between our subconscious and the mind, so they can warn, foreshadow or simply indicate a problem. In almost all of them, it indicates that the person will soon become rich.

Very often people see in their dreams episodes related to jewelry made of precious metals. They mainly talk about events that predict material wealth. But often such dreams can be associated with emotional experiences and serious changes in life.

Why do you dream about a golden ring?

Many people are interested in what a ring means, for example, but it all depends on the circumstances under which it appeared. If you see jewelry on the finger of a loved one, it foreshadows a pleasant vacation with him. And a precious ring on your own hand, according to the interpretation of the dream book, warns of a quarrel and a showdown in the near future. If a person accidentally finds a gold ring in a dream, then soon a new interesting friend will appear in his life.

Receiving a gold ring as a gift means that soon there will be good news from relatives. If it is broken, then this is a warning that the dreamer may soon be betrayed. A piece of jewelry worn on the index finger means a long trip in reality. A gold ring with a precious stone can warn of pleasant troubles. This object informs about unexpected guests in a dream if a person sees it rolling on the floor. And a piece of jewelry found among a pile of garbage indicates that the dreamer will soon receive a valuable gift.

gold jewelry

The dream book says that if the ring is in your pocket, it means that unexpected romantic emotions will soon flare up in the soul of the sleeper. And if this pocket turns out to be full of holes in a dream, these feelings will definitely be mutual. When in a dream a girl sees that there is a broken gold jewelry on her middle finger, it means that her beloved is cheating on her. True, there is one clarification: if there is a stone in it, then the partner was planning betrayal, but did not dare or did not yet have time to do it.

Why do you dream about a gold chain?

In an attempt to understand, many people mean the decoration they saw in a dream - a chain. When a person manages to find gold in a dream, namely a chain, it foretells a quick solution to all accumulated problems without much effort. And the loss of this decoration means that for some reason your friends have lost trust in you.

A dream in which this object adorns your neck indicates that quite joyful events in life will soon occur. girlfriends means that you will meet old friends.

Other dreams about a gold chain

  • Finding this decoration on the street means there will be a magnificent feast, says the dream book. Finding gold earrings is a joyful event.
  • There is a cross on a gold chain - soon the authorities will show favor.
  • There is a pendant attached to the decoration - expect an expensive present.
  • Damaged, torn jewelry - good luck in business related to entrepreneurship,
  • Gold jewelry with a pendant received as a gift represents the joy of a pleasant time with loved ones.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book gives a detailed explanation of what a gold chain can mean in a dream and what it means. For example, a dream where you step on a piece of jewelry with a pendant warns of impending troubles at work. If you hold a broken chain in your hand, then there will soon be trouble in the family. Moreover, from this dream book it is known that the thicker the links on the chain, the more positive the interpretation of this dream and the more joy it will bring to life.

As this dream book says, finding a gold chain means that people dear to you will soon come to visit you. If a cross hangs on this decoration, then guests will play a big role in your well-being in the future. When you doubt your friends and you dream that a stranger is giving this jewelry, it means that your suspicions are empty, and no one is going to betray you, especially in a difficult situation. And a gift given by loved ones may warn that your family will soon need support and help.

What does it mean to see a gold bracelet?

What does gold cut in this way in a dream mean according to different dream books? Joyful, cheerful and positive emotions. If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, then ahead of her is a meeting with a young man who will decide her fate. Receiving this decoration as a gift means holding a noisy and crowded holiday in the near future. Finding gold in a dream in the form of a bracelet lying on the floor means that the dreamer will soon have a fun holiday. If it is broken, then a pleasant romantic walk is ahead. The length of the bracelet also plays a role; if it is very long, then you will soon be promoted at work, and a short one tells you that there will be a successful deal.

If this is not the first time a person manages to find gold in a dream, namely a bracelet in the Kingdom of Morpheus, then a white streak begins in his life. A massive gold piece of jewelry can mean that there will soon be news from distant relatives, and a thin piece can mean a meeting with an old acquaintance. If a person cannot handle the clasp on the bracelet, this indicates that he will soon have to change his place of residence. Darkened gold in a dream may mean that you will be sent on a long business trip.

What does gold mean in a dream?

There are an incommensurable number of interpretations of what this precious metal can mean in dreams. For example, if during a dream you dreamed, then you will soon be disappointed in your friends. If the golden tooth belongs to the sleeping person, a serious scandal with loved ones is coming ahead. A trip to the dentist, where you get a gold tooth, is a real warning from the subconscious about the conspiracy of your colleagues behind your back, but if the treatment process was painful, then the boss is on your side. But goldfish dream of health problems.

Everything that a person dreams is a direct signal from the subconscious about problems and experiences. Therefore, you need to take dreams very seriously, but not get hung up on them. If you are lucky enough to find gold in a dream or receive it as a gift, remember all the details and interpret this sign correctly.

Such a precious metal has a positive meaning in most dreams. For example, it may portend a change in marital status for single people, and a promotion for those already married. Other interesting options for what gold means in dreams are published below.

Why do you dream of gold - interpretation from dream books

In the Idiomatic Dream Book, gold is symbolized with betrayal. A bright shimmering surface suggests that the sleeper may encounter outright lies and falsehood coming from a person close to him. You should beware of flattery and too “sweet” compliments. Most likely, they will turn out to be insincere.

In Miller's work, the gold from the dream turns out to be an important warning. Someone is spreading dirty rumors around the dreamer. If left unchecked, gossip (even if untrue) can lead a man or woman to terrible shame. As a result, those close to them will turn away from the dreamer, and he will lose his authority. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the author of gossip in time and force him to refute his false words in public.

Loff's dream book notes that gold is a symbol of purity and financial well-being. If a person buys jewelry made from such metal himself, it means that in real life he will have large-scale success in business. Receives as a gift? This means that in reality he can count on a valuable gift.

Find, mine precious metal in a dream

Did you manage to find the gold that was scattered by the previous passerby? This is not a good sign. The dreamer will be caused pain and suffering by other people. The more scattered jewels are found, the greater the grief will be.

But the opportunity to find gold and silver in the ground at the same time in a dream promises a person a sharp rise up the career ladder. He will be unexpectedly offered a position that the sleeper could not even dream of, or the situation in his own business will simply improve.

If a person finds a very large gold bar, then he will not have to make any special efforts to achieve a high authoritative position in society. Luck will literally pursue the dreamer.

Receiving elegant jewelry as a gift - such a dream foreshadows a sharp change in mood from a plus sign to a minus sign. Leather jewelry means fidelity in love and prosperity in the home. Precious jewelry is a sign of successful entrepreneurship. Gold and turquoise in jewelry means an incredibly amazing accident.

Beads, necklaces - in a word, any necklace foreshadows a tedious, but at the same time profitable activity. A brooch is a pleasant surprise, a cameo - a loved one will require your special attention and care, a ring or ring is a sign of the unity of opposites, a bracelet - you will have your own opinion, preferring to keep it to yourself; earrings, chains and all sorts of other pendants - you will lose what you have if you do not value it properly.

Wearing jewelry in a dream foretells that through patronage you will achieve wealth; to see them on others - you will overcome the blues, throw away laziness and generally perk up for new achievements. Buy jewelry - you will get a beating from your husband for the extra expenses, give it to someone - you will gain respect among your friends, find an unpaired piece of jewelry (one earring) - a close and almost achievable goal will recede into a hazy perspective, losing jewelry - leads to tears of happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dreams about gold are interpreted ambiguously by different dream books. They promise good luck, joy and pleasure if the sleeper sees himself surrounded by golden objects, but does not attach importance to this. Losing gold means disappointment in business or acquaintances. Finding gold jewelry means unexpected joy and recovery. Any dream should be interpreted, first of all, according to the emotions that it evokes.

Self-analysis of dreams should be based on the emotions that the dreamer experiences. The “aftertaste” of sleep is of great importance. Did you wake up with joy or anxiety in your soul? Whichever sensation prevails immediately after waking up, this is how the dream should be interpreted. A feeling of satisfaction or peace from what you see is a dream of good changes. Anxiety after waking up - beware of bad events, unexpected losses, sudden illness or quarrel.

Why do you dream of gold?

  • If in a dream you see a lot of gold and rejoice at it, enjoy its possession, then in reality this can mean illusory happiness, self-deception, unjustified hopes for a partner, friend, loved one.
  • Dull, dirty gold symbolizes a bad conscience, a dubious deal, an unprofitable agreement. In general, it is disappointment in people or circumstances that previously seemed the best possible
  • Possessing gold, but not coins, means success through hard work. A smooth life, material and mental well-being awaits you
  • Lose gold - the sleeper will miss a great chance to change his life for the better
  • Seeing coins means stinginess, unjustified savings
  • Looking for gold coins or bars - unnecessary worry, useless connections, empty talk
  • Finding a treasure, a jar with a scattering of gold objects - someone will make a lucrative job offer, a win in business, lucky circumstances
  • Wearing gold on yourself, but not paying attention to it - wealth, health, stable relationships

Gold in a dream is interpreted as a symbol of warmth, prosperity, love, luck, stability in life. Losing jewelry, counting coins, hiding or looking for gold objects is considered a bad sign. Dreams about rings or jewelry deserve special interpretation, since such gold is personal and is associated by the sleeper with his hopes, secret desires, character traits and even vices.

Why do you dream of gold jewelry?

Gold jewelry symbolizes joy, prosperity, health and undoubted positive changes. Such dreams should be interpreted in the context of the events occurring in the dream. Loss, breakage of gold jewelry and their unsightly appearance do not bode well.

Sparkling, massive jewelry with precious stones is dreamed of on the eve of happy events. It’s a good sign to receive jewelry as a gift or find it by accident. This indicates immediate support from the outside, from people you didn’t count on.

In the interpretation of a dream about gold jewelry, the type of product is of great importance.

  • Rings symbolize love relationships
  • Bracelets and chains are associated with jealousy and sexual relationships
  • Earrings - relationships in a couple, between business partners, subordinate - boss
  • Golden belt - quick wealth
  • Gold buttons - possible fraud
  • Hairpins - a quick and comfortable journey

Miller's Dream Book

  • If a girl or single woman dreamed that she received a luxurious piece of jewelry as a gift, then in reality she will marry a wealthy man
  • Lost jewelry - a dream warns of an upcoming chance to radically change your life for the better, don’t miss out on a great offer
  • Did you buy gold jewelry yourself? Your business is on the rise. Career growth or a sudden salary increase awaits you
  • Found gold jewelry? Your talents will be recognized

Dream Book of David Loff

According to Loff, gold jewelry is a symbol of power, wealth and moral purity. Finding jewelry in a dream in reality promises a new step on the social ladder, an increase in well-being, possibly at someone else's expense.

Jewelry that does not evoke special emotions, but takes up a significant place in a dream, means support from friends or relatives that you have not thought about. Perhaps you should appreciate the people around you more, rather than looking for new acquaintances. How does jewelry make you feel? Do you enjoy possessions or are you burdened?

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Gold jewelry for fake relationships

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Go through gold jewelry and admire it - in real life you are an aristocrat who does not buy into ostentatious glitter
  • Find or receive jewelry as a gift - in reality a huge amount of money will fall on you
  • Losing precious jewelry - in reality you will lose money due to your own wastefulness, laziness or irresponsibility

Why do you dream of a gold ring?

A ring for a woman is a symbol of a happy or desired marriage, depending on the status of the sleeping woman. If an unmarried girl sees the ring, then this indicates her hopes for quick changes in life, waiting for a proposal from her beloved. For a married lady, seeing a ring on her finger can mean boredom in family life, a thirst for love adventures.

If a young guy dreams of a ring with a stone, then he should reconsider his attitude towards love affairs and become more serious. Such a dream warns of possible troubles, scandal, loss of reputation. For a respectable man, a dream about a massive gold ring with a large stone or diamond is a warning about quick and successful changes in business thanks to outside support.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing a gold ring means success, successful completion of what you started, peace of mind, stability in relationships and prosperity
  • Several gold rings on your hands - good luck awaits you in any endeavor
  • Gold rings on the hands of other people - you have strong support, don’t be afraid to take risks
  • Receive an engagement ring from your loved one - interpret the dream in the literal sense, a marriage proposal awaits you soon
  • Finding a ring or several is a sign of unexpected but positive changes in life. The more rings found, the more sudden the circumstances will change.
  • Losing or dropping a ring means unexpected grief and disappointment in your loved one.
  • A broken ring in a dream warns of betrayal, breakup, deception of loved ones

Dream Book of David Loff

Loff's dream book interprets a golden ring as the emergence of obligations (voluntary or involuntary), lack of freedom. Giving a ring in a dream means the dreamer’s desire to impose obligations on the recipient, bind him with a promise, and subjugate him to his will.

To have a ring or several are ties that connect a person with loved ones or partners. Was the ring given to you or did you buy it yourself? A found gold ring means sudden obligations to strangers in recent times.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Wedding ring - quick marriage, finding love
  • Losing a gold ring means bad changes, quarrel, illness, divorce

Vanga's Dream Book

The gold ring is interpreted as a symbol of fidelity, insurmountable circumstances, and basic attachments.

  • You give a ring or someone gives it to you - in life you are a faithful person, a devoted friend and a reliable partner
  • Wearing a ring that’s the wrong size means you don’t have any special attachments, you haven’t found the one yet, don’t rush to conclusions
  • A ring from a stranger or found - unexpected help, unexpected money, a lucrative offer

Why do you dream about a gold chain?

A dream about a golden chain is easy to interpret - it means the emotional state of the dreamer. If you dream that you are the owner of this jewelry, you receive, wear or admire a gold chain, then the dream has the most favorable meaning. It promises serene happiness, pleasure, tranquility, joy.

Someone else's gold chain has exactly the opposite meaning. This is disorder, jealousy, doubts, disappointment in loved ones, lack of money.

Miller's Dream Book

  • For a man, giving a chain to his beloved means doubting her fidelity
  • If in a dream you rejoice at a gift, then your suspicions have no basis. Let go of jealousy and enjoy your relationship
  • If the gold chain breaks, then bad luck will soon overtake you
  • Has fallen apart - your plans are unrealistic, your hopes are illusory, do not engage in self-deception
  • A beautiful chain with a pendant - your relationship is built on a strong foundation, you can trust your loved one completely

Dream Book of David Loff

Loff's dream book interprets a gold chain as a symbol of a person's desires in the sphere of love and relationships. Are you decorating your loved one? This may mean that your desire to possess her goes beyond the scope of an open relationship; you dream of “owning” her.

A chain on a stranger can speak of your thirst for variety in love, which borders on promiscuity. You think about relationships more than necessary, you fantasize.

How did you feel when owning the chain? Was it an end in itself or did you want to please your loved one? Do you want to be liked by many people or are you unsure of yourself and suspicious of your partner?

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Gold chain - to a faithful friend, old acquaintance, possible deception

Vanga's Dream Book

A chain with a cross symbolizes joy and happiness. A large gold cross on a chain that you receive or find warns of the desire of other people to use you for their own purposes.

Break the chain of imminent illness or poverty. Find it and not take it - you will miss your chance to change your destiny for the better. Wearing it on your hand means receiving money, a profitable contract. A gold chain on a friend’s hand means that soon they will come to you to borrow a large sum.

Why do you dream of gold earrings?

A man’s dream of gold earrings means his immediate commitment to a woman. Earrings in his hands promise success in business with a responsible approach to work and partners.

For a woman, gold earrings in a dream mean that her financial situation will soon radically change for the better, and her beloved will delight her with a gift. The loss of one earring warns of negative events - illness, quarrel, dismissal from work or conflict with superiors.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Earrings with diamonds - to the unexpected joy that your loved one will give
  • Massive gold earrings – promotion, increase in income, happy circumstances
  • Broken earrings mean trouble with your boss
  • Losing an earring means tears and separation
  • Putting on earrings in front of a mirror is a futile attempt to attract attention.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Receive earrings as a gift - a wedding of convenience
  • Holding gold earrings in your hands means success, fulfillment of desires
  • Lost and not found - you should be more disciplined in your affairs

Vanga's Dream Book

Paired jewelry is not good to see alone. One gold earring in a dream means general disorder, lack of support in life, even if you do not live alone. Losing or breaking one earring is a bad sign. Hard times are coming when you will be left without protection.

Wearing or seeing gold earrings with diamonds is a sign of great changes that will come from outside.

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In a dream, you can see jewelry that belongs to you in reality or that you only dream of owning. Why do you dream of gold jewelry? At first glance, these are ordinary things. But if you look more closely, you should understand that they are important in dreams. The images seen may be related to both good and unfavorable signs of fate. The interpretation of what it means to dream of seeing gold jewelry in a dream must be taken seriously. It is necessary to understand how predictions can affect life and affect real events.

Why do you dream about a lot of gold jewelry? The dream book says that this is a favorable sign that promises you material well-being in reality.

As the dream book says, gold jewelry is not only an item of luxury and grace. You can perform various operations with them - wear them on yourself or give them to another person, find them or lose them, and even steal them. Therefore, the correct decoding of the symbols you see will depend on the detailed details of the dream plot.

What kind of jewelry did you see in your dream?

  • A gold bracelet in a dream predicts wealth or an unplanned expensive purchase. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the bracelet symbolizes relationships, not necessarily with a man and a woman, as is commonly perceived, but more broadly, including with parents or friends. If a gold bracelet later turns out to be a fake, then the dream book recommends taking a closer look at the people around you, otherwise you will have to expect betrayal.
  • Putting a bracelet on your hand means quick enrichment. A bracelet on your ankle means you are on the right path to your intended goal. Look at it in the store - you should start implementing your plans. Dreams, of course, are good, but it’s time to come down to earth and enjoy real success. If you were given a bracelet, then in reality you have a secret admirer.
  • If you dreamed of a golden cross, then this indicates that the state of soul and body are in complete harmony with each other. Thanks to this, you are not afraid of the hardships of fate, you can overcome everything on your own.
  • tell you about a long-awaited happy meeting. This symbol has the most favorable interpretation of all the decorations that you may dream of. Seeing a pendant means a large and expensive gift.
  • symbolizes success. Finding a chain means a fun celebration, a big feast. Seeing a chain with a cross means success in your career and communication with your superiors. A broken chain symbolizes discord in relationships and family.
  • is a multifaceted symbol. On your hand it means quarrels and conflicts with your partner, and on the hand of a loved one, on the contrary, it means good relationships and shared experiences from traveling or just a trip. Finding a gold ring is an interesting encounter. To receive as a gift is good news. Broken is betrayal.

If in a dream you are lucky enough to find gold jewelry, expect good news in reality.

What did you do with the jewel you saw?

Why dream of finding gold jewelry in a dream - it means a gift or a pleasant surprise. The larger and more expensive the decoration, the more pleasant and long-awaited the gift will be. Wearing gold jewelry is news filled with unprecedented positivity.

Why dream of gold jewelry - a lot of jewelry you see predicts that your internal state requires solitude. Taking a little break from society and going on vacation will be the best thing you can do for yourself.

Buying d means that you will be rewarded for your work, for the hard work and responsibility that you show, sometimes even to your own detriment. If there is a lot of jewelry, it means that in reality you are striving not only for self-improvement, but also for universal appreciation.

If in a dream you received jewelry as a gift, then expect that in real life you will be given signs of attention. But there is another side to the coin: a stranger can be very intrusive, and you will not be at all interested in his offer.

Seeing jewelry with stones or silver in a dream

  • If you dreamed of a decoration that combines both silver and silver, then expect double success. Happiness in family life, success in business and monetary profit will accompany you for a long time.
  • Jewelry with precious stones has a positive meaning. This is a good sign for realizing your plans. If you admire their beauty, then expect satisfaction from your efforts and efforts.
  • A dream in which you dreamed of a piece of jewelry with a lost stone has the opposite meaning. The interpretation speaks of parting with a loved one or loved one.

See a lot of different gold jewelry

If you dreamed of gold jewelry in large quantities, then the dream book predicts a huge profit. When you wear a lot of jewelry, it indicates fantastic wealth. Either a large inheritance or a big win awaits you soon.

But you should not think only that no action will be required from you. It is possible that the chance of success will depend on them. The plot in which you are simply sorting through piles of jewelry speaks of your useless activities in reality. Your time and energy will be wasted.

If you have seen a lot of gold jewelry that hangs tastelessly on another person, then this indicates that this person has too high self-esteem.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

  • A dream in which a girl saw gold jewelry promises a carefree life, freedom of action and thought. Such a dream foreshadows many profitable acquaintances, as well as the likelihood of meeting your long-awaited love. Accepting jewelry as a gift from a loved one foreshadows engagement and family happiness.
  • For a woman, a dream foretells a secret admirer, and an influx of pleasant troubles is also possible. You will receive attention, care and respect from your family. But, at the same time, it may not be such a pleasant interpretation - next to you there may be an envious person and an enemy in the person of a man.
  • If a man puts on your jewelry, then you should expect a pleasant friend in real life, who may later become a spouse. There is an opinion that the man you dreamed of may meet you exactly the same in reality.
  • An incredible gift of fate is a dream of such a theme that a pregnant woman had. There is a possibility of interpretation of dreams on the topic of determining the gender of the unborn child. If you dreamed of earrings, it means it will be a girl. If the bracelet or pendant is a boy.
  • As the dream book says, finding gold jewelry in a man’s dream promises him a marriage, not for love, but through calculation. Giving jewelry to someone means for a man that he should pay attention to the people around him. There is an assumption that there is hidden sympathy in the face of a familiar woman or girl.
  • If you dreamed that he lost a jewel, then this indicates some stagnation in the relationship. For a married man, it’s a dead end in his personal life. Relations stopped developing, and a period of discord broke out. All that was left of love was a word, and living together turned into hopelessness. The dream book advises to bring a little positivity into harsh everyday life, and try to return to feelings by reconsidering the values ​​of family life.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Why you dream of finding gold jewelry, owning jewelry, or giving it to someone is interpreted differently. But you can also find differences in interpretations if you look at the same question in the dream books of different authors. The interpretations may be similar, but not completely identical. Each author has his own opinion on how this or that symbol is deciphered. For fun, let’s compare the “indications” of the most popular dream books today.

Miller's Dream Book - Limitless Possibilities

According to Gustav Miller's dream book, gold jewelry in a dream promises freedom of action. Such a dream indicates that career circumstances will soon promise a promotion. they will listen to you and follow your advice and suggestions. If you happen to receive jewelry as a gift, then you should beware of deception on the part of your superiors.

Discovering the loss of jewelry promises a mistake and a missed chance that has been awaited for so long. If you happen to steal a gold item, it means that your environment is against you. Gossip and idle talk about your personality should be expected. If you watched the jewelry unfasten and fall off your body, then soon the impending problems will go away. Looking at jewelry in a store speaks of a joyful message coming.

Vanga's dream book - material profit

Seeing a golden thing means a pleasant acquaintance, surprise or material profit. Buying jewelry means increasing wealth. Giving – meeting a loved one or loved one. If you accidentally lost your jewelry, then get ready for unpleasant news. A broken decoration promises disagreements and quarrels with relatives. If you happen to see a golden decoration studded with precious stones, then fate brings you peace and order in your family life.

Freud's Dream Book - unrequited love

If you happen to see gold jewelry that you happily give to someone, then such a dream speaks of an internal desire for wealth and security. You are worried about your partner's financial condition, so you are trying to fix it on your own. If you dreamed that you were buying gold, in reality you want to achieve attention in the unrequited love of a person you really like.

Modern dream book - good luck in business

  • Gold jewelry predicts good luck in business, in the family, in relationships with friends and colleagues;
  • A dream in which you happen to find gold jewelry means the opposite - failures and troubles will prevail over your plans, long work and hard work;
  • Losing jewelry means you have to look at your relatives differently. It is likely that some of them do not treat you as well as it seems at first glance.
  • If in a dream you happened to sell your gold, then you will have a meeting that carries far from joyful emotions;
  • If someone took away your gold jewelry, then beware of a hidden disease. Now is the time to go for an unscheduled medical examination.


Dreams related to jewelry symbolize your well-being. Even if the prediction turned out to be far from being as positive as we would like, do not be upset. With your efforts, you can cope with any problem. Dreams are signs of fate. Interpretations should be seen as clues to your actions and decisions. We wish you only good dreams!

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